Corn on the Cob But Instead of the Corn Bone It's A Hotdog

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Did you just say corn bone?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 38 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ballooneymoon πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Yeah hi I’ll have the uhhh boneless corn please

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rowdydirtyboy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Alright but Jenna is a legend

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/KatIsACat02 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Ok but Jenna marbles is a queen

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PunTran πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 03 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Every single aspect of that video was obnoxious.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lmaytulane πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 23 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

>corn bone

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 31 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Spriggs5 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 12 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I don't see in the title but just hear me out for one second you ever have a friend that just so deeply inspires you I have one of those friends his name is Jason you might actually remember him from years ago he was in a couple of my videos he microwaved a candle which is a real thing he did also sneezing himself a week is a real thing that he did he's just violently himself he ought ironically drinks four lokos he invented Sasquatch in pub jeez these guys are watching me we found a sasquatch he has broken me many times it's it's it's all about that like that like those those those notes of plastic bag newzeas wait why'd dinosaur you bloated and then recently he brought me to new levels of inspiration when he said this live on his twitch stream car text unknown corn-on-the-cob but in the middle instead of the the corn bone it's a hot dog did I say that all right something about this sentence just really got me first of all I laughed for maybe 15 minutes straight and then I was like you know what Jason that's a great idea I want to make it for you so that's what I'm gonna do today I'm going to make corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's a hot dog for my friend Jason who if you're looking for by the way is a twitch streamer I'll leave his Twitter in the description when I hear his sentence like that I can't just not act on it it just needs to exist so here's my plan because I've thought about many ways to do this I'm gonna make a corn dog or in our instance a veggie hot dog and it's good timing too because it's almost 4th of July and you know what America has in controversial and questionable paths we make up for in culture in cuisine like hot dogs so what I'm gonna try and do is make a corn dog stay with me and then individually put pieces of corn try and fry them so that they come out semi looking like a cob of corn but you don't have to eat it like a corn dog you can eat it like Gardens on the go corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's a hot dog for my friend Jason who deserves the very best in life I don't think I've ever seen any wouldn't do this because frankly it's stupid and why wouldn't anyone do it I don't even know but it's gonna work there is no plan B I don't know what else to do it if this doesn't pan out the way I want it to Julian let me his Aires kitchen shirt and I'm just gonna make corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's a hot dog what do you think I don't think it's gonna turn out good what if it does the other thing that I thought about a lot was what kind of sauce would you eat with this right it would it be like a ketchup like a hot dog like a mustard like a hot dog or would it be like an aioli like you would eat with the street corn I think I'm gonna make like a chipotle aioli to eat with art corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's a hot dog because I think that would be delicious I've never made corn dogs I've never really had any reason to make corn dogs so we're gonna whisk together a cup of cornmeal you wait how many hot dogs this is make I feel like a cup of cornmeal this is a lot I didn't read this huh a cup of all-purpose flour you have gluten-free flour so that Julian can enjoy my corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's a hot dog it really does so we can see to say two tablespoons of granulated sugar I don't understand that sentence like he already said cob he already said corn on the cob but instead of the cool you already said cup two teaspoons of baking powder half a teaspoon of salt so in this fall to make vegan buttermilk I added 1 cup of milk alternative and a tablespoon of vinegar no we're just letting it chill we have a tiny whisk thanks to Julian why did you have it don't wait for my smallest it's for salty so I'm gonna mix our wet ingredients with our dry ingredients so here comes my egg very egg like exactly like an egg butter milk 2 tablespoons of agave 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil healthy I love being plant-based and then we have to let the corndog batter rest it says you know because it's been through a lot how is this gonna work this looks good I'm gonna taste it hmm oh oh that's corn dog city so I do have these sticks they're corn dog sticks but I want it to be a corn dog I wanted to be a corn on the cob but I'm thinking them away like how we can put the corn on it you're just gonna have to find out I'll just show you I need this all day he's disgusting I love frozen Clark knew my dad would take me fishing when I was little and to catch carp use tan corn as bait and I would eat all the bait I'm getting all right so I'm gonna make like a little aioli upon Jenna's