I let Twitch chat decide my Sims build...

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so last week we got invited to an event called build against cancer it's a big charity event that a streamer called dodge lupo does each year last year he raised 2.3 million dollars for st jude in just 24 hours and this year he did the same 2.3 million dollars and so during this 24-hour stream he had a few streamers on to like take an hour-long slot because you know he was live for 24 hours and he offered us a slot on this stream we kind of took that build against cancer title literally and we built a house in the sims but here's the twist each time someone donated a saint jude it would like affect our build ten dollars i have to place a duck one hundred dollars delete a room five hundred dollars bulldoze the entire lot and so i kept trying to build this house but it kept getting just completely destroyed over and over and over again but it was for charity and it just kept getting more ridiculous so these are some highlights from that stream the other voice you're gonna hear on the call is dj wheat he works at twitch he was like the host of our segment so he was reading out donations and suggestions and i was trying to to do the builds unsuccessfully but i i was trying i did my best we were only on his stream for an hour right but i was so nervous about this stream it's a lot of pressure you know being offered this opportunity and like being trusted with dr lupo's community he had like 40 000 viewers like i ah i like so badly didn't want to ruin it obviously i wasn't gonna ruin it but like i was just so nervous about about being on there and it went really well i also think that most of the people in his chat were like super into it even the non-simmers i was a little worried about that too because a lot of them don't play the sims obviously they're not like your average everyday sims viewer and so i was like what if they think it's boring what if they hate this but they liked it and you know what else it was hilarious somebody was like oh can we give him a jeep give him a car and i was like um i don't know how to tell you this but um no we can't do that actually there are there are none no cars so sorry it was also hilarious because at one point like closer to the end of the stream i've been live for about like 50 minutes or so on his channel and at this point we were trying to like decorate an office for dr lupo and like make his stream room right and somebody was like put a golden toilet put his office in the bathroom and i was like oh i'll do you one better i will make the golden toilet his desk chair which was hilarious but keep in mind there was like 30 000 people in chat right i was barely seeing anything in chat i look over and it's just flying by i look over at chat i catch one message and it was my dad like the chances of that of me looking over and the one thing i catch was my dad in chat out of all of those people i happen to look over and see my dad there i'm really excited all right and kind of nervous no all right team i might see you on the other side i think because we're gonna bring in just like a couple moments okay little simsy okay i'll see you on the other side it's happening we got this hi little sims hello it's nice to meet you it's good to meet you welcome to uh the second block of build against cancer i'm very excited to see exactly what we uh you know have coming up here oh i read off the incentives so everyone has a pretty good idea of what could be potentially happening here and i i did peek in earlier and i saw that you had the lupos hanging out oh yeah i i made them a lot they're currently empty and probably going to be empty for a while well i'm imagining it getting um destroyed a couple times here we could try and build a house for their family and like have like you know a streamer set up office and like i'm a little bit nervous that it'll get totally destroyed dude what did you have in mind kind of what what is your what's your thought i'm picturing i don't know i see a lot of times when i build houses i look up reference pictures but i think this time we might try and wing it a little bit i kind of i have some goals i want to have like a nice porch like a wrap around porch maybe you want to have like what four bedrooms with two offices and a kid a bedroom for charlie and a bedroom for them i don't know we gotta we gotta just i think just start winging it and hope we can figure out what it's gonna look like from there right okay i'm gonna keep you know we we've we've already got a hundred dollars which means we need to delete an entire room so oh well do we put it back then afterward or what how are we playing yeah exactly exactly oh i'll just let you know i'm like the annoying contractors like we need we need to reclaim that lumber and then okay you're authorized you've got the permits now so oh of course right we can make it bigger this time i don't know i'm a little bit nervous that they're just going to be like oh your progress get rid of it it could very well happen but this is a speed build right so can you explain exactly in in the sims uh world like what a speed build is so usually um what i call a speed on my youtube channel is just like a sped up version of my the houses that i've built right like i'll record it and then i'll just speed it up and cut it and upload it but i think for the purposes of this i think a speed build is just us trying to build it really fast right got it but i guess we only have like an hour so we