I Made a House out of Your Ideas in Minecraft #2

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you come up with some stupid ideas it's true I mean whenever I ask your ideas for builds and things 99% of them are ridiculous and silly which is exactly why I always ask your ideas for building things I mean I think is absolutely hilarious let if we take a look inside here this is the house that has been built out of your ideas we have got rooms that you can't actually go into you get fired out of them we've got cat shrines underneath the floor we've got aquarium so we can swim in we've got tea and tea base exits DJ rooms with parrots I mean there's there's all sorts of things going on in here and in today's video we're going to be expanding upon this house I have taken to Twitter I have asked for some more ideas you guys have responded in your thousands so let's start constructing David from workshop 77 which is the garage where I get my classic cars done has asked me to make a bowling alley I like that idea and I'm sure you will appreciate the Renault 5 turbo that I currently have in my garage I mean it's meant to be a Renault 5 turbo that difficult to build anyway bowling alley how long after I build a bowling alley well I guess you start off with the an e itself which I believe I've created so as you can see we've got the standard bowling alley wooden floors you've got the gutters on each side and if we throw our bowling ball it travels off towards the pegs and I actually managed to cut the gutter at the end I've also realized I call them pegs when I believe they're called pins I'm from England we don't really Bowl that much here after some vigorous googling my person he would say that I've nailed it so first off all the Google images that I could find of bowling halls had crazy artwork on the walls so that's what I've gone for we've also got a fault system so if I overstep the line everybody knows about it so we have to be real careful there now if we launch our bowling ball towards the end and we get a strike yep it looks like we have the little thing drops down redstone lamp turns on and there is a bowling ball return system I was always terrified of these as a kid I was just scared that a bowling ball was gonna fly out and destroy my hands seriously whenever I went bowling someone else had to pick up my bowling ball for me oh my goodness how could I forget the bowling shoes I mean it's not a bowling alley unless you've got bowling shoes and I guess we should also have the bowling Jersey this thing will get awarded to anyone who achieves a perfect game of 300 points yeah I only know that from The Simpsons the next suggestion comes from Jarrett and he's asked me to make a mustache locator now thankfully I have been reunited with my mustache so I'm looking a little bit better now but when it goes missing again in the future this is definitely going to come in handy and I like to think of this as being like an observatory you know with like the dome on top that opens up and you can have a telescope and things that's how it's going to be and I've gotta say is looking pretty cool already this entire build is looking cool but this specific part of it I'm a fan I really like the way that it looks and if we flick this even right here you can see we can close up or open up our observatory now I've just thought the way that I want to locate the mustache is using lasers and I think I've come up with a nicer way of doing this give me a second or a couple hundred maybe a couple thousand it's been it's been a little while this is what I've come up with so we've got four holes for our lasers which of course are going to be beacons and then they're going to be color-coded so currently the beacons are green we're gonna have them switch between red and green rent means that it's searching for my mustache green means that it is found my mustache I am so very curious to see if this actually functions I guess all I have to do all I have to do is run a register an input into this thing so I'm literally gonna run it in from the wall I've got my fingers very crossed right now all right are you ready if we hit this button right here lasers activate it's searching it's found my mustache and now the system has been deactivated that is so silly I kind of wish I wish it didn't have the flick of wipe I don't think that's anything that I can do about that that's a shame but that's still cool and I'll be honest I'm very proud of the fact that I managed to build this building perfectly to size I mean look at this the redstone just about slots within the space that I've managed to create that doesn't happen very often with redstone anyway I've been thinking instead of having an entrance into that room there because you don't really need to see any of the redstone I actually think that we should launch ourselves out of this room and onto this platform right here so this should almost be a balcony and then we should build things off of this maybe even up over the top of here before we do anything like that I think we have to have an output for our moustache searcher so here we have the key red means searching green means found if we hit this button right here you can see it works it's found the moustache and we have got the coordinates for it nine twelve by mm I see if actually works TP at player nine twelve mm I wonder if it's gonna be even remotely a cute it's very anchor baby has asked me to make a shrine dedicated to redstone now this is gonna sound like a bit of a long shot okay but a couple of months ago I was in Barcelona and we saw that crazy Cathedral I think it's called the Sagrada de familia who's the most English Way of saying Catalan words in the