Filming a SPICY Commercial with JUST A TRIPOD! | Behind the Scenes

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[Music] all right today's challenge no sliders no Kimball's no hands today I am announcing the tripod only challenge and it's exactly what it sounds like this means no epic hand held be roll no sliders no jibs no dollies none of that stuff this is all done on a tripod the thinking behind this challenge is that if we add yet another limitation to how we make our videos this ends up forcing us to get more creative and come up with new ways or learn new things that can actually make our videos better so today I'll be shooting a spec ad for Philadelphia jalapeno cream cheese I'm not sponsored or being paid by Philadelphia at all but I do like your product so if you're watching this but with all that out of the way I think it's about time we start the challenge so let's get shooting now we're gonna start filming our intro and I'm just going to give you an overview of our gear here this is the Sony a7 3 with the lowest 60 millimeter macro lens this light right here this is the lowell ego LED this is a desktop light as you could see by the feet on the bottom here but I actually have it mounted to a microphone boom arm stand thing to the desk we've also got this little aperture MC light this is gonna be used to create some ambience in our shots and then of course we have our cutting board and the natural light coming through the window in the back I think that looks pretty good after this pepper is kind of scratched up I'm gonna see if I have a better one all right I'm back with more peppers but also gone some other ingredients that I can throw in the background for a little bit more depth now I'm also going to put some appliances in the background so that it kind of looks like a kitchen as you can tell we're not in a kitchen right now but we want it to seem that way so a couple glasses in a champagne bottle in the back because why not so here's what everything is looking like in place and this is what the shot looks like alright the camera is rolling right now and we're just gonna leave it for about 20 seconds [Music] that was good then with your left hand just reach in and grab it same set up allow a 60 millimeter this is f 2.8 and it's pretty close up so it's gonna be quite the macro shot my Apple pencil showed up and excited to use that but we'll save that for another day and now what I'm going to use is this glass of water as well as this straw right here and if we dip the straw in the water and take our finger like that we can actually make water droplets that's what we're gonna do right now and hopefully it goes well [Music] all right so I've got this white board here this is gonna appear like it's a kitchen countertop and we're not gonna see the wood of the dining room table like we did in the pepper shot and now we're gonna come in with this little aperture MC Lyte this has a bunch of different modes and special effects I'm gonna set it to the fire setting so that it kind of flickered this orange ehue alright now when we crossfade those two clips together we should get something that looks a little dramatic and kind of funny and hopefully that works out okay so watching this little intro back that we just shot I think it does get the point across but it feels a little bit more like a concept rather than something that would be in an actual commercial so just something to keep in mind when we're watching this is that it's not supposed to be perfect it's more or less about the concept [Applause] okay so I think I got a shot of the pepper chopping in half that I like and the next shot is gonna be more of a top-down angle this shots actually inspired by Joey Palm roofs I hope I'm saying that right so pretty much if I'm understanding this correctly what Joey did in his shot is he held the knife over the pepper and then rotated it over the slices and then he keyframed in a horizontal slide and post so that's what were gonna attempt right now and hopefully it works out damn I actually kind of like that shot big shout out to Joey palm roots for that idea I think that was the one so the idea for this shot here is that we have the camera pretty far away in the back my hand will enter the frame and press down on this button slowly and then in post we're gonna track it so that it stays in the center of the frame [Music] all right so I've been struggling to come up with a way to transform this cream cheese the original into the jalapeno cream cheese not sure if it's gonna work but only one way to find out 3 2 1 [Music] [Applause] [Music] right here I'm gonna film a little stop-motion I've already peeled this back and I'm gonna pretend it's shut and then we're just gonna slowly peel this back bit by bit all right so the containers all taped down so that it doesn't move okay so the Sun outside is going down which means our shot if we had the windows in the background wouldn't look consistent with the rest of the footage so what we're gonna do is shoot this last shot top-down and to simulate window length we've got this little light once again but it's on a more cool blueish hue that way it looks similar to the light coming in through the window and we'll just have that as a little kick off to the side and that should do the trick [Music] all right so that just about wraps up the shooting for this tripod only video I haven't seen the final video yet because I haven't made it yet but I'm gonna head to editing now put it together and play it for you now [Music] so there you have it the tripod only cream cheese commercial I hope you enjoyed it and found it kind of cool and this is definitely an interesting challenge for myself something different but if you like this video give it a thumbs up don't forget to subscribe follow me on Instagram at Daniel dot Schiffer and as always I will see you guys in the next video [Music]
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 1,772,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: commercial behind the scenes, cream cheese commercial, daniel schiffer commercial, daniel schiffer behind the scenes, epic b roll, daniel schiffer b roll, daniel schiffer tripod, tripod only challenge, cream cheese behind the scenes, daniel schiffer cream cheese
Id: JcinvbS4Fi0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 38sec (518 seconds)
Published: Mon May 18 2020
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