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today we're going to find out how many weapons you can fit on a train we currently have one and it's enough to kill the Zombies in two hits the more zombies we kill the more experience we get and the more upgrades so let's triple our damage and increase our rate of fire and then we're patiently gonna wait for this stuff to get sucked in on the giant magnet but can also plow through the zombies with speed but I think it's worth it for now to kill them and get their money and experience at least I hope it is because as they get close to the train It actually slows it down so we can't move as fast and they will also eat the train and I don't know about you but I hate when my train gets eaten and then we're gonna increase the fire rate so we're up to 1.43 per second and that actually feels a lot quicker I don't know what we started at but that thing's actually firing really quick so let's just increase that we're one-shotting zombies anyway so we're just gonna increase keep increasing the speed for now these basic zombies Die very quickly they are also starting to swarm me ever so slightly so we probably just need more rate of fire wait we're up to 3.3 per second now that actually goes really really quickly like suddenly we're actually a machine gun and we can add more and more weapons to this train if we want to but for now we'll stick with just the one because it's doing work 4S 5 per second okay then I guess we'll just take a little more damage so we're doing 20 bullets five per second I don't know what we're aiming at it's not a very uh good at aiming machine gun I think now we're actually just gonna save up for another gun because this one's really doing all the work we needed to like the zombies are really not a problem for us these ones do have yellow shirts though we all know yellow shirts are more dangerous than black shirts we're not moving very fast yet but I haven't wanted to move very fast okay let's add a shotgun at this point and we can choose its spray it's just gonna go random it's gonna fire randomly around and it's gonna do more damage to do it I think that's going to help like free the train up here and there it's just gonna shoot whatever zombies happen to be near it so let's increase that rate of fire too so it's up to 1.25 per second so now we got two weapons going out and we'll just slowly keep absorbing all the money we're at level 10 already hey we're like five percent of the way to our goals so far we're mostly just sitting still upgrading damage but we are getting a lot stronger zombies suddenly so let's increase our damage on both guns now didn't realize we're fighting mannequins already they do give us a lot more experience though and I should probably also get some piercing at some point because guys all these could be hitting one more wow we're getting so much experience so probably because we're killing way more things than we probably should be we're going to get a little more piercing there we go that's a little better now all of our weapons are actually oh we're fighting like ninjas now okay probably more damage then because they're clearly not getting one-shotted and more damage again I don't think I want knockback because I like when they get close and group up to us if we knock them back they'll spread out I feel like they're really just handing out the upgrades at this point so we're gonna put damage up to there and that seems to be enough to one shot most of everything for now so let's save up our money for a few more upgrades here come more ninjas they're gonna land on the train and they're dead they didn't hurt us while they were there it takes them a second once they land because they're very slow suspiciously okay we got the Hulk coming in so let's maybe give a little more damage I was gonna buy another gun but with what I see coming at us let's just get more damage because I think that might be some trouble let's see how quickly he dies though I forget about the rate of fire for the shotgun too now it's two and a half per second so we're fighting big boy he's taking heat he's dead and we're getting more of those so we're gonna need a lot more rate of fire shotgun is maxed at 3.33 per second and we'll give it just a little bit more damage there just to make sure we're really cleaning up the idiots I think you're supposed to at this point be cruising along at high speed to plow through these I don't think you're supposed to let them get close but I want all that experience so we're gonna try and save up for another gun at this point we'll try the rocket launcher next but at this point we're already doing very adequate damage for where we're at at least I think we are the zombies are all pretty much melting as they get to us we might need some health at some point and we do have fuel somewhere I'm not sure how much fuel we have oh it's right here and we just picked them up so we're full fuel again we're slowing down though because of those idiots okay this might be a problem they're like sitting on top of me hurting me so we're gonna get a rocket launcher and we're gonna upgrade its damage twice throughout the kill launcher is gonna fire whatever's closest because I assume that's mostly going to