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now i don't know if you can see this but this is the absolute messiest this place has been since i've gotten here but for good reason i've been super busy over the past couple of weeks shooting some commercials that's why you haven't really seen much of me here on the channel but along the way doing those shoots i've learned a couple things that i want to show you that i think you'll find cool this video is sponsored by storybox and all of the footage we're going to be shooting for this tutorial will be available for download on storyblocks if you go to the link in the description so make sure you do that and in the meantime i'm going to clean this place up so that we can start shooting this video these right here are banana chips also called nanners and they're gonna be the subjects for our video and if we're gonna be shooting with banana chips then we're also gonna need some real bananas [Music] now one of the cool things about editing is that there are endless variations and ways to do things and it's entirely situational depending on the video you're making for example i just made this ad for cheetos and i was able to use the 9x16 aspect ratio to my advantage by having the bag fill up the entirety of the frame hiding the background making that cut between the two shots and that transition much easier now on the other hand with this old cheerios spec ad that i made while it's a similar effect the video is 16 by nine so i couldn't hide the background behind the box i had to come up with another way to blend the two shots now in this case for today's banana chip example i'm gonna be using a different technique from both of those videos to achieve a similar effect all right so here we are in final cut pro x this is what i use to edit all of my videos but if you don't use final cut don't worry you can still apply all of these steps to any editor of your choice i'm going to start by bringing in our bag spin here to the timeline i'm going to remove any volume because we don't need it and because this clip is almost 25 seconds long we're gonna have to speed it up a little bit so as the bag comes around here and we see the front of it i'm going to create a speed ramp by hitting shift b on my keyboard and i'm going to speed up the beginning portion by about 5 000 looking much better but i'm also going to speed up this second portion here to 200 percent and i'm pretty happy with how this is looking now before we continue i do want to remind you that if you would like to follow along for this tutorial you can actually download these clips at storyblocks by going to the link in the description or going to daniel schiffer storyblocks is an online subscription service packed with incredible assets for all your video needs stock footage motion backgrounds after effects templates overlays with a membership plan you get unlimited downloads of high quality royalty-free content to take those videos to the next level the best part is that you can use these assets for literally anything you want whether that's personal or client project so if you're interested then go to the link in the description below or go to daniel schiffer to learn more now if we scrub back to the start of our clip here you can actually see that the background isn't fully filling the frame so what i'm going to do is go to view and bring in our horizon and i'm going to scale in by about 10 so that's 110 scale but also at the end of the clip here i want to make sure that the bag and the shot is nice and centered so i'm going to nudge up our y position to about a hundred and i'm also just going to slightly nudge the bag over to the right this is before and this is now the bag is a little bit more front and center which i like so i'm going to hit done and remove our horizon all right so our next step for the start of this transition is to create a freeze frame so what i'm going to do is i'm going to grab my playhead here and scrub through and right about here where we see the front of the label i'm going to select the clip and then go up to here and select this option which says hold this red portion you see here is our freeze frame and i'm going to extend it so that it lasts to about the four second mark of our project and i'm going to create a cut and delete the excess now i'm going to zoom in here and scrub through and right at the point where this freeze frame begins i'm going to select the clip and create a cut so that we have two separate clips one where the bag is spinning and then one which is just the freeze frame from here we can start creating our mask so i'm going to go into my effects down here and type in draw mask and drag that onto our freeze frame and i'm going to zoom in to about 50 and i'm just going to start drawing a mask in my desired shape so i'm going to trace the elephant here through the rest of the bag here and then just tracing around the edge now we need to grab our playhead and go back to the beginning frame of our freeze frame and we're going to set keyframes on our scale our rotation as well as our position and i'm going to scrub through another 10 or 11 frames and set more keyframes from here i'm going to scale up this half of our bag a whole bunch to about 175 percent i'm also going to rotate it about 9 degrees and then i'm going to push up on the y position until it is just out of the top of the frame i'm gonna bring our play head back to the beginning of our freeze frame here and now i'm gonna select option on my keyboard and click and drag on our freeze frame down to duplicate it and now what we wanna do is adjust our mask to create that bottom half of the bag so i'm going to zoom in a little bit here and select all of the control points that are up top making sure to get all of these but not touching the ones around the bottom edge and around our elephant and i'm going to delete those control points next i'm going to create some new control points by right clicking on our mask here and hitting add point and then just dragging this down i'm going to make sure that this one is set to linear it's a little bit easier to work with right click again and make another point and drag this down setting it to linear as well i'm gonna add a point in between just to get that curvature and same thing on this side now effectively what we have done is we have isolated the two halves of the bag into separate layers this will allow us to manipulate each half of the bag separately and as you can see here both halves of the bag are still moving upward and that is because the keyframes we originally applied to the top half of the bag are still applied to the bottom half of the bag as well so to fix this i'm going to go into our transforms here and i'm going to skip ahead to our last keyframe and making sure that this bottom clip is still selected i'm going to change the y position to go downward instead of upward as well as changing our rotation to negative nine instead of nine degrees now you can see when we play this clip back the two halves of the bag do in fact go in opposite directions i like the little added effect that rotation gives now the next thing we want to address is the fact that our shot has no more background now to bring our background back in what i'm going to do is hold option on our keyboard and click and drag down on our bottom clip to duplicate it and making sure that this new duplicate clip is selected i'm going to go up here and delete the mask from our effects