Minecraft, but lucky blocks are hacked to unrealistic extremes

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all right we're checking out the only game where lucky blocks filled with regret grows on trees it's minecraft also i have to mention while i was doing my little intro there's a fire just raging behind me so today i have decided a couple of things one lucky blocks need even more zeros than last time so we went ahead and programmed them to do even more ridiculously stupid things my methamphetamine chicken tender over there reginald is like yay can't wait to get leg dropped by the ender dragon and so at this point i'm not even sure what all of the lucky blocks do i just know that whatever it is we have to use it to beat the ender dragon and probably end up nuking half of the planet and also set reginald on fire because honestly it's not an episode until he's flaming it's okay though he's from florida he's used to it well it all starts with the very first lucky block now typically my luck with lucky blocks is piss-poor but you never hey sweet ah yes the lovely cheatest diamond chest plate you've heard of geetus this is cheetis i don't really know how often lucky blocks spew out of trees yet might be a little bit slower than growing them with potatoes and wheat never mind i already have seven lucky blocks that fire is slowly getting closer and closer to me that is becoming slightly concerning all right reginald here's the plan i'm gonna open up a trio of lucky blocks on you just stay right there one two three what could possibly go wrong i should probably move back yeah what the hell whoa what is this it's just like a villager house if there's one thing i love doing it's abusing lucky blocks in order to get the very most basic of tools halfway across the entire planet some poor villager is like ah my house got repo'd it sure did alrighty i don't even really have to go to a village i'm gonna make my own right here this little bit of that bing ah yeah that's odd vomit your bounty upon me what where'd the diamonds go you lied to me you bastards just checking to see if they're ow i was gonna say i was just checking to see if there's any loot in here i'll take a torch all the lucky blocks go that's right tree give me your wallet okay 20 lucky blocks is a pretty good start i think i have to go find a village though because i want everyone to have to deal with the horror of whatever comes out of these things hey a testing site some people test nukes i test lucky blocks how y'all doing the guy's like well i have an eye patch on because i only want to see half of the horror you're about to bestow upon us that's wise do you do you have anything to give your lord ah a healthy dosing of bread oh you know what i just thought about something we can actually start our own tree farm in order to get lucky blocks all right boys it's time to see all the random stuff that's been programmed into these lucky blocks here's a half dozen enjoy okay looking good so far oh oh god oh god what the hell good luck what what the how about the sky block oh my god it buried the entire city until under water jesus i killed everyone oh hey a lava bucket in a water bucket cool um well this is actually really fortunate because normally uh it would probably be a pain in the ass to get down from here but i have a giant pond that's been made for me to jump into also there's a tree here might as well get some lucky blocks while i'm here did you get you're getting get out of the way originally he's like i never learned to fly why not he's like all i ever do is get lit on fire every episode all right i mean i guess i'll see if any of these lucky blocks can save us while we're up here i'll put a few down and i don't know hope for the best if it's like a a mountain of creepers or something at least up [Music] oh my god give me the loot give me the loot hey oh god break the glass break the glass break the glass break the glass please god break the glass break the glass i'm drowning break your glasses oh my god that was almost really bad okay lucky blocks went from slightly unlucky to like completely genocidal this whole village is eventually going to die where's all the other loot that i would have gotten it would have spawned like somewhere in here i think all right now i just have to fall into this water right here perfect okay before i build a tree farm i have to at least use all the lucky blocks up i would really like some better tools and stuff instead of things trying to kill me every 10 seconds what the hell now real quick i know what you're thinking you're thinking sure gray you have merch now with shirts such as we don't need physics where we're going i'm still alive and not today satan but can they stop a seven foot long custom-made partisan probably not but i'm here to check it out not gonna lie this is a bit more durable than i have previously anticipated this is the only time you get to get state in the middle finger yay well it definitely gave it some character anyway yes we have a full store now gray still plays dot store if you want to support the channel and uh check out some of the ridiculous crap you can potentially wear on your body and if you're a big fan of reginald or spleens or any of the other characters we're launching channel memberships two different tiers you get all kinds of different emotes and badges at the first tier and second tier you get a weekly extra video from me including various bloopers outtakes extended cuts and other stuff that i probably can't show anyone because i would get jacked by youtube these lucky blocks in their damn sky blocks i'm pretty sure i can make that jump i parkour enough this will be fine oh yeah okay one lucky block at a time because honestly i keep almost dying every two seconds there we go hey chop chomp my god it's perfect for farming throw on the boots get the chop chop going come on lucky blocks hey got the bow of power reginald you okay buddy he's like well i watched eight people die so yeah i'm fine coast is clear this poor village anytime someone sees me coming to test something i'm sure they're always like oh god no oh it's a bunch of dogs i've killed everyone in the village and i've replaced them with canines see things are so much better now who's a good boy i think i finally got some real loot what the hell what um is this i'm sure it'll be fine [Music] oh read it out don't leave me it's a beacon but it's you know kind of at the middle of the earth although i guess since i'm down here this beacon is stacked the only issue is being down here is going to kind of be a pain in my ass so hopefully one of these lucky blocks gets me out i mean what's the worst that could happen right uh what hell yes thank you cake i mean i guess at least i won't starve down here what the hell oh my god i just got everything oh no i cried