Giving Myself A Tape Face Lift

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I'll buy my laptop and it's playing the Elder Scrolls online music hi welcome back today it was a little bit of a rainy day good thing I got rainy day activities I keep doing that forever but I think it's obnoxious anyways I was online on the YouTube she was watching a video of oh pretty well-known makeup artist her name is who sh Bruce Bruce she does a lot of work with the Kardashians I feel like I saw that she posted a video about using face tape to do an instant facelift Julian would you like a rainy day facelift no why not I feel like I knew what this was this is the kit that I got this is the one that Bruce recommended I think it's basically face tape that you used to pull you face up as far as I knew I thought that this was like an old stage trick that people like used on Broadway you know it's like the only person I've ever really seen with face tape that I'm aware of it's like cher cher from stepparent sharafuddin stuck on you yes I just wanted to play with it because she made a video and it looked super easy and as someone that doesn't have any Botox or pillars because I'm afraid of needles but more power to you for whatever you do to your own body and your own face whatever makes you happy in your life I want to tape my face up because I love to see what it would look like you know it's like had a nice event to go to but I never go to go to that's I don't know what's something else that I would go to party a party other parties if I went to a party you know if I went outside of Gaza she was saying that she used it because she had some swelling or something was self-conscious and that it was really helpful to her and I just think that that's really cool and she promised me in this video that I would look snatched and poppin so beautiful cooks nest and poppin are you yeah we go is it plastic surgery or did I just really tape up my whole face my neck I don't know I'm gonna show you guys how I snatched myself from talked about what she how she snatches herself from top to bottom if this could help you or make you feel more comfortable not everyone has Botox or fillers that's me just definitely your whole face if so basically I'm gonna show you guys how to tape up your face alright babe see now I'm sure some of you have seen this here and there I'm cher from Socrates really know how to do it correctly without look you will need a bare face while doing this why because no makeup on little tapes will not stick on to makeup the reason why nothing on is because I like to do this first and then the tapes no you can't use these if your here is gonna be up because then you would have to like put it on top of your baby hairs and I don't suggest it because it rips off it's not working I like it where like my eyebrows look a little straighter you should put them like right there and when you do mine you just drag my eyes down this whole thing says that it's created by any award-winning makeup artist aren't Hardy but I feel like if you were to do this like on a regular basis like all the time every day wouldn't it sort of like stretch your skin out you know I mean whenever I post the video of me doing my makeup and I pull my eye to get my eyeliner people are like stop doing that you're gonna get wrinkles but I'm like bTW where I don't know wrinkles at all all my guys don't tell me what to do right they do you have a baby wipe can you know a baby one when you're a baby and wipe is like snatch me snatch me like one of Liam Neeson's daughters is not a fun rainy day activity so the first thing is to pull up your hair crocodile clips my hair is really dirty so like leave all your comments to yourself no stop stop taking my stuff if you have someone that's gonna be so kind enough to help you I suggest somebody helps you gonna do this you are the metal piece inside the team there are four notches on this and it depends on how tight you want to go tightness I mean how I like to place it super close okay so when I throw and it's gonna go under my tape extension do you guys see that well this is very complicated she taped her brow to with the tape that she put under her taping extension there's a lot of tape happening so she said super close to the brow and then like that oh the metal piece gives it away Oh hers is under ah I messed up oh wait that is so fun pulled back yeah to the other side make sure you have clean hands for this Joe obviously you're like in the middle of reading something you've got one hand and batter in one hand and flour all right I want it to be like tight I want to be snatched and popping really close to my brow try tying them together no I'll do it oh wait what wait does that look natural do I look snatched and pop and a lot my face getting pulled apart you still have like upward mobility with your eyebrows wait this is a lot easier to use than I thought it would be I thought there's gonna be kind of difficult but you look at the tape is so sticky that it just like goes on permit not now it snatched a puppet calm please felt natural we stopped laughing what you are good really yeah hey my eyes are like disfigured though people look at look at look at my eyelid like that doesn't look right I feel like that doesn't look right like you look beautiful but that just might be beautiful is this what looking beautiful feels like yeah yeah it's like pulling my my face apart looks it now that time is like going by a little it's starting to dissipate like I can't feel it as much anymore but like right where the tape is really hurts can you