I Build Your DUMB Redstone Ideas

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I asked you to send me your dumbest Redstone ideas and you guys left me over 900 comments to go through so I've picked out all of my favorites and now I'm gonna build them eclogite tack has asked me to make a Target block that moves out of the way whenever you try to shoot it so I've gone and made a little shooting range here so all we have to do is stand on this block shoot an arrow at the Target and as you can see it's gonna move out of the way no matter how hard I try it's gonna Dodge every single one of my arrows and the Redstone is pretty simple it's literally just a bunch of slime blocks attached to the Target block which then get moved by a piston and the Piston is controlled by a calibrated skulk sensor that I've set up to listen out for when I use an item so when I shoot an arrow it's gonna listen out for that and then the Piston will extend itmg the infamous PVP troll has asked me to make a door where you need to play The Melody of Never Gonna Give You Up on note blocks to unlock it so I've set up some note blocks here in order these are all of the notes in the main ability of Never Gonna Give You Up and I need to time these correctly otherwise the door will not open so here we go this is a bit of a skill check I messed it up already this bit in the middle always gets me nope nope maybe maybe it will open [Music] we did it I did it I did it I managed to open the door by playing Never Gonna Give You Up yeah I don't even want to talk about this Redstone basically the notes that you play at the start have a massive delay and then the notes at the end have a shorter DeLay So if we play the notes in order with perfect timings then they will reach the end all at the same time which will turn off all of these torches at the same time which pulls this piston back which sends a redstone signal down here and it will open the door but the timing has to be basically perfect if you get any of the notes slightly out of time then not all of these torches are going to turn off at the same time and the door won't open someone too has asked me to make a piston door that does not allow the French to pass and here is that door obviously I can walk through it because I'm not French I'm British so I can't really test if this door works I need to test this out on a real French person this is my friend sloime fellow redstoneer YouTuber and certified professional French person bonjour sir can you try walking through this door all for me do I really want to do that uh yes you do like you're not gonna make a friend's door it's got your flag on it I mean I like my flag but like you're gonna explore me all douche or something like dude there's no way you just did six Pistons uh-huh you don't trust me do you all things happening right now all right come back here let me try it wait a second oh it works for me I guess it just doesn't let French people through that is extremely xenophobic hello what why does my country doesn't want me in I'm literally naturalized I can cross the border for free one of my subscribers wanted me to build this I decided to use you as my guinea pig even though your Skin's like a tiger I guess let's go well whatever yeah now you're trapped in there oh oh I'm trapped in friends thank you Mr commenter moime appreciates your comment Matthias has asked me for an automatic Anvil replacer that throws the Anvil into your face instead of just replacing it okay so here's an anvil station and when I break the Anvil it's gonna open up the wall and throw the Anvil directly at me and not put it where the first Anvil was and if I keep doing it it's just gonna throw more anvils out until it kind of fills up and sometimes it even damages the anvils yeah not the most practical thing in the world I think this this qualifies as pretty dumb the Redstone isn't really that special it's just an observer detecting when the Anvil breaks then it Powers this thing to open up the wall and this slime block pulls back for a second to push an anvil out foil has asked me for a machine that Cycles the blocks in the room each time you enter or exit for example the crafting table goes where the furnace was the furnace goes where the smithing table was smithing table goes where the crafting table was so in this room you can see there's a few things like a blast furnace a stone cutter and a Fletching table but when we walk in it's gonna pull them down and start cycling them around and then it swaps all of them and also when we walk out it's gonna do the same thing it's gonna start swapping them around again so I'm not sure what you would use this for I guess it's good for confusing people who live with you in your base and the Redstone is kind of a mess you stand on these pressure plates and it goes down underneath it will push out this piston which will pull all of the blocks down then it sends a pulse over to here which starts this clock which begins cycling the conveyor belt and once it's cycled the blocks three times it's going to stop the clock and then it's going to pull this redstone block back which will push the blocks back up tgnm has asked me to make a working lawnmower in Minecraft so here I've got a very overgrown lawn and it really needs some mowing there's flowers and Tall Grass everywhere and believe it or not this is my lawnmower it's gonna mow the lawn for us and it's gonna water the grass all at the same time all I need to do to start it is just update this Observer it's a little bit slow but it gets there in the end and as you can see it's going to start breaking our grass although it does leave behind a bit of a trail I guess that's something you'll just have to deal with if you want your lawn mowed and watered at the same time you can't have everything you know sluggish Cupid has asked for a machine that points out how many of the suggestions are three by three piston doors so I've got a blank screen here and when I push this magic button it's gonna tell us exactly how many of the comments are 3x3 piston doors so now I'm gonna push this button and it's just gonna take a second it needs to start Gathering the data from the YouTube post and once it's ready it's going to display the number on the screen well there we go 32 of the comments asked for 3x3 piston doors that is as of me recording this video by the time I post the video it might be a few more fariza San has asked me to make a machine that crashes your game whenever you eat next to it so once again I'm using a calibrated skulk sensor this time to detect when I eat this steak and it's gonna power this command block that will spawn an ungodly number of particles in our face which will overload my game and crash it so uh here we go let's eat this steak and it's frozen now we just gotta wait for it to actually finish crashing because uh this can take a while sometimes oh yep there we go it's crashed it's crashed pretty badly very human has asked me for a beacon that powers off once the player is within range so they don't get the effects so here's a beacon and right now I'm not in range of it so I'm not getting any potion effects but if I try walking towards it to get in range it's gonna turn off and you can see right here yeah it's blocked off but if I run away from it it's going to turn back on so I can never get anything out of this Beacon and once again I'm using calibrator skulk sensors it's becoming a bit of a theme for this video these things will hear you from 16 blocks away and when they hear you it's gonna go into this pulse extender here which then goes along here to this Observer piston here which will push this block above the beacon David nov has asked me to build a machine that generates dumb ideas and here we have our mystery box of dumb ideas so all I need to do is approach the box and push this button and it will print me a brand new fresh idea subscribe huh I guess my machine must be broken then because that's not a dumb idea that's a really good idea you should subscribe
Channel: Purplers
Views: 27,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, redstone, door, piston, sticky, block, cube, voxel, tutorial, walkthrough, guide, handbook, how, to, build, this, is, illegal, here's, why, ban, banned, weapon, dimension, end trap, update, fake, cheating, cheater, scicraft, ilmango, phoenixSC, grian, goodtimeswithscar, rekrap, hermitcraft, mumbo jumbo, mumbo, tour, server, smp, lifesteal, who, the best, redstoner, at redstone, mysticat, clownpierce, sipover, civilization, civilisation, sculk, sensor, 1.20, camel, sniffer, archeology, calibrated, calibration, april, fools, day, fool's
Id: 0J96uS6y7wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 18 2023
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