I Let Twitch Chat Decide My Sims Build

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what you're about to see is me completely and totally losing my mind on stream the other day i gave my chat the opportunity to pick my entire sims build now this is good in theory but i usually have like three to four thousand viewers on twitch there was like 5 000 viewers for a time there today but i put up polls and i gave them all the chance to vote in the polls to decide things like the lot size and the budget the number of sims that live there the style of the house things like that and it uh slowly devolved into an absolute nightmare so here is that build i am warning you by the end i was not okay for our first poll for our first chat poll what if we had people pick what season to start in there we go i think that's a good idea spring summer winter fall why is fall type lucky i don't care everybody feel free to vote this is going to impact us a lot why is everyone picking fall i mean honestly yeah i relate i agree all right well fall has won with a whopping 55 percent of the vote the other next thing that's possibly more important is the lot size so we're gonna do a poll to decide how big the lot we're going to build on is oh 40 by 30 come through please thank you so much oh my god i was so scared i don't want to fill the 50 by 50 lot 40 by 30 has won not even that close with 40 of the vote now we have to pick like where we're gonna build it right like what world which i think it could be any of them to be honest which is why oh i've got an idea what if we picked like top row versus bottom row and then based it on that bottom row is winning i'm still voting for the top row 76 like we're not coming back from that one i don't think okay please be nice to lil simsy she is so fragile oh this one's gonna be weird there's a lot of options this one could swing in a lot of different ways i'm kind of nervous about it brendelton bay is good i can work with brindleton bay sometimes we have to use cats and dogs but we'll vote for how many packs we want to use outside of cats and dogs should we just build over here then on tail's end i think so this is a nice lot all right this can still be ugly just by the way don't get your hopes up too high i think we'll vote for a number of packs next because then we'll be able to figure this out right so number of packs uh it has to be cats and dogs at least right because we are in the cats and dogs world uh only cats and dogs all packs three packs interesting that most people want all packs i feel like people most of the time lean towards like limited pack builds but if we use all packs we can have that spooky house of your dreams if we do all packs we can use like spooky stuff and have pumpkins which is i think what a lot of you want uh i think we'll do 10k 20k 50k and 100k oh let's do let's do like 35k so we kind of cover a lot of bases lots of different sizes of houses please don't be mean to me you know what i'm going to vote for i'm going to vote for 35. i'm right in the middle there oh you guys don't care about budget then that's interesting you guys want me to have a big budget house because i i thought you would want me to stuff like suffer more and have like less money to spend on it and struggle to furnish it properly but if you want a bigger budget we can do a bigger budget i was worried i was gonna get like an eight sim starter home have eight sims and 10k good luck idiot but i mean you didn't call me an idiot today so that's fine okay number of sims will do like one to two sims maybe three sims five sims eight sims vote vote how many do you want i am nervous no oh that was fast okay interesting do you know what i'm voting eight i'll take a challenge oh it's close i wasn't expecting it to be close oh no you're all too nice you have powers right now what is wrong with you so i shouldn't influence the vote i should stop talking i should just let people vote hang on someone just gave me bits and said that it because you voted for all packs that means i have to use something from every pack well sorry five sims that's great does that mean whoa does that mean i have to use something from every single pack okay you know that's fun we'll do that okay fine literally every pack when we said all packs we meant all packs so we'll try to get as close as possible to exactly 100k now the next thing we got to figure out a style of a house i don't know how we wanna go about that maybe we should vote on like vibes i don't know what that means people okay so people want we were talking about spooky there was definitely like a cape cod sort of vibe maybe that's what like the bridleton bay area looks like maybe we could put blue suburban on there go my children be free no one wants a blue suburban that's fine you know what i feel bad for the two percent i'm gonna vote for you my poor little friends it looks like it looks like spooky's gonna like very narrowly take the win oh that's scary 1467 versus 1434 spooky wins we can still make it a cottage and have it be spooky i mean it doesn't have to be just one thing it can be them both that's kind of what i was gonna aim for like what is a spooky house versus a cottage like spooky could be anything so we'll do a spooky cottage all right this is a little bit more spooky than i was imagining keep in mind it's gotta be five sims we have to have like basically four bedrooms plus possibly another room i've got a vision in my brain this is fine the other thing that we have to vote on which is very important is what i call twitch's faves essentially the things that all the sims kids can't stop yelling about in every single build we ever do these people will not ever shut up about