I built my dream house in The Sims 4 (Streamed 7/1/20)

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um welcome back everybody i'm scared also it's storming you can probably hear the thunder um in the background but welcome back to my channel um let me quickly make sure everything is set up properly i think we're good to go yeah we are okay welcome back it's dark today yeah it's dark outside it is storming today um how's the dentist it was good um i do need me with some teeth out uh i can't get an appointment with the oral surgeon until like two weeks from now so i've got a consultation with them in like two weeks and so until then i'll just deal with it um thank you for the bits by the way thank you so much it's good to see all you guys uh w thank you for the bits thank you um but yeah fun it's great times right they try to do it today they were like we can do it right now and i was like no you can't no no no no you're not taking my teeth out right now no um and so i was like and i try to be like oh i have to work tonight and they're like no it's okay you can go if you need to you can go back to work today afterward and i was like no no i can't stream on the front page of twitch with my wisdom teeth out today um no and then i had to explain twitch to them and then they were like i don't get it so you like play games and i was like stop judging me it was it's fine frederick thank you for the two months uh life is emma thank you for the three months time thank you for the four months rack thank you for the two months uh sophia that you're the three months jewels that you're the sub thank you guys um yeah the judgment the judgment it's not a big deal it's fine it just was unpleasant could have been worse though it's fine the disney castle is my dream home yeah you're getting yours on two weeks nice i don't know when my actual appointment's gonna be i just have the consultation with the with the person in two weeks and then who knows when the actual surgery will be um also turns out that the one that hurts me the most isn't even the worst one this one hurts me the most um but this one is the worst the chopper one over here is the worst one apparently it doesn't even hurt sammy thank you for the 11 month resub miss thank you for the three months thank you so much you guys um it's your 50th stream of mine you know what you know what i just realized uh i'm getting really close to like a million hours streamed on twitch there's like they said they have achievements let me check um because they've got achievements for like how many hours you streamed and like so many concurrent viewers and like a bunch of random stuff we're only missing two and it's like 10 million hours of watch time and then i think like some so many hours streamed i think it's 2 000 but i could be wrong i'm gonna check i'm going to check and then i'm going to tell you um how do you where do you see them stream summary yes stream for 2 000 hours total oh my god we're so close it says 2 000 out of 2000 but i know we have not streamed for 2 000 hours so we must it'll be like today then we'll get there i think yeah that's a lot of hours i've streamed actually cat thank you for the two months uh greenberg thank you for the prime sub natalie thank you for the prime sub um i'm so sorry wispy that is terrible wisdom teeth are not fun don't you think you have the 34 months also by the way oh my oh my uh jay thank you for the prime stuff sims girl then you're the sub um natalie thank you i don't know who i've thanked thank you all i appreciate it um i'm starting early this week because we're in the front page later it's it's just this week dabney it's literally just monday tuesday wednesday thursday that's it honey plum thank you for the sub gift to maddie also it's just for a few days this week because we're gonna be on the front page uh this evening the point rewards are off because we're on the front page later you can attribute anything weird to the fact that we're on the front page again some people didn't read my discord announcement the other day why didn't you get your wisdom teeth taken out when you were a teen why because they didn't need to be they they're a problem now they weren't then this the one of them hasn't even come through properly yet [Music] what do you mean thank you for the stuff alana you're for 28 months um honey plum i think i thanked you i don't know house thank you for the 10 months and anna thank you for the bits also you fixed it that's good same space thank you for the bits also oh my cat's on the desk that's good that's good some people you get the wisdom that when they become a problem like you're not going to take them out if they're not a problem and then if they become a problem you take them out and some people have them as a problem when they're a teenager some people have the problem not when they're a teenager i don't know i didn't have a problem with them until now some people never have a problem with them um not everybody needs to get their wisdom teeth out it's like your appendix you don't not everybody gets their appendix out some people do why why didn't you get your appendix out huh huh cats thank you for the bits um anyway thank you guys or your tonsils sure exactly what what you've got an appendix wow loser imagine that's so embarrassing couldn't be me that's not true i have not had my appendix taken out i'm gonna get my sims game open um my dad had appendicitis anonymously you're the sub gift um thank you so much he'll thank you for the four months thank you um yeah dan i think did a good job with the video my dentist went went fine i just have to wait a while to get a consultation with the oral surgeon but it's okay it could be worse do i trust you i wouldn't um anyway we're not going to talk about medical things because we're not going to let you guys spread misinformation in chat okay honestly i will never get over how impossible it is to explain the front page of people it's like the only question i get in chat is like what's the front page i feel like i have to say it like every two minutes um it's not your fault i know you weren't here the whole time but the front page of twitch is like the home page so like uh twitch.tv the website when you go to the home page there's a carousel of featured streamers we're gonna be in that carousel for two hours today starting in about 30 minutes um so it's just the home page of twitch like featured on the front page i don't understand what about that is so confusing but they should call it the home page yeah it would make it easier um i don't know it's not like the first time it's happened i mean like matilda thank you for the two month three sims girl at heart thank you for the bits wonder woman thank you for the four months um thank you so much you guys drayton uh i love fun thank you tilam thank you for the 15 months thank you guys i think part of it is because the fact that so much of my audience does not watch twitch like you watch me but you don't watch a lot of other streamers and so when i like talk about twitch things people are like what does that mean and then it surprises me and then i'm like oh wait i'm a youtuber and you're here because of my youtube channel you're not twitch people like me um something people thank you for the bits thank you so much um but yeah some some of us uh have a twitch problem not all of us do oh my god can i tell you guys a fear of mine i'm gonna be real with you for a second we're gonna um we're gonna we're gonna real talk so um the so i'm a twitch ambassador this year right which is why we're getting front page slots this week is because they're like giving me some promo on the front page because we're a twitch ambassador um and because of that they're also gonna make like a tweet a now in a blog post announcing me as a twitch ambassador and they announced someone else yesterday um like one of the other girls who was a twitch ambassador uh and all of the replies to the tweet were horrifying like these twitch people are so mean i feel like we live in such a little bubble of like we play the sims all of our friends are nice there's a lot of women here and you forget that like a lot of twitch is mean scary boys um and i'm truthfully kind of afraid of what's going to happen when they post a tweet about me um because it was bad so i ah um but maybe when they post that we could all reply nice things instead and drown out the scary boys that apparently hate women and we play sims it's even worse we play like a girl game oh god we're we are not welcome here apparently but i don't know when they're gonna post that but i guess we'll see and then it'll be fun girls ew gross doctor thank you for the tier two sub oh hi did you know that i'm well i am thank you um tanisha thank you for the thank you owl ever thank you for the prime sub jules thank you for the sub gift uh sarah thank you for the sub gift also ty thank you for the two months uh matthew thank you for the six months also thank you guys so much um anyway we'll be okay i just got kind of nervous about that when i saw it i was like this isn't i'm i am not welcome here apparently i was i was worried about it going into it um but like especially with everything that's going on for the past couple weeks um twitch is a scary place to be right now i heard it was someone's birthday i'm gonna sing you a birthday song sasha thank you for the bits uh fc thank you for the bits izzy thank you for the prime sub thank you so much you guys um it's gibby's birthday apparently you've got five wisdom teeth one of my friends was saying they had five how to get them all taken out that's kind of funny uh congrats egg on your special extra tooth that's big [Music] cindy thank you for the 23 months also that you're that's almost two years i'm so sorry i'm dating a boy i know i'm dating a boy okay do i need to clarify this when i say that some boys are mean obviously i don't mean that all boys are mean what are you why do people twist words like this there are some bad people on twitch not all twitch people are bad i don't think that i sounded like i said that but do i have to clarify that i don't mean all twitch people i mean there is a subset of people in fact i think a majority um that are a little bit mean brian thank you for the 13 months meredith thank you for the bits um girl streamer i bet she has an appendix gross lindsay thank you for the 32 months it's me i had five five wisdom teeth i'm extra wise see i i was gonna say like oh lansi had five wisdom teeth and i was like maybe i shouldn't reveal lansi's um personal medical information who knows what if she gets upset that i was like lansi has five wisdom teeth what if she's like how dare you say that how dare you expose my fifth tooth on stream so i chose to not say her name but it's okay she um she exposed herself five teeth weirdo elizabeth thank you for the nine month reset thank you so much i really appreciate that um anonymous anomalous oh you've made a joke about in your message close to anonymous but not anomalous thank you for the ten dollars to the trans law center by the way thank you so much to donate there's a link in the chat if you want to donate to the transgender law center there's let me let me post it and chat for you guys really quick imagine having teeth ew that's disgusting how embarrassing to have teeth you should be ashamed of yourselves a bunch of weirdos over here with teeth god cheyenne thank you three months oh gee thank you for the bits also thank you so much i hope you had a good time at the last few days it's good to see you again monkey thank you for the four months also imagine having a physical being imagine existing ew ew i've got three monitors um i play my game on the middle one i've got the chat and all my twitch dashboard stuff on this one i got discord and like my stream labs alert list and stuff on this one usually have my mods chat open while i'm streaming just in case so can you actually play fruit bully what do you think i'm doing can you actually play anyway thank you guys it's good to see you uh welcome back shout out please who to you i don't know you ella it's okay you and me will both get her wisdom to that at the same time and we'll be there for each other for moral support it'll be good it'll be good you and me we're in this together i'm sorry that you're nervous about it but you and i i don't even know when i'll have to get them out so if those who missed it when i said it earlier because i said it like right when i went live um i had a dentist appointment today uh went there got some x-rays done and stuff they said that i have to get all four of my wisdom teeth taken out uh they were like you can do it right now and i was like no i can't no i will not let you rip my teeth out right now no that's okay um and so they referred me to an oral surgeon and i'm gonna go get it done there but i ca i have a consultation appointment in like two weeks um and then after that who knows when the actual extraction will be the red house yeah i don't want to talk about that live stream your wisdom teeth removal um he was like thank you for the bits anna thank you for the seven months uh mur thank you for the ten dollars to the trans law center by the way thank you so much uh for donating your allowance thank you thank you thank you i really appreciate you and for legal reasons this is a hate comment oh my god you no abby jones thank you for the 7 hundred dollar donation to the transgender law center saw it pop up and i was like no way no way um as envy boys i've always felt accepted here trans rights thank you abby for the 700 to the transgender law center thank you so much that's just like a couple dollars that's pretty cool chair vote thank you for the ten dollars as well trans women are real women thank you uh doba thank you for the bits and backs thank you for the three months thank you for 20 months jenny thank you for the bits thank you guys so much i really appreciate that that's really really cool um you're you're all uh i'm gonna be honest i'm gonna say it again you're all kind of cool this community is really impressive i i feel very lucky to be surrounded by people like you so thank you so much um sarah thank you for the 10 also and everlasting evergreen thank you for the prime sub um not bad um okay so i was going to try and build my dream home today for a couple reasons because we're going to be on the front page in a little bit and i was like do i really want to build on the front page because the back seating you know and then i was like wait if i build my dream house i can uh easily ignore everything you say any demands that are made of me in chat i can say it's my dream house and i choose to not paint the walls crazy gamer thank you for the 16 month resub i personally prefer houses that don't have paint on them so big brain see um i don't really know what style of house i want to go for um i very much like like older looking houses that have been renovated like my dream i think is to buy an old house and like fixer-upper it i want to be joanna gaines i don't know about like the farmhouse style but i want to be joanna gaines in the sense that i get to renovate an old house and make it beautiful again like that's that's my dream um if i had unlimited money i would have a beautiful house with like a cinema room and a fancy office and a pool that i pay someone else to clean any budget oh no it's my dream house i do what i want um kx thank you for the prime stuff waffle flower thank you for the 10 months matt thank you for the 20 the trans law center thank you so much and the outside would be blue thank you for the prime stuff exactly there's a bowling alley no we're not gonna put a bowling alley in it um i'm gonna make it realistic it's a realistic dream okay and i don't think that many people can realistically have a bowling alley in their basement unless you do i don't mean to exclude you guys i'm sorry if you've got a bowling alley in your basement good for you okay lori thank you for the bits um yeah that's i know i the wisdom teeth removal is not a big deal it'll be totally fine i just feel nervous you know like i know it's a very standard thing and like some people get their teeth their wisdom teeth taken out and it's like not a big deal um like all of my mods and there was something that not true it's not all of them but a lot of them like everybody feel their wisdom tooth out i just i still get scared i hate the dentist it's horrible it's one of those things you know nev thank you for the five dollars for the translator thank you so much you guys um imagine not having a bowling alley wow what you losers don't have a bowling alley in your basement could it be me i can't relate that's so embarrassing live with life thank you for the bits thank you so much uh you do have a bowling alley in your basement it's long and narrow when we use it for storage wait you're not kidding no way amy thank you for the prime sub was it like there when you moved in or did you put it in i feel like because user for storage it must be like i said it was already there that's so weird imagine touring houses and coming across one that's got an actual bowling alley in it that's wild that's really cool that's really really cool yeah i don't have a basement either i mean no one in florida does that's not true i'm sure there's some but the water table's too high we can't have basements here i can sell my tooth on ebay how much would you pay for lil simsy's tooth i got four of them that i can sell this is how i'm gonna buy my dream house negative five hundred dollars little simsy has to pay me to have her tooth hey there thank you for the premise of rapunzel thank you for the six months uh amy thank you for the prime sub living with life thank you for the bits um it's a weird full of spiders old boy that was there when you moved in i wonder who it was that put that bowling alley in a good two dollars would you actually pay two dollars for it or are you just making a joke because like i love cats i'll send it to you for two dollars hey guys 10k sub points we'll do a tooth giveaway oh my god hey guys give me two million subs on youtube we'll do a tooth giveaway uh make sure to like and comment and subscribe you'll get entered to win one of my teeth are you allowed to do that is that allowed is that like that seems like tos to me kitty thank you for the two months uh westfall thank you for the five months natalia thank you for the 150 to the trans law center superbike thank you for the five months i think i oh i didn't thank you thank you uh terrielle thank you for the 16 months and tall glass of lotion thank you for the sub gift uh i'm really sorry if i missed anything i'm pretty sure i didn't but i've been busy talking about teeth so teeth with a side of bath water i'll i'll submerge my teeth in my gamer girl bath water and then i'll sell it to you or i'll send it to you for free because there's no way that's tus i don't know there's like weird rules about giveaways and stuff i'm sure you can do whatever you want they can get my dna and clone me okay okay max thank you for the bits by the way oh um i don't know what my what i want my house to look like i don't think i want it to be a new crest i feel like my dream home is not in new crest build now no you build now how many times you typed in my chat oh you keep yelling at me to build and play finally now you need to calm down it's gonna be okay sometimes people are mean to me i check their message history and i'm like you've typed my chat four times and each time is you yelling at me that wasn't that person but just that's what happens a lot the people that yell on me to build are never the ones that are always here they're always they have four matches in chat they followed me this morning and they just want me to build and that's it okay it's okay i'm gonna get started in a second i'm just busy i'm thinking i think i'd like to live in a place like brindleton bay how bad is the lighting can i evict people oh my god [Music] nina thank you for the bits we're not here to listen to you we don't want to listen to you talk streamer shut up streamer we can build it here i would like to live in a place like this this is a nice place there's like a pretty park you can walk your dogs at the dog park do you think they um that ubereats delivers here man