I Gave Myself Those Awful Ramen Nails

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The shot of Bunny entering the room kills me lmao. She’s such a tall dog!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 586 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/daulizm πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Best part was when she was washing them. "I'm scared they're gonna turn to pasta."

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 269 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/laughalotlady πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That black polish looks insane.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 671 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/DisasterScoutMaster πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

They weren't joking when they called it one-coat black, wow

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 380 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/saltyironfag πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

So this is how PR works in the beautiful world of Simplynailogical and jenna marbles. I stan this friendship so much.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 847 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/astronesian πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jenna got a PR package y’all! She’s a bonafide Beautuber!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 120 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BeautifulRelief πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

That update at the end aghhh

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 200 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/disconnect-me πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jenna: "it's like inviting bacteria and fungus into your nails"

Julien: "and carbs"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 90 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FuckingaFuck πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

the black polish looks so good omg it's insane

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 176 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/biconicat πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 11 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
I'm giving in I'm giving in to the fact that people have been tweeting at me ramen hacks for months now yes I've seen someone fix their bathtub with it yes I debated going out and buying a sink and then trying to fix it with ramen but I decided that that's [ __ ] wasteful and stupid but then I really can't when people were like Jenna do you see these ramen nails and I'd be like unfortunately yes I see those ramen nails unfortunately yes I feel compelled to try it I feel like this is gonna work you grind it up into a fine powder and you use glue to adhere it like of course it's gonna work but the bottom line is it's disgusting you have food on your nails and not like encapsulated and some sort of like acrylic it's just like on your nails with glue it's disgusting the bathtubs and the sinks like how would it ever be waterproof again ever it's not people just tweet this at me all the time Jenna please do some ramen nails okay I'm gonna do ramen nails and you know what they're gonna look [ __ ] fine and then I'm gonna have ramen on my hands chicken ramen I brought my nail tech along with me he's Robin nail expert so I'm just gonna do it and I also got a surprise in the mail Oh surprise all right give it to me I can't I'm bad at like holding surprises in my Canadian spirit animal has sent me hollow taco Christine of simply illogical came out with her own line of nail polishes and I got I guess this is a PR package I in the few tuber Christine I love you to death but I'm going to put your beautiful amazing nail polishes onto an abomination you know what's nice about using like actual nail supplies is that it doesn't make a big Romany mess everywhere I don't even think I need a lot of this I've seen it I need that for my nails don't do that I have to it's all chunky I'm I'm really counting on you bud to like go on the floor and clean up all this mess because I don't feel like pulling out the vacuum cleaner today that's why I got you tell me a scenario in which your acrylic nail breaks the only materials at your disposal are nail tips nail glue and Raman in what scenario do you not have a curly powder but you have ramen and you really just need to be fixed in your nail I'm a grown woman crushing up ramen so I could glue it to my fingernails what's wrong assistant this is it like cost-effective or time effectively nothing about this is effective when you want to call don't make a mess though that's cute you say don't make a mess well do you want one do you want one ramen nail these aren't gluten-free ramen otherwise I'd say yes so you honestly I'm making a mess of my home yes you are this is terrible this should be enough to cover one of my hands like I'm trying to do one hand not [ __ ] up my entire life let's give credit where credit is due it's very resourceful I get alright if all of your resources are wrong oh no she has awoken I have so many nail techs I am not even a beginner and acrylic nails in it could I help you it's just like inviting fungus and bacteria into your nails isn't it alright so this is what we