Self Building Bridges in Minecraft

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i'm a weird kind of lazy building boring things in minecraft is boring i'm lazy i don't want to do that building a gigantic machine that will build the boring thing in minecraft that sounds like fun and even if building the machine takes me an entire day when the thing that i wanted to build would have taken 15 minutes i would say it's worth it today i'm going to build up a self-building bridge building bridges is incredibly boring self-building bridges are incredibly exciting now i did this last year in the nether through lava lakes which was easy enough as you have infinite access to lava which is the building block of self-building bridges but now i want to do it in the overworld in the sky making use of movable tile entities this is going to have its challenges so let's get started now the first thing i have to decide is is this bridge going to be made out of basalt making use of the lava soul soil and blue ice mechanic which is this one right here i mean that is quite simple or do i want it made out of cobblestone so that would involve another set of dispensers which would dispense out water converting our lava into cobblestone it's more complicated but then it does feel more overwhelming i think i'm gonna go with the cobblestone you know basalt suits the nether for sure but there's something about cobblestone bridge that's just that's minecraft you know there's also something really hilarious to me about the idea of building up a gigantic redstone contraption to construct a very 2012 minecraft bridge this is like this is hitting all the correct parts of my brain and i'm hoping that what i've created just here should actually provide us with a lot of the framework so let me just briefly explain before this starts getting ridiculously complicated and nobody can tell what's going on this contraption should create a seven block wide sheet of cobblestone now this is not just going to be a flat bridge i'm going to add some sides and a little bit of decoration because that's always fun but to create this sheet what i'm going to do is i'm going to move this entire section backwards and when that happens all of these dispensers are going to fire the lava buckets then 15 ticks later once the lava has spread to this second block right here because we don't want to be taking out the lava source blocks otherwise we're going to run out of lava very quickly once the lava has gone to the second block which will happen in 15 ticks this whole section is going to move back across the water is going to be fired out and that little bit of lava is going to be converted into cobblestone now the water isn't going to be sticking around for very long because i don't want it flowing anywhere it's going to be there for just one tick but that will be enough time for our lava to be converted but as this thing has been moved and all the water has been shot out these observers will also fire which will retract our lava away which will then start the cycle once again so that everything will move the lava will wait 15 ticks then this will move we'll get the water cobblestone and then the retraction of the lava and the cycle goes on and on so that's every part that we need for the actual creation of our cobblestone sheets and then there's going to be a bunch of contraption after this which is going to be in charge of moving the blocks around and making it all look good so with me having waffled on for far too long let's see if this little setup right here with all of the timing in place actually functions i'm expecting a hard no so backups have been made i'm incredibly nervous i'm not sure why i'm incredibly nervous but i really am incredibly nervous so we've got the lava was that absolutely perfect was that absolutely perfect did that work completely flawlessly no i don't think that timing could have been more better please excuse the fact that i just said more better i don't think that's actually a thing i don't think that's grammatically correct in the slightest let me give this another go right so oh goodness gracious me i've forgotten how to do everything flawless absolutely flawless or should i say very flawed because you know it's created it's great at the floor for our bridge you know yeah a lot of people are probably just watching right there the only slight change that i have to make is i need to make sure that these aren't sticky blocks underneath these because otherwise we're just going to bring the cobblestone with us and that's a bit pointless and now having connected up the rest of the flying machine everything should now be fully functional everything is moving and we are getting our cobblestone area just gradually being laid out this is ridiculously satisfying i mean this is very satisfying already without all of the extra stuff i am pleased and i could watch this all day long see this is why you build these machines i just got the stone age achievement after building up a gigantic cobblestone slab that that is a weird flex now as i've mentioned a couple of times this isn't going to be sticking as a cobblestone slab i want it to be decorated so i'm going to moving these blocks here up into this position and then these blocks on the sides i want them to be up at the top with this sort of alternating block pattern and after a lot of head scratching as to how i'm going to do that alternation i've come up with something really really strange i'm not sure that this is going to work but the logic is every single time this flying machine moves this slab will change position sometimes it'll be here and then when it moves again it