Let's Build a Farm in The Sims 4 (Part 1)

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hi everybody its Kayla and welcome back to the let's build in the sims 4 today we are starting a beautiful a wonderful amazing farm not just farmhouse a farm ok I'm building a farmhouse some green houses farmland like I'm going all out ok that's kind of an ambitious project I've got a 50 by 50 lot which is almost certainly a mistake but I just want to give it a shot ok I have this reference picture that I'm kind of looking at and I feel like it's something that could end up being really really cool it's more of like a vibe than actual reference picture though because I'm not gonna like build that house I think mines gonna be 2 stories although we'll see what happens I just like the idea of that sort of style of farmhouse and then I want it to be kind of like over here on the lot and then we'll have like some fun landscaping some farmland some greenhouses it's gonna be really cool I promise I did let's build like 2 weeks you know some some weeks ago I didn't let's build where I built this Mediterranean mansion I'll link those down below for you guys if you're kind of interested in seeing them but I figured due to the overwhelming support for that series we should come back and do another everybody's just that I do like some sort of beach house or modern house or something for the next one and I suggest that I do a farmhouse and so I'm doing a farmhouse I just don't know how to do it for like a modern beach house kind of thing I don't where's the beach house gonna go if it's gonna be modern we know I can't pull it off like we let me live my farm dream okay let me play start a valley in the Sims that's a fun let's build series building stardew valley in the sims another time another time ok let's begin I'm going to start off by putting and you won't believe it a fancy box down I'm gonna scoot it over a little bit actually I'll put it there for now we'll see what happened but fancy box is always the way to go as far as these things go as you can see I want it to be fairly symmetrical like this I don't know if this is too wide or not but we can always make it a little bit smaller I know that I want it to look this way though I think if I make this bigger no keep it small keep it Cinzia calm down ok I dunno I want a second floor at least for now do I want it to be exactly the same on the front and the back hmm it might be well I guess we'll see maybe I'll put like some sort of thing back here I don't know if I like that or not but who knows we'll figure it out as far as these things go we could do like a bigger sort of wraparound Torche if I do it this way oh that's kind of fun actually we can make it look like that see see I know what I'm doing okay I'm so good at this we can have like dormers and stuff too I don't know we'll see what happens but I think I'm gonna put it on like a fairly high foundation too and then I want to get some sort of like fun entryway ooh that's too wide I need to make it skinnier yes okay I think I think this is good you guys this is gonna be a whole kind of mess trying to do this build we're gonna have a lot of like I don't know trial and error as we as we try and make this happen because it is definitely a weird build and definitely something's gonna take us a long time to make sense of I guess yeah it's strange it's a strange one I'm gonna put a ceiling back here so that we have all right that makes sense I don't know if I actually want this to be I think I'll leave it like that for now bear with me I have an idea because I think I want to do the dormers up up like at the top in the roof area but I also know I want it to be kind of flat looking so not certain how big it needs to be but I feel like if I put it like this we can have dormers that's fine this works that's so good and then I can put like a three wide one two maybe that's my dream okay I don't know if I can actually pull it off but that's my dream Oh we'll see what happens it's this looks a little bit more stately than like the cutesy little farmhouse I was originally going for but maybe just cuz it's so big right now and it needs to be made smaller we'll figure it out when in doubt make it smaller folks that's what I always say all right so we'll put that there I think I need to put some sort of bump out in the front like this I think the second floor might be the issue I think that could be the big problem when we try and do this because I think in my mind this house does not have a second floor cuz the picture we were looking at was only one floor and obviously that doesn't mean that this one has to be the only one story but like I don't know it's kind of the vibe that we were going for originally and like now it's ruined I don't really know what we're gonna do about that okay I also feel like if the back is gonna look like this it's not gonna have that same farmhouse kind of vibe I think I'll put a chimney on this side because one it helps hide all the awful as far as like all these roof Clippy boys but to chimney up here yeah the roof is too tall isn't it that's disappointing okay well no we'll make it work we'll make it work it'll be fine that's too tall - this is so much more grand but I wanted it to be what am I gonna do about this okay maybe if I make it smaller just by one tile on either side cuz then it's not quite as grand and also it's like a little bit more even looking this could be a good thing again this is gonna take a lot of us like messing with things and fiddling with it and try to make it better because this is a weird build okay it's gonna be a problem we just have to accept that right now and live with it and roll with it and make it happen okay so that's a mess - I'm getting stressed already and I literally just started I think once we have the actual vibe though this is the hardest part making the whole house makes sense but once we've got that done it'll be way easier don't even worry about it because look that's a little bit better mmm I hope I certainly hope it's a little bit better okay so the original house they had like a triangle bit right here I don't know if I want that there