How I got this IMPOSSIBLE Shot for a Drink Commercial

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Looks like itโ€™s the Matthews Mini Max Boom:

Iโ€™ve never used one personally but have heard pretty good things about it.

A somewhat cheaper alternative would be to buy a standard speedrail menace arm kit and hen just spec your own stand.

Menace arm/pipe boom hardware kit:

Medium overhead roller stand:

Ratchet strap:

If you go this route youโ€™ll probably have to find a local supplier for speedrail, aka 1-1/4โ€ 6061 schedule 40 aluminum round pipe. I get mine from Metal Supermarkets and pay less than $50 for most lengths if I recall.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 3 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/4acodmt92 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Yep, looks like a Mini Max. I have a friend with one or two. Not cheap, but quicker, easier(and safer) than rigging a menace arm. And there's a reason they call them menace arms...

I've thought about ordering one or two since I shot with my friend and his earlier this year, but they've been on almost constant back order and they are expensive, unless you use them a lot, then the price becomes essentially inconsequential, because of the time savings and convenience.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Run-And_Gun ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Aug 27 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
so i've got this idea this concept in my head for a shot that i really want to get the problem is it's probably the most complicated and challenging idea for a shot that i've ever had however i do think it's possible maybe imagine a bottle cap flipping through the air in super slow motion and then in the bottom of the frame comes up this bottle without a cap and the flipping cap then lands on the bottle and seals it i don't know it might not sound that complicated but in my head for some reason it's really messing with me and i know i want to do it i know it's possible and i want to give it a try today is wednesday and i've got a shoot coming up on monday it's a three video shoot 15 seconds each for canada dry premium we're doing a video for their ginger ale ginger beer and tonic water my biggest concern is will i even be able to execute this bottle cap flip shot one time let alone three separate times for three different products so i have a little bit of time to try and play around and see if i can come up with some ideas so that's what we're going to be doing today this right here is a case of canada dry ginger ale it's not the final product we're going to be shooting the actual videos with but it's the closest i can get in the meantime until we do our actual shoot next week now the bottles should be pretty similar to the actual thing so let's see if we can't make a bottle cap flip and land on a bottle of canada dry ginger ale so my idea for how i'm going to execute this shot is we're going to remove the bottle cap beforehand very gently so that we don't damage it we're gonna then take a piece of fishing line and attach it to the bottle cap using this clear double-sided adhesive and the idea is that with the bottle cap already on the bottle i'll pull it off using the fishing line and then reverse the shot mask out the fishing line in post and we should get something that looks like a bottle cap flying through the air and landing on the bottle so as i import this clip what i'm hoping for is once we slow it down throw it in reverse and mask the fishing line out of the shot we should end up with something that looks like a bottle cap flipping through the air and landing on the bottle what i think i'll try and do is crop in on the bottle cap itself and track it through the air that way the bottle isn't in the shot the entire time and they kind of meet in the middle i have no idea if this is gonna work but i'm gonna try it right now so we'll see no yeah i can already tell this isn't gonna work i'm not even gonna waste my time trying to mask out the fishing wire this just it's not happening there's just way too much motion blur on the bottle cap and if i turn the shutter speed up any higher we're just going to get a really grainy image i'm hopeful because the idea is there just this particular method is not going to work now there are a number of reasons why this fishing line technique just isn't going to work 120 frames per second just isn't slow enough we're gonna have motion blur no matter what and because the movement is so random it's impossible to keep it in focus what this means is that we are inevitably going to have to capture the bottle cap and the bottle separately so what i've done is i've drawn out the three shots that i need and they're going to be composited together in post shot a is just the bottle cap rotating in a fixed position shot b is the bottle with no cap hitting the table and shot c is the exact same as shot b only this time the bottle will have a cap already on it so the idea is to start with this bottle here without the cap we're gonna bring it down into frame like so try our best to keep it centered and then we're going to repeat the same thing with a bottle that does have a cap on and the idea is that when our bottle cap flips in and lands on the capless bottle we will make a cut to this bottle and replace it and hopefully it cuts together seamlessly but that remains to be seen so i'm just going to zoom in here to make sure we are in focus and now i'm just going to take a piece of this black electrical tape and use it to mark our spot i'm going to hit record and let's go for it so there's bottle number one now let's bring in bottle number two i'm gonna try and get it to rock back and forth a little bit i think that was pretty good all right so here is my little contraption that i've come up with for our bottle cap spin as you can see here is our bottle cap on top of a toothpick and it's connected by a little piece of double-sided adhesive the toothpick is poking into a sponge which we place gently on top of the edelkrone head one and the edelkrone head one is controlled by an app on my phone i can just go like this and it rotates it so what we're gonna do is we're gonna rotate this maybe 360 720 degrees and in post we're going to mask it out and keyframe it in a way to make it look like it's flying i'm feeling very good about the strategy so let's give it a try now the key is that we're filming this in 4k and we're rotating it very slowly this way we get the highest possible quality but we're not going to sacrifice any of that slow motion movement because we're moving it so slowly okay i think we should be good so i'm going to end the recording and let's bring it onto the computer [Music] yo that actually worked this shot right here is nowhere near what i think the full potential is for this shot but this is a very reassuring proof of concept for me to know that on monday when i do shoot the real thing i think it's gonna work guess i'll see you monday today is monday dennis got here at around 9 30 this morning we started filming at about 10 o'clock am so far i think the shoot is going pretty well we've already got a bunch of shots that we'll need for our full video we did film the canada dry premium bottles hitting the table for the bottle cap flip shot but we haven't actually shot the bottle cap yet dennis actually had a really cool idea which is to take this little aputure mc light and rotate it slowly around the bottle cap as it's spinning it's little things like that that really sell the effect because if the bottle cap was actually flipping through the air the lighting would be changing as it passes by different lights on the ceiling or whatever i thought that was a really cool idea so we're gonna try that now [Music] okay here we are it's been a week since we've wrapped up the shoot for canada dry premium now there are a few things that i think really made this shot come together that light going around the bottle cap really adds to the effect we sprayed a little bit of that moisture mist on the bottle cap as well and finally possibly the most important part the sound effects [Music] now conveniently all three bottles have the exact same bottle cap so we only actually had to film and edit the bottle cap flip once and then we would simply insert the corresponding bottle with the correct version of the video now the final ginger beer video is already up on my instagram but if you haven't seen it yet here it is [Music] but that's it thanks for following along on this bottle cap flip journey i hope you enjoyed watching it as much as i enjoyed creating it if you'd like to see more videos like this then make sure you hit that subscribe button down below don't forget to follow me on instagram daniel.shifer and as always i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 3,238,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daniel schiffer commercial, daniel schiffer product video, daniel schiffer b roll, epic b roll, b roll commercial, how to film a commercial, how to film a product commercial, daniel schiffer canada dry, daniel schiffer bottle cap
Id: j9E3MlnHjOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 22sec (502 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 01 2020
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