I finally renovated *that* house in StrangerVille...

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you might already know this but i'm not exactly the biggest fan of strangerville i think it might be one of the worst packs for the sims 4. luxury party is the worst but then strangerville is it's up there i think the idea of it's kind of fun i just don't know if it's like a pack that i'm interested in and also the builds in the world are terrible horrible they're it's embarrassing that they exist i think that's true of a lot of the more recent builds in the game but like strangerville it took the cake for like top of the top bad at the time at least i think that realm of magic is worse but that's beside the point but basically back when this pack came out i renovated all of the lots except for one because i simply could not bring myself to do it i actually bought those one of them and just left the other one the same so in my simsy save i never even changed this build and i renovate everything in my simsy save but the other day i finally was like you know what we gotta sit down we're gonna do this it took me two streams so i spent like six hours on it way too long shameful actually the build that i'm talking about is this one where the roswells live so let's game shall we now i have a lot of issues with this i'm gonna point them all out to you okay number one the house is enormous and i think that's fun like it's not a bad thing to have a big house in the sims it fills up the entire lot which is a good and bad thing it kind of has like a fake yard because there's like this fence surrounding it a little bit but it has also this really amazing fancy driveway leading up to it and then look at what the house looks like they didn't take advantage of this lot and they just like put this weird fake path then like this path to nowhere right here it just it doesn't fit in you have this beautiful world and the build itself is just a nightmare the other ones are too i mean this one's probably worse that's why i bulldoze that one but i think it's just disappointing that you have this beautiful lot and then the staircase is all the way over here and like that's what the entrance looks like i oh okay anyway the house is giant like i said the windows are in kind of weird places like i wouldn't necessarily place them where they are but it's okay this side of the house is infuriating i this makes me want to punch a wall and i mean that when i say it so if you look you can see that like this roof piece what's going to build mine i'll show you this roof piece is overhanging by a ton like this roof piece if it was going to be like that to fit the wall it should be right there but it's just overhanging over nothing for no reason and like this what is what is that why is that there i the side of the house is one of the worst things i have ever seen in the sims and i mean that and then you go onto the inside and there's no furniture and again i know that they're like limited by weird pack restrictions i don't really know how many furniture items they can put in a house but if you simply cannot furnish a house then don't make it this big this hallway has no furniture in it look at this room why why are there two beds in here and why is one of them diagonal why is this wall sconce right there like i getting upset i'm getting upset it doesn't make any sense the layout of the house makes no sense the beds being diagonal make no sense it just this whole house is so weird and they tried to be like oh no the house is being empty just adds to the strange that's like a direct quote when this pack came out about strangerville is that the empty houses were on purpose because it adds to the strange well it didn't work if it was really on purpose it just looks embarrassing and like a mistake and an oversight like things that add to the strange are like this weird basement this this adds to the strange i'm into it i i can accept this i respect it it fits the vibe like this adds to the strange this does not add to the strange this is just stupid okay i'm sorry deep breaths we're gonna try and renovate this house i think my number one goal is that i want to fix how the sides look and i also want to make sure that the house is a little bit smaller and i want the entry to actually line up with this cool driveway because you have this awesome driveway i want to make use of it so we're going to try and do some flipping i think a little bit and then also just completely you know change everything so let's do it all right we're back and we're building welcome back to speed build sunday as some people say i've got like a 20 minute speed build for you guys today because this build it should have been a lot longer i often times cut out things like the bathroom and the floor plan when i have like a super long build like this because otherwise i don't know how to make it like not a 45 minute speed build i don't know how many people want to actually watch me sit here and like fast build for an hour you know so i try to cut them some things out and i'll explain what i'm doing as i'm doing it and i'll show you at the end the finished product but you'll see the first thing i did was come in and just make the entire house smaller i cut off like a huge part on the left and right of the house and then i ended up flipping where the tower is because there was that tower on the left side and i flipped it to the right side because i wanted to move the entry further over to be nearer to that driveway so that was my main priority was to just flip the whole house around completely so you'll see it looks a lot different right now but i slowly kind of bring it back to its original form just like a little bit smaller because again with a house like this it's so big for no reason like especially if you're playing with the ea restriction stuff they just don't have enough like room to furnish the house and they're like weird budget of items because they have these like weird limits for how many