How to FAKE Super Slow-Mo with ANY Camera!

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that's just another day in canada for you folks did you know that here in canada what americans call the letter z we pronounce that letter zed that's true fact i was talking to an american friend the other day and they thought i was joking when i told them that but it is true wxyz we also spell color with a u favorite neighbor but today's video is brought to you by our sponsor canva a little bit more on them in just a bit but for now let's talk about this salad now of course this is not a cooking channel however we are going to be cooking up we're going to be creating a fake super slow-motion effect now why would you want to create a fake super slow-motion effect well for starters real slow motion is very difficult to get because the cameras that do that are very very expensive super slow motion in your video is useful because it creates what we call tension not the upsetting and stressful kind of tension more like the suspenseful and intriguing kind the kind that makes your viewer want to keep watching your video because they want to see what's going to happen when you can create tension you create engagement and engagement is a good thing no matter what kind of video you're making and the beauty of the fake super slow-mo effect that i'm going to be showing you today is that you can do it with just about any camera so you do not need to invest in tens of thousands of dollars worth of equipment so i've got this nice little set already laid out on this coffee table we've got our salad in a nice wooden salad bowl some coasters a fake plant a bowl and a cup now we're gonna start by taking this big tripod here and use it as an overhead rig you can use whatever you want as an overhead rig but this is what i have with me now you might remember from last video our little sunset lamp through the glass trick we're gonna turn that on to get some ambient light looking good now while this camera is rolling we're gonna grab the focus ring and we're going to pull focus away from the bowl so that the plane of focus comes up towards the camera so you can see here that pretty much everything on the table is in focus and we're just going to grab our focus ring and pull the focus towards the camera nice and smooth now you can see when i bring my hand in the frame that the focus is up here rather than down there towards our salad all right so we've got a tomato here and now we just need a slice so we'll take off the sticker and we need a pretty thick slice so we're going to cut here and as you can see that is pretty thick we're going to use a paper towel to pat it dry just a little bit and now we're gonna take the skewer from the dollar store and just stick it through our tomato we don't need it this long so you can grab a pair of scissors and just give it a cut and there you go tomato lollipop gross now for the next shot i'm going to be using the edelkrone pan pro to rotate the tomato you do not necessarily need one of these you can use any lazy susan or rotating device to turn your object in the past i've even used a cow print bar stool now with the tomato on a turntable in front of a blue screen we now have our camera set up with the tomato in the middle of the frame we're gonna hit record and now we will just rotate our tomato i'm gonna let it do two full rotations and now we can end our recording now we all know that making content can be difficult and time-consuming but it doesn't have to be as of late i've been switching up my own workflow and i've been creating a ton of content within canva canva is completely free to use but you do have the option to upgrade to canva pro for a whole bunch of other time-saving features and tools for example all of my projects start by creating a brand kit to ensure that all of my fonts logos and color palettes are organized i simply upload them to the brand kit page and from there i can make any kind of content i want whether that's short videos instagram posts youtube thumbnails or even tick tocks and all of my assets are readily available to be accessed when i need them one of my favorite features of canva pro is that you can easily remove the background from any photo with a single click of a button and when you're done creating one post you can use the magic resize tool to automatically change the size of your project to whatever else you might need if you would like to try 45 free days yes 45 free days of canva pro you can go to the link in the description below or go to daniels okay so here are the two shots we just got for our effect this is final cut pro x and we've got both clips down here in our timeline we're going to start by working on our first clip which is that top down background shot as you can see the shot starts in focus and as we scrub through it goes out of focus but we actually want the opposite of this so i'm going to hit command r on my keyboard and reverse the clip now that the clip is reversed you can see that it starts out of focus and then comes into focus i'm gonna hit command r once again on my keyboard and slow this down to 80 percent speed now this is the point where i need to decide how long the final shot is going to last now assuming that the final effect that we're going to be achieving here is for a larger video we don't actually need it to last very long maybe about two seconds so i'm going to go ahead and cut the clip where it starts to come into focus and then at around the two second mark i'm going to make another cut so now you can see when we