I Created The Perfect World, Until I Nuked It in Worldbox

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so I got a lot of comments in my recent videos telling me to play a game called world box it's a minimalistic dog game in simulations sandbox game reminds me of a game we played a long time ago called Cemile and if you remember that but in this one we get to build up continents and then destroy them as humans and orcs and elves and all sorts of fun things try to live oh look a volcano that should be fun and what happens if I dangle a human right into the volcano and go all aztec on them oh oh no okay I'm gonna put down a couple of humans here now and hopefully they're not dumb enough okay just instantly start battling each other why why must you do this you dorks you're supposed to oh they're all jumping in lava what didn't you do why did you run right into the lava no don't that's bad well that that was humanity all wrapped up into one giant puddle maybe the elves are smarter let's put them down and like fairyland down here is that enough elves I like their sound is amazing I can do this sound effects for that I also we got like mountains and junk here so let's give them some of these dudes the dwarves you guys will be super cool if you build up a cool like building and then mine into the mountains and then find a dragon speaking of dragons we could put one in here there's one right there I'm not gonna do that yet I'm gonna send it into UFO instead bro do your thing hopefully you don't abduct anyone no I thought abducting would be the least of my worries but instead the UFO just vaporized the whole city can I get rid of it now can I just unclick on it oh it's going after my island of bears can the Bears attack back oh no okay where you going back down here oh the dorms are fleeing the dwarves are fleeing to a different Island no way that's kind of cool where are you going you're going up here maybe I need to use something like a bomb can I drop a bomb on the UFO over here on bear island me I hit it that didn't do much though oh no we need to we need rain here oh god bless the rains down in Africa we did it we saved the forest fire from extinction if I repopulate this will my dorms come back excuse me please go away I think I got him what Oh setup no we're good we're good oh we got it we got a rain down over here too you gotta stop the fire oh no that was it that was accidental I didn't want it hit him with two but that's okay they're just bears look at all the tree huggers in here that's so cute hopefully we don't get an entire village made out of hippies right now the Bears have come over here the dwarf land that's not good for the dorms like how we just have an ocean ocean bear over here he thinks he's a great white shark just swimming around doing whatever bear things do Oh the Bears are having a battle royale now still a better game than fortnight is it possible to quench a volcano using only the power of rain oh so why is there an elf swing to Bear Island that's probably the not the best place to go how about if I use like acid cloud okay there we go then oh don't go on the human village don't no I'm sorry oh no it's asta defying it's like acid rain oh I think everything's okay oh no it actually did kill it did kill the volcano meet up and our elf friend died to the Bears he'll learn next time I feel like the shell of an old volcano is a great place for the organ oh they're dying out there why are they dying oh it's because they're beating each other up you guys are so dumb I'm trying to make you live and here you go just being all dumb and stuff here I'll give you a mountain is that what your heart desires a mountain I created life and only one orc is alive still now you guys don't beat each other up oh he made a new town he founded a new village and he already popped out a bit how do they make how do you make a baby with only one hose this guy running over there okay that makes more sense how are our bears doing they're dying they need lots and lots of sheep feel like our human village needs a kitty cat that'll make them happy yeah cheering for joy the sheep are multiplying the Bears can't keep up with them that's gonna think we have a self-sustaining ecosystem over here and the elves are up to 19 people now I don't really know what they need but I feel like giving a more trees and stuff is a good idea lightning strike yes and I said whoa what happens if I continuously set this island unfair whoa I made a lava strike oh no oh no it's cause I can be used to go everywhere I didn't want that no no save the orcs save the orcs and junk save these guys over here the humans - just really happy that a kitty cat is still alive you took a little damage I don't know we need to figure out kitty cat where'd she go let me click on you oh you're three years old you're hungry though how do you feed a kitty do you eat chickens can I give you a chicken to eat no the Kitty's starving to death I'm so sorry oh he's going after the chicken yes good kitty good kitty oh we just lost a person it was up to ten I give that I gave you some chickens too the orcs and they just went and slaughtered them immediately it's like I'm not even gonna farm we're just gonna slaughter the chickens we're not even gonna eat him we're just gonna murder them dumped or at least the elves are like hey