47 Minecraft Block Facts You Possibly Didn’t Know

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47 minecraft block facts you possibly didn't know minecraft has hundreds of blocks to choose from which means it's easy to lose track of certain facts so today i'm joined by the channel block facts to give you some of the best block info that might have passed you by and hey the youtube vice principal told me that no one has ever subscribed to the channel behind their back so if you're up to the challenge turn away from your screen and find that red sub button down below it's free and it helps out a ton number one anyone who's ever used the composter block knows that it can sometimes be a rip off but as it turns out it's not just you that it's ripping off as a matter of fact as soon as you put an item inside the composter you'll see that the filling texture is the same as podzol number two in bedrock edition it's entirely possible to re-light an unlit campfire just by lighting yourself on fire no joke by going over and stop dropping and rolling right on top of an unlit pile of ashes all of a sudden it's lit up like a christmas tree now the only question is why doesn't this happen in java edition i guess we handle fire safety a little different around here number three throw minecraft history the jungle wood door has been through a couple of different changes as you can see in 1.16 the current texture that we have when we have this in our inventory does not match up to the door when it's placed down and if that inconsistency is going to bug you for the rest of the day then don't sweat it because in a 1.17 update they're actually changing in the snapshot number four everybody knows that you're able to color beacon beams with stained glass more interestingly however stacking them on top of each other opens up a whole bunch of new colors this means that there are 12 billion three hundred and twenty six thousand three hundred and ninety one unique colors number five everyone knows that shulker boxes are a great way to carry around extra items in your inventory but have you ever wondered how much as it turns out if you have 37 shulker boxes fully filled to the brim in your inventory hot bar and offhand slot then those 999 stacks of 64 items are going to add up to 63 936 total items number six going hunting for the different ancient debris blocks that you need to make your netherrite armor and tools is not an easy task and while that journey might seem difficult as it turns out it's not even the hardest one in the nether that's right folks it actually turns out that gilded blackstone is even rarer than ancient debris blocks but if you're giving me a choice between one or the other i'm definitely gonna take the less rare option number seven getting a full set of 15 bookshelves is almost a prerequisite for getting an enchantment table so obviously this is on your to-do list but how much does it cost after running the numbers it takes 90 wooden planks 45 leather and 135 paper to make all the bookshelves necessary for a level 30 enchantment number eight perhaps you didn't know but there's actually a way to find predictability in the way that bedrock spawns and using this information people have made a program where you're actually able to see where the largest clump of bedrock appears at the topmost layer and if you're curious that's at x 21 783 512 and z negative eight hundred thousand and eleven what you're gonna do with this information i don't know but is it a fact about blocks absolutely number nine even though barrels were first added to minecraft java edition roughly a month before bedrock in snapshot 18w44a in the files of a bedrock edition beta version lies some interesting unused textures apparently at some point in development there were plans to add variants of the barrel both empty and filled with fish number 10. for anyone who's been playing minecraft for a couple years now you probably noticed something a little different about your beacons lately as it turns out as of snapshot 19w 41a in java edition you can no longer see the full beacon beam when you look up through it now instead you're just gonna get these little particle effects along the side of your screen number eleven render distance works in a couple of different ways in minecraft while most of us are familiar with the absolute render distance that refers to the blocks and structures in the distance there's a separate entity render distance that exists that's why shulker boxes disappear when you're too far away from them because even though they're placed like a block the game still classifies them as an entity number 12 because soul sand isn't a full block when gravity blocks try to fall on top of it they're just going to get broken which might not seem like that big of an issue but it actually could be you see if you're in a soul sand valley and you want to clear up the lava then this is not a complete way to get to the soul sand underneath and yeah unfortunately you're not going to be draining up the lava this way number 13 when you toggle a piston between on and off rapidly with a gravity affected block such as sand on top of it then eventually the piston will actually break the block which there you go can even be picked up as an item is it practical not exactly you're way better using a slab or something number 14 mob spawning definitely has some quirks for instance even though mobs can't spawn on transparent blocks such as slabs and glass piston head blocks work just fine now this is not to be confused with the regular piston block that part prevents mobs from spawning inside just like any other full block number 15 while crafting a stone cutter instead of a crafting table does seem more expensive when making stairs using a stone cutter it requires just one block per staircrafted where a crafting table costs 1.5 blocks per stair for things like cobblestone this doesn't seem to make much of a difference but for harder to obtain blocks such as