kind of have to do it fast especially if they're going to try and ruin it i hope not i well they probably will but uh so a speed build uh that you put on your channel is actually uh just time yeah yeah like a time lapse basically yeah exactly yeah but this is the true speed running we're speed running a house excellent there you go we do have another hundred dollar donation and uh that means that you do need to delete a room i don't have any rooms the whole the whole thing additionally we need to we need to hold on a second here because like uh i've got at least uh one two three four five twenty twenty one i've got at least twenty eight ducks that oh they're going to be all right where do we start putting them do we just line them up on the porch one two three four yep we need 28 of them and i have i'm not sure little sims i'm even gonna be able to keep up with the ducks yeah i'm not sure either all right i i might have lost count in there i got distracted but there's some ducks we're just gonna start um like the entire house every space on the floor at this rate is going to be ducks okay okay it's gonna happen and add you need to add another duck and you need to change the wall to blue okay this should be interesting so many ducks especially as we're trying to especially as we're trying to like start it we can't even do like most of the incentives yet like we delete a room we just delete the whole house oh my gosh all right let's let's try and make some rooms right at least then we have a starting point okay okay okay okay we got this this is fine everything's fine i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go for it you know what just ducks can you just make like one giant duck that represents 20 ducks is that possible yeah we probably could we could make about like a 20 duck sized duck you know we can start put them in the yard okay i was i was worried about these ducks just taken over to be honest there we go that there it is that represents every duck that was just donated for keep them coming if you want we'll just fill up the whole imagine just the whole yard with just giant ducks everywhere like we don't even have a backyard i'm sorry um charlie you don't get to play in the backyard there's it's the duck's yard imagine like some of the trees aren't like the best for building tree houses they're all sort of like oddly shaped but imagine we get some ducks and just put them on the branches like hidden in the trees i like it oh yeah i like that that's actually really good i think we should probably try instead of having a nice open floor plan i know it's trendy but if we're gonna have to delete rooms individually we might wanna have the floor plan a little bit more closed off right so that we can actually delete the kitchen so i'm making kind of a wraparound porch i feel like it's a nice feature you know very fancy oh yeah i can't even imagine how many ducks there could possibly be we'll we'll get some giant ones we there's no way we can get exact at this point i'm over compensating the lavish mango says i think we need to redo the second floor room with a hundred dollar donation oh my god get rid of it again we're gonna get a little bit more room for the ducks because pickle fps has a 500 donation to say start again sorry for the kids oh it's gone okay sorry to all those ducks that now no longer exist we just eliminated quite a few of them poor little buddies wow thanks pickle fps it was for the kids though it was it's worth it it's worth it you know what and the more we rebuild the house the same the same house over and over again the better we'll get at it yes true devo says uh 20 purple room okay as well as lady colossus says change something into rick green proud of you okay purple room so let's let's think about this there's a few different shades of purple how how bad are we gonna make this cause we could we could go for like quite the the purple color you know how about now these are this is a ghost wallpaper that's purple i think that's really nice it's in honor of all the ducks that are gone i dig it i think that works i think that's a nice nice touch and then we set a green room too right okay yeah a green room which once you're done making it we're gonna need you to delete it right away thanks for the 100 donations with franny sorry shannon there with your green room um you tried oh also the purple room miss daisy with her 100 donation oh god we're never going to make any progress are we i i you know it really is like a battle against the clock huh like how fast can you build before they make you get rid of it we're getting a roof on the house everything is fine for dr lupo's family they had this nice house and then they just got ripped away from them right they're just they're sitting out here in the front yard just watching everything get destroyed look charlie can't even watch he's turned around let's try and figure out a floor plan shall we gotta figure out where the rooms go cause currently we have none oh kirby with 20 let's get back to rick green oh good good point with the polka dots again because i'm into it yeah i liked that i think that's a really nice color for the kitchen personally it's really bright and airy so i'd love to live in there yeah it's gonna look really nice i think we should try and start furnishing so we actually have some objects to delete right do we take this green and just the green theme and just run with it because i think that could be nice you know definitely should be dr lupo's streaming room