or these are the doors at least oh there's only nine of them where's one going this guy's fleeing dude I promise you it is not a good idea to go over to Bear Island not a good idea oh no the dwarves are going on a battle they're going on into battle Oh the orcs are gonna be eliminated that's too bad where do these guys attacking hold up what was that it looked like an egg or something and the Dorf says died to the Bears oh no oh the dwarves the dorms are here they're destroying the city oh they just took go to baby ork no I mean yay there's only two orcs remaining in the world Oh No okay that's what most dwarf he's good oh we got two again that was not not a good call there's Seven Dwarfs eight doors and then the tree huggers are down here just living like a tree in a tree not even making more babies I don't know what they need maybe they need something like a hand grenade do they need that yes they did oh no the elves spread out they're making a second town I was trying to make the the humans a little bit of area to go but I feel like the elves are colonizing the world this is not good never mind something happen in a died oh the humans have a castle now look at that thing oh there's a five times hey who's gonna let the world go and see what happens Oh looks like a chicken just took out more orcs and the humans are up to 27 now or 26 elves oh and only eleven oh the orcs have been gone gone what's the word I'm extinct extincted it looks like the doors have expand next to the volcano which I'm trying to currently make and do like lessen volcano and more of like a friendly thing to people want to live on can i freeze an ocean can i freeze it oh that no you can freeze like little bits of it hey I can make this into a frosty island frosted tropical land of frost eNOS it's like where Santa Claus lives I have a big feeling that the humans are just gonna dominate the entire world I'm glad the naturally organic free-range bears and sheep are living in harmony that's a good combination Oh No elves are trying to cross over no elves what are you doing are you tracking the house you've unleashed the rash of the humans you are gonna be in trouble dude that was not good why do these tree huggers keep coming over here it's like oh I sees precious berries let's go eat them with our mouth and then they get slaughtered yeah that was good good job good job dude cuz 1 vs. 8 what did you think it would happen they just throw you into the ocean and hope there was a piranha that would eat you you know what let's just put piranhas in the water that's a better idea maybe it'll be smart enough not to try it nevermind they still just wanted to swim and the piranhas will eat them good job piranhas now we're up in 70 humans it looks like the dwarves have expanded on to the volcano island but they have two different cities here the second one is becoming more popular than the first I'm wondering if that's like the resources I'm not exactly sure I'm still waiting for the day when someone tries to colonize Bear Island it's gonna be glorious where the humans are trying to invade oh hey they were here's another one they're trying to expand but the dwarves have expanded all of their land who got sent home there's gonna be a big battle that comes up in here sometime I kind of wish I wouldn't intervened with putting in piranhas you're always just trying to eat a chicken no yeah oh no just kill the human these piranhas are terrible Oh No there's an elf attack there's oh that was good elves here what are you doing dude why why are you trying to swim there's a little bit of that battle the humans are coming over just a few of them though just oh they took on a house that's all there's too many dwarves here they need full reinforcements here's another raiding party oh we got a little battle happening a little battle ok let's slow it down the watch ok oh no humans if you didn't swim well we got reinforcements coming in oh I feel like the dwarves are better in combat but we got more numbers oh and humans keep trying to swim those dumb cuz they're just a kill touch like this thank the gray goo no it's a destruction you don't want to destroy everything I just want it is this it finger copies oh really oh wait what Oh interesting I didn't know if I wanted that was this a sponge Oh clears burned things oh look we remove burn things I can remove the ocean what does this do it doesn't seem to do anything this it feels bad kid oh man oh man the doors have actually done something okay you got a recount or attack now we got a one burned down house over here I think they're onto something if they a counter attack now they might have a victory oh they're swimming up here they're chasing raising the city they're doing it and meanwhile the Bears and the Sheep are having a peaceful coexistence it's beautiful I'm actually surprised it's working over here working a lot better than the humans and the dwarves together look at these dorks attacking each other every day our humans have gone from a hundred down to sixty and the dwarves are hanging like right at 80 the real problem is down here look at this the elves are just living a peaceful existence all on their own full of chickens and life and happiness and even campfires it's a great day and then they're gonna move in and just dominate the world check this out though we got this