thank you for the best nina thank you for the bits also thank you so much you guys priorities yeah see okay i'm not sure what kind of house i want to build i like this area it is pretty in brindles and bay isn't it it's nice gelato thank you for the 151 to the trans law center walk snappy i walk my cat yeah tooth shaped i was joking about how um i when i get my wisdom teeth out i'll i'll pre-record a little bit so that i i'll have some content to post on youtube i'll make a tooth house for that day it's supposed to be a tooth i love cats do you hear that that was long thunder that was kind of weird i don't i'm i'm scared the sky is falling kylie thank you for the two months uh ava you've said twenty dollars to the trans law center by the way and thank you for the two months as well i'm scared and i'm in the uk right now that was mildly concerning yeah admittedly i don't i don't know about that mom mom come pick me up i'm scared i feel like the tooth house needs to be a little bit bigger like it needs to be like that's creepy looking it could be a spaceship if we wanted it to you have three pairs of headphones on how jack thank you for the four month reset you want to see how many cat trees your dream house has one in every room every room anastasia thank you for the four months also thank you so much it's been storming for the last few hours or so so it's not surprising it looked like it was clearing up though six ears yeah yeah i missed your bits emilia did i i did i'm sorry i was bus there was a disaster i missed leather kitkats four months sub also um thank you for the bits um oh i hope i hope your dog's okay that's really scary i'm i'm sorry to hear about that um thank you for the bits you got a message in a bottle from raymond okay brag about it we get it raymond likes you i have i've still yet to find raymond ever um in my uh in animal crossing maybe one day when i visit how i'll find him maybe one day i don't know what shape of house to build um let me like straight up google styles of houses i'm just gonna pick one and we'll go from there i know i sort of know what i want i got inspired to do this because i saw a person on reddit be like i bought this dutch colonial house today and i was like god i love that house i want one of those so maybe we should do one of those but i feel like i've done a million of that kind of thing it would look kind of like this but less ugly uh daisy you for the sub thank you avi thank you for the bits also um watch the stream call him on the front page that's not funny don't joke about that i'm gonna get kicked off when i'm on the front page um megan thank you for the ten dollars ashley you've the twenty dollars also both of the trans law center the noise is someone coming from my teeth they flew their plane right over here and they're they're gonna take my teeth themselves oh no modern style you think my dream house is modern who do you think i am truly do you even know me that's my worst nightmare i start crying not a modern house please please no i wish it was easier to build townhouses in the sims because uh like a nice old like brownstone sort of thing in a city somewhere that really appeals to me they're just like a little bit expensive and not very easy to recreate in the sims but that's kind of the dream to be honest little pee wee thank you for the two month resub peewee is a good name thank you for the two months mama park thank you for three months also okay let me open a second obs that that's what i would like um because then i can record you never know what you might need right you might want to post this on youtube right i already live in the disney castle so i mean i i have my dream but foot shaped house okay what do you think that would look like the second obs that i opened was um my stream scene again i didn't change the recording yes but played it toy i'm sorry that was kind of scary i'm sorry that was kind of scary granny crumlin thank you for the thousand bits um this is this is your foot house oh maybe it could just be like you only get three toes thank you for the fits again andy thank you for 22 months um happy almost birthday by the way uh wiggly thank you for the four months as well looks like a minecraft toe as it should what happened to the other two um imagine having five toes only losers have five toes okay i'm not a loser so i don't support uh this this five toe business personally um kevin thank you for the two months i really appreciate you friend thank you or you know there's link in the chat to donate if you want to the transgender law center um you might miss the link in chat there's also a it's um like on my twitch panels if you need it meg thank you for the bits i have not started building i am doing a bad job see fairy thank you for the prime sub um okay i am ready i'm ready how many toes do you have let me know let me know in the comments down below how many toes do you have i want like a decently big house too i'm ready for this when i'm talking dream house i mean my dr this is way too big i mean my dream house um yeah it's too big yeah it's too big okay 69 toes wow i believe you what's that like this house is so long i kind of like it um i might not have it on one side um there to thank you for the five dollars golden lily thank you for the prime sub also thank you so much you guys okay i do not know how big exactly to go about this that'll be a chimney this doesn't look like a tooth it is a tooth i promise i would never make a non-tooth house okay we're on the front page in 12 minutes we are not on the front page yet um just so i can let you guys know what to expect a little bit before we end up on the front page uh you never really know how these things are going to go so we could end up getting like 10 000 more viewers we could have 10 more viewers like there's really no um in between it could be like 2 000 more or 200 more uh we don't know before we're on the front page so if that happens i'm going to ask you guys to please avoid talking about how my viewers are in chat i don't care how many viewers i have i'm i'm going to say it again i never care how many viewers we have i usually hide the view count when i'm streaming because i don't care um so just avoid talking about it in chat pretend it's not happening play it cool you know um that's that's what we do here we play it cool we're used to this um we got this like we are we are seasoned front page veterans okay this is not a big deal and we can handle it um and also if we get like spambotted or trolls just ignore them uh the trolls that come and chat they really want attention that's why they're here and so if we don't give them attention they'll leave so that's all you gotta all you gotta worry about um i think it won't be a big deal it's it it's not it's fine um summer club thank you for the nine months louie thank you for the two months uh knock thank you for the bits i hope you're doing all right and george thank you for the pits also i am really really sorry to hear that i really hope you're okay i'm glad that we can be there for you notes thank you for the bits also easy breezy thank you for the bits um i will do some more build tutorials soon i i thought about making one of those videos i think because i have to pre-record a little bit um for my wisdom teeth extraction i might do a build tutorial then um the front page is the home page of twitch so if you go to like twitch.tv the website the main website there's a carousel of streamers that are featured we're going to be in the carousel but we don't know necessarily where in the carousel will be um so you never know if you're going to have again like 5 000 more viewers or 500 more viewers or five more viewers uh it's it's kind of hit or miss with those things you don't know where you're gonna be on the carousel until you end up actually being on the front page so um we don't know what to expect and it's not a big deal it'll be totally fine no matter what oops give me thank you for the thousand bits thank you so much davine thank you for the bits also um simmer claw louie thank you for the subs okay build a tooth i'm building a style of house instead that i build all the time instead i've chosen uh to simply recreate a build that i've done a million times i'm gonna make it kind of round i like that that's the vibe right there oops that's too big this isn't a tooth it's not even gonna be blue okay leave me alone it's not even blue okay um that's cutting it kind of close to the edge there does it look weird when it's rounded i think it looks kind of weird when it's rounded steph thank you for the six months um thank you so much you guys no blue suburban no i would never do that only losers like blue suburban houses okay i kind of like it um i was gonna put a roof piece we're gonna have to make this a lot smaller oh my cat's here it's like she knows room in the front page soon she came in to hang out hi snappy how are you did you get scared of the thunder my cat is kind of a baby a dentist office i'm not oh ew oh oh god oh god no okay no i'm sorry it has to be flat i'm sorry we are not yeah that's not wow that was ugly okay so a snap if she jumps up my lap i'll show her to you but i don't wanna oh i'm not gonna pick her up she looks like she wants to get picked up but your cat gets scared of fireworks yeah my cat's scared of fireworks too um i've had some neighbors that have been setting off a bunch of fireworks recently um which is so annoying just like shut up you know just stop why are you doing that what are you achieving with that um anyway it's gonna be even worse this weekend um my dentist was like you got any fourth of july plans and i was like no there's a pandemic what do you mean no i don't have any fourth of july plans what um anyway that that's all you don't care about this that's just a life update for you no i don't have any fourth of july plans uh howard thank you for the sub gift uh bye thank you for the two months gertrude thank you for the six months uh i hope you're doing all right friend i'm sorry to hear that z full thank you for the five dollars to the trans law center also thank you so much it's your birthday mrs twitch i'll sing you a song [Music] um chun you use paypal to check out but you can put in your card you don't need a paypal account just click through a little bit more and you'll get there you don't need to have a paypal account um it just like looks like you do because it uses paypal to check out but um you don't need an account you can use your card separately hey sad trash thank you for the bits thank you so much i really appreciate you uh abby thank you for the sub gift thank you so much you guys um i actually kind of like that i quite quite enjoy this look i might make this it needs to be like a little bit less symmetrical i think for my own um brain i'm gonna put a balcony on this side oh i can use whatever fence i want because it's my house this is my dream house i can do whatever i want oh this is exciting i can pick whatever i want george thank you for the 12 month resub fable thank you for the prime sub also wait i can do whatever i want um apple tart i'm not sure what you mean um okay i don't know what i'm going to pick just yet i'm going to leave that for now in case i change it challenges traumatize you it seems i'm just so used to doing like weird limitation challenges and stuff where it's like you can only use red fences but now i can have whatever i want and no one can stop me you can't stop me i'll do whatever i want okay there we go that's not bad and then i was gonna put a uh like this build tutorial we finally let her out i'm finally free nicole thank you for the 10 to the trans law center by the way dreams aren't real oh you're right i'm never gonna have a house like this in real life um okay i'm trying to decide if i wanna have like uh some dormers over here or not i can't tell i'd be okay doing like two little teeny ones like that um just so that we could have some more windows upstairs because there aren't really any windows that looks so silly i kind of like it wrapper on porch i don't know if that's really the vibe with this i kind of like how silly that looks it looks like a face i kind of want to keep it i might change it once we do the floor plan but for now i kind of want to keep it it is my dream house hey belle and chicken oh my god thank you for the 100 to the transgender law center that pushes that's that's 9 000 raised by the way that's just a couple dollars thank you so much belle for the 100 by the way um thank you so much i've learned my lesson that i won't be saying anything nice to you this is a hate comment thank you belle finally someone follows the rules and is not nice to me can i sing a birthday song for canada you know is canada here right now i only sing worldly songs unless you're here is all of canada here right now this is albert thank you for the sub thank you so much you guys yes mushy peanut thank you for the four months by the way thank you solidarity gaming thank you for the sub gift oh i really appreciate you guys i'll sing a birthday song this is only for canadians though okay i'm just kidding someone get justin trudeau is justin here hey justin this one's for you buddy [Applause] hopefully thank you for the 11 month reset oh my god okay [Music] listen cover your ears if you aren't canadian i i hope none of you non-canadians listen to that i'd be really upset if you did devil thank you for the bits hi i'm kayla and welcome to my dream crib exactly um okay we have to do some uh some fiddling with this uh what i'm going to do is put this on either side we got to do it in a bunch of different pieces because i didn't want that to be clipping so i have to like because i want to put a fence here too this is going to be my balcony i can make it round if i want because it's my house and i can do whatever i want abby thank you for the eleven dollars to the trans law center uh sophie thank you for the donation also thank you so much you guys i can do whatever i want because it's my house oh very good that's real nice right there wow look at that character are you guys seeing this hello where's my grid there we go i can have the grid on because it's my house um it turned colonial maybe a little bit i can do whatever i want it's my house i always liked this fence and it's my house uh sheldon thank you for the dollar also to the transwestern thank you so much you guys i really really appreciate you oh i hate this fence maybe i'll use the cats and dogs one i do like the cats and dogs one i just feel like it's so generic for this style but it's fancy it's very country vibes maybe i don't want it i don't know what do i want it's my house um this is her thank you for the bits little shop thank you for the six months uh judah thank you for the bits you're folding laundry and having fun i see i feel you joanne thank you for 20 also to the trans law center thank you so much i'm so confused about whose house this is okay um that's nice and like subtle you know maybe i'll use that one i'm gonna have fun furnishing this because it's my house um it's hovering yeah i know it looks pretty good right we're gonna put some columns in i i promise we'll get some columns hello oh something about that doesn't seem right maybe that's not as big as i wanted it to be maybe it needs to be wider than that oh it can be just too wide wait whose house is it okay no it's fine this is fine it's i pretty i like it oh did i get rid of the fence right there to put that in stupid stupid look who it is it's fake kayla that you're the four month reset thank you so much classic i don't think i like this fence anymore is this the disney castle yeah maybe i'll use this that's pretty nice that's kind of fancy i see a face in your house it does kind of look like that why would it apply there you better like it because it's your house why does it i feel so filled with rage right now do i hate that or not i can't tell i don't know it can stay for now until i change my mind um delancey thank you so much today uh for the for the five dollars to the trans law center thank you um whose house is this it's my house now get it like mean girls yeah it's storming here it was storming it's still kind of stinky outside because of the storm earlier so it is in fact kind oh that's sad so it's kind of dark out okay um that's most places it needs to be i gotta do it up here first too hmm that's not bad it's nice and big too which is exactly what i wanted what packs to get first oh my goodness this is exciting uh if i were you and i had to get just one pack i would get seasons first seasons is so good it's like truly life-changing i cannot recommend seasons highly enough i think a lot of people in my chat will agree with me um that it is so good and uh you need it so okay i have to get rid of that so that it doesn't look ugly see look at them all they agree it's just especially for gameplay like it's it makes such a big difference having like all these different options you know lady royal thank you for the two month resub i really appreciate you thank you um we should be on the front page right now hobnob yeah uh if you're watching from the front page hi i'm lil simsy and i'm building in the sims um disney castle of the south in disney township if you will boring thank you for the bits um i this is in fact uh this is my disney castle okay um i little simsy uh disney castle uh inhabitant this is my house i think that looks really nice and then we can get some little windows like up here i don't know what doors i'm gonna put you know what's really nice also is that i can center the doors however i want oh i need taller walls i can truly put whatever i want and no one can stop me i could have like this door if i wanted it i thought i was eliza pancakes should i renovate my pancake stream home could even use stranger build windows if i wanted to because it's my house i always liked this cats and dog store too maybe i'll put the cats in dog store that's a pretty door we have the medium wall height cats and dog store that for some reason looks shorter i ugly use that one instead ugly um you can't all place doors abby are you playing on the legacy edition um gibby usually sasha gets off before me so i don't often get to raid her caitlyn thank you for the tier 1 sub by the way thank you so much is a nice door cool i'm glad you agree i might change it still i don't know what i'm doing i think i want a bigger door her dream has medium wall height listen i just my issue with medium wall height is not in real life it's with the sims and how it looks in the sims medium wall height in the sims looks really weird a lot of the time um because it's like lacking i like how i'm using base game stuff in here but the medium wall height and the sims like we don't have enough stuff like doors and windows for it a lot of the time so it's sad sometimes i want to use this but it doesn't fit um guys i would appreciate it if you didn't tell me to raid people right now i'm still streaming i'm not gonna get off stream for a while either so telling me to raid people particularly like uk people like when i get off stream it's gonna be like midnight for jessie i don't think she'll still be live i just went live you telling me to rate someone right now i was like get off simsey and rate this person instead i want to watch this person instead right simsy hi ninja lovely thank you for the bits by the way easy breezy thank you for the bits i do i get so excited about centering doors and windows this has like made my life and i can't even express to you how much so like being able to center doors and windows however i want has just it has made every part of my life so much better and i mean that when i say it biller thank you for the sub by the way thank you so much um no i want to put a smaller door smaller window i mean oops oops like this one you like the house i like it too i think it's cute uh i was gonna put a fence in i'm gonna use this one uh maybe i'll stick it like there i could have so many dogs in this house with my beautiful backyard look at me go oh i was just one tile off that i had it in the right spot dang it dang it okay i like this though we'll have a nice pool we'll have a bedroom for my cats man that's not true i don't know if we can fit one of those but we can try i'll do whatever i can i don't know