but they had like roofing in it and I'm not certain not something that I want but we'll figure it out I also kind of like how they have this thing but then I can put this is the roof on each of the dormers maybe oh maybe we won't put the dormer there we'll just have to dormers but it doesn't look like a farmhouse this is just on one side there was this like addition kind of thing maybe that's the problem is that it's two-sided oh just the one side I think that helps only having it over there I can maybe make it like a little bit wider if I do it on just the one side Oh interesting wait I like this okay see we can pull this off we can make this work what happened over here something is that something weird going on what's wait oh this is messed up oh this is a mess we'll be fine it'll be fine is this even exactly it's the existence of that a problem is that what's happening here but I don't want this to be all flat on the second story no this is much more difficult than I anticipated hang on if I make the roof because it can be a little bit shorter now that might help I also think that if we make this taller that could be a good thing for us okay I think we can pull this off I'll just be small windows up there all right don't make it work don't even worry about it okay okay let's see if we can take some sort of columns I'm not certain which one I think that these kind of fit the style of the house that's unfortunate placement the way that it's looking right there okay oh boy is it possible what if I put more of them like right here I can do that cuz then there's gonna be this big boy three wide door in there maybe this one and then as far as the windows go I'm kind of thinking maybe it'd be best if I put a bump out so I can put a window right there maybe if it's smaller that's fine can I put like this roof on top of it this is a really weird bill oh no see this is what I get for trying to do something new maybe if the porch wrapped around more and it was less symmetrical like if we had a full-on wraparound porch all around this way this might save us hang on okay so this this requires some level of I don't know annoying messing with the build but this could be really good for us so let's see if I can make it work so I'm gonna take this piece of roof and I'm gonna make it match I think I'll make this lower then like one tile lower okay I mean it works and it matches and then the back is all gonna look really good and match and stuff so it should be fine I'm imagining I mean it's gonna be a pain to make it happen but but once it works it'll be good and it actually wasn't that much of a pain to make happen like I just finished it it's done now I complained for no reason which is not surprising to anyone this is just who I am okay I'm not certain I like this but again is that surprising either I don't think so this is just who I am that's bad I like the wraparound porch though I think the wraparound porch makes a lot of sense especially given the style of the house and I really think it's fun but big wraparound porch doesn't need to be that many tiles wide I'm not sure okay either way we'll make it good it'll be so good when I'm done mark my words okay so we are now met with the problem of how to do what if I made this B these could be one tile wide I mean given how small the second floor of the house is now they can be one tile wide only and then I could probably put like a matching thing right there I okay I like this this is growing on me this is not bad at all I think I'll expand this out on just this side because it clips back into there it looks really good wait I'm really excited about you guys I'm having fun okay so as far as this roof goes I want to hide this roof so there's a few steps to do it I'm just gonna copy that make it smaller and then make another piece just some like messing with them you said hang off so that we can make it match better but I don't know is it worth leaving this part just like plain and not anything does that make sense what I just said also is it worth dragging that all the way back there how am I gonna okay so making roofs line up and look good in the Sims 4 is so frustrating but it's not actually that difficult I fixed it already there you go okay so I'm wondering though if I should put like more dormers up here like if I should put a couple small dormers on this roof in the back there or or if I should put something bigger I think I like the dormers though I'm just not certain what to do about the second floor up here cuz the second floor oh that's ugly Rose hang it is that good that's fine okay got there in the end no but I'm not sure what I want to do I think this is actually fine I'll just make sure the windows line up in a nice way or something yeah that's okay and then we'll put maybe like some sort of small bump out over here just so that it does something different or wait oh I have an idea we could put this way we can get some fun windows in here I'll put a room like this because then I can will have a nice roof that'll go on top of that it's just like a simple thing on the side of the house it's not is a weird looking I guess is the word that I'm looking for but I'll just go like that cuz there it'll make for a fun room we could put like a dining room there or something so that it's just got something exciting some fun big windows coming out of it I guess is my point that's the aim at least now should I make the first floor two or medium wall height or is that gonna be too tall that's two grand nope okay tone it down sim see I really like this house okay I'm pleased I'm doing so well I'm doing so good I'm such a good builder alright except for this this is ugly let's get a smaller wall oh no oh my god okay no there we go there we go better calm down folks everything's okay I think I might change the columns I know I liked these columns initially but and these are kind of like the ones that are in the picture I was looking at for reference they're just like a little bit more stately my chest is why I chose them but they're also maybe like to stately is that a weird thing to say I don't want to use stranger bill I don't think but other column options