I built a house in The Sims using ONLY the first color swatch

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I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm trying to be less mean Each time I come back into this lot I'm like less and less impressed. It just this is the most generic looking nightmare house I've ever seen in my entire life I can't believe that this is actually a pretty full house of those things for okay, we're not here to renovate this house We're here to bulldoze this house. Please go away. Okay, we're free. It's fine We're attempting another build challenge today this time the first swatch build challenge and what that means is I'm going to build the house But I can only use the first color swatch of any item So, instead of changing a swatch and being like "oh, you know, I want this bed, but I want it in yellow." No, too bad If you want this bed, you're getting it in green. And so the idea is that we have to look at the catalog for what it is first watch and only pick items that match Our color scheme from there should be interesting Some of the swatches are kind of weird, especially when it comes to like sofas and stuff like this one is red by default So that'll be fun But I was thinking we could build it here in this Neighborhood the beautiful evergreen Harbor because a lot of the houses nearby are pretty generic. I think our house is gonna be pretty generic So we're gonna just try and fit in, you know, hopefully here we can blend in really well They don't look so bad when you look at them in like the next-door neighbor's places but the fact that they're so small and close together helps this big empty lot does not help should we just begin do we just Wing it. I mean, I guess okay fine. I kind of want to just make it shaped exactly like our neighbors houses Is that bad? No, it's fine. Totally fine We'll make it like a little bit fancier than our neighbors houses, but we're gonna take their vibe and we're gonna run with it So, all right guys, it's done builds done. See they did a lot of like the roof being this way I would never do this. This is like my biggest no-no in the world when it comes to build tutorials I'm like if I can offer you one piece of advice. It's don't don't do that I always suggest that you put the room facing the shortest wall But you know what rules are meant to be broken and it's not even a rule It's just a weird generic thing that I do in the zooms. I think I made it too wide Oh, this is a bad build. What are we doing? What are we starting off with? So ugly. I'm sorry like really truly. I am sorry. This is not my intention I did come in here starting to try and do something good Like I was I didn't start this off thinking like I'm gonna build but how's in the zooms? Mmm, shall we use a fence we can use this as the first watch of this thing a simple fence. Yeah We need one of the hooks we really do. Ok. That's annoying. Why does it do that? Genuinely, ok I'll show you in a second. I got moves over once we can fix it But do you see how it like auto places? So there's just one. Why does it why would it look like that? Why would I want the fence post like that in what world is that the solution and that's better. It's still not good It's so annoying. I do not want these things to auto place Sorry, I'm fine. I'll get through it. It's fine. Oh, I guess we're using white trim on the roof I didn't even think about that. Yep. It's gonna be white trim. Um, that's kind of a fun roof color It sort of matches some of the neighbors too. Not all the neighbors, but some of them Oh man. This is a disaster. At least the columns are white swatches by default, too So that makes our lives a little bit easier. Should we do it like that? We're does the door go I guess most of their doors are not centered. It does look like a real house I'll give them that like this kind of thing. You would find in real life. It's just disappointing Might I interest you in a blue. Suburban. No, it's terrible. We can't do that. I'm sorry We can use beige like all of our neighbors. Oh, that's great. That's just Awesome. I mean the options really are limited. It's like do you want beige or do you want blue? So I guess we I guess we go with beige Should I put the foundation up a little bit higher and I can get brick. That's probably a good idea I was thinking about doing a tiny deck there. Do they have fences I guess some of them do have fences Why do I care it doesn't matter what the neighbors are doing Gila. You're living your own life Random wood flooring. Cool. Okay, you know what's really nice is that I can send her whatever door I want I'm not I am not limited. Oh, what a beautiful day. Look at this I can use this if I wanted to of course, I won't because it's this weird color But it's kind of a baby poop color. That's ugly. This one could work. It's taller. Hmm. It's still ugly Okay, very nice. That's great. Umm, that's ugly too. But you know what? That's just life, isn't it? Just the way it's gonna be a little door there Some windows here. Oh, man, that's terrible Oh how awesome brick stairs that could be fun. It's not that bad I've definitely built worse and the sims to be honest I don't want to scoot it over a little bit more and I also kind of want to be back yard a little bit smaller I know we just did all that work to like make it not look weird But I wanted this part to line up better with the sidewalk. You know how that it's like nice. It's like a line That's what I wanted. How