Minecraft, but grass breaks the game

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all right we're checking out the only game where you can eventually upgrade boots to the point where they crack through the core of the earth it's minecraft there's a couple of things here i have to mention uh yes that is a chicken with derpy eyes and a top hat his name is reginald he was the one chicken that actually survived the last episode i killed his brother yeah he got brain damage but now he's immortal small price to pay anyway there's a lot of stuff that's gonna be happening here first off more zeroes to boots now before i add a bunch of zeros to boots and eventually kill the ender dragon by stepping on him so hard that he fires through the solar system at light speed i have to mention something that doesn't get enough value grass you know what grass needs more zeroes yeah i figured what the hell we'll start adding a little bit of everything here let me just go ahead and throw some of this on reginald buddy you okay oh there he is you can see his eyes are kind of on the almost back of his head so his his field of view is a little bit different than most chickens so in order to get the ender dragon we need certain things here okay yep doing pretty good i need i need something very specific for the boots though i need gunpowder yay come on there we go all right at this point i should have enough gun powder now i just need the leather because of everything i picked up i didn't get all right i need a test subject hey i need your cows ow freaking god i hate plants all right never mind they're dropping diamond stuff i love plants hey you have any cows laying around oh my gold problem is solved getting to your cows a real pain in my ass come here because i hit the grass like the cows are near the grass they're just popping out tons of time and stuff look at it all all i want is the hide god there's so many things that i don't need in my inventory when i get these boots online and i blast off in this grass it is going to be horrible ah more more cold okay that should be enough oh yeah yeah oh terrible things are about to happen grab your boots put your boots in grab your gun powder put your gun powder in add a bunch of zeros and there you go all right let me throw these on if my calculations are correct if i jump this should oh yes for days reginald's like this is fun i actually have to watch where i jump because i jump too crazy and this is just the leather ones all right so now now it made it so that you can charge these ready so we're at power level five and man minecraft is a hard game okay so that's leather obviously we have enough iron at this point to try the iron all right put this down very good iron goes down put in the gun powder oh no oh my god oh i'm using the iron ones in case you're wondering okay let me get out of this hole i've made it oh damn it okay all right stop stop okay we're stopped anyway i've got the iron boots on now these have a slightly longer charge time and here we go it's like the hulk how to become a millionaire in minecraft in 10 seconds let me oh okay i wasn't sure it would work but i made it so that when you land with the iron ones they do damage on the landing as well well let me let me see how far down here we need to get charge it up oh yeah we're doing it's like it's like a trampoline see hold on [Music] what do you think original i think we uh think we were decorated over here pretty good get rid of some of this extra stuff actually since we have all this gold we might as well make the golden boots uh yeah put that there a little bit of this gotta keep the piglens happy after all i should probably take this with me keep blowing up my damn crafting tables i think i'm going to go ahead and take these off while i walk around there we go hey you i in my reginald there can be only one what the hell what is this duplicated my chicken my god it's it's more beautiful than anything i ever imagined i went ahead and made the diamond ones i need to find a village though i need to get obsidian too i think we're pretty much ready to go into the nether at this point reginald you're getting too close to the lava buddy ready to go jesus he's down there he's like ah i'm getting a sunburn like i said reginald is uh well he's basically invulnerable to everything i like how it's just his top hat sticking out of the lava as he burns for all eternity lucky for me all this stuff is pretty much right where i need it yeah just stop drop and roll no don't get it on me jesus this is amazing i now have a flaming chicken as my partner there we go nidalee deet and we have obsidian for days all right reginald good thing you already have your flames going cause we're going in okay i think yeah i think we're well i still don't know how wide this oh god oh i'm fine well you know these on well i'm oh jesus oh god i don't if i jump i'm going to blow everything up i've got to do it oh hey i can eventually make my nether stuff all right let me uh let me get up away from all of the the lava yes god i was gonna say this pickaxe is making everything much easier oh god i think i've managed to get completely under like an entire lake of fire now this pickaxe is amazing it's like the chain gun of pickaxes nope not there i legit just had to dig through this entire mountain to get out why are we still here oh i wasn't wearing my golden boots okay i've got the golden boots on this time there i've got like 64 bars of gold if i don't get the pearls i need i'm uninstalling here take them all yeah it should just dance on his head he can't go anywhere anyway okay we have pearls the problem is if i go down there and i jump out i'll probably eviscerate him and everything within like a four mile area and i still haven't made the netherrite boots yet bye seriously yeah get down here with your brother there you too everyone down inside the pit i need these pearls quicker this pickaxe is actually