Bendy Minecraft pistons are weird

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this is a cursed video and I mean that in the best possible way because just just just Feast your eyes on what is going on here I mean this is just ridiculous I mean come on I I I I baffled now who is responsible for this wonderful monstrosity of course it is makerstein or Mr magenstein or if you want to be really cool M.C makerstein they are responsible for ridiculous command block Contraptions and interesting data packs I'll put all of their details down in the description as well as where you can pick up this this I had no more words now my first plan of action is to make a ridiculous bendy piston door so we're going to be picking up the blocks from down underneath the ground but the Pistons are going to be bending upwards to grab the door now I'll be totally honest I'm not 100 certain this is going to work as expected but whatever happens I think it's going to be funny so our door is currently open but with the flick of this lever nothing has happened absolutely zero things have occurred right let's make sure that they work individually no they don't they don't work individually it turns out they have to be powered directly that is absolutely fine I was trying to be far too fancy with my target blocks now that we've got repeaters goodness gracious me laughs oh my goodness this is this is both it kind of creeps me out it's kind of it's kind of horrible but also kind of Awesome that is way better than I was ever expecting it to be ever broken something I think I've broken something but in quite hilarious way I think people want to know what happens when a piston pushes itself wow it disappears out of existence oh I've just had an idea you see a lot of piston doors despite what you might think aren't actually helped by extra long Pistons apart from one type of piston door which is the vault door of course it's the vault door it wouldn't be a mumbo jumbo Minecraft Redstone video without at least some mention or reference to a vault so let's see our extra long bendy Pistons should make this considerably easier I really really want to make this the most compact vault door that's ever existed and I'm trying my best to work out how I can do it because these types of Pistons they get powered in slightly different ways to the way that you power regular Pistons but what is interesting is you can actually place redstone on top of them okay I've got one step closer I've got one step closer I just need to get these bottom ones powered I might actually be onto something here because we can place redstone blocks on top of the Bendy Pistons and it all works so I can actually use these bendy Pistons inside the Redstone circuitry to make to make this Redstone Contraption actually function I think we could be onto a winner I'm incredibly excited and also slightly nervous oh my goodness oh my God we've got a tiny a tiny 4x4 volt door let's see what it looks like from the other side I mean sure it's not it's not the best opening and closing sequence I've ever seen in my life but everything is fully functional and this Redstone Contraption is absolutely tiny this is like this is smaller than most piston doors okay I've had a fairly ridiculous thought but it's a thought that I think could be incredibly powerful can I stand on top of this block as it's being pushed up the answer is no ah so I really wanted to make an incredibly fast Minecraft piston elevator but you know a Minecraft block elevator is equally interesting and the design itself is actually it's pretty cool let's see if I place a diamond block right here it should fail maybe now okay oh but it turns out that the arms of the Piston are actually solid blocks so the power is continuing to travel through it so let's go back to the drawing board and just transport a redstone block and that is well that's beyond satisfying that is so incredibly satisfying I could watch this all day long that would make for a very boring video so let's not do that to quite a simple Redstone Contraption but one that I think is genuinely going to be quite useful like when I first started my YouTube channel one of my most popular videos was an incredibly simple Hidden Staircase but I think I've just made it simpler this is the one piston Hidden Staircase honestly I don't know if I'll ever get bored of the look of these things they just look so ridiculous they look completely ridiculous but actually that's got me thinking I wonder what sort of hidden staircase we could make with these things obviously we could do a fairly similar setup to what we did with the vault door without using any of the bending mechanics I kind of want to play around with the Bendy bits so I think I've come up with a way in which we can do it so we've got the Bendy Pistons here which are guarantee retracting the blocks for our floor so that should be all of those done which Ah that's interesting oh that's really interesting so I think these Pistons here actually pushed oh they've crashed into one another they've totally crashed into one another they didn't push these repeaters we just pushed repeaters that's honestly the most impressive thing okay I've come up with a new plan of action which I think is going to lead to some fairly interesting results so these Pistons down at the bottom here are going to be grabbing the blocks from the floor and they're going