Raft Survival, But The Entire Ocean Is Garbage...

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oh hey there i'm blitz welcome to a beautiful game called raft it's another garbage collecting episode and we're gonna be having some fun today i found a few mods that'll make this interesting but before we get going make sure you hit that subscribe button yes that one right there and then once you have that clicked there's a little bell next to it hit that all button so this number here the 2.7 million can go higher and higher and higher hopefully 3 million by the end of the year wouldn't that be exciting anyway we are just going to you know go ahead and throw that away we don't need tv in a video game that wouldn't make any sense we have garbage to collect yes we do tons and tons and tons of garbage because it we're pirates in the middle of the ocean floating on a raft you know how the drill works every time you hit the like button i get more and more garbage actually i just made that up but you can hit the like button because that's cool to do that now we do need a few things to begin we need a few things like a little bit larger raft that mod even has a tv remote that's awesome oh no i see the ground i see oh wait there's loot down there i gotta go get it oh boy this might not be a good idea i don't have an anchor on my boat oh i got all sorts of things including being bitten by a shark please don't bite me again shark where was this shark i haven't even seen him yet we got a paddle away from the island what did i get i must have got some cool dude oh i can make sure oh man i need it i need it i need it i need it i need it i i just need this real quick oh i'm going to lose my raft i need some of this too oh no sharky bro why'd you eat my boat that's not even cool i made it back yes mission completed now you might be wondering to yourself you might be saying what is so exciting about this mod nothing looks different other than the giant tv well if we do a little bit of that and then we put in say i don't know we'll do five it'll change the spawn interval to five does that do anything it seems to have a lot more garbage doesn't it it looks like there's a lot more we're starting to collect a lot of it too which is really cool i do like how there's a very very short amount of space that the garbage actually floats like there's the edge of it there and then over here on the other edge is where the end of the garbage is but everything in between is an endless tsunami of trash so i'm wondering if i can expand my raft so i can collect all of the garbage in the entire ocean at the same time no shark is not i haven't built the thing to kill you yet no don't eat it bro don't eat that it's okay i can just build a new one and to the power of modding i have successfully researched everything so we can get rid of this and only focus on collecting massive amounts of garbage and i need a lot more of these things and one more time another one another one another one another one another one finish off the row yes we're going to collect them all oh no we need to make more over here nothing shall escape my grasp oh some are escaping my grasp i did it i have a long row of these storage things it's amazing i love it already but you might be saying to yourself blitz just a few nets really doesn't matter it doesn't matter at all not even a little bit but if you turn around and your entire raft is only nets and raft then it's going to be amazing and you're probably saying yourself let's why are you doing that it doesn't make any sense that's fine nothing i do really make sense well the answer is because we can always increase this interval and i don't know why it said heat so i did it before to five what would happen if i did it to two okay it could increase things a little bit faster and from what i can tell it seems like oh yeah they do fill up okay so row one and row two are filled up so row three does that collect it yeah but nothing's in a row four yet that's nice oh man there's so much garbage in here i've already filled up the entire ship full must collect it all oh it's so laggy i can't handle the leg there's just so much garbage already you guys haven't even seen when i crank it up to 11. all right look at all that trash yeah it's great i don't want any of this it's really annoying actually and i did originally spawn in 2000 of each of these so i collected more wood than i literally took to make my little house that i'm starting because we have a problem we need to make storage now we have these regular storages that are kind of boring but i also found some of these that were interesting lucky little minecraft chests how cool is that also there's a medieval one yeah that's that's boring maybe we'll just make these that's a better idea yeah cause what we need to do next is wait what where'd that roof go let's put a ton of chests in here i mean if we gotta harvest everything we better store it all right look how much garbage is coming at us right now there's just so much of it it's great oh no no no i don't like these things ah we better paddle away speaking of paddling uh is this gonna mess up our garbage flow oh no if that hits if that hits oh no it's gonna turn us this is a important mission bad deal we're getting turned oh no no it was perfectly lined up to get all of the trash in the whole world makes me so mad i want to shoot a pigeon or a shark ah yes i can't wreck noob learn to play hey oh this guy oh this oh that was close oh nailed it [Music] i didn't think i could actually hit him oh that was great i don't want to swim after him that's annoying oh but i do need something