Making My Dog A Bed Out Of Soap

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SHE FINALLY DID IT!! Haha someone has been commenting this suggestion for the longest time. I’m happy that she did it!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Ellolovelyxo 📅︎︎ Jun 07 2018 🗫︎ replies
hmm it's been a day already in this video has just started a while back I made a video because my dog Kermit loves soap and we determined what his favorite soap was by having him do a little self-test it was incredibly stupid but like a lot of people like that video because Kermit is a weird dog and he's very charming and we discovered that he likes Irish Springs so and ever since that video someone all it takes is one somebody commented please make a bed of Irish spring for Kermit out of soap so you can lay in it and roll around in it I've wracked my brain I'm trying to figure out how to do this I'm at the point where like if you want me to make a video I'm just gonna make it like okay what are we doing anyways I haven't made it yet because I logistically could not figure out how to do it and second of all I really think those of you out there that won't stop commenting this overestimating Carmen's reaction which I imagine is gonna be very like mmm okay that's some soap and then walk away like I really don't think he's gonna lay down and roll in it but because this has been requested so much I've been working literally all day to try and figure out how to make this work I need to explain some things before we start doing this the I still don't even know what's gonna work but let me tell you what happened so we went to the store we bought all this Irish Spring the problem was so even if you liquify it and you pour it into something hard you can't like just tap it out like it's gonna be stuck in there so I people use like silicone cake molds and like silicone form so you can just pop it out but they don't make anything in like the shape of a bed look even the cake molds are like this big so what am I gonna do fabricate something out of silicone I don't know how to do that the mold was the first barrier so what we came up with was we bought these litter boxes for cats and I honestly think this is the best I'm gonna do okay I'm gonna be able to fill this with soap and hopefully shape it to be like a bed that's it though I'm not gonna be able to pop it out probably we'll see but I don't think so the second hurdle is the problem with Irish Spring soap is that it's apparently not a melted pour soap it's like we tried a couple different ways so this way we put it in the microwave and it gets like the air bubbles expand so it sort of expands and like you can work with it a little bit but it's nasty and this this is one bar of soap and it took a while to melt this the second way to do it is to make almost like a soap soup where you add a little water again this is one bar of soap we cook this for like over an hour and it got only that melted so like but maybe two hours like to take this many bars of soap and melt it down it's like it's never gonna happen that you instill when you melt it with water it like it I don't know it's like slippery and slimy like I don't think he's gonna like that anyways so these are our two options make a really gross bed out of soap or make a really slimy bed that's like got giant chunks in it and they take like who knows how long to harden so what I've found out there's a specific type of soap called melted pour that's made for like soap making which is a hobby I went in God finally free tub of said soap and here's my plan I know you guys want me to make a bed entirely out of Irish Spring but as you can see that ain't gonna [ __ ] happen I'm gonna take this I'm gonna melt it down I'm gonna throw a bunch of Irish spring in my food processor chop it all up and then like sprinkle the pieces in here so that it doesn't actually have to get melted down since this is a different type of soap than this I can't just throw it in the microwave or like put it on a pot and have it melt it doesn't work trust me I've been doing it all day it doesn't work it's just gonna be Irish spring pieces inside of this unscented like soap that you can actually melt down yeah I really that karma is just gonna look at this and be so underwhelmed and everyone's gonna be disappointed and we're all gonna learn a lesson here today which is the internet is full of good ideas but they have very mediocre in practice some of you may be asking themselves Wow oh oh this is a fun thing oh yeah I feel thrill go ahead June is their birthday month all of the dogs have a birthday in June marbles just had his 10th birthday yesterday Carmen's birthday's on the 20th peaches is on the 15th peach honestly just like food Julia made a video for a couple's birthday that's on his channel now but like Kermit just like so so I wanted to do something special for him for his birthday because we're probably just gonna feed peach and Marvel got like a t-shirt and he's very happy about that so karma needs something special and he's a special boy so he deserves it I can't describe to you how much it smells like soap in here it's like nauseating like it almost makes your throat hurt what cut them all up at once pivot Aries old dad [ __ ] oh my god it's like breaking the processor we go come on it does it feels so cool I didn't really realize like I knew people did it but I didn't really realize how many people like made soap as a hobby it's nice for soap is 10 out of 10 fun to cut it's like hard cheese almost for Matt you better like this bad boy it's your birthday that I love that dog I love that dog I love the end or the reason for some dumb [ __ ] you know I haven't done something this out-of-control since everyone was like please fill a bald cap full of eyelashes and I'm like I don't understand it but I'll make it let's see what it's just one person starts it then everyone's like please make a bed bola by your spring and here we are I swear to God if we do all this and I spent so much time figuring out how to do this with my brain and karma doesn't like it it's gonna break me mm-hmm video out when that happens I already failed last week it given myself beautiful extensions on my lashes I can't take another failure I need him to like it this is what were her key points so far we can sprinkle this in as we go and see if we need more Irish Spring we're certainly not gonna run out oh what's coming out I think oh so this does come out of something hard maybe we can do this it's cuz it's not that kind of soap like if we just melted the Irish Spring it would never come out and be in there forever it's like so glycerine e you got the soap coloring too right so we can try and fool him into thinking it's all green he's colorful so he's just my lady I knew too did a minute so let's do that following