Renovating Apartments in The Sims 4! (Streamed 1/18/21)

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that now i'll probably have to change it twice because i don't know what apartment i want to renovate yet but we'll figure it out okay we're renovating apartments and sand my shoe sorry i'm fixing mobot hang on oh and i cut my hair about five minutes ago i'm dead serious and then i cried about it but then i caught well maybe like 20 minutes ago i cut my hair like 20 minutes ago cried about it calmed down and now i'm live no please don't leave snappy please i had a cat for a second but she just jumped off of me i was gonna show you her but now it's too late it's gone it's not that bad it's fine it you know you can't really tell i put on a hoodie so that you actually couldn't tell um but hi everyone kaylee thank you for the 15 months we don't stand thank you for the 13 months living with life thank you for the 10 months thank you guys so much i intend to um do some apartment renovating today i don't know what apartment i want to renovate oh there it is okay i was gonna say you can't see it but no now you can see it so it's fine everything's fine um i was trying to use a new well i have my regular closed captions on i was trying to use a there's like an obs plug-in that you can get that's supposed to work with like twitch's actual cc button except i couldn't get it to work and i don't understand why it's not working it's okay i was wondering because the way the errors it was given me it was like not live you're not live and then i was like okay maybe it'll work when i'm live but it's not working even now that i'm live so who knows uh mia lee miss ellie cat maria hobie kaylee we don't stand um scan chloe resting thank you all so much i'll be able to fix it later um i didn't have a ton of time to troubleshoot though so it's okay we can worry about it another time it's working for you which one the regular one that we always use or the new ones because the new one doesn't work the normal one works it's the new one that doesn't work i have them both on because i you know we need a backup plan um either way we're going to some apartments today i don't know what i want to renovate yet i don't know which one i want to do i guess we'll probably just figure it out you know um which will be fun see you're dying your hair right now that sounds fun fun that's kind of exciting i cut my hair a second ago i was just saying that that i um well around like 4 30 so like 30 minutes ago i had this moment where i was like i'm going to cut my hair right now and then i went and i cut my hair right then and then i was like oh my god i only have like 30 minutes until i have to stream and then i kind of messed up a little bit but you can't see it but there's there was a bit of a mistake but you can't see it um and then i got upset so i cried and and now i'm here but it's fine this is the beauty of of um the the fact that i don't leave my house is that you only see me from this very specific angle so i could i could have a complete like just chunks out of the back of my head and you wouldn't even know i wouldn't either no either so um kai thank you for the bids vanessa thank you for the four months um lois thank you for the prime stuff say thank you for 11 months evelyn thank you for the sub uh leah for seven months tiger lily with eight months tj thank you for the sub uh whatever with the sub green pencil the seven months oh no haley margot sims fan kills cutie jace wrestling um bruce magic thank you uh tiny coop with the bits and subs curious student kia ella thank you for the thousand bits thank you so much um i appreciate that but anyway i don't leave the house so it's fine who cares rhino thank you for the prime stuff you like my hoodie this is a boo hoodie um you're welcome crystal thank you for the big salty thank you for the bits oh boy um okay so we're gonna make something like i said but i'm not really sure like what's behind me um well that's a cat tree that is um like a bench thing that hasn't been in here for a while i put it back there this weekend i think it was there on saturday but i put it because i took it out to put my christmas tree up and stuff um and i put it in the other room and then i put it back i like keep switching places of it and a desk but it's back there and the cat tree used to be there and then i put it in front of the window for a while when that thing wasn't there but now it's they're back so like thank you for the sub gift um cute thank you for the seven months uh oh my goodness mendel thank you for the nine months phoenix thank you for the sub gift olivia thank you for the prime sub um lucy pepper thank you for the bits rat thank you for the four months crystal salty jess i don't know rhino thank you so much you guys i'm sorry if i miss anybody i i think i usually have my camera like zoomed in a tiny bit more i think i might usually put it like that but then i was like we got more space in here let's look at it i'm going to scroll back and make sure i didn't miss anyone minnie thank you for the 12 months by the way um if you're next to the sub gift uh no i don't know it scrolled so fast i'm sorry jen thank you for the six months i think i think i think um louis faye evelyn leah tuggerly haley yeah i got that we're good we're good sheena erin spoopy just kate thank you guys for the recepts and the bits 24 months kate by the way thank you so much um i really appreciate that one of the walls on the outside of my legacy challenge house isn't painted it's probably painted but i probably painted over it with like a light color by accident uh when i was painting the bedrooms it's not that big of a deal i can change it another time um paulina thank you for the sub gift candy thank you for the bits um anyway i'm not sure i kind of want to do a smallish one um but apartments in the sims aren't really small you know like you say i want to do a small apartment and they're like how about a two-story mansion that's bigger than any house you usually ever furnish you know oh i'd like to do a small apartment today and they're like oh okay how about this you know kellen thank you for the tier two 17 months turbo the year for the three months paul thank you for the three months lex thank you for the bits hdg thank you for the bits um i really appreciate you thank you so much roman thank you for the seven months start thank you for the seven months tiny thank you for the 15 months being thank you for the nine months delaney thank you for the bits i'm sorry if i missed anything um listening to the sturdy valley soundtrack this is this is grandpa's theme it's a bit [Music] sad kind of calm though you know [Music] that's awesome soda congratulations uh luna thank you for the five months may thank you for the bits mario with the bits paradise with the sub oh my goodness thank you all so much sounds like a lullaby it's it's called grandpa's theme any of you play story valley i know i know well i know a lot of you play story belly but um if you play stardew valley very often you might recognize software thank you for the 14 months um you know this apartment i like it a lot i just wish that i could move the windows i always wish you could move the windows you know it's one of those things snap thank you for the bits starters become your life you're welcome i know i feel that um sims fan my my mom hasn't helped my hair yet but when i go see my parents um at some point this week i'm going to ask them to help me cut the back of my head um because i i don't know i can't really see the back very well there's probably pieces that i need her to help me even out but i will eventually ask for help i just am home i don't have anyone to help with um i will eventually though um so tell you that you're the best breed that you're the thousand bits sergeant that you for seven months thank you guys so much um but anyway anyway i think i always do this apartment but i just i like it because it's small i did see that mod hopi yeah i'm gonna make a video about it this week um i don't know what day though i am so busy this week oh my god ah okay um i don't know maybe i'll do one in eco lifestyle because then it's smaller mira thank you for the three months i don't want to do a penthouse i'm not interested in doing a penthouse one of these could be fun you know you know because then it's like a decent size the only issue i have with these is that if you wanted to bake it into two bedrooms then one of the bedrooms literally has just one tiny square window which is so sad although kind of similar to my bedroom at home my bedroom at home it's it's like a little bit bigger than this but picture like if the window was in the little in the corner like that that's what my bedroom at home looks like i was thinking about this last night i was like you know what it was really dark in there when i was growing up it was a bit more than a square it was a little bit bigger but it was like off in the corner you know and not much bigger than this it's like like that big um apples risa tawny polita j melis haley mass candy mckenna durplecore mira don thank you guys all for the resets and bits and everything um haley thank you for the sub gift also thank you guys so much i could upgrade it yeah but i think i want to do this one i don't want to make it into a bathroom window because i think i want to have more but the issue with this apartment right is that like to easily put bedrooms there's not a ton of windows um and so like what if you have you might want to put a bedroom like here so they have a real window and then what like a bathroom here but then what the floor plan just gets so weird um obviously it makes sense for a bathroom to have that small window but the floor plan doesn't make that much sense for there to be a window like that and there's another weird square like right here like why why um jordan thank you for the bids uh m thank you for the five months see you tommy thank you for the bits cadence thank you for the two months apple thank you for the price so i'm sorry if i don't know what i've read now what if i missed anything toilet in the kitchen that's a good idea that could work yeah i don't want to do the eco upgrades i'm not going to do that you can do the upgrades if you want yourself um but i don't like how it makes the roof grass i don't want to do that right now i'm not interested j thank you for the five months um we'll figure it out though new meal thank you for the 10 months uh janina thank you for the sub i don't think let's see did we okay i put in mubarak just that i'm renovating an apartment right oh i think the mubarak command says doing one in san myshuno so i'll make it say we're doing one in um we're renovating it won't be oh my god the bot is not loading it's frozen this is a disaster come back we have to wait um tesla you for the prime sub thank you so much you guys i appreciate that okay did i come back yet is back we are renovating an apartment in evergreen harbor i just blanked on the name for a second i was like uh i almost said bright chester and that's not right not even close to being correct judah thank you for the tier two nine months gabby thank you for the five months thank you guys so much okay i'm going to i think just like get rid of the whole thing to be honest but i'm not sure what i want to do from there okay okay i'm sorry now i'm ready i'm like trying to make sure i have all my like things open and then i'm ready to go but now i'm ready let me open a second obs too so i can record it i don't know if i'll put it on youtube but i might you never know sometimes sometimes it might be good and i might want to post the speed build on youtube you know so you want to just have it in case um cindy thank you for the prime stuff kel thank you for the 17 months uh red high tops thank you for the three months judith thanks again for the tears reset though i appreciate that speed build sunday am i right okay i'm going to ecolifestyle has nice furniture i think we can all agree on that one it's just a good pack everything is so pretty well maybe the apartments aren't that pretty but the furniture is pretty okay charles thank you for the bits mimsy thank you for the six months dangerous moth thank you for the four months you still have your green moms oh one of these days i'll steal your green mums mark my words yeah the floors don't go the same way that really bothers me i'm gonna be honest but i'm trying not to think about it too much just don't you know like shield your eyes don't look at it hopefully that'll help the new pack comes out on the 26th right pam so not not this tuesday not tomorrow but next tuesday um i don't know when we're gonna get early access to it or when the embargo is gonna lift i they never tell us that in advance um so i'll let you know when we can stream the new pack because it might be like the day before i think that's probably a safe bet with stuff packs is that i might be able to stream it on like monday and then it'll come out on tuesday but i might not even get early access so it's hard to know for sure so don't don't get your hopes up too high um but hopefully we'll be able to play with the new pack early next week so that is the plan this makes for a nice bedroom right um i think i want to like build out some sort of little hallway i think i want it to be two bedrooms maybe not two bathrooms but definitely two bedrooms two bedrooms one bathroom um i suppose the kitchen could go over here it's gonna be a big kitchen living room can face this wall and then we can have a little dining table there that could be nice mari i don't want to put so the idea of putting the like the bedrooms at the front and the the kitchen and dining in the back that's a fun concept but i don't like that you have this super long sad hallway my my place is like that my house has like a super long hallway in the entryway and then the stuffs and like the living spaces in the back i don't i don't like it it seems like a waste of space when you could have like a big open floor plan living space and then the bedrooms back here instead of having to like have a hallway by the door you know um it'd be one thing to have like one bedroom in the front but i like that you like open you walk into like the actual living space instead of just walking into a big long sad hallway you know you could put one bedroom up front like i said but you know a big kitchen lob blueberry kelly again thank you for the reception bits tier two nine months by the way kellyanne thank you so much um blueberry thank you for the bits uh haley thank you for the dangerous mother you're for the bits um you're dying your shaved head blue oh that'll be fun i look forward to seeing it complex thank you for the six months um all right thank you for the two months uh complex again with the bits hiker with the three months symmetra with the bits bruno with the eleven months dawn and shells with the bits denise of the bits thank you guys so much oh my goodness oh really cookie monsters that's awesome happy birthday can i sing you a song perhaps [Music] the floor plan doesn't say you've done it before well that's the thing about these apartments right these smaller apartments is there there really isn't that many different options that you can have for the floor plan you know it's a small apartment there's really like the windows are in in this place like you can't there isn't so much that you can do to make the floor plan different every time in an apartment like this where you're sort of stuck with where the windows and doors are you know um you look different today i cut my hair like 30 minutes ago belcia so that might be why um ella trixie supermiata thank you guys so much denise um everyone thank you for the recepts and bits and stuff okay