Renovating Your Houses for Fixer Upper! (Streamed 12/14/20)

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hi everyone it's good to see you i'm playing lo-fi christmas music today um should be fun we haven't listened to this too much so um we'll see how it goes but welcome to the stream we're gonna do some fixer-upper today and it's actually mrs tomatoes build so she told me yesterday she built or was it saturday i don't remember but um she was like yeah i built this house and i was like i'm gonna do it i told you i was gonna do it i wasn't kidding when i said i was gonna do it i'll explain the storyline in a second cause she wrote a very long story for it i literally if you could see the the message that i sent to dan like all because because um the all the comments on the build are like additional story lines so i like copy and pasted this all into one discord message and like send it all to dan so that i could read it more easily without having to like open the gallery over and over again like i'm ready i am ready for this today yeah there's 140 character limit yeah so it's not your fault but um i sent down a very long message um i'm really excited about it how do you delete 75 okay mc command center very simple um lucy burroughs here mc command center sim commands maintain sim delete sim sim commands maintain sam delete sam that's how you do it um cashy artificial mood claire thank you guys for the recess laser shark cure sims with a tier 3 16 months cure sims thank you gwendolyn with the bits um oh that was two days ago that was on saturday whoops okay so um other thing is yesterday i started working on the letters that i have to send everyone this is only like 20 of them but it's on cardstock so they're um thicker but i started because um if you donated to our charity stream to ablegamers last weekend um you would know that if you donate a hundred dollars i'm going to send out a thank you card and so i wrote 20 letters yesterday um i still have like 80 more to do eight no 100 more to do oh god well i'll work more on those later so i have my envelopes now so i can actually mail them so i'm ready uh matthew margot noah kaleidoscope sammy carlover uh court thank you guys all for the recepts and stuff too and it's your birthday i can sing you a song matt sheeps i'm not late you're late you're the one who waited notifications to go out i've been here for four minutes don't be mean to be being late i'm not i'm not the late one you can't come in and yell at me about being late when i'm not even late katie judith maria thank you for the recess team stevenson thank you for the tier three sub gift um thank you so much chamber with the ten months uh matthew with four months thank you all so much um there's always somebody who comes in and is trying to act like i'm late i'm not the late one you i'm not even late it's all it's 4 p.m anyway um we're gonna do this build today i'm genuinely so excited about it um blueberry everybody check in laura k thank you guys all for the resets and bits and stuff too um some of us have been here since 3 45 exactly mrs tomato thank you christine um ally thank you so much for the seven months can't be with the seven months uh cute wobbles in the six months come go with the four months pando the prime stuff dylan with the two months so we're gonna do we have to do the um obviously the advent calendar in a minute that's our main priority here is the advent calendars um your first stream welcome it's nice to see you thanks for coming by um but today we're going to do the avocado we have to do yesterdays and today so i didn't stream yesterday because it was sunday obviously so we have um the 13th and the 14th to open 14 is my lucky number because i was born on the 14th so hopefully number 14 will be a good one but we'll open these in a second um three hour monologue your millionaire i think you're the 23 months millionaire 23 months vanessa the tier two four months jelly with the sub uh caught with the three months j.j with the three months artemis with the four months chris over eight months oh my goodness dangerous moth juniper um oh hi nat thank you for the 28 months abby with the four months thank you all so much um i like evermore i like evermore taylor swift's new album is pretty good i listen to it a bunch of times over the weekend um i do this a lot with like any album that i'm listening to at the time i like listen to just one thing um and they listen to only that one thing for like weeks um and so i anticipate that for the next few weeks i will exclusively listen to evermore just over and over and over again because i always do that with anything i i listen to one thing at a time which is weird um but that's how i've always been since i was in high school even um but i like her new album it's quite fun to have new albums the rewards are turned off are you sure no they're still there they're on they're on it's good to see you bryce thanks for coming in uh mickey hannah cutie katie anna um fluffy bubbles emma bubble panda natty confetti spaghetti with all the reserves abby um thank you all so much ma'am got after the 28 months and confetti spaghetti with the 27 months thank you both so much um well there's so much going on it's good to see all of you have you had a good weekend um mom pixie skye laura tommy thank you for the recepts and sub gifts too um okay well day 14 i don't actually know where it is oh day 14 is the bottom and day 13 is here okay we'll get there in a second so if you missed the other day on saturday we opened two ducks as well this was friday's duck um very cute big fan of friday's duck honestly top top two ducks this one and uh the reindeer duck and then saturday's duck it looks like this he's got arms um we're not really sure either he's a bit weird um we should have known i realized after i opened it that he's literally like giant on the back of the box like they tried to tell us but i didn't really think about it until i took him out and i was like okay um krista conceded thank you for the bits kelly and thank you for the two gifted stuff the two tier two gifted steps kellyanne thank you so much um jenna with the five months super girly stage of the sub gift uh emperor martillo for the three months ember with the prime step uh yelder with the three months j storm emily cass littlest snail i don't know thank you all so much um he's a bit creepy yeah i know um mom bod thank you for the sub gift also but we're gonna open the the thing from yesterday i've got high hopes about yesterday's duck day 13 is right here okay who's ready who's ready i am what he has like a snowman on his arm i don't really understand what is it i don't get it is it like a this is an extremely disappointing talk i don't i don't understand no not like a tattoo it's textured it's like he's holding like a stuffed animal but it's like on his wing it's just like stuck to him but it's not like under his arm it's like on his arm so it doesn't really i don't um this is an extremely disappointing duck you know what i'm glad that i didn't stream yesterday because we would have cried if we did we would have gotten this duck and been upset so um i dropped it because i don't care about that duck good thing we can open today's because that was disappointing all right today's is down here i keep i'm like breaking the cardboard this is not going well oh why this is so much better look he's got a little reindeer on his hat thank you see this is what we're talking about who knows what this is but this one this one we can get behind fate finally you know this might be the worst duck i don't know why i think it makes the least sense this guy's got antlers on his hat very good duck the other worst duck was this one just boring you know but anyway i like the weird snowman duck the duck from saturday we make fun of it but like this guy's weird and i kind of like him i'm just i'm disappointed people are gonna come in all day and be like how was the dog kayla and we're gonna have to tell them it was this they're gonna come in and later and be like hello i was the duck i missed it i'm gonna have to be like i'm sorry but it was this like okay casey favorite riri um ava uh mrs serena chaos rosaline uh simply doesn't have planty nc stone xox gray um hot goss maw who else oh my goodness what did i miss hip side and julia ashley huskies peachy uh natalie bella meg with the cats chucky rayne um sorry ray lindsay ashley bryce nameless prince how much how long did i talk about ducks for megan bubble bee haley lady lazy pop amanda krista conceded castle shelby um mira tess casey baber i don't know thank you all so much um i really appreciate that where i get the calendar oh from amazon i don't have a good answer i'm sorry well that's disappointing let's talk about the house black star hello meg uh thank you guys for the resets also okay so the house today was actually built by mrs tomato on the gallery um and you probably know mrs tomato because she's in one of my mods but she told me that she was gonna build a house um and so i did it i picked it and we're gonna do it it's called the super extended family house um and essentially there are eight sims that need to live here um and the the gist of the story is that it started out as like a small starter home and they've like slowly expanded and added on to it over the years to like accommodate the family you know somebody needs a studio oh the sister's moving in the grandparents are moving in we had another baby so that the house has like slowly been expanded a lot over the years um and so and we ended up now where we are now um you can see the story is very long i've got this all copied into a different page so we can read it easier um don't worry um but christine wrote a very long very detailed story for us and we need to have a lot of rooms so what from what i've gathered you can see all the sims here um the mom lives here her husband died but they had two kids together and then her grandparents moved in um so the grandparents live here with her and her two kids and then her sister moved in and then her sister had a baby and the sister also has a dog um and so we have all of these sims and we have to figure out well they have a house so we're gonna try and renovate it and update it a little bit it's older um you know it's kind of uh mish-mashed we've got a lot of things like there's like a greenhouse back here for the grandpa um we've got like two different art studios you know we have all these bedrooms and we have ten thousand simoleons as the budget to try and renovate the house today um so this should be fun it's it's worth like a hundred and thirty thousand civilians so we should be okay because we have a lot to work with there's also like a basement um in the storyline christine was like you have all this furniture in the basement you can like use so we could sell this stuff from the basement if we needed to for extra money which is good um this is so detailed too with like the the stacked up chairs and like you that you know you've you've got storage like this somewhere like it's just it's kind of fun you think she murdered her husband i don't think she murdered her husband they've kept his studio the same even though he's been dead for like years part of the story line was that the grandma moved in and the grandma has like a successful online plopsy business um and when she moved in she needed a studio right but uh they didn't want to get rid of the dead father studio so um it's still there and grandma like built another studio and added on so the house has like slowly been like you know upgraded and upgraded and upgraded upgrade over the years and now we're gonna try and like bring it all together i like the idea of this a lot it seems very like realistic to how people actually play the sims and also how like real families are you know um and like that that one family home that you have for a long time so i want to keep a lot of the furnishing i think um because look there's like these nice paintings and stuff like look at how good that is i don't know we gotta keep a lot of these things am i gonna disrupt the studio see that's what i was thinking about so i put down a list of all the rooms that we need we need a room for the mom sarah we need her kids ruby and joel to have bedrooms we need the grandparents to have a bedroom so that's four um the sister needs a bedroom the baby needs a bedroom and then we need the craft room for grandma um so like we're you know we're we're getting up there with a lot of rooms we got to keep the greenhouse but right now the baby lives like with with his mom but the baby's a toddler now paul's a toddler so paul needs his own room um so ideally we'll have to get a room for paul somewhere um so we might have to get rid of the dead father studio which i do feel bad about but it might it i don't it kind of has to happen have a lot of things to accommodate i'm sorry sometimes you gotta make sacrifices move the studio to the basement i think the whole point of it still being here is just that like nobody wanted to touch it after he died like they just felt bad getting rid of it after he died so you're not gonna like move his stuff into the basement because that would be sad like you either get rid of it or or like put his decorations like you you could like store it in the basement but you wouldn't like move and like rebuild a new studio for a sim that doesn't exist kayla grandma killed dad don't let her have his studio that's exactly what she wants oh my god may very happy birthday um can i sing you a song [Music] christine is that what happened you made these sams you tell us gene thank you for the sub um nz with a sub gift succulent with the form of six months maybe with a sub gift maddie with the nine months half point with the ten months late lisa the six months liv with the prime sub thank you so much you guys um and megan not gloss tori rafiki kalani oh my goodness hannah with the two months ashley with the 10 months bean jenna red wolf speaking of kalani i have in this stack of letters yours is written in here i'm gonna mail that soon i the context is that um during our charity stream if you gave over a hundred dollars and you like redeem the reward i'm gonna mail you a thank you card and so i was writing a bunch of letters yesterday um and i saw kalani gifted a sub yours is one of them uh one of the ones that's done i've done a bunch of them but uh marisa the bet bisexual bookworm electric gene thank you all so much for the resets and stuff oh it's your birthday too bookworm all right let's game we have a lot of work to do i don't want to like destroy the house either i'm trying to think like we could always expand this way a little bit to make it like more even or something i don't know this is going to be interesting i'm kind of nervous about the renovation of this one we have a lot of sims to take care of um it's a renovation it's renovation we'll we'll save the dad's paintings don't worry we're not gonna get rid of his paintings um we're just talking about getting rid of like his furniture but like he's got some paintings on the wall we'll keep those for sure maybe even like the sculptures he made we could keep but we're not gonna we might not keep the whole room we're obviously gonna keep his work don't worry i'm not just gonna delete it all i think we're gonna try and keep most of the furniture in here if possible um but we'll see how that goes we'll see at a bowling alley okay i don't know if we have enough money for that and thank you for the five months lindsay bookworm flying girl um moose marisa super mommy thank you for the recepts and bits and stuff too um your birthday too lindsay i can sing you a song as well [Music] everybody in chat i've seen like four people in chat say it's their birthday as well i'll sing you all a song happy birthday you guys okay now i'm ready now we can build budget is ten thousand simoleons um the the whole story the the brief description is this home is owned by the borough smith family originally a starter home purchased by sarah this home has had multiple additions through the years now there's a total of eight sims living in this awkward home and they're out of space the families managed to save up an extra 10k for renovations they would like to try and reuse as much of the existing furniture as possible to save money luckily there's a basement full of treasures waiting to be repurposed um and then it goes on to explain like the whole process of who everybody is and what all they need and