the following options bookshelf door glass roof bowling alley cat cafe cupcake machine and so whichever wins this poll i will include cat cafe has won i think i have one last poll we should no i feel weird like doing all these polls to set it up but i feel like we have two more we need to do there's this like extras one i came up with and then we'll vote the last thing we'll vote for is how many floors the house should have and then we can get started people really want a basement okay the last vote that we'll do for now is how many floors this does not include the basement by the way so it'll be it's basically gonna be three floors first floor second floor and a basement i don't know what is what does a spooky cottage look like i'm not cut out for this i'm not good at this but what if we like we can't pull this off exactly but what if we went for something kind of like this it is happening i tell you okay maybe we could do medium wall height down here you know i never do this so just just understand the sacrifices that i'm making for you i don't know slightly curved but not too curved i know we're talking about maybe like witches living here and we talked about having like three sim or five five stims is the requirement but like three of those sims could be cats like that wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing if if three of our five sims were cats so maybe it's like a couple and they're three cats five people and cats when i was like putting the the five people on the list down like i in my mind the five sims meant five like human sims and pets weren't included in that so like i feel a little bit tricky if we were to to make that instead be like all of a sudden be like actually we meant five cats you know or whatever i feel like that's kind of sneaky behavior to switch it back to be pets all right um sims two adults three cats five sims three cats vote [Laughter] be free vote i think it should be five sims three cats though so i'm thinking like we've been talking a lot of people in chad and saying like a lesbian couple they're three kids and then there's three cats i really like that idea i think i'm into it can i like build in the back corner for now because the trees are in my way all right there we go that's better what i think i want to do is we'll actually have it like kind of over here and then maybe we could have like well maybe not that far back on the line but i think we'll have a side yard instead of a backyard this is just just me laying things out by the way we want it to be spooky they could have like a pumpkin patch or something long winding path up to the front pumpkin patch of sorts i don't know we'll figure it out that's that's like not cottagy enough that looks like a church now i don't know what i'm doing let's try and figure out the floor plan so we know that we have to have a room for the cats we have to have a room for the three kids we need a room for the parents and we need a basement i want it to be kind of a closed off floor plan i guess totally taking suggestions and chat on that one because like closed off floor plan it feels more like natural to the style of the house that we're going for i don't know that could be a bathroom and maybe the staircase into the basement could be over here or or somewhere else i don't know here even that's the thing the basement staircase is gonna be a weird one how about if it was like that like a bookshelf door into the basement would be like a super fun idea i totally agree with you but i just don't know where to put it oh no oh no a ladder no it was gonna be i think the cats are gonna have the basement it was supposed to be like a cat basement so the ladder won't work because the it belongs to the cats i know this sounds ridiculous but the basement belongs to the cats so like we can't have a ladder into the basement because then the cats won't be able to get down there oh hang on how about like a super teeny tiny office bathroom formal dining could be in here we could split it up so that there's not a good place for the kitchen oh no i feel like this should be the living room but then the kitchen is so tiny i don't know how big it should be but we'll you know we'll put the cat room down there we have lots of space for it to fill out i like how i like how the house is laid out okay now the floor plan upstairs which is a whole other ball game okay honestly the parents bedroom could just go this whole way in the back i guess the bathroom would be there and then two of the kids can share a room i think that makes sense i think that's nice i like it let's just do the exterior and knock that out we voted for spooky so let's keep that in mind the vibe we're picking is spooky uh let me do a quick poll i'll do a quick yes or no poll hell uh help yes no i don't know just give me an answer to work with and we'll have dark windows so it'll be some nice contrast i think oh yeah easy easy answer sorry if you don't like it sorry um the to the 18 this one would be cool it's too small dang it i don't i hate it here building is hard how do people build in the sims i don't get it it can even be like that to be honest that's kind of sad though there's no windows it can be a fake door actually we'll do a fake door that's good that's a good opportunity to use that you know what we should do actually instead of windows because i feel stressed out trees we should do trees that is more like it i fix it everybody all right it's done oh and i just clapped so loud that scared myself build's done everybody oh you don't like the door that's okay oh now that's something that we might have figured it out that we might have done you guys asked for it now look what we've got we've got