if i like that or not oh it's ugly wait what if there was like another deck ugly sorry that was mean what if there was another deck like this though i want to change all of the fences because of that auto placing like that collie thank you for the chair one sub uh chris thank you for the 75 dollars to the trans law center by the way thank you so much uh and ryan thank you for the bits can you got some finishing your final it's good to see you ah maddie thank you for the 10 gifted subs why does that scare me so much all of a sudden rick astley was playing and i was like we're doomed we're doomed okay i don't know what i want to do maybe if we had it like i mean the the patio could be like all of that space and then we could have another staircase like over here sort of and then it hides it then we can have a pool and we'll have like some landscaping i'll change the color but oh i should save my game you're right maddie thank you for the 10 gifted subs thank you so much michelle dawn thank you for the four months also the patio is thick i just like the idea of having more patio space we could have like a little seating area out here you know should i put a what if we made like um hang on i've got an idea we might have to mess with this a little bit to get it to work how we want it to but what if we like you know how we have uh the fence this one and sometimes people make like trellises themselves what if we did that we had like a little trellis above this i want a smaller white trim lily thank you for the two month resub thank you so much well that size is this it's a 40 30 by 30 maybe i think it's 30 by 30. i don't know um oops even if it was just like that it's not that unreasonable it's kind of cool looking we can put some plants up there i don't know the roofs have trims uh my roof does yeah i don't know if i like it or not but i can adjust it more it's just so we have like the concept there you know and then i wanted it we were gonna have to do some landscaping back here so i was gonna like honestly stick that all the way to like there this is a big backyard another day i want to do an x you think we should have x's [Music] what is i put it in a weird spot i don't understand what i'm doing i'm not putting more leave me alone thank you again for enough for the 20 so the trans law center by the way thank you so much okay i'll see if i like it if i put glass i don't want it to be glass i hate i hate that i'm not i don't want that that's not true i just don't like the way the glass roof looks like for a um specially designed um what's the word i'm looking for skylight am i gonna add a shed oh i had never thought about that i might put like a um i don't know might do something back here it's my house it's my house i don't really want a skylight i like my little i like this why is everyone trying to change me what part of no back seating do we not understand i don't really like it being the the squares i think that's more boring i wish that we had a fence that had less of the like i mean what does this one look like if we i know it's really small do i just change it all individually oh my god rather just draw the lines myself but i feel like this fence is like oh god ah this is why am i really having such a hard time with this put the grid back on there oh michaela thank you for three months watching thank you for the for the prime stuff as well i am struggling for sure see that's like really thin and i can't tell if that's the vibe that i'm going for are these counted as rooms i don't understand do both combined i think i might like this better i was gonna put plants on top of it we're gonna come back to it i'll change it more later does it spark joy yeah i'm just gonna come back to it it's okay i'll figure it out i'm gonna basically have to move these windows once we do the actual furnishing anyway so i kind of want to just not have any for now and then i'll figure out the furnishing and then i'll do the windows i just don't know where they're gonna be so okay we need to have windows on this part of the house though it is sad looking oh so sad looking um so many windows it's gonna look really pretty from the inside though we'll have curtains up king carl thank you for the four months elephant thank you for the two months also thank you i'll furnish it today i'm gonna try i'm gonna try and finish it today um we'll just we'll see how far we get i guess you never know okay it does look like baby challenge house it looks a lot like maybe challenge house clearly i've been inspired by my 100 baby challenge house to build this rackhouse thank you for the 50 to the trans law center also thank you so much um bros thank you for the 31 months also um ideally this house will have an office for me um a couple extra bedrooms nice main bedroom um that's ugly um we'll see what we can fit i guess i mean it's supposed to be my dream house but if i i can't have all my priorities that's okay it is just the sims i want to have a basement that has a cinema room that's important to me um do i like this i can't tell i don't think so i don't think i do um we have like that in a light gray color we have that in a blue in a beige in white christine thank you for the sub gift also brick i might have some brick parts i don't want most of it to be brick i've definitely missed plenty of roofs it's okay i'm gonna come back and try and get to it all i have definitely missed many pieces of my roof um okay i think that's all of it what if like the main bit was brick like oh i don't know if i like that i just want the first floor to be brick too not the second floor um zoe thank you for the 50 also to the trans law center thank you so much you guys that is really really cool thank you um i think i do like this it would just be those parts though and then this would be i think we need to have a slight bit of trim i need to like um this is very simple tiny little piece that no one can even see i don't want to make it gray brick rather just be all paneling i don't like how gray brick looks this is my house it's my house um or like more subtle brick hmm wrong side wrong piece no the aggressive yelling looks abandoned no it doesn't oh dear i cannot win madame money thank you for the four month reset oh wait you guys ever heard of like oh i never mind it's fine i always liked this kind of brick on purpose it's kind of distressed looking it's pretty um you ever heard of not back seating i think i'd rather not be paneling um i don't know how to paint this i don't know what i want it to look like laura thank you for the seven month reset thank you so much i have to change the foundation it's on if i'm gonna do that but um it looks weird i don't know what i'm doing i like the combination of the textures though morgan thank you for the bits would i still be in florida from a different state i don't know i don't know what my plans are for the future don't really know where i intend to live for the rest of my life i am 20. who knows what'll happen um i think i want it to be not vertical siding again i don't know i keep going back and forth what's backseat gaming uh making demands and trying to tell me how to play the game suggestions are not backseat gaming demands are backseat gaming um so there was loud thunder are you okay lindsay ellen thank you for the bits uh hot goss thank you for the bits christelle thank you for the 100 uh to the trans law center also thank you so much you guys wait you're not 12 okay okay i think i'll make this part brick too i painted it all oh uh madeline thank you for the nine month reset also what about paint instead of siding um i wanted to be siding i live in a place where all houses are covered with stucco and i i prefer the look of a little bit more interesting texture i don't know i don't like that you don't really find houses that are this style in florida um this kind of thing is not really uh a florida sort of vibe truthfully you don't really find this around here lily thank you for the prime stuff also um i like that that's kind of nice i'm gonna keep that probably based game oh it's definitely not gonna be a base game it's already got dyno in it you think blue i wanted it to be i don't why is everyone trying to tran change my dream house what do people keep trying to change me i do think maybe a darker sighting could be interesting but i feel like it maybe clashes with the roof a little bit that's gray i don't really want it to be if i make it blue everyone's gonna make fun of me that's on purpose dre it's on purpose i was gonna build my dream house not yours go make your own dream house um no i think i like it being gray one of my mods uh messaged someone asking him to stop spamming in chat and they said but she's doing wrong decisions here laura ban them ban them i don't care they're talking back to my mods i have no patience for this laura banned them but she's doing wrong decisions it's my house oh my god fella thank you for the 10 month threesome thank you so much but she's doing wrong decisions oh grow up okay that's so funny uh i really hope your dog is all right bella thank you for the reset thank you so much um streamskin spicy yeah classic swan song thank you for the bits okay um oh hi did you know that i'm hype i am thank you cool girl fever for the tier 2 14 month reset by the way thank you so much um no no no i like this roof texture a lot i don't know how it looks here but i like it and i want to use it um ac thank you for the two month reset also thank you so much i think it might need to be darker why is your dream house also my dream house is it really good drew thank you for the bits thank you so much no i haven't played roblox um i am not very familiar with roblox personally ugly not the vibe everyone's trying to change my dreams it's absolutely terrible this is not what i wanted um taylor they use the 21 month reset thank you so much that's not that's not how about green [Music] this isn't what i wanted absolutely terrible what if we made like a log cabin fillers thank you for the bits by the way thank you so much did i try solar yet what like the sol these no i hadn't tried this it's not quite the vibe that i was going for maybe i'll put solar panels on my house morgan uh thank you so much for the 200 bits thank you uh i don't like this because it's like too dark the roof is too dark that roof is too dark i really like this roof still i want to keep this roof color why is everyone trying to change me what if i went for like a color like green i think i've built this exact house before i'm pretty sure i've made this exact house in the sims 4 before i think that's that's why i was kind of uh leaning away from this because i've already built this princess azula thank you so much for the 18 months thank you so much um okay i want to make this smaller too oh wait yes this is smaller that's what i wanted did you say try orange siding i don't really want an orange house i don't know if i want an orange house um steph thank you for the 25 to the trans law center you ask how crazy is florida and are people that weird um i believe you're referencing the florida man memes that come out of florida and the reason that exists is because of the laws in florida uh there's like more freedom of information with things so there's like public arrest records and stuff so there's a lot of like news about crazy florida people because it's public um whereas it's not in a lot of other states but there also are a lot of um you know wild people here so where i live is not that bad um but i don't also interact with people that often so you know um before the house white it's my house florida is america's armpit yeah um i think i like this the yellow is too bright maybe i do want to live in a this is a big yellow house i don't think i want a big yellow house i'd rather have a little yellow house than a big yellow house that's too big that yellow house is too big if we had a small house i'd make it yellow i think that's too much yellow okay i wanna small yellow guest house i don't think i want a guest house i don't think that's my dream i don't think the guest house is of interest to me i don't know i've never really thought about that i hate that color wood i like this color wood that's fine do you have a favorite state no no i don't have a favorite state um i think we all have our problems that's not true um i don't know i don't think that flora's ferris state though we're kind of a mess right now to be perfectly honest with you um i don't recommend coming here by the way stop coming to florida on vacation there's a pandemic stop it go home trudy thank you for the five month reset thank you so much does my constant state of anxiety count my favorite state is anna's constant state of anxiety because i relate to it a lot neato thank you for the two month reset thank you so much would a white floor for the porches look nice i'm not sure i feel like it might be too much one of my favorite um things is there's like a wood that's laid kind of fancy um where is it what what am i looking at this i always think this is pretty cool um i feel like it might be too like bland on the porches how's it going yesterday i went wilmer when we um we did a random like dumb color challenge in the sims so it was kind of fun yesterday the stream each room is a different color challenge you know um i do like this i always have i don't know what i want to do though um leah thank you so much for the five dollars by the way to the translate center thank you um will i ever visit england so if my boyfriend lives in england um so i've i've been to england quite a few times uh don't know when i can go back there's a pandemic but hopefully uh sometime soon um but yeah i've been to england yes um okay i always like these lights we can put some fancy outdoor lighting and stuff um okay yellow shed or a pool house i was thinking about putting a gazebo somewhere like over here um you want screened in porches emilyn i would love that i would love to have screened in porches i live in florida um i i know two things screened in porches and ceiling fans on porches which i haven't made this joke in a long time but for a while every time i put a ceiling panel a ceiling pan a ceiling fan on like every one of the porches in my sims builds and my child be like why is there a fan on the porch what is that why did you put that there get rid of it and it's like what ever like so many people have ceiling fans on porches where are you from it's hot outside we need them where do you live yeah that's so normal my chat was like what are you doing why are you doing that i don't know i don't know um it's probably like a southern thing because it's the hotter down here but still makes nothing thank you for the sub thank you so much um we have heaters not fans mate i mean you still have summer time save the game oh god i should i just don't understand why that's so shocking to people that people have fans on porches little get it what about it is so surprising rosalie thank you for the four months by the way thank you so much okay i want to get some big old trees i think um this is my oh my god let's put this one with the pretty lights in the backyard somewhere and we can put like something like some seating underneath it or something this is my actual dream with the lanterns in the tree oh can you imagine i'm so excited about this i'm so excited about this i would love that in real life like that would make my life to have that um we want to get a kind of fair amount of trees in the back here it's nice it's like a night it looks beautiful at night time maybe if this tree was like very near the patio so like it kind of dangles over the patio lean over the patio there we go we can have like this could be where people sit and hang out on the patio belongs in a cute southern small town no no no no no no no no no no no no no i will not move to a southern small town no pass pass get me out of here again rosie thank you for the four months it's up north somewhere okay it's in the midwest i don't it's in the northeast i don't know not in the south oh god that pack the the tree is from movie hangout for those of you who just asked okay let's do the floor plan we can come back to the landscaping in a second i gotta figure out where this floor plan is gonna take me here i think i want like an l-shaped stair but i don't really know where don't really know where that l-shaped stair will go um she's messy thank you for the pipe the bits i mean she's messy but she's kind it's a really fake waitress joke i'm sorry anyone a fan of the musical waitress anybody okay um hi snap hey snap we're on the front page of twitch do you want to say hi come here you saw it on broadway i did too before it closed i really like waitress it's like one of my favorite musicals of all time you know what who really likes places is dan which is like dan's favorite favorite favorite musical he listens to it all the time this is my cat by the way um for those of you who want to meet my cat hi snappy do you want to say hi to everybody look at look at this dream you say hi to everybody thank you for the bits hi everybody i'm sorry i'm sorry you don't deserve this she's having a great time curly clearly wyatt thank you for the sub by the way thank you so much what if we just sat here for the rest of the front page slot with my cat on my lap it's just a thought okay i'll put you downstairs okay bye okay bye snap okay what if i okay here's here's a plan i create a special stream series where i just filmed my cat for three hours and we contact twitch and we say hey can i get a weekly time slot for my cat stream can we have a like an idol stream of just my cat on the front page there's no way they said yes but you can you can you imagine if we use one of our front page slots to have my cat on stream just my cat it's her stream jensen thank you for the bits becca thank you for the 11 month recep also bella uh thank you for the prime subs and wyatt thank you for the sub also i leave it on at work see that's the kind of stream i'd watch too um a beautiful beautiful cat stream okay i think what i want is for uh the living room to be or which way is better for let's let's flip it hang on um i think i want this can be a bathroom of sorts okay i'm just trying to figure out the layout of this and how i'm gonna do it but i think what i want is for uh the staircase and the door to like open you into the living room a double staircase i feel like that might be too big the upstairs is kind of small i don't want to have like an enormous staircase um that's fine i actually that's actually kind of good oh that's in a weird spot dang it what if okay what if there was instead of a bathroom there it becomes like a study or something no i can still be the bathroom and there's more space on that side why so big how many kids are you having that's a weird thing to say miles i need an office and a movie theater and a bowling alley um island but the emotes are orange because i had this dream when i was younger i really wanted an orange cat really badly and so we made our emotes uh this fictional cat that doesn't exist um except now my parents literally i kid you not forever my entire life i wanted an orange cat named lemon this was like my dream okay two weeks before i moved out my parents adopted a cat who is orange and already named lemon and of course that cat's name is still lemon and my parents stole my dream so yeah lemon's doing great i just bought my parents cat a cat tree um they're they're all very happy it's just that they stole my dream so they stole your dreams steal the cat and now i can't name a cat lemon because they already did it which is so mean but i mean he was already lemon it's not their fault i'm fine i'm okay i want you guys to know that i'm totally fine and i'm not upset it's fine um okay this is supposed to the living room but it's really big um we can maybe make it a little bit smaller in here that'll be a good size living room and then we can have like fancy archways that take you into the other rooms oh that's not really the vibe is it i wanted the i wanted the i don't i wanted the tv to be on this wall oh you wanted your cat tofu i thought about naming my next cat tofu that's one i've considered i always wanted to give my cat a human name though that's been like a dream of mine is to have a cat with a human