I Evolved Using Only TOXIC SLUDGE in Thrive

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ah yes a beautiful free game called thrive where we get to evolve everything using very dangerous materials we start down here deep in the depths of the ocean look at that it's a single cell organism i'm gonna name him kevin he's gonna be our friend don't worry kevin your life is in my hands i almost feel bad for you but we have to go find a poisonous stuff for you to swim in hey look there's a pink blob what happens if i touch it oh i took i took damage what about this one a white blob called glucose oh look i'm swimming in sugar oh man i actually want to do that in real life hey what's this thing ammonia nice and there's some good dangerous materials ooh i get to start leveling up a little bit and what's this phosphate yum i'm gonna eat all that all day long oh look at this i can eat so much phosphate and then back eating more ammonia isn't ammonia like just straight urine or something i think so which is kind of gross i'm gonna eat it all because i want to and then back swimming in the sugar water mixed with ammonia and phosphates together what kind of a lucky day is this i'm feeling good it's time to evolve a lot of numbers and stuff here i don't really know how to read next button all right we get to spend the next thing to the pangoni and the seafloor it's a nice beautiful biome six hundred thousand unit meter things below ceiling i can't even words today anyway we've got iron we've got some glucose there's some ammonia ammonia is here what's that hydrogen sulfide we got farts in the water i think so actually that's a zero so it's not actually there but the good news is i can add more circle blobs to my guy so look at me i'm a larger blob now and i can swim deeper in oh what is that there we go there's the uh hydrogen sulfide it's the straight fart juice yum but somehow i found enough potassium or phosphate same difference that i can actually evolve which is kind of cool yeah go team i'm just going to keep staying in my same place now i want the thing that turns hydrogen sulfide into glucose that sounds fun we'll put that over here maybe another one nah not another one but i want this one because this turns the glucose into atp which is like energy adenosine triphosphate if my brain serves correctly and now we can collect hydrogen sulfide over here beautiful day nothing like living on the gas of other animals it's beautiful something satisfying about seeing the insides my guy swimming around through the primordial soup yummy yummy phosphate and a giant cloud of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide how disgusting but your boy gets a lot of energy out of that now i just need some more purple goo and i can evolve and go to the next area get off me you can't steal my evolution points i must evolve now um here we go we get to go to the seafloor finally because i forgot to hit move to this patch now i can't eat the hydrogen sulfide because there's none here but there is plenty of ammonia plus the regular glucose so i should be fine i just need some more of this thing and i mean for science purposes give me a predatory phylus i don't even know what that means but it's amazing i need it oh hot dang i got a spiky boy hey or something i can skewer with my spiky boy oh there's one hey i'm spiking you oh can i eat your parts now i want to eat that i'm gonna can i eat it oh oh i'm breaking it and it's giving me other things nice but why do i want to do that when i can go swim in this ammonia [Music] luscious luscious ammonia and a beautiful pile of evolutionary phosphate somehow i grew a second tentacle face now the question is do i want to move higher up into the bathlegit area which is 1000 meters below sea level i want to say yes but there's no hydrogen sulfide here for me to lick i almost want to go back to the primordial soup in fact there's only one other area that has hydrogen sulfide maybe this evolutionary path isn't the best one for us this thing says i cannot engulf stuff i don't really know what that means but i really want to engulf things maybe i'll just give myself some flagellum that's a fun word say that 10 times fast this isn't good my energy usage is slightly lower than my energy production so i guess i need another one of these so i can get more and actually we can get rid of that at some point in the future because i can't afford that right now oh yes give me more poisonous gases in my liver whoa look we've got a battle happening that's okay i let them fight i have to get glucose before i die oh this was a pretty big battle there's a lot of dead things here looks like we came out would you not do that i'm trying to make a video here that's fine i'll just respawn there's another pile of ammonia that's what i need goblin gob gup gulp guppy gup gup gulp eat it all up all day long i'll pick up gup gold she liked my song i just made it up and oh this is a beautiful soup mixture a creature is coming to visit me he didn't even bring cookies i'll destroy him oh there's two more creatures three more oh this couldn't be good oh wait they're committing sudoku how dumb of him would you stop that what did i do to deserve this i'm i'm an introvert please leave me alone fine i'll just destroy you too that was easy i just made an entire race go extinct oh no these guys are dying i shall help them out with their adventure oh no okay that one was scary oh man why are there you just poked me bro we're on the same team we're friends oh beautiful ammonia more evolutionary gas wow they just totally destroyed that person i'll be honest i don't really like that zone anymore it's time to go here and i'm gonna put another one of these on yeah that's better and i'm gonna get rid of this because i don't want it do i have enough to buy another one i do yum my body is full of brains oh beautiful evolutionary soup please treat me the way oh no oh no i'm about to be surrounded by how much people i want to end my career no thank you and i use up so much glucose hot dang man please don't do that give me that give me that ammonia though that's the stuff my heart really desires so the question is should i continue to evolve my species here or should i move up even further we're gonna move we're just gonna stay here or i can get even more flagellum