right there oh you think we can make it his stream right in the front of the house too yup okay oh i think there's like a real oh look at the patterns on the carpet and see that's a really exciting stream background yeah i think honestly i think maybe you should consider renovating the room um to look like this in real life i might be a little bit biased but twenty dollars quack quack can i have a rainbow door please large family does donate a hundred dollars so we are gonna need to get rid of a room somewhere please do not delete the greens yeah i can't get rid of dr lupo's brand new room how about we just get rid of the rest of the house dr lupo is spamming perfect house right now i agree i'm glad you like your new office i personally think it's a lot better than your current one so all right we said we said blue roof didn't we yes but then blueberry b said let's make uh the roof as red as we can so i think part of it needs to be blue and part of it needs to be red just to be finished the multi-colored that's a good idea all right we got the chimney there let's get see i i hate to break it to you chad but there's not too many like really good oh wait they added some recently should we have the metal roof or the tiled one metal roof you think okay yeah because it definitely hails in nebraska oh and then we have a matching red metal roof that we can use on the bottom floor i love it that's really nice that's thank you everyone for that idea oh oh devi nacelle says let's make the outside of the house hot pink oh okay that works we said hot pink didn't we hot pink how hot pink are we talking oh there's metal walls that are pink but there's also a pink wall that glows it's hard to tell in this lighting because it's very bright already but it glows in the dark do you think we should do that one i love that and i think that should be the inspiration for the next house because we have a five to hundred dollar donation of duck oh no we can do this the poor family just standing out in front now their house just ripped away from them yet again i think we should get the pink back immediately i'm sorry but that was really important to me and i don't want to we can't just look at a plain boring house kathy just donated 20 says please make the outside neon purple oh good okay okay the whole outside or what if we just have weight like a multi-tone the top floor could be purple because i think that's a good touch personally oh yeah i like that i think this is good cassie that was a brilliant idea thank you so much haley eep has another 20 and says hi me again a giant giraffe on the porch please you're smashing it kayla that is a really good idea we have a rainbow giraffe should we go for that one we can put like the cute blue counters maybe i like these counters i think they're pretty oh kirby 20 give me my rick green room back oh i got you and marvel lucy can we have a rainbow front door please oh yeah you're doing great kayla we can do it we the front door is going to be a little bit small if it's rainbow i hate to say it but there is a rainbow door that we can put in the front there's something uh charlie's not a toddler in this i wasn't sure because he's kind of he's like five he's kind of in between the toddler and child age and the sims but toddlers and the sims can go through dog doors i'm not kidding that there's actual there's a dog door item and toddlers can like crawl through it the big one is toddler or a boat no it's a feature they walk straight through the dog door you can make like a toddler-only room hey dr lupo how is it going hey i'm just like when chad is going to blow this house up cause like that i just i would love to see another you know not that i don't enjoy it charlie does love rainbows but can we just nuke this guys just go ahead let's just blow the lot up and start over okay thank you okay appreciate it all right thank you dr lupo oh my goodness also doctor i think he lupo is right because bromo with a 20 donation i think sam would love a bright orange kitchen oh good i don't think she actually would but yes no no no no i agree i agree i think anyone would would love a bright orange kitchen so there's there's count there's like orange cabinets but there's also a wooden cabinet that has an orange countertop i think that fits the the bright orange request yes this is the house that the lupo's always wanted from the 70s oh yeah this is really nice i i love this kitchen that's really just stunning there yeah oh there's not matching upper cabinets we have to have mismatched cabinets oh yeah oh no there there it's yeah it's a different and it's not oh this is kayla uh this is uh bob calling on behalf of little dicka um i'm sorry but the permits have expired 500 donations oh my giraffe oh okay we made some progress that time at least we have no house the house we do have is floating i mean this is just 25 20 black metal roof for a bit of normalcy okay and del shans said can little simsy add bright purple accents to the kitchen oh i like that yeah that's a good idea okay i i knew i knew to expect to keep deleting the house i didn't think that we would make this little progress did you did you think that a house could be completed no i knew we wouldn't i and plus i figured like we'd get close then somebody would come in and bulldoze it you know there's no way yeah well uh uh although uh creepy woodpecker asked the question can we get the ducks back and the answer is absolutely i put a few big ones to cover the bases you know that there's all of you guys right