constant battle happening but look at this the dwarves have have come into the to the ice sheet I didn't know that was possible they're starting to set up a house there they obviously can't make it over here in bear island because they want to that's a human by the way how did they get across what these humans are just like I need to settle this island the bear people need us the bit where are you going oh dude no I feel like I need to help somebody out and I think I'm just gonna help out the neutral powers maybe I'll summon in a dragon that'll be fun we'll do that over here on bear island hey dragon yes I have no idea what he'll do but it's his mythical and epic oh the dudes coming in right here in the dwarf country uh-oh he needs to set up oh he's set up right in the fields he's oh he's continuing over to the humans cuz they have a big castle and we have a giant battle happening oh this would be bad don't don't don't kill the humans maybe just eat their sheep well their entire village is on fire that worked well let's put that out real quick oh no oh just some dragon whoopsies umm I guess I might just cause the apocalypse you know this game needs is a Thanos we need to summon that Austin to it oh this one's sleeping if the drip yeah take it out what it sleeps no that was a bad idea don't anger it and so much for the humans they've just been completely obliterated with a capital e obliterated is that even a word probably not for a civilization to kill a dragon wins oh no the elves the elves are like finally it's our time to shine and they've come in and they just took out the last of the humans that was terrible wait they didn't make a village here I'm surprised with that oh the Dragons have come to middle-earth they're taking out the elves now that's good we didn't need them anyway we probably need a few more of them good more dragons is that enough you think that'll do it I've caused the apocalypse I have Thanos snap him out of existence oh oh they're coming to Bear Island please don't know just the bear islands a nice place they've done nothing wrong and the Dragons have all descended on the dwarves this is like The Hobbit all over again so let's get in robot Santa whoa robot Santa has bombs robot Santa that wasn't nice are you kidding me I need more of them they're just carpet bombing middle-earth e'er whoopsies oh no they died whoa I think the Dragons took him down watch he's gonna crash attack oh there's still a couple of dwarves left okay I feel bad for them what's this the god finger draws the landscape for you oh look at that it's beautiful it's drawing things and there's one little dwarf just hanging out here oh by his lonesome I feel it's time just to end the world so I'm gonna try to how do you blow these things up maybe I have to hit him with right yeah yes that was fantastic can't wait can I snap a dragon with the heat race haha I destroyed his life yes this is great okay oh yeah what happens if I heat rays of the ocean not much it just creates Heat and bowling ball bowling balls can destroy fire that's a new one can I hit a dragon with the bowling ball up I can that one just flew out of the map antimatter bomb that sounds fun whoa I created a black hole and then a napalm bomb that makes fire on the water that didn't make sense oh no there was a tree that popped up somehow we got a bomb well there's a lot of bumps I killed more dragons oh that one didn't like it he didn't like it at all there's regular grenades grenades also kill dragons nope not quite and we have an atomic bomb yes yes I knew - dragon I've always wanted to say that and this little Dorf was wandering around still wait they made a town there's two of them how does that work they made two wait we got a blue one and a green one are they a different faction these guys don't know they should just hide they should dig and this bad boy can destroy the world oh no joke I just knew - everything okay I'm gonna nuke those dragons and then this one down here we're gonna get rid of all the dragons with nukes cuz that's the only way to do it there's only one dragon left this poor guy will do come by the heat-ray haha I did it I did it I just made the world and then I destroyed it that was fantastic and somehow one little peon lived I'll give you some rain cuz I'm I'm good like that I'll give you rain that's what your heart needs I'm so happy look at him cheer and now you get to live the rest of your days completely alone and in pain because you have no friends oh poor dog or he's so lonely in the kingdom of Spears of gold a Moog with a capital of Taku er he's just building a city capital for himself it would really be interesting if he could make babies I don't know if that works wait no there's there's babies you just popped out two babies what I guess the dorms win [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 608,142
Rating: 4.9141555 out of 5
Keywords: blitz, world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, Simulation Games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds, alternate world, alternate worlds, alternate history, world creation, history game, worldbox god simulator, super worldbox, worldbox pc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 31sec (931 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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