a bad house and it's your fault i think this might be okay i don't know i don't like the circle windows that much i was like trying to avoid having a circle window on the inside oh do you know what i just remembered i forgot that like the other side that one's ugly i guess this one's other side oh this one's other side it's just a circle that's not good i guess some of you like it better maybe i don't know it's fine imagine we do a pole for the bathrooms and i just go bathroom yes or no and chat says no we just don't have a bathroom there anymore there just isn't one fine you want another pole we'll get another pole bathroom yes no oh oh no what have i done wait i'm scared there's still time it's just gonna be an empty room if no wins you know what i vote no it's just an empty room oh god i'm scared it's only like a couple of votes apart oh 7 13 to 7 12 okay wait yes is winning oh now you decide to behave you decide to behave now fine i guess we'll have a bathroom boo where am i oh i got lost boo just so sad you know you think you can trust someone the one time you want chaos and then you don't get it we just only have like woohoo bushes i mean pee bushes sorry what's worse no there's an obvious answer to that question i don't i didn't mean it i don't want to know what's worse and the fact that you can woohoo in it after you've peed in it is really upsetting like just the simple thought of that i find to be really difficult to swallow so i don't like i don't like that like the fact that your sims will like willingly get inside of a pee bush and like nap in it and woohoo in it like someone peed in that like two seconds ago and now you're in it like what is wrong with you okay i'm gonna put a toilet on the roof yes no here's another one vote chat decides my sims build are you serious it's such a resounding yes immediately the way that the yes just goes whoosh all the way to the far end is really funny to me i mean yeah so does that mean like no hang on i might have an id oh wait this is clipping i might have an idea instead of a chimney toilet on the roof thoughts let me use the fitness stuff pack we voted to use every single pack i'll just stick the fitness stuff packed toilet up there it's almost smaller than i thought is that weird to say i think that is weird to say the fact that i look at this and think it looks small but i feel like that's totally reasonable we you know have an organ we aren't going for christmas we're going for more um less christmas we have to be careful about money also we need to be a little bit more reasonable we're running out we're kind of running low maybe the dine out plant can go on this what style house is this our cat cafe is gonna go in the basement we we spun to have a spun voted on a cat cafe it'll go in here cat cafe grandma's room grandma's bathroom i like the vampire counters a lot they're not bad at all they're pretty i like them i don't like the kitchen i'll have you know i think it's ugly the realm of magic ones are super ugly but if you guys really like them if you really really like them i will try my hardest to make them work for you unfortunately because trust me i don't want to do it either we might have to do some clipping to make it look better this isn't usable by the way the table's just a table they won't use it as an island shall we address this item from every pack concern right now i know for a fact we've used some of them but like we can just place some random items like we can go filter by show all grab some items make sure we got one from each pack like for example this little plant we could stick in a bathroom and then call it a day you know like we could so easily be like look no that doesn't fit never mind maybe we could have a calendar of a fireman or some i don't know that in the bathroom city living oh no oh how about the city living this could be interesting we can make that work cats and dogs we're in the cats and dogs world so we covered that base seasons none of this is spooky enough oh pumpkins we're gonna put pumpkins everywhere so we can grab one of those get famous we don't have this kind of money we're not made to get famous kind of money this is a concern i don't know what we're going to do about get famous oh how about like a spooky well that looks weird you say golden toilet guys we only have 29k left oh we could maybe we could put these lights instead they're very gold which oh maybe we could put like on either side of the door it like brings out the gold in the door that you hate so much oh that's wonderful oh isn't that lovely okay island living okay this one i don't know what we're gonna put in this house that's gonna match maybe a fish oh we use the plants we already did that never mind discover university okay oh this table could be super good this ye old pub table i could like stick that in the corner so or that could even be like maybe there could be like some seating together two chairs and a table it's a bar height table though so that would be easy we could also we could use the like fireplace oh i don't hate that yeah we should oh we have the vines though oh i guess we don't need that one in any way because we have the ivy okay eco lifestyle oh some blankets outdoor retreat okay this one i bet like the outdoor retreat debug stuff like if we tried to stick some landscaping in that would be totally fine the same bush we've been using everywhere is like from get together and outdoor retreat so we'll put that one down spot it why are there so many things candles on the fireplace dine out pots in the kitchen we use vampires okay parenthood we could decorate one of the kids rooms like they could have like some toys jungle adventure i just want this to