items they can have on a lot and i don't really know how those work or what those are i just know they exist because they're very weird and vague about it but like if you have to limit the number of objects you can use you have to make the house a little bit smaller like you don't need to fill up the entire lot it's okay you can make it a little bit smaller no one's gonna be mad this is still a giant house it ends up actually only being a two-bedroom house though before it had a way more bedrooms but i figured it was just ted and his wife living here and so they've got like their main bedroom and they have a guest room they have an office and stuff too but like i tried to make it smaller i also had like a huge open area looking down on the first floor so i basically have like the whole second floor being nothingness but i think it makes sense for a house like this it's just funny the idea of this like giant house being just two bedrooms that's kind of sad it's okay it's all about appearance not function i also use just base game and strangerville for this so if you've got stranger ball you can download this house and replace it in your worlds if you want to it still looks very similar it's just a little bit better which is kind of how i aim to do these renovations right is to keep the vibes but just slightly improve them it's also very expensive so it kind of fits that like i'm the mayor of strangerville and i have a lot of money sort of vibe that we're going for don't worry ted is still a rich rich man i have a couple issues that i encountered number one they have this like gravel terrain paint that they use in the driveway like in the world we don't have that same color gravel in our game like we can't access that color gravel in the catalog so i had to just like pick one and then try and use sand on top to try and match the colors but we don't have that same color gravel so like how they used to use all these plants that we couldn't access they also use gravel paint that we can't access and it's so annoying how you have this like fancy driveway but then i can't match it like it's so frustrating they keep doing these things so they put the house like floating in the grass there it's not connected to a sidewalk so you can't have like a real pathway or driveway or you do this where we have like not a matching gravel you have this beautiful driveway but you can't actually like make your house touch it it just doesn't make any sense i'm sorry i'll get through this i'll be okay it's just very frustrating it's so annoying to have this like great thing and then not be able to use it you know and like no matter how hard you try it's always gonna look bad which is it's just disappointing you know but it's okay we got there and like i said i flipped the tower so it used to have this giant tower on the left side of the build and i was like this is fun i like the tower concept but again it's making it so i can't have my entryway where the actual driveway is so i flip to the other side i think it makes more sense over there too and then it makes the other side look less dumb with like its little balconies and stuff this house has a ton of balconies there's like the huge front porch in the front there's a huge porch in the back there's the porches on the side like there's just balcony and porch space everywhere but i feel like it kind of fits maybe like the style of the house and where it's from so it works i put a a nice patio and pool outside too because it is a mansion so you kind of need a pool right i mean it works it makes sense there's also this horrible god-awful ugly red tile that i use for the patio you'll see it soon i made it bad on purpose i was streaming this on twitch and sometimes i like pick something as a joke or like i test it my whole chat's like oh my god that's so ugly why would you do that and then i'm like you know what i'm gonna keep it so you you did this to yourself so i kept this horrible red tile it kind of grew on me a little bit i still stand by my decision but it's very bright and it's it's red it's not like red it's an orangey red i didn't like pick like red shiny tiles it's like a it's like a paver don't worry i'm not that bad but it was all because of my twitch chat being like why would you do that and then be being like oh you don't you don't want me to do this okay well guess what and then i kept it i stream on twitch by the way i stream every day on twitch actually at 4pm eastern time except for sundays but every other day i'm i'm alive and i do a lot of builds over there like a lot of my speed bills i post on youtube i do on twitch first so if you ever see a speed build and you're like i want to see someone build this live you could go watch me do it in real life for like six hours if you want i mean that's great fun right real time too while i'm here finishing up this exterior of the house can i just complain to you guys for a second because disney reopened this weekend i live in orlando florida i don't know if you guys knew but florida is having a really rough time with coronavirus cases right now and disney reopened today i it's fine everything's fine i just it seems like so many people have just decided that the pandemic is over and the pandemic is not over just in case you were curious uh please don't come to orlando on vacation what is don't please go home go away i this fills me with rage i'm gonna be honest i'm scared it's a scary time and also not to make this about me but like my boyfriend lives in england i can't see him until the borders are open and then it's safe to travel and stuff i'm not gonna see him for months i haven't seen him since march it's gonna be like next year before i can see him again put on a mask and go home okay i'm sorry i just can't imagine choosing to go to a theme park on vacation right now and you just know all these people are gonna go to disney and be like oh but it's hot i'm trying to eat my ice cream i don't wanna wear a mask i feel so bad for anyone who works at disney