stuff um so it's a very long very long description um i personally think the best way to honor the past dad is to make his studio into the cupcake machine room but with cupcake sensor oh my god okay i'm gonna start recording so that we can actually build this um i'm gonna start by deleting some of the trees in the backyard just so that i can see a little bit better i'm sorry to get rid of the dog's toys and stuff too but um i think i hate the lighting on this lot why did i put it here what was i thinking um i'm gonna use a white picket fence i think we want to upgrade you know get it to look a little bit cleaner we'll paint the fence that's step one the thing in the back is grandpa's greenhouse um i might move it to be closer but we'll see i deleted all the terrain paint just then i might regret that too how are we gonna go about this okay what if we expanded the front porch i'm just trying to think of ways that we could like you know destroy christine's build right in front of her but i think what is that i see but expanding the front porch could be a a fun start right go ahead and destroy i guess you did give me permission to destroy didn't you that's the whole point of giving lil simsy access to your build is so that she can destroy it all right i'm going to expand as well because i want it to be even on the second floor on the first floor [Music] um this house does look amazing already it doesn't even need me to renovate it i like how it's kind of like i don't know put together the way that it is it's kind of a fun storyline i might redo the roof over here so here's the thing we're we could probably get rid of grandma's extra studio what if i just like hang on let me just move that over for a second all right hear me out because we can um swap it we have like more just let me just delete grandma's studio shall we oh i don't know how to do it i'm trying to keep all the furniture well grandma needs a studio but we have extra space i just want to save the furniture um fh turtle moon child uh nari sophia jarrow uh blacksburg little everybody thank you so much for the bits and steps and stuff so sorry grandma so oh look at the paintings on the wall that's so cozy i love that all right we gotta figure out how we're gonna um open this up a little bit more hang on i'm putting it back because i how can we open the floor plan downstairs and could we make one of the kids like move downstairs because this is the sisters room can we put like hmm i'm trying to think like i feel like we need to get a nice master bedroom for for mom you know and grandma i don't want to put rooms in the basement we can have we can like eliminate most things from the basement we're trying to have less space i might just honestly i would be okay with deleting the basement completely but we are we're deciding that we haven't used this furniture in a long time so i'm going to sell it all maybe we could put like um we could keep some storage in the basement like all the old cribs and stuff how sad that i'm just deleting this family's history goodbye to everything this family ever loved okay um i want to like open the floor plan right that's a that's a priority what if we deleted this wall can delete some of this furniture let me get the kitchen like open to the dining room or something that could be nice miss something in the basement oh kayla thank you for the two months also thank you so much um i'm trying to figure out like what the best way to do this is and i don't know what the best way to do this is i feel like we need to like um i don't know make this different i like it vegan i like it uh mari american dylan thank you guys for the resets also is this the ashes of the dead father all right we're gonna need to save that one let me delete this stuff that we don't need we're gonna need to make sure we hold on to those we're gonna want to hold on to that stuff rip i guess okay i thought i was gonna delete them no we'll keep them we'll keep the ashes don't worry um i'm still i'm like looking around so much at like what we can try to do because i'm trying to figure out how i want to split i'm going to build a wall here i'm trying to figure out how i want to split this up because i like the living room being here i think that's really like accurate and it's cozy it's a nice touch um maybe there could be like a hallway all right grandma i'm sorry maybe the hallway could be like here at the front and we could put oh my goodness that could be a bathroom let me delete this one guys this is a hard house i'm trying to keep more than i usually do i usually delete so much more of the house like maybe i'll just move grandma's office again and we'll come back and get that furniture later how are we doing this oh that's fine well this can stay the hallway as the hallway and then we can put the bathroom here and then their bedroom can be here that works i just have to adjust the furnishings but it's okay i want to keep the roomba there we go i realized that what i'm saying doesn't make any sense but we'll get there um you're fine cat don't worry i don't even know what you're talking about um but i i appreciate the apology thank you so much um thank you thank you thank you um all right we can put another archway here maybe i'll swap these we could use these instead because then we can have like a cutesy matching one that's slightly smaller into the hallway yeah that works i like it um it's a lot thank you for the 22 months ellen with the four months uh malone with the two months nowhere with the three months maybe with the 28 months honey with the i could get rid of the ashes and she spread them somewhere nice we could get rid of the ashes but i feel bad like deleting the dad's ashes that makes me feel really bad the thought of that i don't know i don't know um doc thank you for 30 months and moonshot with the three months cindy with the bits um thought it was your fixer-upper no i'm so sorry that um that it's not i know that's a scary thing to think that um i'm doing yours and then for me to do something else um stupid mundane just kate thank you guys for the recepts as well 23 months kate thank you thank you thank you we're drawing the line at deleting ashes yeah we um listen we've got um oh i don't know how to split this up i think that what we need to do and i hate to say it but i think that what we need to do is honestly delete like a bunch of these things we can keep a lot of the furniture because we wanted to on purpose but i think that what we need to do is get i don't know a better starting point like we need i need an emptier oh don't sell that i need an emptier house so that i can rearrange the floor plan i think that's my problem is that i can't figure out i'm gonna move the staircase to the basement somewhere else too that would be a very expensive renovation in real life but this is the sims and i can do what i want so we can also maybe we can have the stairs be like in the living room that's realistic right god i'm deleting so much this house um what if there was like a a half bathroom right there and the only way into the kitchen dining room was over here it still looks older you're so sleepy i'm sleepy too lancy i'm i'm with you on that one no i don't know where to put the kitchen this is hard christine what have you done why why can't i figure this out in a way that actually makes sense um i don't want the kitchen to be in here i think the living room was a good spot to open into um now this can be the kitchen door we don't we can put a um a big archway into the kitchen from here it can still be like along that back wall we'll have an island like it still makes sense um it just might not look that way right now we'll get there switching bug uh able misses cook kayla and kiwi uh bumblebee with the 12 months uh just ty with the three months erin lonestar um thank you all for the recepts and stuff thank you so much um the granny's bathroom could be the kitchen yeah it could we could rearrange the granny's room and it would fit better probably but um what if we made the hallway bigger and the bathroom smaller completely unrelated that's grandma's room or we could put grandma upstairs we could have this could be a better master suite for the mom you know what this is the mom's house and everyone else is living in it what if we swap it so that the mom has the downstairs area and she gets a better like master suite downstairs because again she's like invited everyone her sister her parents like she's she's allowed everyone into her home and she doesn't even have a nice room for herself no we're prioritized where sarah gets priority grandma and grandpa can walk up the stairs they'll be fine um let me just clean up that wall a little bit i guess we could also put grandma's room down here we don't have a bathroom that's like accessible to everyone downstairs very easily either um which is a little bit annoying what if we like swapped it what if grandma's room hang on and we made the kitchen and dining space like more over here can't find objects this is more of the kitchen and dining space like back here greenhouse into a flat that's actually an interesting idea but i i want to keep grandpa's greenhouse he loves the greenhouse um lily mother of birds be living well switching bug uh that you offer for the resubs and stuff social bug the um it's been 10 000 since the second day we had it it was five thousand only on the first day we put it to ten thousand after the second day or on the second day um so it's it's been um it's been five thousand for a while there or ten thousand i mean sorry the point or what i mean that's what we're talking about um that's a nice living room and then the dining room oh my goodness the dining room will be like that the kitchen will be back here in that corner where does the bathroom for everyone go there's not an easily accessible bathroom downstairs this isn't good this is gonna be grandma's room so they have to go upstairs to get into it's only a two bathroom house i guess we could like expand somehow [Music] um this is grandma's office oh grandma needs a studio and i've gotten rid of it anyway oh this is grandma's room grandma's room grandma's studio no i want to have an i want a master suite i want the the mom to have her own bathroom we have to fight figure out a different bathroom space everyone else can use a different bathroom mom gets her own bathroom mom has given up her entire house for everyone mom gets her own bathroom this i draw the line at um yeah we're trying to get a guest bath downstairs that's the whole point airing that's what we're doing right now um let me make this bigger i guess the grandparent like we could always make an apartment for the grandparents in the back but i don't know i want i like having grandma and grandpa like living in the house with us but let me move their greenhouse over like there oops yeah cause grandpa loves to garden and you're all trying to get rid of his greenhouse this is the one thing that he has in the house and you're all trying to get rid of it it's very rude i'm slading sam zombie uh marina meg lily mother of birthday you can follow the research and stuff um leave the grandpa alone he deserves this exactly um where does the bathroom for everyone else go oh hear me out half bath downstairs that everyone can access just like a toilet and a sink okay and then full bath for the rest of the family upstairs we share a half bathroom downstairs just there's like a toilet this will be grandma's studio it's smaller again so that makes more sense i don't know what this is going to be we've made so many different rooms um okay let's think this through we're gonna have to like add some windows and stuff i'm probably gonna delete a lot of this furniture maybe this room can get bigger oh we could probably turn that into an extra bathroom or something to be honest i like the pink and the butterflies but we could probably like expand this and that could be another bathroom so there's two bathrooms upstairs because we have an extra bedroom [Music] is it the nursery um no we have more space for that we have um ant's room toddler's room kid's room other kid's room grandma's room grandma's office mom's room fixed it we're fine everything's fine leone i think some people are just from like different places you know and so they're like what do you mean the bathroom situation i mean obviously i'd like this house and the sims to have more bathrooms just because it's better for the sims to have more bathrooms but um i think um depending on where you live you might be used to having one bathroom in your house maybe you're used to having like four you know um obviously a lot of places housing is like significantly cheaper so it's like more affordable for the average person to have a lot of bathrooms i guess i don't know um it depends um yeah we need oh the basement stairs i don't want a basement no more basement basement is eliminated what basement i've never seen a basement okay the basement flooded and it got destroyed there you go yeah what tori said the basement flooded and it was destroyed it was very sad we were all so sad oh we were all so so sad about the basement flooding you know hmm i'm not sure how i want to do this yet i guess we could do it like we'll change the color like cabinets too again we're trying to just lay out the kitchen right now so that everything actually fits i think that's our priority at the moment is just to oh my god oh we have so much stuff our priority right now is just to make sure that everything in the house fits and then once we've got it all figured out then we can like properly furnish it and decorate the outside and stuff but because mrs tomato made a very complicated house um step one needs to be trying to figure out how to get it all to fit properly what if we did it like this is that weird i can't tell that's a bathroom okay so we have two bathrooms three bathrooms four bathrooms now that's really good i might just keep all these rooms the way they are except this furniture will get rid of because this is gonna be a bathroom now okay there's a bathroom oh we can design the kids bedroom based off of this one of the kids is gonna have this room this is a big bathroom too okay so i was thinking that the aunt and her toddler son can have these two rooms um why do you keep yelling about this being grandma's room i was gonna have this be grandma's room why should grandma have the room off the kitchen what are we talking about cats for did i ask a question i don't remember asking oh no tea is about porcelain cast emily daisy jewel stuff sleepy thank you over the recepts oh no oh no grandma needs her midnight snacks oh my gosh i might change the kitchen layout i'm not a huge fan of that to be honest no grandma will have this room because it's bigger um i don't know where to fit this what have i done this is so large we can't fit anything um all right this will be grandma's room remember so we can keep a lot of grandma's existing furniture from her previous office um because like like mrs tomato said in the storyline like we'd like to keep a lot of the existing furniture so we can do that like grandma's grandma's furniture here we can try and keep got the same vibes you know oh so many desks i don't know if we can fit it all no grandpa's not dead the dad is dead all right this is too there's too much furniture grandma we'll have to okay folks um we're gonna have to figure out some of this in a second claire it's not gonna stay nothing is staying stop nitpicking how my house is too small i'm just trying to figure out where all the rooms are gonna be i'm gonna have to move everything i know right now my priority is not decorating it's literally just figuring out where all the rooms are i'm literally just trying to decide where all the rooms go um living room is here this is still the hallway under the parents room hallway is kind of a waste of space to be honest but what are you gonna do um be nice to lil simsy but not too nice is that a threat to them all right there's grandma on grandpa's bedroom but do we have a bed that i can use to symbolize oh let's put the couches back so we know we can just symbolize that's the living room oh i guess this used to be the bed that grandma and grandpa had we could put it back use the same bed as before they don't have much space in their room for decorations we're gonna have so much stuff to mess with to fix all of this oh we are doomed absolutely doomed okay this is the mom's room mom gets to keep her room okay so that works and then