Building in The Sims 4 but each room is a different color

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We're trying this again we're doing that each room is a different color challenge in the sims 4 again But this time, it's Pride Month. So it's fun. Right I did this a few times I like the videos down below essentially the challenge is that you spin on a color wheel for a color you do one room you spin again the next room but say You get green the entire kitchen has to be green. That means everything the fridge the sink blah blah blah all of it And if you don't have a green fridge, then you're just not gonna get a fridge the first sign of the challenge I kind of stretched it a little bit to like allow for more choice like oh no we need a fridge so I'll make the House functional but this time there's no function if we don't have floors, then we don't get floors It's gonna be a rainbow mess and I'm excited. Oh, no, do you see these two bills? These are both previous. Oh No, this is just plum Bella's evil shell challenge. We don't want to talk about Jessie here She's the enemy these two though are the kind of things you get you can't really see the blue one But these are the kind of things you get when you do these challenges Because you see you spin through the outside and it tells you purple and well use purple. So let's game shall we? I'm gonna start with a shell of a house. I don't know what sort of shell um Box two stories, right? Yeah, and now I can send her windows. Oh my god. This is a beautiful day before we were so limited because you could only put like You know say I wanted to put a door like a little bump out like this you had to use a one tile window here Now I could Center a two tile. Oh, I'm so excited. Shall we just make it can it just be this? Is that the whole house? I think I like the fact that we have to figure out the outside a little bit before we get started because then you're kind Of stuck with it like we could build a house like this and then all of a sudden go to pick a color and it's like this has to Be orange and then I mean like this how I built this like Dutch colonial inspired shape that was the vibe and then the game was like now make it purple and I was like, oh It's not gonna end well is it so that's what that that's yeah I went a little bit overboard with the pool, but we're gonna do it this time. We're gonna do a great job I won't put the roof on yet. Either will probably save that for the end. That's ugly That's a really ugly shell of a house. No, I'll be the first to admit that it doesn't look good. I'm sorry Alright, let's let's go with that All right, we're gonna put a color for the outside now and then I'll do the floor plan afterwards I think I just want to do the outside and then we can figure out the floor plan because then know where the windows are and stuff so Let's randomize a color. Shall we we're gonna use this website random color comm when you randomize the page It just gives you a random color. So we're gonna do that. I'm gonna three to one pick black It's like a hot pink almost red, okay, that's kind of blinding to look at uh, right Let's okay. Let's do it. Then. Shall we I say we go with red. Let's pick red. Is there even a red roof texture? Oh there is there like mostly kind of orange II but oh we have this new one. Oh, oh, oh boy Oh, this is gonna be good Yeah, I don't like how this house looks I don't know what I was thinking with the outside here, but it's not good I'm like genuinely sorry that I did this. This was supposed to be a chimney. So we'll put that all the way up All right. That's what I did. That's fine. It could be a lot worse It's gonna be a lot worse once we do the outside, but for now we have that now do we have red roof? Oh, we do have red roof trim. Okay good Oh, this is gonna be great see picking red that's lucky because we've got a lot of options Oh, no, do I have to put that on top of the chimney? I think I do. Oh, yes This is oh, this is a great day. I'm really excited This is gonna look awful. And we really do have so many options. Look at this. Isn't that beautiful? It's not really a good combo that particular shade of red with the color through it Isn't it's not um, how do I say this nicely? It doesn't look good. I think that's all right Well, alright is probably a strong word. It's not that bad on asleep being able to use brick nice touch We don't often get that like we don't often get to have more than one texture. Oh, wait a minute. That's perfect I know the brick doesn't match but just don't look too closely. Is there a more hang on we can always do that instead? No, well, that is all red. Maybe I should do that one. Oh man. This is it looked so good for a second We really had it going for us and now it's just okay, that's fine Yeah, we can use that putting columns and all the edges because I think it'll look nice. It's a nice touch I feel like you know kind of breaks it up a little bit. Maybe it's really ugly. This bill is really bad Alright, one of the window options look like lots of them. Oh the gift famous ones are good. Maybe we should use those Yeah, that's good. That's what we need. I think I'm really sorry. That's all I could say right now as I'm sorry, you know I just did a build that was bright red like this. I did a heart-shaped house the other day and it