do we lay this out now? I don't know master bedroom s or bathroom Maybe the kitchen can go back here. I don't know where he would put the stairs. Oh, oh the stairs are a problem None of them are good though that oh, I want this too. He's right there. It looks so good right there I guess I could put the stairs over there. I'm not sure what I'm doing. I'm gonna be honest I don't really know what I'm going for here. Put some windows in the kitchen Hey 4-bedroom house, that's not bad. Okay. Okay. Let's just get some doors in here. Shall we? Oh, it's so nice being able to send her these doors. This this is the best day of my life I think we need some windows here I wasn't gonna put any windows on this side of the house cuz it looks dumb but I think the hallway could use some Nice view the trash cans. Look at that Wow stunning. Should we use the new floor so far? It's just bass game Oh, that color is not very good. Never mind. Let's use this one cats here What do you mind if she stays her birthday was yesterday? So you have to say yes, I mean no you have to say no. You don't mind. She laid right on my keyboard That's really useful. Thank you snuff. I think this bathroom should be jack-and-jill with the master I know it's annoying that the master has to share with the downstairs bathroom But like I think that they should I think we need a bathroom downstairs I mean the guest bathroom is right up the stairs So it wouldn't be that big of a deal if the guests had to go upstairs to use it I'm just gonna use these counters. I think I like the shape of the kitchen I think it's cute. What I don't know how to do is layout the living room I don't know what wall to put the TV on I think that like maybe this wall would be good. Stick it like there I don't know what rug to use. Oh no These aren't good. Oh, we could stick this rug like size down in the kitchen. That could be nice I don't really want to use that here. That's not the generic vibes that I'm going for None of them are the generic vibes that I'm going for. This one's pink this could work We allowed to size things down in this challenge. Surely you are they will be dumb if you couldn't write Oh No Oh, thank you. Snap. Okay. I don't really know stop eating my headphone core, okay? I'm not to hold us up that it's ridiculous looking put it back. Stop eating my headphone. Okay, we I can't set this down I have to hold it butterface. I think this rug is a problem. I don't know what rug to use Otherwise, I didn't realize how hard this would be No, are we using other packs maybe if we use that? I don't know where to put also the cat. It's just sorry maybe if the rug okay, that's not gonna work I do not know maybe if we didn't have how are you meant to layout this living room cursed? It's this door being here. I don't really want to move that door, but we might have to see like that fixes the problem I don't like this rug. I'm sorry. I don't know what to do. I just use this brown one That's a nice console table, huh? I don't know about the color, but it's nice and low I think we're gonna use that one instead could always like size down see I feel like we can't really mix and match all the Woods like this. I don't know what coffee table to put in here. It's cursed just leave it kaylynn Just don't think about it too much. Oh that looks pretty or that that's nice In a nice plant in the corner That's a nice watch It's not that bad. Can we scoot it all over a little bit. Oh, can I have my door there still? Oh, I could like all place it. Oh, oh That's fine like genuinely that's fine that's totally fine. I don't know where to put the dining table now is the problem Oh, we're doing a first swatch. She'll know What are we gonna pick I'll put that right there. It's not that bad right now, but we haven't done the walls yet So I always do the wall painting last cuz I don't want to think about it. Oh, I'm gonna give him a dumpster I don't know why but I feel like we deserve one of those right outside of the kitchen window looks great. Absolutely stunning Let me tell you we could have one of these on the patio porch Whatever put it put it right there use that light in the kitchen. Let's go to debug baby dot show hidden Oh, no, let's just use a regular base game table I mean we do have Listen, what if it was just I don't know what size table to put I genuinely don't know What size table to get in here? I feel like that those chairs that look ridiculous. Wait Is this a cheat for the first watch challenge to use debug items that? They're all their own swatch that will use the default like white swatch on this. It's only fair There's literally nowhere to put this know where looks good. How disappointing? Can I like scoot the staircase back a tile? Not ideal, but I'll even like fill that out. I don't mind I feel like that's better to be honest. I don't know how else to do it They put some windows next to it looks so ugly run though side. This could be good for the stove though. Look Maybe it's a good thing. Maybe it's a blessing see. Oh we could even oh, wait a minute We could probably get a dishwasher in here. I never put dishwashers in my sims builds. This is groundbreaking It's a nice-looking kitchen. Maybe get like a little Range hood above the stove. Oh, we should put a fire alarm. I always forget to put fire alarms in my houses Where should we put it? How even just like there? No, that's weird. How about no, that's weird In this Sims 3 you always put it right above the stove. I