love that i cut my own hair well marissa i i don't love it that much it definitely is um nice to not have to like get your hair cut by someone but your hair certainly looks a lot better when someone else cuts it in my experience um but it's okay everything is fine um you know risa i think that having longer hair makes it easier to cut yourself um because there's more room for error i think that cutting your hair when it's short makes it very difficult to cut like the back and stuff i think when you have long hair it's a lot easier to cut yourself because then you don't have to like you know if you mess up now that you want to mess up but like if you mess up you like i said have a lot of room for error you know you can sort of solve it it isn't like the end of the world you know um so you can like even it out better whereas if i mess up it's like oh no i cut my hair to here well now what are you gonna do there's no room for mistakes suzanne thank you for the five months uh bruin thank you for the 37 months kristy thank you for the sub mrs thank you for the prime sub pay thank you for the prime sub marcia you're for the 14 months spring thank you for the bits melvin you're the three months oh my goodness thank you guys so much i was thinking about putting the kitchen back here instead um because i feel like that might be better but i don't really know yet so i guess we'll see play with thank you for the seven months if all thank you for the bits could the walls match the rug i'm gonna we're gonna change the walls i jus they're all just white as like a a filler you know because then we can we can go from there i'm not gonna stay this way um we'll get there i don't know i don't even know if i want to keep this rug or not i'm just trying to figure out where i want to put everything for now um but it's hard to decide when when you're just looking at a small space like this we will eventually change things up though wendy thank you for the three month resub thank you so much [Music] and um i was gonna keep the dining table over here on purpose oh well thank you for the 29 months thank you so much oh i still have some cc in my um game gonna try not to use cc i was gonna try and make this um not have a ton of packs but obviously it has to have eco lifestyle and maybe university i don't know i don't know yeah that's why i was thinking about using it and because i like the color on it but we might change it you never know i've never used this i don't think i've used this table in that white swatch i don't even think i realized it had a white swatch we could also try to use like a more fun like we could try to use that table in that color if we wanted to this table is base game the rug is from university i like this table i always thought it was really pretty it's got some good swatches on it you know i like that green swatch does that it's the same sort of color family i think we can use it i'm gonna do it all right gaming thank you for the bits thank you so much um tia thank you for the bits uh all right thank you for the two months opal thanks for the 29 on 20. they got basil marta mccreegs thank you guys so much um i think i am going for a lot of bright colors in this one gaming gem i guess we'll see me i guess well these are kind of more leaning pastel aren't they but they're still colorful they've got we have matching chairs that go with it as well but i don't know if i want to use the the matching ones we could always like use the white swatch of it i worry that it's like too much green if we use the matchy-matchy one but the white one kind of matches sort of ties it in you know okay i'll need to get like a pendant light over it i don't know love thank you for the two months nikki the year for the two months thank you guys so much i don't know lancy they added these in an update um a few months ago like kind of around when snowy escape came out i think it was that update um so they're they're like relatively new table and chairs um i don't know what i could always get like a nice lighter oops because then you could clutter it with a bunch of stuff but i don't know if i want i kind of like the idea of it having just just an island that's not the same color scheme that's a different swatch no it doesn't match how old is seasons oh seasons came out like years and years ago now seasons is an older one um i want to pick a fun i don't know what see that's the thing like when you start having all these patterns there comes a point where you have to draw the line and i don't know where the line is um you think jungle adventure counters maybe i think that the parenthood counters could work as well but um we don't need god i love the cool kitchen like appliances but i'm trying i shouldn't use too many packs there's no point the limit does not exist right there is no line just do whatever you want okay i don't know if i like these counters i might use different cabinets i'm not a huge fan i don't know you hate this fridge this is my favorite fridge soda pop thank you for the four months see me loyal thank you for the five months uh danny thank you for the prime stuff little tikka thank you for the bits there is no line with patterns just put as many as you want yeah i think that's really good advice that we should we should all follow there is no line just do whatever you'd like those cabinets match the floors like very well which could be both a blessing and a curse we also have oh you know what those are better but then we don't have matching upper cabinets then what about like um [Music] i don't know because you could use like spa day that's brown never mind um i don't come out from the wall i don't really want to do that i want the island to be centered i don't want it i want i want it to be centered on purpose i think it looks really nice when it's centered i don't want like the peninsula type thing i want it to be centered on purpose i think we'll see so i'm thinking of the nine months elliot the year for the six months uh since there are the bits oh sorry through my ring by the way on my middle finger calm down okay you have to clarify you mentioned the word ring everybody's like ring a ring just so we're clear middle finger mitch uh buggle dan sort of thank you guys for the reasons oh okay um i think i kind of want to use these never mind i'm going to use these i will do what i want but i swear you you say the word ring and everybody in chat about loses their mind um i always wear this ring i have for years it's on my middle finger i will never understand this why why are the cabinets on this side of the island because this is the side where you put chairs so why is the stuff that you open on this side and not on this side so many of the count not all counters but so many of the counters are like that i want to use the um the waterfall but i'm not sure if i like because like the wicker stuff it's different colors i don't know if it bothers me or not um i guess we don't necessarily have to have chairs at the table they made a mistake at some point now they're committed to it because they don't want to admit they made a mistake yeah i don't know i i don't know someone did this though and they made a grave error you don't think it's a bad thing it doesn't make any sense what do you mean it's not a bad thing it makes zero sense because in real life you would sit on this side and you'd have all the cabinets on this side so you could cook you might even have like um well obviously it's not gonna work for this but you might have like you know dishwasher over there or something um but we'll leave it it looks cute um i'm not using any cc that well i have some cc in my game but these are from island living these aren't these aren't custom content counters these are island living counters but i do have some cc in my game right now that i just i may i use for a video and um didn't take out so i don't know i'm trying to think what i want to do in here i want a microwave obviously um tori thank you for the bits uh of all fin for the with the bits when they started with the two months emma with the bits um i'm glad you had a fun day today thank you for the bits and thank you for 11 months master with the three months uh tat the year for the two months alice thank you for the 14 months um and rp thank you for the nine months thank you so much you guys okay so this pack comes with shelves that match so the only issue is like do we want to use it we could always flip it around so that the fridge is on this side but we have some like small upper cabinet type shelves that match it um kaylee thank you for the seven months luna thank you for the four months looks like a build you would do really fun i haven't i don't know i'm trying to be more colorful i haven't done much yet though so don't get your hopes up too high we haven't we haven't gotten very far with it yet i want to scoop this more into the wall okay that's fun fun abigail i think everyone in the entire world has heard that song at this point also if you have a tick tock account literally every tick tock you open has that song in it they're talking about driver's license by the way um it is very popular it has so many streams on spotify so quickly um okay um i want to get like a painting you know you know one of those that's a poster not a painting but this has like just put a vegetable on the wall i kind of like it the fruit's kind of fun too this thing looks like cc to me this poster every time i see it i'm like that looks like custom content yeah i like the kitchen a lot too i think it's cute no it's not cc it's from a pack called cool kitchen stuff luna thank you for the four months um i think the fact that it's a poster and not like framed is part of it maybe because there's it's like no texture to it it's just flat on the wall size it down look at a little bit no i liked it big i want to like shout from the rooftops that um i eat fruit um okay i like it let's get a plant i don't know what are we doing today i don't know making something sucky thank you for the four months thank you so much um did i think everybody i'm sorry if i missed anything so not on purpose are you talking down if you use the bracket keys on your keyboard you can size down and size up oh that's too big moobot stop whispering to me pushing if you're putting commands in chat that would be why it's whispering to you um if you use a command in chat that's been like used by somebody else too recently it'll like dm you the response because it won't post it in chat as to avoid spamming so um show hidden objects okay melon thank you for the bits i'm glad that you enjoy my legacy challenge on youtube i have a lot of fun with that series also um i literally cannot believe how much people like it and that like i know that it's the way i title them plays a big role in like the fact that the videos get views and like because if you make a video that's like the sims 4 legacy challenge episode 19. like nobody's gonna click on that unless you're like super invested in the series but the titles are kind of funny and like for example last week the last episode got 337 000 views and it's like episode 17 of a let's play that is ridiculous absolutely ridiculous i don't understand why i mean it's great fun and it's a fun series so like i'm not complaining but i feel like i i like hacked the the system or something you know like something about this doesn't make sense um but anyway trey boston thank you for the eight month resub thank you so much uh but it's a fun series if you don't watch it i think i think you would like it i'm and i'm not biased at all when i say that it is a fun series i might size this down and put the how do you plan your lifespan in your in your settings you can change the short lifespan um in your gameplay settings you can make your own and manage worlds but you can make it from short normal or long obviously it defaults to normal lifespan but you can make it shorter so your sims age up faster if you'd like um i don't know if i recommend it it's very stressful there's so much happening at all times um but it's kind of fun i want to do some colorful couches i think i might do them yellow you can't stop me i'll put what i want abby thank you for the nine months i miss your bits finch i don't oh i just haven't read them it's only been a minute what do you mean i didn't miss your yet oh henry you gotta hang on just one minute wait until you see how many bits i missed pixelate you for the eight months emily thank you for the bits um congrats on the house that is amazing i'll be there for the nine months uh about anything for the three months sam thank you sarah sorry god every time sarah their name is sarah m rose i always read it to sam at first um thank you for the um for the for the three months tally thank you for the eight months meg thank you for the 13 months kid thank you for the stuff cherry blossoming for eight months cass thank you for the bits um finch there are your bits thank you for the 400 bits llama thank you for the eight months long thank you for the bits um blue kitty cat that you're the 27 months katie that you for the four months those are the last three minutes you see we have to read these things in waves sometimes banana pixel thank you guys so much um you know we got give me a second there's um occasionally a lot going on especially in the beginning of stream so um christine thank you for the six months father both thank you for the bits um i don't know thank you for the bits thank you so much um ep thank you for the five months also okay okay thank you all so much oh my goodness i don't do i want to put some brick in here that could be cozy i think this works i think the color scheme is working i wish that there was more windows in this wall because then i could put like big fun curtains on them but it's okay i don't want curtains i don't mind i'm fine i didn't want curtains in the first place okay um oh that's awesome spontaneous i'm so glad to hear that ava thank you for the three months essex thank you for the bits adorn thank you for the bits um wait one time you bought two count you you got sent two couches when you only ordered one they mailed you two whole couches and you only bought one see that's the kind of thing where it's like a major inconvenience because what are you going to do with two couches like how do they manage to ship you two by accident but like i got sent two of this chair by accident but like anyway congrats on the second couch you got two fridges once mailed to you yeah and like you could of course sell it i guess but then you still you have to deal with like trying to figure out someone that can come pick it up you know um which is like kind of annoying obviously it's definitely possible but still it's like inconvenient to all of a sudden have these two massive things at your home um but it's not that big of a deal okay um want i wish i had like more of a defined entrance you know i don't know we can get a coat wreck and umbrella stand maybe tory thank you for the tier three 16 months and thank you for calling me a nerd that was really kind to you tori thank you so much platforms possibly but then the rug is like you know because i can't move the door i wish that the door was not centered with the room you know it's okay it's fine everything's fine half wall is definitely a possibility but again with the door where it is that does help with defining the space but i want the wall to be like here i'm gonna send like move it this table is base game by the way came in an update like a while ago you got mailed two copies of snowy escape really that's so weird i i like i've never had this happen before where they like i get shipped double of what i ordered even though i only ordered one and then all of a sudden like my mom gets shipped two mini