have nasty powdery ground-up ramen some of the worst parts about those videos though is that they don't just do this they're then opening the seasoning package sprinkling in nursing giant nail tech that's not for you thank you for your assistance now this kit comes with white tips and clear tips although I doubt either it's gonna make a difference because I'm putting ramen on my fingers so because this is so disgusting I'm not gonna be prepping my nails at all you're so cute and I love you but like that's really not that helpful like how does anyone function like this but it's such a look it adds so much dude immediately and I wish I could have more tuned to my look but I can't I want to be able to speak with my fingernails Wow feels good huh hey what did I say mommy meets that for her salon these are salon materials so unless you're gonna reimburse me for eating the products you can't have any look at all this tude look at this do you think I'm the kind of person that could get away with having these like in real life for real yes there's no chicken in there here more acrylic cuts so what you wanted Kermit kameena creamy calm remain calm here Kermit calm do you think if you're a dog this makes it more or less confusing to get a sign way more like this is sit you just sit sit down good girl bunny she expect to [ __ ] that off oh so I'm I'm covering the just my nail apart with nail glue and then Oh see this to me is one of the grossest parts like when you have nails this long and yeah you're slick stuff gets in the ball oh boy it really smells so Romany you know I have to do like several coats of this so I'm just padding the ramen into the glue making sure that I get a nice even coat of ramen on my nails it is wrong oh so nasty it smells like chicken smell over here I'm going in for a second coat now it's just like getting chunkier and chunkier like the layer of ramen is so chunky and uneven like I can't fill in these gaps ill I'm just like attracting animals that's my signature scent whenever I walk in a room people are like is that ramen or is that Jenna damn that [ __ ] oh it smells so good on your nails are you impressed it's just wrong you know what I should do is I should sand these down file them down and go sit in that jeans chair and just stew in my own anger let's do one more ramen coat and then I'll start filing this down like what's a grosser combination glue and ramen there isn't one like I swear the person that just like thought of this just has like a ramen fetish like what if you were a person that had a nail fetish and a food fetish do you think this is like the ultimate I'm so upset because I know this is gonna work I can feel it like the nail glue is solid I'm going to buff my ramen pieces of nail down now look at that like this it's working I can smooth that down into a viable nail yeah I need to get like the chunky parts look at that you see that all the ramen coming off I'm just gonna be here creating ramen dust on my pants for a while I think this is the most time intensive part but as you can see this is clearly working unfortunately for all of us so I will say the nice thing about working with ramen is that it's much softer than acrylic like you know you're trying to file down acrylic and it's very hard it's pretty soft because it's [ __ ] food I'm trying to look on the bright side doesn't as sad how well it's working when I go like this and I'm creating that like heat and friction it smells so much like chicken well it's a really neat and tidy way to do your nails you know that doesn't cover your whole house and powders Raman glue it does kind of look great am I wrong who is this like half for the same thing with cornstarch is it for people was like my mom won't let me get acrylic nails but I'm gonna show her I'm gonna do some in my room Raman who is this for this is like the part of the process everything's real dusty so I'm have the overwhelming sense to go like rinse them off you know but I don't think I should yeah I worked so hard and I got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter no so now that I've ruined every single nail file and buffer that I have and I've also gotten this all over my outfit I'm gonna go ahead and do a base coat I can like feel how dusty it is I'm gonna go ahead and put a nice base coat on here you what it's like picking up chunks of ramen I can't really describe how disgusting this smells like the mixture of ramen and nail polish it's disgusting are you proud of me today Julian every day I just sure I can wake up and make you proud of you proud so here are my ramen nails so I'm thinking I'm gonna do four black ones and then one blue one Julian which hollow should we use or we can mix them like we have so many choices this is so exciting I feel bad like even using this because I know it's sold out and so many people want it like why do I deserve it look at what I'm doing with it I'm a terrible person look at the thin mom beautiful ramen nail I've never even had a hollow nail polish before lookit that she created the blackest school this is nice and rubbery the blackest black that she could it's literally called one coat black I know it looks a little chunky because of the ramen base that it's on but I really tried my best to get a good thick oh my god base coat under there so no ramen is gonna ruin this nail polish for me listen all right if this