as you can see this has brought our background back but now everything is looking a little bit funky and confusing that is nothing to worry about we can fix this pretty easily now if i disable the background for a second you can see that our bag is still here and it's two halves we've already dealt with the bag so it's important to remember that the whole purpose of bringing in this background clip now is to only focus on this yellow backdrop as well as these bunches of bananas that we have going around the bag in the background shot is not important now what i'm gonna do is making sure this background clip is still selected i'm gonna go to my transforms and click on this arrow to bring us to our secondary keyframe you can see that this is way too large we don't need it this big i'm gonna scale down to about a hundred and thirty percent and i'm also going to change our rotation to zero we still have a little bit of this banana poking up over here so i'm gonna lower the clip a little more but now we're missing a whole bunch of background up here so i'm actually going to take the scale y and stretch the clip until the background is filling the frame entirely and that's pretty much it for the first part of this transition so now we can go ahead and bring in the next shot which is our flying bananas and drag it into our timeline just like always i'm gonna remove the audio out of the clip because we don't need it and i am finding that this movement is a little bit slow for my liking so i'm gonna hit command r and speed this up by 200 percent and next we can trim this up so that we only have the part of the clip we actually need next we can select our flying bananas clip and drag it underneath our two bag layers while remaining on top of our background i'm gonna drag the playhead to the part of the transition where we first see the bag split so right there and with our flying banana slices selected i'm going to scale it down and move the whole clip so that the bananas are entirely hidden behind the bag looks pretty good at around 55 so i am happy with this and i'm going to set a keyframe on both the scale as well as the position next what we're going to do is click through frame by frame with the right arrow key until this point here where we can see that the bottom edge is cutting off this banana slice right here this right here is how we know this is the part of the clip where we want to scale it back up to a hundred percent and bring the y position back to zero as well and if we bring this back and click through slowly you can see that we have something that looks like this and i noticed that this banana slice kind of comes in front and center here and this could be a good opportunity to create some kind of cross dissolve or mask transition so i'm actually going to create another keyframe right here by scaling this up and moving it over so that it is covering the frame entirely i'm actually going to trim up the excess on these three clips now because we don't need them next thing we need to do is create a mask so i'm going to skip ahead here a few frames to the point where we can kind of see the formation that these bananas are taking on and i'm going to go to my effects and grab that draw mask tool once again dragging it onto our clip and i'm just going to start drawing pretty roughly around the shape of the bananas it doesn't have to be anything too perfect and we just want to make sure that we're more or less getting that outline pretty consistent with the formation that these slices are taking on but i feel like this right here should be pretty good so i'm going to go ahead and disable the outline so we can see what we're working with and i'm just going to feather inwards towards those banana slices to kind of soften up that edge i'm liking how this is looking so i'm going to add keyframes to both my transforms as well as my control points i'm going to skip ahead a couple frames and adjust nice and easy just making sure we're catching all those curves skip ahead another couple of frames and continue the same thing and we're just gonna skip ahead one more frame and you can see at this point we barely have any bag left in the shot so i'm just gonna grab these remaining control points and pull them all the way out of the frame and now we're gonna do the same thing going in the opposite direction as the bananas get smaller we of course need to make the mask smaller as well and once we finished our masking we get something that looks like this and now all the hardest parts are out of the way we can begin color matching and adding motion blur to really blend this all together so first things first i'm going to add a color grade to this initial clip by hitting command 6. i'll add a bunch of saturation go into our exposure and bring down the shadows hit command 7 to bring up my scope so i can see how bright everything is i can bump up the highlights a whole bunch keep them under a hundred go into my hue and saturation curves here and i'm going to adjust the hue of the background i can probably bring down the saturation of the background a tiny bit can also fix the hue as this is looking a little bit too green and i want it to be more blue like that and this is looking overall pretty good so i can go ahead and select the clip hit command c highlight our two bag clips here as well as our background clip go up to edit and hit paste attributes making sure that we're only selecting the color board and the hue and saturation curves and hit paste now i actually haven't even done anything yet to the colors of the flying banana shot but you can see how much of a difference this is already made speaking of which i'll go ahead and select the flying bananas shot and hit command six and i'm going to add some saturation bring down the shadows a little bit and once again in our hue and saturation curves we can go down here in under hue versus sat i'll grab the dropper tool and select this yellow right here and we can add some saturation trying to match it to the background a little bit more and that right there is looking pretty well blended if we play this back this is what we have so all there is left to do is go into here and grab some motion blur as always i use the motion blur pack for final cut from ryan angle and i'm just going to drag that on top of everything and we're going to click through and as soon as the bag is no longer in the shot that is where we can cut our motion blur and delete the rest and that my friends is finally it for this transition if you're feeling adventurous you could throw in some sound effects and spice it up but what you're left with is a final transition that looks like this don't forget if you would like to try this for yourself with this exact footage you can go to the link in the description below and download the clips right from storyblocks off of my collection thank you so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it or found it helpful if you did hit like hit subscribe follow me on instagram daniel.chiffor and as always i will see you guys in the next video
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 183,306
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daniel schiffer, final cut tutorial, editing tutorial, epic b roll, product video tutorial, commercial behind the scenes, bag rip transition, daniel schiffer cheerios transition
Id: jJovFo0RRxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 28 2022
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