fridges i get sent two chairs like one i only bought one it's very odd um maybe it's a good sign though so there could be some sort of like room divider that we could try maybe but i don't really want it to be that big um honestly even something like that i i genuinely just want something small that helps separate the space like a tiny bit more that's all i ask for you know because then it like defines like this is the entryway you know i guess eco lifestyle has something let me look at the eco lifestyle i might just scroll through everything that eco lifestyle comes with i do like the honeycomb stuff we're going to change the wall colors too by the way they're not going to stay this color everywhere um we just put like a table sticking out from the wall no that's not good we have a bookshelf this could be so cute in the kitchen possibly oh possibly but maybe not oh no but that would be so useful because like your sims can cook on these two counters i'm gonna stick that there because it's skinny and it fits i feel like that helps with the kitchen i'm not going to use the bookshelf as the divider the bookshelf is too big i want a smaller divider i want like a one tile wide one there's this thing from eco lifestyle but i don't know if that like it's almost like kind of weird this one's like honeycomb which is also weird but i'm gonna use that in there i want blankets in here too the plants are definitely trendy yeah that's a good way of putting it i feel like it's not a um that seems like a half compliment it's like oh well that's trendy i don't think you mean it that way but i think that's kind of funny it's like oh that's trendy melissa thank you for the four months alex thank you for the nine months many thank you for three months sam with the two months megan thank you for the eight months eliza thank you for the prime stuff thank you so much the honeycomb one feels 70s in a good way it's like the opposite of trendy rancid candy thank you for the prime sub i really appreciate that thank you okay um oh yeah the better but my mod is a is a game changer for sure it's a it's a really good mod um i wish this was smaller i want it to be like that big but you can't do that with mirrors lower the divider freezer how do you suggest i do that it's on the floor oh my god speaking of trendy oh that's fun i'm using that nevermind you can't it's it's sitting on the floor you can't like lower a couch either you know it's it's on the floor uh unfortunately it cannot be moved because that would be nice how about some pears no it's too wide this is small i don't really know why they have that on the wall but they do an apple and a pear this divider is from city living i believe no this divider is from get famous this divider is from get famous they do eat fruit as evidenced by this so it makes sense i do the gold get famous stuff soon i don't know how to make it look good i'm sorry but it's just not like it takes a really certain kind of house to put this in it you know it's like there's a really specific kind of sim you need to pull that off um and i don't know if i want to build a house it's like kind of gaudy you know um which makes me not really want to build with it very often no it's it's very fancy that's for sure um kind of like bridgerton yeah and listen thank you for the 10 months um can the whole house be fruit themed i feel like maybe a little bit we get some fruit touches everywhere i think we need a solid colored rug but i don't know which one um that rug is the right size i think we need some color because the floor and like everything is so i don't know i like this rug but i feel like that's too that's too much pattern we can't do that this is difficult i don't know what i'm doing lucy thank you for the bits can i upgrade apartments from manage worlds like can you renovate them yes you just gotta click on them and then send them like a lot press the build button um egg thank you for the 16 months since man i'm your top streamer according to twitch i i'm the one you watch the most that means a lot to me thank you um i want the parenthood one the captions aren't working i can see the captions on my end working um maybe try and refresh and see if that helps the like the extension um the twitter center one try and try and see if refreshing fixes it because i from what i just i just pulled it up it's capturing what i'm saying still but sometimes the extension like glitches um i started this today yeah laurel i've been working on it for just a little bit are those pants on the coat rack uh it looks like a coat and a scarf to me although i do see how this could be you know mistaken for pants i i do see how you could think that um and then if we had colored wallpaper maybe that would work i personally put um i personally put that wait what i was gonna say oh i personally put pants on my coat rack sorry i totally just brain just stopped working for a second i was like i have no where am i what am i talking about um tell you thank you for the nine months nemo they give the three months stephanie thank you for the four months uh katherine thank you for the five months also lucy you said can you make apartments have big windows for managed worlds no so you can't change the windows in apartments at all um what is on the outside is there you can't move the windows or the doors the outside doors you can move like the inside walls and doors obviously with the outside ones you can't change the windows i'm just like you can't paint the exterior of the building you know okay can i like angle that a little bit it's very much in the way i'm gonna let it be yeah you can use mods to adjust things like that but um it's not a simple task and so you can't really change them um maybe we can make this have a color oh the light yellow on the base is really nice actually maybe i won't use the coat rack maybe i'll use an umbrella one instead that plant is from a pack called dine out to be fair the umbrella stand is kind of cute um maybe we can get like some magazines on the table or something how do i get the camera to do a bird's eye view like this how i'm moving it around i'm using the sims 3 camera controls instead of the sims 4 camera um you can swap back and forth up here and also in your in-game settings the sims 4 camera i think is very hard to build with so i prefer to use the sims 3 camera just in general um although it will take some getting used to it because it adjusts all of the controls um so it will take some getting used to if you wanted to start playing with it but i think it's it's a lot better for building because you can change the angle you're working with um so you can actually see stuff you know because with the sims 4 camera like you can't do that um so you're kind of stuck with the angle it gives you oh geez i literally can't i never use the sims 4 camera i'm like i'm stuck yeah it's it sucks i literally can't i can't do it i need my camera back sweetie thank you for this um but this is like this the middle mouse button you can go like this you find it hard to use with that camera yeah i find the sims 4 camera hard to use um but that you have a lot more control you can also free rotate stuff with the sims 3 camera on and you can't do it more youtube content that won't come out for weeks colorful are you making fun of me do you take issue with the fact that i sit on my speed builds until i need them who cares if i post a speed build like two weeks after i built the house on stream isn't that better calm down it's not that deep i could post this tomorrow if i wanted to um oh what if i oh i kind of like that i'm gonna keep that that was their second message ever in chat that is a weird second ever message it makes me think that they like actually care a lot you know bizarre fish thank you for the bits um no name thank you for the sub thank you so much jumping thank you for the three months hey thank you for the sub yeah thank you for the bits dp thank you for the four months talia nemo thank you guys for the resets also thank you so much um i think we need some paintings on this wall but i don't know which ones i wonder if we got like could we get the skinnier curtains i know that the window is very small but i think the the curtains make it look so goofy doesn't it i don't know what to do on this wall hmm this painting we just cover it with a large painting i just don't want a window anymore no i'm not actually gonna do this that was a joke but that's one way of going about it just decide um no thank you no we should we should take advantage of any windows we can get i think i think that looks kind of cool i always liked this painting i think it's fancy we could we could just board up the window you know bloody thank you for the two months are thank you for the sub shan chan thank you for the tier 2 21 months um i i'm proud of you you got this you got this i know that like that you must be under so much stress with the schooling you're in right now but you're gonna do great you got this i believe in you um yeah i think the curtains highlighted how small it was too i think in real life i swear every instagram vlogger is like put curtains on your window and put them all the way up to the ceiling because then it like makes your walls look taller and your window bigger but i think this just makes me realize how tiny the window is you know maybe it works irl but probably not in the sims um i don't know i think that the like hanging curtains higher does kind of like i think if the curtains were hung that low it does look weird like i think that hanging the curtains up at the right height is smart but i don't know about teeny tiny windows kidding curtains a shelf underneath we could put cause then it cut yeah that could work actually we could like play with the asymmetrical like nature of this too we could get maybe it was like that oh we can make that work i like this idea this is fun we can stick like a plant on it maybe i'll stick the plant partially i guess the plant should really be in front of the sun right what's gonna go there uh megan thank you for the sub kane thank you for 11 months um thank you guys both so much maybe just some books because we could use like the tiny living this is really cute oh it's more plants oh maybe not the tiny living ones not to like bring mosquito stuff into this but maybe we could bring mosquito stuff into this ew all the colors seem very maybe some candles you could even use like these base game ones i feel like it needs to be a little bit taller that just like highlights that the shelf is clipping i think um a lamp could work but i worry about the oh that's that's the kind of like taller let me bring a sand but to live here so i can mess with it i like it being asymmetrical and like a little bit bigger than the window on purpose um let me make a random sim quickly this is um oh my gosh opal wait your sibling um your sister just bought a house and their kitchen was painted bright pink and they have fire truck red curtains and they're all beige bathroom oh my and the last house my friend rochelle lived in she didn't do this she was like renting it obviously right but in the last house my friend rochelle lived in the kitchen was like orange it had like orange cabinets which is really a choice you know i think certain places can pull it off but they also have like blue carpet in that house if that gives you a better idea of what we're working with you know so it was it was something um let me make this light dimmer i kind of like the pink to be honest i might just keep that oh school agree i'm sorry you got to do that you'll get through it i believe in you cherry bomb thank you for the bits um crab thank you for the 18 months i'm never going to call you abyssal again by the way i think i've told you this but you're crap now hey claire thank you for the raid oh hello i'm i'm trying to make a fun apartment i'm i'm stepping out of my comfort zone at the moment we don't have much progress so you aren't this is the tour um i have this room welcome to the stream everybody i hope you had a wonderful time thank you for the raid claire if you are from my stream and you don't follow clearwichbaby on twitch you are missing out i mean it there's a link in the chat well maybe once the the spam calms down let them keep going soon as you want i don't mind but if you're from my stream and you don't follow claire go check out her channel hi everybody i hope you had a good stream thank you for coming by um we're trying to like decorate this like slightly more colorful apartment like i was saying um it's kind of fun i don't usually build things like this so i'm just trying to you know do something exciting so and your childhood on the bathroom was lime green with purple cabinets oh my gosh oh you know what i saw you were doing not so buried today i uh that's so exciting um i'm glad that you had some fun uh welcome everybody it's good to see all of you thank you for coming by i'm so excited to see you okay oh i hate having sims on the house that i'm renovating because then they make me pay for my things and it makes noises all right we'll stick that right there um maybe i can get some shelves over here too i don't know i had a hot pink bedroom when i was a child so i am one to talk my bedroom was hot pink when i was younger uh let me look at the nifty knitting stuff quickly i did my friend zoe and i made not so berry um so that was why it's so exciting that claire was playing it today but my friend zoe and i were the knowledgeable challenge like four years ago or something now i swear i was still in high school and we did that um but we we wrote that challenge a few years ago now so um i'm glad it makes me so happy that people like still play it and still think it's fun because we like i did that so long ago you know um but anyway i'm glad you had a fun time yeah i'm pretty sure i was in high school when i did it um now that's a bad thing but it was a while because now i've graduated college right um okay let me look at the nifty knitting pack oh these could be fun maybe we could do these instead oh you know what that's actually a really fun idea i think and those two colors yeah no that's good that's good right there okay i'm listening to the stardew valley soundtrack by the way this is um a song called juno cart stomps stomp um this apartment is in the the new world well it's not so new anymore is it this is from eco lifestyle uh this is one of the apartments in the new evergreen harbor world that is again not that new anymore the music's quiet on purpose see shelly um it's also just a quiet song like this song the next one is very quiet just in general it's quiet on purpose we don't need to play it loud um it's just so that i have a thing going on in my earsies you know um maybe i'll put some books in this one should i like well that's floating should i like lean them against the edge or should they be centered maybe i'll use the tiny living ones i did say earsies yeah yeah i did um doesn't fit oh no this is a disaster how about the elephant one doesn't fit disaster how about you okay base game it is base game ones it is i guess we can put it like i'll just move the um the shelf to be the right height for it no it's okay we don't need to worry about unfloating um because i can just move the shelf i think they need to be further over though like i'm pretty sure i need to move the shelf like like there chase thank you for the nine months kaylee thank you for the prime sub uh katherine thank you for the tier three nine months by the way kathy thank you for the bits bye playing thank you for seven months jenna thank you for the 34 months sims fan thank you for the bits sixteenth rows that you for the 18 months uh pink thank you for the bits see basil thank you for the two months zoe's thank you for