name for a while um okay i guess this could be one of my offices one i'll put in some lights sorry i'll put in some lights quickly so we can see better people are gonna be like why are the lights there move them and then i'm gonna be like because it's just filler you saw a cat named cement once um [Music] right um i want it to be like a little bit more interestingly shaped i think that helps now my office is a better shape and this can just be nothing your cast name is plum bob is it really i like that okay we have to figure out where to put the kitchen which i'm not really sure about um hmm i wish that french doors looked better inside because if it were up to me like i would really like to have like some super cute little french doors into my office like wouldn't that be really pretty those are kind of small maybe it'd be nicer to have some bigger ones but i feel like this is weird to use indoors that looks like an outside door to me but little french doors would be so good alex thank you for the bits um you've got four dogs three cats and a ferret oh i like that ferrets are cool i've always really liked ferrets um i think they're fun i don't know if i'd get a ferret ever but i've definitely um i know my sister wants some but she's she's not gonna get a ferret she's got too many animals um but like i've always i've always uh thought ferrets were really cool sheila thank you for the bits our cats have a charming mix of cat names and human names smokey um uh little dude arthur wait i like that i like how when people have like all kinds of pets that are like oh oh here's spot and like oh this one you know is some other pet name and then this one is arthur the cats and dogs french door is there a cats and dogs french door oh this one is it too big there's something about it that feels off to me i think i like the texture on this one better i'm gonna leave them this could be smaller no harm in that oh wait well i am what boy in motion thank you for the reset why didn't that show up in my stream laughs i like saw i heard the noise and went and checked and i saw sheila so i thanked sheila but you're not sheila why wasn't that in my streamlabs help thank you for the tier 2 sub um boy emotion thank you so much maybe i'll try and refresh really quickly and see is my dad here he is hi dad the mosquito people keep saying mosquito doors i don't really want to use those um there's a couple reasons but like uh primarily because of the fact this is a sliding door and i don't really want a sliding door in my office uh ij thank you for the two month resub thank you so much okay this is gonna be the kitchen and dining room i just don't know where to put it i guess kitchen and like informal dining maybe what's gonna be over here i don't know i don't know i don't like this i feel like it's too small i'd rather just have an archway into it the arches are pretty game family room with like a big tv we're gonna have some there's just gonna be i wanna have um a basement somewhere i always love this flooring we gotta figure out a place for the basement because i wanna have a basement into my cinema room i really wanna cinema room really badly four by three was a hallway this can be a bathroom um i want that to be a bathroom where did the stairs go there could be a little this could make for a better kitchen oh this could be a better like kitchen and dining room space in here we can make that work laundry room stairs into the basement stairs into my basement katarina i want a basement clocky thank you for the 31 months thank you so much good to see you happy birthday uh and congrats on graduating lady royal thank you for the bits um that's so sweet thank you guys for sharing your cat stories with me laundry in the basement i think if it were up to me i'd have laundry on the second floor where the bedrooms are i think um that i would really enjoy that you know what we could do a lot of houses in florida have this um where the master bedroom is on the first floor we could have like the master bedroom on the first floor and it could be here and then i have like a little balcony off the master and then my kitchen and dining like i don't want to have a huge space down like down here i think that's a fun idea i kind of like it i have a walk-in closet oh yeah i would have a walk-in closet in real life but we're playing the sims and i'm not gonna bother putting a closet in this building the sims i feel like it's unnecessary i want like double doors but this is gonna be the living room so that's probably a bad idea let me figure out a rug situation quickly don't forget to save i will why are they on the first floor i think that's just common lore i don't know a lot of our houses are only one story anyway so you have like the master bedroom on one side and the other bedrooms on the other and stuff personally i'd hate that but it's your dream house i just don't know how to fill up the upstairs the upstairs is kind of small like i'd get a small bedroom otherwise i mean i guess realistically this could be my bedroom but there isn't like a spot for my bathroom then like i can't have a master bathroom if it's up here i mean are you seeing this is that supposed to be my the bathroom ew hang on let me read let me rethink this too small it's too small these make more sense um there you go that's better it's kind of a weird shaped bathroom but that works and they can all share and there's a nice window in the hallway see nice okay so it's a four bedroom house that's good i have room just for snap okay this is snap's room the big room with the balcony where's dan's room uh this one's dan's room tiny room smallest one's for him i'm gonna uh if if i put him if i give him an office i'm gonna put his office in the basement because i want to have the nicest spaces this is i get what i want in this house this is my dream house you can't intersect foundations why oh that's why what are we making i'm building my dream house in the sims stairs are awful lot can't intersect foundations what are you talking about thank you for the bits your dog is sleeping on your lap watching the stream good as he should be what is going on oh it's because i was putting it at the wrong angle that's how i wanted it to be i was just doing it wrong i don't have two stairs i was i didn't realize i had it backwards i was not thinking silly simsy that'll be nice big staircase end of my basement jumanji thank you for the 20 by the way um i which jumanji avatar would you want to play if you got play as if you got trapped in jumanji speaking of the reboot series i don't know because i have never seen nor do i know anything about this i'm really sorry i feel kind of embarrassed oh no get lower what are you doing why is this happening to me raising the foundation um does not help just so you know oh no terrain glitches are you think it oh wrong wrong thing you think it's the stairs cannot connect blocks from different levels i'm trying to build it cover it with trees i'm not happy we can put landscaping over it's not a big deal but it's just annoying why so yeah lowering it's fine so it should be fine that's not fine why what happens if there's no foundation do a ladder i don't want to keep it under the house i want my stairs to be right here hailstorm thank you for the prime stuff uh morgan thank you for the bit i should get dan to build his room dream home and then compare them that's a fun idea i know it's because of the stairs i know it's because it's the edge of the the building i know it wouldn't happen was down here but i want my stairs here i don't want to have to move them this is mean draw the room underground and say no that's not what's happening uh as soon as i put the stairs and it happens see it goes away when the stairs aren't there it's literally just the stairs make them l-shaped it's not the vibe it does fix it it's just not the vibe it's okay we can get through this i did that mary it's the stairs that are the problem not the i know that you can do this that fixed it but it's the stairs that are the problem i'll lose my mind okay cats thank you for the bits i hope you're doing okay thank you so much for the bids um guys i did that i did the lowering and the raising and that fixes it until we put the stairs down the stairs are the problem it's the stairs i fixed it now with the l shapes there it's not a big deal people telling me to fix something that um i know how to do and is wrong it's fine it's fixed you can drop it i'm not gonna put a ladder katherine thank you for the prime stuff emily thank you for the two dollars also dan's room should be just a dumpster oh that's a good idea just a dumpster i'm sorry cute waffles thank you for the sub uh i missed uh queen and jesse i think as well um thank you guys for all the subs it's hard to build and it's hard to play games and reach out at the same time okay it's easy to miss things i'm really sorry thank you for the reset um i'm gonna lose my mind okay ah at least there's like you know a window in this weird room um okay dan doesn't get a room dan sucks he doesn't deserve a room okay um i'm trying to decide what it is that i want this room to be like i know that i want a laundry room slash bathroom down here we know we want like a cinema room type thing a nice and cozy one and then i think that we also want to have dan's office there this is dan's office the tiny one we'll have like a big look we'll have a big movie screen on this wall oh i put that in there that's not what i wanted sims thank you for the eight month resub thank you so much okay but look wouldn't that be so cool it fits perfectly too wouldn't that be so cool we can have like some little chairs maybe there could be like a little spot to get some popcorn i can make like a little hang on i'm making a little built-in area for my popcorn and then i'll make dan's office bigger yes he didn't forget me at a train station did laura say that yes dan did oversleep and not pick me up from the airport one time and i had to get a train to portsmouth by myself but it's okay i got over it imagine my pain when i arrived in the uk texted him no response text him again no response and then all of a sudden he's like oh my god i just woke up and was in portsmouth two hours away from gatwick but it's okay i we i took a train and then he took a train and met me halfway and so i was not upset i was fine and i had been to portions before it wasn't hard like i knew how to get there it just it was sad it's not a big deal laura's making a big deal on nothing this was like two years ago he used to he went to college university in portsmouth super junior based on there anymore he graduated um a boy asked you to breakfast once and then overslept and ruined it oh maddie i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i would be so sad if that happened to me i would be so sad okay your friends left you at an airport one time i'm sorry you didn't deserve that this is supposed to be a bathroom that's a four bathroom house that's not bad four bathrooms four bedrooms technically could be counted as like six bedrooms because this could be a bedroom and this could be a bedroom but there's no windows in this one so maybe not oh boy um use the pre-made one i'm not gonna use the pre-made cinema room uh it's my dream house i'm gonna get my dreams it'd be nice to get out of base room basement windows um it could be a basin bedroom too but there's just not any windows down there and i think that would make me feel sad so i don't want to call it a bedroom when really it has no windows we could like theoretically um that is is that right where it i thought it was sort of but not really we could like again theoretically that looks so weird but we could um remove that ceiling and have it be open to the ground and then just landscape around it look how weird that looks oh we can't do that it's like lowered but we could try and get a window that way but it's gonna look odd so i'm not gonna bother uh amy thank you for the prime step again and and sims list thank you for the eight months those few minutes ago i'm gonna thank you guys twice thank you sarah's going down there we've got there could be there could be like stairs down to it from the front but i'm not gonna put it on this one i don't think dan doesn't need windows he's fine he doesn't need windows okay he's fine um okay i'll be fine i want i need to have better doors i think i want like two wide i know we don't need the two wide doors i just feel like i want fancier doors in this house he can have windows into dirt from his office and thank you for the three-month resub that's mean danny can have a window one window as a treat yeah exactly see these doors are really fancy but i always liked them because there's like a double door version and in my mind like this fancy bedroom i'm gonna have would have a fancy double door into it you know make a fake window with a picture and some curtains i could do that no nothing wrong with that um oh well that's annoying and doesn't fit properly oh oh my god this is the best day of my life it fits wow i was born for this this is the best day ever i am so happy oh thank god okay this this whole place is kind of weird i don't know what i'm gonna put in here maybe i could have like a little um vanity or something i don't know it's turned out pretty nice oh that's not painted okay so let's figure out where the kitchen goes like i said i was gonna put the kitchen like this so i wanted to raise these up don't know if i uh really want them i don't know i'm not gonna put a cupcake machine oh you guys need to grow up the corner is messed up the corner of what this i can't change this it's because of the foundation i think so hogwarts that's my plan sugarplum thank you for the three month reset by the way um the foundation outside oh yeah i can't change this either i knew it was there that's because of the basement too i can't change that assassin thank you for the thousand bits thank you so much i know it's there i just can't you i can't change it it's glitched because of the the basement um nothing i can do unfortunately i get to use these counters that i love which i'm so excited about that is a large kitchen maybe it doesn't need to be that dramatic i wanna have a big island because i deserve this um i was gonna stick like want it to be centered but there isn't much walking space on this side [Music] which i'm not sure if i care about or not that gives you more i don't want it to be off center i wanted it to be centered hmm it's big and fancy time to get some food have a good good time avocado have a good night i need a wahoo bush and a dumpster what are you implying okay thank you for the five month reset why why do i need a woohoo bush and a dumpster hmm [Music] i'm missing paint in my bedroom i don't think so i there was some right there but i fixed it round island and ends might look good i don't i never wanted a round one maybe we could just do a square and then i'll be happy and then we can put chairs like look we could do um i'm gonna change the color but we could have the what can you not go on that side evil hang on what is happening here there we go odd very odd we could do it like that that could be cool bearded bullets thank you for the sub gift to cozy kitten by the way thank you so much um i really like that in real life to be honest i don't like how there's like plates visible it's too square i like it you can't really put a stove in the middle of the island realistically um you can't really do that with islands because they all have like a backing to it which is annoying um in real life it'd be cool to have the stove like right there you know but in the sims it's not really that practical unfortunately um we can put the stove like oh i can get nice appliances this is my dream house i can do whatever i want because it's my house it's not bad that's not bad um expensive uh-huh i can do whatever i want it's my house i i like this mindset that i have here i'm having a great time okay no i'd like to have the oven this isn't gonna fit how i want it to but we can try i think in an ideal world this would be we're gonna have to all place like everything i'm sorry they're gonna have to just get over it um because it's gonna clip a tiny bit but like then i can center my oven double oven i don't want two this isn't 2016. this is in 2016. oh that's way too tall dang it i would have really liked that that would look really cool in real life it's not gonna look cool in the sims though we can get a fancy one still this is not 2016. it does it lights up yeah so i guess it does glow it's quite fancy uh i want to have a dishwasher i insist i insist upon a dishwasher the joke is that i used to put a double stove in like every single one of my sims builds i would like do that in like all of my sims builds um but that was in the olden days and again it's it's not 2016 anymore so we don't need to do that anymore because we've grown as people that's the joke that's the jokes ask queen thank you for the sub gift um in an ideal world microwave would be like above something like it would be like raised up but you can't do that in the sims so i'll put it on the counter like in my house it's probably the same for a lot of you guys in my house the microwave is like above the stove and the microwave is the vent too is that what your house is like because that's what mine is but you can't do that in the sims it doesn't work unfortunately um yeah i feel like a lot of people have that um everyone everyone has that in chat i know it's not everybody i've i've been to places that aren't like that but it is certainly very common we know that much um do i just show you a picture i'll show you a picture this is a classic right here um this is what i'm talking about this is a nice kitchen though mine doesn't look like this yours isn't like this it is not that common maybe where you live it's definitely that way where i live it might be an american thing but and then it's got vents underneath it basically which is weird anyway it's dumb it's funny how you think it's weird a nice it's so normal to me that's really funny this this apparently is is the uh the new patio problem ceiling fans on patios no what about what about microwaves above stoves no your head doesn't bump into it it's not as big as the stove does your head move into your cabinets no do you hit your head on your upper cabinets okay um i quite like this build i think it's really pretty and then we'll have a fancy dining table over here oh i need a fancy uh door into my it might be an older versus newer house thing too for all i know i don't care if you don't like this i don't care how you feel about this this is very normal in my world okay you put your head on lower cabinets how do you how do you manage that are you okay jelly is the door open your head you run into it see that's the worst people leave the cabinet doors open and you run into them absolutely terrible hmm are you a toddler um okay i want a big rug this one could work nice and big rug in the dining space nope that's not gonna work that's gonna clip okay i'm gonna like this this house kicks butt thank you jess i really appreciate that world thank you for the sub gift to ellen and alice thank you for the eight month resub i'm gonna put a bin in kelly i just haven't done it yet i'm busy i'm just trying to figure okay i love this i love this i i honestly believe this is one of the most beautiful furniture pieces in the sims 4. like i think the idea of this is so cool amazing absolutely adorable you know what i i wish is that there was like a wider square table like we have the round tables i want a square dining table now kind of like this i wish we had a square one that would be nice they just look so pretty alas we do not have them i'm thinking i might usually get famous stuff i think the get famous furniture is really pretty i could see myself i don't know what colors to put it in though the green is nice so i mean i have to make it match my what if we just did it with six chairs but on a bigger table that's kind of fancy looking we have like 200 square coffee tables yeah i know they they really do love their square coffee tables that's for sure i want to have some more color in here but i don't know if i don't i don't like these for stephanie thank you for the 25 months i look pretty thank you