even more insane than the last one you can either get in the pit of your own volition or i can push you in i see you've chosen death okay these guys have to be done by now get wrecked i want my pearls i got all the string in the world okay they dropped a couple of pearls and by a couple i mean 15. okay now i just need to find a fortress and not completely nuke it with the freaking boots while i'm fighting for the blaze rods oh you know what i think i've got enough fire resist at this point that it really doesn't matter there we go okay i'm at boost power 50 i need to get up there what do you think the chances are i do this about blowing everything up um yeah it'll be fine here we go now piss okay let's try that again there we go all right good news is i made it up here the bad news is i evaporated half of the the fortress on my way up oh whatever let us take the demon boots off because i might need to legitimately jump in case you're wondering it didn't go well it's right though luckily there's no shortage of loot i'm back and i'm looted beyond all comprehension hey reginald do me a favor buddy can you like fight this battle for me come down here so i can beat your ass freaking piglet hop out hit him against the wall perfect come on boys stay inside stay inside the area stay inside good yes very excellent hell yes four rides set my chicken on fire i'll put you out i don't need you i'm just killing you because i hate you get wrecked and of course he doesn't drop the rod huh all right boys i'm gonna go hop on out [Music] later hell yes wow i jumped so hard over here it actually put out the portal oh i fell down a hole hold on i've got to take these freaking boots off there hi you come with me through the portal okay now that we've made it this far it's time to make the final set of boots because we need to travel to the end to finish this up so you grab these put them in here do a little bit of this [Laughter] max power 127. might as well add all zeroes all right we shouldn't really need the crafting table anymore so i'm gonna go ahead power up and blast oh my god look at the crater okay luckily uh i needed some uh i needed some loot for the final fight luckily a lot of it ended up dropping all right all these old boots we don't need these anymore i do need this yeah sure whatever they're a helmet laying around and all this mess i need to make some food because i have a feeling i'm going to need it i love that the raw chicken looks like reginald so i can actually use him to mine all this don't worry buddy i feel really bad if i cooked you actually look it's it's just for testing purposes he's like my twin no i need sustenance buddy tastes like betrayal don't you look at me in the eyes while you eat that see what direction i'm gonna be jumping in here with these got it and here we go [Music] oh yeah this is the only way to travel oh i like double jump that time once you start to get a little bit of momentum i mean you can really kind of move the landscape i mean you can tell we were here i guess just wanted to show you what it kind of what it looks like from this position there we go wearing armor is totally pointless because it doesn't last for very long because the explosion from jumping knocks it off all right let's see if we got any closer here kind of like yeah there we go i was gonna say i gotta like land near a tree okay i need my pearl back yep landed on it nice if any of you villagers or anything need gear there's plenty of it wherever i step okay if i jump at just the right time if i time it right now i can actually get like a little bit of like a turbo boost now when i hit the ground and i like triple jump ready now see that didn't even didn't even hit the hit the explosion that time now all right once i once i land on this mountain i think i'll check to see where we are in locating the end portal i love the smell of fresh brood masochism and sticks the landing all right now see how we're doing okay this there we go this is it why is it always in the water for me um hmm maybe i can get down there this way and oh wow i did pretty good oh my god i gotta take these off this place is gonna fill up with water so quickly [Music] okay i've got good news and i've got bad news the good news is i found the portal the bad news is oh god it's under freaking water just about to get to it got it i've got it step up there we go okay that was awful coming through here you know you little silver fish bastards i swear to god if i wasn't afraid of evaporating the entire portal i would blow you all to hell by stepping on you we're going deep reginald get ready baby all right uh am i able to use the boots right away yeah it looks like it let's put them on don't worry reginald this is not your brother i kind of wish it was though okay it's a good way to get upward gotta just oh my god i go so high i can't even see gotta destroy these all right if i land right about here i should take out the pillar perfect all i had to do was land slightly close to him and it liquefied the energy um hold on i was gonna say i can't actually get to the end because if you know what screw it and sticks the landing anyway folks i hope you enjoyed this episode of minecraft until the next time stay foxy much love
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 1,319,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: beating minecraft, broke, challenge, competitive minecraft, cursed minecraft, grass, gray still plays, graystillplays, graystillplays minecraft, greystillplays, hardest minecraft challenge, impossible minecraft challenge, insane minecraft, minecraft, minecraft but, minecraft challenge, minecraft funny, minecraft funny moments, minecraft graystillplays, minecraft manhunt, minecraft mods, minecraft pvp, minecraft speedrun, minecraft uhc, minecraftbut, speedrun minecraft
Id: vuzaAmmJTRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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