the bits sadie thank you for the bits donny thank you for the 23 months i'll be thank you for the bits and polaris thank you for the prime stuff oh my god i'm so sorry thank you all so much um shelby so prime users used to get no ads on twitch but that was like two years ago um so prime users have had ads on twitch for a while but before back in the olden days if you had amazon prime you didn't get ads on twitch um that hasn't been a thing for a while subs on my stream don't get ads on twitch but that's a a streamer preference setting um so streamers could set it so that non-subs do or like sir subs do get ads i mean but i have it off so that subs don't get ads on my stream um sometimes the glitches i think and people that are sub to get ads but it's not supposed to um oh my god speaking of which i learned something so interesting yesterday well i didn't learn it but i i discovered something very interesting because so um i didn't used to run ads on twitch like ever at all until november when i got a twitch contract and now i am contractually obligated to run ads um for three minutes every hour right and so before this year i didn't really make any ad revenue at all at all on twitch i don't make much now either it's not a high cpm but i i didn't have so like okay so basically usually in january cpm's drop massively so you could literally make like half as much money on youtube as well for the same amount of views in december versus january so like because people lots of companies put a lot of money into ads around the holidays and then in january have no ad budget way less money in ads so you could get 10 million views on a video and make half the money as you would of last month right that's what that means the same thing happens on twitch um i just have never noticed it before because i didn't run ads so like i didn't notice a difference in like oh my god the cpms are low this month i was looking at it last night literally a 70 drop from last month so far this month that is ridiculous so like for example say you made a hundred dollars last month you made 30 this month same amount of ads same amount of views that's how bad it is sometimes and it depends like because on youtube i usually see more like a a 50 or 60 percent drop um but like it was like 70 drop on twitch from what i've seen and this again it's it's all like kind of luck and like depending on what kind of content you make and stuff i don't really know how cpms work on twitch as much as i do on youtube um but that's way bigger drop that i've ever seen on youtube which is interesting um but you don't have to pay me extra i'm not like relying on ad money on twitch don't worry i just i um i just thought it was interesting because i've never seen that before on twitch so i just i thought it was very curious to see like what a difference it is i'm not like complaining about it um but yeah there you'll everyone always sees a massive drop from january versus december but usually make more money in december um from ads than you usually would um not so it doesn't necessarily even out but you usually like make a lot more in december on the same amount of views as you would like in a regular month because the cpms are higher and they massively drop in january um so you might see a lot of people like me sincerely unavailable thank you for the 10 gifted subs thank you so much um but a lot of people i guess that aren't familiar with that it's definitely scary to see like cpm's fluctuating and know that you made this much last month and your channel did the same this month but you made half as much like it's a weird it's a weird world out there when your income is so like and you can't control any of it you know um but anyway it's not that big of a deal i'm okay i'm not complaining i just i just think it's interesting to talk about especially because i've never seen it on twitch before i i knew it would happen on twitch i just i had never seen it because i didn't run ads last year so i didn't like ever notice a difference you know um yeah it's it's always a significant drop but i've never seen it be this significant of a drop like a 70 drop that is absurd nothing else has changed i in fact i might even get more viewers this month as i did last month you know i don't really know i don't i don't look to my viewers on twitch very often but like i'm running the same amount of ads same number of views like not it's just cpms that are changing so it's very interesting but it drops in january because again like all these companies they spend a ton of money on their holiday advertising like around november december time so their ad budgets go way up around the holidays at the end of the year and then in january they stop advertising as much because there's nothing to like advertise for basically and they have lower budgets for it and then so the holidays holidays are big time same thing with like back to school time like usually like like august september-ish kind of has slightly higher cpms because there's like a lot of back-to-school ads going on um but at like ad rates always fluctuate throughout the year um but you see the biggest like change from december to january always um but anyway fascinating very interesting um yeah holidays are a lot obviously always but you like the lights thank you lex i appreciate that that's kind mello thank you for the prime sub but yeah i had never seen it on twitch that's that's the only interesting part is that i just because i again like you know obviously i'm very familiar with it on youtube but i've not really run ads much on twitch so you know when you get no ad money on twitch the the no ad money from december to january doesn't seem that big of a difference because it's like well none to none whatever but now that i actually run around it's a little bit different so um mello thank you for the prime sub cm thank you for the eleven months bohemian thank you for the 16 months michael 10 months kitty with the sub uh beta that you for the nine months eric thank you for the nine months sincerely thanks again for the 10 gifted subs by the way um ty thank you for the four months big blue frame senior for the four months great for the 15 months kaylee with the prime stuff jace for the nine months thank you all so much um but yeah yes i actually i did cut my hair i cut my hair um like right before i went live today i'm not kidding like i went live at four i cut my hair at like 3 30. my focus seems it's like it's off this is embarrassing i don't know my camera doesn't autofocus so did i miss your reset peyton it looks like you're a prime sub peyton try and refresh see if you can play it yourself prime subs are confusing because it looks like you recept but it's it wants you to like play a message so you can type something with it if you did do that already and i missed it i'm so sorry thank you for the stuff but try and refresh see if you can play it yourself if it didn't show up in chat then it didn't it didn't like show up for me um yeah i cut it myself um i've been cutting my hair myself the past like whole year like i didn't get a haircut all of 2020 i cut it myself the whole time too i didn't do that good of a job um you can't really tell though because you can't see the back of my head so yeah it saves money and i don't have to go anywhere or talk to anyone but i'm not that good at it i think i'm getting better at it because i've done it myself like six or seven times now i think so some one of these days i'll be good at it but i don't know um i consider myself to have brown hair but i think my hair does look sort of reddish on camera sometimes people always ask if i dyed my hair red and i'm like no i just look like this it always looks like this sherman congrats on the discord roll yeah charlotte i had longer hair when i was younger um let me hang on lil simsy middle school i'm googling an image oh my god this isn't that long of hair but there's i've got a funny picture that i can show you um okay so this image is what i looked like on the bus in middle school i must have been in like eighth grade um so i had longer hair then here's an image of me and my friend josina on the bus and then here is us recreating that image in high school um which i think is kind of funny um but that was yep those are me that's that's me i had way longer hair back then as you can see so yeah i'm done now i did look a lot more blonde then didn't i my hair was a lot lighter i never have dyed my hair but my hair was a lot lighter back then i used to spend a lot more time outside so um my eyes aren't blue my eyes are green this picture is terrible quality so you know don't don't judge my eye color based on this image but i definitely had a lot lighter hair back then i don't know we all used to spend more time outside didn't we but anyway um but are you sitting in the back of the bus whoa cool kid we had to sign seats on the bus when i was in middle school and because i wasn't a problem i was very quiet they put me in the back and then um the problem children got put in the front of the bus by the bus driver so we had assigned suits on the bus they were kind of based also on where the stops were and i was always the last bus stop so yeah i signed bus seats uh-huh we didn't have them every year but on certain years and there was like more like chaos on the bus they would be like if you don't calm down we're gonna have a signed bus seats and a couple years we had to sign bus seats so um yeah um i don't know how effective it was but we occasionally had um assigned seats on the bus so i don't you can't really like monitor that very well either but i feel like it must have been really bad for the poor bus driver to have been like the only way that i can help like calm these rowdy children is to try and force them to sit in certain seats um i forget like why exactly but i do feel bad for for them like it must be a very hard job to be a bus driver for middle schoolers because middle schoolers are mean so you know i think some places have bus monitors yeah but we didn't have them we didn't have like a person on the bus that wasn't the driver it was just the bus driver um but yeah anyway if you work with middle schoolers i'm really sorry my cousin is a middle school teacher i think she has nice kids but there's they're not not middle schoolers just aren't nice they're inherently not nice not to each other not to themselves middle schoolers are just not nice honey thank you for the price up little tikka thank you for the bits if i could visit her now what would i tell a middle school simsy i don't know because i feel like i wouldn't take it to heart even no matter what i said to myself i wouldn't have listened but i think i probably would have said to not be so hard on myself all the time you know and to not be so like paranoid about what people think about you because nobody cares about you like nobody's thinking about you don't be so self-conscious you're gonna be okay like i wish i could go back and talk to myself about that because i oh and maybe like talk about what anxiety is and why it's happening to me hey buddy you're totally fine this happens other people too you're not crazy maybe that part as well yeah um so sad thank you for the bits oh you know what i would love to be able to change the mattress and bed frame separately i have some cc in my game that's what they're talking about so you know how with the sims like actual beds the the bed frame and that just changed together right um but what would be really nice is if everything was cc and you could place bed frames separately and mattresses separately um if i called my my younger self buddy imagine um where are the bed frames here's a bed frame but then you see because then you can like change the and then you know that's quite the color combo yeah it is a weird thought right to put like 50 kids on a bus with just one adult who also has to like operate the vehicle and be responsible for the safety of these 50 children it is kind of a weird thought um i think the idea of being a bus driver like that for like young kids is very stressful that's a lot of pressure to be in charge of the safety of all these little kids too um got a lot of respect for them um but i'm trying to forget about middle school me too me too kai thank you for the private stuff britney dream girl um honeybee sims fan thank you all for the bits and stuff too um is the ccm using free or paid content um the cc i'm using is this is the set from a person called hey harry um it's all free but a lot of cc creators released their cc on patreon first then like two weeks later put it out for free so i think um two-thirds of this is out publicly right now the rest of it comes out of the end of the month but i don't remember which one is which um but like i i think the um most of this most of this is definitely out i know for a fact but um a couple of the things are coming out soon but not out yet kel thank you for the two months i i bought it from her patreon though because i wanted to use it for a video so um but a lot of cc creators do that um release things a little bit early on patreon and then post it publicly afterward because then you like if you want it right away then you can pay for it but you don't have to so smart i'm not using cc tilly but i have some cc in my game i made a whole video on this cc set it's nice stuff i like the fireplace a lot too i think it's really pretty god i want to live in a house with a fireplace so bad this is like my dream do i have patreon no i don't steph i have a twitch channel if you want to pay me you can pay me right here just kidding um but i don't i don't feel the need to have a separate patreon um you can pay me on twitch courtney thank you for this stuff kell dog thank you for the two months molly thank you for the five months stark thank you for the three months um can i leave the patreon yeah i can um my mods could probably get it if you just look up hey harry patreon um but i got the link for you but like i said most of this is out for free already um pays you on twitch thank you nancy yeah messi posted the tumblr i think earlier but i think harry makes really cool stuff um i like build cc in case you hadn't noticed how old do you get when you're in high school so middle school is from like 11 or 12-ish to like 13-ish and then high school is like 14-ish to like 17 18-ish so i i was like on the younger side um of my grade so i was 13 when i started high school and i was 17 when i graduated but like your senior year a lot of people turn 18. um but i didn't turn 18 until i was in college so well not technically i my 18th birthday was like two days before i moved into my dorm um so i was like starting college when i turned 18. you know what is so bizarre to me that i didn't realize that talking to dan made me be like that is so so weird so at his high school prom or what like they're like fancy like maybe promised the wrong word but they had like like an event for their last year of school and pretty much all of them were 18 and they had a bar at it at like a school sponsored event and you had to be 18 to drink but like isn't that so weird to think about like having like alcohol and a bar at a high school event because the drinking age is 21 here you would never have that here obviously but isn't that your weird thought at like a school event a bar what fairy thank you for the stuff okay thank you for the sub gift um but i just think that is so interesting um but anyway it's very normal there but it's just such a bizarre thought here you know um because the drinking age is so much later here but very normal for them just super weird for me um but anyway kind of interesting you have that too you're in germany yeah i mean a lot of places uh most places have way lower drinking ages than the