guess I can go there I don't care now. The fire department will come to save you if you burn your house down Oh god, what tile will be put in here do we just use like white tile? That's not that bad even put it on that back wall. Ooh Maybe it is that bad. How much is this one? Should we get a desk? I always wanted to put a desk right here I say always wanted is it's been like a long time wish of mine I literally just decided that I wanted the desk here It hasn't been a long long standing wish but if we put I think it needs to be a smaller desk This one is so ugly and it's red so we can use it. Oh, no Even if we like stuck this one partially into the wall, so it was like a built-in. How big are the computers? I don't even I think that's fine making it like built into the wall. Oh, I can't change swatches. Oh no my chair Am I supposed to use that one? This is so much worse than I thought it was gonna be and I feel like this part of the wall is weird Maybe if we didn't have that we had a furniture piece for real even it was like that furniture piece It looks like a bench but it's a table. Is it a table? Yeah, huh? We could like graze up these paintings size him down stick them on there. That's kind of fun actually Oh, wait, that looks really good Oh switch that out with like the purple that looks really cool on this shelf I actually oh it's floating. Wait. Do you see that? This is slotted onto the shelf and it's floating I have very little patience for dumb Sims things and that is one of the dumbest things ever seen in my entire life Why is it floating? Everything wrong with the sims 4 eco lifestyle part 2 these things float on the bench does everything flow on the bench? Yeah. Oh I'm angry. Okay, I don't think we can use any of the wallpaper from this pack I think we gotta use base game stuff But if it was like this because there's some blue on the chairs and it kind of ties it look so ugly I really did have such high hopes for this but no, that's not even that bad to be honest It does kind of tie it together. Well, maybe we could keep that. Okay in the bathroom. I want a bathtub No, I want a square about something that fits in the wall. I want to sink. I'm one of mirror Oh, this doesn't look good. Wait. I think we made a mistake. Maybe we don't get a shower Do we like, you know, we already put tile in here, but do we change it out for like this? Well, it looks really bad with the rest of the house. But I think that's okay. It's not okay is it looks really bad? Yeah, I think I want to switch a little lights to be these They're more like generic family home sort of lights. And if there's one vibe we're going for it would be generic family home I'm bored Oh under the outside now. I want to furnish it yet We'll come back to that what sort of trees so they have lots of pine trees. Okay. I say we embrace it Yeah, that screams generic family home to me. Okay, how about a mailbox? The other neighbors don't really have that much landscaping to be honest. Oh, let's get a patio I think we deserve a small one there like that fence gate does not match. We don't need a fence gate. That's okay Never mind, even if we had like a grill well table. Why does it have to be yellow? I'll just I'll use it Anyway, it's okay get some planters over there That's actually not that bad of a backyard Oh what if we did like flower boxes? Wait, this might be a very smart move. You noticed a couple of the windows because makes it look less buoyant Oh the flower situation I didn't really think that through either I forgot about Landscaping being difficult because we can't pick the colors of the flowers for choosing. You know, we can do though is scoot them Very close to the foundation To brag, but it's a beautiful day Even if there are only a couple plans like even if we really only did just put it like a couple plans like that I don't think that's too bad. Maybe it a bigger one underneath that if I size that up That's not that bad. We can use that. I was worried. It would look ridiculous sized up, but it doesn't look that bad It's much bigger than the one next to it That's okay. Do we just leave it like that? I don't know I don't want to go too overboard because the other houses have like no landscaping and like I said I wanted it to be generic like my neighbors. Some of them have like little chimneys though We don't even have a fireplace doesn't me? We don't need one of these though. Okay, that's not that bad-looking it. I hate it So much it is that bad. Look let's do the kids bedrooms because they'll be easiest I think Oh, how about one of them? Like the baby can have the little blue? Oh, that'll be cute We can have a green kids room. Let's furnish the baby's room first. That's actually really pretty I wasn't expecting to like it that much I want my big toddler bed that fits really well in here the the style of that. I'm gonna bunny You okay these come in those colors by default that works. Where's four feet while there he is. I looked up and down I scroll up and down so much trying to find blur-free just then and I couldn't find him we could do the rainbow That's actually not that bad and then we could put the little toddler like this thing on it. Maybe a ducky sized up Yeah, wait, I'm gonna put the toddler potty in the corner. Usually I put it in the toddler's bedroom or in the bathroom Obviously, it makes more sense in the bathroom. But what if I want the potty to be in the bedroom? Why can't I have it there? Huh? Yeah looks