I hired a Rocket League coach on Fiverr, then challenged him to a 1v1

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all right so about a year ago this rock of the youtuber named Musti made this video called seven gold players versus one Grand Champion so I asked one of the best players in the world to take on the challenge okay so this dude's sunless Khan stole my most popular video idea so I already got my lawyers working on it but I mean he left me with no other choice ladies and gentlemen it's time to use the reverse uno card alright so about a year ago this Rocklin youtuber named some list made a video called I hired a rock lay coach on Fiverr then challenge them to a 1v1 so because of this I had to take on the challenge of hiring a rock yulie coach on Fiverr then challenging him to a 1v1 all right so all jokes aside every youtubers already done this and since you guys really liked my last coaching video I thought it would be cool to try this video out for myself so I went on Fiverr search for a Rockley coach and ended up finding baxter whose listing said i will rock you Lea coaching from a grand champ so seem legit so for ten dollars I bought one hour of coaching from Maxton so we messaged back and forth and found a time to do the coaching session and by the way guys his fiber link will be the first link in the description my plan is just to act like a stereotypical bronze or silver rocket league player who's pretty bad and just want some coaching but at the end of the session I'm gonna challenge him to 1v1 where I actually try hard so I should end up beating the Rockley code in order to do this I of course had to go undercover using a voice changer and by making a new fiber discord and Steam account all using the name ever expose so once this was done it was time to hop into wait a second you're probably wondering why I use the name ever expose out of any name and that's actually because if you put it together scare me out and you've got it you are now legally obligated to subscribe to my YouTube seriously there's a 60% chance if you're watching this you're not actually suck so check right now to make sure you are subscribed and that'll help me overtake the news on this con from the beginning and subscriber counts so we can beat them two million subscribers okay now that you're subscribed it's time to get coached hello look hey what's up man how's it going yeah yeah first how does this all work we'll just play some games for me once look at replays and all that I'll tell you what you're doing wrong how to get that rotation all right I'd like kinda got off your like just a week ago by the way so I'm kind of new just that's not figure you should know that okay oh you're like you're new to PC what rank are you I'm bronze - ok so you're really new yeah I will throw you out and do a private match first make sure you know the basics ok what made you want to buy coaching I just kind of sucked out of the game I couldn't really like hit the ball very much so hooked up on Fiverr how to how to get good and you were the one of the first ones that popped on so first like do you good settings I have no idea camera what do you have going on camera preset it's just a default for camera shake yeah I like when I like whenever I had the ball it's like all shaky I think it's pretty cool I mean if you like it go for it but I don't recommend it so what how does copy your camera settings one of yours I use a pro agent I don't know if you know any the pros I don't follow that too much well I like is so here's our 110 okay you know - from flipping all that run flip yeah I can do it side flips you know those like the barrel half-wit athletic but what is that so it's a good way to turn around it's the best way just do that so what you do for that is do it back to it and a half way push up on the stick so that like cancels it it's kind of tricky and then while it's canceled use your interval that is hired you can just practice it like this first just jump don't even flip and turn your car so that an athlete for no no that's not after I mean that would definitely give you advantage and bronze I think yeah I've never thought of that I've just been backing up and like I thought it I was like easier but yeah that actually seems really useful yeah you don't really ever want to be back enough yeah let's try to get that a flip down cuz I'll help you Tom [Music] I did it right yeah that was good action so that's just something really good toward the half-lit alright score the ball alright now you can hit it just making sure I feel like I'm not like too bad you know how to wait - sounds like gibberish to me man what is the way that all right so it's helps with recovery especially in bronze you're probably not the best with loose management yet say you're like on the wall want to get like some speed gone but do you have a lot of boost you can just jump off and then dodge into it so just jump know when you're about to touch your front foot I do it now you gotta use your foot and you can do that any direction so it's good for getting around the field oh wow yeah tap X like Whitely so you don't drop this on you can do it quicker you were the bronze Matt Tifft thing I practiced this you got to make those like natural that's exactly what I was looking for it's like I have no idea what I have to be focusing on and that really helps today well I mean those they're just nice recovery things but we've got to focus on how to get out Brahms go in your net just try to save the ball alright yeah seemed kind of where your skill levels that oh my god that's just patience there yeah I want to know how to do that you know how to do that I'm sure I mean I've jumped in the air before I've never hated that sighs now are there ways to hit it faster I like it slower I thought if you just hit it it goes like one speed now you can get a lot of speed on the depends on the angle like how fast you're going yourself yeah that makes sense we'll try like an aerial shot got want you date it while it's in the air okay should just bounce so what you want to do for more power is use your flip there we go jump a little earlier than that is you didn't really get the power of the flip right there oh okay that's I think honestly it seems kind of lame since I'm only a bronze but I think that might have been my heart say I got it honestly rarely flip into the ball new pros like flipping the ball and suffer is like those little [ __ ] and then my great year go like outside of it and just cut in really fast use your boost nice shot just score try to hit it hard close so I think in bronze all you really got to focus on is putting the ball on target now let's see like while you're learning it's probably not even a bad idea to turn your chat off you don't get like stupid teammates oh yeah so we can hop into a match so are we gonna play against like really good players or now better in the bronze for sure okay it