was all red We thought we were done with that, but apparently not cuz we're back They can always move some of the windows if we need to they're also gonna be red from the inside Which I didn't really think through but that's ok. Nice red flooring too for the patio. Wow. That's bright. Actually, that's good Oh, oh, I didn't think about the door. Oh, we got plenty of options. Never mind. We're fine. Don't worry false alarm guys We're all right Yeah, I don't really like any of these. I guess we could use that Oh god, the only white on the whole house That's not good that kind of matches the shape of the windows a little bit more What if we like stuck the brick columns next to it to cover the white that's ugly too, isn't it? Just trying to cover that white trim a little bit more. We can't make a difference. Just give up Kayla Just give up got some stairs Well, maybe if we get like some fencing it'll match better Yeah, that really ties it all in see that's not terrible at all. It looks it looks really good Oh, we do have a red tree. That's so fun. I think to be honest We've gotten kind of lucky with it the tree colors. This one counts is red. Oh, I guess it has the red Yeah, that doesn't count as rope. We aren't using that tree in our build. I'm no cheater Okay so big I don't want to like cover my entire house. I just want a tree because it's kind of sad without them Woohoo Bush. I don't know why I got so excited about that. I'm sorry. That's I feel kind of dumb for that Let's come back to the landscaping. I don't really want to deal with this right now Look, oh we can do that at the end. All right, let's figure out a floor plan It needs to be a decently closed off floor plan Unfortunately, because that way we can actually have a bunch of different rooms and then furnish them all differently, you know Where do the stairs I didn't really think about that either hmmm? I mean, I was gonna use any staircase then we can change the stairs to match the color of the room that we're doing Yeah, I don't like this layout very much, but this is the best I can figure out Okay, so use that we got master bedroom master bathroom weird long shaped room kids room hall bath So there's three bedrooms two bath upstairs downstairs. We'll have some sort of bathroom some sort of like formal living room piano room Maybe I don't know. We'll see TV room dining room kitchen It's not a good floor plan, but I was trying to get like it closed off you know floor plan instead of having an open one so that we could have the weird colors and Instead it just it just looks bad. So I'm sorry, but we'll just make it work. It's fine this weird hallway I made I don't know. I just figured we could do something with it. I probably will change that. It's fine Let's just start. Shall we I say we start with the kitchen because that one has the most room for error Whatever color we get we're going for so ready one, two, three, go blue almost at Ely color blue There's like a little bit of green in there. It's also a deep color, obviously We can't really keep the tone very easily kind of just got to pick a shade and then go with it So I'm gonna say blue, but we can make sure we aim for more greeny blues like like this one I don't know if there's a tile that really works I guess. Oh my god. Do I really have to use that? I think I do. Yeah, I do. Oh, no, can we match that tile? But what if we did it? Oh my god, is there not a matching floor tile to that? Excuse me? Why not? That's like new we should use the wood this with the red windows is really terrible. This is really bad Unless you've got options, you know for the counters. I say we go for these because that is the same color as the floor Let's go sega's are the most teal colored. That is the same color as the floor Where do you put the island in a place? Like it's a weird shaped kitchen. Oh, we have so many options Look at that the jungle adventure stuff is great for this. This is a really bad kitchen shape I'm kind of embarrassed not to like make this about me, but I'm embarrassed What if we put the island like that way that's you know, do we use this sink instead? Yeah, I think we do I'm embarrassed by this. I hate it I hate it so much Maybe if we made the kitchen like a little bit smaller like doesn't have to fill the whole way. Mmm It's so ugly. Oh My god, yeah I don't know why I'm acting surprised we knew it was going to happen when we did this challenge we signed up for this quite literally like we we knew what we were getting ourselves into so I hope none of you are acting surprised because this is oh Oh Pretty a cupcake It'll be nice right put the trash can there. I don't know what sort of decorations to put in here I don't how many options we have. The answer is not many. How about one of these plates that like the kid decorated? Oh, that's cute. Maybe it's somebody's birthday. So we got one of these like party hats and that's good You know I think I'm not sure we can do much else is the point that I'm trying to make here we can get some pretty curtains It's a nice touch. Let's shit. Let's just leave that let's get out of here, or maybe a rug wait. Sorry I keep getting distracted and putting more things but rug underneath the sink will be nice Alright, let's let's move on. The next color will be mmm purple Okay, we're gonna do the dining room. That could