play our clip back it's about two seconds long the next thing i want to do is add a zoom in to this clip so i'm going to bring the playhead back to the start and set a keyframe on our scale at 100 percent bringing our playhead to the end of the clip i'm going to set another keyframe on our scale to 120 and what we've effectively done here is created the illusion that the camera is actually getting closer to the bowl when you combine the real focus pull that we got in camera with the zoom that we added in post we get something that looks like a very realistic push in and this is going to be very helpful in selling our final effect now before we move on i just want to add a quick color grade and now we're good to go ahead and move on to our second clip so here is our rotating tomato and as you can see the rotation is actually very slow and i want to speed it up quite a bit hitting command r on the keyboard i'm going to speed it up to 800 percent this might sound really fast but it's actually not that bad when you consider how slowly we were rotating that tomato from here i just need to grab a portion of the clip that i like and cut it down to the same size as our previous clip and now we have them stacked on top of each other before going any further i'm going to add a quick color grade to our tomato shot this will make the blue background easier to key out and the next thing we're going to do is crop out all the excess stuff that isn't part of the blue screen so i'm going to go into my crop tools here and just bring this up can bring the left side in as well as the right side and the top all that's remaining now is our blue screen in a bit of that skewer so before we key this let's go ahead and address the skewer let's bring our playhead back to the start of the clip go into our effects here and search for draw mask drag that on top and now we're just going to create a little drawing around our toothpick and invert the mask i'm going to add a keyframe to our control points scrub through to the end of the clip and fix our mask and we'll also make a few more minor adjustments until we get something that looks clean and once our mask is finished this is what we get now it's time to key out that blue screen we're going to go into our effects here and type in keyer we'll drag that onto our tomato clip and automatically it will remove that blue screen but you can see we end up with this weird sort of outline around our tomato that's no big deal we just need to go into our matte tools in our keyer effect and shrink our edge down just a bit until that is gone looking good and now to just blend everything together a little bit better we can use the light wrap and put it up to about 20 and i'll play this back to show you what we're working with you can see that this is looking pretty good but it doesn't have that kind of realistic look yet so let's bring our playhead back to the start and select our tomato clip let's increase our scale all the way to 250 percent and set a keyframe we'll also adjust the position to be a little bit more centered grab our playhead drag it to the end of the clip and set another keyframe on our scale at 90 percent this decrease in scale creates the illusion that the tomato is falling and getting further away but we're not quite done yet so let's bring that playhead back to the start and we're going to set a keyframe on a rotation and we're going to push that up to about 125 degrees we'll set a keyframe on our scale and adjust that as well go to our end keyframe and we'll also set another keyframe on our rotation as well as our position and i'll decrease our rotation to about negative 25 degrees i'll go ahead and fix our position while we're at it and here's what it looks like with that rotation added and now the last thing i want to do to really sell this effect is add some blur on our tomato so i'm going to go into our effects here and type in gaussian i'm going to drag that onto our clip with the playhead at the start here we'll make sure that our blur the amount is set to about 10 and we're going to make a keyframe i'm going to scrub through here and just shortly after the start of the clip we're going to bring that blur all the way down to zero so that it's nice and sharp and then we'll scrub through to the end of the clip and on our last frame we'll bring that blur back up to about 10. by adding these keyframes on our gaussian blur what we've basically done is started with the tomato out of focus as it falls a little bit it comes into focus right here and then as it gets further away from the camera it gets out of focus again as the focus switches to the salad that's on the table [Music] obviously a very short and sweet effect this isn't meant to last very long you can also customize how long you want it to last how slow or fast you want your object to fall these are all things you can customize based on your own videos but this is a really neat effect and a cool way to draw attention to your subject and to create tension within your video thank you so much for watching don't forget to like and subscribe follow me on instagram daniel.shiffer and i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 331,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: videography, filmmaking, editing tutorial, fake slow motion, slow motion tutorial, epic b roll, product commercial, behind the scenes
Id: y7-bpvlqVBw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 43sec (583 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 28 2022
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