will go back to here and then when it moves again it'll go back to there and when it's here right the water that dispenses out of this dispenser won't be able to flow down and form lava that that is the idea i don't know is it gonna work i guess we'll find out oh this is not the outcome that i was expecting it so even if it's a slab the lava still gets converted i so thought we were onto a winner i so thought we were onto a winner i've just realized though why am i doing all of this stuff when i could just move the dispenser in and out of the way you know i can i can move these things now i keep forgetting that i can move them if i just move this away there will never be any water i don't have to worry why am i doing all this fancy fan dangled stuff with covering up the dispenser and things just get rid of the dispenser i sound a little bit overly confident then didn't i what if this doesn't work that'll be super embarrassing if this now doesn't work oh it doesn't work oh no i've been scratching my head over this for an embarrassingly long time and i really can't work out what to do so i'm going to solve it in a way that is completely faultless which is to ignore it and make it a future me problem and instead focus on the other parts of the build the first thing i want to do is a little bit of decoration in the center instead of having this bridge be 100 cobblestone i actually think it'll be really cool if it has a basalt stripe going down the middle so that should now be done and now i'm building up the side grabbers so that is going to pull up our cobblestone to form a little border so we'll end up with something like this and now unfortunately i've run into the problem that i was avoiding i hadn't realized how easy it would be to solve the other problems so now i'm back at the alternating block problem is something like this going to work is it going to work i mean it looks like it could potentially work i guess we'll see there really is only one way to find out on this sort of thing and that is just to activate it and see what happens okay so the basalt system is working well and that is looking very fancy indeed and then we've got the path pull ups that seems to be working well and also our alternating piston seems to be working this is very good so look every other block is going to get pulled up everything everything is actually working everything is going far too well this is very good and to be honest with you this is already looking pretty cool isn't it like this already looks pretty fancy so now all i have to do is push these blocks up here and push these blocks underneath and we'll end up with a really cool alternating pattern going along the side of our walkway here now the question is does the basalt look better i feel like the basalt looks better doesn't it so this little claw attachment that i've added to the back of this thing should hopefully do all of the rest of the actions that we need so we're pulling the blocks one higher up and then we're pushing both the top ones and the bottom ones across so that will give us that alternating wobble on the sides i feel like alternating wobble isn't actually a building term but i'm gonna roll with it and now our self-building bridge is finished so here comes the first activation of our gigantic self-building bridge machine so as you can see we have got all of the basalts and all of the cobblestone being generated and gradually all of that is being pushed into the correct place by all of the pistons that are following it so it's just making its way along i mean these these things will never not be cool to watch they're genuinely some of my favorite redstone contraptions to watch i could just i could watch this sort of thing all day long look it's it's creating something out of nothing how can you not like this how can you not find this ridiculously satisfying we've got a bridge with with an alternating wall and also alternating blocks i mean how fancy is that like seriously how fancy is this look at it this is a walkway fit for a king and it's being built by this machine here we're like printing a walkway imagine you're just minding your own business down here and you look up and your mate is just creating this it's just a walkway is gradually appearing in the sky and traveling off into the distance this is a really nice bridge i'm a big fan of this bridge you know what i'm gonna come out and say i think this is genuinely quite useful like imagine if you do genuinely need to create a bridge spanning a long distance it might actually be faster to build up a machine to build the bridge than building up the bridge and it's definitely 1 000 times more fun i think it goes without saying i'm absolutely chuffed to bits with this thing i hope that you were chuffed to bits with it as well i hope you've enjoyed this minecraft redstone video and i will catch you in the next one see ya
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,153,780
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Self Building Bridges in Minecraft, Self Building, Bridges in Minecraft, Mumbo Minecraft redstone, Mumbo Jumbo, Minecraft, slimeblock flying machines, flying machines, automatic cobblestone generators, cobblestone generators, moveable block entities, Minecraft carpet mod, infinitely generating minecraft bridges, infinitely generating minecraft, self building redstone contraptions, self building redstone, redstone contraptions, travel in minecraft, Minecraft redstone
Id: gA5ZTLjZlC8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 49sec (589 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 05 2022
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