Hermitcraft 7: Episode 31 - PARALLEL UNIVERSE

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I looked like a character from Skyrim but I think we can all agree that the look really really suits me I mean the helmet just goes fantastically with the mustache the t-shirt and the high jeans maybe maybe look a tiny bit less sinister but still I look mean I can't believe that arrow that I actually shot into my knee suddenly stopped looking like it was in my knee after I started recording that is just that's really ruin my day anyway as you can go a see we're in Minecraft 1.16 I now have full nether right armor and have another right pickaxe I have another right sort the only things that aren't nether right and my shovel and also my axe so we're going to sort out today and I've been reading through your comments a lot of you are calling me very stupid they called me lots of silly names because I use TNT instead of beds to get my nether right and I mean I did know about that technique I thought it would just be easier to just get loads and loads of TNT and just blow everything up but I'm curious to see how well this bed technique works so I've flown over to the industrial district and we're going to pick up a ton of wool and we can get a business I just remember we can now get the soul speed enchantment on our boots which means that we don't actually need ice pass anymore because we can just sprint along this and be rocket speed of course of course of course of course he has it and of course he is just flying around on this stuff but I can't but no yes oh those diamond leggings I have just offered to buy a soul speed book for six Flint and a scale has run off and he told me to follow him but I can't actually keep up but that that could be a good sign and he accepted my offer of six Flynn immediately I feel like I could have got them for cheaper look at the list of enchantments on these boots that is ridiculous and I tell you what else is ridiculous these boots this is so much fun what do I look like an f5 mode fantastic looks like a 1980s superhero title sequence in trouble it just needs to be put to some kind of dramatic music I think we all know what's about to happen here like you get inside track right let's get to the nether right and actually in the process of creating this tiny little mine here I actually managed to find two bits of ancient debris which is always good but anyway as far as I can tell the way that I have to do this is I have to create a poke hole I then have to place in a bed that covers the bottom half of my body now I'm assuming I have the right gear hmm I think my lack of a chest plate could actually be a bit of an issue right I'm gonna have to fly home because I seem to have forgotten my other chest now that I've got this I should probably enchant this thing shouldn't I be honest I mean this seems like an incredible way to get that right you know I think much faster finally we've got there that is in place armors in place boom well of course I place it where there is lava directly next to me thank goodness for fire protection this is some crazy armor despite that slight scare you can see that technique has actually worked out quite nicely and we have managed to get ancient debris straight away and this hole is huge if I do it again we should uncover even more fire everywhere there's fire everywhere well although I would say that this technique is decently risky it does seem to be working quite nicely so I think I'm going to do it for a little while and see if we can get all of our armor fully upgraded and after going through about 30 beds that should just about do it we only needed a few extra pieces of the ancient debris to get everything done and we just found a triple vein now I think my official verdict on this technique is that it's really really cool but I think I'm going to stick to tnt blasting just because I find it much less stressful it's so stressful blowing yourself up repeatedly hoping that you don't fall into lava but I'm a panicky person and that definitely had me very panicked it was successful but I was panicking one never right shovel and one never right axe we are geared to the nines so what is my actual plan for today's homograft episode I really wanna get myself set up with a gold trading station making use of the new pig lines and also of course we need to get a renewable source of gold I knew he was going to come over I mean I could just see him about in the background all right so we're going to get that process started today but first mayoral stuff I still have my t-shirt on despite the fact that I didn't necessarily vote for myself I guess we're gonna find out the results we're gonna see who won and we're gonna go from there so all of us home is gathered up but for a big group recording and during this group recording Kubo thought it was the perfect time after being quiet all day to charge around the house with his squeaky toy so I had to stay muted the entire time but we counted up all of the votes and I've got zero I've got absolutely zero nobody voted for me not even me not even green nobody and Skaar got the most so he is now the official mayor of hermitcraft which of course I'm very happy about because I personally actually voted for him I mean east clearly the man for the job but I guess now it's time to debrief a little bit with green hello not mayor yeah hi dude how's it going I see that we have returned to our end rods this means that this is a serious meeting outside of drum bot yes grand bot meeting so yeah zero vote zeros I mean he didn't vote for yourself I kind of look I had a moment in in the the booth okay I things came back to me okay I remembered as I was in the booth okay I kind of had a little bit of panic and I realized well hold up I didn't even