How to make a SWEET Donut Video!

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today's video is sponsored by pixel film studios use the code shiver at checkout to get 30% off the pro pixi 5k plugin so if you've seen a couple of my food videos in the past then you might know that generally I like to capture the process of how food is made whether that's pizza or salad a gingerbread house lattes or even a sushi burger I've generally always captured that step-by-step process of how something is prepared but something that's been on my mind lately is what if you had a client that wanted you to create content around something that's already made like maybe your client sells a product that's already packaged and sold online or maybe they just don't want to reveal the secrets of how something is made so how can you still tell a story and get creative without showing the process of how something is made now one option is of course to go the traditional filmmaking route which is to hire actors and to write a script creating a storyboard around a lifestyle piece or a commercial style video now this is a great option and I've made many videos like this but it's not always necessarily the best option particularly if your client needs the video turned around quickly or maybe they don't have a large enough budget for this kind of production to be worth your while or there is always the other option which is to bring home a box of donuts set up your friend's backdrop that he's so generously let you borrow and you could start getting creative with some stop-motion animations [Music] [Music] now obviously stop-motion isn't anything new it's been around a very long time however I do think that nowadays stop-motion is one of the most overlooked and underrated aspects of filmmaking wikipedia defines stop-motion as an animated filmmaking technique in which objects are physically manipulated in small increments between individually photographed frames so that they will appear to exhibit independent motion or change when the series of frames is played back so in other words instead of taking a continuous video you would take individual photos and when you sequence them together in editing they would playback like a regular video now there's a whole bunch of reasons why I think stop-motion is so underrated but we'll start with the one that got me really stop motion has benefits that most of us cannot achieve with our relatively ordinary equipment for example my go-to camera in one of the most popular cameras on the market for video right now the Sony a7 three can shoot 4k 8-bit in full frame and while that is really good especially for the price it's not overwhelmingly impressive relative to other new cameras coming out on the market now the point that I'm getting to here is that we normally think of the Sony a7 3 as a competitively priced camera that shoots 4k 8-bit full-frame but if we take advantage of stop-motion video we can effectively capture footage that is 6 K 12 bit raw and that just makes me wonder why aren't more people taking advantage of this I mean I have an a7 3 I know many people who have a 7 threes yet nobody I know myself included has been taking advantage of this capability now if you think about what that means for just a second that's 6 K 12 bit Raw on a Sony a7 3 that is way more detail way more texture way more flexibility when punching in and out in post way more dynamic range and way way way more flexibility when color grading so if I'm filming a tabletop video whether that's food or tech or doughnuts which is technically food why would I not want to take advantage of getting the highest quality possible-- but that being said stop-motion is its own thing it has its own uses it has its own benefits and you shouldn't think of it as a replacement for video footage but it is up to you and your own creativity to determine when would be a suitable time to use stop-motion for one of your own videos now reason number two why I think stop-motion is so underrated is because you can animate objects that are otherwise inanimate without the need of having a human subject in the frame we can pull off all kinds of cool effects such as making donuts spin twirl or even flip in the air and like I mentioned in the intro if you're creating content around a product that's already complete these little animations can go a long way for creating some captivating visuals now I have a funny feeling a couple of people are gonna ask about the donut flippin shot and to do that all I did was I took a couple of wooden skewers and put them through a single donut I then placed either side of the skewers onto a small drinking glass so that the donut would be suspended in the middle of the frame and then I used a small toothpick to rotate the donut while I used a wireless remote to take images in camera now before I went ahead and imported all of the images I made sure to grab a single shot of the scene without the donut or any of our props in the frame and this is called a clean plate in final cut i sequenced the images to look something like this at which point i masked up the skewers and this is why getting that clean plate image is so important because without it there would be no image underneath to fill in the gaps from here I just duplicated the donut a couple of times reverse them and flipped their orientation so that they wouldn't all look exactly the same and after cropping in on the whole image I also added this scale or zoom in animation now don't get me wrong the shot looks cool but I did feel like it was missing that little extra something since we were working with a powdered sugar doughnut I thought it would be cool to have the sugar falling off of the donuts as they flipped in the air to achieve this effect I used the pro Pixy 5k plugin from