be these guys so I think it's going to do big damage to close idiots I don't know if it's a good idea to fire a rocket launcher like at my train basically but it's what we're gonna do anyway we're gonna get it some more rate of fire it's so slow at the beginning but later on it gets you like two seconds per upgrade take that idiots these are these people out for a walk I'm just a maniac with a train deciding to kill everyone yeah I want that box I don't know what this is if that's experience or whatever I haven't really been paying attention to what those get us I'm going to take them anyway and we're going to get this train moving again eventually I could probably have trained it so fast it just goes at light speed and like melts through things but we don't want to get there yet but now I really really want to embrace the killing and this thing's up to rocket launchers up to 2.5 per second so it's actually pretty quick for a rocket launcher actually it's alarm really quick for rocket launcher we are starting to lose some health there is some health on the ground down there we can try and uh coax that over if we hold still looks like it'll come to us but we got to keep moving that's a lot of Big Orange guys we need to escape the yellow hulks our health is still full though and I think as long as we're stacking like damage and rate of fire we're probably that's already maxed at five per second five rockets per second so if we keep stacking those damages up we'll be doing fine I'm pretty sure the explosions are AOE anyway I got a special reward because I'm a special person given that her health is starting to dwindle just a little bit I might have to start keeping myself moving a little bit more than I am my damage May carriers to this but it might not at the same time okay rocket launcher damage is gonna go way way up it's doing 50 55 to match the shotgun and the minigun I don't know if I need any more penetration or not I might get it at some point we're all about penetration here so we'll see I do want that fuel though as well it's really expensive to buy if you don't have it and the explosions around me might actually be slowing me down at times like that there wasn't really anything actively slowing me down except maybe my explosions oh here we go we're gonna plow right into them we plow Into The Horde and explode them all okay since my rocket launcher is an explodey thing we're gonna turn its radius up to double the size of what it was and given the matter of circles that's actually way bigger than double the size but for simplicity's sake we'll call it just double so we'll put it to the test here we're gonna play into these idiots and watch explosions go those explosions are going to clear out anything around the train immediately and we're gonna get greedy and try and suck in this gold because we like money yeah I'm not worried about these guys we'll either plow into them or shoot them slowly either way they're gonna die real bad those big explosions are very nice so let's make them even bigger they're up to 2.2 2.6 meters that's going to be a giant explosion I for some reason made a train that launches giant explosions at itself it slows this down but it also kills everything like anywhere nearby AI I'm not sure what the range of the actual missiles are but it doesn't really matter because it's clearing out a lot of space for us there's also a lot of zombies coming at us so I might need to add another weapon before too long there's going to be a lot of hoax that are going to start to slow us down pretty badly also fuel is getting low hey the firing at explosions at ourselves is kind of working against us suddenly we're firing so quickly we're constantly sitting in our own explosion and slowing us down I think so I'm gonna change your rocket launcher to Circular I'm going to change shotgun maybe to closest and same with this minigun to closest rocket launchers at Max and we're gonna save up for another minigun that's also going to help I need these explosions to get a little bit more away from me if we can they might still land right on us anyway and if that's the case Sophia look at the size of the explosion we're doing I think I might need to give more damage to that now that I look at it if that's doing enough damage it'll be kind of Unstoppable I also really need this fuel so hopefully it gets over here in a hurry If We Hold Still yeah we do suck in all the coins oh this is going to get fun we're gonna kill a lot of things today I want to go just a little further because I definitely want to kill this massive idiots I don't actually want to get away from them right now okay we can hold still for a sec and we're just gonna explore them all as they get close and hopefully they get us lots of everything this is actually working out really really well so far we're just gonna get more damage out of you your max max damage that thing and then once again we're gonna save up for another gun we want more I don't know what another rocket launcher would be kind of funny I feel like the train wouldn't move very quickly but we'd have two giant uh rockets doing this oh look guys with axes I fear no Lumberjacks once I get into my explosions they die pretty quickly we get a special reward I