really good. I can stay I actually like this room I think that turned out pretty cute it all kind of works This bedroom will be easy because of the fact that this watch is the default we lucked out with this one I think using blurr fee again blurr fee is such an easy answer to everything. I feel kind of bad this room isn't that good looking maybe if we got a couple more windows for the oh I have to like I'll place this window don't I because I move I scooted the door down Oh, I probably can just leave it right. I don't actually care that much. Yeah more Windows is better in there I just want to leave it. I don't care. It's like what is the default on the shower? Look like it's pink. Ooh Let's use that I want a shower tub combo up here. I think it's important. I know we used that downstairs Let's just copy some of this stuff from down here. Although I don't think that we can have a plant in here very easily Yeah, that's probably fine. Should we base this next room off of whatever bed choose? I'm gonna look based game. Like if we did like that bed. This could be a teens room do we have a wall default that would work in here, I guess that I Don't want it to be that dark. Does this work? No, that's too bright. That's not the vibe. That's not the vibe Sunset that might work. It has the blue it also ties in some more colors. Well, I don't know what dresser to put with it Maybe we should try actually Let's try and use eco lifestyle even just like one of the new beds your Sims can craft like we could do What's the first color the white one? That's easy. Then we could pick any wall coloring in here I feel like we we owe this to our poor poor self Yeah I think it's fine to use the craftable items from eco lifestyle and I'm using the default swatch like the white one that it makes First or does it make that one first? Maybe it makes I think it makes that color first like the plain wood one then used to dye everything else fabricated on table They all are just the same name I think it I think it makes this one if you don't dye it hopefully it's not a big deal, right? I don't know what rug to put in here. We could use this one. I think maybe I should use this bed instead That's kind of a fun bed for a teens bedroom. I would have loved that I would still I say would have I still would love that those shelves above their bed are kind of cool I'm not sure if it's like too much above the bed, but I actually really like that. I don't want to keep it Oh, we could use this dinosaur thing in the kids room. That's fun. Well, maybe this sim can be into painting too That's actually a really good idea. What are we put in this corner like a chair? Maybe this like upcycle the chair and a lamp. I don't know. I don't like this room at all this one This one's not my best work. Maybe she can have some posters. Yeah, let's just pretend it didn't happen. Let's let's do the hallway I might even just take like this thing from downstairs some random eco lifestyle stuff and just leave it. I don't even care It doesn't need to be complicated. It's just the hallway and last but not least the master bedroom Let's try and make something bass game work. There is like base game furniture sets It just is a question of like what bed color matches the nightstand colors I guess it to pick the nightstand first anything have a white swatch by default. No. Oh Maybe wait this one this one has a weird that you like baby poop color. Oh that could work Wish it wouldn't but that's maybe our only option we want at least somewhat matching wood tones I don't know what style this house is meant to be. This is not good. We can have some Kurt. That'll be nice We can have a dresser. That'll be nice. We can have a mirror. That'll be nice Maybe a plant if we're feeling a little wild Wow I might use that same bench that we had. I think this thing is pretty cool. I want to use that again It doesn't really match anything. But oh well, maybe we can use Geoffrey. There we go Not to get too crazy, but I might even put a rug. I don't know what rug honestly just the same I don't want to use the same one as a living room But I want it to be based game and none of these like I don't want to use that Maybe we don't get a rug. Maybe they don't get to have one. How about that? Wall? That's fine And I say we pretend that it's done and never ever ever look back my cat's back This one will never ever stop wanting attention while I'm recording. It's just it's unbelievable. Are you seeing this? It's like she knows that I'm making a video so she's like oh, oh There's gonna be people that are gonna see me show me to that final thoughts I think that this challenge was not as hard as I thought it was going to be It's also just, oh, cat on the desk. It's also just not good It's not bad, but it's it's not good. And I think that that goes for a lot of my builds in the sims. Not bad, but really just not good. My cat is so dramatic when I'm recording it's every single time. I'm trying to do something She's like, oh you're using your keyboard. I'm gonna sit on it. She wants to be the only thing that gets attention in this house
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 883,758
Rating: 4.955195 out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly, building, speed build, build challenge
Id: 1Oi5rfP6xtI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 58sec (1138 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 08 2020
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