i appreciate that use this city living fuzzy rug i don't know about that pink all right i don't know if pink is is the color that i'm going for i don't think i'd have a pink um yeah i don't think i'd have pink i could do yellow that could be really pretty oh even if we didn't use those bar stools because i don't want it to be too much yellow we could even use these if i wanted to um what am i looking for the chair i want is this one in a light pastel yellow color i don't know how it looks with that table i probably shouldn't use that table nameless wonder thank you for the 25 dollars to the trans law center by the way thank you so much ahead thank you for the three month reset it could be lighter we could lighten it oh should get a different rug then i don't like these the table isn't cute this is my favorite table in the game this is my dream house not yours hmm [Music] people get so opinionated with sims builds people really do not hold back with sharing their thoughts on on whatever you're doing in the sims they will make it clear to you that they think you are ugly and so is your sims build they will like shout it from the rooftops um that's not good i wish i could have like slightly more pattern in here but that's okay table is so rustic i think you could lean it rustic or maybe a little bit cool i wish we had the this is the thing i don't ever know what to use on above the the dining rooms like we the light fixtures are a real problem i wish those were like right here like a little bit higher up because i want to have a nice big light fixture hanging above this but like that is not the vibe what i get for using medium wall height i deserve this i wish that was lower too like here you size down time living lights a lot the thing is that tiny living lights are so small as it is you know that's just slightly that's too low the island living lights um i love cats i don't that's not like the fancy light fixture i'm thinking of you know hmm i'm gonna try and finish the bill today i don't know if we will we'll definitely try nana panda thank you for the two months ahead thank you for the three months thank you so much you guys um really jimmy that's cool it's nice to see you tell her i said hi i need to save my game oh my god ruby rocket thank you for the two months brennan thank you for the 13 months also thank you guys i don't like any of the lights we could use the um the fitness stuff one that's too low we could try and like create our own little um combo of two fitness stuff lights and make something out of that that could be cool that's fancy wow i kind of like that color it is too i feel like i have to change the whole style that i'm going for with this i don't know what i'm doing the furnishing is the hardest part i don't know what i want this is ugly not gonna work um i think no i'm gonna use regular brick hated the rug thank you oh my god people are so opinionated in chat wow god thank god you got rid of that i thought it was so ugly just like you kayla i'm just kidding it's not a big deal sarah thank you for the four months thank you so much okay um i do like that slight yellow that's kind of pretty i don't like how this looks i wish that like the columns didn't look so ugly inside um that's not good i'd almost rather like hide this it's not going to be functional i just wanted to go to the edge why is that so hard to do why is that so hard to pull off hey stella thank you for the 10 to the trans law center by the way thank you so much move the kitchen over what why what if we had the dining room more like i'll have to redo the lights in a second but it makes this room not full it makes it so there's a a huge waste of space in here put a full wall oh my god you guys i'm i'm not gonna put the brick back and i like the chairs these are like my favorite chairs in the whole game look how low that hangs that's not that's not the vibe i'll put this even though i think it's too low what if wait hang on what if we sized up the tiny wall height ones oh they're just two heights oh dear that's that's not gonna work oh no there's not why i just didn't see these i'm stupid sorry that's kind of cool the chairs are from jungle adventure i don't think the fridge is functional i don't know what to do about it i don't i don't like it why doesn't it fit they have the ones from parenthood um but there's always like the parenthood one is like framed in so it fits better which is a good thing except for the fact that like the cabinet the lighting always makes it seem like it's off like the coloring is wrong so i never use it because of that but it's not like that big of a deal um and the cabinet helps because it fits better sawyer thank you for the bits thank you so much i really appreciate that um okay another cabinet above we'd have to raise the cabinets up to do that um because they don't fit so we'd have to like redo the cabinets and put them up one tile it doesn't matter but we can just load it with cabinets jungle venture standing cupboard thing we can put a china cabinet type thing somewhere caroline i know how many views we have you guys we talked about this i said play cool i don't care how many viewers we have riff thank you for the bids what part of play it cool do you not understand thank you riv okay i don't know what color to use those are nice um i wish that didn't clip that's so annoying does that clip through the wall oh my god what a disaster all these cat all of these cabinets are clipping your sims are never gonna use them um okay um put an end counter would it look weird if it didn't go all the way to the wall like that's kind of odd with it not going to the wall i feel like we can just leave it i just won't put curtains on it okay i want to get some plants like these i'm gonna move all of it over so that i can put them in the center stunning absolutely stunning the backsplash is actually from parenthood um i think i want to put there's like look at this cabinet i like to use this sometimes um it's kind of like a little mini pantry which i kind of like about it we can put that there in the corner looks nice and built in and then i was gonna of course um put a trash can because people are losing their minds that i didn't do one yet we'll just put it in the corner there jordan thank you for the bits small cabinet about the fridge and pantry full shelf thing uh next box in the fridge i like how this looks i'm going to keep this i appreciate justin though zachary thank you for the six month resub thank you so much chairs are not fancy enough i don't really agree i also don't want it to be like super fancy put that grape under that cabinet it doesn't fit actually i wish it doesn't fit properly though um kirsten hope you're doing all right thank you for the uh for the bits it's good to see you italia thank you for seven months nicole thank you for the three months thank you so much you guys tell you we're on the front page today we've been on the front page for the last few days um today included speaking of which if you're watching from the front page and you want to come follow my stream um i play a lot of sims i don't know you've probably played a lot of sims in your day at some point too everyone's played the sims and i'm like pretty good at building look look at me i'm so talented how's the dentist oh it was fine they tried to convince me to get to let them take my wisdom teeth out today while i was there and i was like no well you're not doing this right now um i need to get them out i have an appointment uh with an oral surgeon for like a consultation in a couple weeks um so we'll get my wisdom teeth out soon i'll keep you posted um but they tried to force me to get it done today and i had to be like please no no please anything but that actually um can i sin when i get them out can i play sims without wisdom teeth yes i'm fairly certain that my loss of wisdom teeth will not impact my ability to play sims i might have to not stream for a couple days um we'll see how i'm feeling for how long but um i'll keep you posted once it happens i don't even know what day it's gonna happen yet because i haven't booked the actual surgery yet because i still have to go to the consultation first so bugs world thank you for the bits thank you so much my wisdom of building will be lost i'm gonna magically start sucking at the sims but we're gonna put the luxury party cube leave me alone i don't want the luxury party cube in here please no please anything but that please i don't know what to put in this area it's so empty it's probably why we had the table there originally huh it fills up the space better fine um scoot over a little bit more there there kate thank you for the 10 month free stuff it's so good to see you thank you so much i really appreciate that the pink flowers the pastel cheers are pretty i like it too i think it looks really nice i'm i'm pleased with this use the strangerville puddle why not to put creepy puddles in here you know i don't think that dan would do my voice over mainly grandpa i don't know if dan wants to be on my youtube channel some people don't want to be exposed to the wrath of the sims kid um and so i don't blame him wait i just got a notification that i completed an achievement we have officially streamed just now not today obviously but total 2 000 hours that's just a couple hours that i've streamed on twitch kind of a lot actually nice nice that's way too many and the fact that some of you have been here for like almost all of them how does that make you feel tell me how does that make you feel um how do i feel about that i feel great about that 2 000 hours in one day wow yeah see i don't know what to put back here i don't know what i'm doing um i feel like we need to have like um maybe just like a table with a fancy painting above it or something i don't like i don't want the jungle adventure cabinet cyber lucy thank you for the bits i don't think i like the style of that like i don't think that i would actually have that in my house um i'm trying to base this off of things that i would actually put in my house and that i would actually want it's not gonna work because this is the sims and i'm i'm stressing myself out too much but like i don't really know uh where is the cabinet that i'm looking for hello show all surfaces i mean this one's really pretty but i also don't know if it's like a style that i would keep in my own home i'm not sure eh it's fine i'll put it ally thank you for the 1.69 cents to the trans law center thank you so much you made the number uneven though you made it uneven someone quick please fix it somebody quick please please give donate money to charity please i like that save your game oh boy i will uh we have like 30 more minutes left from page a lot today allison and then we have tomorrow also and i'm not gonna stream on friday because i am just not going to that's why i just don't want to so i just won't i want to watch hamilton i want to have a stupid date night with my long distance boyfriend i want to watch hamilton and i'm just not going to stream on friday okay um these are for my cat one zombie for my cat the other one's gonna be for my dog even though uh i know from experience that you cannot give dogs easy access to your cat's food because they'll eat it i mean the cat's one smaller because that makes me feel happy um i'm alright pal i do not think so i i think that's kind of a weird claim um anyway uh i'll keep you posted about that though we might change our plans who knows and i'll let you guys know um dogs are not ea game changers and do not get early access to the cat's food yeah will you try telling them that they won't listen um okay um i'm not gonna on friday nathan it's my plan what kind of car do i think carrie drives oh i don't know i don't know anything about cars you've come to the wrong place to ask car questions you this is perhaps like the absolute worst place to ask someone a car question possible chat what do you think um okay is that like not centered why did that look so weird for a second tanya thank you for the 131 oh thank god stinky sense you fixed it thank god i was nervous for a second there cow plant farm oh i'll have a bunch of cow plants outside don't worry don't worry i'll have so many cow plants outside it's gonna be like a problem how many cow plants i've got outside anonymous thank you for the for the 20 no stella stella gave 131 trying to fix it and made it uneven again in the process oh god [Laughter] oh no thank you guys both for the donations i'm stella i'm so sorry stella i'm so sorry that your donation from the the purest of places just made it worse it's not her fault like it would have taken a second to go through and so they wouldn't have known but oh it just sucks when that happened i'm so sorry stella and everyone else here that has to look at this uneven number oh god okay i don't really wanna i don't i wanna do the backyard now [Music] i wanna do the backyard this is what i want to do it's got a basement yeah i want to have a like a cinema room in the basement so something about that seems off hello um i guess it's a good thing because then i can like sort of intertwine these with the things we have here one two three four three three that kind of works it's like intertwined i think that one the other one's four we can make them a couple different heights stella thank you for the 169 i fixed it um anonymous of the one dollar d thank you for the twenty dollars uh both to the to the translator thank you so much um you just came across my stream uh first time here what a great soul you have for this thank you dee i really appreciate that thank you so much um first time coming to the stream and donating money to charity thank you i really really appreciate that thank you um man thank you for the prime sub eleanor thank you for the three months also thank you guys peace is restored peace is restored i quite like this to be honest with you i think it looks kind of cool we get some various heights going i don't know how many is too many to put but oh no anonymous with the 169 it's just gonna be uneven constantly we we can't win we simply cannot win and we have to accept our fate okay this is cursed cursed i tell you alternative thank you for the prime sub hannah trash that's with the 666 that's not even close to um one two three four okay oh i can't put it too close without it jumping up that's okay i don't want to fill up the whole thing too much um professor thank you for the prime sub cats who dares who dares do this caleb thank you for the two months and oh my god sas queen thank you for the 5 000 bits i'm turning my alert sounds down in preparation um thank you so much south queen i really appreciate that with the 5 000 bits thank you um what if we like sigh ooh what if we like size down a couple of them see thank you so much you guys i do this roof uh this is just tiny fences it's the get to work fence the little tiny get to work fence uh and now i'm putting plants in it i'm gonna hang up lanterns in it lanterns in it in a second too i'm actually really enjoying this i'm having a lot of fun i like how it looks with them all grown in like this i think it's really cool i think that looks really good i think we can just leave it like that emily thank you for the 102 tony with the 165 oh it's just never going to be even it's just never going to be even i am recording it lynn yeah i intend to post this on my youtube channel but we'll see okay i want to get some cool lights i was thinking about just using these and like sizing one up and having one not sized up and sizing another one up that's ugly never mind you can't do that never mind do people love me or hate me i can't tell pj thank you for the 199 and that was the 165. you got what's with you in the sense we just can't win the links donations in the chat if you want to donate by the way um to the trans law center uh we have so far raised 9573.66 for the transgender law center um in just the last few days which is really really cool um so the trim at the top uh this is trim that's just in the base game and then the fence itself um is the fence from get to work so like the lights did look nice but i'm not sure if it was like too much or not we could always put a ceiling fan out here we could pretend that the um the fan is um it's wired through the it's kind of weird it's wired through the things you know it's fine fillers thank you for the bits the parenthood lights i was thinking about that too oh you know we could try let's see if we can get any of the toddler stuff um like these oh it's just a tile too big that could have been cool if we could hang that hung that up easier well what if we like even if it was just that looks kind of weird doesn't it i won't do that we'll put them down here though i'll definitely have some outside does that fit perfectly oh oh oh my gosh the physical why did that scare me so much thank you for the 15 gifted subs not bad not bad thank you madoff is good thank you so much for all the sub gifts i really appreciate that uh sami thank you for the 234 said trans law center casting you for three months tanya with the 134 oh god red cat with the 234. the only thing with the six dollars uh ebony thank you for the bits also oh we simply cannot win no matter what people do it's just because of the timing it's always gonna be like slightly off and it's just gonna keep getting messed up is that perfect the the length oh it is look at that i don't think it looks great um we can always put them like instead of theirs thank you for that oh my god little simsie sorry i turned up too loud by accident [Music] my hand like pushed my um my mixer and i turned it up super loud by accident thank you lady colossus for the tier three sub by the way thank you so much um i really appreciate that uh and tanya oh that's floating tanya thank you for the 166. it's never gonna be even we simply cannot win we we just can't i give up whose voice is that that would be andy milinakis uh i subscribed to him on twitch once um a while ago and he did that um yeah i'm gonna try and put a pool i don't know if it'll fit easily because that's not really like is that a weird size pool people don't like it when it's too close to the stairs but that's not that bad i can't tell if i hate it or not anonymous thank you for the 253. stella thank you for the 13 both the trans loss center thank you guys so much um make this single window from dan's office look into the pool oh if we could if we could make this bigger if we like flipped it so that wait wait wait wait wait way way way so the dance office oh they're different heights does that clip no it doesn't um but we make it so the office like touches the pool and then this can be the bathroom and laundry room space then it won't clip in the front anymore either i i don't know if i like that truthfully i'm not sure if i'm into that concept but that is kind of funny tony thank you for the 113. emily thank you for the 20 anonymous thank you for the 253. cyber lucy thank you for the ten dollars melody thank you for the one dollar thank you guys so much for all the donations to the translate center right now it's even right now thank god full length windows i don't know if i want to put windows at all i still think this is like a little bit much i may be okay with like little teeny ones somewhere like if we had like like that that isn't like that aggressive and it doesn't look it is not like that obvious and it lets in a little bit of natural light but like from the pool i'd be okay with that but not a ton of windows i don't think that is the vibe i'm glad you like it it's kind of weird looking it's kind of weird looking i don't know about this the sims 3 camera you change it uh up here and then you use the middle mouse button to rotate hold right click to drag around like this i'm not going to do a pull i think we'll just leave it i don't think it matters enough to do a pull i don't think it's like that big of a deal you know what we can get though which will be really fun is um oh you know what i don't like uh i don't know where i want to put this i sort of wish that there was like a better spot to have the pool i'll put it back i don't want to lose it i just i want to have like a little sitting area underneath the tree i guess it's still fine if it's by the pool um cat thank you for the 333 doesn't