be pretty this could be nice. We get like a nice rug It's we have a good square rug for that see there's some nice purple flooring we could also do carpet But for some reason I feel like this one's probably a bad choice. So let's do the purple wood I guess we should rotate it. So it's the same as the kitchen one, huh? Yeah, they went all out I kind of like how the floor is matched like that. I think I kind of liked it lining up that way I know it's ugly. But I kind of like it. It's not like we who am I kidding? This is great Some of my best work one of my best builds to date for sure. We pick like a kind of fancy How about the deep purple color? We could go for the light purple though. Nothing wrong with that Is there a better rug can we go pastel? Oh Oh We kind of could floor is really out there, but then there's a round table. It's really small. Oh This is not good. All right, this could be way worse. I don't know what light hang above it. Maybe like this one Hey Oh No, yeah That'll have to do we can't even side it down put like one of these things in there for no reason That's kind of pretty why do I feel like I've never seen this table before look at that swatch I feel like I've never seen that in my life Yeah, it's kind of fun finding things from the base game that you didn't realize were there. That's a nice little Pastel purple table looks really good, right? Yeah. Oh nice we can put the plate on it Oh, Looks really good. Oh my god, I should have used this. Oh, yeah, that's perfect I think we have to use these cabinets. I could even put like two of them. Oh, where do I put it there? It is that's not that bad a plant Wanna use that that okay, this is mmm. Wow, that's really nice-looking. It's also in the wall Okay that table rooms done. You guys do like it. I feel embarrassed. I showed you the bathroom next Okay, please not something that we can't use Teal again. I feel like we shouldn't have the rooms being next we color the same color Can that be a rule we do if they're next to each other like we don't want to teal rooms touching also teals easy for a bathroom next I Should've kept the other one. Oh that like aqua color would have been nice But now instead we have hot pink are there even hot pink bathroom things like can we even use that? No, okay. This one is filtered as pink Does it count or do we try and use like a toilet stall the bathroom is too small for a toilet? So I don't even think we can oh wait. I didn't even see this. Okay, nevermind. We got one we can use that Yeah, that's that's the right color. This could just be a half bathroom We can always put like a litter box and stuff in here too Oh, could we do laundry? Is there pink laundry? You also have like hot pink towels and stuff so we should get those but I want to use that rug don't they ever use? That color on it before. Okay. I'm getting distracted. Sorry laundry I think you know if it's just pink and not hot pink like I think we should use that. Yeah, I know I think we should use that not usually one to be like embarrassed by a builds. But this one yeah. Oh Boy, maybe a a shoe poster cuz it's you know a bathroom the like variation in all of the tones of pink In here, it's really bad. Like don't worry. I'm aware. I know it's bad. I'm sorry I just want you to know that I'm not doing this to you on purpose. I'm not trying to make you suffer In fact, I think I'm trying to make myself suffer. Oh, no, I guess we could like Is there a pastel pink we can use instead I guess there's that does that come in the toilet too? Can we use that? I cut okay Listen, I know it's may be a bit of a stretch because it has the green in it But I like how that looks in this room a lot better We can put the little cloud light - no, I think that's for the best. I do think that's for the best I need pink shelves. So there's some baskets. It's also this thing I feel like we could put that in here. We could put that like above the kitty litter That's that's the cat that lives here. That's his litter box. And this is the cats. It's his person - scarf and stuff This is the cat's bedroom. Mm-hmm. Yeah, these are his friends, you know, we can't put that up It's not pink enough we can use this I think yeah, I think that's good. Let's call that a room. Shall we? All right? Let's do the living room. This is like the TV room living room. So hopefully we get a TV route Okay, well it'll be easy to furnish but my rainbow dreams all right, well, that's fine Okay, should we use this same floor? But in Brown should we try and use the same floor everywhere? I think that's kind of funny. No, whatever this room gets to be we could put the same flooring in there, too I just I like how it looks when they're lined up like this for some reason. I think that's kind of fun I think we have to pick like an ugly wallpaper like that one with the bats or like That combined with that floor looks terrible. I think no matter what we do. It's gonna look bad with the floor The floor is just so shiny. Maybe that'll work This makes this stair situation really easy - I was like well pick stairs that match the color of the room And I was hoping we could get like blue stairs or something But this is not like this looks like every build will Sims II has ever done so nice work Sims game You ruined the fun we can get a fireplace in a TV though, which is kind