else water and a steering wheel we'll put that right up here yeah just turn that yes i love it we need to turn it back so we can collect all the trash in the world oh my word look at it all that reminds me we can make this boat faster we could use one of these dinky little teeny tiny sails that's not nearly as fun creating an entire biofuel power raft yeah that's a lot more fun than trying to derp around one of those little things so let's crank this puppy on activate this engine and make ourselves go real fast quick and in a hurry are they spinning do we need another one that's too big our raft is too big increase the horsepower and fuel activate engine oh yes now we're going a maximum cruising speed oh i fell off it's because i forgot to build a floor yeah that'll work better oh that's beautiful now we are looks like oh and readjusted it just takes so much time to collect all this trash oh there's so much of it whoa i just got 700 planks in like 200 plastic and 300 leaves there's so much of it if only there was a way to collect everything but we're not done yet we are not done at all we have to increase the item enroll to one yeah that'll be fun we'll get i guess double the amount of trash in the same amount of time there's also a modded item right here it's called the garbage sucker i want a thousand of them we're gonna spawn in a thousand garbage suckers look how much garbage is coming now and we can put the garbage suckers right on top of these oh this is dirty i honestly don't know why something like this isn't in the base game why does this have to be a mod this is way too cool of an item now look at that right over there it's amazing there's so many garbage suckers on here look at all the garbage so this is one and then i turned it back to normal and that's what's spawning in up there so we have 115 of these things on there we don't need those anymore we need batteries instead we need a lot of batteries look at it go oh that's such a cool item placing more batteries placing more batteries now the thing about these garbage suckers is you have to have a chest right next to them you can hear the items being shuffled in if you listen carefully this is always good there's a pop-up at the bottom right corner that kept coming up there it is an error has occurred uh oh it's one step to breaking the game beautiful all of the chests are completed look these things are all empty would you stop that they're all empty now some of them are already 78 percent our boats are out of gas so we'll refill every one of them uh-oh i think a shark ate that one stupid shark he doesn't know how expensive these things are thankfully i can just spawn him in there it's beautiful come back here we've got maximum speed incoming we need to turn directly into the line of garbage as it comes in i feel like if this was a real world situation and you built a machine like this to collect all the garbage in the entire ocean you'd probably be the richest man alive especially if you had cultural controls that changed the item intervals to point one we haven't gotten this far yet but it'll be exciting yes it just spawned in oh there comes the garbage shark dude no not dawg you dummy i hit you already you're so annoying he tried to ruin a good moment [Laughter] look at all that garbage oh that's so amazing wait it just respawned it changed oh my word look at it all look at all that trash there's so much yes oh look at how fast these things are filling up too oh that's so cool um do you hear it going how fast is our battery going down 44. oh not too bad not too bad here it comes the unlimited garbage [Laughter] yay garbage train that is so much though look at it all these things are these keeping up yeah we're doing all right we're doing all right it seems like they might share is anything making it through oh some things are making it through to the second level that's fine yeah they're making it through they can't keep up oh we just made it to the third round there it is hey buddy there's some stuff is anything making it past our boat no nothing is we're collecting the entire oceans worth of garbage i gotta swim can i swim faster than this thing i don't know but i want to see what it looks like underneath oh yeah look at all that trash ah sharks coming not gonna lie i'm a little bit concerned to see what happens when these batteries oh they're empty already no i have to collect them all oh this is not gonna be fun my inventory is just gonna get like clogged up with empty batteries nobody wants empty batteries oh this is torture there's no good way to do that there's no good way to place the batteries because the bad one flies right at it yeah this is this is not going well this is not going well at all i feel like our entire raft all of the batteries are empty no we can't do it i can't keep up well i have to say that was a fun experiment anyway i wish there was a mod that had unlimited power but i couldn't find one there is one that recharges batteries but not one that had unlimited power look how much garbage got through what a fun day okay we'll see you next time bye [Music] you
Channel: Blitz
Views: 1,739,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, raft, raft game, let's play raft, raft download, gameplay, survival, raft survival, raft survival game, Raft Gameplay Part 1, survival games, Raft Shark, Raft Crafting, Raft Building, raft free, the raft gameplay, raft rescued, raft full game, raft update, raft the first chapter, the first chapter, raft first chapter, june2020
Id: zp2-pPuFQHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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