Making Clip In Bangs *Work* For Me

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[Music] I'm beneath some coffee for this sure you can all see my train of thought over the last few weeks it's basically been tick tock tick tock tick tock putting blush really close to my eyes having cute bangs I should have bangs I feel like 20-year old me would be like give me some scissors let's do this and 33 year old me is like you know they make products for that or you could like maybe go to a hairdresser for the first time in 3 years but you know when they don't clip in like bangs and ponytails came out I feel like I missed all of it because it was at a time in my life when my hair was like every color Under the Sun and also got very damaged during that whole time hence this long streak of growth it's amazing how one bad decision really takes like three years to undo because I kind of want to know like am I the type of 33 year old lady that can wear like a fake ponytail or like fake things or am I the type of 33 year old lady that wears flannel shirts with toothpaste on them maybe I could be bald okay no less those well you kinda want to put this like curving so bad okay so I got a couple of different kinds of this because I'm concerned that this is ridiculous is it not okay so if I were to be Barney come here you I got to show you something honey you love hair okay future you want to try it you sit girl okay sit still all right Oh dislike yes Oh peachy that's so pretty sit karma slick patiently waiting for his turn you gotta sit if you want the hair you know you want it to be about you if you want to be about you then sit down please you want to see it's not a toy okay it's not like you want to go to the I mean maybe the flannel shirt really was a good idea for today cuz I feel like you really does complete this look you know imma imma dirtbike to 7-eleven and get some let me actually clip it in three easy steps before look at her before I got a secret was she and then she's your circle pose secures the Front's Clips than the center clips and blend part with own hair okay okay you ready yeah just in case for all of you that were like Jenna you should totally cut your bangs I just want to remind you guys what I look like does it look natural Julianne stop laughing it means girls cute it says hand blend is it blended yeah looks really choose should I wear it behind my ears or should I let it like you can't tell from the top I don't think you can tell me okay that's like a very looks like I'm looking at a map oh yeah don't call my hair I'm Mac I mean it's super easy to put in I don't know anyone anymore that like genuinely uses one of these all the time and is like there we go I got you bangs look like my mom a little bit she's nothing she [ __ ] in that face do you think I could swim in them no to the side why so you can roast me Oh No what's wrong with it it's a color bad when you're looking this direction and the other direction ain't a match this is like a picture of me and my mom when I was a kid because we both had those bangs like super straight across bangs who never talked to me or my son again wow she's so beautiful you got that wig I hope I'm not the only one that has the dog that really likes hair she really likes it did you steal that it's your hair baby girl boy so you don't think I can pull this off sitting in a bar it's almost like excuse me and it was like yes what why'd you laugh let's play it up why was your first reaction okay hey miss can I buy you a drink well tag me a Red Bull vodka you know it's funny is that everyone in that tick-tock video was like oh your bangs and that color is so cute on you well what if I actually did this I feel like something cute and some of them are just like no Julian what do you mean that's literally not the one I got for you I had to sift through so many boxes of hair to find the right color for you it goes this way right yeah like I'm also by no means like I'm not making fun of any of these products whatsoever I think it's brilliant and genius and I'm sure a lot of people have had so much fun with them like what a smart idea it just looks like somebody's a smart you turn to the side that is such a look Julian the long pieces stop choose your character a little bit can i play with it yeah because I have a vision oh that would actually looks like you thoughts to bat here put these ones on in the front business in the front I'm the manager all right Julian let's move on they make this thing called here - Top where instead of just being a piece of bang apparently goes over the entire top with a bang okay this I actually [ __ ] with I was I haven't thought about growing out a full mullet before this is sort of like a little teaser hair is so fun in such a fun way to express yourself and you should just do whatever you want to your hair and people that don't think that I'm no fun okay is this better for me or worse worse is this better or worse for me it's hot I'm taken okay you look like Skrillex I want to show them I had to get a clip because it says vibes so you can use the vibes clip right now don't put it up there when the vibes all on hey I'm filming something man when the vibes be hitting the right how about now can I wear this now know that I have a vibes clip I feel like you can tell at the bottom here that this is not my hair no I can't tell it blends better at Oh on camera looks a little bit what's good yeah it's not as bad as that but it's like there comes a point when you're looking down the bottom of your hair that it's just like where did that come from whose fault this whole thing is