there go hoes okay says please give us the giraffe back oh yeah that's the sharian fam a hundred dollars delete that umbrella put them in the elements of whoa gone suffer suffer in the sun that i little simsy that is really awesome yeah yeah okay okay however however i see evil l with a 500 donation let's kill it while it's not too advanced cancer can go jump in the lake and that also puts the total over half a million dollars raised already for build against cancer 2020 benefiting saint jude that is amazing truly amazing thank you all so much and thank you for having me have no house oh i made a duck tiny by accident should we keep it there you can hardly see it oh i can't see it yeah i think it should stay that's that's important it's it's the mom and you know it's baby there we go this whole stream was just me doing the roof apparently we just keep redoing the same thing over and over again i think that duck needs to stay he's he's important i think we should probably make the house purple again too i really like that glowing wallpaper i'm gonna be honest it was really nice i don't know if we can live without it we could do green this time green is a pretty regular request i do i like that a lot yeah that's that's a nice touch okay all right and then maybe we can actually start furnishing this time it looks like we've actually got a chance we might have to stop with the roof huh we might want to start just actually furnishing in the future when they build those we should just focus on the furnishings because we don't even have a floor plan oh no it's it's funny that you mentioned that oh no melo marsh marshmallow melamar five thousand dollars dr lupo is a saint much love oh oh you can can you keep this small done i can put him back i can put him back it's fine i shoulda i should have saved him but here you go little buddy you're back you're back we go again we said we wanted a purple kitchen yeah that the purple kitchen is the one thing that i feel like we've worked towards quite a bit here so yeah maybe maybe that is a that is the accomplishment oh this tile is boring should we use this type i mean it's purple i'm just used to the um well uh crystal plays as a 20 donation says so proud of you kayla you're doing great please make a room with the penguin wallpaper oh that's a good point okay maybe that can be charlie's room we'll put it upstairs i don't know where the stairs are gonna go but we can give charlie a room upstairs somewhere can charlie have a slide from his room back outside so there's not like slide slides but there there is oh there's water slides i mean and we also have like this little this he toddlers can use this slide so we could get this too and then we'll get the penguin wallpaper in there oh i've sort of trapped the ladder behind the slide there you go there's a bit of a drop off that doesn't seem very safe oh no it's kind of clipping a little bit too but that you know that's okay it's it's worth it for the slide oh the greens the green is nice we could do the green wallpaper with the penguins oh wait there we go chat just gave me a really good idea to you know break the fall from our giant slide there's a ball pit item definitely yeah i think that that's definitely yeah there we go we can put the slide in the front yard then oh there it is lupo i hope that you are excited for your new house because this your neighbors are gonna be so envious oh they're so jealous of you julianne says you're doing great kayla can we get a baby yoda to watch over the house oh yeah oz historian asks uh long time viewer first time done can you please add a giant bar fly to the side um and also uh my cat drinks coffee which is really interesting my cat doesn't drink coffee but twenty dollars exterior in the green circles please for the children oh that's a great idea yeah i like i like your ruling is the baby what the really is there is a baby yoda item that's not a joke there's there's a baby yoda all right i'm putting some counters now we only have one purple counter and it's really it doesn't it's kind of i don't want to call it ugly but i don't like this one that much but i will do it because it's purple and we promised that's the only purple tile i guess we have this one but that's not as fun i think it's wonderful i really like it i think it's great i feel like we should make the wallpaper match better if we're gonna embrace this we gotta pick a better pr not that i don't like the tile but oh this one has bats on it a little bit spooky you know that could work all right at least we have a kitchen actually working this time no kitchen has been destroyed yet uh bow down to yoda and we get a yellow wall somewhere twenty dollar donation a once again i think this is kirby's fourth or fifth request for the rick green room oh good well we have the whole rick green outside let's get a green room too is there any fun patterns that are green that we could pick that we haven't already used oh this one has spider webs maybe it's amazing you know what we could do maybe this could be dr lupo's office with this green wallpaper again yeah like how we had before yeah that's good there we go i have to ask too the little dots in the middle of the room what are these oh those are lights these are little tiny lights i had just i kind of just put some random lights places so we could actually see um but they're they're like in random spots it rains in every room i was like why what's going on in here why they got drains everywhere no these are just these are lights also