thank you for the 347 oh you both are evil both of you are evil evil i tell you but they are longer i think i like it the way it is i'm gonna keep it i was gonna put a little f i don't know how smart it is to have a fire pit underneath the tree but it's the sims so it doesn't matter i want like a little fire pit underneath this tree because wouldn't it be fun to come out here and like roast some vegan marshmallows you know i would really enjoy that i think that's cozy and we'll get some floaties in the pool exactly yeah we're on the same page [Music] yawning stop it simsy calm down um this please save no marshmallows have gelatin in them gelatin's not vegan um okay not that anyone cares um okay that's not really that good oh wait that's kind of cozy i actually really like that that's nice look at underneath all the lanterns no it's not vegetarian either no um how about the blue ones the blue is pretty can we do like the and that works that's fine um rainy i don't really use custom content for my cast anymore uh i kind of like playing cc free i think it's kind of fun obviously i still use mods like mc command center and stuff but um i don't really use much uh custom content outside of that i i do like to download it sometimes and i have an appreciation for custom content but i also really enjoy playing the game vanilla so um guys we don't need to talk about gelatin too much you can if you're interested in it you can google it um aiden thank you for the seven month reset thank you so much it's good to see you um that's exciting cameron thank you for the four dollars and twenty cents kath thank you for the 333 i think i thanked you already you're the evil one that made it uneven along with deso smog because you both want to watch the world burn that doesn't work how i want it to okay that's cool i'll do it to like there and then we'll make that open that's fine that's good there isn't a fence gate that matches this fence so we'll just pretend those couches are from seasons i really like them they're really nice uh i don't use them inside that often but i use them outside all the time they make for pretty good like outdoor couches i think um the fire pit's contained in the fire pit if the fire is contained it'll be fine the tree is dangerous but like you people have like benches and furniture around fire pits all the time i think the bigger concern is like stuff hanging above it um rice thank you for the prime sub and thank you for the two months serious guy thank you for the 15 months uh anonymous thank you for the 101 and molly thank you for the 15 dollars both to the translator thank you so much you guys we we will never have even nice things because of you guys we can we can't have nice things here because of you thanks a lot um okay for the record i lil simsy do not support burning of trees okay uh i want to put a table out here some sort of outdoor table underneath this would be such a nice place to come oh we were we were gonna put lights and got totally distracted and stopped uh i was thinking about doing these because they're kind of pretty and like sparkly but i'm not sure it's a bad idea or not a hot tub you know what that would be really fun to have i bet i could make it work too look at this we get it like in the corner like right there and then because we need to have like a pathway i don't know i'm just saying you can like scoot it a little bit further over that could be really cool i don't like how the patio all looks but that's okay it happens how about a meat wall i don't really want to um i don't really want to grow any meat if that's okay i don't know if my dream house involves a meat wall orange child thank you for the three months alicia thank you for 20 to the trans law center thank you so much you guys i do want a swing set i know that um i guess how would it look if it stopped right here instead and then this could be like even with because that looks better i just don't know if it'll fit with the landscaping that i did but we can fix it it's not the end of the world hot tub gazebo for privacy that would be nice but i also don't know if it's necessary yeah that doesn't work i'll make it smaller that's ugly oh i can't win i don't like it help mom can pick me up i'm scared cody thank you for the 1503 thank you so much for the donation of the transport center thank you um are we hiding ducks in this bill oh for sure we're probably not gonna get to the duck point today um but we'll definitely do some duck hiding i don't like this i liked it before i don't like it anymore i was thinking about building like a um an actual gazebo earlier and putting it over here what if we did something like that and put the hot tub on it oh god use the round bush that's too big isn't it that might be too small um doesn't really make much sense truthfully um i think this will be a youtube video yeah i'm recording it for youtube i don't know if i'll post it but i am i am recording it that's in the wrong spot i'm why is this so hard to build it's going to be giant too all this so i can have a hot tub is it even worth it is it even worth it on my building i'm building a gazebo of sorts basically uh you'll see in a second i'm putting uh walls down so i could draw it easier but essentially that's what i was going for and then i'll put it up like too high i'll put something like that down we'll have like a little staircase there's a covering thing and i don't know i think that's all we're looking for we're not going for um the island living thing i'm trying to build something custom actually i'm working on a custom build here that does not fit that is not the vibe okay we gotta figure this out um put the hot tub on the porch if it fits i mean the hot tub being here would be kind of cool but we could definitely move things around but i just feel like it's odd like the hot tub being there i'm trying to think of a more like special place to put the hot tub oops there that's not clipping that's fine i use spandrels we have spanners i forgot to put them back here we've got spindles in the front of the house oh my god wow thank you garrett put the hot tub in dan's office i like the tree being big so i want to keep the tree kind of big i think because i like it but put the hot tub on the pool another that's a that's a good point that's another thing that could be kind of nice is if like you know how a lot of times in real life um when you've got a hot tub like why is this so difficult i need to get this um your hot tub's like in the corner of the pool you know i don't think that is that unreasonable either um actually that's kind of a good idea does that seem really weird to you i kind of like that it's cool we can make this smaller now we have to redo it again um i still want it to be there because i like it but it'll be smaller and they could put like a bar on it or something and then i could have like lemonade on tap in my fancy bar honeybee thank you for the 30 by the way to the trans lost center thank you so much the 3001 in fact um making it uneven why it's right now it's it's nine thousand seven hundred twenty seven dollars and five cents why the five cents why me why only juice exactly um we have lemonade pitcher oh i would like that that would be cute that's a fun idea okay i'm gonna put my little columns down i think our backyard looks really cool and then we can maybe we could have like a little garden space over here with some planters and stuff or maybe that would make more sense over here or there could be like a swing set over here i wanted a swing set that was my dream i also want a trampoline but we don't have those in the sims i got two priorities swing sets and trampolines um listen if we're gonna if you get to have your dream house you better make the most out of it okay i might make the gazebo have like a slightly wider overhang oops okay i think that looks really cool like i'm i'm into that that's good and we can just have like a spot to sit you know hammocks oh i wish we had a hand mix in the sims 4. that'd be nice gekko girl thank you for the prime sub yeah that's coming along this is turning out pretty cool okay i want island living is slacking why are there no hammocks how dare they what's wrong with them anonymous thank you for the 195. oh thank god you fixed it oh thank god our goal is even again a porch swing would be so nice there's a lot of nice outdoor space in this house i'm into it okay i wanted to get like uh some lounge chairs over here oh maybe it would make more sense if we flipped it let me make the pool really small for a second maybe it would make more sense if the hot tub was there oh oops and the pool was wider because then we could have like the lounge chairs in front of the pool um i think that's made more sense and then the all the leaves would fall off the tree and right into the hot tub exactly where you want them where it's super easy to clean and not a hassle or a nightmare at all when i do these things in the sims in my mind i'm just like god i'd hate to clean this pool i would hate this that's all that i can think about we could have a cover on it but still it would be stinky it would be terrible um marty thank you for the one dollar by the way the trans law center thank you so much i want to put that would be so nice to lounge have a pool person oh exactly if i if i have a house like this i've got a pool person i have a pool person it'd be easy maddie thank you for the prime subs can i fix the bush gate area again i i'm not touching this yet i'm gonna come back to it i don't know what i want it to look like um i think in an ideal world this would instead end like there um maybe we could have the maybe the fence gate could come like this i don't know i don't hate that i want to have a bunch of um grass and stuff because i think we need it i have to scoot the no i like it over here why anonymous are you for the 505. taylor with the 303. oh to the trans law center how dare you donate money in these horrible amounts tanya thank you for the 192. oh you even it out god uh ebony that girl is turned off today a lot of our point rewards are off today because we're on the front page um so i turned off some more point rewards to make it easier for my mods um just so just for this week it'll be like that but it'll be back on on friday well i won't be here on friday but you know alex so thank you for the five month reset i really appreciate you thank you we do need a pool ladder yes indeed we do still need a pool ladder i was gonna put it like i wanted it over here that's nice hot tub isn't lined what do you mean oh that's what you meant um i forgot i just wouldn't put it there as like a filler and then i didn't fix it that's what you were talking about i understand nika thank you for the prime stuff elizabeth thank you for the 20 to the translate center thank you so much you guys luna i uh i want to take the day off on friday that's why i just don't want to stream on friday um dan and i are going to watch hamilton and i'm going to have a good time and i'm not going to stream just so i can watch hamilton okay and that's the truth friday is hamilton day i'm gonna be busy clearly it comes out on the third charlie on friday comes out very very soon actually okay uh i'm gonna go off soon in like an hour probably i'm not sure exactly when we'll get off stream just yet usually i stream until seven leanne thank you for the prime stuff by the way thank you so much shrugging emoji thank you for the bits thank you so much you guys uh no it should come out everywhere on disney plus so if you have disney plus in your country it should be out for you too floaty's in the water definitely i'm going to add those in a second um oops i think i want to just put a small amount of landscaping i know it makes it so it's harder to like uh walk through here because it's a little bit smaller but i want to have a small amount of landscaping in this area just so it's like a little bit fancier you know i just want some more color some more green devil thank you for the 123. how dare you towels on the grass that's kind of a fun idea too um yeah and this is the thing is you know what's sad is in real life this is like the dream backyard but this lot is in brittleton bay in the sims and so it has terrible weather technically like the weather is awful in this neighborhood it rains all the time in this world but that's okay you can just cheat it if you want that's the beauty of uh the sims it is not real life and if the weather's bad you can just change it oh just like florida well at least it's sunny mo it rains a lot but it it becomes sunny again immediately um you can cheat the weather if you've got a mod you can do it um i don't know how to do it just in game i usually use mc command center to cheat the weather though uh when i'm playing because i like it to be um sunny when i'm building uh where i all place everything with no grid that's a fun idea for a challenge uh to to do like an alt placing only challenge there's no grid allowed i don't hate it people have suggested i do that kind of thing before i feel like it'd be fine though but maybe it wouldn't maybe i'll get really stressed out and make funny youtube content so who knows i'm gonna i'm gonna make it straight i know it's really it's only one tile walkway in that part but like it looks ugly so i'm changing it okay and then i can just put whatever i want flowers oh i know what i want anyway we did it we're off the front page now by the way i haven't thought of leaving youtube no tom um i feel like i'm i still feel like i'm just getting started most of the time um cassidy thank you for the three month resub tanya thank you for the 177 please i am begging she made it even again thank god um nadamos thank you for the ten dollars as well said the trans law center both of you guys thank you we're actually getting really close to our ten thousand dollar goal uh which i was not expecting that to happen today um so thank you guys so much that's really really cool romantic garden flowers i like these little yellow ones i think they're pretty maybe i'll do pink because my favorite color is yellow and pink but i'll pick pink because pink flowers are pretty i like that simon i don't care how many viewers i have ever you don't need to tell me ever it's okay honey love thank you for the two dollars um i also some streamers this is just a like a twitch etiquette thing i don't i don't like get nervous about the view count um some people it causes them a lot of anxiety to know the view count um so just as like a twitch etiquette thing i don't suggest ever being like oh my god you've got so many viewers what happened because then that's kind of rude um or like oh why do you have so few viewers today is really rude um or like oh wow 6 000 viewers like because then it might stress them out um some people just get nervous about it usually just refrain from saying it in chat i don't care some people do so just be careful in other people's streams especially um because you don't want to like freak them out and then get in trouble you know or you don't want to freak them out at all because that's not fun so usually you just avoid talking about those things i usually we try to stop people talking about it on the front page because it's like keep it calm play it cool keep like it's normal when we're on the front page because we don't want to like you know not play it cool on the front page in front all these new people so we don't talk about it we act like it's fine you know um that's that's why we do that on the front page we usually uh say not to mention it just so that we can play cool and act like everything's fine and normal gee thank you for the bits honey love thank you for the two dollars to the transplant center thank you um wow zero viewers wow um the shadows look good because i'm playing on ultra graphic settings which is probably why um anyway wake thank you for the bits thank you so much um okay we couldn't even the last time when we had like a this was kind of a big front page stream too but the last time we had a big front page stream when we had that 12 000 viewer day we already had like 5 000 before the front page and then we got like 7 000 more on the front page so we had like 12 000 viewers for a while we didn't even bother us people will stop talking about that because that was like ridiculous we can't even ask you to stop that's how i feel too like what is going on why does little sims be out twelve thousand viewers oh that was a that was a weird day historical build that'd be kind of fun red cat i would like that it's your birthday i can sing songs now i wasn't doing it on the front page i don't want to embarrass myself but i'll do it now you panicked the thing is though a lot of them it's like an inflated view count because not all those people are in chat like our chat is for the most part the same because they see it i can show you the front page really fast um so you can see what it looks like but in case you never went and checked yourself um but they see it on the front page like we're talking about up here basically there's like this carousel of streams um and so it'll count me they're all paused but it'll like count me in the view count of this stream even though i'm not actually there in his chat um i'd have to click on this person's stream to go into his chat and so i'm counting as one of the viewers even though i'm not actually there so it like really inflates the view count but they still see you and then they could hear you talking and choose to click through and like click on their channel and oh i clicked on fortnite but you know that's how it works so the view count looks really high even though they aren't all actually here you know um this grip of the roof is a fence it's a little tiny fence from get to work that's the wrong one it's this tiny fence from get to work um yeah and i mostly like i watch my friends uh like dan and michelle all the time on twitch and they're both played dead by daylight so twitch thinks i'm a dead by daylight viewer twitch thinks i'm a dvd fan uh when in fact i i don't even care about that game belltv thank you for the 10 month reset and cassidy thank you for the 25 dollars to trans law center right now thank you for 25 uh handbag thank you for the three months always playing it cool and laura thank you for the sub thank you guys and the birthday song i'm sorry i got distracted talking about myself okay why would you give an uneven number with the 666 oh my god oh my gosh why would you do that evil stupid twitch she's a simmer stupid twitch god you're stupid mike thank you for the ten dollars for the transplant center by the way we are getting really close to ten thousand dollars uh we are like a hundred and fifty dollars away thereabouts um how dare you donate to charity what is wrong with you okay i don't know what i want to put over here yet i'll figure it out i kind of want to go to the front yard now because i haven't been working on this yet i think i'd like a chess table on the or or i'm just i'm that part of me comes from like my sims brain is like we should put a chess table because you always need one of those and then my real life brain is like just get some regular chairs but the chest table will look fine and then it'll be nice to hang out out there and then in real life you get one of those chest tables where it's like just a table but it's got like a chess board on it and then you wouldn't leave the pieces out there you just have the table so you could like come out and eat out here or you could play chess out here like my grandma has a table where like uh you lift it open and then inside you can store the chess pieces it's not outside it's inside but she's got like a table like that where it's a table but it's got like um board game pieces inside of it like chess ones checkers ones it's not as fancy as it sounds but i also thought that was kind of cool um when i was growing up that was really cool to be honest because it's like a t it's just a table but it's fancy you know alchemist girl thing you're the 20 32 tony with the 134 oh my god it's never going to be even i give up i give up on all of you none of you can be trusted you should be ashamed of yourselves for this a chess board and a table what a flex right maybe we could have some like golden ones golden easter ones with eggs on