this is one of the kids rooms so that's the grandma the kid the toddler the sister the other kid the mom yeah we got enough bedrooms it's covered everything's covered yeah the hallway makes the parents bedroom look fancy i i agree with you there the hallway is a nice touch for the parents bedroom um because they have like a whole side of the house that belongs to mom my old friends thank you for the nine months can i put in a tomato yes no grandpa's not dead the the dad is dead grandpa's not dead why do people keep asking if grandpa's dead it's very rude i think that we should replace the carpet with like hardwood floors we're ripping up all the carpet how did the dad die i don't know the story line didn't say i just know that the dad is dead they said tomato because um the person who built this house i don't know if you guys recognize the name mrs tomato um my mod and friend um she built it this is her house oh my god this is gonna be a nightmare trying to figure out the outside okay get ready folks for pain and suffering um okay this is the mom's bedroom i might give her a balcony but i have to decide the mom is in like the i mean the sister there's two moms that live here the the like original owner of the house her sister who has a toddler um and the grandparent i guess there's three moms in this house but we're oh wait oops i think we need to prioritize um it's too big maybe i won't do a balcony i'm not sure so much is going on here much like the front of the house just flipped like the exact same as the front of the house but flipped oh boy what is the storyline you're confused what's confusing about it to you what do you mean there's just eight sims living here so there's a lot of people um that we have to find rooms for that's all the story line is don't worry about the who's who of everything just know that there's eight sims just know that there's a lot of well there's well there's seven people and a dog but there are a lot of us don't worry about who lives here though just just know that there's a lot of them i hate this lot the lighting is terrible can i switch it to a different lot no i won't it's fine i'll just complain who built the house mrs tomato and chat built the house um i don't know how i wanted to go about this what if we like give this kid a bigger room hmm this feels like one of the harder fixer-uppers i've done i'm gonna be honest do you think christine did it on purpose she said how can i make lil simsy not know what to do and then she did this how can i how can i make this harder for kayla okay and then she did it i like that can we get like well if it were wider it would make more sense but it's okay do i make it smaller again because then it fits properly she's like i'm gonna ruin this girl's career no she meant well it's a good house i'm just trying really hard not to ruin what she's already built which is why i think this is hard because i like the house and i like the story storyline and i don't want to like destroy it i just want to upgrade it you know you know what i mean make the hallway not wonky well we'll try don't get your hopes up too high tally kennedy emma tuffins angela mile prince lebo oh not jimmy um with the 12 months jimmy millen went to rent read runa cheesy child oh how many things did i miss and for what um i don't know i like that that's nice okay and now this is just destroyed oh completely at least the um bedroom like hallway won't be so weird looking to be honest we probably could have like the door into the bedroom there and just make the whole thing the bedroom so it can be like less weirdly shaped that's not that bad like that's not that unrealistic i don't think okay that we can work with let me replace this all right we can do should we do it the door um i'm a waiting congrats for shell on the discord rule that's exciting a vanity to do mom's makeup maybe we'll we'll come back to the furnishing i'm gonna forget by the time we get back to mom's room i've got too many rooms to furnish i'm very excited for this date no that's exciting special role for a special friend mod sorry okay we have this i hate the lighting of this lot i can't build here i need to move it i'm just kidding she's my friend not just my mom don't worry okay i've been i think friends with her longer than she's had a sword in my chat just for the record in case it was not clear wait what's going on here okay um oh everything's such a mess the more i look at it the more i'm like oh no how are we gonna figure this out hmm we got some work to do move the lot it's so ugly i i'm gonna have to why can't i oh i don't have louis diane simpina trashy ally um rose tally thank you all for the recepts by the way thank you so much okay why can't i put this on the outer edge it really said no you don't get to go there why not that's so weird i don't understand what happened to you too i think there's floor there i'll check it [Music] i might do this with just the simple columns yeah there's spin the column oh okay why won't anything place on top of this no you can't all place columns i wish that you could but you can't that's super weird i don't know just don't think too much about it because then it might break again rosa phantom misses um thank you guys for the resubs also all right there we go nice big bedroom for the sister at least her room doesn't have to change a lot of the kids are having to swap rooms which i do feel bad about but it's okay it's okay everything's okay all right we do like that on the front i'm gonna move the lot to a different one because it's bothering me um we have 42 000 simoleons let's remember that amy i do too but the grandparents aren't getting their own bathroom i tried it's not happening we tried that it's not gonna happen kalani thank you for the bids um but yeah we um how about over here there was an update today i haven't updated my game yet but there was a um a quick hotfix because i don't know if you guys have been playing with um the pack the patch recently but there was a genetics issue with the skin tone sliders and stuff um and so they updated today and fixed it um so there was a it's that's the only thing in the patch it's not like a big patch or anything it's just a fix for that but i i've had my game open like all day so i haven't i haven't downloaded the update yet um because i was recording all day um all right is this not full house no not the same people um i i don't think that just because multiple generations of a family lives in a house what do you mean a lot of families have lots of generations living in one house um i saw a lot of people asking that in chat earlier um no no 42 171 thank you we should i think it should be even but oh nope it took away my money 42 1771 42 171 42 171 eco-friendly thank you for the two months testing cheats on money 42 171 no 42 171 okay there we go dot move objects on i mean i thank you for the four months that is amazing congrats on um on the new kitty that's so exciting um i am very very happy for you there all right i kind of want to change the color of the outside of the house i like the color of the roof but i kind of want to instead of the brown to have like um i don't know maybe like a oh god ugly ugly ugly ugly maybe like a i don't know something else we'll figure it out like green or something i like that the color of that brown color but even paint it red actually i don't even hate that do you want to be red what if it was red my house will inventory i still have it what do you mean it stays with the household i never do red houses guys we have the household inventory still i moved though it's all still here red for tomato there you go poor christine's like i just wanted to build a house why are you all making it so weird all right very appropriate good exactly i actually like that a lot it looks pretty good hopefully we can keep the same like all right so we'll do that one to like there and then we'll get a wider one that will be the rest of it looks like your ex's summer house oh my god summer house that's quite a life cannot relate okay um um i feel like this needs to be stoned too or something i feel like the stone looks kind of off yeah something about the stone is like not speaking to me i don't know why we gotta change the door too maybe a bigger front door like that one you think the season stone looks drab really i always like the season stone i think was the original like the whole first floor made out of stone originally oh a lot of the back of the house here is yeah there was a lot of stone in the original version of the house we've just like slowly messed with it all so it's gone but originally there was a lot of stone let's go like this like this i don't think that the stone looks good with the with the red but i is changing it to brick like changing it too much that's what i'm not sure about and then like the brick won't match the i don't know i don't know i don't know i'm just destroying mrs tomato's house here huh how about that brick ah it's interesting i kind of like that actually it's definitely different but too much red i like it i think it's kind of fun very different from the beginning looks completely different than the original house but that's okay why won't it place up there i don't know i like how it looks so i think i'm gonna keep it um but why is it doing this it's being so glitchy today like zoom in and then it breaks minzy thank you for the 14 months sam with 10 months uh andy's with two with a sub uh simply with the two months still level the six months so for the 14 months um you know what the prime stuff tori with the bits maddie with the four months i mean i don't know thank you all so much um okay a doggie door please i don't um yeah we could try and fit a doggy door i don't know where but we can try and put one i guess that could be fun it's so dumb okay maybe we'll do a bigger door here too i should probably save oh you make a good point there yeah i probably should um okay maybe we'll have no window on that side so that we can have a space for the bed that's not bad this is very different than what christine built i think i kind of destroyed it to be honest that's okay everyone has to like it because it's my my hard work that went into it as if that's how it works i put a lot of hard work into this so you have to like it no matter what pumpkins thank you for the two months emily thank you for the 14 months you think it looks good i like it too i think i like how bright it looks i don't know i'm into it where's the art room the front room hmm living room wallpaper this is parenthood right yeah right well thank you for the six months thank you so much okay um jay i have literally no idea i don't know how twitch cpms work there's like not data on that i don't have access to that on youtube you can see what your cpms are like i don't know if twitch cpms go up in december or not i would assume so because people find more on ads and that's just how it works but um i don't know when i tell you people on twitch make such marginal like tiny tiny amounts from ads like i i have literally never noticed a difference in ad revenue from month to month never um i mean it's like minute school but that could be like because i streamed more one day or whatever like i um i've never noticed a difference like that whereas on youtube you could make like twice as much in december as you do in january with the same amount of views because the cpms are so much higher in december um i've never noticed that on twitch though okay okay let's just start decorating these kids rooms shall we this is gonna be the toddler's room um i wanna we're gonna get some brand new furniture for mom maybe she can keep this because she likes it but like you know she's got all these dirty clothes on her floor and we're moving her downstairs so we can get mom some like new fancy furniture um oh [Music] no no no no no no all right we want that pink wall back in the kid's room this is the girl's room downstairs her name is ruby um okay where can we put the doggie door there could be a doggie door like in ruby's room sorry dan just sent me a picture um tommy in it has 300 000 viewers playing minecraft right now oh my god twitch is wild okay sorry 300 000. i find that like so hard to believe that's kind of cool um okay let's scoot the door over professor thank you for the five gifted subs campos thank you for the prime stuff ajax thank you for the sub gift thank you so much well if you say like those poor mods but realistically like in a stream of that size like you can't even moderate it you put auto mod ons nobody can say like offensive stuff but you aren't gonna like mod the chat for spam in a stream like that you know because you just can't like there are so many people there it's like physically impossible to to mod it the way that we do you know um there's just no point because it's so busy yeah you just let it exist you can't even read it um it's just not possible so i feel like those mods probably have an easier time than than like mods in a stream or in a smaller stream do because they're like or like a stream like mine where they're act like actually delete things but when it just scrolls by you put auto mod on so that no like offensive stuff can get through and then like you know it's just it just goes whoosh and that's just how it is okay i kind of feel like sorry grandpa but i might make grandpa's um greenhouse a little bit smaller again sorry grandpa i just want to have less i want to deal with less grandpa i'm sure you understand we'll decorate this it'll be so cute i feel like we're gonna be here all day doing this that is very rude grandpa needs his gardening space oh owen you're right what was i thinking getting rid of grandpa's gardening space like that who do i think i am i'm gonna do that i don't even care if you don't like it oh my god that's so ugly can i keep it i'm gonna okay i like it we're back to having bad lighting again this is a disaster okay um can we afford to landscape it with real money maybe like ever so slightly we'll do we'll do mostly um debug landscaping but we can do a couple things with real money okay that makes sense big patio for the family see um is this not so very regen should have been pink sprinkles thank you for the five months just thank you for the two months um thank you for the eight months and rachel thank you for the 13 months i like the brick flooring too like not even a joke i like it i think it's nice sims can walk over the short fence yes or long cat that's why i always put it as like a trim sort of fence because your sims will walk over it just fine okay so the sister the story line of this is that the sister used to be in the military but she moved home and now she's living with her with her older sister and she had a baby and the toddler's gonna have this room but um we can try to like keep um some of that like original vibe you know just clean it up a little bit maybe i like the i really like the leaf walls i kind of want to keep the leaf walls how can we make them stay maybe if we got like a i don't know if i'm good at furnishing rooms that have like really busy like multiple color schemes and stuff but i wonder if we can make it work with like oh i wonder is there like a bluish swatch of this what if we did it like that we can make that work i support it i strongly believe that i can make this happen okay just get a less patterned rug that will make it cute it'll be cute don't worry i'll make it really cute kennedy lana pink sprinkles thank you for the resubs also thank you so much um it comes in gray yeah i know it comes in great we're trying to make it more colorful but listen the original house was very colorful um and very lively i don't want to like destroy that part of it you know um i think we want to try and keep keep that like original bright sort of look oh this rug does not work what do i do look that's so ugly use a fuzzy rug do you think it comes in green what if we put the bed like on this wall oh yeah because then we could have another window up above it duh that makes perfect sense oh wait i didn't do this yet that needs to go there yeah more windows that's really good and then the desk makes way more sense back there i like it um the one issue is that the nightstands are kind of cutting it close to the door but hmm guys i don't want to do an accent wall i want the whole room to be leaves the whole room was originally leaves the whole room will stay leaves yeah it is just her she doesn't actually need two nightstands that's true um professon thank you