be over with can you tell oh we could put some like shelving in the kitchen that would be so normal looking too like this isn't even that out of place i feel like oh yeah that's totally fine okay that works we that we have reached a level of madness for sure i'm not gonna finish this build we're never gonna finish this bout to be here all day god why does strange will look like this what if there was like some creepy stains on our porch oh that's like a new level of there we go okay we have used realm of magic luxury party we have not used oh dear god oh no maybe one of the kids rooms could have like an ottoman we could go for like a hot pink oh we could make this work with the hot pink okay i'm not really feeling any of these things for this house they're not really they're not really speaking to me maybe this could go on the porch you know what that isn't even that bad get a little bush on the porch that's nice oh the lantern i literally already have the lantern it's right there never mind okay uh cool kitchen oh my god do we like chickens yeah we like chickens what does this become what is this becoming i'm gonna put a single popcorn kernel in here by the pots sure it would make more sense to have something else sure that's kind of sneaky and cheaty what if i want popcorn all right next fitness we have the toilet we did that one toddler stuff you know what i'm gonna say it the toddler pack sucks why the furniture sucks what it why oh wait i think i skipped a bunch i like skipped all these in-betweens i went straight to bowling night for some reason i don't know what i did we'll go back to it this pack sucks but you can have some pillows in your room vintage glamour well we wanted to use the fireplace i guess we could use this fireplace still it's more expensive but so we'll put that back where it belongs in a second honestly the globe bar is pretty good too oh we could use one of the kids gets a cute painting good for you little buddy romantic garden i skipped this one somehow too i don't understand how i'm really bad at this we could have this thing 515. this i don't care fitness toddler laundry day oh god oh some brooms some brooms will be night yeah there we go my first pet stuff i'm just trying to cover all the bases so that we have everything done and then we can always go back and add things the cat condo will need you know we can stick the cat stuff down here we'll always like decorate properly but we're trying to make sure we have all the packs so that we at least have that thing mosquito none of this is really the vibe the clothing rack is interesting maybe like the teenager can be into bowling and clothes i don't know these vibes it's like so dramatic no way this teen has like luxury handbags i'm sorry no sorry but no maybe they could have like a fun yeah tiny living okay maybe they could have this rug too yeah yeah yeah nifty knitting yeah we already have the rocking chairs i did it i did and holiday oh wait hang on team i'm not sure about this i didn't forget about granny by the way i just haven't furnished her room yet we'll get to it these these candles are nice but you put them on the table there you go done here's a question should we put a pool yes or no this is important to decide how the rest of the backyard goes yeah it looks like it's pretty much a resounding no people are more interested in like a pond kind of thing okay well let's just let's just do it then i don't know if we have the money for most of this stuff the pond you you can sit here and say pond all you want we still don't have any money i guess we could use like a debug one but the debug ones are really big and like i don't know if they'll fit properly you see what i mean though like this isn't gonna fit anywhere it's gonna look weird no matter where we put it and it doesn't like oh wait it sizes down why did i not know it size down still oh god oh it does not side does not size down how about we put this back here then we don't have to worry about anything i don't want to make a fake pond using a fountain because then it costs money i don't think we have the money to have a fake pond i'm gonna start furnishing the interior and then we can come back to it those are kind of expensive how much should i just spend 1 200 on the sofas oh what am i thinking this house isn't spooky in any way but i don't know how to make it i don't know what i don't know how to do it i don't know how to make it spooky this house is not this isn't what you wanted this isn't what anybody wanted but this is what we've got that's what we've learned from this is lil simsy's not good at this kind of house style i can't believe you made me do it this house is the most like not put together disaster i've ever built i'm taking out all of my bad energy on this house so you're welcome we haven't decorated the entire upstairs or the entire basement by the way and we have 13k left so this should be an interesting uh time it's it's because the things we're picking we have expensive taste oh that is so ugly ah hang on ghosts yes no oh yeah there we go okay i don't even need to stay on this pole to wait for it to finish oh yes in purple do you guys like the build do you think it looks pretty i feel like i full-on lost it at this point mentally i'm in this room oh robots someone needs to get me out of here i feel like i'm losing it i'm gonna go to bed well that's nice oh that's yeah that's nice do you know what you said you wanted a spooky house you said you wanted a spooky house okay this is you this this is what you're getting from me like mickey mouse yeah that's good okay maybe we could do the whole couch well that's a big sofa i know it might seem like i'm overwhelmed but i'm always