like for example these make perfect sense those are really fancy - were these the ones I just use those are way too fancy these are see I feel like that's too made out of wood I'm being so picky right now I mean realistically like this base game one is kind of exactly what we need that's like stone this is what I had before isn't it maybe it's fine maybe it would be fine when I put everything down here I'll put it back dang it as far as tips for column placement I always put it first make sure you're putting them where all the corners are so you see how it's lining up with the corners of the foundation and also the corners of the the house so there's a in line with the corners there so at least all of those columns are necessary but then I might also add in some more if I felt like there's too big of a space or if I knew there was gonna be stairs there I'll put them next to the stairs so now I'm gonna put stairs there but I think that's all the columns I need and then as far as fences I really wish we could use this fence but I feel like I hate how it auto places like that because it puts little buddies in the middle nobody wants little buddies so we have to not use it it's so rude does this one work no that's boring I just wanted you something more exciting than like the average fence I always pick but the average fence I always pick I pick because it's good I like this one I wish I could use it this one's decent as well but not good enough maybe this one I don't know I use that all the time is that good here well we'll place it down we can always change it is the thing it's not final by any means just because we put it down in the back that's messed up okay nope there okay so that's all the fencing we would place and then as far as spandrels go I oh I hate so many of these spandrels because I want something kind of simple but this is like too simple this is too much actually that isn't as bad because they're so they're wider placed but I really like this one from get together maybe I'll use the base game one though usually my things are closer together so it looks worse but this kind of gives me that farmhouse vibe that I was going for so maybe it'll work and also it's big enough that you can see it underneath the roof trim which is important to me I care a lot got my roof trim and you know roof trim visibility and such it's a big issue it's a real hot topic hot topic is the store is it not when I said that I immediately thought of poptropica and that's just not the case all right I'm gonna go to Lee all the walls on the inside of this house as well probably not where the chimney is but at least the other walls okay this is coming along really nicely I'm really pleased with this house let's do windows I'm gonna filter by base game because I think I only wanna use the base game once anyway I'm gonna put this window here move objects on first but I want to put this window here kind of clipping a teeny bit that's really neat how dare it clip I think I'm okay with that though I mean I actually I need to move wait this needs to be moved down one anyway oh so it's fine cool okay no worries team I fixed it don't even worry about it everything's fine problem solved and then I'll place those windows the size of this house worked out really nicely by the way as it appears I kind of wish that I could cuz I don't really want to use oh I hate that actually thanks for that why okay so this one is the one that has the matching shutters - no it doesn't even why do the windows not match why why don't what does this one to have good black shutters that isn't why do you want me to suffer that looks awful this is not what I wanted okay I'll just leave them white for now but I wanted the whole farmhouse to be white mm okay so those windows fit really well but I like the green color on on these shutters and these windows so I might I don't know it doesn't fit properly that's so frustrating hmm actually that's probably all right does this have the right green color it's a lighter green although you can't tell us easily with these windows can you I don't think so I hope not why is that not raising up the one I want oh no it's the same height it's a lighter color it's ruined oh my god I'm too easily stressed out by these things actually I think this has the matching darker green color but does that look weird actually I might kind of like that I don't I'm not certain we'll figure it out I don't know okay seeing these bigger green ones down here oh I really like this house I really like this house this is turning out really well because the whole the whole house is gonna be made out of like a white sort of paneling maybe you get the vibe that I'm going for and then the roof is gonna be like a reddish color maybe you write as the wrong that sounds worse than it's gonna be it may be more of a pinkish color is what I'm going for I swear no I promise it'll be good hear me out just give me a chance why did none of my windows match why none of my windows match this is so frustrating okay at least this one it's fine that's all I wanted from that I might only have those windows on this side of the house and then over here I might put these windows for now but I also may end up changing that it depends on what the room ends up being there but I'll put the matching door to this back here I think I'll put just those two windows there for now but I also may end up changing that depending on what happens I don't know what that means but whatever happens happens and I'll change the windows to match I guess if it lines up like that that's fine right yeah that looks good okay okay and I'll put this put this right here okay I think I really really like this house although I need to put windows here I think those fit just fine that's okay that looks good I think we figured it out we did so good team okay mmm I'm gonna use this roof trim on everything I like it because it's kind of wide oftentimes I'll go for this roof trim and say I'm gonna use the original Sims II favorite roof trim though this time okay so that's all place let's get the roof coloring I've been envisioning so the house I'm looking at it has a sort of metal roof