all the zeros you need what the i got hell rarest spawn ever made i'm out of here now as i understand it this being that is currently in my hand is the most powerful nuke ever to exist in minecraft now obviously you can see the amount of enchantments upon it but you really need to experience it for yourself imagine this pig here just called you a bit oh yeah what the hell my god this pig just vomited out like a hundred pieces of pork chop literally 63 pieces of cooked pork chop all right i guess we have something to test this on wow it just one taps everything killing mother nature so everything i hit with this gets multiplied by 64. hold on i'm so sorry but i need to check something chickens yep 64 pieces of cooked chicken in one hit i need to get all of the tree seeds we'll ever need it totally worked all right i needed a fairly level space this looks pretty good i get out of the way grass you're not needed for this okay all right i need a little bit of extra dirt so i can oh they're starting to bloom already can you see it the heat farm is back give me your bone meal son oh there's no reason not to use the bush i forgot instant stacks of bones uh i need to make space for this here we go uh-huh yep okay that should be enough mode meal oh it's only an average amount of lucky blocks that's fine we'll get a hundred and go down to the nether with them and since we did a hundred lucky blocks to beat the nether dragon last time i'll use 200 this time all right there's a clean 50 just uh you know there's a couple of things i still don't have on the way to the nether so let's see if i can get lucky and uh what the hell this is a creeper riding a creeper how about something that doesn't want me dead oh make sure to subscribe all right this ended up taking a really long time so instead we're just gonna do this [Music] oh my god don't mind me just getting the obsidian ready here perfect all right all right let's fill up on lucky blocks and then go to the nether and leading there it is over 200 lucky blocks reginald put on your sunscreen we're going to the nether baby he's like i'm so excited there's one thing i love doing it's burning good i hadn't thought about this but i need to get lucky and get a what the hell i was gonna say i need a diamond pickaxe to make this work no oh oh sweet jesus [Music] oh my god uh what the hell what the what what the hell is this my god it's amazing oh the fact that i spawn this down here is becoming a real problem holy hell it's a metric freaking ton of diamonds you know what good enough yeah all that huh eight there good enough i need to get a few more lucky blocks because i was under 200. let's roll satan i'm here and i brought my bush with me lament i have a gigantic bush and and absolutely no patience yiddily deets deal with my meat all right that's better all right now hopefully the bush gives me a gigantic multitude i love this thing of gold big money big money big money this bush had one job and it couldn't even do that right all right reginald yeah just keep them all off me brother beautiful all the bars all right who's left alive oh there's one there we go yeah shut up here i see those pearls keep them coming boys hey don't you kick my chicken reginald stay away from them they're a bad influence on you my general's like i love for violence and death sweet no survivors i appreciate at this point they just drop a stack of pearls i'm here for the blaze rods and i brought a bush cough them up and nobody gets hurt get wrecked look at the amount of rods oh it's so good every time uh yeah i guess i don't need oh my god oh sure yeah all that i love lava yeah this is gonna place any italy d ender dragon hope you like lucky blocks cause i'm about to make you choke on them but first more diabetes great nothing like doing this starting underground uh okay yeah i'm never getting that one back what the hell oh all right found it i guess shovel you know what to do [Music] hey i hear a lot of i was gonna say i hear a lot of depression down here there will be no survivor oh yeah whatever look i need the extra obsidian get ready for 200 lucky blocks i'm coming baby boom ah yes the tree that brought life to lucky blocks is going to build our way over to the dragon because for some reason this game always spawns me like a million light years away get out of the way reginald all right let's rock all right dragon fight me in my lucky blocks like a man or like a woman or like a like a like a flying rep just get down here do it you know you want to actually while you're up there i guess i can get all this set up okay here we go here we go oh yes do it do it do it do it do it do it all the way down all the way down and go [Music] oh my god that one is happening [Music] the entire area is underwater on the plus side i could totally get all these i just need to come up for air all the time where you going i got 12 i got 12 more lucky blocks might as well right some poor villagers all right epic helmet might as well throw that on for the battle luckily all the loot kind of washed up to the top up here okay epic sword it's like coal underneath the world or something they can't really go anywhere keeps drowning underwater i just i need to get like one good hidden on it it's stuck inside of this pillar okay it was buried under the ground but it's finally starting to like rise up a little bit so i may be able to actually get a hit in damn endermen are in my way what a freaking mess this is the ender dragon is so glitched out that it's just wandering around in circles while i shoot it in the ass with arrows do you like lucky blocks the dragon's like no get me neither yeah beat her ass reginald it's like shooting dragons in a barrel all right i gotta do the last hit with the bush come on she's just beating the hell out of all the endermen i see flying spots just killing them all right this should work wrecked boom i don't know what happened because i landed i hit the dragon but i was way the hell over here this is the most jacked up episode of minecraft ever i have to switch well once again we won with lucky blocks and total chaos anyway folks hope you enjoyed this episode of minecraft till next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,774,974
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, minecraft, minecraft challenge, impossible minecraft challenge, minecraft but, hardest minecraft challenge, minecraft mods, minecraft funny moments, competitive minecraft, minecraft pvp, insane minecraft, graystillplays minecraft, minecraft graystillplays, challenge, minecraftbut, cursed minecraft, minecraft uhc, beating minecraft, minecraft speedrun, speedrun minecraft, minecraft manhunt, lucky blocks, minecraft lucky blocks
Id: H2xkBhYn1Mw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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