Filming an EPIC Product Commercial at Home!

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[Music] [Music] one three two one hmm i think that would have been good [Music] thank you to storyblocks for sponsoring today's behind the scenes stick around till later on in the episode to find out how i use stock footage to spice up my commercials today's product video today's behind the scenes is not a mock ad it is not a spec ad it is a real social media ad for a real client of mine big shout outs to socialite vodka soda and their new bold orange what we want to do is make a hero video for this product and we want to make the video itself bold to match the sort of positioning and marketing around this particular drink our lighting is fairly similar to what we usually have for these shoots we've got the aputure 300x with a godox strip light diffuser aputure 120d mark ii also with a godox strip light diffuser two pieces of cardboard here on the table one with a cutout for our lens this will prevent any reflections coming in from this side of the table we've also got to my left a couple of moving blankets here just hanging from a light stand this also helps to block some of the other light from another room leaking into here and finally we have this little aperture mc light this is giving us a little bit of key right on the logo of our can this little thing right here this is the edelkrone head one it's a little motorized motion control rotating device it's typically used on a slider but today we just have it on the table and that is what we'll be using to rotate our cam on the other side of this piece of cardboard we have my sony a73 with the laowa 60 millimeter macro we're gonna be shooting some of these shots at various different f-stops but this shot in particular that we'll be starting with is going to be shot at f 8. now you might be thinking daniel f8 is super closed of an aperture why would you be doing that in such a dark scene and the reason is because it is a macro lens if we shoot too wide open hardly any of the logo will be in focus and we want as much of it in focus as possible without having to crank our iso too high so i've actually stolen from my girlfriend this little moisturizing spray some kind of makeup beauty product but it's a moisture mist which is going to work out perfectly for condensation on our can you can just use water in a spray bottle but we've already got this and no one was using it anyway sarah thank you for letting me use this by the way guys welcome back dennis we've got permission from our mayor to increase our social circles and smash that like button not for me do it for dennis keep going heavy heavy heavy heavy heavy okay [Music] so that first shot went really well and the objective now is to get a shot of the bottom portion of the can where it says bold and orange to do this we had to elevate the edelkrone head one just a little bit so i'm using a notebook and i'm thinking about maybe turning off this light it's pretty moody we should elevate this even more honestly stick this under there yeah i quite like that it's very dramatic all right start soaking drench drench drench and stop let's check that out yeah i think we're gonna need black behind because we're on that angle now [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so the plan now is to cut up some orange slices into four nice clean quadrants we're going to attach those to skewers and have them fly out and then we will mask those slices in behind the can for the flying can shot [Music] [Music] now if you've seen my behind the scenes videos like this in the past at times it might seem like my video shoots always go according to plan as i nail every shot on the first take obviously 99.9 percent of the time this isn't actually the case as i do mess up quite a bit dennis and i spent over an hour trying to get a shot where we open the can and capture that fizz that spray that flies out of the top when a fizzy drink is opened as you can see despite our best efforts there was always something i didn't quite like about the shot whether we didn't get the spray quite right or there was too much hand in the shot or when we tried to show less hand the can wouldn't fully open it was safe to say that it just wasn't working out well what we ended up doing instead was opening and emptying the can beforehand and tying a fishing line to the tab with the camera at a low enough angle so that you can't see the opening i would then tug on the fishing line pulling up the tab to make it look like the can was opening itself to sell the effect i of course edited out the fishing line added some sound effects but most importantly i overlaid some stock footage for that spritz and steam coming out of the top and it is safe to say that this definitely saved the shot as always i got the stock footage for this effect from our amazing sponsor storyblocks video and actually this isn't the first time that storyblocks has come through clutch and saved me on one of my shoots you might remember the steam coming off the pizza in my pieco commercial story blocks the snow coming down in my gingerbread video also storyblocks storyblocks video is an online subscription service and with a membership plan you will get unlimited downloads of high quality stock footage motion backgrounds after effects templates and overlays as a member of storyblocks video you can download as many clips as your heart desires so if you're interested check out the link in the description below or head over to daniel schiffer to learn more about storybox video [Music] it's officially day two and we got three shots so what we've got right now is two pieces of glass the plan is to clean those off place one down on a black backdrop put three slices of oranges on that first piece of glass before taking the other piece of glass putting that on top of the orange slices and squishing them down i think it will look pretty cool so we're going to try it out right now and hopefully it works [Music] so [Music] so now the water is settled and a bunch of little micro bubbles have formed on the walls of the fish tank so dennis is just going in with the squeegee that we got from the dollar store and that should solve our problem so for those of you who are thinking about trying some fish tank videography at home what i've learned is that you can't have any light going anywhere else but into the water of the fish tank so of course we have our black backdrop but to prevent our two lights over here from spilling onto the backdrop we have two pieces of foam core we don't want any of the light spilling into the front of the fish tank so we blacked them out with these pieces of cardboard that way the light coming out of both these lights is only being directed into the fish tank itself now in addition to that we don't want to see our reflections coming off of the front panel of the fish tank so we have this piece of black foam core just basically with a hole cut into it and that is on our lens that's going to prevent the glass from picking up any reflections coming from behind the camera three two one i feel like that could have been good yeah that framing looked dc [Music] all right so we went to the dollar store and picked up a syringe as well as one of these tubes and the idea is that we're going to take acrylic ink and put it inside the syringe connect the syringe to the tube stick the tube in the water hide it behind the can and once we squirt out the ink it should hopefully look kind of cool in behind that can the ink we're using is liquitex acrylic ink yellow orange azo uh go for it keep going keep going keep going [Music] so these next couple of shots were actually taken on the sony rx10 mark iv now as much as i wish i had access to a phantom camera that can shoot a thousand frames per second i obviously don't but sony was actually nice enough to send me a loaner for this camera and it can shoot a thousand frames per second for these next couple of shots i actually shot at 500 frames per second and surprisingly the footage came out very usable let me know down below if i should do a review on this interesting quirky little camera yo did you see it i saw it both my eyes were open while i watched it it was fire it was heat it made me thirsty dude you're crazy question for you i think it's missing something and i wanted to ask you if you would do the honors of some of those incredible text overlays that you're oh so brilliant at like have it flash around like i'm not going to tell you how to do your job because you know this is what this is your thing bro awesome well yeah let me play with it and i'll uh put in the crock pot said to ada oh microwaving all right sounds good buddy i'll talk to you soon what [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 3,256,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: daniel schiffer commercial, daniel schiffer behind the scenes, daniel schiffer fish tank, fish tank commercial, fish tank videography, b roll behind the scenes, daniel schiffer b roll, fish tank behind the scenes, commercial behind the scenes, product commercial behind the scenes, how to film a product commercial, daniel schiffer product video, daniel schiffer bts, daniel schiffer social lite, social lite commercial, epic b roll, epic b roll behind the scenes, filmmaking
Id: zCvYyHLgqmc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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