of exciting there. We have Brown. Oh the TV situation Does it come in light brown? You mean to tell me that my only options for Brown TVs are full on movie screens This is supposed to be my TV roof. Do they really not come in like that? Yeah, that's white They all come in the same three white and gray swatches even my penguin doesn't come How come this goes in Brown? I guess supposed to be wood. Should we use it? I Can't really fit it fine. We just won't have a TV. That is how it's supposed to work. I guess that is the challenge I'm just not happy. I am incredibly disappointed right now. I want a bigger rug need like more substance to it You know, how about this one size stuff now that's ugly. That's what we needed. I actually really truly like these curtains. I Think they're pretty we can use the new lights. I really do like those new lights maybe this. Oh Wow It's so ugly Maybe we should pick a lighter brown We do have the benefit of shades that we can pick from like we don't have to use just dark brown in fact the color itself was more of an orange e Brown I probably could have called that orange if I wanted to at least we've got A lot of coffee table options. Oh and I can put bookcases behind the couch. I love doing that I think that looks so good when you do it, look at that lamp. I Like this lamp even in ugly swatches. It looks fun. What else do we put in here? I guess maybe now this room could have more of a study vibe to it if we wanted it to Or maybe we could get like a tiny TV space. I don't know. It's a weird layout. It's a weird house. Stop complaining It's just gonna look like this. Maybe I should put a desk in here. Can I have a computer? Is there a light brown? Oh we could use this that is a computer. It's not it's not one of the research machines This is from the writing career You know the last time that I did this challenge I think on Twitch or maybe in a video my study space ended up being brown It's just not ideal, you know Especially you come in trying to use like all these bright colors and then the games like no make it beige I feel like I need another window just that there's something on this wall. It doesn't look very good It looks really bad actually, but okay we can be done now, right? Yeah, I might just leave it Okay I think I'm gonna decide what this room is based off of what color we spend because I don't know what to even put in Here I was thinking like a formal living room piano room of sorts, but that depends very larger than what we get So let's let's pin. I don't want that. It's always this color. We just did that. I'm sorry I'm spinning again We have purple too what we could do dark blue. Let's do dark blue. Wait. Does this flooring come in blue? Yes It's perfect, I'm so excited. Okay, it's the little things in life that really cheer me up, you know Now the question is do we have a blue? We do have a blue piano? It's not dark blue, but it's blue I say we use it. Come on we have to yeah, we do that's good. That's real good. Okay, maybe some floral rugs Some blue couches. That's so ugly like really and truly very ugly I don't know what I guess these curtains cuz they have more than one size. It looks good. It's fine Stop being dramatic about it Kayla. It's You know what you're getting yourself into. This is really turning into something else I did my best I say we go upstairs now. It looks really good I'm really pleased let's begin with the hallway easy stuff. One, two, three, go what? Hot pink almost purple. Yeah, that looks really good. Okay, we can even get a pink fence This is the exact right color, by the way, like look at that. That is the color It turned out pretty good really put in the corner like a chair. Oh Yeah, a chair is good. I thought looks pretty I say we keep it. Why is this room so long? It doesn't look good at all. It's just the floor plan. It's bad. I'm sorry. Let's do the next room. All right next room Let's do the the hall bathroom ready go. Okay. Why am I not surprised? It's this. Oh, it's this color always Every single time this is not so bad for the bathroom No, we actually have some things that'll work for that that like mint color we're set. Nothing to worry about folks. Don't don't mind me We're fine. Do you like it? Do you think it looks pretty I just I I think I should just leave that I don't know if there's much more I can do about this next. Let's do the actual master bedroom. Now, come on Oh purple Wow It almost looks blue, but kind of purple at the same time. I think I'm gonna go purple though I'm gonna say it's leaning more purple. Obviously a different purple than this one It needs to be a very bluish purple like this floor is not gonna cut it I don't know if any of the floors will cut it. What about the blues? Are there any good blues that match that tone? Yeah, it almost is more blue. I don't want to use the same carpet that we just used Let's just make it but let's just do blue. Let's just do blue. It's fine. I just did blue We have so many options for blue beds. Oh should we use that? No, it's not bright enough Let's go very fancy. Maybe we shouldn't may wait. Maybe we shouldn't go very fancy. We don't have anything that matches I don't really know what tone. I'm going for right now. It does not look good, though we've got a closet I Didn't even think about that. We could put a closet