Making Terrible Hot Glue Crafts

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Old one but good one

👍︎︎ 84 👤︎︎ u/GraveyardLemons 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jenna is an expert in everything hot mess. In the most lovable way.

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/bondedboundbeautiful 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

I lost my shit when she put on the hat, still sitting over here trying to recover

👍︎︎ 33 👤︎︎ u/maiaiam 📅︎︎ Feb 02 2019 🗫︎ replies

I love Jenna so much. I think of this video every time I look at this sub.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/MagDorito 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2019 🗫︎ replies

"People just like idea porn" seems like a pretty insightful observation.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/AugustaSugarbean 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2019 🗫︎ replies

Jenna is one of my favorite youtubers

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/dwellcat 📅︎︎ Feb 03 2019 🗫︎ replies

This is great. I love it.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BreezyDragonflyGirl 📅︎︎ Mar 03 2019 🗫︎ replies
i've been spoiled julian's here like every week to sit and laugh and make fun of me and he's not here this week and i just feel so alone i've been watching a lot of diy videos lately and a long time ago someone sent me a link that was on facebook and it was this this hot glue video where someone had made flip-flops out of hot glue and i got like physically angry i got like hot in the face and was like kind of mad but i know that these videos are all over instagram and facebook i've never really seen anybody talk about it about how absolutely god-awful these are with the exception of drew gooden who has made one video in the past and actually released another video today about instagram like life hacks i'd say by far the ones that sort of like baffle me the most are the hot glue ones the things that people will do with a hot glue gun and call it a hack is just beyond like i don't know who they are for who are you helping like some of them are just like popsicle sticks and razor blades that you glued together and made yourself like a prison weapon but i really wanted to try some of these hot glue hacks and i'm not gonna do like the more ridiculous ones where they hot glue like a bottle cap onto an orange and squeeze it and make orange juice like i cannot justify spending my time that way and this is coming from someone who put rhinestones all over their entire face but i am a little curious about some of the wearables if anyone's gonna actually sit down and do these crafts it's gonna be me because i really don't know anyone else that would watch this and be like yeah i got some time to kill and some glue to waste the prerequisite for making this pair of hot glue shoes is to own a pair of shoes beforehand to trace why don't you just wear those perfectly good it looks like parchment paper you just cover the [ __ ] out of it with hot glue attach like a strap and then you put another layer on top to somehow negate the fact that it's filled with holes what a life hack so i want to try it because i haven't seen anyone be like i tried this stuff on five-minute crafts i wasted my time energy money resources and these are my results so i'm gonna do that mind you when i was getting supplies for this video it cost me almost a hundred dollars to get all the supplies to make the things that i'm about to make so just keep that in mind for those of you that are like oh yes like such an inexpensive cool way to like make stuff i'm not sure i agree with that because a lot of the stuff that they're diying it's like sometimes not really stuff you just have like laying around the house so the whole name of the channel is five minute crafts so if this takes me longer than five minutes i call [ __ ] on that entire channel so when i wear these people will be like oh [ __ ] girl where you get those [ __ ] shoes from and i'll say five minute crafts on youtube the channel that scams you into watching 12 of their videos in a row before you realize it's all the same [ __ ] video do you see my hand shaking already like i'm tired this is exhausting i honestly like i want to be wrong i want to believe but so far this just seems like a tedious slightly dangerous task and a wasteful one at that like this takes a lot more glue than i had anticipated it would be one two three four five six it's probably like six dollars unless you didn't have parchment paper then maybe ten dollars now you're in the ten dollar range this is like you could buy a pair at target for ten dollars now so i'm a little confused as to why the [ __ ] you're spending that kind of money to glue yourself a pair of shoes that have holes in the bottom now i'm not gonna use parchment paper to make the sandal straps because i'm just gonna do it on my table because i've stopped giving a [ __ ] i'm by no means a weak girl i have strong meaty arms which sometimes look fat and shirts i have pretty decent grip strength and my grip is exhausted this is exhausting the sun's literally setting since i started doing this the sun's also sitting on my window of opportunity for me to do something with my light like i'm not trying to stifle anybody's creativity but this is a [ __ ] waste