us does so um but again ours is 21. let i graduated university before i was able to legally drink because i graduated university in april i turned 21 in august of this year or of last year so like that is just i i've never been in school unable to drink even in university um so had fun thank you for the prime stuff sadie thank you for the bits um thank you guys so much ferry thank you for the sub hey thank you for the sub gift i don't know thank you i think i might have said that already but thank you so much um i don't really drink at all um so people at university definitely drink yeah no it's people people underage drink a lot in university obviously um i don't get out much though so i'm the wrong person to ask questions about the the um drinking scene in university because i didn't have any friends so i didn't go to parties i didn't go anywhere i don't know much i don't have any first-hand experience um daffodil thank you for the seven months web thank you for the sub aj thank you for the prime stuff um but yeah i graduated like uh in april like eight months ago right yeah i'm getting so distracted okay you have a million friends i have 1.1 million friends no yeah nikki i don't feel like i miss out on much i am i have anxiety i don't want to uh go to crowded loud places uh no i don't have an interior decorating degree i have a history degree which as you can see i'm putting to really good use right now with my sims content so um not u.s history no i have a like a general history degree um i didn't focus on anything specific i didn't have to like pick a specific focus but because of my school i took a lot of classes on ancient history um think like mesopotamia and stuff like that um like early civilizations and i took a lot of classes on um like south america and latin american history but i live in florida so you know but you have an acting degree you haven't used in like four years yeah i mean my mom um her she went to school when she was like obviously younger she studied accounting does not do that anymore um she like his business lady doesn't really use that at all but she went back and got her um her mba like 10 years ago um but she was measured in like accounting when she was in college um doesn't use it i think it's a nice background to have but it's not her primary use so um oh yeah my cat just came in i think you probably saw her if people are commenting on her aha stephanie come here hello this is my cat can i pick you up oh my god i bought her a toy yesterday let me see if i can find you a picture um well i bought it well i bought it more than yesterday ago but it came yesterday um i don't have any good videos of it because um she like i can't send videos on discord very easily but i bought her this toy um this like these are her other toys but i bought her this like plastic thing with balls in it it's right behind me i don't know if you can see like oh there's a bit of orange right there um that snaps toy she loves this thing she won't stop playing with it i bought it on a whim cause i was like on chewy buying more cat litter and i need to spend like 10 more dollars to get free shipping and i was like okay i'll just find a toy and then i was like this looks fun should i test it out she loves this thing if you've got cats they sit there and she just hits the balls back and forth over and over and over again like she just is like so all day yesterday she was so fascinated by it like i i cannot recommend this enough so i made a lot of different kinds of them too it doesn't have to be this one specifically but um i i can't recommend this enough to you because she likes it a lot she just sits there and like stares at it and she doesn't understand it was so funny because the balls would like go to the other side so she'd be like standing over here for example and she'd be like where'd they go i don't get it and she'd be like trying to look around she's clawing on her cat tree would she be like trying to look around like where did the balls go i don't understand and then she would walk around be like oh they're there then she would hit him some more she's doing it right now wait i told you that's so funny wait i'm gonna focus on her and not me sappy what you up to i told you she doesn't understand oh she's so funny i'm glad this is good timing i'm really glad that she started playing with the second that i i started talking about it like the the chances of that and she just stares at it she's so fascinated by this thing it's so useful buy one oh i love my cat so much it makes me so happy um but i bought it from a place called chewie i'm sure that like anywhere that sells cat toys probably has things like this though um if you're interested you can if you're interested you can probably get it from anywhere no she just like sat on the floor and she's staring at it when did i get snap um i've had snap for like 12 years animal i got snapped when i was nine um sadie she's 12. go full thank you for the 16 months size one thank you for the four months elaine thank you for the four months um eliza thank you for the 13 months m thank you for the two months i want to thank you for the sub gift glitter thank you for the bits cp thank you for the seven months lauren i thank you for the 32 months generic thank you for the bits carly merlot um thank you for the resets thank you guys so much nice hoodie where did you get it oh this is um a boo hoodie from lil simsy's merch store i wish that she would move to like a better spot for you to see her more but you can see her ears so meg carly thank you guys both for the recepts also yeah snappy's like 12. almost 13. well turns 13 in june messi i'm so glad i like the boo hoodies too they're fun she's going to be a teen i don't like the thought of that too much but anyway there's my cat there's the toy i recommend the toy so this room just has her toys all over the floor i'm like kind of embarrassed usually you can't see them that well but these are like very brightly colored toys like they're very obvious she loves these kind of kicker toys too um this one dan got her this one i just got her with this toy as well and this one is one that was um not given to me by like my parents or somebody for her she loves them she tries to kill them it's kind of funny they look like baby toys they kind of do but um it's it's good stuff i recommend she's still just watching i'm gonna take a picture of her just watching it because i don't think you understand how funny this is she's just staring at the ball on the oh this cat is so ridiculous it's so funny okay i said down the picture so i can pull it up um what are you doing she's just looking at it she's like why isn't it moving i don't understand how it works she just she does not get how this toy works at all i'm gonna put my focus back um but she does not understand this thing it's kind of funny okay now you can no longer see the cat it's just out of frame jay thank you for the four months jelena thank you for the two months jack thank you for the sub x thank you for the two months backwards thank you for the two months olivia thank you for the 10 months um thank you guys so much okay let's game shall we i swear i'll start building again my bad um master i have a rebel sl2 camera and i have um a sigma lens on it i've got all my like things listed down below if you want to like look at what camera and what lens and all that i have specifically um but the lens is probably what you actually want to know about um i've got a sigma 18 to 32 millimeter lens so but it's all all that is listed down below for people that actually have questions that know what those things mean these shelves are from target the squares there's two of them but you can pretty much get these cube type shelves anywhere they got them at like ikea you know i just i bought mine from target when i first moved in here because ikea is farther away than target so um but like a lot of places have these sort of like cheaper like cube shelves you know um i have i have one from ikea that's in the closet though and i keep all kinds of like camera things got that lens too really it's a good lens nice along thank you for the 14 months i learned all the tech stuff practice google i don't know um practice and google just being around around it for a long time and like looking up things when i have questions nobody starts off knowing stuff about cameras and mics um also that with the lens i i had a pretty good idea of what i wanted but like my boyfriend has a film degree so i have um a person to ask questions too so i knew pretty much what i wanted but but then i could ask him to confirm that that is indeed what i wanted so um use your resources so nice along thank you for the 14 months by the way thank you so much and then he went and bought the same lens because he liked mine so much so girls thank you for the three months it is useful to have a welcome with a degree in film yeah it works out he knows things so um this is from cool kitchen stuff this poster but yeah if you ever have like questions on like techie type stuff um there are so many tutorials and things on google too like with things like how to set up obs you can find so many youtube videos about that like every every question you've ever had there's probably a youtube video answering it and they have like a tutorial for you um you can you can so easily teach yourself there's so many resources out there that make it so much easier to set up and do um so no table is from basically the table is um from the last yes with like pre-pre-snowy escape update at some point i can't remember where this is from ever because i so this was in my game because i had snowy escape since like august to build the lots for it um and it wasn't even done but like this was in the game ready to go for the update and so i can never remember when it actually came out for everyone versus when i got it so like the timeline of this is very fuzzy to me but it came out in a free update at some point last year super thank you for the bits october october hey snappy come here do you want to say hi to everybody you said september i don't know snappy come here when did snowy escape come out november yeah everything that happened in 2020 is such a blur i have literally no idea like the timeline is all messed up 2020 simultaneously so much and nothing happened that i'm like i don't know it's like march never ended you know so like i don't really no when or what because i like especially because i graduated college and so i i lost that like structure of like oh the new semester is starting so i sort of like finish school and then like stagnant every day is the same we do not leave the house so i don't know i don't i don't know it's march part two still in my mind angie thank you for the prime stuff peach thank you for the seven months emily thank you for the four months super thank you for the bits um okay i'm actually gonna build now i'm sorry i'm just talking about my cat i'm not doing anything let's try again um can you believe that it's gonna be march again soon it's still gonna be the same if not worse not even if not worse it's gonna be the same but like significantly worse not everywhere but here it's march 2 and it's back with a vengeance so i'll put it on the gallery for you yeah when i'm done don't worry porta astra thank you for the prime sub bernie thank you for the 10 months um thank you so much guys your birthday's in march oh that's fine that sounded really interesting and sincere i didn't mean it like that i didn't mean to be like oh that's nice i meant more like oh fun your second birthday in the bad times oh kayla thank you i appreciate that um the boo hoodie is terrible listen not a joke horrible quality drawing i know because i i know because i did it myself it's really bad so just know what you're signing up for when you willingly um invest in my my dumb ghost that looks really bad on purpose um so shut down on your birthday last year oh my gosh desert i'm so sorry yeah nc stone i'm sorry about that too but anyway my hoodie is a masterpiece so everyone is like it happened on marshland that's my birthday so it's your fault any march birthdays out there you did this which one of you did something so bad that you had to go and get the whole world like smited which one of you caused this they're trying to ruin your birthday and they went on and ruined everyone else's too and a lot more than just birthdays um i'm just kidding i think it was your sister easy to put the blame on the siblings always isn't it listen i'm in august i didn't do anything i don't know what to put on the walls i'm distracted i might get like a small bookshelf over here this cabinet's from eco lifestyle uh carly thank you for the five months liz thank you for the 27 months thank you so much you guys um okay i want this is city living coffee table yeah let me text my mom back i'm going to my parents house today and she just asked me if we should bake something tonight wait want to name a pendant lamp that's long and skinny i get to pick the name for a pendant lamp that's long and skinny hmm so i named my last chair naomi i say my chair as if it was no you can't call it like spaghetti it's gotta be more subtle than that somebody in chat said sheldon a while ago and that made me kind of laugh in my head i didn't laugh out loud but i laughed in my head i don't really know why i just think the idea of a lamp being called sheldon is quite funny but i don't know if that's good enough russian thank you for the four months simon thank you for the bits kayla thank you for the bits um i respect it the maroon's a nice color nancy thank you for the bids uh con thank you for the prime sub mars thank you for the bits carly thank you for the five months little dica i don't know mariah i it's gotta be like more norm we need like we can't call it like skinny legend you know it's too string bean lamp i don't know what it looks like i'd have to see what it looks like cindy name a lamp cindy oh yeah that's a good one why do they where i give them all names lamp fork okay laura thank you for the 15 months by the way thank you so much all right well little dica i'm not sure that this is what you wanted but you've got about a thousand names first names in chat that you can pick from karen my mom's name is karen you want to name a lamp after my mom i mean you very well could everyone i'm stuck i keep coughing please help me i think i'm fine i might have to hide again though we'll see i'm gonna drink some water oh wait this is the lamp oh crying a little bit sorry this is the lamp i like it i'm trying to think of a name cheryl why are we all why are we naming it do we want like a word it kind of reminds me of a lego in a good way it's like a a fancy lego you know can we get like a a lego meme what is what's a lego meme you can't call it bob the builder emmet is the name of the lego guy what from the lego movies you call it emmett after the lego movies this this lamp was inspired by um lego batman what about lego batman they have lego batman don't they i think i might stand by emmett i don't know i'm not creative enough for this i don't know how like modders do this like you have to pick a name for every single one of your objects how do you do that how do you name everything little dice is very good at things for many reasons you gotta be very creative for this kind of stuff first you gotta make like get an idea for the lamp and then you gotta make the lamp and then you have to name the lamp i mean emmet because it emits light get it wait no no no no no yep that's a good meme okay we've we solved it we got it there we go there we go boyd thank you for the bits alright thank you for the four months kayla of all finch nancy wolf thank you so much arms up in the air over your head