who has to go in now and deal with all these people who are like i'm on vacation i can do what i want and like disobey your rules and just choose to not wear a mask because it's hot outside if you didn't want to wear a mask in the heat you shouldn't have gone outside sorry i'm okay i just this is sore subject for me um i cannot believe that disney is reopening now i'm okay it's fine it's everything's fine deep breaths everybody we're gonna be okay we're gonna get through this i've not ranted much on youtube in a while i used to do that a lot in my speed builds i don't really get out much um just i mean pandemic is part of it but also i like i you know live and work from home so i don't really leave i don't really have any friends nearby so like even in regular times i don't get out much there's nothing to talk about in my speed build because i don't do anything let's see what do i do this week i um i cleaned my house a bunch i had a horrible headache on wednesday or i don't know what day i don't know i didn't stream that day because my head hurt so bad so i like cleaned a little bit i've been playing some animal crossing on occasion i'm getting my wisdom teeth out soon but i don't know when exactly so i'm pre-recording to try and be ready for that because i'm gonna try and take a week off when i do so like my life right now has just been me trying to pre-record for a vague unknown time i don't know what i'm actually gonna get them out i've got an appointment on wednesday with oral surgeons so i'll keep you guys posted about that but it took like two weeks to even get in for a consultation on wednesday and then who knows and i can actually get them taken out my mouth hurts so bad i want my i want to like remount myself i've reached a point where i'm like i can't deal with this anymore so i'm just waiting but i think when i actually do get him out i'm going to take a week off so you you'll see my video so i'm pre-recording a little bit for it but like i said i don't know when it's actually going to be like it could be next week it would be next month for all i know so like we'll see stay tuned everybody i won't stream that week though i don't know how long it'll take for me to like feel comfortable talking for an extended period of time like i'm sure i'll be fine to like function and exist and work but like i have to talk for a living and i'm getting teeth ripped out of my mouth and i don't know how long it'll take for me to like feel comfortable streaming and like talking to myself for three four hours so i'll keep you guys posted i know you don't care about this it isn't that big of a deal i'll be fine don't worry but like that's a concern of mine it's like how long will my mouth hurt too much to talk because i don't know and people in my twitch chat keep telling me horror stories too please don't tell me horror stories i don't want to know about your complications with getting your wisdom teeth out that is terrible that is the last thing i want to think about right now please please shut up i think people mean well but they're like oh kayla you're getting yourself some teeth out when i did that i was like hospitalized for a week don't tell me that i don't i'm gonna be fine you are the outlier i'm gonna be okay leave me alone don't get your little curses near me i'm sorry i didn't mean to call you cursed i'm not gonna read your comments with your horror stories either on youtube i'm just putting that out there i don't care what happened to you when you got your wisdom teeth out i'm fine i don't need to hear about it you can see now the landscaping though is kind of coming together on the build back to the build for a second i used debug landscaping to do this i don't know if you guys knew but they have all of the strangerville plants in debug it was kind of weird because we all complained about this and they're like okay fine we'll give them to you and so they gave us all the stranger ones so if you type in bb.show hidden objects and then bb dot show live edit objects this strange real stuff shows up actually in build mode in the catalog but the rest of it if you search debug you can find all of the plants that are in the game ever like any of the plans that ea has used in the world like in the environment you can access them as well and so i'm just putting this out there if you want to search for that you can use them and it's so nice to have the strangerville ones because you have all these like cool cactus plants and like interesting things and fun red rocks and we just didn't have access to them yet again it's like the gravel issue where you've used it everywhere in the world but i'm not allowed to use it and so my builds just don't match no matter what i do they just can't fit into the world and so they gave us access to the plants so we can actually make them match now so i use like the cool rocks in a couple places and stuff so it all blends in pretty nicely i kind of enjoy the outside of this house a lot i struggled to furnish it because i didn't really know like what i wanted the rooms to be like and stuff because i wanted it to be kind of an older like more closed off floor plan because it is supposed to be an old mansion you know so i tried to have it be kind of closed off there's like hallways and stuff but i didn't want it to be like outdated and bad so i i kind of struggled to find a balance there but i did the kitchen in this tiny room with the door to the patio and there's like a big formal dining room there's a formal living room there's a tv room and then you've got like this big open hallway space upstairs and then two bedrooms there's also only two bathrooms in this house one of them is enormous and the other one is tiny it doesn't really make much sense i have a lot of just open random hallway space and like not actual functional space doesn't make sense like i said it'd be better to have more bathrooms i think often you see these mansions that are like 7 bedrooms and 15 bathrooms this just this enormous house