of time i can't believe i have to do another layer before this holy whole pair of shoes is done like if i step on anything mildly three-dimensional it will go into my foot i think this is like a very loose definition of shoes they don't protect your feet from anything what are they adding to your foot the idea of doing more hot glue crafts after this is like making me hiv just sort of waiting for it to be over and these shoes obviously will just inevitably fall apart and you'll have to hot glue them back together like you ever tried to hot glue part of your shoe back together it doesn't work let's make a whole shoe out of that frustrating substance i'm just settling for blobby blob mess at this point because i just don't care i know it's only been a couple of minutes for you but for me it has not been okay it's like lifting the other side oh no this design is flawed it pulls the shoe up you know okay this part's coming apart now too yeah let's just get back in here these better be the dankest shoes in the world i mean the texture and just the general design of them remind me a lot of like jellies but i feel like you could find jellies cheaper than what i just did maybe i didn't make the strap long enough but then again it's not like they showed you how to do it so see the problem is is that they don't really stick together because there's so many holes in them okay you know they're not structurally sound anywhere but now that i have completed them i guess i am a little bit proud it's kind of cool but is it is it though i'm just gonna jam these down my feet oh okay see it just sort of like let me get up and i'll show you at first when i put them on they felt kind of good i was like oh that's a little squishy after a couple seconds it physically starts to hurt it feels like you're standing on some soft-ish legos look it if i take one step they sort of just flop all over they're not shoes at all this is not okay this doesn't feel good and they don't work like if i were to actually walk they just slip off my feet see that what the hell is going on i will never get this part of my life back i knew they looked ridiculous on the internet because guess what they are this doesn't work these have been an exhausting failure but i am going to move on to the next crap which is slightly less involved but before i do that let me just give you an idea what else is on this channel first of all this person just made a tiny little bikini for their iphone whose underwear slips over the home button so you can no longer use it sick but this is probably one of my favorite crafts you just take a tampon okay and you glue it to the top of a jar and spray paint it oh what it's it's for your rings they have 12 million subscribers i'm not trying to [ __ ] on on their channel or their creativity but you know what some of it feels like you're gonna pull a muscle from reaching so this next one got me pretty hyped up individually cutting out wait for it a set of hot glue fake nails which i will not be coloring in okay so what they just did just now was take a small little adhesive that usually you'd get like in a set of other press-on nails or you could buy individually probably but the moral of the story is so you came so far as to get nail adhesive and not get any nails to glue them with you're gonna make the nails out of hot glue and glue magnet okay i'm pumped i can't wait to do it lucky for me i can repurpose my shoe forms for what looks like he made a blob in here like i'm just trying to understand like who some of these crafts are for someone that has nail adhesive stickers a hot glue gun and tons of glue but like no fake nails it's certainly not for a kid this is way too much hot glue gun activity for a child a grown woman like me apparently i see all these hack videos and i've never seen anyone be like oh my god thanks this is so great i made that i think people just like like idea porn even if they're bad hopefully that's enough for five beautiful hot glue nails okay this is kind of nice to cut i do kind of like this like solid glue piece and then you cut it that feels kind of good it's gonna look like ass imagine if you went to a nail salon and you're like yeah it's like a side of glue nails please coming right up [ __ ] give me a minute i'll color them in too oh [ __ ] here is the closest adhesive that i have which is a little bit of lash glue i'm doing it to try it i don't want them there's hot glue dripping everywhere it's just like every second that you have the hot glue gun on it wastes itself why oh it's a blood bath although the flat texture of the glue does feel nice and fun this is not the shape of a nail your nail isn't flat this is not a life hack at all this is again a waste of time and hot glue and lash glue i hate it i want to say hell yeah i love making stuff with hot glue i'm just no you can't do this it's not okay no this is not right it's wrong this is not a solution to any problem this is a mess so far i'm all for two i'm never gonna get this time back am i this is what happens when we blindly watch videos and no one actually tries them this is a sham although this next hot glue hack is not necessarily a wearable i honestly could not help myself because i want to try it all right so you take a glove i think i might use one like this it's a little softer and then oh oh oh you oh okay