in here. I never use those in the sims anymore I always just forget they exist and they're also kind of bulky and hard to like fit into floor plans So I just never use them not today Today is our day. I think I'd like to be done now Please get me out of here. You know what just yeah, I'm gonna be honest. I don't feel very good today I literally just took a break and laid on the floor for a while, but I'm back the show must go on Okay, this build will not break me. You still have three rooms left to do and the outside I want to like full-on landscape the outside. Look at how bad it looks from. Okay, I'm sorry This is let's pick the master bathroom next. Give me one I can actually use please. Oh, oh, that's a pretty color I think one of my favorite colors it's kind of peachy. Alright, that's kind of fun Wait, it also sort of matches the windows, which is a first they're a real eyesore everywhere else But not in this bathroom doesn't even know if it's possible to do about them in a peach color Let's face it off of orange I think that's kind of what we have to do is make it that's kind of the right color. Those are pretty tiles oh my oh my This one's filtered properly. But are we allowed to use it? That's the question I think that we should be it's not like Ridiculously Chiti to filter it that way and have it come up like that does match. I still do feel kind of sneaky though How orange are we trying to go for here? Forget the shower. I just want a tub a fancy fancy tub. That works Unfortunately, that works. Let's see. This is the thing We always start out kind of muted and then we realize we don't have many options So we just go all out and then we have like bright orange plants all of a sudden That's the right color that that light. There are some nice orange rugs. I never really use them I don't know what else to put in here. Like what else can you put in there? Probably nothing, right? Maybe we shouldn't use the plant. It's not orange enough have always sized up that thing that looks horrible. Look at it sized up I say we keep it. Okay next This is the next kid's room it shall be how many times have I gotten a variation of this color? No, there's already two blue rooms upstairs You are you kidding me. Look at me Next that that's three in a row. You should have kept it. I should have kept it. This is like nasty green That's a nasty green first kids room in the shade nasty green What do we got? Honestly, that's kind of the right color. Okay, nasty green it is Oh, that is a nasty green or like this? Oh I don't think if Matt Was properly I don't think we can use that. Oh We can use that I kind of like this room. I'm kind of having fun It's so ugly in like the best way. Let's do the rest of this room. Look how big it is I feel like I'm making two rooms. How about a rocket ship game says it's green. So How old is this kid's supposed to be a stinking child, but maybe they're a teen who's big into sports and games Have you done yet and bugs? I'm gonna put a couple of those bug lights in here Why not can make it like a fun pattern on the wall Oh ghost. I just got like Unreasonably excited about that. I'm sorry the idea of my ghost of all paper Really excited me any excuse to use that thing. All right, last room the baby. Puke green just kind of scared me again All right. Last color is going to be we we can't do another pink room right next to it. I'm sorry next Okay, I'm just gonna spin until I stop Ready Set 3 2 1 go. I don't want to purpley blue I've already done this so many times that's brown. No. Okay. Maybe I cheated to get this color and it's oh My god, let's just do break yellow. It's okay. It's fine Well, I deserve this what kind of yellow flooring options do we have? I don't even remember. Oh Oh We do like metal. I say we pick this one yellow walls. Oh, I kind of like yellow It was my favorite color growing up and I'm gonna be honest that hasn't changed. I'm still into it. It's a good color So happy and fun It's like a solid gold laptop why I have used this light in like every single room in this house It's just got so many colors it works. So well, how about a air mattress? No, I'm thinking we go for like a university bed. How about a duck on the nightstand? It's not many toys This kid can have is there it's kind of sad. Oh Wow Honestly blur fee's yellow enough right or like that dog I I would call that yellow if I had to I think that's a nice room. All right, this house is ugly No one's surprised. I did the backyard. Oh, I didn't move the whoo-hoo bush. I'll put that somewhere. Hang on, right? Right there. I got us a nice pool some lounge chairs, you know el all around. It's just a really beautiful house I am I'm really glad I spent an hour and a half doing this today, aren't you? well Make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed this content and watch my other videos like this because these they're great fun Ugly builds and the sims are great fun. Okay. I'm sorry. Bye. It really is awful. Isn't it? Oh my god
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 1,577,191
Rating: 4.9442487 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, sims challenge, build challenge, let's play, sims building, house building, sims 4 build challenge
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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