for the thank you so much um i'm so sorry to hear that i i hope that you're okay i'm really really really sorry but but thank you for the 14 months steve thank you for the four months thank you so much this is the mass bedroom this is her sister's bedroom there's a bunch of adults live in this house um there's like uh the sim that owns the house her sister her adult sister that has a kid um the kid the owner's two kids and the grandparents all of those people live in this house um so there's a lot of a lot of stuff that needs to go on we're trying to make it have a lot of personality like it originally had i don't want to destroy the exciting vibes and a german shepherd yeah sorry before we forget um the sister has a german shepherd that she lives with too can keep her laundry basket the keyboard shortcut for deleting objects is um the delete key and if you press backspace and you have sims living in the house it'll put it in their household inventory i might try and make the the rug can i make it white by any chance the fuzzy white rug i think that might be better yeah i was gonna get a dog bed too i liked the idea of the dog but i was gonna put one yeah i think that helps we can have the green lamp though i don't know if we can fit a dog bed well she had these posters because she used to be in the military but i feel like her room is too um like pristine and curated for these posters now i guess they could go on this wall so we can kind of have them still but not like have them be super in the way oh yeah that looks nice if we had like a really skinny dresser would that fit oh yeah you can still walk past it i really want a dresser i think that she needs storage for her clothes uh cali i don't know much about the way it's set up i wish i i had better answer for you there i guess the dog bed could go in the corner want the rug in real life see to me the idea of a fuzzy rug like this seems like such a just a nuisance because it would be so big and like hard to clean no it's not gonna fit we can make we can put the dog bed somewhere else um and then like oh my god what is going on i never played that kind of music on stream um so i put it back to the lo-fi christmas music don't worry um but oh i don't know what to do the dog belongs to the sister yeah so the dog bed should be in this room but we could put it anywhere really she can keep her green laptop ma'am thank you for the prime sub thank you so much anyway i back to the rug situation i wouldn't want a rug like this it seems like it'd be impossible to clean a nuisance okay this will be her toddler's room which we could totally keep some of the original furniture maybe like the little boy that used to live in here he's he's getting older and so he's moving into a like a bigger kid room and the toddler is going to keep all the original furniture or some of it that's pretty realistic you see that kind of thing happening a lot a white rug irl makes you want to cry doesn't it isn't the idea of that like so scary um dog bed in the toddler room that's not a bad idea we could do something like that i might just have one wall with the rainbow and then can we get like the matching like bright blue i like that hmm [Music] the english are coming hey molly thank you for the raid saves carol and jellybean um thank you guys for the resets also oh you come into kind of a fun stream here we're currently renovating a house that um someone built for me uh you might know she's one of my mods this time usually i just do random viewers houses but um it's called oh this is my half renovated version it's this one it's called the super extended family home and it's kind of a fun story because eight sims live here now but it started off as a starter home um and then a couple bought they ended up having two kids the dad died so her parents moved in then the sister got back and she needs a place to stay so sister something with them too with her toddler and their dog so there's like all this multi-general generational families all living in this one house and so we're trying to renovate it and like update it a little bit for them because they deserve it um and so we're in the process of like trying to figure out the floor plan and start redecorating you know because we need like an art studio and like all these bedrooms and grandpa's got a green house and like there's just so much going on because there's so many sims living here um but welcome to the stream thank you for the raid molly um and if you don't follow my friend molly already on twitch you guys you don't follow english summer there's a link in the chat please please please go check her out she's a very dear friend of mine has been for a really long time and she's a really wonderful streamer so thank you for coming by it's good to see you um yeah we have as you can see there's quite a few sims here that are trying to live in this house um so we're trying to redecorate it for them all we're in the process of trying to figure out this is the sister um and then her toddler's room that we're decorating right now um so trust me you don't want to see the duck okay i can show you so um we have this duck advent calendar and every day it gives me a new rubber duck um and the duck the duck from from today um just for some context i can show you some other cute ones we got like look at this little guy like is not adorable um i have this like reindeer this like reindeer duck that we love um today's duck was a duck and he has a snowman stuck to him we don't really understand it um because like the other ducks are like oh look a snowman duck and then this one's like a duck with a snowman stuck on him so um that's the situation that's the duck taylor that was yesterday stuck so i didn't stream yesterday today's duck was this one he's got like a little antler hat on which is way cuter might be santo the toy no we have a santa duck molly like that's his arm i can't believe this obviously no i don't know if you can tell probably not because the lighting but he still has like a wing and then he has a little snowman stuck to it i don't know it's very weird it reminds me of the day two duck the worst duck um he has like bells around his neck but they aren't like painted very well so it just looks bad maybe it's a purse maybe it's a snowman purse yeah anyway it's kind of a disappointing duck look at this one oh i threw it like this one's covered in lights like the other ducks are just way more fun i have them all across the top of my monitor that's why i'm reaching up here um danielle oh i dropped it oops um this was the first duck i don't know oh i keep throwing my ducks all over the place patience danielle steph love for all people's themes uh carol and jellybean thank you guys for the resets and stuff it's called fashion kayla seriously yeah the first duck is cute we have a lot of really cute ducks um oh my goodness back to the um the hard work day two duck is just fashionable the second duck is a disgrace the second duck i don't like to talk about him um it makes me feel sad when i think about it so i try to just not think about it you know i'm sure you understand maybe give the kid a race car bed yeah see that's what i'm talking about i would like a duck in this home now please this this table is full of toys that christine put down one of them's duck so feels very fitting it's very appropriate for the day um i want to get like maybe the toy box could go at the end of the bed like i do sometimes and a rug could be like is duck dan gonna be the last duck oh i wish surprise you with dan on christmas or something no unfortunately not um if only okay i made the wallpaper work this the room already had this wallpaper i'm trying to keep like a lot of the original vibes that christine had put when she built it because i don't want to like destroy christine's house you know um so i'm trying to keep like some of the the original character for example um that wallpaper it's just a little bit um it's really exciting stuff that wallpaper yeah let's be honest the room could probably be done is this the artwork the kid made oh that looks actually really cute i like that you think a big stuffed bear we can get blurfy too it looks like we have a lot of money left over but i also want to make sure we furnish the whole house so let's not spend too too much um you watched your old stream highlights and when you saw it down in the same room as me you got emotional dory we're all going through it here apparently um okay this is the the kid who used to have this room this is his new bedroom he's like a little bit older now so he's got um a slightly different room these days toddler potty um no we don't we'll put it in the bathroom don't worry we haven't done the bathrooms yet um mockingjay thank you for the prime step flooding thank you for the sub patience thank you for the i thanked you didn't i i think the title of the room needs more furniture what guy we can't afford this we can't afford more furniture we can come back and add to it i don't care about toddler blocks i just care about furnishing the whole house we gotta make sure we have enough money you guys careful um maybe the kid could be like um into sports now when choosing builds to renovate um i usually look for builds that have stories like christine for this one she literally wrote like a five paragraph essay like all the comments were like additional story parts that christine had written and that kind of thing brings me a lot of joy um which is why partially why i wanted to renovate this house so badly is because christina put like so much effort into the backstory and like made the sims and stuff um it was all very exciting so booked your three months on t appointment can grab someone that's really exciting that's really really exciting um going to get the manju stuck into me everyone cheer okay [Laughter] here's my tip just make typos laughing straight okay that's true um if you want to get picked for uh me to build or to do your build just make typos like owen and then i'll make fun of you on stream um and then i'll do your build so what is mint juice i'm sorry testosterone fifi galaxy thingy sorry oh my god if people weren't if they weren't really clear on um what we're talking about here just i'm gonna repeat it owen just booked his three-month appointment hang on owen's been on t for three months um it's a big deal um that's what we're talking about we're not talking about um owen what did you do owen max thank you for the nine months wizard thank you for the fits i'm gonna cry it wasn't me owen's the one who said it i just read it oh my goodness okay um oh how about that it's kind of a weird color but we can make it work let's filter by all the parenthood stuff and we'll use it bigger bed oh he's still a child um so we're not going to give him a bigger bed i want to use it i want to use a parenthood bed i might use this bed for his sister before i forget we'll remember to put that down there we'll get some more toys in here um we need a nightstand oh the sister would love this does this come in the right wood color why why does nothing come in the right wood colors like what is that i guess we could use that i don't know um it's not quite pack restricted the last few fixer uppers have been like very pack restricted i don't actually know what pax christine has but i think she has a lot of them because they were in the picture so i don't know i'm just using them all janina with the wait wait wait that's the first 40 month resub 40 months oh my god and your birthday is next tuesday i notice you're not excited but you should be thank you for the 40 month reception oh my god that is so long how is that even possible that people have been subbed to me on twitch for 40 months i like genuinely find that so hard to believe that is such a long time first of all i'm sorry steph want to owe you an apology but thank you for the 40 months that's a that's very committed you and i we've been together a long time um alexa thank you for the bids uh and rainbow thank you for the five months mac thanksgiving for the nine months thank you so much i really appreciate that it's your birthday [Music] lily if you click on your name in chat you should be able to see how long you've been following for um i'm pretty sure if you just click on your name in chat it'll show you 40 months i'm really excited about that don't be sorry i love the content well you should no no no chili cats they've they didn't sub for the next 40 months they've been subbed for 40 months so they've been subbed for a few years they aren't they didn't sub for the next few years um they've already been subbed for a few years um you unfollowed on saturday by accident and ruined your streak oh i'm so sorry that's like genuinely devastating i'm sorry what colors does this come in maybe that color no um no it's not good i don't like it i don't know i'm spending too much time on this and and for what like i'm not making any progress uh do you come in fun [Music] well the room is we're trying to make it more that color i don't know not only thank you for the three months elaine thank you for the three months lj with the 13 months neo the two months steph with 11 months kitty with the two months being with the two months that's one of the bits i was in your dream and i collab with james charles and i did his makeup and you don't even watch it you had a dream about james charles and you don't even watch him how that's such a weird weird thing to dream about especially if you don't actually watch james charles the fact that he like appeared he's taking over your dreams i mean listen james charles if you want to do a collab like i'm just i'm just saying that i am i am totally down for that james um i will collab with you um if you want to give me a shout out james charles i'd just like to say that i am totally okay with that ali with the 21 months lizzie with eight months aaron with the pits um not like you're for three months also thank you so much you guys um what rock is that this is from seasons it's kind of a nice one isn't it can we get a caster for james charles in the chap james actually streams on twitch um or at least he has in the past so we we can and we will get a caster for james charles in the chat go ahead and drop a follow um everyone on james charles there um thought they meant james the sim supply oh no oh they said james charles but um james turner would be fun too i don't really i i think that's actually that's a lie um i don't think i would be down to do a collab where i did james turner's makeup and i don't know how to say this but i'm that makes me feel nervous i feel less nervous to do james charles makeup than james turner's and i don't know why you know i don't want to do anybody's makeup if we're being realistic i don't want to touch anybody's face i don't even want to like do my sister's makeup you know i don't want to touch your face like it just you had to be so up close and personal and i don't really want to do that no offense to any of the james's i don't really want to touch your face milton looks thank you for the reset stream thank you for the sub gift and nerdy thank you for the premise of ali of the 21 months thank you so much when i do dance makeup i have done dance makeup that's different that's not scary um actually kayla just hates anyone named james and doesn't want to do their makeup yeah that's exactly right owen um i'm just anti-james in every way if your name is james i don't want to be around you any james is in the chat touching someone else's face and yeah right now probably gonna pass on that one i'm making some more orange josie thank you for the five gifted subs i don't know the room's a bit weird but i kind of like it i think it's sort of cute i'm sorry if you don't like it because i like it josie thanks again for the 500 subs and audrey thank you for the um give him that idea audrey not a bad one you know what i gotta tell you guys a secret dan's middle name is james oh no um guess we have to get rid of him then it's a shame top 10 anime betrayal you think it's a betrayal well i think um at least i knew what i was signing up for you know at least he didn't like lie to me about it and then i found out later this whole time that his name was james and he didn't even tell me duck james dan yeah his full name is duck james dan so nia thank you for this stuff close thank you for the four months also i look pretty today thank you i appreciate that duck james dan i think i like those bedrooms it's very colorful it's very