quartz and prismarine the savings add up quickly number 16. as many of us know beacon beams can't pass through solid blocks but if you're worried that you can't use a beacon inside of the nether unless you go into the nether roof don't worry as it turns out if you place a beacon underneath bedrock with no other solid blocks like netherrack in between it then it'll actually blast through the bedrock roof and look you've got a fully powered beacon number 17 smelting items in a furnace can be a surprisingly good way to get experience especially when partnered with cactus and bamboo farms to essentially automate the process while those are good long term if you're only going to smelt one item the best one to put in the furnace is ancient debris yielding two experience points for grabbing the near the right scrap number 18 while the invisibility potion effect makes you almost entirely invisible to different mobs and players as it turns out there's something in minecraft a little bit more all-knowing as you can see if you have the invisibility effect and then you walk up to an enchanting table then it'll still open up and the book will see the player number 19 of the list of words that the enchantment table can use none of the words actually contain the letters j or q which is weird because even though they're not used in any of the words that show up they do still have a symbol attached to them which i guess makes sense i mean why are you gonna code in 24 letters of the alphabet and not do the other two number 20. although beacons do require obsidian to make they don't actually require a diamond pickaxe to break i know that seems odd and especially with a high value item like this you don't want to risk accidentally losing it but sure enough as you can see if you use another pickaxe that isn't diamond you're still going to get the beacon back number 21 the smithing table has been through quite a few changes during its short time in minecraft when it was first added in snapshot 18w 44a minecraft smithing table used to look like this it's a sort of modified crafting table with some different tools along the side i suppose it makes some sense number 22 on may 17th of 2019 minecraft celebrated its 10th anniversary and with that if you actually happen to place a cake on that day you'd actually see that the cake model was modified so that it would display a tent above it made out of white concrete it's a cute little birthday celebration but honestly who among us is crafting cakes anyway number 23 of all the blocks that exist in minecraft the only three that can naturally generate in all three dimensions are chests obsidian and bedrock and because of that i guess technically each dimension has some way for you to get an ender chest on your hands as well number 24 when chains were added to minecraft they brought around a lot of discussion but one topic that doesn't get talked about enough is their blast resistance even though chains are made of less iron just two iron nuggets and an ingot they have the same blast resistance as a full block of iron proving once and for all that it's never about the amount of iron but how you use it number 25 roughly eight years ago on july 31st of 2012 notch first hinted at the idea of a command block in his reddit ama here when asked about more minor updates that the team was working on for the future he mentioned that they might be working on some kind of script block which as we can see now in reference to the adventure mode turns out to be the command block and even though at the time notch said this idea might have felt impure for the game all of us who have played with the different mini games and command maps that have been made with this are definitely thankful for them number 26 anyone lucky enough to get their hands on the heart of the sea item likely put it into crafting a conduit but unless you fully powered it you might not have seen that it's still there when activated the conduit displays the heart of the sea at the center of its model then when all 42 blocks necessary have been placed the heart opens like an orange eye as you can see here number 27 if you don't yet have the flame enchantment on your bow but you're still looking to fire off some flame arrows then this might be an option you see if you have a lava bucket that is going to be able to catch some of your arrows on fire but not in the way that you would think as you can see only if an arrow shot into flowing lava doesn't catch on fire number 28 beds in the nether don't exactly mix well that's just intentional game design no that's unfortunate since it turns out beds might just be what you need for another safety of course you can only test this in the overworld but when you sleep in a bed the player cannot be damaged by lava when you wake up you might not be as lucky number 29. now if you've ever played minecraft during halloween night then you're well unaware that some mobs on that day will be able to spawn with jack-o-lanterns on their heads as it turns out there's actually 13 different mobs in the game that are able to wear this which is good because this is probably the only time you're ever going to get to see them number 30. now despite what you might think there's actually only one transparent block that cannot be placed on ice can you guess it well if you can't then there's actually snow layers that cannot be placed on top of ice blocks which is likely some holdover from world generation number 31 by this point hoppers are an essential staple of minecraft though if you've ever noticed an item traffic jam in your hopper pipeline this might be why a hopper can transfer 9 000 items per hour or 150 items per minute so if you have a really high efficiency farm now at least you know why it got clogged up number 32. if you've ever had a physics lesson you've heard that gravity in theory accelerates all objects at the same rate in minecraft however that's verifiably false to test this if a player stands on a stack of sand or