which is moderately scary but it also has a roof that's kind of this color and I realized that with my green windows this may have been a mistake but yeah no but I mean the metal roof makes a lot of sense I liked the pink roof idea but if we have the green windows we probably won't need the pink roof and the metal roof fits the vibe of the house that I'm going for so lake and I use that metal roof wait I really like this okay the original house also it has this kind of like sort of wild looking entry where they've got the stairs instead of being in the front front there on either side so it's got like brick stairs kind of like this and this is what the picture we were looking at looks like and I know that's kind of weird but I also kind of like it because it makes it a little bit different because otherwise house would look so lame with just like the front staircase but we can also do the front staircase I mean there's nothing stopping us here do I like that no Sims II it's ugly you're wrong and dumb fine I'll put this I'll put regular stairs the regular stairs are just fun there's gonna be a fancy pathway going all over the place that we can have just some plain stairs that'll be totally okay they're also gonna have a brick foundation and then I'll put matching brick stairs back here mmm okay brick foundation let's use this one that looks kind of good I like the the shape of that house like that extra pizzazz some extra pizzazz on it you know just just pizzazz things alright I think to create some borders because I hate the Auto trim that the sims houses do when you use paneling and so I'm gonna use this get-together column as Krim so it looks like it's a column obviously but like it looks like trim and so if we place the column on all the corners when we put the paneling on the house it'll look like there's fancy trim kind of closing it off and stuff but really it's just to call them but no one needs to know that it's fine I think this is a really good finishing touch that makes the house look more complete and intentional I guess is I don't know how to explain that but I think it looks really good and I always do that well also put the matching brick up here there we go looking good okay let me see if I can get a matching trim on that and now we paint the house so I was thinking when I was talking about paneling I kind of meant this one obviously in like a white color but I don't know it's it's not like stark white so it's not as bad I feel like because you can definitely tell that it's there but there are some other options that we could go in which might be better we can test a few of them it's not like it give me any input because I'm gonna finish this part today but I actually do kind of like that there's obviously also the skinnier trim but I kind of like the fatter one and sometimes I'll use this as a paneling that's like really skinny and almost looks like a paint I use that as more of a shiplap inside of houses typically okay is that done I think that looks really good I'm really pleased with this build all right let's do the wood flooring out here because I'm gonna do something the most tryhard thing okay you're gonna hate me for this but it's gonna look really good so bear with me I'm going to nope we're gonna place this like this same thing back here wait no I have to no this needs to be okay you'll see soon you'll understand what I'm what I'm going for here look at this this is what's the most fun part of this so what we do here is we have to take this and now I'm gonna use control F to get the diagonal top that's wrong troll F to get these are this is wrong there you go control F to get these little triangle boys and then I can make the diagonal and so it lines up and so it isn't that cool yeah you're welcome it's kind of dumb because it takes a lot of effort well not that much effort but it takes a fair amount of effort for a small amount of return however it looks really cool when you do it and so I do it anyway yeah it's just if you want these little triangle floor pieces the ctrl-f to get access to them and then it looks really really good I don't know if I want to use that wood flooring though what's a better flooring maybe the cats and dogs flooring could be better for this oh no I'm gonna have to redo it because that's frustrating and really mean look when I hold shift it places it everywhere I don't want to redo that whole part I did so good Sims team why are you trying to room maybe this lighter color could be good no that's ugly just kidding maybe I'll use the lighter coloring inside of the house I like that light color inside the house maybe I'll okay I'll leave that outside of the house for now we can come back to it okay I'm gonna fix the chimney really fast too I also might put a window like here see the thing about this is that I'm not certain I'll even have rooms that need to have windows right there so like maybe I'll keep them maybe I won't but for now I'll place them getting distracted let's place our chimney I want to put this one in here is that that's too big why are you doing this to me okay so I'm gonna lower it down don't move don't no no no no no wait there okay I did it I got it it works we have a working chimney that I believe is the exterior of the house I might come to the floor plan can I make the floor plan happen right now I don't know hmm let's give it a shot folks okay this could be a mistake who knows it'll we'll find out it'll be kind of fun okay now because this is supposed to be like an older sort of farmhouse I think I want to make it kind of a closed-off floor plan but I'm not certain like how closed off I want it to be if that makes any sense I think I want this whole thing to be a living room or maybe be a better dining room would this make a good dining room maybe this could be a really good dining room and this could be a bath room that's kind of cute okay we could do John oh wait I've got an idea this is kind of coming together nicely we can put the kitchen back here too huh interesting can I put the staircase like that I think I like that okay and then I think I need to make this kitchen a little bit bigger ooh oh no I don't know