already seems way faster what they it's on rotation you usually want to be on the opposite side of me so I'll be on the right here yeah oh my is is there any way like I could do that or does that it sink like a lot of time to where I'm gonna say hello a lot of time but there are ways you can practice it I can be some like trainee pecs what's like your goal with this game just playing for fun uh yeah and it's playing for fun it's trying to get better obviously oh my god let's both just take your time a little more don't like rush it yeah I tried the half way it's good keep trying okay so at this point it was about halfway through the coaching session and I felt like my bronze the acting skills were pretty good so I went back to private match to learn a few more things and then we played a few more games I was one of Linda's uh whatever you did on the wall in that game that seems like super complicated that like air dribbles everything up probably I don't know the name of it how in the world are you doing that let's just practice I don't think you're gonna be learn it in a session like this but I can show you like how to set it up just dribble it don't put on top of your car just let it roll to the wall and like keep your wrong flat and then right when it gets once it's up you want to get under and you want to jump about right here okay but when you do it you go up from an idea I go down it looks like you like stopped right there it's all like one motion kinda okay yeah I can't see the ball though you know there's like two camera moves what camera money to have on for the air dribble I personally use ball cam okay okay I mean it's progress okay now that's cool my card is something really cool that was actually to get four bronze so do you watch anything on rocket League like what does my brother used to play are there like you'd like to be watching who should you watch I think like watching pros do what they do it helps a lot squishy he's a big one Justin they stream honest I've been watching pros are people like other netic bronze youtubers are like less and pro or something as far as its like content creators go and everything you can wash them - are there any big ones like yeah you should like recommend for me or not yeah most of the content creators are granted some of them better than others who do you think like the best one is to laugh I say like skill was I like mercy [Music] musty as well then you can always like go Johnson man just like the most proper youtuber but I don't think you very much that's open I don't know if I can not afford to do yeah this is good the defenders seem way better yeah for sure you did a good job though yeah I feel like I'm holding my own but I haven't like to score too many goals or anything yeah these guys are so good so how do you think these guys are grand champ no like the pros are like that isn't it yeah so yeah but like I'm not the best of this game at all I have gotten grand champ as far as coaching goes I really haven't done with that much dang so have you ever liked have you ever played a pro player or not I have not it's like what about how do I do that right there Ariel I literally don't know how to do that go to Ariel on the bottom right oh I never even saw that yet you got a boost up it's like jump the job till your car back and boost No oh my god okay so just hold this I was tapping yeah oh my gosh okay that's so cool that's pretty much all I wanted I didn't I didn't even think it's never do that you wanted to finish off with like a 1v1 or something yeah so far it's been pretty good even though I may not be improving and guiding me in like the right direction at least now I know like a flip wave - and I at least know what the eligible is even though I can only do it alright so this was the big moment of truth everything in the video led up to this point where we now actually start trying hopefully score some goals on them and see how he reacts oh we didn't really learn a kick off yeah strive straight oh yeah that's good that was good I feel like I've gotten better yeah either I'm the best coach in the world do you not upfront mm-hmm yeah I mean you were really good coach okay so your favorite contact region like I said I don't really watch that many content creators or anything so I don't know just make the content oh yeah I had to feel that ever since your voice that's good do you think it is bro sounds like Musti yeah the only kind of know what's up man - what's up dude it's me that's actually crazy basically this video is I hired a rocket league coach on Fiverr pretended to be a bronze and then Sean jumps like a 1v1 like that type of thing you're a great coach though man okay so then let's try it right when I heard that voice changing I got so nervous we may be bought from my other coaching video or not I have seen yeah yeah I mean I've used a deeper one instead of like the the higher pitched Allah it's not even that it's just like the words you use half the time what do you mean what I say like that's insane or like later and stuff yeah I tried to change my vocabulary a little bit like did you how do you think it was me or no all right when I heard the voice change I was like okay this could be something cool don't don't do anything bad I got nervous you actually did really good something votes for coaching he was using a kind of advanced stuff for a bronze - like a flip is maybe the most advanced thing the wave that is up there I didn't know whether I should figure out how to do it or not so I feel like if you got an actual bronze they would probably never get it yeah but you you honestly didn't agree I'll give you the five star though but what have you what do you drink when I when I started this popping off in the 1v1 game I was expecting I confirm the thought that I was accounting hey I saw that you were like aunty you wanted to get into a warm do you want yeah I try not to make it obvious and I was leading you on to ask who your favorite content creator was to so much though oh my name by the way on discord its subscribed backwards at bricks bus oh my god hope you guys enjoyed the video and don't forget to Eric's bus your way to the subscribe button then check out this video where I hire a pro coach and do not listen to you [Music]
Channel: amustycow
Views: 3,690,253
Rating: 4.9511285 out of 5
Keywords: Rocket League Musty Flick, Musty Flick Rocket League, amustycow, Rocket League Mechanics, Rocket League tutorial, Rocket League, I hired a Rocket League coach on Fiverr then challenged him to a 1v1, Fiverr coach, Fiverr, Fiverr coach trolling, Fiverr Rocket League, Fiverr Rocket League coach, I hired a Rocket League coach on Fiverr & pretended to be a beginner, rocket league coach, Rocket League fiverr, Rocket League fiverr coach, coach rocket league, musty coaching, Fiverr RL
Id: XKxYD3UtW4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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