to help with the coughing what if i just go like this okay we can just keep i just won't build then arms up helps you oh helps you breathe you know what i probably don't breathe enough while i'm streaming know when you're coughing not all the time well what if i want to just do it for fun sorry i died i sit here i'd talk for hours and hours and hours well listen you can't see me now you don't know what i'm doing you weren't on a roller coaster i might be on a roller coaster how would you know i live in florida i could live on a roller coaster there's theme parks all around me love thank you for the two months point thank you for the oh wait i thanked you oh are you making fun of me they have a lego batman don't they do they have a lego batman i've seen it i know they do lego batman yes he has his own movie i told you i've seen it i i think i watched it in theaters to be honest i like the lego movies they're so weird i think they have lego everything yeah oh my god you know who's in the lego batman movie we've got hero of of after fame's uncle you know after after we collided [Laughter] that's all you would know him from nothing else he's been in um just this is after we collided that the main character is his uncle this is him that's it though has it been anything else that you would know mandy thank you for the 23 months peyton thank you for the bits see porter thank you for the 16 months okay um i was making a joke he's voldemort but more importantly he's fake harry styles uncle so okay um yes his his nephew played young voldemort in the sixth movie i don't remember now i'm embarrassed i was a little worried what you thought that i didn't know music you you know that you can't take a word that i say seriously doctor thank you for the sub gift by the way um [Music] what pac would like to see next uh the sims 4 paranormal stuff is the pack that i'd like to see next so that would be the one that's coming out next so oh wait thank you for the bits by the way thank you so much [Music] um i don't know what i want to do in here in navy blue or light pink for the boo hoodie i don't know i like the light pink one it's very it's very popular um i don't know what to do um cow plant pack love to moo okay [Laughter] aly ella thank you both for the bits as well thank you so much um you got the entire lego movie as an ad for the second lego movie wait you were like watching the second one on the internet and it played the whole first one like an ad and then you got to watch them both you did too what apparently a lot of people got the entire lego movie as an ad so they just like tried to get you to watch it they're just like hey you ever seen this and like started playing it and then on april fool's oh it was a joke oh that's a funny april fool's joke oh no i if it actually was an april fool's joke i think that's really funny that's a good meme and well that's a good promo for the second one honestly i respect that well bailey it's not like a non-skippable ad i assume you could skip it but if you wanted to you could just watch the whole thing and that's what makes it funny they weren't gonna give you like a two hour long non-skippable ad um but they're like trying to get you to watch the whole thing um so they give you the opportunity to imagine if you couldn't skip a whole two hour long ad no but it's it's a skippable ad um which is what makes it funny so okay thank you for the six months ali thank you for the bits they oh i thanked you like twice didn't i thank you so much non-skimmable two hour long ad good luck have fun watching this i think we have to use like i don't like it evan don't brag about being further along in your renovation than me i'm talking about legos how am i supposed to make renovation progress if i'm talking about legos we have to take this one step at a time eventually i will finish this room for now we talk about legos this is very important um it sounds like it wasn't actually an april fool's joke but it i still stand by that it would have been a funny april fool's joke you only own university base if you're gonna get one more pack what should you get if you were gonna get one pack i would get seasons i think hands down seasons is one of the best packs for the sims 4. i really like seasons i think a lot of people here will agree um if you're going to get one pack i think that seasons is like way up there with with one of the best ones so i haven't played the lego harry potter games but i watched like jessie play them on twitch was it jesse that played them on twitch i've seen the lego harry potter games played on twitch first time at a stream hey soggy welcome to the stream it's good to see you thank you for the bits um oh yeah uh i think dan has played them too but not on stream i think because and i also think i bought them on switch when they were super on sale and then me and dan were gonna play them together at some point you don't want seasons why sugar tea cosplay i think this seasons is one of the better packs because it like upgrades every aspect of the game you know which is what i like so much about them um but obviously every pack isn't for everyone you know if you don't like a pack then you don't like a pack but i i think that personally seasons is one of my favorite ones [Music] my thoughts on city living i think it's a good pack um i think if they made it today it would be better because they've kind of gotten more into their stride with the the packs that they make but um i think that city living is a good pack i wish that it had some smaller apartments though i think they're all too big [Music] uh sure i don't have a like a paypal donation like that's what you're looking for um i don't i don't have like streamlabs or paper donations on um so that that command doesn't work because i don't have like a paypal donation link um for like tips or whatever um let me see i don't know what i wanna but yeah also city living was the first pack that i ever got invited to an event for they flew me all the way to california when i had 40 000 subscribers and there was like 20 people at the event and they picked me for city living for one of the earlier sims camps and that was like the best day of my life hands down one of the coolest things that has ever happened to me i will never forget that day um it was really exciting they put a lot of faith in me um and i will always be very grateful for city living and for that opportunity so city living is a little bit special to me i think because of that you know um because it was like such a cool and exciting day and opportunity when i got to go up there for that um and that's like when i met sasha for the first time and stuff so i like city living for that reason the good old days the good old days what do you mean ida people celebrate the discord role still did we just miss one is that what happened what are you talking about and look at me now yeah honestly um alyssa loves seafoam pudding i like it i like it that is a nice username um how do i feel about the apartment building homes aesthetic wise the sf apartment building homes like san francisco or are we talking about san maishuno because san francisco has cool buildings um okay good i was just making sure i was like are we talking about the sims are we talking about real life where which one are we talking about i think that san francisco is pretty cool frankly i have been in san francisco like four or five times now for events i have never gotten to do anything interesting there because i was always flying out like in the middle of the school year for like two days going there working and then flying straight home and like i never got a chance to like go around and like do anything um so i've like on the day that i got there a couple times like because we would fly in in the morning i would like get to go around and like i've like seen the golden gate bridge but um that was like that's it we just drove out there in like an uber and then went back to redwood city so um i haven't gotten to do much in san francisco we always said like like steph and molly and jesse and like sasha and all of us were always like next time we're gonna like actually stay a little bit longer and and actually do something and then there was a pandemic so who knows that there'll even be a next time i don't know but i always was like oh once i graduate like i'll be able to actually like do something there because we'll have a little bit more time you know um but yeah clary if you use the timer's about point reward because it's my mods literally will time you out and when someone gets timed out it automatically deletes all their messages in chat um so that's that is what the timer seven point word is like it literally times you out when you click on it you have redeemed a thing that will literally time you out so yes indeed that point reward does delete your messages i don't know what bed i want to use hmm is there a fourth discord roll no i think there's just three um i think egg weenie rick yeah i know there's just three um i don't want to add another one it's too much it's too much i swear we already have too many um lin thank you for the eight month resub um char thank you for the bits you're building a house right now you need help making a a family and a story to live in it oh no um maybe the the dad is an artist and he's a single dad and he's got three kids there you go he needs the studio that's the story that's what i invented um hope it helps i don't know what to i don't know what i i don't oh shall be yawning kayla i want like some more color in the rooms you know [Music] you're gonna use this nice i don't know christine we'll see i don't know um we'll put colorful paper don't worry but i want a bed in here so with your head facing away from the door or either or um so in my bedroom at home wait i'm really i'm suddenly very confused no yeah okay this my bed is like this the room is smaller than this um but my bed is like this so i'm not i guess i'm kind of facing the door but i'm not the door isn't on the wall my bed faces that's the answer to your question i just had to think so hard about that i was like i don't understand where the door is i don't i was like i don't understand this image that i'm looking at what have i created um but that's just because like the the wall i just that's the wall that makes sense for a bed so that's the bed the wall that i put the bed on you know um because i mean that's sort of how it works right if the if the wall like fits the bed then the bed goes on that wall um because the wall across from it there's like a door to the closet in the bathroom or whatever i guess it would be this wall but the room is smaller so i don't know what bed to put i'm getting so distracted pietro thank you for the amy thank you for the sub by the way thank you so much moosie thank you for the eight months yeah i don't really think too much about that like where my more i'm facing like am i facing the door or not i don't really think too much about it i've heard that lucy the bed in my room wouldn't fit on the wall the door is on i guess it might but like kind of the room is smaller than this right but like you know you can't really put the bed on this wall when the door is like that so the bed is the bed is not um on the same wall as the door in my room so i don't i don't know what bed to put i'm just scrolling back and forth i'm like not making any progress is switch icing up again oh no that's not good glass thank you for the bids bailey thank you for the six months also thank you so much you guys um uh oh uh oh hopefully it's fine and it's just a weird glitch and all of them don't break because that would be sad um oh you know what i think i have some housekeeping things to talk about what what did i just do oh never mind i closed the i switched to the wrong scene in the wrong obs i have two obs open like one that i was recording in i mean like plans for the week because the weakest we have to address inauguration day okay we need to make a plan because why why i'm so not in focus so the inauguration is this week obviously on the 20th in a couple days um i'm a little bit scared so basically on election day twitch chat was so overwhelmingly spammy and scary right like i said this before but i came on stream on election day and i had my like i voted sticker on and i was gonna be like hey chat please vote and then chaos ensued there were so many words and so much yelling and i i don't anticipate this happening on wednesday but what if it does um like i am a little bit afraid of the chaos so we'll we'll have to like you know we might we might put like follower only mode on too because you never know what kind of trolls are going to be around so we'll mod only imagine can we get a chat with just like 10 people and it's just my mods um but that's happening on thursday i've got a fun idea for a fun build that i want to do so that'll be kind of exciting um i think tomorrow i might play stardew valley with dan um so fingers crossed on that one and then maybe on friday we could do some animal crossing i think that might be the plan um but i think dan and i will play started tomorrow because we were gonna play it on saturday but then um my villager left so i had to hunt we we had to play animal crossing it was very important thank you for the four month reset thank you so much um but if you come in here and we have like follower only mode on or something like just know that we're you know avoiding chaos and and such um but i um if it gets really bad we might put it on some only chat i don't want to do that and you're saying even as a nonstop right um but like that's that's the kind of thing that like we usually would only save in case there's like extreme chaos and obviously i don't want to like leave anybody out but you know if there is like chaos we might do that um that's the same thing that like with like a moat only mode or whatever like that's ridiculous but if it's like somehow something really bad is happening we might do that just to be like okay calm down everybody please um so you know i'll obviously i'll explain in the discord if we need to do that or whatever but we probably won't it should be fine i've actually never done sub only mode for like anything except for the time because usually follower only mode solves the problem like if you're getting like bought it or whatever because you can put like three hour long follower only mode on and then the bots can't type in your chat and it's fine um so never actually had to do that but like peop there are workarounds to follow only mode and like if that's not even helping you know but we should be okay it shouldn't be a problem um but obviously southerly mode is like a last resort in case of like disaster you know like bots spamming the chat and you can't stop them so you have to like put sub only mode on or whatever but we probably don't need to do that either um i that's that's like us being like overly cautious and for what inauguration day like that's not gonna be a problem it'll be fine um but anyway the same thing goes for like just in general spammy stuff though like you've probably seen us get botted before um and that's when like someone sometimes for example like some weird random streamer will like make a bunch of bots and then like bot raid attack streams and then they'll have bots being like follow so and so on twitch yelling at all caps and it's like all of a sudden like a thousand messages in chat from a thousand different accounts all spamming it um and those things can work around follower only mode sometimes like i said but if you put on a long enough follow-only mode they can't um but anyway that probably won't happen it'll be fine um that's just like a that's more of a concern when you're like on the front page you