I made a Cereal Commercial in my dining room.

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What a stupid clickbait title (OP and the original YT title)

What does the location have anything to do when its a professional with high end gear ?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Shenaniganz08 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RancidAssGargle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Love Daniel

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gertrudgerne πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 24 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] so every once in a while I'll be browsing through YouTube and I'll stumble across something that's different something unique that really captures my attention and that is the case with the person who inspired today's video that is Austen Paul if you've never heard of Austen Paul he's a filmmaker based in California it is a really unique way of capturing product videos using gear that is pretty on par with the kind of stuff that I'm using now please go check out Austin's channel and watch his popcorn product video it's absolutely incredible and with that being said let's go ahead and start filming a video all about Cheerios we're gonna begin with the hardest shot at least I think it's gonna be the hardest shot and that is the box flying through the air in slow motion with Cheerios just exploding out so what we've got here is a box of Cheerios on a light stand very basic setup or just using some painters tape because I'm all out of gaff tape as you can see this works just fine we've got it taped to the back of the box and all I'm gonna do is just position this box in the center of the frame here on my Sony a7 3 I'm gonna punch into 35 millimeters to make the shot a little bit more interesting we've got the Falcon eyes rx 178 it's a flexible LED matt has RGB so we're gonna turn it on and it's already set to blue I'm just gonna place it on the floor here like so that's gonna make our grey backdrop appear a little bit more blue now all I'm gonna do is loosen this knob here on the light stand I'm gonna make sure that the box of Cheerios is in the center of the frame and then I'm just gonna start rotating I'm just gonna do this a few times to make sure that we've got enough takes I think one of those takes should be pretty good so I'm just gonna end the clip here and then we're gonna move on to the hard part which is throwing the Cheerios in the air and hopefully getting an explosion a little bit of a mess no I did have a little bit of trouble on the practice rounds we did use an expired box of peanut butter chocolate Cheerios making trips to the grocery store is a little bit tough please don't waste food I'm doing this for the sake of education I actually spoke to Austin Paul and Instagram video and asked for some tips and he said if I use a board or some kind of tray to throw the Cheerios up I'll get a much better result because they'll kind of spread out so hopefully that helps I hope they I hope this works this is all we got for this shot we're gonna put the Cheerios on a baking sheet I'm gonna be ducking under the camera here I'm just gonna figure out like Sarah Rees is a good point she says Daniel but you're gonna see the pan in the shot but no we're gonna mask that out of it in post so we don't have to worry too much about that as long as it stays at the bottom of the frame okay I got 120 frames per second one over 250 shutter F 2.8 is oh let's go 500 in three two one and I work I don't want to waste more Cheerios that was only like a third of the bag we still got a ton left so I'm gonna fire all this up on the computer try to edit it and we'll see how it looks to pull off this effect we needed three different shots starting with a clean plate just of our backdrop with nothing in front of it after that we of course got the shot of our Cheerios box on the light stand spinning around slowly this was done in 120 frames per second so that I could slow it down to 20% of its original speed giving us a nice smooth rotation and finally we have the shot of materials being thrown into the air also at 120 frames per second once we combined all three shots and keyframe the different movements it will look something like this and after keying the shots adding a few masks and doing some color grading we get a final shot that looks like this make sure to head over to Austin Paul's channel to see a detailed breakdown of how to pull off an effect like this in Adobe products but if you'd like me to do one for final cut let me know down in the comments below and I will do one in the upcoming weeks [Music] so I guess you could say this is my entry into the James Matthews spin shot challenge what I'm gonna try and do is spin the box of Cheerios which is actually empty using a screw which I've put through this Nike a table top as you saw and I tried to spin the empty box it just kept tipping over so what I actually did was took a few pieces of sticky tack that I have laying around and stuck it to these flat marbles I did four of these just like so and stuck them into each corner of the inside of the bottom of the cereal box now when we place it on to our screw right now we're gonna get the shot where the Cheerios are pouring out of the box using the allow a 60 millimeter macro lens and I want to make sure that the Cheerios look nice and sharp coming out of the box so we're shooting with a shutter speed of 1 over 500 at 120 frames per second and I have an idea of what I want this to look like in my head so hopefully it works out that way using the scissors right now to set focus does that should be roughly where the Cheerios are falling [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now you might have noticed that I'm wearing something different and almost every shot in this behind-the-scenes and that's because this was shot over the span of like five days to be honest I didn't really know what direction I was taking with this video I wasn't even originally planning to do a full cheerios mock commercial but after trying that first cereal box explosion shot I figured might as well keep rolling with it and see what else I could do at home and this is what I came up with the last shot I filmed is actually the very first shot of the video and that was the stop-motion of the Cheerios on the table to do this I just used my camera on an overhead stand with a remote trigger and receiver and this is what the final result looked like well I hope you enjoyed that little behind-the-scenes of how I shot a mock Cheerios advertisement here in my dining room of my house the whole point of this exercise was to challenge myself and see what I could come up with being here at home with a limited amount of gear compared to what I would normally be able to rent or use at a studio but all in all it was a fun experiment I think the end result turned out pretty well I hope you enjoyed the video if you did don't forget to Like and subscribe follow me on instagram at daniel dot shiver and as always I will see you guys in the next video you
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 1,850,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheerios commercial, behind the scenes commercial, epic b roll, daniel schiffer commercial, cereal commercial, daniel schiffer cereal commercial, bts, cereal commercial behind the scenes, filmmaking, how to make videos, cheerios, cereal
Id: SDleKKDXna4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 30sec (450 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 09 2020
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