Testing VIRAL Food Advertising TRICKS from Instagram!

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so this is video I've been excited to make for quite a while now I've seen these videos floating around on the internet of various food hacks that they use in commercials I wanted to put some of these to the test and see if they actually work so I'm here with my buddy Dennis he's gonna be taking some photos then we've got Aaron Lagasse with the behind the scenes camera well we're not gonna cook anything we're just yeah we don't know how to cook so I think the first one is pancakes so off to McDonald's so they say that if you put pieces of cardboard in between each layer of Pancakes you get a nice separation that looks more appealing on camera I guess and then on top of that if you use motor oil instead of maple syrup it's supposed to not be absorbed into the pancakes and they don't get soggy now I'm a little bit skeptical if this actually works like why would motor oil not be absorbed but then again I'm not a scientist so let's let's put it to the test so these are the pancakes without the cardboard and honestly they don't look half bad like those looks looks fairly appetizing so let's see if the cardboard even makes a difference [Music] there's definitely a difference like a a notable difference and I can see why on a commercial that would look more appealing I feel like in a photo and in video you'll see you'll see the difference a lot more than just looking at it alright let's get some photos and compare it how are they looking yeah Wow it's very evident that the one with cardboard is more attractive that's crazy we purchased these pancakes at the same time as somehow the ones with cardboard just look fluffier more fresh all right now for the fun part you've got maple syrup versus motor oil I wouldn't recommend eating motor oil but for the sake of television I guess this is what people use here we go so this is what our pancakes look like immediately when pouring the syrup it looks fairly normal like maple syrup pouring on pancakes and this one's about 30 to 45 seconds after you can see there's maybe a little bit of soggy neskowin on look at the edges it's starting to pool at the bottom which I feel like is normal yeah so this here is 2 minutes later and you can definitely see the difference from that versus when I was pouring the syrup all right let's try the motor oil and see if there is any difference good [Music] whoa right off the bat the motor oil is more pale in color it's a lot more liquidy see how it's dripping it's weird the motor oil definitely doesn't absorb as much as the maple syrup but it just gives it a soggy ER look because it's not as thick also the lighter color is just much less attractive yeah this one doesn't look as appetizing at all so you heard it here first folks Aunt Jemima is probably better than motor oil for these pancakes at least this motor oil we have to try a different motor oil next time however the cardboard trick does work yes the cardboard trick was a big success okay so our next hack is regarding photographing soup these are two identical cans of Campbell's Chunky chicken noodle soup now what they say is if you take marbles and fill your bowl with them before you put in the soup the marbles will hold up your vegetables and your noodles your chicken up at the top of the bowl level liquid stays underneath I think this one is sort of a no-brainer it should work pretty well but we're gonna put it to the test anyway and compare it to just a regular bowl of soup so just as I expected it's a bowl of soup where you mainly just see broth and the vegetables are kind of hidden underneath so next we will take our marbles and start putting them into our next Bowl and now we're just gonna open up our second can of soup and we're simply just going to pour it on top of the marbles well this is so weird to do alright I think it's pretty evident that the hack works the bowl that does not have marbles just looks like liquid with some sunken ingredients that you can barely see and then with the marbles we have the ingredients nicely floating on top and it looks a lot more appetizing our next hack is the milk versus white glue for photographing cereal now when you use white glue what they say is because it's a lot thicker the cereal will stay on top a bit better it won't get as soggy but also the color of glue is a lot more of a pure white compared to the yellowish tint that you supposedly get from regular milk now just like we did before with the soup we have marbles in our Bowl but we've also made this cardboard cutout which we will place on top of our marble and the glue will sit nicely on top of that making the bowl less deep now in order to make this a fair comparison I think we'll add the milk to the bowl first before the cereal in hopes that maybe the cereal will float on top of the milk to give it a fair chance normally when I have cereal which is not often nowadays I like to add the cereal first and pour the milk on top but for the purposes of our experiment we're gonna do it this way so Dennis Scott our photos of the milk and cereal and surprisingly the milk is very white so I don't know how