them that is not vegan whistling nonchalantly with the 123 oh my god let me finish i'm tired ollie i'm gonna get off in about 50 minutes um if you're tired you should go to bed you won't miss much i promise i'm not gonna finish the build today anyway so i'll show you the rest of it tomorrow no we still haven't furnished it it's a it's my dream house okay it's gonna take a while to get there i'm a sass queen thank you for the bits aly thank you for the five months also thank you so much you guys 50 5-0 ava i usually get off at 7 00 p.m so on the next hour is usually when i get off um what am i looking for this that took me so long to find for some reason caleb thank you for the five dollars also to the trans law center thank you guys so much i didn't take a break i probably should take a break in a second um we just like i wasn't live for that long before i went on the front page then we had a two-hour front page slot like in the past we've only had one hour long front page slots um but this whole week is two hour long front page slots so there's like not a good time to take a break i'll finish the build tomorrow it's jess's birthday hi jess uh can i sing you a song happy birthday jess rosie thank you for the eight dollars jennifer thank you for the twenty dollars uh time to thank you for the 145. all you guys thank you for the donation to the translate center oh my god it's 9899. even oh my goodness oh my goodness that is really cool thank you guys so much uh that is really really cool nice snap's back oh snap her was just his birthday and she came to hang out that's actually really funny snap i'm telling you it's like she knows when exciting things are happening on oh i pulled my headphones out it's probably for the best now she can't eat them it's like she knows when exciting things are happening on stream and so she comes specifically just to see them she's like oh my god it's someone's birthday hi hi snappy did you want to say hi to everybody i don't think you care about them at all you don't even know they exist wings club thank you for the uh for the five dollars oh she left right away laura thank you for the 20 faith thank you for the 545. thank you guys so much k with the 143. thank you for all the donations to the translation on you guys oh my goodness oh my goodness um she loves us even if she doesn't know it you might not realize this snap but there are about 4 000 people that are huge fans of you just blissfully unaware of what's going on is that 10k oh my god meanwhile like see my cat nail that's why she came in here snap can i pick you back up so i can show them to you we just raised ten thousand dollars for charity kane thank you for the 100 donation to the trans law center by the way thank you so much look at this snappy look what we did look what you did all by yourself you raised all this money all by yourself you should feel so proud of yourself snap tanya thank you for the 162 aiden with the 150. uh maggie the 20 laura with 20 thank you guys and again came thank you for the 100 donation uh that pushes us over 10 000 raise in just a couple days for the transgender law center thank you guys so much that's really cool my cat is so good at raising money for charity she just she's done it all by herself all of it every bit of it it wasn't you it was her the whole time eliza jordan thank you for the bits uh grand duchess thank you for the prime step also and devil thank you for the bits as well look at this she's rubbing her face on my desk she's standing on my lap and rubbing her face on my desk in case you were curious classic classic okay bye snap i'll see you later she's like okay i did my part i got my attention it's time to go oh what's the new goal i don't know i don't want to set something too unreasonable um what if we just try and blow this goal out of the water we're gonna stop fundraising at the end of the week is why i'm kind of trying to be reasonable about it like we're gonna stop at the end of the week so like she's messy but she's kind thank you for the 9.99 it just says she's messy i added that she's kind thank you for the 9.99 thank you so much um hmm i'm not streaming on friday either so saturday is the last day i think that maybe let's maybe do let's do one thousand dollars at a time let's be reasonable let's be reasonable shall we or we can make it like i i know what i'll do i know what i'll do okay um oh not not a hundred and eleven thousand dollars eleven thousand wait i was trying to make oh wait i was gonna make it all all once and then i put zeros at the end all right that's what we want eleven thousand one hundred and eleven dollars and eleven cents is the final number what do you not like it what's the problem i think it looks good i think it looks great i'm a ravenclaw i'm not a hufflepuff how dare you it's a sore subject during our saint jude campaign um the other month we we had like a poll so whenever you donated you could donate towards the hogwarts house cup so you could be like hey here's five dollars in st jude but also ravenclaw right um and then we just we were going to see who would win at the end uh and it was very close between ravenclaw hufflepuff the entire time um and then i ended up winning ravenclaw won but i i still feel offended by the existence of hufflepuffs so flashbacks to the war okay new thank you for the bits cal thank you for the 3601 for my brother who i didn't know and i had until he grew up thank you cal for the for the 36 dollars uh to the trans law center even though it was an uneven number oh wait you even did out oh no never mind you're fine love you love you the most you fixed it you're great i really appreciate that thank you never mind you're wonderful in my eyes sad puff here it's not your fault you lost you're just inferior is all no no this again i'm gonna clarify i don't hate hufflepuff i just hate losing and that is why your existence fills me with rage it's not it's not that i don't like you it's that i don't like losing and i won so it was fine it didn't matter because i won lansi keeps trying to call me a slytherin and it's really offensive i am not a slytherin i took the um like the all of the questions sorting hat quiz the other night um at my mod's request and i was literally eight percent slytherin and like i was like 80 ravenclaw and like 30 the other two or something but i was i was not a slytherin i was the opposite of slytherin in fact that is not my home i don't belong there leave me alone leave me out of this okay that's what a slytherin would say i feel offended right now the other two you know it was really nasty and rainy and stormy all day earlier caitlyn but it's getting better right now it looks like the sun's back out obviously it's gonna go down soon but it's out for now 7b thank you for the nine month resub thank you so much okay that's gonna look really pretty when i'm done you mark my words rolling yellow again i like the color yellow let me have this yellow's a nice color that's really pretty i'm into it i kind of want to get another tree over here because you can never have too many trees that's like right over the roof maybe i'll make it smaller i could stick it the true writer of harry potter is daniel radcliffe i'm with you is that clipping no it's not good metaphysical thank you for the five gifted subs again thank you so much um 7b thank you for the nine months also uh we don't need to talk about that woman by the way we don't need to talk about her we we choose to believe she doesn't exist so anyway daniel radcliffe am i right and emily thank you for the two month reset uh tata thank you for the 22 months also thank you so much um so thankful that shakira wrote harry potter oh my god um tasha thank you for the 22 months also thank you emily also for the two months i really appreciate you being nice to me thank you um i don't think i've ever been described as someone's guilty pleasure and that i i really enjoy that thank you i feel really special right now and i like feeling special so okay i'm gonna have some beautiful beautiful landscaping when i'm done with this mark my words [Music] lady gaga not your wig thank you for the bits by the way thank you yeah it was lady gaga she wrote it too let me thank you for this up 27 months sad cowboy emoji thank you for the 10 months duck dan baby does anybody here have simsy baby i need tier 2 or tier tier three tier two and three subs it's the tier two emote can we get some simsy babies in the chat please come on come on i know there aren't many of us but come on there we go one person two people sorry lansi aloha nice another one oh there we go there we go just took a second i got nervous my parents watch my uh my stream sometimes out but and my mom watches all of my videos a lot of times while she's like cooking dinner she'll play my video out loud um i do not think my siblings or my dad watch my videos my dad watches the occasional one my dad will not drop how funny he why do you all have duck dan baby is everyone here a duck dancehub what is going on it's not even a raid they're just all putting my boyfriend's amount in chat that's so funny my dad thinks the weenie video was really funny my dad will not drop the weenie video he like can't stop talking about how funny he thinks it was how i like walked in in the whitney costume and then sat down and was like good morning which i thought was funny too but like my dad won't drop it he keeps talking about how funny it was why is everyone here a duck dance up i truly am offended by this how dare you put my enemies emotes in my twitch chat okay thank you for the ten dollars to the trans law center emily for the five dollars also thank you so much i really appreciate you guys my dad was saying that i should do um another video uh he was making fun of me earlier when i was stressing about getting my wisdom teeth out um i was talking to him and he was like you should make it when you look like chipmunk because your mouth's all swollen you make another video do it again but in like a chipmunk costume and say good afternoon this time i don't think i'll make a video once when i get my wisdom teeth out i'm not sure did you know that i'm hyped well i am right guys thank you for the tier two sub there you go simsy babies in the chat thank you rock house unicorn thank you for the two months thank you so much he has a point maybe i will make a video i don't know that would be funny a before and after video she's messy thank you for the sub gift i'm gonna make a video where i make a house that's shaped like a tooth i'm gonna really milk this for views um because i'm a youtuber so i'm gonna make a video or build a house should like a tooth i'll do something making fun of myself for when i get with some teeth out maybe i'll get my parents to film me a little bit if i do anything dumb i'll like react to it and then i have a reaction youtube content easy mouth tour i i show you the inside of my mouth that's the third video oh my god mary thank you for the dear what's up um oh i think yeah i'm kidding aka i'm i'm probably not gonna i'm not gonna sit here and make a bunch of videos i'm gonna pre-record a little bit for it so i don't have to do anything afterward um so uh mary thank you for the cheer once up again by the way more 100 baby oh boy maybe i i um i don't know i'll figure something out i gotta take advantage of it for youtube content okay k-pop thank you for the sub thank you so much really mrs tamira that's interesting i feel like that makes sense i respect that that is funny too chasing parrots i don't know we'll figure something out i'll take advantage of this i'll make it work there might be thank you for 22 22 to the trans law center by the way thank you so much the tooth fairy in the sims that's a good idea um no i know what i want classic lil simsy i'm gonna use these again i love these flowers i think they're adorable i will never get over them maybe i won't put that there we'll just have a smaller one is that enough landscaping i can't tell caitlyn thank you for the bits i'm glad that i could be a mood boost for you that i appreciate that truly um i do my best we do some dumb things on stream but i i'm glad that i can be a nice distraction and stuff is debugging for the pretty trees we don't have i'm not i don't have debug on right now no i probably should but i didn't yet um that's pretty i like it sammy thank you for the bits um why would you put duck dan gasm in my chat why would you do that sammy and caitlyn thank you for the six month also it took you a month and a half to recover from getting your wisdom teeth out why would you say that you see i most people that i talk to are like i was fine after like two days the worst part is getting food stuck in the holes in your mouth which is what i'm hoping for it should be fine i'll be fine it's not a big deal but um you know still not looking forward to it took you a week to recover oh boy oh boy um i might take i'm gonna probably take a few days off stream because i don't know if i'll uh want to talk for a super long time if my mouth hurts but i'll keep you posted we'll see how we're feeling and then we'll talk about it i don't even know what day the surgery is going to be it won't be for at least a couple weeks so um yeah stop trying to scare me what is wrong with you it's not a big deal i'm leaving you for the 188 by the way thank you so much um okay silent simsy stream i mean stop telling me your horror stories in chat all of you shut up shut up unbelievable um okay yeah i was thinking about doing for like a week arrow i i sort of just like the idea of taking a week off and um like pre-recording for a week and then just not streaming all week on purpose even if i'm fine just as like an excuse to be like i want to take the week off because i haven't done that in a long time um but we'll see how i'm feeling if i want to stream or not it can i i don't have to make any promises i can just decide if i want to stream when i want to stream you know and then i'll stream but if i don't want to stream i won't stream and then we'll be fine and i'll blame it on the fact that i had my wisdom teeth ripped out of me pg thank you for the five dollars summer break yeah we talked about doing that um a while ago like right when i actually graduated i was gonna take a week off and then the the new pack came out so it didn't happen um so you can blame eco lifestyle for that i guess alex cj thank you for the subs ebony thank you for the bits also um stop telling me horror stories about this i don't want to know the bad things that happened to you when you hand your wisdom teeth out and i really do mean that i don't want to know brooke thank you for the 70 dollars by the way to the trans law center thank you brooke thank you so much that is a lot of money thank you i i truly cannot thank you enough you are so generous um i'm waiting for the 190 also evening it out thank you guys um yeah it's not bad i'll be fine stop trying to make it out to be like a nightmare cameron thank you for the prime sub michelle there's a link in the chat if you want to donate there's a it's to the tiltify page if you miss it because the chat kind of scrolls fast um it's also like in my panels um you can you can click on it better thank you for the one dollar thank you so much a tooth costume what does that even mean do they even have those let me look on amazon really fast tooth costume first of all this is 53 dollars but this is a man in a tooth costume thank you simpsons i'll be okay thank you for the bits control thank you for the four months um when i got my wisdom teeth out a huge sausage came out of the ceiling and ate my entire family including my pet dog and then danced on santa claus who was sitting in the corner wow wow wow i'm speechless i will do i will do another let's play baby challenge don't worry you guys i promise i'll do another one i'm not gonna like stop making less plays when the baby challenge is over i swear okay i want to get a mailbox um okay i want to try and make sure we finish maybe i won't have this underneath this tree maybe we'll just leave it and then the tree will be fancy for oh you know what will be really cool is if this fire pit was right here i was gonna put the um i was gonna have this area instead be like the the dining space but we could have like you could dine out here this would be really nice to hang out in um slothy i am very active in my discord i don't type that often with people who freak out when i type in general but i i read my discord a lot um i am i am very active in my discord i promise you i saw you all on that call um i thought it was fun i i do i am in my discord yes um i see all um okay i also have to moderate the server you know so i do see what you're doing um okay ceo of lurking exactly not your wig thank you for the bits borrow the toothbrush from my costume for my mom jenna marbles do you think jenna would share her toothbrush with me her toothbrush do you think she still has that toothbrush costume that's what i'd like to know did she keep it like no but listen he's in her own discord server wow some people sometimes people like i type in general and they're like is that the real lil simsy and it's like this is my server yes i get that all the time in general people are like is that really kayla you are in my home yes yes i always think that's funny louis thank you for the 123. i haven't got my wisdom teeth out so i'm better than you see this is who i am this is who i used to be better than you guys until all of a sudden my wisdom teeth started hurting you never know what you have until it's gone okay prepare yourselves prepare yourselves for the worst i don't i didn't get them out yet aj i have to i i've i've got a consultation with an oral surgeon in like two weeks and then um i'll book an appointment from there so i don't even know when it'll happen yet but i did not get them out today they tried to get me to get them out today um there was like this whole ordeal they were talking like looking around my mouth trying to decide if because one of them um they're like i'm not sure if we can do this one here um because like you might need to go to a real surgeon for this one and the whole time i was like i'm not gonna i'm not doing it here right now anyway like you they brought in like both the doctors both dentists that work in this practice and they're both looking around and i was like it doesn't matter i'm not gonna do it here anyway they tried to pressure me doing it there right then and i was like i have to i'm busy i have to stream today i'm gonna be on the front page of twitch today i'm not gonna be wisdom to that right now i did not go into that appointment ready for that like i was not prepared to get them out like today um but it was fine it wasn't it wasn't a big deal um but then because i had i was like oh i can't i have like i have to work today like this afternoon and they're like oh don't worry like you'd be able to like go to work just fine like you'd be fine afterwards and i was like no no i would not i am not streaming on the front page of twitch with a chipmunk face i am not doing that and then i had to explain that i'm a streamer and then they're like okay well that's weird but all right and then i felt embarrassed and i just i i tried to be like no i know no amy thank you for the 20 to the trans law center by the way thank you so much um yeah see kate it's i mean this is where i'm gonna be in a couple weeks um but it's fine you got candy from orthodontist i've i used to get stickers from the dentist they don't give me stickers anymore for some reason which is super weird i don't get it and they just don't get it they're like oh you play video games thank you for the five month resub by the way thank you so much next time i'll be like oh i have to i actually have a um i have a public speaking opportunity during this pandemic i have to present uh something later today so i i can't i have a very important presentation this afternoon so i i cannot i simply cannot i actually have an architecture virtual presentation to attend i have a huge meeting yeah [Applause] yeah sorry video conference yeah i mean these are all true statements that's the thing like you don't need to um there are some specifics that don't need to be shared with people that don't understand and then i got all flustered and tried