different than what i usually do it's kind of fun hopefully christine's not mad at me for like destroying her build um we're gonna do this doug james dan or dj for short i don't think dan wants to be called dj i'm gonna be honest i have a feeling that that would not go over well if you tried to call him that don't know why i just feel like he doesn't want that it's just a theory but um i feel pretty confident about that fact tj what if i start calling him that i'm testing it i just i just said nobody none of you better go to his stream and spoil anything because that would be really annoying if you read my my jokes i said hey dj can we order pizza on wednesday we'll see what he says oh i don't put this over here instead actually okay yeah i know they're ruining it everyone likes to ruin everything um you people always ruin everything when's my birthday august 14th um no this is pink enough colors pink how about the stripy one i don't know how to i don't know where to put this desk maybe i have to get a bigger desk he said i don't reply to that name you guys ruined it if i hadn't if we hadn't let you ruin it on stream then i could have done that to him like later when he was least expecting it and then and then no one would have ever known that i had bad intentions but now he knows so it's ruined i'm just kidding it's okay two pairs of socks that you're the seven months that is a dog doria um my my sims these sims have a german shepherd so i gave him a dog door i thought it would be nice you think i sound evil do you guys think i sound evil really i don't think i'm evil i think i'm very nice i have a hard time taking myself seriously when i say stuff like that never well okay okay shortcake thank you for the prime stuff made you in july with the five eight months yeah i took calc a b and calc bc in high school i i feel your pain there man i'm so sorry um you will you will get through it and it'll be over and then you'll never have to think about it again um you're almost there well you're about halfway there you got this okay you think i have chaotic good energy oh i know so do i i i think i am good as well and a little bit chaotic um call me thank you for the two months maybe thank you for the prime sub um lil simsy also known as the most evil sims 4 willer of all of them all no i'm trying to think of other sims builders that are more evil than me um i don't want to call james turner evil but we have been sitting here talking all day about how everyone named james is evil so no i think that jessie is just as um chaotic and malicious you know the answer is plum bella okay just chaos so glad you all agree on that one oh that's green why are some of them slightly different colors you think stuff is chaotic stuff's pretty chaotic i think most simmers are pretty chaotic i don't it's hard to play a game um where it's so easy to kill your characters on purpose for fun and not you know so i think a lot of us have that problem to be completely honest with you i want to make a little dollhouse it still works when it size down by the way one second all right that's good oh she's talking to my mods tori tried to say a bad word in chat not on purpose tori said a bad word in chat by accident and then it got picked up by um and she wasn't allowed to say it so i was just um talking to my mods about that don't worry uh just just dealing with my mods um problems that they're causing so no big deal no no worries here why are you exposing me like that well tori i had to explain why i stopped to type i was just explaining that um some words like get picked up and completely blocked so she couldn't say it she tried to say butts but but not so okay not that word oh no wow how dare you i'm sorry tori i didn't mean to call you out like that i realized that it seems like i did this to you on purpose but it's i didn't i don't mean any harm oh this rug's from get famous i think oh that's quite pretty actually i might use that to figure out the color scheme for mom's mom's room oh currently lot okay josie oh my god okay let me see about this maybe the pink could be cute the urn is gone no it's in my inventory see i'm putting it on this shelf oh i can't there's too many things christine puts things everywhere that's that's dad i guess i can't change the color of it can i i guess i i guess i probably shouldn't just like you know put him in a different pot oh god i need to stop okay um okay no yeah imagine you hired someone to like decorate your house and they got a new urn for your father oh my god that's that is so inappropriate the thought of them like oh hey i redecorated oh and your urn um of your loved one it didn't really match my color scheme so i um i changed it without your permission so that's oh my god hope you like it all right we're gonna i want to keep the um like gallery wall that christine had made grandma and grandpa like having family photos on the walls so we're keeping them all yeah see hi cable good to see you i hope you are having a good day welcome to the stream it's a lot of photos yeah christine um did a lot of hard work in decorating this house all right this is fully functional it's kind of cozy for grandma and grandpa there's not much on this wall which is a bit annoying this bed is from the base game it's just locked with the um the painting career but it is it is uh just in the base game jacqueline thank you for the 31 months madeleine edith t carp suzy thank you all for the recepts and stuff too thank you so much you think it would be weird to have this many photos watching you sleep i feel like it'd be fine so many people have like photos all over the place my um my grandma in one of the bedrooms she's got like so many old photos um like like little ones that are like in frame sitting on the dresser too so there's like photos everywhere and it's like baby photos of my grandpa um and his twin sister and like baby photos of so-and-so and like she has everybody's marriage license like her grandparents marriage license like all that's like hung on the walls in there so there's just like so many photos and just like things in that room at my grandma's house um grandmas love photos no you're right um all over the place but picture like on the dresser she's just got like little um framed photos of like everybody like grandma grandpa grandpa's sister like just everywhere your grandma has a giant foot of you above her couch doesn't it get dusty though well they clean it what do you mean well everything gets dusty so you dust it doesn't your house get dusty no i don't have a twin my grandpa has a twin sister though um i do not have a twin my grandpa does this room is a bit odd for the layout um do we want to do it in that darker color scheme still i don't know where to put the dresser the shelf is from eco lifestyle um you think i have an evil twin or are you calling my grandpa's twin evil um i don't know what bet i want to use should we use eco lifestyle again i guess this the woman the mom likes eco lifestyle stuff a lot she's got it all over the place um corey thank you for the two month reset thank you so much all right we can use something like this rug in here it comes in pretty colors i think my evil twin is called lil simpsy yeah i don't i can't really um i can't really argue with that little simsy all right we were going to put like i like this red flower i want to try and get some red accents i just don't really know how i want to do it jesse is my evil twin not even just jessie i don't think you understand when i tell you that like me and jessie and sasha and steph and like molly when i tell you that that all of us are literally the exact same person we were all hanging out um in a call on friday and it you when you get us together we are the same it is so concerning the exact same brain it's it's kind of funny um how similar we all are all right get this too i want to get like you're all sharing the same brain cell celia thank you for the 24 month resub it's good to see you thank you so much all right i wanna get some like reddish the flowers from seasons colors red oh my goodness um i don't really like how it looks i guess we could try and make that work what happens if we use like well we could also instead of doing it so icky we could just use regular brown wood and then it would all match and then we can have more color in here well there you go there's the problem solved that's pretty i like it i like it the wooden floor is just base game um like the cheapest wooden floor in the base game you're all clones that max has created to give their franchise longevity okay well yeah um left for all people's i don't know i've been to the post office a bunch of times this month um i usually go there more like once a month though but this recently i've been to the post office like a million times because i had to mail dance present do you want to know what happened to me i okay so this isn't why i spent all day crying remember how on thursday i didn't do a face cam stream because i was crying so much i was having a bad day for a lot of reasons like i was just really anxious all day um and and stuff like among other things everything was going wrong and then you know how i spent 131 dollars to mail that package to dan for christmas it showed up at my house like return to sender and it said on it country does not match so i don't like his address was right it said united kingdom everything was fine i've like triple quadrupled checked the the thing a million times but it showed up at my door printed on it country does not match what does that even mean oh my god and so i brought it back to the post office like reads all the labels and shipped it again and but like i just i'm what do you mean country does not match what part of uk do you not understand anyway the uk exists i've been there um and i don't i still don't know what's wrong with it because i look like i'm telling you i looked over every single form on it a million times i don't know what went wrong everything was right i don't i don't understand how that happened who is dan my boyfriend um he lives in the uk hence the um the shipping to the uk debacle but anyway i don't understand what happened um my dad was looking at it neither of us could figure it out like i sent pictures to people and none of us could figure out what was wrong with it like i don't i don't understand i don't understand anyway so country doesn't country doesn't match for whatever that means um and then they return my package to me so imagine my shock when i was like oh a package is here i wonder what it is i didn't order anything and i go to my door and it was the one that i sent anyway it's set off um it's it hasn't been returned to sender yet and as far as i'm aware from the tracking it's in the uk so um it's fine the last i tracked it it was in miami too and then all of a sudden it showed up back at my house which is not exciting um but it's fine i don't mind um still gonna get there i just um okay um use this because i didn't write his full name duck james dan yeah that's a good point i should have should have written duck on it um oh i'm looking forward to a cable i'm looking forward to it um no you just put united kingdom you don't have to put like england you put united kingdom um i know because i shipped it again and it was fine oh it's just very frustrating um i don't know it could have been worse it's whatever but i like why does it have to be so difficult and i already like when i went to the post office last time it took so much like courage i like cried before i went in there i was too i i have anxiety and it's getting a lot worse um because i don't leave my house anymore so now leaving the house is like an ordeal um and uh i like took so much courage to go into the post office the first time um and like uh just get it sent the first time and then for the fact that it didn't work and then it just appeared at my door i was very upset um so um the orange bed is from eco lifestyle okay bathroom there is done so that's functional bedroom furniture is done let's let's try and fix up the kitchen here we're gonna paint the cabinets what if we did it like this we can't oh that matches the outside um claire i don't think that you need to be family friendly to be successful on the internet that's what you mean um i frankly i think that it's probably easier to be like successful online when you're not family friendly maybe i don't know i don't think it really matters necessarily um i just don't swear in my streams like it's not like i don't i don't think it's that deep i just don't swear in my streams you know um and some people do and that's okay it's preference i literally started this purely because of the fact that my parents watched my videos when i was 16 and i wasn't gonna like be yelling swear words in them like um and now i make family-friendly content so that everyone can watch um i don't think that you need to be family friendly to be successful online or anything it was just a personal preference i don't know um but it literally purely started because my parents watched my videos and i wasn't gonna like swear in them um so i don't like that is there anything else oh oops do i swear though guy i'm 21 years old yes i've said bad words before i think people think that i'm like a child um and that they can't swear around me at all because like little sims he's gonna freak out if you say a bad word near her and it's just i'm 21 years old you know it's not that deep i just don't swear my content so um we've seen your tweets okay sarah some things are necessary there's only i mean it gets the point across very well in my humble opinion um okay um there we go i just seem so innocent it's cuz i don't swear in my videos um okay anyway i'm not like a child um so you know you're allowed to no well not in my chat but like you know i'm not gonna like freak out if i hear someone say a bad word or something you know sam thank you for the vince maddie thank you for the bits you got an air fryer nice uh miss mikayla thank you for the three months and emma thank you for the three months um but it like owen said she's literally just a normal 21 year old um yeah i don't know it's not not that deep i don't know okay sister used to cry when someone's four sometimes well i was i don't really swear when i was younger um obviously but i was like kind of paranoid about it when i was a kid um i was really like superstitious as a child um this is i think like a manifestation of my anxiety but like i um i used to think that if you like said the word hell you would go to hell ever like if you said it once and so i wasn't even like religious like i'm not i wasn't like a religious thing i was just paranoid and like super anxious and so i would hear that word in a song and be like don't sing that word you know like but i was so fit when it was when i was like eight or nine but i was like so paranoid as a child about everything like um i don't know i we got we grew up we got past that eventually um but marvel thank you for the two months carrie thank you for the 12 months thank you so much but did you hear it watching shrek and freak out probably but i thought you weren't allowed to say that so and but my parents didn't like instill out of me my dad swears so much like no offense to my dad but jeez he swears so much like if you my dad is like the complete opposite of what you think i am like a complete opposite but like it wasn't like my parents taught me this i wasn't like religious or raised religious like i don't i don't know why where i got this like weird like fear of swearing but like i don't there i was as a kid um that was when i was really young though obviously i'm not that way anymore i just don't swear in my videos but um anyway i want some painting what kind of decorations we have some like paintings that the dad had made that we kept so we could put those up that could be fun yeah look at the oh look at these help i like that what my parents don't know doesn't hurt them because i don't live with them anymore it's fair no but i don't know i just was i wasn't going to like you know swear in my youtube videos when i was like 16 and my mom was she still watches all of them i don't know she doesn't care but i do doesn't matter um and plus if i don't swear in my videos then everyone can watch them and i i like that about it it's not like i mean no one's gonna like not watch my videos because i don't say bad words um and they're like oh family friendly like that's all a joke i mean it's like an exaggeration right it's