gravel and then the stack falls onto a non-solid block like a torch then the player will fall fast enough to go through the stack and even take enough damage to die number 33 when hoppers were first added into the game they initially only had a work in progress texture but maybe not in the way you're thinking because as you can see this only showed up when you have the hopper inside of your inventory but even with that said it is still pretty funny to walk around with a wip just hanging around in your hand number 34 unlike their slime block counterparts honey blocks are sticky along their sides as the sticky situation achievement describes sliding down the sticky side will slow your fall so if you were to take a stack of 256 honey blocks and slide from the top of the world down to the bottom it would take 1 minute and 14 seconds number 35 as of 1.16 the current longest name for a block is polished blackstone pressure plate which is actually tied for cracked polished blackstone bricks both of which being 34 characters long with spaces and 31 without but of course this is excluding the education edition because there it's not a fair competition number 36 even though some servers by default use spawn protection to protect against their spawn point as it turns out if you're not an admin there still is a little bit of havoc that you're able to do there sure enough if you use bone meal on the grass in a spawn protected area it's still going to produce grass and flowers number 37 pistons have a unique way of interacting with the blocks in front of them namely if you have a piston push and pull a block like glowstone it ceases to be a block for a moment and instead becomes a block entity because of this reclassification that means a glowstone block momentarily does not give off any light during its journey number 38 before stained glass and stained glass paints were added into minecraft there was actually a similar block named tinted glass that existed in the april fools version 2.0 update so what started out as a joke actually ended up being mojang previewing a feature and as a matter of fact the texture that was used in the april fool's update was actually used for the block before the stained glass got its own texture number 39 one of the main features of java edition 1.6 was the addition of hay bales they were added in the snapshot 13w16a where minecraft's hay bales used to look like this they were called hey blocks and had red bands visible on all sides instead of looking like the texture we know and love number 40. as soon as you hoe a dirt block and turn it into farmland then all of a sudden you're not able to place ladders or torches along the side but even though that's true you still could do this with signs as you can see right here you can type your favorite message on it and it's going to stay on top of that farmland number 41 nowadays ender chests stick out as the safest way to hide your diamonds and netherrites but their original implementation told a different story in their first appearance during snapshot 12 w21a every player on a server can access the same ender chest inventory for a time the safest option in minecraft was the total opposite number 42 if the texture for endstone looks familiar to you then there's a reason for it as you can see the endstone's texture is actually an inversion geometric translation and then a recoloration of the cobblestone's texture and you know what good on mojang they were able to cut corners and i didn't even notice until it was pointed out number 43 if you've ever tried to go through the hassle of learning how to play different note blocks then you're well and aware that if you place a note block on top of specific blocks then it actually makes a different instrument so by that what if you place a note block on top of another note block then it's going to produce a string based instrument when you play it why you'd ever use it like that i have no clue the other note block underneath isn't able to play anything number 44 if you've ever worked with observers you're probably aware that getting these blocks the right way round isn't always an easy task apparently even jeb had some confusion over this the reason that observers have their current face texture is because jeb kept forgetting which bit was the front so this rejected texture was dug up as a solution number 45 minecraft sponges have come a long way what used to be an unobtainable block that didn't soak up any water is now a treasure valuable enough to validate going to an ocean monument form but as it turns out this block was even less useful when notch first added it originally in minecraft classic the block would decay over time just like leaves when the liquid system was reworked in inf they no longer drained water clearly up until the update aquatic this wasn't very high on mojang's priority list number 46 of all the mobs in minecraft there's only one that cannot trample turtle eggs as it turns out bats are the only ones that if they fly on top of a turtle leg they're not going to crack it so for what it's worth if you ever want to mix together your turtle storage with your bat farm it's not exactly a workplace hazard number 47 surprisingly even though you're able to break your fall by falling on top of a waterlogged block water filled cauldrons are a different story as you can see here if we put side by side a waterlogged chest and a water filled cauldron one's gonna save you and the other one doesn't make any sense and with that folks special thanks to block facts for their help on this subscribe to blok facts anyway if you learned something new or even just enjoyed the video then consider subscribing to that red sub block down below and then have a good one alright
Channel: Skip the Tutorial
Views: 1,880,397
Rating: 4.9388113 out of 5
Id: FyNyga7mwlc
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Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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