i don't have a cat obviously but i do have a marbles so it seems like you just put balls of hot glue all over the place okay the one thing i will say is that the hot glue is getting all over the rest of the gloves well you can't really make like clean dots with a hot glue gun we all know that i just hope none of these just like break off and get into his fur it's kind of a blob club see if you like it some of his fur is coming out i mean he sheds a little but like not a ton does it feel good what do you think it's kind of hard to tell kermit do you want the glove too do you want to try do you like that you like that or you don't care you can't tell if that's my hand or what oh does that feel good i will say that maybe if you put some smaller dots on here it might work on like a cat but like some of them are already coming off and i thought half of the appeal of like a pet glove is like you could wash it or like get some of the hair out like if you put this in any kind of water all this hot glue is gonna come off girl and you know it if you need to brush a cat right now and all you have is a latex glove and a hot glue gun sure so far this is probably the most realistic craft so this next one going back to our wearable crafts looks like a lot of the other ones where it's like a bracelet or like some earrings where you basically just diarrhea some hot glue onto construction paper or like litter it with rhinestones or something and make jewelry out of a person needs a stencil to draw a heart here's where i get a little lost because if this is really just like uh i'm at home with my glue gun and i want to make something would you really have like a necklace ring at your disposal this is part of the reason why the cost of the materials although a lot of it was glue this isn't super duper cheap it's not like 30 seconds and 30 cents like i don't have this so more just melting glue see then she just pulls out a chain out of nowhere like if you have all that and you've come that far like you could put anything on there but you chose to put hot glue on construction paper i want to try it i want to see if it's cute this was a couple dollars i think or like a dollar 30 and then these two together to buy this is the smallest amount of these i could find along with a chain this is like a 10 necklace which you could just buy at the register of a craft store but let's [ __ ] do it beautiful and you can't really see that that well but it's a heart right in the middle of the paper just like theirs because i don't care about the rest of this paper i'm not going to use it for anything i just bought this whole sheet of construction paper to cut out of that size heart right in the [ __ ] middle anyways jam a little on there it burned me it doesn't look great but you know what we'll work with it so now you just do do dump dump all over your heart with this hot glue i will say this is a five minute craft not acquiring the materials but the executing looks like it's worth every penny this took a hot second to dry because it's just like crafting with molten lava just like theirs there is a little spot at the top that is difficult to cut out which is a dead giveaway that this is a piece of paper and hot glue so the bottom of it feels very sharp because this is a sharp piece of paper i feel like if you were wearing it with like you know a low top this would it would hurt so now let me open my five dollar chain i love my money i love just taking it dumping it in the toilet tell me what the results are ladies and gentlemen is that beautiful smasher pass there's no one here to smash a pass on me so i'm gonna need you to just tell me if it looks nice this is the final heart pendant i mean it's not the worst thing in the world but it's definitely like look at that when it turns around oh god it's like you could spray paint a noodle metallic purple is this worth ten dollars this isn't even worth ten dollars i will pay someone ten dollars to rip this off me the thought is there but like maybe it came apart it already ripped off and you know i jammed that [ __ ] in here you could wear this for maybe 15 minutes before this inevitably broke i feel had by that youtube channel yeah could i hot glue this back together sure it's not even worth the glue at this point again yeah pieces of glue are cool and fun to touch but like not for ten dollars man not for ten dollars we've come to the very last thing that i have the patience to make right now and it is by far along with the shoes one of the like more popular hot glue hack crafts that i've seen i mean i'm not looking forward to it after those but i feel like i have to do it so this is what i'm talking about oh man all right like my my arm is tired from the shoes this is so extra [ __ ] somebody's gotta try it okay and i'm gonna try it we're gonna make a hot glue hat i mean i miss my boyfriend and everything but like this is kind of an extreme solo activity you know are you supposed to know how big your head is i feel like the hat could be better because the shoes like need to function as shoes but like as long as the hat goes on top of your head it's accomplished its existence as a hat yeah no yeah it'll just go through all the parchment paper fine put it on my tab all right this is a lot five minute crafts they said i'm not gonna give up five minute transition this