to explain streaming to them and that's just not gonna work so in the future i will not tell them i usually try to avoid talking about it with strangers because it just leads to like so many questions and like sometimes some judgment and it's just not worth the conversation if it doesn't need to be like oftentimes i say i work in social media if i have to and it's true you don't need more details than that there's just so much explaining that has to go into it you know um yeah anyway it's not a big deal nick thank you for the four month reset happy birthday can i sing you a song everyone's like no please don't and then i just do it anyway um oh i can imagine mia i feel like the prime thing if you're trying to be like mom don't worry it's free we already have amazon prime they're like but it's gonna charge me and you're like no but it's we already have amazon prime it's not gonna charge me more i imagine that's definitely a hard conversation to have because if you guys didn't know uh amazon owns twitch so if you have amazon prime you get a bunch of perks on twitch with your prime subscription including a free sub every single month like a new one every 30 days um and so a lot of times people are like is it going to charge me extra and it's like no you already have prime it's free it's you already are paying for prime um so it's like included with your subscription you're paying for it but like you just didn't realize um but i i imagine that's definitely like a hard conversation to have with people sometimes your parents being like no and you're being like but it's free speaking of prime meme salad thank you for the prime sub and hannah thank you for the bits welcome to the stream it's good to see you it charges you five dollars though the prime sub wouldn't have if you subscribed with like a real sub it would have charged you but the prime stuff is free if you press subscribe it opens the drop down then it says like subscribe free with prime and you get a free one every 30 days they won't charge you extra for that it it can't like you can do without putting your card details into twitch i reminded you thank you meme salad i appreciate that emily thank you for the four months also thank you so much but anyway i mean that uh like you're already paying for amazon prime like it's a it's an included perk like if otherwise you're just wasting money like you're just not using all the perks you're paying for it's not going to charge you extra i promise like millions of people use their prime subs on twitch um it won't remind you that's the thing with regular subscriptions um with like a real sub it renews every 30 days automatically with prime subs it just expires and it doesn't tell you so you have to like kind of be on it to resub yourself because it won't it won't renew it like last 30 days and then you have to go in and do it yourself again once it's expired um so you kind of got to be on top of things and remember if it's gonna expire soon or something but it's not a big deal you'll keep yourselves freaking stuff as long as you're fast enough um but yeah you're already paying for it you might as well use it and it's the same thing as a regular sub like you get all the emotes you don't get ads on my streams you get all the perks in chat i still get paid a cut even though it was free for you like really you're just taking money from amazon i'm just saying um and you don't have to use it on me like you at least use it somewhere on twitch if you want even if you don't watch a streamer like i give the example of like maybe you love julian solomida like you love his youtube videos you might not watch his streams but like you love him you could be like you could give him your prime sub if you wanted to just so you don't waste it because then like someone's getting it you know most of the time what i do because i'm already subbed to my friends i like hop my primes around so i'll give it to like one friend this month another one next month because i have a lot of friends that stream so i kind of like pop the prime so around a little bit um because it's just taking money out of bezos's pocket you know let bezos pay thank you jennifer for the four months and i thank you for the prime stuff erin uh emily green pencil laura thanks for the prime subs uh bloom thank you for the for the sub gift and chaos thank you for the sub also six months in a row oh my god uh anna grapes smarty ones thank you for the prime steps you guys well talk about a prime plug huh um but yeah i mean that though you're wasting it otherwise give it to a streamer don't worry about me there's a hype train just from me plugging pry that's so funny right now thank you for the bits little thank you for the prime stuff thank you so much you guys that's really funny i just bring it up because a lot of people don't realize it um and people are like i'm sorry i can't sub kayla and they're like wait i guess up with prime and it's free yeah so just in case you guys didn't know uh maggie thank you for the tier two four months mia thank you for the bits uh purple thank you for the sub gift keisha thank you for the bits thank you so much you guys i've been on the discord uh i've been streaming so i haven't checked discord in like three hours but i am on discord yes groveland caitlin thank you for the subs uh annie oh my god little hot goss thank you for the tell the lover that you were the price of cyber lucy ellie thank you what are you guys doing any moose thank you for the bits also um oh hi did you know that i'm hype well i am uh amber i'm streaming so i haven't checked discord since i went live obviously but i i check discord daily multiple times a day in fact uh michelle thank you for the bits orange thank you for the prime sub uh ellie bear thank you for the bits kid cat thank you for the bits cats um music thank you for the bits nikki thank you for the five gifted subs oh my god thank you guys so much that's really cool i really appreciate that um most of the time when we get hype trains it's not really like a i think like the natural hype train that twitch imagines it to be because we sort of just get them like in the beginning of the stream because everyone resubs it once in the beginning of the stream and then it is a hype train but it's not like the same as like what i think twitch imagines them to be sort of like more naturally occurring like this so that's kind of exciting thank you guys i don't understand why you like me cat thank you for the two months um amy thank you for the bids vr thank you for the prime sub moon thank you for the sub gift following thank you for the bits thank you guys so much okay i'm just gonna stick some plants in the corner how would we get like a fountain back there or something that could be cute i'm sorry abby lilly's life austin thank you for the bits audrey thank you for the six months uh starleen thank you for the thousand bits um thank you so much you guys i'm sorry if i missed anything also i'm i feel very caught off guard by this oh my gosh i'm in like 15 minutes probably addie thank you for the bits also did your first stream today that's exciting let me give you a follow quickly so i don't maybe i'll be able to drop in sometime i hope that you had a a wonderful stream addie that's really exciting um you failed that building i really respect that i think we've all been there janie thank you for the bits thank you so much you guys by the way i really appreciate all of you um jess thank you for the bits okay i like to if if i don't forget sometimes i get distracted and forget to but a lot of times people tell me they stream um out of nowhere i'm like oh let me give you a follow maybe i'll drop by sometime i get excited about it amy thank you for the sub gift to rach and jess thank you for the bits also it's 1am for you i'm so sorry have a good night um madame palindrome thank you for the thank you guys w thank you janie i'm sorry i don't think i miss anybody amy bean thank you don't don't duck dan being me you keep those duck dan emotes away from me i did not sign up for this um geology girl thank you for the bits dupe for gaming uh thank you guys for the bits also really midnight for you i know it's it's getting late in a lot of places i'm sorry they're duck dan beaning me again stop putting beans in my chat how dare you absolutely disgusting oh i don't like that over there madison thank you for the bits alyssa thank you nessie thank you guys give a house to her i didn't furnish it yet so there's not much of a tour to show you you can see the outside at least it is a work in progress for sure i'll put on the gallery eventually i'm not gonna put it up today i haven't finished it yet we'll finish it tomorrow um and then we'll put it on the gallery tomorrow once it's done i just want to finish it first before i put it on the gallery um because i i feel better once the builds are done if i'm not going to put like a half finished build in the gallery porcelain rose torah thank you for the uh the five months and the sub gift uh jack thank you for the bits also what lot is it on uh it's the lot where brent and brandt live if you know that one in uh brindleton bay i bulldozed their house and i built mine so it's good to see you dude fort thank you for coming by i appreciate that um there we go why did that scare me for some reason anna rose thank you for the sub by the way you don't need to be a star to join a raid no president dvd uh though you don't need to be a sub to do anything here um sub is just extra um everything is you don't need to be a sub for anything i promise um but the raid's automatic when i end the stream it'll if you're in chat it'll join you in the right automatically no matter what alex thank you for the sub by the way thank you so much the floor plan i can show you um so this is the living room we're gonna put a tv i think on this wall this will be my office this is my bedroom my bathroom we have a hall bathroom we have the dining room and a kitchen we have the stairs into the basement this is a movie room this is a laundry and bathroom this is dan's office upstairs there's three more bedrooms and one more bathroom one for each of my cats i only have one cat right now but but soon i'll have more megan thank you for the prime stuff jess thank you for seven months your prime minister expired wait you're probably expired bro i started talking about prime subs that's really funny it's like it knew it's like i knew your bedroom yeah yeah dan gets the small room upstairs i would never share a room with duck dan that's disgusting how dare you assume something like that ew gross we're not married ew gross he sleeps in his office no editor guest house no no no guest house for the assistant he just messaged me oh he sent me a tweet i thought he was gonna like yell at me for saying yes to sleep in his office that i put in the basement but i don't think he's watching the stream so i can say whatever i want i got a jam and i was like uh-oh exposed he's listening he heard what we said about him oh no pre-marital coexistence ew [Laughter] okay well i have really not made much progress i i'm doing a really bad job i'll admit it i'll i'll tell you the truth i'm doing a bad job i'm going to put landscaping right here i just want to have like banish dan why would i you want me to banish him to the basement poor guy he didn't do anything wrong and he's got stuck with all of us talking about banishing him and stuff oh okay i want to size this down again i only like how that looks that's okay howdy thank you for the bits um oh your kitty gospel yesterday and she's been a sleepy little bean today and just wear a cone of shame oh that that's rough poor cat um tell her i said hi though x-ray thank you for the bits s k s k s k s k s k s k s k prime sub trash taran thank you for the two months someone called you olivia today your name is caroline we've met before oh i'm so sorry i used to get called katie by random people in high school all the time like i took um like tv production classes like the school news classes all through high school um i never was i was never on the news but i was like part of it basically essentially and there was this person that was in my class all four years and he would always call me katie my name is kayla i used to have me all the time though it was so annoying star crew thank you for the bits amber thank you for two months uh britannia thank you for the prime stuff also yeah my name's not katie and people would correct him and he'd still do it like i was too scared to correct him because i felt dumb um but i saw the k and just stopped paying attention yeah dead right thank you for the eight months thank you so much uh pigeon monk uh star crew thank you for the bits i listen to you for the bits anonymous thank you for the we the 100 donation to the trans law center by the way thank you so much you guys i really really appreciate that thank you um anyway my name's not katie thank you for the hype train that was i i really appreciate that that was really cool thank you guys and that's on social anxiety yeah um you know my cat doesn't really mess with my cables that are like for my desk but my cat messes with these this cable it's like if it's in front of her face she'll try and eat it for the most part the rest of this isn't touch i've got my my phone charger plugged in um it tries to bite that sometimes because it's like out more um but for most parts that doesn't really touch the cables that often i have them um like kind of lining the top of my desk so you can't see them underneath the desk though so they aren't very easy for her to get to i guess which is part of the thing um we'll do it tomorrow too yeah don't worry i'll finish this tomorrow i i got a lot done today but like in this scheme of things i probably could have gotten more done but it's okay it happens i thought about doing an office tour i feel embarrassed though i don't know why i just like i feel like my pc setup is so personal to me you know it's like i'm scared for you to see it not that it matters you'll probably like it i bet you'd be impressed truthfully um what what goes on behind the scenes maybe i'll show you i've some i've shown pictures before but oh that oh that got me i was like what broke i'm in build mode nothing broke it's build mode what happened the other one what other one my other office tour aj like my i didn't have an office my parents house i did like a setup tour at my parents house it's i might have privated it but i don't think i did hi tom it's like a reflex that noise thank you anonymous for the 100 donation i really appreciate that uh tash thank you for the prime sub thank you so much you guys it's still there yeah i figured it was i don't know even if i just showed you like my desk setup and my 200k plaques i know you'd love to see them so one of them in fact is right behind me the other one is over there on the wall i feel invisible why that was for 75 000 subscribers that's weird to think about i still feel like my channel is that size on youtube and it's like 10 times that no it's not i have millions of subscribers but i i um i don't know i just that's weird it's weird to think about numbers like that you know i'm at 868k i just started playing the sims 1 soundtrack because the sims 2 1 ended it's weird i'll do an office tour at some point i still feel embarrassed but someday i'll show you i feel like you guys are very used to seeing it in like no not in focus you know um it looks a lot different in real life i'm nervous um but it's exciting so i'll show you eventually maybe i don't know only lived here for like two years and never showed you maybe when i move i'll like film it before i move and then i'll show you i'm not gonna move anytime soon i don't think but imagine i like film it before i leave you know some youtubers do like apartment tours when they're moving out i didn't replace the corner plan i put him on a table instead so basically what i did um i moved a desk that was in the other room into here so i've got two desks in here now um and because the desk you can't see it cause it's like right next to jeffrey it was kind of crowding him when he was on just the stand he was on he was too low to the ground i put him on a table that i had downstairs so that he's higher up so he's not like crowded and sad um what happened to gibby he's in my closet the plant's name is jeffrey spelled like jeffrey landgrab with a g is it real yeah he's real that's why i didn't want to crowd him because he needs sunlight the window is right there too the desk is in front of the window bug i i'm trying to notice people um i don't really think of myself as you know being here to notice people i just read the chat um i might not read a thing out loud but that doesn't mean i didn't read it i can't read everything out loud um the gmo plush someone said that's my po box that was a gift a lot of the things behind me were gifts to my p.o box like a lot of the pop figures um and like there's a little that's a little tiny steamboat um that's a little like floofy orange cat stuffed animal someone gave me that's like coke bottle with my name on it um that's a duck that i got at a youtube event that's a donut mug um we got katy perry sweet treats my merch a plum bob that i made um that's a little ceramic uh simsy egg with a wig that the kid made me that's that thing is really cute if i had it up close i would show you i'll show you guys that on stream tomorrow i think i've heard that for a while um but like uh someone made me a little it looks like my eye with a wiggam and it's got a little face on it yes ronnie i am i donated uh jokingly making fun of how elgato donated last time they said elgato dash divorce bob so when i donated i said lil simsy uh hates bugs i like shady stuff on twitter what do you mean oh i'm dropping frames oh that's not good i should get off stream gamer girl thank you for the sub gifty egg cerrone thank you so much um nice danny got in a moat nice um okay i think we're gonna get off stream in a second though lady royale thank you for the bits um you killed karen you kill you killed my karen wannabe carrie in my simsy save which truly i don't blame you but still thanks torah i appreciate that um okay well stream's dying let's go find someone to raid i'll close my game sasqueen thank you for the bits thank you so much you guys how dare you kill myself people send me tweets sometimes like how they've got mc command center and so uh like story progression made sims do weird things and it's like haha kayla your sim self married don lethario in this save oh god anyone but hey him maddie thank you for the sub gift by the way thank you so much um we are going to raid hmm you know what i feel like we haven't raided jack in a while should we go over there boring thank you for the bits thank you so much uh and sas queen thank you for the bits again i've got a good night thank you guys um i always die alone when i'm playing the cincy save okay that's terrible lil sims you always die alone i deserve it my sim self deserves it oh we're gonna go right jack let's go over and say hi shall we um he's currently playing animal crossing he's doing this thing where he tries to find every single villager in the game he's so far been to 2500 islands and he's got six villagers left to find um it's kind of wild he's been doing it for a while um two of villagers he's looking for i've had on my island and one of them i have right now which is kind of wild um but he's still looking for eloise and monique are two of them and i just got rid of eloise and replaced her with monique so we're gonna go right jack eggs and try to get there don't be too annoying don't spam that much don't be that guy okay like couple eggs and then stop you know but i'll see you tomorrow i don't have pashmina no rhino i wish i did i really wish i did okay goodbye i'm sorry bye you
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 447,078
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games, ts4, the sims 4, sims, gameplay, let's play, building, lilsimsmie, moresimsie, kayla, kayla sims, speed build, lilsimsie, dream house, sims 4
Id: 4cuNVA5nn5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 224min 31sec (13471 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 14 2020
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