not that hard to not swear in your content um when i when i say things like don't kiss before marriage i i hope that it's clear that we're kidding although some people don't realize that's a joke and they think that i'm actually like that that's okay that's their problem um yeah that's on them okay i like this room that's nice decorated it's cozy what are you a duggar all right don't compare me to those people those people are not very nice people um okay well they try to be but they're you know they have beliefs and political beliefs all right anyway um let's put the room back together okay i want to get a bigger rug um my rice purity score what's better zero zero wait rice purity score if you've done nothing it's a hundred right i have a zero i mean a one yeah [Laughter] okay um i might use the eco lifestyle rug again because i like that rug it's cozy should i keep the green couches no not zero not zero i forget what i was on there um i don't actually have a zero on it i don't remember um okay um we have all that stuff from the dad's studio that i got rid of so we'll have to figure out a spot to put all that again [Music] but is it should it be less than two oh is there another bad one all right and my rice priority score is a three um don't remember what it is obviously i'm joking i don't really want to talk about this anymore it doesn't matter um i don't understand the obsession with that thing but all right we'll put those paintings there that's the uh the dad's artwork obviously he's dead so it's very important that we try to keep it um getting too old for these youngsters and random stuff even i feel like i'm too old for that um sometimes my my friends will make jokes about it and like make jokes about how haha remember at sleepovers people used to all do that and like take the to the rice purity test and i'm like haha yeah remember that when we all had friends and like did that at sleepover yeah me too um nevaeh just play along play along play along shark popsicles like you for the six months it's like um it's really dumb i don't know why i'm talking about it because it's not a big deal but like there's this thing called the rice purity test and it's like a quiz of like what things have you done like have you like done this thing with alcohol and if you kiss somebody like it's it's that um but there's some kind of worse things than that on it but um that's all it is it's not a big deal um but this room is very different now than before we have lots of like cutesy decorative stuff that we can try and put back in here like get these back in the corner um maybe get some blankets by the tv [Music] i got a different thingy there we can put the magazines back on the side of the oops get the lamp back see it's gonna be very similar to the original one just different it's gonna be very similar to the original just different okay kayla devin thank you for the six months thank you so much not the green couches the original house had the green couches and we're trying to keep some of the original stuff in the house let's do the bathrooms again i forgot the upstairs bathroom what am i saying don't make fun of my words i don't know what i said leave me alone i don't know what i said stop making fun of me quit it chat leave me alone no i got rid of the basement it no longer exists um i said goodbye basement so i might put some rocking chairs on the porch i like this build it's cozy it's gonna be nice where's that rug from um jungle adventure yes jungle adventure missus thank you for the bid steven with the six months uh r with the eight months shark popsicles carrie marvel haley sam i don't know thank you all so much for the recepts and stuff no they don't need laundry we have a fake camper but we don't have a real hammer i mentioned a hamper earlier but it was a fake one just a decorative hamper in one of the people's rooms yeah we said the basement was flooded so they had to get rid of the basement that was our storyline from before the basement flooded so they had to get rid of it um so there you go the basement flooded and they had to get rid of it now it's gone this for let's play no it's just for my fixer-upper um on my youtube channel no dad's not buried in the basement hang on dad's right um dad's right here so i'm officially today oh yeah i'll finish it today we still do the whole outside but i got plenty of time we'll get there today do not worry [Music] um okay get some yarn do you guys like my jokes thank you i know maybe we can have one red wall and then the rest of the walls could be like white i don't know maybe grandma could have like a brick accent it's kind of weird in there i kind of like it let's keep it sure that's grandma's studio [Music] grandma has um a yarn business i don't know it's fine anyway grandma sells things on popsy professionally so just brooklyn thank you for the six months megan thank you for the stuff maria thank you for the prime sub um the baseboard color i know dino don't look at it too closely i can't change it it just is that way dino you you gotta stop looking at it please god i hate the white why what could i do differently how what can i change to appease you beige is that what you want please god i hate the white make it beige this house is weird sorry stop yawning you like the beige all right whatever i'll just leave it um let's finish up the decorating oh here's grandma's other yarn basket i guess she can have lots of yarn grandma needs lots of yarn because um she she knits professionally who can we give this to maybe the daughter could have like a notebook that she's been writing in there's her diary folded clothes i don't really care about maybe she could leave her like hair stuff on the floor she does her hair in there no i don't like it just get rid of it i don't like that either or that some of this stuff belonged to their father before he died so we could try to put some of it back does that seem out of place to you maybe i'll make it smaller oh that's better okay we're gonna have a lot of leftover money with this one i'm just stealing all the things that christine had originally put in her build and i'm putting them in mine i'm gonna move the door over so that we could possibly have like some sort of little table here we're still gonna have 16k to do the outside so i think that we are doing pretty well for ourselves um how does this oh that fits kind of well that you you can still get in it's fine i guess this room needs to be white sure get new couches oh no i like the couches i'm gonna keep them the original house had these couches they can't afford to buy all new couches every time they you know repaint the house or whatever couches are expensive i think it looked better brown but nothing else was brown in here partially because that color brown is horrible dad's urn's in the mom's room um oh dog things oh i forgot about a food bowl for the dog we have a doggie door i forgot i need to get a food bowl for the dog stick it there um these are uh paintings that your sims will make like paintings your sims can draw themselves where do i put the roomba maybe i'll stick it in the mom and in the grandparents room just for now we have trash can yeah it is right there um we should get some toys for the dog sort of like sorry for yawning these oh cute your sims can't really walk through there very easily what if we put them in oh in the kitchen the dog toys can go in here where they belong [Music] um i think the entry makes a lot of sense i think it works okay we'll sell that maybe one of the kids can have a bowling trophy are you into bowling did you win here oh this thing is cute who can have this um nobody okay never mind this is the bed the dog had originally i just don't really know where the dog bed the dog can sleep on the couch these are sculptures that the dad had made maybe we can put one like in the parents room we could put one like in grandma's room there you go yes mountain artists please do please do um you don't even need to ask don't worry um maybe we could make this into like grandma's studio and the old art studio we can have both maybe there can still be an easel in case the kids want to take up painting someday we never got rid of dad's easel sunshine sorry thank you for the uh the recepts peer griffin maria uh visaliza thank you for the receps thank you so much okay paint for the kids that works and we still have a few more of these paintings i don't know what they look like there's that one that one and that one well truthfully this one would look really good in this room what if we hung it up this one maybe that could be cute in the kid's room and this one maybe that could be in the hallway upstair [Music] besides dad's painting down and you can keep it upstairs [Music] i like that that's coming along nicely oh here's the dog bowl that i got oh okay well there's there's a dog bowl um whoops we put a new one inside so it's fine all right i don't know what to put on the in the room up here i'm not sure jane thank you for the discord world congratulations that's exciting all right how about we get like a big big big big shower like this oh no and then there could be a toilet there we could put a dog bed up here that's a good idea to put the dog bed in the hallway because like what else are you gonna put up there that's a concept tomato plants as an ode to the creator we can put some more tomato plants i um i don't know what plants the grandpa has in his greenhouse we can put some tomatoes in there and we need to get a toddler potty in here yes yes yes yes yes yes because there is a toddler and it needs to potty i want to scoot this over toilet paper toddler potty we'll get a little dog bed in the bathroom imagine father bold thank you for the bits what's a fun fact about myself yours is that your your name is your grandfather from your dad's side which you never met that's a nice that's a nice fun fact i don't have any fun facts like related to my name i don't think whenever i my parents never asked my name they're always like oh we just like the name kayla and that's like not a fun story about how i got my name they're just like oh we just liked it okay me too i don't know i i always like um i always get so nervous when i have to give fun facts about myself like you picture like the first day of school and they're like oh list off some fun facts i'm like i don't know i guess like depending on who i'm talking to i might put like youtube or twitch down as my fun fact because like that's a good conversation starter but i also don't always want to disclose that information immediately it depends who i'm talking to you know um it really depends i don't know maybe my fun fact is like um i used to use like my parents pets as a fun fact because like having three rottweilers is kind of a like i have three massive dogs you know um that's kind of a fun fact right my people like that kind of thing i don't know um okay have i had a follower of my same class actually yes um last year my my last semester before i graduated um i got an email to my school email twice from two different people being like oh my god are you lil simsy i love your videos because they had seen me having to make posts on the discussion board for my class and um they decided to email me to my school email um which made me feel really uncomfortable i don't think they meant any harm by that but i was like this is my school email please just let me do school um it kind of made me feel really nervous and then i was like really scared about posting on the discussion board after that because obviously i had to for a grade um but i was like my posts are under like extra scrutiny by like this classmate of mine who also watches my content on youtube um so i was like really nervous about what i was posting for my assignments um because like it's already scary like having your classmates read your stuff but it's like another thing when it's like a person who like knows who you are on the internet i don't know it's just weird it doesn't matter they didn't mean any harm but it kind of freaked me out a little bit um and then it happened twice with like two different people which is like weird what are the chances of that um same class oh the dog bed no dog bed the dog can sleep on the couch um no i didn't reply to their email um i i didn't really think it was appropriate that they emailed me on my school email so i didn't reply um i didn't want them to like keep emailing me on my school email you know um so i i didn't respond to the email uh i do that a lot people message me a lot of places that they shouldn't um so i don't usually reply to those for example um if you try to get in contact with me by dming my cousins on instagram i'm just going to block you um that is extremely inappropriate leave my cousins oh that happens way more often than you'd think um but like if you do that i am not going to reply they're not going to reply and i'm going to block you like please leave my family alone it's not my cousin's fault that i have a youtube channel like you have absolutely no right to like go through who i'm following and email my cousin or like message my cousins anyway um don't like that at all my i know my siblings get a lot of messages from people too um which i really really dislike i feel worse about my cousins getting messages though because like i barely talk to my cousins and then i get a text that's like hahaha kayla look at this person with this message to me and i have to like i feel all terrible they're getting like spam messaged by some random kid that watches my videos so i would prefer if people didn't do that um so no it's not my fault and they know it's not my fault i know it's not my fault i just i don't i don't like it i do not like it one bit um the house is cute i like it too christine's really good job with the build i kind of want to change the greenhouse but i don't know how i don't know what i want to do to it to like oh what that was weird make it a lasagna shed oh good idea maybe i won't put it on a foundation oh oh dear let me get a regular foundation so i can delete it yeah i like the picket fence too i think it's cute um maybe [Music] i want to have like a cutesy little path you know of sorts yeah anyway please leave my family alone that's that's the um the moral of the story there is it's super weird and i don't like it so i'm going to block you if i find out you're doing it um people send like the creepiest things to my sister too um and i really dislike that like somebody one time um did they they went on this whole like spam fest to my sister being like shanna please respond i have something you need to know like i have to tell you something shanna that's really important please respond um and the whole time it was because she knew our address and she wanted to tell my sister that she had found our address so she was like spamming my sister trying to get my sister to call her she was like i need you to call me here like call me so i can tell you this thing that i found shanna call me call me call me turns out it was because she had found our address my sister was like 12 at the time um do you have like how do they not realize how beyond inappropriate and like terrifying that is like what do you think you're doing and how how dare you uh anyway i really really hate that like leave my sister alone please how like how do you not realize that what you're doing is bad um but anyway not a fan of that so oh yeah i cried uh when it happened but that was a long time ago so um we're over it but i did cry when it happened really freaked me out a lot um that was like i said that was like four years ago so um but yeah how do i how do they not realize how inappropriate they're being by doing that like how how are you not seeing that what you're what you're saying like think about what you're doing right now you're like harassing a 12 year old because you you know where she lives like what anyway um not a fan um i also barely had like any subscribers of the time so it was i don't know testing she's on bb.ignore gameplay unlocks entitlement um oh wait one thing bb dot show hidden objects live edit objects people have done a lot of creepy things with my address though someone sent me like they literally emailed me photos of my house once um so uh really enjoyed that that was really fun thank you for doing that um yeah so i want where did the plant i was going to use what go oh this one i wanted it in like the white color yeah and then we'll surround it with low-lying bushes maybe even like the i don't