is almost impossible it doesn't sit i'm gonna plan beet and i'm just gonna get bowl this should be fine right don't even care anymore it's all uneven imagine doing this on a [ __ ] balloon i'm glad it didn't work i have no idea how i'm gonna get this off like you know what i did 100 layers and like you start to lose your mind and you can tell that i'm losing my mind i'm like i'm getting there it's very pinchy y'all [ __ ] can't even spell elegant again in case you couldn't tell this is not a five minute craft i feel like a good rule with hot glue is like just because you can make it doesn't mean that you should that's basically what that whole channel is and yeah here i am because i feel like everyone else knows that you shouldn't do it but for some reason i need to try it i'm gonna try and get this off i don't ruin my hat because then i'm gonna be really pissed i'm ripping apart a lot of it this does not work this does not work this doesn't work okay it's working it's ripping and i don't want anyone in the comments to be like jonah you should have covered in vaseline first it's not even worth it look it's a hot glue hat you know what it's not like it would have been particularly easier on a balloon let me have my stupid hat oh my god i did it i got it i got it this looks like [ __ ] i don't want to hear anyone judging me okay i'm trying my best here let's just make it a brim and call it a day you're never gonna be a hat i swear to god too like i'm trying my best i'm not like trying to [ __ ] this up this is genuinely difficult just let's rip it off it is what it is i knew this was gonna be terrible and you know what it came out even worse than i thought does it look good does it look like tears and sadness wow what a hat have you ever put glue on your hair it doesn't feel good i feel like my hair is breaking just being under it is it a hat i don't know by definition it's a hat this was not worth the time and energy i spent doing it not at all not even in the least in fact i'm mad at myself i can't believe i've done this what do you think is this what you wanted five minute crafts you wanted me to look like this it doesn't feel right it doesn't look right this is a glue hat this is time that i have genuinely wasted in my life genuinely genuinely wasted just like all the hours i spent watching these videos this is a waste of time this is glue no matter what you do with it this is glue okay it's not a hat it's not shoes it's not a necklace this is glue glue is glue i hope julian never leaves me again i really can't handle another time like this this is a dark time when you miss your boyfriend so you try to fill your heart with hot glue watching these videos like you know they're kind of terrible yeah some of them look like okay maybe that's okay but 90 of them is just like what the [ __ ] okay and i'm here to confirm that i've never seen anyone actually make the glue hat or the glue shoes from those videos and i did it and i'm here to tell you it is not worth it time energy money or glue this is a waste of glue this is a waste of time i feel sad on the inside i don't like it i literally just made these i can no longer wear my glue nails or my glue necklace they have broken and fallen apart i can wear my glow shoes and my glue hat but like am i wearing them or are they wearing me could you make an entire shirt out of hot glue shirt [ __ ] it why don't you just make a car out of hot glue i don't know like at what point are you like maybe i shouldn't make that out of hot glue i'm here to call you out and say these are not life hacks do i look like someone whose life is better after i have done this i feel worse than ever i should have just taken my actual physical dollar bills and thrown them in the trash because that's where i just put them there's literally so many other terrible life hacks so let me know if you'd like me to test any of them because it's all fun and games when you see a little montage of them but you know what they don't work and it pisses me off this is a lie maybe i'll go to the beach like this yeah there's a lady covered in glue at the beach and she won't get out that's it he hate everything i'm like elsa from frozen but i'm a hot glue lady instead of like frozen power she gets hot glue powers could you build herself a glue castle and it's covered in glue outfit that's me right now it's not funny anymore make sure you subscribe to my channel i put out a new facebook saying slash thursday julian this is what happens when you leave you can't leave you have to stay here for me i'll see you guys next week goodbye ladies did you see you see that ripping my hair out it's taken not only my soul but my hair does it look better like this oh okay no that's worse that's worse sorry i'll see you next week bye
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 9,991,618
Rating: 4.9637995 out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, making, terrible, hot, glue, crafts, life, hacks, awful, worse, hat, shoes, flip, flops, diy, at, home, glue gun, pet, glove, mitt, comb, brush, nails, fake, false, long, gel, solid, jewelry, necklace, pendant, glitter, rhinestone, chain, bowl, design, balloon, salon, fail, channel, crafting, easy, 5 minute
Id: k4VzWKMc38k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2018
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