ronin with the 50 donation is it possible to spawn dr lupo's favorite car he loves jeeps i don't know if there's okay this this is a little bit controversial but there's no cars in the sims 4. there's like decorative ones but your your character can't actually have a car but you can go into like some cheats there's like cars that drive past you so there's a road in front of the house right there will be cars that will drive past like in the scenery but you can't actually get in them or interact with them there aren't there are no cars i'm sorry to break it to all of you i really i it's we've it's a real problem catty moses uh rather than deleting a room can i request a bathroom with carpet oh we can do that well we can try and find a fake car because oh no not a 500 donation from anonymous see so this is why it's kind of controversial because there's fake cars decorative cars you can't actually use them we can we can do it this time i believe everyone this is we got pretty far that time i'm not gonna waste time with the roof this time we gotta make actual progress modern build right modern yeah yeah exactly oh warren pieces says let dj wheat choose twenty dollars you know i love space so if there's any kind of like space wallpaper or something that we could do that would be awesome there is a little i gotta get my cheats back on but there's a little like solar system light that we can put in a room well that's a good let's do this room then maybe this could be dr lupo's office again but we'll have a space light we can make it space themed i don't know i like it perfect oh we said a carpet we should we should mark off the bathroom so we can remember to put our carpet in the bathroom too right we you know what we could do you said you like space like there's a whole rocket ship that your sims can build can it be in the house so that the lupus can use it as an escape mechanism that's a really good idea here hear me out what is reapers never come there we go we put we can have like an open second floor so that the rocket ship goes through the both floors i wish the rocket ship was built i wonder not to cheat again but i wonder if we could cheat the rocket ship to be oh yeah there we go rocket there you go we have thought of everything for you guys we thought of everything if any creepers come and try to get in the house you've got a rocket ship that you can just you know charlie can pilot it i kind of want to put baby yoda back to be honest well i like his spaceship so yeah i liked him on the you know the front of the house just as a nice like welcoming character kind of hide the spaceship a little bit so yeah because you don't want the neighbors to know because then they would know your escape plans so goldfish with the 50 donation this is not the way delete baby yoda no what is wrong with you i mean i don't i'm just the messenger yeah at least we still have the rocket right okay i don't know you delete baby yoda and i kind of think maybe just another bulldozer should come in but what do i know baby yoda or nothing yeah it's just the house is ruined but whatever it's fine we'll get through it without him i guess oh my goodness i kind of oh we should paint the house again too with the the bright glowy wallpaper just so we can have you know the joy that it brought us back again anything to distract from the the spaceship i think is yeah yeah cause then you you know you'll be so your eyes will be so they'll have a hard time adjusting from the bright lights of the wallpaper that you won't see the spaceship peregrinations ask can we add the streamer setup into the bathroom you know for convenience and stream yeah that's actually very smart i think well we don't have we can get up we don't have stairs we can get a ladder and then we'll get the the streaming setup back we'll get that right there in the back the bathroom's too small isn't it i saw we did have a donation earlier that was like can we get a golden toilet so maybe you can just put that right in front of the yeah right in the streaming bag how about instead of a chair we have a golden toilet the golden toilet yes yeah there we go who needs a desk chair when you can have a golden toilet if the lupos don't like this house then i don't even i'm telling you i i hate to like encourage you to redo your your office and stuff but i really think this is a good idea i think that the the golden toilet i think that you should consider it i don't i don't know what to put i'm trying i like the the patterned floors to be honest i think they're kind of fun oh my gosh all right we've got a couple backlogs here lauren m with fifty dollars you're doing great simsy add some ducks oh yeah julianne uh did say grogu is the way he means more to me than you will ever know i think that means we got to put grogu back oh no i think you're right let me get my big duck back in my ball pit it's really it's very important to me okay and we'll get we'll get we have about six or seven minutes left with this block so i kind of feel like you know it's not perfect so it would be great if maybe someone would come in this lot because we can't we can't leave it half finished oh no i can't move anything but i can i can finish the room oh that's a terrible floor why did i pick that one oh my goodness lupo stay in someone gas up the bulldozer oh no not baby yoda he's lasted so long we can speed furnish the kitchen oh we can at least let's finish the stream room who am i kidding do we have a front door oh no we don't have any windows either all right