they've got bathrooms everywhere but that's not the case in my sims build i'm gonna be honest i i dropped the ball with the bathrooms i apologize but it's too late now so i just i did the floor plan and i was like it doesn't fit anywhere no bathrooms fit anywhere except for this tiny little corner on the first floor that's okay it's fine it's a sims mansion you don't need 15 bathrooms although like three could be nice and also just two sims live here so like it's fine it could be a lot worse i always think that's so scary like looking at real estate websites and having these houses that are listed for like 15 million dollars and they have like 13 14 bathrooms in them like how do you i don't know i i guess i'm coming from a place of like a normal person life where you have to clean your house yourself but like i just think about that like how are you gonna clean 15 bathrooms that's horrible but like realistically you know people that have 15 bathrooms can hire someone to clean them all for you like frequently but i just i'm like oh my god imagine trying to clean that house wouldn't that be terrible you wouldn't have to you wouldn't be cleaning anything you'd be fine you could have someone cooking for you too if you wanted to oh that would be nice if they and then they would do the dishes afterward wow you know what maybe okay see i'm kidding though i don't think that i actually would want to have a private chef like you hear i don't know i just the idea of like having a person who works for me living in my house and then like their job being to cook whatever i want i would feel so like rude being like i want pancakes i don't know i just i'm not i don't want that that's uncomfortable i can make my own pancakes obviously i'm never going to have a private chef but one time i saw a listing for this like really fancy apartment in new york city it was like millions of dollars obviously like penthouse super fancy place and they clearly like really wanted to get rid of it so the house like the listing if you bought this place it came with a private chef for one year and also like three like mega fancy super cars that you could rent for a year and like also a like a month-long cruise or something like they had like thrown in these like perks to buy this apartment which is just so weird like to be like hey if you buy this place right now buy it today and get a free personal chef for a year like so weird i don't know i just can't that's such a life that we will never live you know this idea of like having a personal chef and like being throwing in some super cars with your purchase of your new home like what what is that and the month-long cruise who could even go on a month-long cruise i don't know i really enjoy looking at real estate though it's so fun i think it's fun to look at like really fancy apartments in the cities too because like these places some of them have built-in car elevators like there's this one apartment building that had a car elevator and it like you're you had the whole floor was your apartment right and you had this car elevator that would take you up to your garage that was on your floor of this high-rise building and so you had a garage on your floor and an elevator for your car so you could just drive into it and it would raise you up to your house and then you'd walk in and be in your little apartment what kind of life is that that i didn't even know existed until i saw that in the thing and then i was like wait a minute you mean tell me you've got car elevators i had never seen that before ever um i don't even know if i would want something like that but how nice that be to have actual like built-in parking space and like storage in your garage and you live in a high-rise building it's just so weird anyway i spend a lot of time on zillow i don't know if you noticed that's like that's my favorite social media site is zillow uh-huh i said this before but a lot of times i go in and look at these fancy houses and i'm like oh you know what i would change the kitchen i'd probably like maybe break down that wall i would repaint this room and like imagine myself living there i'm like where would i put my desk in my office like how do i lay out this place but it's not you're just not gonna live there it's a it's a four million dollar condo in new york city like you're never gonna move to new york kayla i think i like the apartments the most because most of them have floor plans like a lot of times when you look at houses on zilla at least in the u.s they never have floor plans included in the uk it seems that they have floor plans on their listings more often but here there's never like a floor plan for a house but apartments do have floor plans and i enjoy looking at those i think it's fun it's hard to like look at a listing of a house and see how it's laid out just from pictures because it's like okay here's a bathroom but like where where is it they don't like include the pictures of the hallway you know they've just got like a fancy picture of the kitchen and like here's the backyard but like how do you get there i wanna i need to visualize it if i'm gonna spend eight million dollars on this house i wanna see what it looks like anyway clearly i don't get out much all i do is look at fake homes on the internet and stuff so that's okay i mean you do that too right and there's a pandemic so it's fine i've got an excuse right no one can go anywhere so instead you just look at fake homes on the internet um in the sims on zillow i need to get off twitter that's the other thing i keep seeing i think especially because with this disney stuff going on i keep like reading through tweets and getting all stressed out like just go home stop coming here on vacation sorry no one has any business going on vacation to like a hot spot during a pandemic everyone likes disney doesn't mean now is a good time to go and just because you can doesn't mean you should okay i got i really gotta stop i just it fills me with rage oh one more life