like the island living low-lying bushes or something that could be nice let me stick this here to like fill it all out writer robot gmo mike thank you guys eyelashes chickpea cloud block ultralight oh how much should i miss thank you all for the recepts i'm sorry princess only thank you for the nine months also um okay i'll do it like that looks like every house i've ever built looking really good okay scoot that over um take this take this [Music] cute cute how snap doing she's good snap is my best and only friend um so we're just you know hanging out we don't get out much her and i so you know not too much going on at the moment does this come in white no it comes in scary red laura thank you for the sub gift yeah best and only friend not a joke i don't really interact with anyone except for my cat and also dan but virtually on discord so you know we don't we don't really get out much um cute the pontiff left the chat oh listen you know what i mean are your siblings not your friend you know okay you're twisting my words right now um i don't exactly interact with many humans um at the moment so i am allowed to call myself lonely leave me alone um i don't want to use island living anymore for the low-lying bushes i changed my mind denny saylor thank you michelle um josh princess holly thank you all for the recepts robot writer thank you i don't know what i said favorite part of christmas i like christmas trees and christmas lights i really really like when everybody has lights up like having like a christmas tree in my room is my favorite thing in the entire world everything just feels so happy and like joyful and better when there's like pretty lights around you know i i love this time of year like specifically for that reason like christmas lights why don't we always have lights up like why don't businesses just always have lights like that in front of their buildings this is my formal piece of advice to you businesses you should um always have pretty lights it's just it's so pretty it makes me so happy um i know that you probably many of you probably feel the same it's just it's so cozy and nice out and i really enjoy that part so oh really cable i love that when dan was here um last year we used to go on like nightly walks um to go around and look at christmas lights around but um now i'm scared to go outside at nighttime by myself so i don't do that anymore but this time last year dan was here and we used to go on walks to look at lights and i enjoyed it but now i'm alone so i don't do that anymore um yeah we used to go out like every night to go look at lights which like i said was very fun quite enjoyed that um oh god that's scary kalani that's really scary you know what it kind of reminds me sort of um i don't know if you guys have all seen the the movie stuck in the suburbs but it's this disney channel original movie from like 2005 or something um and the the whole concept of the movie is that this girl and her friends are like obsessed with this pop star guy um and so he like comes to town and he's filming his music video in their town um they're like weird small town in the midwest you know so it's like very odd that he's there um and again they're like obsessed with him keep that in mind right um and so they go to like watch him film his music video and while like his manager or whatever is like walking past them bumps into one of the girls they both drop their phones and then they take the wrong phone so like the girl the little 12 year old 13 year old obsessed fan has like jordan the pop star's phone and then he the manager who was holding jordan's phone has a little girl's phone and then um the girl and her friends like organized to get this pop star a haircut um and they like do all these things to like change his life around um and like mess with his life a little bit like it ends up being for the better but they do like all these things to mess with them they like they literally arranged to get his hair cut picture like remember when harry styles cut his hair and it was like a big deal like that like had long hair and then had short hair because they got it cut like they like told the um the hairdresser when they made the appointment they were like don't tell him what you're gonna do don't talk to him he doesn't wanna be talked to and then like she cut all his hair off hello um and then um they end up like befriending the pop star man and like so even after he like goes home and doesn't like work in the town anymore he like calls her up at the end and she's like on her way home from soccer practice and he's like hey do you want to come hang out in new york city this weekend what do you mean she's like 13. it's a bizarre movie i don't under i don't understand it i don't understand it but anyway that's that's called stuck in the suburbs um no they did they also like tried to like release his music because his record was trying to make him make music he didn't want to make and so they found like recordings of his like his like better music um and so they uh they've like tried to like release his his music like his private music which is not good like you could get him in so much obviously it's a movie but like i don't know it's just the whole premise is so bizarre i i made dan watch it with me again like a few months ago um and i i could i had seen it a million times when i was a kid but i like literally could not remember i could not remember or believe that it was like that um they would have gotten sued yeah well and also like the guy was trying the manager was trying to get the phone back from them without like the pop star finding out that he had done this and like that had he had lost it and so he was trying to like arrange the girls to me and they were like trying to blackmail him it was bizarre um okay i liked it as a kid a lot yeah when i was a child it was a great movie stephanie uh benty ainsley kalani thank you and for all the bits and subs you guys um now i kind of want to watch it again where did i watch it disney plus it's on disney plus um oh wrong thing dan doesn't want to watch like bad disney channel originals with me which is very upsetting because listen i understand that like he didn't have the same childhood attachments to them and blah blah blah he doesn't care about stuck in the suburbs blah blah blah he hates me but like this film is very important to me what if i want to watch it duck dan he likes sky high um because he sky high was like a thing that he watched as a kid a lot of a lot of the like older disney channel movies he hasn't seen because they didn't have disney channel until he was like an older kid so like the things that i remember when i was like six seven eight he didn't really have um so he's missing out and he's incredibly ungrateful is basically what i'm trying to say dan doesn't like to watch bad movies it's very annoying because i only want to watch bad movies um it's a real problem no but dan dan likes sky high um do you know what i've been watching we've been re-watching bones um dan and i and in season eight the girl from sky high she plays like she's in like a couple episodes she plays like some like newbie detective in bones it's so weird when she pops up i was like hello what are you doing here aren't you a superhero anyway um but she she plays a detective in uh in bones for a little bit which is kind of funny so yeah for like two episodes or something she's been in two she might be in more but she's only she's been in like two episodes of bones um um but it's kind of funny i'm sorry kitty is she in the flash too i haven't seen the flash hey jack this is 22 months bad movies are the best movies exactly finally someone with some taste around here it's on amazon prime emmy um i don't know if you've got prime but uh it's on or i don't know where you live either but bones is on prime in the us and in the uk um i know that for a fact because i'm watching it there um but yeah uh they did take it off netflix but i've been watching it on on amazon so and if you do have prime just by the way you can connect your account and subscribe for free i don't know if you knew but if you've got amazon prime you get a free sub every 30 days on twitch and you can connect your account and subscribe completely free and i still get paid and you get all of the perks as if you sub with money except it's completely free for you because you're already paying for amazon prime um so feel free to do that if you'd like um ew this does not work i don't think we can do that it does not look good maybe we'll stick another gate over here um maybe grandpa could have like some more of these grandpa's supposed to be a gardener so maybe we could give grandpa some more planter boxes and we'll put plants in them okay i like that and we can put a chest table on this because i put them on all of my builds there are fire pit things we i didn't put a fire pit i a grandpa i know grandpa has like a lot of plans but he's supposed to be a gardener who has a greenhouse basketball court all right i don't know about a basketball court that seems like a stretch i don't want to put a grill because the girls annoy me sonia luca thank you for the recepts also thank you so much princess protection program was a good one god i love disney channel so much good stuff on there do you know what minutemen good film quite enjoyed that one follow jason dawley on twitch by the way my friend jason dawley there's a link to his channel in the chat you didn't know he streams on twitch now um he's a really cool guy um and he did a video with me so i am eternally grateful for him so if you don't follow him on twitch um i gotta say you really should so that's all we we owe jason dolly our lives our lives here on this channel um so uh but yeah jason dolly's really cool guy and he streams on twitch which is pretty fun um i want to put these darker i don't know how i want to lay this out it's kind of weird in here maybe this could be in front of the building oh yeah that could work panda dog thank you for the three months uh adrian thank you for the bids father bold um you know um father bold that's the command is a good idea um in theory for people who think i miss their sub to tell them to refresh but in practice um they they it won't really make a difference um in my experience because the what they're talking about is sometimes when you sub with prime um you have to refresh not sometimes every time if you sub with prime you have to refresh and then you can play your alert um and like put a message but people don't always realize that you have to refresh to play it and they'll be like kayla you missed my sub and i'm like no it didn't even go through refresh and play it because you like are technically subbed but it's giving you a chance to put um it's giving you a chance to put a message uh and there's certainly put a refresh command um but we can't see if they sub with prime until they play it in chat so we wouldn't know when to put the command unless they ask and then sometimes they don't even read it so i just answer their question but i guess we could make a command that explains it and hopefully that would help um leah brie architect thank you for the recepts as well thank you so much yeah it can be kind of confusing because you like sub and then it looks like you subbed um but then you aren't so like it didn't play and then you like i didn't thank you and it's like what's going on but it's because you have to refresh and then play the alert yourself and then it goes through um but just it's giving you a chance to put a message you know it's just trying to give you options all right um we're looking at rooms cadet kelly infuriated me when dan and i watched that again like um a few months ago like the fact that her mom up and forced her to military school just because she married a guy who works there and the poor girl had to up and move to military school how dare you oh my god i just wha what an evil thing to force and put her daughter through like i just oh we don't have enough money anyway it's a it's a cute film but um it really upset me is all i just i couldn't believe um oh okay sorry talking about plants your sims can eat i i was like morgan thank you for the bits it just means plants that your sims can eat is all um i'm getting a selection of tomato plants because mrs tomato built this house morgan thank you for the fits oh hillary duff and raven were the disney queens you're right uh wanda then usually two months kitty with the eight months nobody with the prime sub nicolino with 17 months leo nine months right now with a four month stay with a wait no that's oj i'm so sorry i know it's so confusing um with the when the resubs don't play um i'm so sorry i imagine that a lot of people get upset when that happens but at least like if if they if i don't thank them for their sub today because it like is there a hype train what but if you sub with prime and then you don't play the alert yourself so i don't see it because you didn't play the alert like it won't play today but at least if you come back tomorrow it'll be there for you to play so there's that adrian ephrasm thank you for the bits um all right i was thinking we could get these are all so expensive i don't want like garlic plants how about like we could get some carrot plants a couple of carrots in there um maybe we could get like a or we could put them over here and maybe we could get like a an apple tree and then thank you for the three months adrian uh mira felicity adrian again thank you all for the bits and stuff thank you so much four apple trees it's your sweet 16. happy birthday oh it's too big no apple trees i'll sing you a song lee thank you for the bits crystal i think you're the sub gift [Music] yeah a lot of people upload um like plants to the gallery um and you can put them in your builds and then you have to grow them yourself twitch is good movie do you know what else dan hates halloweentown ask me how i feel about this because i will tell you that i am not happy about this no taste porcelain sarah the year of the bits um anyway i think i should get rid of him thoughts do you let the government hear me say that i was just kidding government please don't cancel the visa oh it was just a joke it was a prank i was just pranking you government i didn't mean it um okay there we go i'll just leave it like that for now honestly this turned out pretty cute of course i like the princess diaries wonderful wonderful films that dan also didn't want to watch with me jessica mira um plasma thank you for the receps i think it turned out pretty cute um oh extended family renault um renovating a house built by mrs tomato1018 um for fixer-upper um this is a home for eight sims little simsy all right wait how many bedrooms is it oh no one two three four five six six and four bathrooms oh my goodness oh my goodness all right it's up wait oh first okay come on oh no adrian frody thank you for the four months also i appreciate that thank you so much um you guys are very very kind oh no did it go through i'm telling you the gallery is such a mess never mind i didn't want to upload it anyway i was just kidding [Music] i was just kidding i didn't want to i didn't want to upload it so and i also didn't want to um post anything on the gallery with the comment i didn't want the first comment or anything i just want i was you know everyone shoe look how slow the toddler of course i've seen ella enchanted that's the other one that's one of the first things that dan tried to ruin for me because i wanted a long time ago i was like dan this is very important that we watch my two favorite childhood films ella enchanted and sharkboy and lava girl it's this is really important to me like these are these are pivotal moments in my childhood i was obsessed with ella enchanted and i was obsessed with sharkboy and lava girl we have to watch them and dan was very mean about ella enchanted these film major people are exceptionally rude and they can't be trusted and i'm telling you right now that you should avoid them at all costs don't say i didn't warn you um you need to avoid them so he's not actually being a snob he's not being like a film major snob he just what can i not place oh i can't even afford to place it you need some more money to get the original one um but he doesn't like to watch bad films he'd rather watch good films and i'll admit that ella had chance it is a bit silly and it's not like the best movie but it's really good oh the dog is still there standing in front of the