nail polish can work on my stupid ramen nails it's gonna do just fine on your actual nails royalty blue my hair is getting caught look at that I'm really like not very good at painting nails especially if they're this long and acrylic so forgive me for butchering this everywhere but the Polish is really sick so never mind how this dried because I painted it literally on top of ramen but the parts that are like nail it's exquisite so Julian said he thinks I should use the flaky hollow taco I'm so excited are you ready but I feel like the more of this I put on here the less I'm gonna want to take them off and I genuinely want to take them off I'm just I'm having such conflicting feelings right now because this is so tight what holy crap what you gotta do though is you got to get an iPhone light and flash it on there like this [ __ ] even making ramen nails look like normal and beautiful I'm so excited I've never had a hollow polish and I get it like I've always gotten it from afar you know maybe not necessarily on my hands but like I totally get it this is like intoxicating are you kidding me [ __ ] oh good you made Robin look sick I'm so mad that this worked why don't we do this we could take the dogs for a walk you know I can wear them for a little while maybe wash my hands a few times and see how the ramen starts to hold up I will say that it is like weirdly strangely more comfortable than having an acrylic on my nail it doesn't feel as like you know super solid and grippy is an acrylic does it just feels like pretty light if that makes sense it's weird I don't know it's weird like I shouldn't like this but I kind of like it doesn't smell like wrong well now the smell of nail polish is sort of over it so you can't even really smell the Roman that much all right I'm gonna put a top coat because as much as I want to layer all of the other types of hollow I'd like I don't I just don't want to waste any of it on this you know I feel bad enough that I wasted it any of my literal best nail polish on these Raman nails it's like some of the coolest nail-polish I've ever seen well yeah and like the fact that I didn't have to do like 70 coats is just crazy to me these are so [ __ ] beautiful I can't like I'm not worthy and I put it on top of Raman that actually turned into a nail I'm just I'm getting mine [ __ ] right now look at that that is ramen on my fingers it worked and it looks beautiful why ya-ha-hoo taco literally made my ramen nails look stunning I don't know man I hate to say that this genuinely works but this so far genuinely works except it's expected because I made them on FAFSA they're not moving there's really not and they don't feel like a painful almost itis acrylics maybe I think acrylics are painful because I'm really the only person that's done acrylics on me well they didn't move in water so if you wanted to do this and go swimming for a little while or take a shower nothing's gonna happen so I've been wearing these now for a little while I mean it hasn't been weeks surely they'll fall apart after weeks you should probably shouldn't have food on your nails for more than I don't know at all really we're being honest but like I'm sad to report to you that this does in fact work this really works I don't know what else to say it's genuinely works you can genuinely make acrylic nails out of ramen noodles what a jerk it's like just as much work to make a ramen acrylic nail as it is to make a regular acrylic nail but it actually works I thought that this was gonna be a disgusting failure but it's literally not and I don't think that it's good or right and you probably should never have it on your nails but yeah it does in fact work I'm like concerned what should I do I like love them but they're made out of ramen Julian think about it I give credit where credit is due here whoever invented this like it just works I don't know it just does please don't call me ramen Li please don't call me ramen lady you can get snatched up what if it like rots food is perishable what if it rots what if it rots Thank You assistant Thank You nail tech thank you so much for your help you beautiful nails thank her me come here thank you for your help today nail tech you're so helpful you ate a lot of my supplies or tried to which one feels better comment this one or this one I'm snatched thanks to top ramen they always be keeping me looking my best this video sponsored by top ramen no yes it is we also shot a video with top ramen click up here I don't see it maybe they haven't uploaded it yet do you think top ramen likes that people are making nails and bathtubs out of their product probably as much as type odd like that people were eating my is it illegal to say that it was sponsored inside subscribe I here's the quick update I can't get these off I live in Hell now goodbye
Channel: JennaMarbles
Views: 8,654,476
Rating: 4.9472179 out of 5
Keywords: jenna, marbles, mourey, I gave, myself, those, awful, ramen, nails, life, hack, noodles, top, fix, break, broken, things, acrylic, long, tips, tutorial, how to, powder, grind, dip, glue, holo, taco, blue, flakie, glitter, boyfriend, julien, solomita, kermit, peach, bunny, greyhound, italian, chicken, vlog, kitchen, ratchet, rachet, salon, at home, diy, works, it works, lol
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 11 2019
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