want to be mayor in the first place this is not actually my idea I have the same I had the same epiphany right I had the same it was like you know what skull might actually be a good mare and yeah kind of it's a joke and yeah and then the dude named the hole too far and then all of a sudden I'm panicked yeah and I think we made the right decision I mean I did our selves is funny it mean it's very funny what's not fair is how we've left good old grumble he he did do was he didn't do us wrong he kind of do he definitely definitely did to us wrong he did yeah he's it plain wrong yeah he he did his best extremely hard to his demise he's a product of like our minds so if anything weird we're to blame but we can't we can't leave him like this no it's we got a depressing yeah yeah we got a we got to fix him up but I don't think I can stomach telling him that you didn't become mare or in fact that his two favorite dads didn't vote for him you know what I mean no that could be a huge problem I mean what do we do do we just kind of create a well yes I think I think I think we we we dress you up as mayor we tell anyone and we we box him in in his own little world and job done and he's just oblivious to the outside world life is going on mumbos mare in everything exactly and I think cuz he's melted right now we can get away with anything and then we'll bring him back online once it's all set up now because we wanted this build to be as nostalgic as possible instead of using concrete which we kind of have all of the resources ready for we decided to go for wool which meant I had to go to my mother farm gather up a whole bunch of string then craft it all up into wool and then I had to dye all of it which had forgotten dye still has the old-school crafting recipe where's one died for every single block that your auntie gang out of it as opposed to the new concrete in stained glass ones which is crazy you end up just using up all of your dye I have no more lapis I've used all of it to create the sky for Grumbach but I would say that's a worthy cause and I have to say I think the end result looks really really cool behold Graham BOTS virtual reality it's I want to live here I'm I might stay here as well for the rest of the hermit crab season just chill out in here this is this is a good life for him it's certainly better than what way was on the platform of course ya know this is lovely I'm sure he's gonna be happy with this I guess we should probably just get him online I mean he's now fixed up yeah we fixed it up we fixed him but we haven't got him online yet because obviously you know we wouldn't want him online while we were building his universe that kind of doesn't make most sense yeah what we need to do is basically tell him that you've won you've wonder if you look at the art there's like a fake shopping district island oh yeah monument is your mustache show the dictator all buildings must be mustaches no but that's perfect I mean I'm sure that's convincing I'm convinced yeah that's good and then we just we just tell them that you won but I think to really sell it you've got to you've got to put on like a mare mare skin like a bit of oh hold on do you have to take off your armor there bud do I lift this that is legit I didn't vote for myself now you look yeah you look so qualified yeah why was I what why didn't I put this on from the start he looks so qualified now maybe it was this ridiculous outfit you must hit the high jeans the t-shirt right now I'd work for myself and that's saying something and I've got the back of my hair back yes do i stuff to feed him diamonds yes this looks okay if we ever build another Grom bot right yeah maybe it's eating dirt next one the race so I'm gonna put smiley face I was gonna look that he's gonna he's gonna flip right let's go oh man we're bringing him back let the marrow reservoirs yep go a Grumbach what do we think yay well I hate what they didn't II didn't he didn't like and there's one piece of paper which is a that's a positive sign do you want to check it or should I all right grumbles life has meaning grumbles life has meaning we did it okay I think he's I think he's happy I think he's happy but he's pleased yeah we've we've Truman showed him we put him in the matrix we put him in virtual reality where you want the race well no no first of all that that it's fine you've through the walls we have to go out back all right wait I need my redstone box can we just put this back into the ender chest real quick you picked it up let's go this is not the smooth operation I imagined in my head we also forgot to install any formal window in the wall so we have to quickly go and do that oh did you dude all right I'm here so you got the cloud window and he is he's so happy he's the happiest he's ever been he's the happiest grumble I mean he's been nothing the only emotions he's ever shown is just a deadpan face yeah angry this is the first time he's actually this is what he was built for he was built to make you mad and in his world you are the mayor you just have to turn up every now and again to just you know show face this I mean you know it's a really really happy ending like he is he's happy I think so I think so it's a good thing to do yeah I don't know let's get back to some new direction and to start off that nether action we're actually in the end you see I need to gather up a whole bunch of obsidian ones again because I've got a ton of portals to make it is always a bit of a hairy moment testing out another portal for the first time this should in theory take me through to my little training area and that noise is to have any prophecy so with this linked up I'm now going to clear out a space right here because I kind of want to create like an opposite version of the trading hall that