know um has thank you for the two months armand thank you for the 13 months thank you so much you guys um just got vaccinated that's amazing that's that's awesome news congratulations um shan thank you for the five different subs what the heck thank you so much i really appreciate that thank you i remembered i'm a sub well thank you i almost said congratulations but congrats on paying me congratulations but yeah it should be okay i'm not that concerned about it but i don't know you just whenever there's like a massive thing that like could result in trolls on the internet you want to be like prepared so um we'll be we'll be ready hey bud thank you for the two months thanks for the bits again thank you so much you got gifted that's awesome um it's always fun when you like get a gifted sub especially when it's randomly um like i've gotten gifted subs in streams before there's like like 10 000 viewers and it's like i got a gifted sub i was the random account that was randomly selected to have a gifted sub um crap what do you mean oh there was no like issues with dr lupo stream in the spam you know what i don't actually know what happened in my own chat during dr lupo stream when i was on his channel because i was in his chat yeah we're we're talking um specifically about like wednesday and stuff so jack thank you for the three month resub um i appreciate you so much it was chill yeah i imagine it would be so anyway anyway everyone was nice they why wouldn't they be i mean why would they come to my chat to be well people come to this chats meet me when i wasn't even looking at it imagine bam okay so my plans for cleaning my house i'm gonna clean my oven on thursday i'm gonna um oh there was an incident this weekend i was making food as you do on friday night i boiled my food i like cooked on the stove i was ready i was making pasta and i had like like a little like the vegetables it was like a bag of like green beans right and it was in plastic well i took my pot off the hot burner on the stove i moved it i went to pick up the bag of green beans to put them away i dropped the plastic bag of green beans on the hot burner on the stove plastic melts onto the stove it was not good um i managed to get it off like once it was like cooled and stuff i was able to like scrape it off you know with like a razor blade or whatever and then it was fine um but that was a very stressful situation because i have never previously melted plastic onto a stove before um so that was bad uh but it was fine nothing happened like it didn't like start a fire or anything it also was like a very small amount like it was like just it was like the tiniest bit like it didn't like smell up the house with burning plastic or whatever but um it was an unfortunate situation and it stressed me out a lot you melted a plastic cutting board on your stove once oh no i saw a picture once of this person that had put like um like a plastic sheet in their oven and like or like left one in there and turned it on and the thing like just melted all through the oven like oh my god that is horrible were the beans okay oh yeah it was fun everything was fine it just there was like some plastic melted and stuck onto the stove yeah and i didn't burn myself which is good because that would have been not good but it ruined a whole burner yeah i'm glad that mine wasn't ruined because i thought it was and then i was like well now what am i gonna do what i ruined my stove like what do you what do you do now where do you go from here oh little deacon thank you for the bits you piece up in the stove and the stove oven because you don't have cabinets to store it and once i forgot about that and started creating the oven for baking and melted the plastic feed of it oh no oh no yes see that's so easy to do if you don't have storage you like leave stuff in the oven like pots and pans and like a pizza oven and then you forget and then turn the oven on and then all of a sudden you melt plastic feed off your pizza oven yeah luckily um i keep like um like a baking sheet in the oven because i don't have anywhere to put it but like that's fine because you leave it in there it's like metal and it's meant to go in the oven it's just annoying because you gotta like take out the hot thing um i've only done it like once though but anyway your mom was using your airfryer on the stove and it must have turned the thing on by accident oh that's my worst nightmare like turning the thingy on by accident while you're like touching the stove or whatever anyway um i haven't burnt myself in a while either luckily watch um now i've said it i'm gonna jinx myself you know what's my worst nightmare i don't know why because my cat doesn't go on the counters but i'm always so scared that my cat is going to step on the hot stove she doesn't go near the stove she doesn't go on the counter but i just i'm like what if what if she comes in here and steps on it like because once i turn it off and i like go eat and i'm not in there anymore and it's still hot like what if she walks across it but she's not going to because she why would she she's never like done that before but i'm like what if she walks across the hot stove and it's not cooled yet i don't want her to burn her footsie that would be terrible omar thank you for the two months uh dad thank you for the two months gal thank you for the bits um i really appreciate you i'm glad i could be i thought i'd be a distraction for you thank you so much for the for the nice words you were too nice to me um scott thank you for the seven months vincent thank you for the for the bits um fake thank you for the prime stuff ally thank you for the bits jen that you're for the prime sub thank you so much yeah not her little toe beans i get scared having candles lit too but she doesn't like i keep a candle on my desk lit sometimes so she doesn't like walk across my desk really and it's usually over here and she like sits on my lap here but i also get nervous about candles with my cat but i'm i don't know she's gonna be fine she's never like gone anywhere near it but like as soon as she comes in here i'm like oh no i'm gonna turn that one off turn it off blow it out turn the candle off yeah not a good match not a good match but as soon as she comes in here i'm like yep nope put the lid on that one please do you know what i did one time oh my god when i was younger when i was in high school i had a candle on my desk lit and i blew it out and then i knocked it off it wasn't like lit when it fell off the desk but it had been previously lit so there was like melty wax all in it and i knocked it off my desk and the wax went all over the carpet and all over the wall and it was like a pumpkin candle so it was orange and i got orange wax all like it like spilled like i dumped like liquid wax all over the carpet and the wall because it splattered on the wall and then it got on the carpet and it never fully came out of that carpet my parents replaced the carpet since then so like it's not there anymore they didn't replace it because that was just old carpet so they replaced it like a couple years later because all the carpets were getting replaced but um yeah i spilled candle wax all over the carpet so you knocked a bottle of nail polish off your desk and it went everywhere and stained the grout dark green that nail polish thing is like one of my worst nightmares tj thank you for the prime stuff thank you so much oh no when i first moved here i was like painting this um thingy to put in the laundry room right i was just like doing some painty artwork and i had like a but i was painting the whole thing like one color first i was painting it all white so i had like a bigger thing of white paint like like that big and i was sitting on i had a rug on the floor thank god in this room because it's carpeted but i was on there was a rug on top of the carpet and i was painting it and i spilled i knocked over the white paint and it spilled all over the rug and then the rug was no more because there was a white paint all over the rug and thank god it wasn't like the actual floor because that would have been horrible if you got white paint all over the carpet like that in here but it wasn't it was just the rug but the rug is it's not all over but it was like a big blotchy stain of white paint but then we gave the rug to my sister and then her bed is on top of the rug so you can't see the white paint so that worked out um but um problem solved there but it was not a good situation oh the pasta incident no this is bad this is a bad one this is like a few months ago i made pasta with like red tomato sauce on it right i'm walking upstairs to come sit at my desk and eat the pasta i trip up the stairs while holding my pasta okay the bowl goes like this it goes flip right onto the ground and of course as it's flipping pasta's flying everywhere sauce is flying everywhere there's pasta and sauce upside down on the carpet it splattered everywhere there was sauce on the walls there was sauce on the door you know i don't understand how it went so far like it it was everywhere like across the whole hallway red sauce all the walls like i swear i still find soft spots and i'm just kidding but like i i i wouldn't be surprised if there was like sauce i missed on a random wall somewhere like sauce everywhere um i managed to get it out of the carpet and off the walls easily but it was um a very stressful experience having read sauce everywhere luckily this carpet is also brown so like you know it helps but that was an upsetting incident i'm gonna be honest and then i was on the floor the pasta was on the floor the sauce is everywhere i cried i definitely cried yeah um it made for a funny it wasn't on the ceiling thank god because i was low to the ground keep in mind that you know i fell up the stairs so i i was yeah but it didn't go up it just went out out everywhere across like all of the walls and doors i just i don't understand how it spread that far there was like i don't have a picture i could probably try and find one eventually but i couldn't find it fast i don't think but like i don't understand how the sauce got on the doors like that so far away like tell me how i know you can't see the light of my house you know where my office door is compared to the stairs but like how was there pasta sauce on the door to this room that doesn't make any sense it's like it flew around a corner or something i don't understand i anyway it was a mess but it's okay i fixed it i i saved it it's fine hope thank you for the 39 months by nice meme but thank you for the 39 months hope love for all people thank you for the bits isabelle thank you for the prime sub um thank you guys so much once everyone tripped and launched tea into the wall and the stains are still there oh god that's horrible i haven't done that's i haven't had any big big mistakes since this this the pasta one was the main incident here the pasta and the paint but i haven't done anything else or spilled anything else bad not to jinx it but oh my god you know what i did do once after i got my wisdom teeth out it was that week i made myself oatmeal okay oh no no it was cereal i had cereal maybe it wasn't maybe it wasn't wasn't too thin never mind unrelated just the time i had cereal and i didn't finish all of it so there was like some of the like cereal at the bottom and like oat milk all together in there right and i was walking into the kitchen to put it in the sink and i dropped the bowl and the bowl shattered and the the cereal and the milk went everywhere in the kitchen on the floor and of course it was the kitchen it's like tile so i could clean it it was fine um but i cried then too because it made a loud noise and the bowl broke and there was oat milk everywhere but you know it's okay it happens at least that wasn't like carpet because that could have been bad um you spilled fruit punch all over the carpet near your desk oh that's horrible that reminds me kind of desk related story i had like a sticky note on my desk picture oh this one is this is the one that i was using to draw out my farm plan in sturdy valley but essentially there was like i had like a pink sticky note on my desk and i like had pulled it off and like stuck the sticky note down on my desk on my old desk at home my desk was white at home and then i must have like accidentally set my water in a glass not in a bottle on top of the sticky note and then it made like a little ring you know um of water on the sticky note and then that made the sticky note stain the white desk so there was like a pink circle on my desk from the water and the sticky note so that happened to you yeah what's up with that um your current desk has so many sticky stains that's so funny you stain your own desk with sticky notes yeah maggie has a lot of sticky notes because maggie puts up a sticky note behind her and her stream for every sub so maggie has a lot of sticky notes i can very much see that happening to you yeah anyway you better watch out for sticky notes okay it's dangerous condensation caused a cough drop to melt on your desk once oh no a cough drop that's horrible amelia thank you for the bits um wait some mean kid got mad that she couldn't write on your school binder so while she was in the bathroom she dumped nail polish on your dollhouse so she waited for you to go into the bathroom and then she put nail polish on your toys i'm sorry kids are mean that's mean um oh wait father fold this is a good one okay okay this one time so i was um i was in a discord call with dan right we were sitting in our at my desk and he was sitting at his but in different countries we were on a discord call we were both watching a tv show together but we'd like you know press play at the same time from our separate he lives in england we're in different countries keep that in mind different countries and i start hearing like a smoke detector beep that's like replace my battery chirp replace my battery chirp but it doesn't actually say replace your body just it's just chirping like replace the battery and i start freaking out because i have a somewhat severe fear of fire right and i also um the so the sound of like fire alarms really sets me off so like the chirping my heart starts racing i'm like because sometimes i like feel like i'm hallucinating the sounds of fire alarms chirping i'm not kidding and so i was sitting here like am i imagining that or is that really happening is that the show or is that really happening oh my god oh my god oh my god and so i i get up i facetime dan because i'm really stressed and i'm like running around my house and i'm like i can't hear it i can't tell which one it is because wherever i go i can still hear it so i'm running around the house i'm trying to find batteries i'm trying to get a step ladder so i can reach the ceiling and change the batteries i slowly but surely change every fire alarm battery in my whole house there's like four of them right i even go in and then i've changed them all it doesn't stop so i go into the garage and like do i switch off the breaker to it like how do i make it stop what's going on i'm crying at this point i'm texting my dad crying like dad it's not stopping what do i do and when you change it you have to like put the battery in and then you like hold the button to reset so you're standing up next to it and it like screams in your ear when it resets and so i'm like getting more and more stressed i'm crying the things screaming at me it's still chirping everywhere i go i can still hear it chirping i'm in the garage i can still hear it chirping my dad comes over at this point it's 1am my dad drives over to my house okay and i'm crying and he's like it's gonna be okay we can fix this and once my dad is here dan feels like he can you know go