world but anyway it's a crazy crazy looking Cathedral and I'm gonna try my best to do that on a small scale using red blocks I'll be honest this looked considerably better in my head alright it considerably better in my head I mean I could say that makes it any better than it is oh it's not my finest is it alright adding this could potentially improve things maybe ah actually it actually does I just think we need a little bit of the dark red around the bottom bless this poor little house just getting crushed under the weight oh this is actually said it's not quite cool I like that front door just peeking out underneath the arches I imagine these things that we're deal I guess build I mean obviously in like it's so bad it's good kind of way this whole build is a bit like that and good grief does the thing that I've just created carry on that theme because I no this is good I think this might be so bad it's bad so this this is my redstone shrine praise be the redstone gods here he is ah I mean it's just it's a mess he's got he's got I browse he's got scary eyeballs his nose is made of trapdoors his face is made of extended pistons he not seem to be smiling baby it's like he's staring directly into your soul imagine that at the end of your bed let's yeah let's move swiftly on from this room into this one suggested by midnight dev a useless machine that activates a useless machine that activates a useless machine that activates you get it a big old chain of useless machines that sounds right up my street I have no clue how I want this this build to look maybe just like a piston we could just do a piston I mean already it's looking cool I have decided though that the black concrete is just a tiny bit to go it's just too dark it draws your eyes away way too much so I'm gonna see what it looks like with this stuff great concrete you know it's funny it's been so long since I've just done like a mega block bills you know where you just build a big Minecraft block I used to do these way back in the day when I first started playing Minecraft and there's a reason for it it's so satisfying I just bring back a lot of nostalgia for me take oh this place is gradually escalating upwards the only thing is despite this being referred to as a mega block mr. G we don't have that much space but I am going to do my best to do a fantastic little useless machine let's see let's see what I can do here ten minutes later okay so I can do it I can do it I mean okay so there's love there's a lot of redstone on display if that's the only shame here but there's nothing I can really do there's no space underneath there's no space above there's no space anywhere I can't really hide it anyway the way that this works is we have got a useless machine Oh I apologize for that malfunction clearly my voice box just turned into a didgeridoo did you read it apparently that is a word that I struggle to many Australians out there is it easier for you guys or is it universally difficult anyway if I flick this Eve right here and then flick this one and then this one and then this one and then this one and then this one and then this one you can see the Machine activates and it breaks all of the levers at once so then I have to go back down the line replacing all of the levers and I mean that is ultimately very pointless but this is this is the most useless of useless machines Lukey has asked me to make a piston door leading nowhere I think that's perfect for this room so not only do we have a bunch of useless machines but we also have a piston door that is utterly useless as well I mean it doesn't get much better than that does it the only slight difficulty with this one is once again space we really don't have enough space to do anything other than a 2x2 piston door which less people this is a bit 2011 well then again just to play devil's advocate does that almost make it more useless because because it is so bad I mean speaking of it being bad this is this is really bad I mean come on now it's been a long day okay oh my word it's still broken seriously though it's been a long day it is so hot in England right now and we don't have air conditioning so let's do the honours then one two three four five six seven one two three four five six seven Pistons fire my door opens and yeah it's beautifully beautifully useless thank you to the pair of you for suggesting these things you're brilliant and on that note I think it is time to end for today it's been an interesting episode we've built a real variety of different things I cannot wait to see this structure expand further and further over the episodes it's gonna be interesting it's gonna be interesting to see what it looks like in a couple months time anyway I do hope you enjoyed and I'll catch you in the next video see ya I'm not joking by the way when I say it is hot hot hot it is hot oh I also this is a bit of a grim fact but you know Kubo Kubo's mah puppy he pooed on a rug the other day and I put it outside in the garden and it's just underneath my window so I can't open my window because it smells like ooh
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 3,456,970
Rating: 4.9489441 out of 5
Keywords: ideas, creative, build, survival, tutorial, How to, MumboJumbo, ThatMumboJumbo, Minecraft, Building, Mumbo, Redstone, Technical, Piston, 1.9, 1.8, 1.10, 1.11, Gaming, Game, spotlight, showcase, challenge, command, mini-game, gameplay, playthrough, Let's Play, No Swearing, Family Friendly, mc, mcpe, vanilla, Xbox, 360, PS4, PE, pocket edition, mobile
Id: H7upQQmA2sE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 14sec (674 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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