update okay so i've been watching 90 day fiance again recently i have a problem where i get like really bad secondhand anxiety from movies and tv shows i like put myself in their shoes too much and like when people die or whatever i just i get so like actually stressed out like if there's like an episode of like a bank robbery and like hostage situation going on i get like actual really bad anxiety thinking about like these people dying in the tv show it's really dumb but like it's bad like it's a problem so i like to watch a lot of dumb like reality tv instead because then i just get second hand embarrassment and that's more easy to tolerate so i've been watching a lot of 90 day fiance again if you haven't heard of it there's a visa called the k1 visa where you can apply for your fiance and move to the us and you have to get married once they're here which makes sense but a lot of people on the show obviously uh have been chosen because they're in like ridiculous relationships so it's like this whole drama like i have to get there and then get married within 90 days for my visa be valid and blah blah blah but like these people have met like one time so they move here and then they have all these relationship issues and like the parents hate them and there's this huge culture shock and all the friends hate them and it's like this whole ordeal and they've spent like five days together total in person so they're not really working and meshing well together in real life and it's just it's so dramatic and it's so dumb but i really enjoy this show and obviously because it's reality tv they pick like the worst people and they play it up so much but it's just it's hard to watch sometimes because these people are in terrible relationships some of them but it's also great fun so i i needed this you know i needed to like you know watch other people's problems for a little bit everything's going terribly in the world right now but like at least you know we can watch 90 day fiance and watch you know people scream at each other for no reason like i just finished season four and this one girl she literally tells her fiance that she's just marrying him for money she's like no i just want your money buy me a purse what great stuff i highly recommend it's on hulu if you're interested anyway the build's coming to an end now we finished the speed build part this video has been all over the place already but let's go ahead and jump into the actual build hello oh i clicked the play button like four times wasn't loading the house and then all of a sudden it just did so here's what i built insufficient never mind hang on so here's what i built as you can see it is significantly smaller but i think it looks a lot better i've got like the rocks to match the ones in the world this is what i was talking about by the awful awful color of the red patio but i kind of like it like i kind of like the red patio there's nice balconies everywhere the back is nice i just i think that this turned out a lot better actually inside the house you come into the living room this is like the formal living space there's got some bookshelves and like a chess table and a nice place to sit and play the piano there's also a desk it's not quite an office but it's like a mini office space so it works over here is the dining room there's another piano because when you are a multi-millionaire like as soon as people are you've obviously got two pianos here's one of the two bathrooms i know it's really small but it's okay and this is the tv room it's got all the bases covered you know and then you go upstairs and i have this big open area down to the bottom floor another chess table more bookshelves there's bookshelves everywhere in this house this is the main bedroom another little office space back here too i like this or i think it turned out kind of cute we've got the guest bedroom here i don't really know what guests are living here but you know when you've got guests they can stay right there this is the main bathroom see this is this is what i was talking about you see this one's giant and then this one downstairs is tiny it doesn't make much sense but yeah it works you know and the original house had a creepy basement and i liked the idea of that but i changed it in my version to a creepy attic so there's like a bookcase door that takes you into a ladder with like an unfinished room and then you get upstairs and in the attic there's like some weird things going on there's like papers on the floor there's big stains everywhere there's this listening device some creepy barrels there's like gym training equipment and most importantly baby yoda sits and stares into the distance except he's so short that he can't see out the window so he's not really staring into anything he just wants to so bad but he's too small to see out the window i think that that makes a lot of sense the like creepy attic instead it makes use of the space up there and then there's windows for yoda to not look out of i kind of like that you can see it a little bit through the window too like what what is that what's going on in there you know hmm but that's the whole house i think it turned out nice and again it's just the base game in strangereal so anyone that has fringe book can download it i will definitely be using this in my game if i ever play with strangerville again which i doubt i'll do but you never know right but on that note i'm going to go so please make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and do all those fun youtube things and in case you guys didn't know i post new videos every single day and so i will see you all tomorrow bye everybody also go home put a mask on and go home you
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 868,150
Rating: 4.9507785 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, strangerville, renovation, sims 4 renovation
Id: ac7v7cqwc-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 12 2020
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