think no I'm having a hard time thinking wait I want to see how easy it is to cover it with makeup I feel like that makes it worse isn't it yeah like you need a really specific hairstyle to make this work like to be here holy coverage it's a different like service but that's why I thought this was like a stage trick like that people wear under wigs because then this fully gets covered yeah I mean this is pretty sick I like how flat it makes on eyebrows because everyone always makes fun of my eyebrows but like what if they look like this would you guys stop me in front of me I feel like it's making me look a little angry though is it like a [ __ ] like a [ __ ] it's kind of amazing though it holds really well I guess I don't feel it slipping or anything like that I want to try the neck one hey girl oh my god I cut myself on my beautiful making thing do you help me I'm putting a bandaid on my on my beautiful people boo-boos this is really fun like I've done worse thanks to my face have I not you 100% do one side and then squeeze my neck together did they see my neck before [Laughter] Oh so here's my nature as you can tell it's it's hurting me how's my neck look thank you it's kind of awesome it feels like someone is just pinching the back of my neck like this what do you think I think you snatched it the neck is very uncomfortable yeah it feels very chalky I think it feels kind of good no the brow one like the pain has gone away completely my face has gotten used to it yeah and it just like kind of feels kind of good do you want to try it yeah yeah wait I feel like when I laugh it gives it away you can't see my face like just don't emote okay really snatch me make it a real [ __ ] oh I'm gonna get some of your brow hairs oh god that's kind of actually I like this as an accessory just write a price on here oh how could you do this to me it's proving Julie didn't wipe your face off oh that's like on your brow wow that hurts they don't be mad okay are you ready for your facelift yeah if it doesn't stick what happens oh my god focus I feel so alive wait that looks good though just like just stop doing that with your eyes just like act natural yeah yeah my eyes my eyes are watering you wouldn't get old that that looks like a mr. Potato Head so no mustache no glasses no okay like that looks good though Julian I don't know good just feel more awake I feel like I should do this in the morning right in coffee no they look at you you look like a me character pic you know you can make the brows I mean we do your neck so your neck can be snatched my neck is snatched already oh we need to snatch it more we're having fun isn't this fun wow that like changed my whole life that it really no this is burning I don't care we're having a good time you know they should call us what super snatched bros out [ __ ] this really hurts out if I twist my neck enough will come off probably my next lesson actually work Wow how do you feel I feel good no let me do your cheeks crushingly yeah what's the point of this one you say something about me how do we do one brown one cheek both when you can't decide on one look so you do to Luke's three two one blast-off all right yeah I'd like I don't know it's just so harmless like I love anything that's just like easy and not permanent if you don't want it to be like it's just a fun thing that I feel like might make you feel better or happier who cares it's just such a good time I like the idea of doing this to myself it casually just like cooking dinner or something well everyone's like wow what's going on with your face and I'm like whatever I want and yeah I mean it's probably gonna like stretch your skin out over time so maybe it's not the best thing to wear every day or it is I don't care your face you didn't ever you want I just think it was so fun i watch this video I really wanted to try it see what it would look like and here we are no I'm snatching popping Congrats on the exertion bothers me but I feel like once I take it off I'm gonna be sad no you're beautiful just the way you are Thank You Roush this is the really fun thing what it looks like just to be snatched imagine just being this match daily but again I feel like no literally the arch is at the same level you're not gonna get that with like both that's maybe a muscle will give up it'll hang on for dear life and then give out more than the other one but this is like I guarantee you're gonna be poppin at all times as long as it's on not like you look so cute don't know that I know this exists how am I meant to live without it okay yeah that's it just wanted to hang out have a fun little rainy day tape facelift where's the other half of this rainy day tape facelift band name called it you look so cute always that it barely makes it what are you doing oh look at like that tick tock me the shadows behind you me Jesus guys thank you good movie say Wednesday's like they say [ __ ] the Hades I'll see you guys might see that ah
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 6,649,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, giving, myself, a tape, face, lift, without, plastic, surgery, at, home, painless, fun, funny, vlog, beauty, julien, solomita, boyfriend, eyebrows, raise, young, younger, kit, mii, brow, makeup, kermit, bunny, hurt, finger, hat, hair, react, follow, video, tutorial, how to, try, community, professional, mua, trick, tip, hack, awesome, results, hrush, hrush mua, channel, youtube, kardashians, jenners
Id: VGjDZwdqjjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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