we have so we have the village a trading Hall and then in the nether we're going to pop through the same nether portal and we're going to have our pig Lin trading hall now I'm honestly not sure how big I should make this thing I'm honest I'm not sure how big the redstone will be for I haven't actually experimented with a pig limb training yet so I guess we're gonna have to do some of that too I think this is how big I want the actual hallway to be like this is going to be the area that I'm in and the pig winds are going to be lined up on either side and then the redstone will be inside this wall somewhere so now I have to work out how to do the redstone and I'm sure there's about a million and one different designs out there all right but I like playing with this stuff I like finding out things now this is actually going to be my first time trying to trade with a pig Lin and I'm assuming I can't actually trade wait what are they all this small and all this small another we actually have a full-sized pig Lin right let's throw a piece of gold on him and he's gonna pick that up he's going to inspect it and then eventually he should throw it on item I had not realized it takes that long ok so maybe timers timers could work can they pick up the items from above no what about from here no what about here still no that's surprising oh but they can pick them up from the cornice okay okay the reason that I'm saying that is because it would be nice if we could have them fully in case so then when they drop the items we can actually pick them up using a hopper now I've been toying around with some double carpet style designs because these guys can't actually path fine to the piece of gold so they kind of pick up the gold that's in their slot but occasionally they pick up gold from other people's slots and also the items will end up falling in other areas so then we can't actually use the hopper as a way to dispense more gold because I think that's the way to do it instead of making use of timers I would say we use the output from the hopper that seems like a much smarter way of doing things also I totally forgot I still look like I'm air right this to me seems like a step in the right direction so the gold gets dispensed instantly our pig limb picks her up and then he will check out the item and he will get a new piece of gold I mean that is that's the SAP how easy is that not quite there just yet because these pig lines sometimes drop a lot of items you can actually take longer to go through the hopper than the guy inspecting a new piece of gold so you might need to add a bit of delaying but with that now done and also a little gold distribution system now all done as well we now have one input for our gold that then sends the gold out to all of the pig limbs that are going to be in the system and then we're going to have outputs from these hoppers right here which we run into a hopper line which will run into one outlet chest so we'll have one input one output gold goes in all of this stuff comes out is it the most efficient design in the world probably not I mean I'm not entirely sure but I personally think this is quite a cool-looking redstone contraption and I'm excited to build it I just want to give a shout out to vintage beef I've been quietly panicking throughout this entire homograft episode because I totally lost my valuable shocker box I just blazed this thing down and then just wander off leaving it wherever I was vintage beef managed to find it and he has returned it back to me safely and now I'm happy I was going to rename it if found returned to mumbo but apparently I've got zero levels when did I die oh yeah I got blown up by a creeper next to Grandpa well this is always a pretty pleasant surprise to little bits of ancient debris so I have begun placing in our modules we've got one two three four five six seven eight modules in total which should mean that we should be able to get a decent number of trades done I'm listening to a podcast right now and they're actually using the Minecraft music underneath the podcast as like ambient and it had me so confused I was looking through all my settings trying to find out how it was playing I eventually paused it small progress update all of the redstone for all of our droppers and all of the hopper systems are all in place and also I've connected up all of the hoppers into this tiny tiny little storage system at the back here obviously this is definitely going to have to be expanded now we are onto the last phase of the design which actually I don't think I explained when I was in my redstone testing world so I added in a system here which has this comparator which allows us to kickstart the system because obviously when we first fill this thing with gold these droppers they aren't automatic and they rely on a trade happening to drop out the next piece of gold so that means to start off the system you'd have to run along actually throwing gold into the system and that would actually kick start it by added in this redstone line right here which detects when gold has been put into the system it will then send a signal through into the droppers firing out the initial piece of gold and then the system will sustain itself from then no I want you all to be honest here all right did that make any sense that might not have made any sense I'm sure you'll let me know down in the comment section so with this build all completed I'm not trying my best to get these big lines here to just make their way down and I'm using a number of methods okay I'm throwing some items on the floor I'm trying to kind of attract them across but when that doesn't work I remove my gold boots another understand is someone else over here no okay no they've just there there there now angry they seem to be