who's cursed her personally did she attack you just this model punched me what'd she say I have never ever ever oh you're doing a pony yeah because I feel like that was my pony sound from the song anyway one of the greatest rappers well thank you I feel like the best way to blend your fake bangs is with a fake phony well if you have no real hair showing then all the hair is blended so I feel like the bangs look way more natural at least for me if I have my hair up because then it doesn't look so like dirt bike on me it looks a little more like me TV oh I don't think we have a choice oh oh that is so fun I did not know that this was a thing it's velcro so I just take the piece and like velcro it to itself and it sticks to itself and then I take this extra strand of hair and just wrap it around and then I'm gonna pin it it's not stained you're sitting on it first of all I mean I should start working okay wait it's like slopping everywhere oh it's gross the Pens are coming out but the length is gorgeous wait Julian party in the front weird on the sides I guess this video is really more like how many pieces of fake hair can I put in my head without wearing a wig you look like you brought your horse here Julian not helpful feedback yeah I wouldn't be too bad though I do definitely have like horse people energy yeah you spend time at the stable I'd like I can just tell when somebody has horse people energy it's a lifestyle you know oh this hurts wait is this what ariana grande feels like this hurts does it look natural potty if it does it blend with my hair yeah stop saying yeah like that give me a definitive answer for once Oh everything hurts it is so heavy it's in like a how does it not sag but it feels like it's falling down like what started as a high pony is now like a mid librarian pony I think that's so cute wait it's actually the same length as my real hair even though it's not super high re pony like it still looks cute it goes with the shirt you're wearing it's just got a horse energy you calling me someone that cleans up horse poop that's part of living with the horse is the other part just wearing cute boots and tight leggings when your husband's a horse give us a serve it's heavy a kisser it's heavy it's like ripping my shirt all right you ready hey that was yeah giddyup is it because it's brown I bet if my hair was blonde this would look it would have a difference holder vibe there's no more horses involved I think some of its my flannel some of its the general color some of its just my attitude yeah just put the bags in does that help my look no you've been lying to me this looks awful just a girl and your horse you look like my little pony if I can make this look good though like that'd be so fun you look at what of course is barked Julian that doesn't look good all right that was hot this is a car that you okay no magic where should I park my horse grande looks like this it's like cute and clean and good-looking and when I do it it's just horse people energy this is meant as no disrespect to horse people y'all are cool I think this is the last time that I'm ever going to wear this bang piece that's for sure hey I feel like maybe I could make the ponytail work for me but it would take a lot of finessing but I really like the way that the pony looks Pete's Kermit gets his now we're being fit we're a bank family family picture so meet bang anybody like sick your bangs look good you can say you don't as much as you want but I think you look good not as good as me or Kermit but you look good I think honestly out of all of us sell bunny look the best bunny did look the best oh I'm sorry gotta ground you feel like a whole concert like this that's all real hair baby definitely will you take mine out of my head everything don'tdo Clinton's kids CMI takes out your head yeah Julia oh my god know what I don't know I don't know how to do this stop zooming in on my pain okay it's like stuck just think of the horses when the lane takes georgeous to pay for the record I love horse people and they have really good energy I think it's more about my shirt than anything else always wondered if I could be the type of sophisticated lady that could just pull off these little pieces of bang and have everyone be like Oh cute but you know I don't think I have I don't think I have the it factor for it as a person has cut my own bangs many times on my own I do know that sometimes you can end up with bang regret so that this is a nice way to see what Eubanks would look like just make sure y'all really all know in the comments if you'd like me to cut and color my hair like my actual tick-tock II girl video we really look into something like this you know that wig was working overtime was overtime my hair would not look like that if I actually kind of indicted hey carrots very well make sure you subscribe to my channel I put on views at Wednesday / Thursday and um I make only the the hottest horse people content on YouTube is this video any tag for yeah when you need a new look for riding your horse
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 6,508,015
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, making, clip, in, bangs, work, *work*, for me, hairdo, extensions, hair, funny, vlog, julien, solomita, boyfriend, kermit, peach, bunny, dogs, wig, wigs, pony, ponytail, extension, wrap, around, clip ins, easy, diy, at, home, style, cut, without, horse, energy, people, brown, blonde, blue, dark, dogs in wigs, cermet, fail, how to, best
Id: 7RoV0KaJoLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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