and probably another one of these because reasons oh i can swim so fast now yikes though our glucose levels going down so fast i'm gonna start taking damage oh no hey those guys are eating all the things i need oh no oh no i'm gonna i'm taking damage we have we have no energy right now oh yes finally a little energy i can evolve again maybe i should evolve to eating something other than like ammonia those guys seem to be working together i got a good thing going on i'm trying to eat that one little flagellum that's a fun word to say i'll be honest that level was boring let's go deeper where there's more dangerous things like chemopsychidea the population of 565. i will eat all of them and just for science purposes we're going to get a rust of caffeine because we it has iron camelot lithothrop tropica tree just made that up again there's so many weird things in this game why is everything so strange sounding also i want another spiky boy and i literally spawned in the worst area ever there is nothing around here except a couple corpses of things that have iron in them maybe those are rocks maybe those are little iron nuggets die but i will eat your nutritional goodness let's try to put you right between my spiky boys and then we'll take you over that other patch of iron over here yes now i will eat you for the rest of forever oh no i'm dying please let me get into that gas i need ammonia please ammonia i need more of you in my life my life isn't going to last very long if you don't give me more thankfully i'll just respawn in a giant pile of iron and an even more beautiful looking pile of urine i did i say it out loud i mean ammonia that's not that's not straight one to one ratio i'm like a primordial vacuum machine just collecting everything yes give me that phosphate too so i can evolve and get out of this slime pit beautiful purple juice take me to freedom so the good thing is about being in the mesopelagic area is that we have all of the atmospheric gases that we want to say at the surface but our physical conditions are a little bit differently we're starting to get a little bit of sunlight though so if i move up into here we can get the sun in our lives i'm gonna do that also we lose a lot of this other stuff which i kind of like having but that's too bad as long as i can start doing a little bit of photosynthesis we're gonna slap two of these bad boys on now hopefully i should have something like oh great i'm dying why am i dying already i didn't do anything to deserve death i have no energy give me the glucose please i need it oh yes so what happens when you drink a surge oh that beautiful beautiful glucose i love sugar water i also love eating the skeletons of my dead friends and staying away from a bunch of enemies that's a good idea too we got some bogies incoming they seem to be dying already though i could just don't arrange them oh oh i just totally ran out of food oh bad bad bad abort mission my favorite oh hydrogen sulfides here too yes give me more purple coop very good i like that so it's time to move up we get a little bit warmer temperatures we finally get that sunshine in our life we're moving to that patch it's brighter here so let's start getting a little bit more photosynthesis happening and hopefully i can still find giant piles of glyco help i'm swimming for my entire life and there is not a single drop of anything in this ocean except that ammonia and hydrogen sulfide yes more farts and i'm running out energy no there's nothing here help show me pity come and die in my face hole yes yes yes please give me more things that my heart needs no i'm gonna die maybe i can swim somewhere else there's a little bit of good stuff here i need a giant patch again or i need to convert myself entirely into photosynthesis creature oh finally a patch my life depends on this patch oh no a raiding army of bad guys [Music] i will defend my patch this is the only food i've found in my whole life died stuff ow yeah get wrecked i got wrecked it was me the one who died i think that means i require additional spiky boys oh nice they all just exploded and gore oh yes that's exactly what i need a giant pile of ammonia so i can evolve even further yes evolution time okay i definitely want more and more and more and more of these things because that photosynthesis is solid but also i could get these the mitochondrion that could be cool but do i have to have this boy first the nucleus i think so this is the thickest ammonium pack i've seen in this life oh there is so much of it here okay you guys fight each other no no no no no you fight each other i'm gonna go get this phosphate it'll be fun i promise oh calling in the reinforcements yes good job friends you know circle back oh that was beautiful yeah i'll circle back and i'll collect all your chewy goody bits inside stay off my legs get away from me friends do the thing i hired you to do even though i didn't really hire you you just kind of showed up get off me get off my back out now you killed me i was supposed that was my job this is not good these guys keep wrecking my life i've only got 32 population left and i think i'm gonna go extinct pretty soon this is the last boy he's the last one i need to evolve oh that's not cool two warring factions versus the only survivor yeah you guys kill each other leave me out of this battle yeah yeah yeah yeah leave i told you to leave me out of this i need to evolve really quickly okay i think if i do a full 360 no scope maneuver i could have killed that guy i don't know what happens now my population's over no no i got extinct oh no so i guess like eating only poisonous things the entire time probably isn't the best way to evolve so thanks for watching keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagan dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x dez bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deacon paul longstone and rau and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 176,942
Rating: 4.9508343 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, thrive, thrive game, thrive gameplay, evolution, evolution game, evolution gameplay
Id: r4KEHN2txzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 11sec (731 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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