directions be like a lot of the videos you watch didn't have that much soap in the bowl well no one was making a bed out of soap no one was ever making a bed out of soap yeah milk liquidy enough I mean we're just throwing a bunch of other soap in it cuz they need to be completely liquefied like we could really be tedious about this the honestly bucket is a bed of soap for a dog pour in our soap oh they're just gonna be chunks as Irish Spring no one can even tell the difference what what are you seeing what I'm seeing what have we done I don't know this it's the best second come up I want to see what it looks like after it goes over this layer oh god this is disgusting and it smells like so much like Irish Spring look at all the stuff we've cut we have so much Sun I love you Carmen less time-consuming hobby bud that later was nice yeah this was a nice layer I can't [ __ ] believe this is like actually happening it's so weird the internet requested it so I don't have control over what they asked me to do this was their fault Julian not mine it was there we're doing pretty good it's taking a very long time it's a lot of soap in between layers we're putting it in the fridge to try and help make it so it doesn't take forever to cool my back hurts from doing this so unfortunately we just had a thought what if we put whole bars of Irish Spring in here then when we pour the soap it'll just like encapsulate them and we I'm trying my best I swear to god this this soap bed is gonna be the depth of like a brick oh yeah let's make a brick pattern we should've done this from the beginning why do we bother cutting it up that's actually don'ts right I know I don't I shouldn't have to say this but this is not sponsored at all but honestly Irish Spring were you at your my dog's favorite salty I've lost track of how many bars we've used yeah me too Oh Kermit look how much your mom loves you it actually looks still hi my name is Jenna I'm 31 now know what I do in my life all right so my plan is to use this silicone mold to spell out kermit with yellow letters of although like arts and crafts type videos you've done this is up there with the most fun it's just really fun to melt soap and then mold it oh it looks good you think guys it looks really good I'm sure it's gonna be very nice wait what that is so cool I have a problem whoa that did come out good oh I feel like I'm losing my mind just a little bit doing this is Snowie snow owl beach is that too much it's like a shelf cake for him the last layer my arms hurt my back hurts my legs hurts oh let's let it solidify do you think we can get it out of here we can try oh my god it's gonna come out of here oh oh there we go oh it's coming oh my god oh my god it worked all right I don't think that's gonna work try to work on the perfect tool a pizza cutter this is so difficult please don't leave your comments in the comments that I like you you're dumb you should have done it this way I will feel really bad I feel like I'm digging for treasure this is so stupid it's like curse of Oak Island we're not gonna find anything just like hold on this isn't all like nice and pleasing like those soap carving videos on YouTube this is violet this is real light I don't want to sit in this ain't nobody want to sit in this this isn't comfortable for samus or anybody I don't know if you've ever tried to carve soap before but like this is probably is smooth so here to get it in here my arms are exhausted from doing that but I hope that's like enough of a little divot for the Internet to agree that I did in fact make a dog bed out of Irish Spring I don't think permits gonna sit I don't think he's gonna land it but I think you will smell it it looks so cool though look at all the layers it's pretty please come back please come back please come back oh my god I swear to God what do you think bye is that your favorite soap shaped like a bed just for you Wow places Kermit would rather roll around on the carpet Kermit please here but this is what the internet wanted hates it hates it Kermie this was 13 hours of work please just it's a soap bed are you nervous cuz everyone knows you have a soap fetish everyone knows it's okay we're not judging you you know you like soap it honestly might just be like so much smell that it's like overwhelming it's overwhelming to me you know like the texture Kermie do you like it hates it so upset I blame this on the Internet would you smooth this is why when you guys are like do this do this and I'm like I don't know man I don't think that's gonna work out right and you guys insist let this be the example to remember this does not work this is a mess this amount of soap it's probably just making it more like leave me I want to leave it smells so much like soap I feel like I'm gonna bomb honestly though it's so beautiful can you imagine if you had this in your shower like this like you could just rub on it and then you're clean yeah I can imagine slipping on that in the shower and hurting no can you burn this thing I don't know what to do with it no either we've created ourselves quite the pickle we coated in plastic Kinsella to an art gallery for $500,000 this is so bad that I've been sleeping over for hours he literally doesn't even care to see the internet thinks that if I made this for you that you would lay in it and roll around in it I don't think that's true know what babe I think we just kind of shocked this one up too it's just that big old big old well you can't say I didn't do it and that I didn't try I'm sorry you didn't like your birthday gift sometimes people get you things since you just pretend to like them which I appreciate you doing right now he's like oh thanks well I hope you enjoyed watching us at least make this it's very cool like I think it's really awesome I like it a lot it just it smells like so much so that I want to die but this is what you guys wanted I'm sorry that this wasn't quite as exciting as you all thought it was gonna be but let this be a lesson to you your ideas suck okay I just feel like we wasted so much time no it's actually not because we did yeah make sure you subscribe to my channel I'm over here melting soap every day this is my channel now hi my name's Jetta I'm 31 I need to go to bed
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 18,220,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, making, my dog, dogs, bed, out of, soap, irish, spring, diy, melt, pour, pourable, tutorial, how to, kermit, italian, greyhound, funniest, best, fail, worst, cermet, boyfriend, julien, solomita, kitchen, cooking, mold, melting, cutting, carving, cut, reaction, huge, large, green, shavings, glycerine, soap coloring, at home, birthday, vlog, peach
Id: t3it6WSL15A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 07 2018
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