we got it let's let's try and do that let's the house is a mess we have no windows we have no doors at least it's functional because you can get up to the office which is good it's not passing code yet but it is you know it's fine it's a fully furnished bathroom right we can keep with the gold you know and of course carpet in the bathroom because that is what was requested of us we don't want the stream background to be the sink do we should get a better background for the stream maybe a little cat mirror that's nice i know i like yeah that's good that is perfect yes that mirror is adorable this is really this is really quite something here what should the stream background be maybe like some shelves people put shelves in their backgrounds yes you know what i believe it has some shells yeah yeah like these like these um these shelves these look like the classic idea three computers in the background oh yeah maybe we could do that is that possible well we i don't know but the computers they kind of come with the monitor like attached and stuff but we could put like a bunch of consoles back there in honor of it you know there you go there you go that would work oh how about the marble table with the consoles on display i like it i like it too but you know what no we're gonna need to get bob to come up here and grab that golden toilet and all these consoles because we've got lane with a 500 donation sorry i'll miss you baby yoda the and the rocket oh it hurts it hurts i have to say thank you to everyone who has been donating during this time i i i have to ask uh kayla did you think that it was gonna be empty did you think the lot was gonna be empty you know what i had higher hopes i thought i could pull something off but i knew i knew deep down that they would just destroy it at the very last second no matter what i would expect nothing less from you all they have already done such an amazing job that it basically a second bulldozer showed up as backup based off of the number of donations that came in after that point you did an amazing job it's been a lot of fun thank you all for having me i i really really enjoyed this i feel really lucky to be a part of it so thank you so much you are very welcome ladies and gentlemen everyone in chat how about some love for little simsy streaming over on twitch i know she's been streaming all day this is what i was trying to build but we did not end up actually making this work but i knew deep down in my head i was like okay what is something that i can build really easily and really well that i have built a million times what can i bring to these people that i feel comfortable that i can pull it off and have it keep getting destroyed a blue suburban so this is what i this is what i tried to do so after my slot was over on dr lupo's stream and i was like back on my own you know no longer with the chaos we ended up trying to build this house i didn't finish furnishing it because i've been live for a long time and i didn't want to but it's got all the bases covered you know you have a little living room you've got a kitchen and dining space there's an office this would be the stream room we've got a golden toilet with a duck in the toilet upstairs i did one more bathroom i'm not sure why i prioritized the bathroom it doesn't even have wallpaper and of course the giraffe and then there's the two bedrooms one for the parents one for their their son charlie i made their family they're just hanging out outside but all in all this stream was like the most fun ever i think it went super well and dr lupo raised 2.3 million dollars for saint jude obviously i played a very very small role in that i was only there for like an hour but i've done a lot of streaming for st jude on my channel this year we've raised on my twitch channel like two hundred thousand dollars for st jude this year granted not in 24 hours over the course of many streams but if you didn't know saint jude is a children's research hospital in the u.s they do amazing work and they provide every single treatment completely free any person who goes there they don't pay a dime not for food transportation you know treatments lodging anything their family does not get a single bill from saint jude and your donations to them pay for that and of course they're a hospital in the u.s but their research and the things they're doing help people globally they're trying to find a cure for childhood cancer and they do such amazing things they are a wonderful place i know it sounds weird to call a hospital wonderful place but like saint jude is just just the best they mean so much to me and it's really really cool to see like people playing games and making such a massive impact so thank you to dr lupal link his channel down below i hope that you enjoyed this video i had the most fun like i'm not kidding one of my favorite streams ever i think it's really cool that gaming can do so much good like this thanks again for inviting me and for trusting me with your community because that means a lot to me and on that note i will see all of you tomorrow bye everybody 2.3 million dollars in 24 hours and the man did it twice how is that even possible dr lupo is so cool so cool you
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 398,397
Rating: 4.9794502 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: vz72KJ2REIQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 38sec (1838 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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