I used a random word generator to decide what to build in The Sims

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if you're anything like me you get into these ruts where you build the same thing over and over and over again now you have the same blue suburban house 50 times and you need like a burst of inspiration for a sims build yeah so i made this video a couple times where i used a random word generator to decide what to build in the sims and it's a fun concept it gave me some cool ideas like i made a weenie restaurant and i made a nightclub which i would never build otherwise except this random word generator is really weird because it generates random words for example this one it just gave was reputation so it definitely is a bit of a stretch to take inspiration from this for a sims build but i love this concept and i want to build something silly again so let's give it a shot shall we i'll link those last two videos down below by the way if you want to watch them i'm kind of nervous about this let's just spin till we get something good right extract what are you gonna do with that teenager oh wait we can make some sort of teen hangout that's fun and useful for like actual gameplay okay but what is it where do teens go when i was a teen my friends and i just went to the bookstore in the mall and i'm not kidding like a wild night out was like going to the mall on a friday night and hanging out in barnes noble and i'm not kidding slice wait i spun again what if we made like a pizza restaurant that teens frequent i'm just saying okay that's fun all right let let's make some pizza do you see it's a good challenge i wouldn't have decided to make a pizza restaurant today and now look at me making pizza maybe i'll do it in oasis springs too you know if we're feeling extra wild now i feel stuck i don't know what to do i made a building inspired by pizza hut once should we make like dominoes next is that what we have to do okay wait this isn't bad this is interesting and we kind of have a window like this because we've got the new ones from eco lifestyle we could maybe make something like this work i don't know if we'll have a drive-through in ours but we can try and be inspired by like you know the panels i don't i don't know i've got a vision in my brain okay sorta we'll figure it out it's fine i'm gonna leave this up though in a different tab because i need that let's game shall we oh wait step one hang on restaurant lot traits teen hangout oh teen neighborhood same thing maybe we can make it a chef's kitchen too doesn't really matter but might as well rattlesnake pizza forget the rattlesnake juice bar we got rattlesnake pizza over here this is so stupid all right let's build how weird it's on like a tiny foundation and if i lower it down you see it's like lowered into the ground there's something weird with the terrain on this lot i might leave it it's kind of cool how it's got a tiny tiny foundation now obviously it's not actually going to be domino's pizza it's just gonna be a building and we're gonna pretend but we're taking inspiration from the exterior of that dominoes we saw all right i often times struggle with community lots because i feel like in real life most places like this are just big like concrete boxes you know and that doesn't really fly in the sims like you can't just make a big concrete box and then call it a finished build because it doesn't look good in the sims and so i often really struggle with trying to figure out how to do that best this is really bad i can't really delete all this let me try again but like think about what a grocery store looks like in real life you know a big concrete box and then imagine trying to build that in the sims it just doesn't like compute it doesn't work same thing goes for domino's pizza their restaurants in real life do not look good like i'm like i'm picturing my local dominoes it's just a box like it's not it's nothing fancy it would look horrible if i built it in the sims like if i made a direct replica of it and put it in the sims 4 nobody wants to see that so anyway i struggle a lot with doing community lots in the sims because i just don't know what to do this tends to be my default too i know like this shape is a very classic lil simsy look so i apologize i don't know how to do anything else i wish that was flipped maybe that's better i don't know i can't tell i like that though i think that's kind of a cool vibe we can try and make it all red and blue like dominoes oh i like the red that's fun we can make this work fun what if we did that looks really bad actually wait never mind i liked the idea of it but in practice i'm not so sure never mind delete it i'm sorry false alarm no should it have like white trim that the trim on this window is kind of like a beige color i'm not sure i don't know what to do rattlesnake pizza is not turning out how i plan that's way too much red that is not the vibe like we we simply cannot do that we could always put one wall down and just have it right there that that's not so bad i've always hated how annoying it is to get columns to do this because look on the back side i can show you columns by default you can't drag them up like this on the side so what i had to do was put a half wall in there and then you can drag it up and then i had to make this roof like fit the half wall perfectly which isn't what i wanted to do obviously but it's not the end of the world you can kind of see it clipping on the bottom there like you can see the brown trim but it doesn't matter that much we could always actually we could just drag it all the way across the wall and then it won't look odd all right that's fine that's fine it works it's fine everything's fine okay i know i want this building to have some like wood on it i'm just i'm not sure what kind i've definitely seen myself use a lot of eco lifestyle recently which is kind of fun i really like this pack like it it's definitely very much my style like all of the stuff in it oh that kind of works wait that's really good i kind of like that it has that gray on the bottom too it adds like some more texture into the building because it's kind of bland at the moment see none of these signs are like big enough and none of them work none of them are what i want i think that's kind of what i want wait i like that what doors do we put now oh the door could be on wait that's really interesting how about that does that look super odd i don't think so maybe if this was not that could be white and it would still be fine yeah i think i like that okay i don't know what color to paint the rest of the building though i feel like i've made myself happy with just this one part and i'm like okay it's done now because i don't know