much more white the glue could possibly be but maybe it makes for a better photo let's find out all right now Dennis is gonna go ahead and have the cereal to our glue now I'll give credit where credit is due the glue obviously works better but I'm surprised at how well the cereal floated on the milk so it has been 10 minutes and Dennis is taking updated photos of each cereal the cereals just completely sunk underneath and it's all soggy it does not look good so just as suspected the winner is the glue all right so this next tack is a little bit interesting because it's a quick fix for making a stale coffee look more fresh this is going to be good for if you're doing some coffee b-roll or if you're filming a commercial that has coffee in it these two mugs of coffee right here have both been sitting out for about 10 minutes so what we're gonna do is we're going to actually take a little bit of our leftover coffee and put it into a little dish or bowl that we have here we're gonna take dish soap and add that to our coffee we're gonna mix it up and now we're getting lots of bubbles and that's exactly what we want now we just take our spoon and we skim off some of the bubbles from the surface we take these bubbles and we dip it into our coffee like so and then you just start playing around with it and try and get it along the edges make it look natural and they say that you want your bubbles more or less on one side of the coffee because that looks more natural versus having it all the way around making a perfect ring so I'd say that worked out pretty well this looks like a freshly poured cup of coffee with the bubbles and then this looks like a stale coffee that's been sitting out for about ten minutes both of these are completely ice cold by now but this one does have the effect of looking like a fresh coffee because of those bubbles so I get the coffee hack a thumbs up so this next hack is something that I think can be pretty popular because a lot of videographers and photographers alcohol brands as clients on the table here we have two glasses of beer that are pretty much completely flat as they've just been kind of sitting out typically on a shoot you will have the drink out for a long time and you will lose that head of foam now they say if you take table salt and add it to the beer and stir it around that'll create new foam at the top and then it looks like you just poured a fresh glass of beer so naturally we're gonna go ahead and put that to the test so I will go and pour the salt directly in and I think I think it works we probably just need a little bit less salt than that all right so I've learned from my mistakes we've just poured a fresh glass of beer this time I'm just going to take a pinch of salt and see if that does it and if we need more I'll just add more there's a little pinch starting to foam up maybe we could do a bit more maybe we'll give it a little stir hey that looks pretty good that actually worked not only did that give our beer a nice head of foam but it also gives us this cool fizzing effect like it's still carbonated and not completely flat which is nice so that's actually pretty interesting because I've seen the hack before where people use dish soap in the glass before they pour the beer to create longer-lasting foam but this is great for when you already have a beer poured and you don't want to waste more beer once it goes flat you just add salt stir around a little bit and you get a nice head of foam and some carbonation so definitely works I'll give it the thumbs up okay so we've got an update on the pancake situation this is super interesting in my hands over here I've got the motor oil pancakes dennis has the maple syrup pancakes it's been about two hours that they've been sitting out in Dennis's maple syrup pancakes are completely soaked they're drenched soggy unusable you can not use this for a commercial the motor oil pancakes look great they look bone-dry I feel like if I just mopped up the motor oil with a paper towel they would be good as new and we could just reuse them which is crazy in terms of the thickness or viscosity of the motor oil and the color that probably comes down to just the brand of motor oil that we use so I think what we do is if you guys are down for it we make a part two of this video we try this again with a different motor oil along with some other hacks because we really only scratch the surface there's so many more to do that being said that is it for this video of us testing out instagram trendy viral hacks for food photography slash commercials if you enjoyed this video don't forget to give it a thumbs up and subscribe and we'll see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 2,350,109
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tv food tricks, tv food hacks, food commercial tricks, food commercial hacks, testing food advertising hacks, food ad tricks, food, tv, commercial, expectation versus reality, expectations vs reality, food hacks, motor oil pancakes, motor oil, pancakes, glue cereal, glue, cereal, drink foam, real vs fake
Id: uc7aJpYRIZg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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