what I'm doing right now but then I can put an archway there hopefully and then we'll put cabinets lay around the place it'll be cute I wanted to be kind of small am I gonna hate this I might end up hating this and changing it so don't get your hopes up too high but for now I kind of like this vibe so we have kitchen there I think I want to have maybe like a formal sitting area living room sort of thing and then an informal living room sort of thing here this can be the more informal one or like everyone hangs out you know I like that that's cute we'll have like just some cute chairs maybe like a desk in there or something I don't know what I'm doing this is bad isn't it oh my god what are all these rooms I don't get it even just this is an entryway doesn't make any sense I just know I want to have this be a dining room but I can't base like the entirety of the build on this being the dining room but it would be nice for a dining room cuz like imagine with the windows you know like that'd be so cute okay but then what's going on over here maybe I can move the staircase alright folks let's try again the fun part about floor plans is that it they're very trial and error and you never get it right like you think you got it right you didn't get it right that's just the way it goes maybe if I make the entryway smaller intentionally so that it has to play as more of a hallway sort of function cuz I don't like having like a big empty room like it cuz in the entryway what are gonna put like chairs but I don't know I just I think it's better if it a little bit smaller this can be a small study this can be the living room still mmm this can still be a study if it's like that maybe that's fine I'm just thinking I want to have a fireplace but well there's enough space for our toys and stuff over here so it'll be fine okay and then I don't know what I'm doing this can be a small laundry room this can be the kitchen what a weird where where the walls where the kitchens gonna go hmm no this is way more difficult than I thought like you guys I've mentioned it before but like doing floor plans for houses that are relatively symmetrical is so difficult it's so bad what is that like what is this room are there two dining rooms maybe this could be more of a son like a sitting area kind of sunroom and then this could be a dining room or this would make a better sort of sitting area wouldn't it and we can put like a bunch of windows because like then the sitting area is also a way out of House dining-room can stay where I wanted it I'm not moving my dining room okay then we'll have our archways that you can use to enter the living roof it's like a miniature hallway I can actually make it into a hallway if I wanted to probably wouldn't be bad I could even like scoot this back one the staircase because then there could be another doorway into this mini study area it's not even a study area what is it what's happening here what am i doing okay well this isn't a kitchen where's the kitchen Oh God oh my god okay I'm just trying to figure out where there's a good place to put I guess cabinets could go along this way and then we could have like an island this could be a kitchen can I make this mini hallway bigger I don't know the kitchen to be so big because I also but I liked the shape that it was before why is this so hard well who does this have to be so difficult but this will be a bathroom I know that and then we'll have mini sitting room kitchen a bathroom slash laundry room it'll be both and then dining room oh we could even put weight I'll put another archway into the dining room so they're both like that because then we have cabinets like obviously along here okay because I just this wall seems too long to have cabinets all along it but now it makes sense again I fixed it and then we can have like some cute decorations in here all right that's the first floor done I think that makes sense so we have entry room kitchen dining room bathroom sit small sitting area weird hallway study living space and then upstairs oh boy this will be exciting that could be a bedroom I'm pretty sure I'll make this into a bedroom that can be the master suite sort of area over here I think this can be like a weird l-shaped bedroom for all I care find and then uh that kind of makes sense okay wait oh I kind of like that why do I kind of like that okay so there's two bedrooms over here one here master bedroom master suite hall bathroom for our poor poor kiddos and then kind of cool looked cool looking cool I don't know cool shaped hallway and ends up being a four-bedroom house just as I wanted giant house many bedrooms weird look in shapes but it looks good I just put doors and lines everywhere so you guys can kind of see what the house is gonna look like but I think that's the vibe I think that's the actual house so next part we'll add on more to the landscaping as far as like figuring out where I don't know all the pathways are gonna go because obviously we'll have the house potentially even like slightly farther over like there and we'll have like a fun pathway leading up to it pathways going around this way too like a bunch of farmland I want to have some green houses back here and there may be some more farmland back here I don't know lots of fun things to add it's good we have a whole farm to figure out but I'm gonna go ahead and cut off right here thank you for watching this video make sure to leave a like and comment and subscribe and do all this fun YouTube things and in case you guys didn't know I post new videos every single day and so I will see you all tomorrow bye everybody this is a formal apology to all of you that wanted a modern house it's just um it's not gonna happen yeah I'm really sorry [Music]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 730,529
Rating: 4.956933 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, farmhouse, farm, let's build, sims 4 farm, let's play, speed build, house build, sims 4 build, building
Id: I13HQyQ0Cc8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 56sec (1796 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2019
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