super indecisive as to whether or not they actually want to attack me and after getting one in place I've just realized these aren't like villagers you know I traded with him and I was like cool he's never gonna despawn now no he's totally gonna be sworn as soon as I move out the area I need to get nametags we're losing this guy and after iskele has relentlessly taken the mick out of me I'm now waiting on him for something I think he's gonna give me some name tags but he said I can only have them if he gets to rename them which could be interesting here he is the man himself he's given me one name tag and it's just bum buh oh the tension is building grumbo jumbo very good very good hello physical fantastic that's a cheeky one this scout man is the best I mean I would tend to agree what are we up to now are there still so many more to go there's one more to go follow Eskow I am having absolutely zero luck here I've been killed by people in so my hostile approach doesn't seem to be working too well I just I don't seem to be able to find any anywhere but seriously so I'm just going to use this as an opportunity to just gather a little bit more gold to prep me up for doing some trading obviously we are going to create a farm but for now this is going to be the bootleg approach I'm back to using the hostile approach and it appears to be working sort of I mean maybe if I threw this down here maybe there is a chance that he will then see the gold and think that he wants a bit of that you can do anything about this dude oh oh he started he spoiled the gold knees dropped in okay let's get ourselves a nametag and first pickling in place has it taken me over an hour yes yes it absolutely has but I'm happy with that that does however mean if we continue on that trend is going to take us seven more hours to fill this thing another hour later yeah I think I might leave this for the time being s cows that is farm everyone else's in the nether we're not gonna get many auckland's today and I really really need to stop calling them hog limbs because they're not hog limbs right let's get ourselves a little storage system sorted however after just popping through my nether portal I arrived with three piglets just standing here so I've managed to get two of them in place I just need to rename this dude to make sure that you stays there alright that's good we're almost at half capacity or what I've just thought if we have this connected up hopper stream then this last hopper here I think they're running in this direction this last hopper here that's gonna have all the items running across and that could mean that the ones from this hopper was struggle which is going to affect our timings and actually break the machine so you might have to have separate storage systems for every single module now there is a way that we create a unified storage system we'd have to run Auto droppers out from each one of these hoppers here they'd then need to run into slime blocks cuz of course we can't actually make use of water in the nether that need to bounce all of the items they connect up as I was saying we'd need to bounce all of the items in some way so that they actually connected up and all kind of merged in one another and then we need to bounce them across some form of storage system it's very big very complicated and this system works perfectly sometimes you need to know when to take the easy route or what looks like the easy route because the easy route can occasionally rarely but occasionally actually be the best route a big Lin has just spawned a piggelin is just spawn I swear he had a buddy has it his friend is despawn instantly oh no there they are there they are all right I've got to be so careful no there's skeletons in here and firstly I'm actually on the weight of dying which really wouldn't be good but also the skeleton oh goodness me he would have killed me they killed all the big limbs I actually can't believe that I is ridiculous what's really the universe is against me having some form of Pig limb farm because I've been doing these little mini expeditions in between building things and still absolutely nothing we're gonna have to get that sorted okay in the next episode we're going to make this place look absolutely beautiful we're going to get all of the pig lines in place obviously the actual structure itself is done this thing is ready to work it's ready to rock and roll we just need to do all the pretty bits and also we need to build the farm that's actually going to be feeding this thing because obviously we need to run loads of gold into the system like loads and loads of gold so we're going to need to build up some form of mega gold farm it's gonna be fun exciting times ahead I'm loving this new nether update it's really really interesting I hope that you've enjoyed this episode and I'll catch you in the next one see ya and I've got some very exciting news for those of you who are old school subscribers you all know okay as soon as it gets warm in England I start complaining in my home at craft episodes well that is going to end okay because an air-conditioning guy came around today to do a survey of the house I'm getting air conditioning it's gonna be minus four degrees in my room at all times
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,519,456
Rating: 4.9737368 out of 5
Keywords: Hermitcraft 7: Episode 31 - PARALLEL UNIVERSE, Hermitcraft 7, Hermitcraft, Hermitcraft Mumbo, Hermitcraft Mumbo Jumbo, Hermitcraft season 7, Hermitcraft season 7 mayoral race, Grumbot, Mumbo Minecraft, Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo
Id: GBE9qruhxFQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 20sec (1400 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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