to be taking them right the way down to the bottom here so we're not going to be doing any of that sideways stuff there's not going to be any collisions or anything they're just going to be dragged downwards which that should now all the fully functional and as always it looks utterly ridiculous except frustratingly I've actually built it all at the wrong level needs to go one block lower which I've just realized I could have just made this one block higher what am I doing well I managed to get there in the end and this is back working again so now it's time to start adding in the stairs system and I think we can all see where this is going so our stairs are going to be moved across by these bendy boys right here and they're going to put the stairs in the correct positions so that we can actually walk down them which looks completely hilarious except one problem that we have is that this Bend right here is actually going to get in the way of these blocks so we need to get these blocks out the way and to be honest this hopefully shouldn't be too complicated we just have a line of regular Pistons non-bendy extendable Pistons over here that are going to retract these blocks to make way for our bendy ones now I've just put all of the circuitry in place to power all of our bendy pistons and I'm just I'm curious I'm curious to see what this actually looks like goodness gracious me oh my goodness lots of things are broken and that's because this powered that of course this powered that I hope that's not permanently bro there's there's things that aren't meant to be here there's a lot of barrier blocks I I'm not sure I'm not sure what's happened I'm sorry mcmakenstein I'm sorry I'm sorry for breaking your thing but is it totally broken it isn't totally broken and it looks it looks so funny why why does that look so funny all right so we can retract the stairs out the way excellent news and then equally we can also push our floor up so this will push the floor up and then the floor would be retracted out of the way and then our stairs will be put in place right let's get this Redstone logic worked out so the first piece of the puzzle that I have to work out is this kind of block retraction moving out the wave for the Bendy piston circuit and at my hoping go away come over here distracting me while I'm explaining my bendy Pistons I'm hoping that all of this should be working so if we imagine that there are blocks on the faces of these Pistons here they should be pushed across and then be pushed upwards that all looks like it's working properly and then the retraction also looks like it's working properly so these blocks would have been moved downwards and then they would be on top of the Bendy Pistons here and then these Pistons would move them back out the way I guess now that I know that it works I could probably just show you yeah that's looking good that's looking good and I've now sped things up so it all seems to be working faster which is always satisfying and now I've connected up both sides so now both sides should all be fully functional which they are absolutely excellent news my brain my brain my brain I've been playing too much Minecraft today and this simple pulse extender I'm trying to work out what ratios I need and I just can't but finally I have and now this machine is working or at least in theory it's working I haven't actually tested it yet I'm just I'm suddenly nervous I am feeling quietly confident though because this is actually quite a simple Redstone circuit it just looks more complicated because of all of the bendiness and all of the weirdness [Laughter] we have got ourselves a fully Hidden Staircase working with bendy piston so here you can see this is our floor there is absolutely no evidence that there is a staircase underneath this thing there's also no evidence of just whatever this is but then with the flick of a lever you can see that all of the Pistons retract and all of our stairs pop out so we can make our way down this lovely Hidden Staircase and I mean just just admire the work of art that is the underside of this thing this is why I've left this as glass because it's just it's so ridiculously hilarious to look at like it is it's just ridiculous and the fact that all of this is achieved not through mods there's no mods here this is all data pack stuff is completely mind-bending to me like my mind is bending as much as these Pistons are so as I said at the start huge shout out to make a Stein for creating this monstrosity this beautiful monstrosity I've absolutely loved playing around with it and as always all of the links will be down in the description if I've forgotten scream at me
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,961,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bendy Minecraft pistons are weird, Bendy Minecraft pistons, Minecraft pistons, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft Redstone, Minecraft, Minecraft Redstone, Redstone, Mumbo, McMakistein, McMakistein Data pack, Data pack, wildest 8 Minecraft features you can think of, wildest 8 Minecraft features, McMakistein command block, extended piston mod, piston mod, bending pistons in Minecraft, redstone contraptions, Crazy Features by McMakistein, 7 wildest Minecraft features:
Id: _Wk7ZUYkrpI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 15 2022
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