house i'm just trying to get some screen it's a cinematic masterpiece felicity thank you for the vids sorry about the prime stuff strawberry the two thousand bits um fish sauce with the bits challenge with the sub gift thank you guys so much anyway ella enchanted one of my favorite things in the entire world i used to be obsessed with ella and chance when i was a kid like obsessed with ella enchanted that was like my favorite movie when they'd play reruns on disney channel i would probably cry like i was just so excited about it every time um i agree aziza he just needs better taste but god i loved ella and chancellor when i was younger like i would get so excited whenever it came on all the sims are dying and then they're just cold yeah they're just cold but that's not my problem oh thanks marissa oh let me give some subs quickly um they don't count when i gift stuff doesn't count towards the hype train unfortunately which is very unfair and i deserve for it to count towards the hype train but it doesn't but i'm just gonna give some subs really fast just for fun you know i've been playing um harris heller's a very lo-fi christmas album today how what are your thoughts on the i know it's quiet but what are our thoughts on the background music from today this is the house originally by the way it's a little bit different now it's kind of fun i kind of like it um okay anyway listen thank you for the teddy if it subs uh marissa thank you for the bits jenny thank you for this did i just thank myself for the 10 gifted subs completely like on no brain just was like oh thank you for the sub gifts remember when i thanked a chicken for the sub the other day because i'm i do and there is music here look i'll play it louder [Music] thank you for the four months little thank you for the 300 subs santa thank you for the four months also thank you so much anyway here's the original house um it's a little bit different i'm trying to keep a lot of the same vibes but we adjusted a little bit and i think it turned out pretty cute lil simsy for supporting my fave streamer lil suzy you're so kind yeah i know i'm a big fan of lil simsy also fish sauce thank you for the bits again what was today's duck oh my god so we opened today's and yesterday's because i didn't stream yesterday because it was a sunday um so today's duck was this one super cute little duck he's got like some antlers on his hat adorable big fan of this duck i'm seven out of ten yesterday's duck is literally just a duck with a snowman stuck to it which i don't really understand like it's not a tattoo because it's like textured it's just like a snowman stuck on him and we're not really sure like what's going on there but um that was today's duck anyway it kind of reminds me of day two the day two nightmare duck um i'm just saying so those were oh i dropped the nightmare duck off i have them stuck across the top of my monitor they're all like sitting across the top of my monitor just hanging out i'm on i fill up one monitor we're onto our second monitor now which is kind of fun oh i can't it's gonna move my mic maybe i'll put them over here okay that works i should make my own duck how would i do that should i paint on it no it's not gonna it's not gonna go well we shouldn't paint on it okay here up darling surf scout um impatient squid thank you all for the bits and stuff thank you so much well anyway i'm gonna hang out for a little bit longer and just chat is that cool with you guys i kind of feel like just hanging out for a second and like talking um did you know instagram verified user lil simsy liked my instagram post yesterday i'm so popular yeah marissa that's a flex so that's a big flex right there um well you know lil simsy what are we playing tomorrow i don't know yet um well i kind of need to pre-record a little bit for christmas but that doesn't mean anything it's not like going any i just i want to like have some videos so i can take a couple days off at christmas time so we could like do a build or something just to get ahead but otherwise i don't know i'm looking at my schedule now we never finished that christmas apartment we started we could work on the christmas apartment and maybe on wednesday we can play animal crossing that could be nice i would like that i keep meeting you the sparks challenge and we haven't done that yet either so much to do so much is going on a villager hunt finger in our near future i don't know we should do one maybe on like um on new year's eve or something we could i guess it's in a couple weeks but i have one plot left that we can place and then we're gonna have to wait for somebody to leave so we need to be careful but it would be very fun to do a hunt on new year's eve so and i have some special plans for next weekend that i'll keep you posted on not animal crossing related and i can't i'm not i'm not gonna tell you yet but um i do have some special plans for next weekend too so um alexis thank you for 10 months did y'all do a chill challenge i could do sasha's chill i can't sleep sasha's shell sasha's shell did she do one god why can't i say that [Applause] secrets are no fun sharing his care it's not like it's a secret i just have an idea but i'm not done setting it up yet so vexela's shell yeah there you go yeah we're gonna stream for like six hours on new year's eve i think honey spawn i guess well maybe longer because i'll go live at four and i'll stream until midnight so i guess we'll stream for quite a bit on new year's eve um but i'm gonna more than six hours then because i'm not i'm not gonna go live in my head i was like we'll do a long stream how about six hours and then i was like oh but i have to go until midnight so it'll be longer than six um that would be eight in my head i was just like i'll do a long stream and then my end six hours is a long stream but that's not yeah we'll have a little new year's eve party um and that'll be fun we didn't get to do one last year because i was in london last year but we did the one the last two years before that actually until midnight like a couple times it's kind of fun to like ring in the new year on stream it's just more exciting you know i'm right-handed you know what dan is left-handed but i think he like writes with his right hand dan's weird he's ambidextrous but he like calls himself left-handed weirdo imagine being left-handed that's so embarrassing your left-handed lancy really nice we'll do the animal crossing event too yeah um i might do it like i guess i can't do it on christmas i don't know when i we have to figure out i don't know what i'm doing for christmas still i'm honestly still not sure so i don't really know what my stream plans for christmas is because i'm gonna be home i want to see my parents but i don't know if i'm going to like i don't know i'll keep you posted on that so we'll figure something out i'll let you know i'm still planning on streaming though even if it's just short streams just to like pop in and open the advent calendar and hang out for a little bit but the big question is what are you doing for my birthday oh right of course lansi the bigger most important event of december not only emu alexis feminists emt thank you guys for the recess and stuff too thank you so much um anyway i'm excited about christmas um i wonder so my family usually goes obviously to illinois for christmas we're not doing that this year um but we usually make pizza like make homemade pizza on christmas eve i wonder if we'll do that again this year i need to ask my mom i want to make and decorate sugar cookies that's my number one goal um you did such a good job as i expected have you thought about doing this for a living you know christine that's a good idea i should like make sims videos for a living yeah that's genius plan who wants to come to illinois well my both my parents were born and raised in illinois um so all my family's up there so i always have breakfast for dinner on christmas eve that's kind of fun i like that mia yeah we always used to make homemade pizza on christmas eve um and i and then do like the dinner on christmas day which is kind of fun i always liked that though it's fun to make homemade pizza and like like decorate your pizza and put your custom toppings and like make i just i like that it's a fun experience cinnamon rolls for breakfast on every holiday that's fun i don't really have many like breakfast traditions for holidays my mom got a job in florida potato lord that's why they came down here for my mom's work when i was like five we moved here for her for work so yeah that's true happy hanukkah we're sitting here talking about christmas but happy hanukkah to all of you and chad who celebrate um but anyway my mom came down here for work when i was like five and i've lived here ever since um we might faith we'll see that's a good idea i don't know a gingerbread competition last year dan and i made gingerbread houses i wonder if i could find of the picture because dan and i did all kinds of fun oh there it is oh it's really ugly huh well oh okay i'll show you okay i'll get it on my computer so i can show you um but dan and i did lots of fun christmas things last year honestly in hindsight i'm really glad that we did because little did i know that we wouldn't get to see each other at all this year um but there's um the gingerbread it's not that good um it's really cute though isn't it do you like it did it taste good i don't know if i ate it where did i buy it i think it's probably just um did dan just said is that ours dot dot dot anyway um i think we probably bought like a kit from publix and just did that so it's publix brand gingerbread it probably isn't that bad but i don't really like gingerbread so i probably didn't even eat it he might have eaten it but i don't think i did it's not that bad i've seen way cooler things out of gingerbread um this one's not that cool but it looks really cute publix is a grocery store yeah um it's it's like in the southeast it's like the one of the main grocery chains in florida they don't have them everywhere but they're they're around a lot in florida the tree is a little sad yeah it doesn't look very good what is this supposed to be santa i think that is santa you can see like the cutout and like how he's supposed to have like a hat you know but he's green yeah i think that's supposed to be santa and if i remember correctly i think that each of us decorated one side of the roof but i don't know whose side is which i don't remember it's the grinch okay that's about that's even better it's the grinch there you go it's the grinch yeah yeah it's the grinch poor sickly santa oh poor buddy you're looking a bit green are you okay there santa you've been having a rough day santa huh um anyway i'm really glad that dan and i did a lot of christmasy things last year because little did i know that we would not see each other much this year um but i know that dan and i promised because we were we thought that this year he would be moving here around christmas time um but now they're not processing our visa category so he's not moving here now or anytime soon because um that's a long ways away now it's just sitting in a pile and has been for months so um we we promised that the next time he is able to come here i'm gonna like put my christmas tree back up and we're gonna have fake christmas and that's my plan i'm gonna bake cookies i'm gonna put my tree up again and i'm gonna have fake christmas and it's gonna happen where is the door oh this is supposed to be the door it's like painted on don't you see kettle thank you for the eight month reset thank you so much um anyway it's quite sad but that's the plan so we'll see how that goes has you got my fast i think it kind of has two in a weird way i don't know we're just we're just pushing on you know as you do christmas in july whenever dan comes well maybe it'll be sooner than that i'd like to hope it would be sooner than that i think that as soon as they open up the borders dan's gonna try and come here for like two months if possible um so hopefully it'll be sooner than like july but i don't know maybe it will be like july i'd like to hope that it'd be a lot sooner than that because they're not processing our visa and it's been like a year already and it's just sitting in a pile so um that's fun miff i like that idea that'll be fun but slow march fast every other month yeah kinda i don't know the house don't look at my gingerbread house don't make fun of it don't be rude maybe it'll be christmas next time they can come over oh my god december 2021 dan finally makes it over here do you know what that's like probably maybe even a realistic timeline for when he could move here is like december 2021 because you got to think about the fact that they're not going to open the borders for months possibly and they're not going to process the visa for that long and there's like a many many many many many months backlog for interviews so like december 2021 is probably pretty likely might be streaming on december 10th 2023 you can count on it and i'll be live just for you oh anyway hopefully it's fine hopefully it's fine maybe even if he has like that's the thing though if things get like better by then and it's like safe to travel again even if there's still a long time that like he can't move here for because of the the visa stuff at least hopefully i could go visit him more often you know um if the borders are open and it's like safe to travel and people are getting vaccines and stuff so hopefully next year will be better hopefully next year will be better grace thank you for the sub gift thank you so much um but i don't know if i have high hopes but it's okay we can dream we can dream such a weird time we're living in right now everything is just bad everything just sucks um sorry i'm trying to drink water i haven't been doing much of that today i did a bad job is it a sunday well maybe my schedule will change by then maybe in 2023 i'll be streaming on sundays who knows it's your birthday i could sing you a song [Music] can i stream forever please forever starting today like never get off because i yeah i could do that [Music] um yeah right bambi you want to say next year can't be any worse but so that every year well here's the thing right the chances of there being another pandemic like we're gonna be on the way up soon from this one because of the vaccine hopefully dear god please um so the chances of next year being worse than this one i'm i don't want to jinx it but it's pretty unlikely i feel like i'm like daring the world to do it we get like a new pandemic oh no the bar has said so low for the future though like our expectations are so low that it could be easy to sorry i'll stop talking stop jinxing it now it's gonna happen you're right the bar can go outside right that's how low the bar is is that we want to go outside okay well anyway we're gonna find someone to raid now um i think oh you can see my oh no you saw me just open my stream i have to write gifted those subs one second oh i guess why do i have my i open the sims there you go there you go anyway how am i today i'm doing good angel thank you how are you i hope that you're doing well we're gonna go find somebody to raid i think we were kind of talking about maybe going to see oh conspiracy is hunting villager hunting oh my god well i know where we're going uh christian's hunting for bon bon and animal crossing so you know where i'll be um don't worry back tomorrow we'll be playing some more sims i think but uh christian is is hunting for bon bon and animal crossing and like i said that's where i want to hang out and really thank you for the eight months you guys are gonna love christian he's great do not spoil my raid if you spoil my raid i'm going to be mad at you no spoilers no spoilers okay anyway i'll see you guys tomorrow i love you i miss you i'll see you later thank you for hanging out um everyone drink some water get a good night's sleep tonight you know self-care um and and on that note i will see you all later make sure you um put some eggs in christian's chat but don't put too many eggs like don't spam anybody just like three eggs and then stop um and then we'll be good there's no spoilers yet so i'm gonna go okay goodbye
Channel: moresimsie
Views: 98,330
Rating: 4.900393 out of 5
Keywords: twitch, games
Id: IlOs0wdXXFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 194min 58sec (11698 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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