what else to do i want some plants up the side we could probably put plants up the like entire side if we wanted to um that's too much never mind sorry just the three just the stripe is okay that'll do i still worry that it might be too much i don't know why there's something about the sign that's like not working for me and i'm not sure why do you want to step away and and try and do the floor plan instead i think the building needs to be like bigger we can put the kitchen back here maybe these could be bathrooms and then it's like a really big space on the inside for for hanging out what if oh my gosh wait they get some light so we can actually see on the inside because right now it is not possible to decorate this but then what if we had you know those like game machines that come with get together the giant enormous arcade machines that you never thought you would ever have an excuse to use we can have some ginormous arcade machines they're both the same like there's no point in having two because they're the same but like your sims don't know that so you can do whatever you want right i think that's really cool i like the idea of that a lot so i don't know how to finish the outside i'm like trying to put off painting the walls because i don't know what colors to use fine fine i'll mess with it i think i want to use more eco lifestyle stuff i really like these i think they're really good wait that's kind of cool these are the bathrooms so we don't need like a ton of windows or anything i sort of like that we could put a small window right there and we could put a tree in front of it or something so it's not as like bold i like that a lot actually i really like that what else could the teens do what else can we put that the teens could use wait the ping pong table is a fun idea what if there was like some outdoor seating in the back too i was gonna have this part off the kitchen be like uh i don't know place for the trash cans or something but we could always have like the dumpster on this side and then back here there could be another patio space with a ping pong table teens love those you know the teens i feel so ridiculous being like what teens do what do teens want okay wait i've done something that might be a little bit wild a little bit wacky i don't know i put it with blue there's blue wood on this side and blue metal on that side domino's is red and blue i just can't tell if i hate this or not i think i kind of like it i definitely like the idea of it i just can't tell if it's like too busy or not and if it's bad you know what teens love color that's what i've decided so it gets to stay i think we have to use that sign i mean it's a must right it matches with the red and blue too it all works it's coming together kind of i kind of like it dumpster there we go it's going great i hate the dumpsters are so colorful this this build's not that good i'm sorry i really am trying my best just so you're aware i really did try i'm just not that good at building in the sims wow fancy i put grass down why do i kind of like that one it's really busy i don't think i should use that one that one's boring i don't know what to pick i always struggle with the concrete choices every time maybe that's good that kind of matches the bottom bit of the wood right yeah yeah that works yeah that's great it's really good yeah i'm not really sure how i want to go about this i think i want to have relatively simple landscaping but i'm not sure exactly what that means like what does that entail you know what what if we used these island living plants a little bit i don't know what color even the white ones i'm trying to decide if it's unreasonable or not i can't tell i really never know like how much is too much with these things i honestly sort of like that but again how much is too much that is the question i don't think that's too much but is it too little i never know what to do i never know i think i'm really happy with that i think that looks really fun i think i want the host station to be outside like in a perfect world you'd come up and then talk to the person working there and then you'd get seated i feel like i've been to restaurants like this before you know where the host station is outside i wish that we had a third one that was like less like this i don't know i feel like the wood options are not the vibe for me none of them work none of them fit what i want you know i guess that one um i don't i don't like any of them okay that'll do that's fine oh how do the fairy lights fit in here oh perfect is that bad no that's too much we can't put it like that what if we sized it down no that doesn't work either i want to use the fairy lights but i'm just not sure that it's maybe we could put them outside we could like make this patio the perfect size for them if we wanted to it is the oh my god wait all right that was on purpose when i built this patio in the beginning remember when i did that yeah i made it the perfect size for fairy lights on purpose it was it was on purpose the whole time when i made the entire shell of the build i was like i gotta make sure we can have that back corner be the right length for fairy lights because it was fully on purpose the whole time i'm serious i would never lie about that ever that would be ridiculous okay i don't know what door to put out here none of the doors are like reasonable because i don't want to have like a giant like doesn't that seem really out of place i don't know i can't tell that's probably fine i think i'm just being unreasonable it doesn't look very good from the inside though but what are you gonna do i like this place i think this is gonna be a cool restaurant when we're done maybe i should work on the inside now maybe i should finally give it a shot oh we can put a menu outside wow that's real fancy are you seeing this place wow the fact that i was like i need to furnish and then the first thing i did was go put a menu outside again i just i like the outside it's finished it's safe the inside is spooky and it's daunting and i just put like mirrored shelves and dining stations i hate these metal counters i wish something matched it's like a problem because you want to use metal ones to sort of fit the vibe but the metal is wrong and so it's almost like worse to use the metal counters because they're not the same it's so annoying it doesn't make any sense okay i'll put a dishwasher in at least oh we could probably use a sink i guess that would be useful i think i'd really like to have booth seating i feel like that makes a lot of sense for a place like this i just don't know what i want the style to be like on the inside that's why i keep putting it off so much because i just don't know what i want would it