today's sponsor pixel film studios with pro pixie you get a whole library of different particle overlays that can be used for a variety of different scenes whether that's adding snow to a wintry scene fire embers or atmospheric dust Pro Pixies library of particle overlays will have you covered for many different scenarios and focal lengths now the download does come with additional tools for final cut users that let you further dial in the particles to suit your scenes but the overlays themselves are basic MOV files that can be used in any editing software for the donut scene I simply just added one of Pro pixies overlays on top of my footage and then I used the add blend mode and then I simply mask out the donuts in the top of the frame and finally what we're left with is what looks like powdered sugar falling off the donuts if you would like to check out the pro Pixy 5k plugin from pixel film studios the link will be down in the description below in the first 500 people to use the code shipper will get 30% off their purchase now apart from that one shot of the donuts flipping I also use the pro Pixy overlays for these two shots as well now moving along to the third reason why I think stop motions are so underrated and that is because we now have tools on the market that are available to us to animate camera movements during a stop-motion video now we've always been able to put a camera on a tripod and animate the objects in a frame for a stop-motion but now we can actually simultaneously animate the camera movement while animating objects in the frame giving us a much more dynamic video for the donut video I used a few products from edelkrone like the jib one the slider one in the slider plus to pull off some of those more dynamic shots now all of these tools are controlled by an app so getting those movements while also animating the donuts is actually very straightforward now I'd be lying if I told you that every single shot in that donut video was a stop-motion well kinda now one of the shots that I really wanted to get in the video was the shot of the donut rolling by the frame the tricky part is to do a stop motion of the donut rolling by the frame you have to move it little by little but on each turn the center of gravity on the donut changes it tips over it's hard to get the movement consistent and the final result just always ended up looking kind of choppy it didn't have that fast smooth motion that I was looking for so yeah instead of doing the stop-motion I ended up just rolling the donut across the frame however instead of recording that roll as just a regular video cliff I using a technique that I picked up from Joshy Oh aka make art now here on YouTube and this is a technique that he calls a burst lapse time lapse that's all it is it's just a time lapse that takes place over seven seconds Wow it's more like a burst lapse now if you're not already familiar with Josh's channel make art now then I highly recommend you check it out because he's got some of the most creative and innovative content as a filmmaker on YouTube but anyway this was my first ever attempt at a burst lapse so right now I'm gonna try and use the remote to trigger the burst on the camera and while the camera is doing the burst I'll attempt to roll a donut across the cutting board so yeah apparently burst lapse are a thing and it actually worked out quite well for that clip not only did the donut roll at the speed that I wanted but now the footage matches the rest of the sequence because it was taken with photos it's also worth mentioning that rolling a donut and holding down a shutter button on a remote is a lot faster than rotating a donut by hand and taking photos frame by frame now the final major reason why I think everybody should try to incorporate stop-motion into their work is because it can help you make more money whether you're a photo person or a video person anybody can make a great stop-motion because all you really need is a camera and a tripod if you're a freelancer than stop motions are a great thing to offer your clients because it means you can make more content and more content of course equals more money so let's say for a fifteen to thirty second donut video you would have charged your clients something like $500 just for the sake of simple math instead what you could do is offer them 10 individual stop-motion videos each one for maybe 80 bucks and you've just put 300 extra dollars in your pocket not only is it more money for you but your client will be happy because now instead of just having one video they have ten posts that they can put on social media and hey if they still want you to edit those clips into a main hero video you could do so and charge them something like 200 bucks for that now you're making a thousand bucks instead of the original 500 that you were gonna charge them for just the video now keep in mind that these are just random numbers I'm throwing around some people will charge much more than this some people will charge much less the point I'm trying to make is that you're making more money for essentially the same amount of work just packaged differently but that is it for today's video thank you guys so much for watching follow me on instagram at Daniel dot Schiffer and don't forget the first 500 people to use the code shipper will get the pro pixi plugin from pixel film studios for 30% off and i will see you guys in the next video [Music] [Music]
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 1,038,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daniel schiffer stop motion, how to make stop motion, stop motion tutorial, donut stop motion, product videos, how to film b roll
Id: 7C3_bC7iZgo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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