request thank you which is just like a little bit of vegan mayo and then some spices like chili powder cumin Cayenne garlic powder and then a little line but we don't have line 10 out of 10 are you supposed to mess with that yeah I'm measuring it can you tell we don't have any limes ninja babe no writing you heard his face doing that learn your lesson yeah but he did it with a watermelon and much sword oh that's good ten out of ten young I might need you to help me cuz I'm really not comfortable with hot whale who I am it is not my forte it scares me I don't like it I'm terrible with it if you weren't around I would never eat anything that was fried that looks good it looks like definitely thickened up a bit small kitchen Perry sleep hot oil leave it's funny that's nothing I'm just gonna do a little test dog oh this is weird picture corn the ratio stick to dog this is really not great all right let's go oh nice fun and young wow that was fun and easy oh it's like mega dripping off do you think this will work it doesn't work Oh Julian Oh Oh God Julian Oh what do we do this is a graveyard that is so disgusting groans all what are you first like a second just getting a little bit part itself and then roll them in the corn do that okay cuz that is the answer should I just like ignore that that's there I think we've ruled out the possibility of being able to put these on there like individually this is great this is fine everything's fine don't I'm just saying stop leaning on the gas like that Lee no the guest your butt turns them on constantly some of the only thing my bike turns on so you're thinking like what ten seconds I don't know I've never made corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's a hot dog before I'm scared you can do it it's like I think we should do it now okay try go working it's not working oh yes it's working just squeeze them on there what have I done there's gonna be corn floating in the deep fryer Oh Julian all right what is that abominates it's like golden brown yeah [Laughter] careful consideration in our first prototypes Wow this one got messed up I thought about maybe just putting the corn in the batter I think that's the move honestly for my friend Jason Jason at all does anyone in this round number three it's still gonna be like too heavy though isn't it yeah see look there's like an absence of corn ready it's all just like flying off everywhere what's wrong with me I mean that looks more like a corn dog but it definitely doesn't look like corn on the cob that's like our best one yet but it's not corn on the cob I want to eat the abomination it's actually so good it's so good I just made corn dogs with random pieces of corn in it not really what I wanted I try this one you think oh okay but it's mostly because it's a corn dog why don't I try one real quick okay I didn't work at all Oh God Oh Julian what are you done I mean I can think of things to adhere the corn to the hotdogs but they're not edible what if I embed the corn onto the hot dog how do you think it's gonna just like a deer oh yeah disgusting I got oh nasty is that good I think not my corn it was sick really squeeze it on in there I'm trying okay yep yep Oh baby I think we did it oh that's the best one all right so I feel like we've been testing corndogs but to truly make this corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's hot dogs we don't have a stick you starve it like this there's [Β __Β ] tweezers it's good see with a little sauce like this ladies the gentlemen I present to you corn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's a hot dog taste test yeah cuz I already know it tastes good but I'm really proud of how much corn I was able to get in there I will say it's [Β __Β ] more flexible than corn on the cob but I mean that's what you're asking for when instead of the corn bone it's a hot dog again you just get like this tiny little bite of hotdogs it makes sense in your brain when you eat it like a corn dog but it doesn't hit your brain the same way it's different it's different now it just tastes like I'm eating a hotdog sideways I don't even taste the corn I just feel weird it's for a good friend he deserved to have someone at least try and make it is it wrong yeah shouldn't be banished forever yes I guess I challenge anyone it's actually like a good Shaffer knows what they're doing if you could make corn on the cob but instead of the corn boat it's the hotdog and you want to upstage all of this please by all means I want to see if it's possible because this is where my intellectual capabilities and in terms of coming up with how this could possibly work it's really good if you eat it like a corn dog have you eat it like corn on the cob it's really bad you know when I hear something that inspirational it just needs to be done so Jason this is for you I hope that you're happy with the outcome I know I'm not what have we learned sometimes things are better left inside of our brain love you Jason I hope that you enjoyed this and that I made all your dreams come true I will say though that it sounded a lot more profound coming out of your mouth than going into my subscribe to my channel I don't know why you would after this oh but see you next time yeah thank you horn on the cob but instead of the corn bone it's a hot
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 6,814,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, corn, on, the, cob, cobb, but, instead, of, cornbone, corncob, it's, hot, dog, hotdog, cooking, vlog, kitchen, julien, solomita, boyfriend, jason, sulli, twitch, clip, sasquatch, funny, broke, broken, terrible, fail, deep, fry, stick, aioli, chipotle, funniest, best, worst, awful, sideways, eating, eat, making, j&j, challenge, pubg, wine, dinosaur, at home, how to, recipe, pinterest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 56sec (956 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 26 2019
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