I tried filming a product commercial with my iPhone

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[Music] all right welcome back to another behind the scenes video today i'll be breaking down how i created that little product ad that you just saw using a smartphone now today's video is sponsored by storyblocks so if you're ever in need of some royalty-free stock footage motion backgrounds after effects templates or overlays then storyblocks is the place for you as you might already know i use storyblocks all the time for both personal work as well as client work i even used it for this video for a couple of those assets you saw in the background so if you're interested go to the link down in the description below or go to storyblocks.com daniel shiver to learn more now the purpose of this video in this behind the scenes has nothing to do with price iphones and smartphones in general are not exactly cheap but most people do have access to smartphones in day to day life whereas on the other hand not everyone has access to a camera like this the sony a7s3 so while i will be shooting the video on my phone i'm still going to be using my regular gear like my lighting and my backdrops and that is because i actually want to put to the test how close can i get a commercial shot on my phone to look like a commercial that was shot on my regular camera that being said we'll be making a little mock or spec ad for this kombucha here i am not being paid nor am i sponsored by this company this is just purely for fun and educational purposes now i'm gonna be trying out some of the same usual techniques that i would use in most of my product commercials so with that said let's get started okay so for this first shot i'm gonna be doing a green screening technique that's pretty similar to what i did in my previous video i'm gonna be taking our kombucha and putting it on top of this ball head here which is mounted to our pan pro i'm going to use sticky tack to keep it secure i'm gonna be using a little tripod with a phone holder to put our phone on and i'm actually okay with mounting this vertically because i want the can to fill up most of the frame because we're keying out the can on the green screen anyway it doesn't matter if we're shooting 16x9 or 9x16 and i'm just going to set this up down here and what i'm going to do now and this is actually really important is i'm going to tap and hold on the can here and you'll see it blink twice that means our auto exposure and auto focus are locked meaning they won't change mid shot and i'm actually going to click and drag down from that box to lower the exposure just a little bit because i don't want my highlights blown out now that looks pretty good so i'm going to hit record here and using my remote which controls our turntable i'm just going to start rotating our shot [Music] and that should be a pretty good starting point for whatever effects we're going to apply to this clip if you want to see a more in-depth and detailed tutorial on how to green screen a shot like this you can check out my previous video okay so this next shot is very ambitious i'm not even sure if i'll be able to pull this off but it is very much inspired by this instagram account called f lambert or flambert not totally sure how to pronounce that but they had this really impressive commercial for a drink with one shot in particular that i want to try and recreate essentially in their video they had a bunch of grapefruit slices kind of come together and form a drink can i'm gonna try a similar thing with lemon slices with my own little twist on it i know it sounds complicated and that's because it is it's going to take a little bit of trial and error and quite a bit of work but i'm optimistic that i'll be able to figure it out so let's give it a try now as i mentioned we are going to be doing this with lemons which as you know are yellow yellow and green are kind of close in color which is why i've actually gone ahead and flipped around our green screen to the blue side because yellow and blue contrast a little bit more making it easier to key out so i'm bringing a whole lemon into our shot here as a stand-in so we can set our focus and our exposure we want to make sure to lock that i think that looks pretty good and we've got six lemon slices here we're just gonna bring them in one by one kind of raise them and lower them and then move on to the next there's one there's two there's three there's four there's five and there's six so my original idea for getting each lemon slice one by one on a toothpick did not pan out when i brought the shots into editing they were way too shaky i couldn't get it to look consistent like they were actually floating so all we can do now really is just experiment until i figure out another way and i'll report back to you when something works okay so here is the contraption i've come up with um it's kind of falling apart now but we got our shot essentially we have each lemon slice on a toothpick going through a chopstick that i drilled holes into and each toothpick kind of goes through the chopsticks and into this cork for more stability the chopstick is secured by a clamp which is on a ball head and i've just got that sitting on some other stuff for more stability and height this friction arm here has our aputure mc light which is giving us extra light on our lemon slices and as you just saw all i did was i took my iphone and kind of articulated up and down vertically getting different perspectives and what should happen is we bring that into editing key out the blue and because each lemon slice is secured onto the same sort of fixed position we should get a pretty stable shot okay so what we're going to do here is get a shot that we can then transition into our lemon slices so i'm thinking to make this a little bit more interesting our opening shot of the video will be this lemon kind of rolling on the table sarah picks it up and then throws it straight up so basically all you need to do start with your hand up like this bring it straight down on top of the lemon roll like that bring it back and let it roll into your palm throw it straight up and my goal is to just kind of track it and follow the motion gonna be shooting this in 4k at 30 frames per second three two one go nope start up high like this and three two one go i think that was perfect [Music] right so for the next setup here we've got the green screen on the floor there's a sheet of glass here which we'll put our raspberries on we've got one light on this side with a strip light diffuser and then on this side we've got the lantern to balance it out all we're going to do is take the second sheet of glass and press it down over top squishing the raspberries my phone isn't fully top down because then we would be catching the reflection so instead it's on a little bit of an angle but we should be good to go so let's give it a try [Music] so now for the pouring shot i'm actually gonna switch to slow-mo mode and make sure that we're in hd 120 frames per second three two one go okay one more time and three two one go perfect [Applause] [Music] [Music] now in order to take all of these shots to the next level i decided to bring in some assets from storyblocks i started with this kind of dreamy blue animated background for our lemon slice shot followed by these raspberries which i then keyed out myself to put in the background as well after that i also downloaded these splashes for the background of our pouring shot and then finally a couple of smoke overlays to enhance the final ending shot with a story blocks unlimited all access plan i can download as many clips as my heart desires use them for my own projects and for client work so if you are interested you can check out the link down in the description below or go to storyblocks.com daniel shiffer to learn more [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Daniel Schiffer
Views: 744,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: product commercial, commercial at home, iphone commercial at home, commercial on iphone, daniel schiffer b roll, daniel schiffer commercial
Id: F8v1SONcdsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 34sec (514 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 22 2021
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