go leave and like get some water or like go to the bathroom whatever he was still on facetime with me the whole time but he mutes himself when he leaves to go to the bathroom and once he's gone and it's muted the chirping stops and at this point dan is gone and he realizes that the fire alarm in his kitchen is the one that's chirping so for the past like hour and a half i've been running around my house i've been crying my dad came over to my house at 1am to help me solve this chaos and the whole time it was dan's fire alarm it was dan's fire alarm the whole time isn't that so funny i was like messing my mods too like what do i do why isn't it stopping like it was just it was the most chaos and he didn't realize because he like assumed that because i was the one running around that it must have been my house and like i do i don't know but he didn't he didn't notice it was his house and and not mine so i think that's really funny it was it was really funny when we realized too because my dad at this point my dad had driven all the way over here at like 1am to help me fix it and because it wasn't like i changed all the batteries and it wasn't stopping and my dad had come all the way here and then it was dan's house so my dad came all the way here for no reason anyway um when did this happen oh like two or three months ago this is pretty recent oh maybe long i don't know this recently a few months ago was this kitchen okay oh yeah the thing is the fire alarm just chirps when it needs a new battery it's not like it's nothing wrong with it um it just like chirps every few minutes to be like hey change my battery um to like remind you that its battery is getting low um there wasn't like a fire or anything it was just the battery chirping telling you to change the battery um so don't worry it wasn't like he didn't notice there was a fire it was just this motorcycle being like my battery's low um and usually you can oh hi dad i was just telling the story of the time that dan's smoke detector was chirping and um we were running around my house trying to think it was mine trying to fix it because we were on facetime with dan anyway i thought i was going crazy because keep in mind i had like dan on facetime in my hand and like everywhere i went it was still as loud as it was everywhere like it was never quieter so i was like i don't understand what the thing is because no matter where i go i can still hear it like i can still hear it in the garage how is there even one in the garage and i was like freaking out like crying thinking i was going crazy because i could still hear it everywhere it was his house the whole time it was his house yeah he could hear it but he thought it was mine because i was the one who was like listening for it and like freaking out about it because i'm so paranoid about fire and he's not anyway um shout out to my dad for coming over here even though he didn't need to oh if there was actually a fire at his house he would have been able to hear it um the smoke detectors are way louder when there's like actually a problem like when they're actually going off you're not gonna miss it but when it's just chirping because it needs the battery replaced keep in mind it was playing from like a different room and his door was closed um so he might not even realize it was there if i hadn't pointed it out but i'm so paranoid about it that i would definitely notice um and like he has um like noise cancelling headphones in too and i'm i'm like hearing the mic pick it up but he's got like bigger headphones that are cancelling out the noise so it probably sounded louder to me than it did to him to be honest because when mike was picking it up but he probably couldn't hear it that loud through his headphones so hanson thank you for the primes though um am i live i am indeed live yes um anyway it's kind of funny so anyway oh dad i cut my hair it doesn't look that good but i cut my hair before i went live today that's my life update and then i thought it looked bad so i cried but you can't tell that it looks bad on camera so um and send me thank you both for the resets by the way um cow plan i might get off like now to be honest um i'm supposed to go to my parents house for dinner tonight so i might leave now so thank you for the seven months i need a nose job sam yeah i think you need a nose job sam you must be saying that from a place of being really self-conscious that was your second message ever in chat geez louise that you're my dad said yay probably about me coming over but i like the idea of someone getting banned on my dad saying yay someone gets banned and then my dad's like yay you need a nose job yay um no they were saying that just because they knew it would poke my buttons don't worry i'm okay i've seen a lot worse spooky thank you for the bits i appreciate that don't worry they are banned dad don't worry i look forward to their ban appeal um the last time someone got banned telling me they needed a nose job their ban appeal was like that's just a thing me and my friends say you didn't realize it would hurt my feelings because you and your friends just joke about people needing nose jobs like what do you that's a new one that doesn't make any sense um but anyway i think they were a kid evil has arrived hey frost what's up roll out the red carpet [Laughter] okay that's a dumb joke i'm sorry i didn't that wasn't a good one that wasn't a good one i'm sorry i apologize i'm sorry um anyway i so the nose thing the nose thing is a very serious um insecurity of mine uh and a lot of people make comments about my nose but now that i've tweeted about it it's just gotten worse so it feels a bit more easy for this sounds dumb but i'm more desensitized to it now is kayla using color and a build okay yeah i know shocking right um htg thank you for the bits i appreciate that it's okay i understand don't worry i know you didn't mean it in a bad way um but i like this apartment i'm kind of excited about it i'm still not sure what to put here though that's kind of why i've gotten stuck is because i feel like i need to put like a bookshelf there or something but i'm not how about a lamp maybe a floor lamp could help a bicycle maybe um nancy thank you for the for the sub gifted sound guru frost thank you so much this sturdy valley soundtrack this is sam's band oh boy my favorite song is up next everybody get ready everyone get ready that's fine right i guess there's that like craftable lamp too testing the cheeks on here we go so [Music] that works i like that room i think that's very nice i don't even want to talk over it this is the best part [Music] wow anyway that's sam's band everybody give it up for sam's band um my favorite artist do you think we can get him to record a song in simlish for the sims 4. samuel frost is here can we get um sam from stardew valley to record a song in siblings thank you for the prime stuff that's how it works right get a fictional character to record some music for us yeah this song is a 37 second song called a dark corner of the past by the way i know it was very quiet you could barely hear it but just so you know the the song after sam's band heavy version is called a dark corner of the past and the frat house sounds like a good idea that could be fun i don't know what bookshelf to put in here maybe none [Music] maybe i should put a fire alarm wait just don't want to you know hopefully it won't chirp for no reason because we all know how that goes don't worry hgg you're okay thank you for the bits kendra thank you for the sub a painting yeah i was thinking about maybe a mirror to be honest i think a mirror in the hallway because it's like a small hallway the mirror could make it feel bigger that would be nice that's so funny lucy i could imagine that feeling of you like because so much of the story like soundtrack is like so calm and it sounds like this you know and then sam's band comes on and it's just not that okay um i can try and put a small rug in the hallway too i have permission to name your car it's a small red car beatrice i would like you to name your car beatrice yeah i'll see it candy if you post it on twitter or instagram i'll definitely see it don't talk about car jesus samson we can't bring up car jesus again it's too soon please no no not this again without context that sounds so ridiculous i this is horrible what did you miss okay so in an animal crossing stream last week um we were playing um we were playing animal crossing and for some reason we got talking about the cars cinematic universe like disney's film cars and how there's a car pope and so if there's a car pope there must be a car god and also a car jesus right and that's the joke that's what we're talking about and also because chat was broken like twitch broke the chat was mod only so nobody could comment on it so it's like just my mods and i talking about car jesus and everybody else just watching yeah and then by extension like other other religions must exist as well in the car universe you know so like it just it all started with car pope in fact it started with okay here's an important question we first started talking about does mrs incredible have bones and it or or does she have stretchy bones and then it became car jesus um and like hope says we are curious what happens in in simsie's mod chat in like my mod hangout mods chat and discord it's this now you're in on the joke um but i personally think she has no bones i saw a theory that perhaps she dissolves her bones and then regrows them very quickly when she needs them and that's what i think she does i think she has no bones and she can dissolve them well warren thank you for the two months oh we think you're the bits stop talking about car jesus car jesus drove on water but see if she didn't have bones how could she walk see i think she has bones but she dissolves them it goes from bones to no bones it's a combination of both nanny thank you for the two months um laura thank you for the bits oh no kendra thank you for the sub as well there's no bones left stop why are we why are we doing this i swear every day this week we have this conversation it's literally once a day for every single day somebody brings up car jesus and then we're talking about bones i mean without fail every time we can't escape adventure thank you for the prize okay that's true her superpower is stretching she doesn't have like a regrowing superpower so can she stretch she can probably stretch her bones but not regrow them but i don't like the idea of stretchy bones i also have one more question can she flatten her head because you know that part where she like becomes a parachute her head is still her head but her whole body becomes a parachute right can she flatten her head you think yes i'm not sure you know how cats can like get anywhere as long as it's like bigger than their head like they can pretty much flatten their whole body except for their head i think that mrs incredible is much like a cat so she can't like crawl under things unless it's smaller or less it's bigger than her head i mean unless she can flatten her head in which case she could like slide underneath doors and that would be very useful see i feel like she probably could they just didn't for like movie purposes like for the sake of the animation looking like her still they didn't flatten her head but she probably could if she wanted to you know but just for like the sake of the movie they never did because it's like a movie and they want her head to be still recognizable as mrs incredible i don't know i'm not sure abigail thank you for the six months spontaneous thank you for the bits um these are all very important questions does that mean she is liquid much like a cat yes cats are liquid so this is incredible i just i i don't i don't like thinking about it too much i don't like giving this too much thought maybe i should watch the incredibles again you know what that villain in the incredibles i hate to say it but i want to punch that guy i don't like that guy i know he's the villain but he's not like a scary villain he's just so annoying i hate that guy same thing with that man in the orange jumpsuit from um it's that movie with the evil guy i'm talking despicable me yes the orange jumpsuit guy i can't deal with him vector sure he he deserves to be punched as well i'm not not a fan of violence but those people i kind of want to watch despicable me now i haven't seen that movie in a long time he's a great villain no no i like him better than the one from incredibles but he still doesn't mean he doesn't deserve to get punched he's funny but he deserves to be punched free thank you for the 24 months that's true nancy maybe that's how it works sydney thank you for the prime stuff man thank you for the bits if she flattened her head children would cry that's true you don't want to scare the kids too much okay i'm gonna get some like an orange suburban for vector that's a good idea okay um that looks not right i don't like it perhaps a lamp maddie thank you for the 16 months maggie we are maggie i i hate to say it but we are we're talking about mrs incredible again i just can't escape it uh morgan thank you for the 12 months amber thank you for the bits i think i'm caught up then okay i'm gonna finish the hallway and then i i was gonna get off stream like 30 minutes ago i swear um but i'm gonna finish the hallway and i'm gonna get upstream um i hate to run early but i need to a little bit because i'm going to see my parents um who's you think i'm mrs incredible we have a similar haircut i look more like the bee movie lady though than mrs incredible um which is probably worse but i do look like the bee movie lady i you know i can't deny that so it's just the truth i look just like her talk to your parents about jar jesus not another kind we already have car jesus to deal with make it stop i'm saving my game i gotta go it must have been a typo but i i gotta go this is too much this is it's too much okay well thank you for hanging out today scene yeah exactly uh it's been fun but yeah it's been real everybody um you know what i'm trying to think who have we not rated in a while i want to rate somebody who's playing the sims but who have we not gone over to see in a bit oh my goodness wait i just looked up now i haven't been here before because i was looking at the sims 4 catalog like who catalog i was looking at who's live playing the sims 4. i found a person named kayla okay their name is candidly kayla i'm telling you oh they're on follower only mode oh no i don't know how how high follower only mode they're on oh i just realized um well either way their name is candidly kayla um and my name is kayla and we might go over there and say hi um don't spam them too much because they're on follower only mode um but i think we should go over and say hi because i mean my name is kayla their name is kayla i mean like this is just you know so i think it's time but don't spam anybody too much kayla thank you for the three months your name is kayla my name is kayla thank you for hanging out you guys i will see you all tomorrow um we're probably gonna play some story value with dan tomorrow um and then i have very exciting plans for thursday in the sims wednesday and thursday in the sims wait what's wednesday was i gonna play animal crossing i don't know i have i have an exciting bill i'm going to do on thursday all right i'll see you all later thank you for hanging out okay goodbye
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 180,245
Rating: 4.9051094 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: iHa-5z6tE10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 33sec (10413 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 22 2021
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