overwhelmed what you might be taking it is me being overwhelmed on stream but the truth is that i am just this way always literally all in in person um and it's just some of us have anxiety and you know you're kind of just like the whole time this room is like objectively really bad you know what i hate to say it but it's true this room sucks uh this room is gonna be uh it's gonna we only have 10k all i gotta do is spend it and then this can over and this can over all i gotta do is spend it and then the the misery can be ended there's one thing i'm good at it's wasting money in the sims scroll all the way down 400 simoleon lamp let's go this can over guys come on this can over now oh no oh no why is it not a resounding yes sims builds can't hurt you kayla it's okay sims builds can't hurt you kayla well this can't over that's all i've learned today yeah by the way this can't this can over but not yet you gotta do the basement still don't worry ah wrong room wrong room i hate this it's ugly the vibes that i thought i was i was envisioning they aren't they aren't being envisioned i wanted to get a desk with a computer but i don't think we can afford it but we need it there isn't a computer in this house grandma i'm sorry i don't think you get a bathroom i don't think grandma gets to have a bathroom anymore we don't have we don't have any money so we when we said cat cafe we sort of meant like just a a bedroom for the cats but what if we furnished it like an actual cafe now hear me out imagine that we had for example i don't know some counters in the corner like a little kitchenette down here with coffee cat cafe right yeah okay oh that color scheme is cool okay cats and dogs cat no no is there like a table that we could well we could have these chairs there's one set ooh well maybe the cat can eat up there uh we need to we need a litter box too uh oh i still haven't finished the kitchen we were gonna go back and oh no oh i feel like i've lost it where am i someone please end this suffering oh it's a it's a fuzzy aussie aussie toy oh he's a fuzzy aussie aussie toy i can get it in purple can this room be done it's not what i was imagining when i first started this film this is not how i thought today was gonna go i thought it was gonna be good and you know what it was good it was it was good i feel like i'm gonna cry okay what does grandma get can this over just a coffin fine you know what i was violently opposed to the coffin earlier i am no longer violently opposed to the coffin yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay okay okay now we got enough money to do this room okay okay okay okay okay i've decided that this is what you're going to get and this is what you're going to get because i've decided this is what you're going to get i'll have you know that i really like it let me get a trash can for for the near the chicken there isn't an outdoor trap we almost forgot to put wait we almost forgot to put things with this too all right let's get let me get some um some chairs on this okay it is not that bad i didn't put my pumpkins oh my god this can't over we don't have the pumpkin there's just one this isn't the five that we imagined when we started this today this is not how i thought today was gonna go what happens if i size them up oh my god oh never mind i don't want this to over anymore i'm not done yet look at this new pumpkin he's so cute oh look at this [Music] that's nice can we have one gigantic pumpkin in the backyard okay well we wanted a pumpkin patch how about you know maybe there could be a few we're in the business of growing pumpkins for for cinderella this will never over is what i'm learning this one looks so weird and out of place it like doesn't match we can always put it like on the porch i'll buy our weird bulbous plants let me get some cow plants okay hang on cow plant when you search cow plant on the gallery i am the second most popular thing that made me feel really happy okay anyway no no no oh i moved up my mouse speed so much by clicking help okay oh my god ah i did it again oh my god you know what we've been through a lot today i was gonna say no i'm a bad person and i i want everyone to suffer but i think we did it i think i think we i think we've done it i think we did it do you know what this is not how i imagined today would go but i've had a lot of fun it might not seem like it but i did i i had a lot of fun most of our landscaping is free by the way um like we kind of we did everything we have the cheap landscaping i think the house is honestly not that bad like the inside could probably use some work i would have liked to have made the backyard better but like for the three and a half hours i spent on it hand this over please it looks cool i like it and yes one spooky witch cottage um fit for a family of witches and their dear cats hashtag lil simsy two witch moms which grandma two witch kids three witch cats how many bedrooms is it one two three four i think it's three bathrooms i don't know oh my god i could make it go away imagine i put canned this over if i didn't get the first comments i had to type that whole thing i did i still won this has been a good day now you know what day saved i won i won the vision might not have worked but we tried and we had fun and that's all that matters [Music] you
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 639,926
Rating: 4.9613638 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, twitch, livestream, sims challenge, build challenge, chat decides
Id: 00AjtItzdwg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 35sec (1595 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2020
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