make more sense to have booths back here no the windows never mind never mind sorry false alarm false alarm and should they be blue these these are the questions that i don't have answers to oh that looks so ugly in person ew okay that's that's really bad and okay that's really ugly inside we cannot use that metal without with those doors that looks so bad trying to get like a little waiting area so you can come here and wait for your food or wait to get seated at least maybe if we had a smaller door if we use like that one instead oh ew if we did it like that how does that make us feel the doors i hate them i hate this build i don't know what color scheme i'm going for what if we had like a separate game room off to the side and we put like carpet in it you know that like arcade feel and then we could have like colored lighting in here and stuff i've changed my mind i'm putting a bar down i know this is a teen hangout but this is um they've got grape juice in it okay it's grape juice it's lemonade it's fine that looks really cool right i know i'm a little bit biased because i'm the one that put it there but i kind of like it i don't know what color scheme this is i don't know what to do i don't like how close together these chairs are like i don't like this do you see what i mean though like this space i know your sims can walk through it but i'd rather it be a little bit more open than that that's not unreasonable right to lay it out like this what if i just put that there and then called it a day because it's a pizza restaurant when i was in high school people used to hang out at like steak and shake this place is too fancy this is not i don't know what i'm doing okay so above the booths i put some posters because i feel like for one it's a teen hangout you know so i'm trying to like make it less fancy in here not that posters of cow pants aren't fancy but you know what i mean i think i like that vibe a lot and we can get some cool colorful lighting in here too i think it'll come together i've got the vision it's just taken me a second to figure it out that's the thing i don't think i want to have a ton of ceiling lights like we already have those three and we're gonna put wall lights might bring us in here hang on i don't even know who this one is sure you can come with me i don't even know who these sims are they're just like random sims that i've made in cast really fast so i can build something it's like all the default sims i think this sim is a mermaid and she's working at the pizza place i respect that i can't tell if that's like too moody or not i'm not sure ah make a dimmer oh that's kind of fun see this would be really cool to come visit in real life i'm just not sure if it's bad for the sims cause like dark places are kind of not good for screenshots so that's why i'm kind of like oh is this worth it i don't know okay i put one ceiling light in here just because it was a little bit dark but i feel like that's fine i like it being dark there's something about it that's kind of cozy no it's just bad isn't it i don't know i don't know what to do alright i think i finished furnishing everything there are some final touches i want to do like i finished decorating this room the little game room i did the kitchen we've got the bathrooms over here i think i want some more interesting things on the patio like if we put some plants on the wall maybe even like some seating oh it's nice out here at night time i like how you can see the arcade games through the window i feel like that's going to have some like fun ambiance too in real life because of all the colorful lights in there and stuff i think this place is nice i think it turned out all right let's do the menu i want to only serve pizza i think that's my plan to just exclusively have pizza on the menu at least is the main course options i guess maybe pizza places have like pasta and stuff too but sometimes it's fun to have a simple menu spaghetti italian meatballs that's reasonable right or maybe some salad hang on i forgot about salad i feel like most restaurants have at least one salad on the menu did i scroll past it all why have i not seen a single salad are they only appetizers okay never mind i didn't want any lettuce anyway we could get breadsticks on the menu breadsticks garden salad caesar salad honestly salt and pepper shrimp cocktail people like that right i don't eat meat i've never i haven't eaten meat in six years i don't know i just eat the breadsticks if i came here okay this is going well i'm excited about this i think we should change the name from rattlesnake pizza though it's kind of weird sparkling okay sparkling water coffee fruit punch lemonade root beer float soda i never know how to pick drinks like i all these things to me it's like okay i don't know pick one of them i don't like whatever nothing matters iced tea we could get some like a couple fancy drinks on there that could be fun sure it's great oh we should have like a dessert theme too and like only serve one kind of dessert there's like various ice creams we could do pie maybe they only have pie fruit pie sweet potato pie exotic fruit pie apple pie what's what's a fruit pie is it just many fruits london meringue pie like banana cream pie okay i like that i think that's fun this is a fun menu okay i want slightly less fancy people working here like we don't need to be dressed up that much okay it's not that complicated it's really not that fancy of a restaurant like it's okay well all in all i think it turned out pretty nice i've definitely built this exact same thing many times can i just call it pizza party i don't know i think that's funny that's fine everything it's just fine this whole build's fine i made the description say it looks fancier than it is and i think that's true okay i had fun with this i definitely would not have built this today if i had not spun it on a random word generator it's literally just randomwordgenerator.com by the way it's not it's not fancy either but on that note i'm going to go so please make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and do all those fun youtube things and in case you guys didn't know i post new videos every single day and so i will see you all tomorrow bye everybody now i want pizza this is terrible it's lunchtime i'm hungry i have to record like three more videos today and i still won't get pizza [Music] you
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 404,484
Rating: 4.9798136 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, sims build challenge, sims 4 challenge, let's build, sims build, sims 4 build, pizza
Id: -w6EgpMkjvk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 05 2020
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