think we actually got two special rewards out of that definitely gonna need another rocket launcher and then we're going to uh make it faster firing to start I forgot to see where that was pointed at but there's gonna be two uh basically I'm gonna have like an aura of Destruction around me we'll give it more damage too because without extra damage it's pretty much useless and right now we could probably reduce mostly hold still in these areas and nothing's really going to be able to hurt us not enough to make a difference we're gonna suck in all of those coins and then we're just gonna keep on creeping forward the secondary explosions probably are helping a little bit now because if the first exposure doesn't kill things the second one almost certainly will we're actually getting reasonably coaster Max upgraded training already we're only 17 of the way there when you do need that fuel so we're gonna try and suck that into US oh I didn't realize the second RPG is going in my cursor we're just gonna fire it at a circular it's not going to matter where it hits because its radius is going to be so big that it's just gonna certainly hit something or it's gonna hit everything either way it's gonna do a lot more upgrades it goes from 2 to 2.5 to 3.3 and I'm pretty sure the next upgrade goes up to five per second it like goes so alarmingly quick once you start to get things upgraded it may not be the quickest train in the world but it is the most dangerous so that's up to its full of five per second then we're gonna give it a slightly bigger radius and then that's going to be it for now but it's firing a lot of rockets which is actually slowing us down but that's okay because we can just come to a stop and collect coins every once in a while that's actually leveling us up pretty nicely more radius more damage yeah that's it idiots get closer to the giant explosions that's exactly what you want to do I need that fuel so we're gonna stop right here for a second this is very uh against where you're supposed to do according to zombie logic but when you have this many Rockets you can do whatever you and we're just going to take the damage up to 30 for that one so it's halfway to Max damage itself which is still plenty considering we have another full damage rocket launcher also and exposure radius is 2.6 meters now and that's great because we're 20 of the way to our goal one-fifth of the way there there's so many coins underground yeah I needed to stop there and pick those up sometimes I get a little impatient and I just cruise on past them look at all the coins here if we stop for just a second then we'll suck them all in oh there's new guys coming in too okay we're just gonna increase our damage because of those guys there's three of them this time hope they like giant explosions okay one of them's dead two of them's dead and three of them then we'll take the coins in and then we're almost ready for another upgrade already okay Max radius for our thing we have wow actually Lots so this rocket launcher is 65 damage which is Max so both their rocket launchers are Max damage that's good because we have a tentacle monster coming in so we'll see how we deal with the tentacle monster so far pretty good he's actually pretty tough he's gonna start to damage us so we're gonna need more damage out of our other weapons too he's not gonna kill us but he did take a fair chunk out of our health which won't do it all more damage out of our other again then we're going to increase their penetration power too also kind of gonna want that fuel and we are going to need some health at some point might end up having to buy it or hell does it generate very slowly thanks to one very basic upgrade I don't know if it'd be worth it to increase the penetration but I guess we're gonna pretty soon anyway because we need something to upgrade it also be really nice to have an upgrade to get this stuff to suck into US quicker it's six dollars to buy health is that going to be worth it we'll find out soon we'll probably find some underground before we need to buy some anyway we'll just keep cruising along for now I thought here if I held still for long enough I would eventually suck in the boxes that are way far away I'm not actually sure that's going to be the case yet but I did get one of them second the coins kind of does something but kind of not at the same time I'm not sure if I'm better off this cruising board and killing considering we're only one fifth of the way there still instead of Health I'm gonna add a little more penetration to my two upper guns they have five times penetration and they're gonna get a big damage increase both of them and that's maybe gonna help I that might literally make no difference at all I'm not really sure so far it seems to be making a difference but it's a little bit hard to tell oh this would be good look at this thick horde of zombies we should be able a tail right on through them I don't know if things are really getting close enough to be shotgunned or uh hit with my minigun okay let's go more damage for both of them they actually get pretty high up on damage I guess that makes sense because they're not AOE really hey there's a finally some health on the ground it's just making its way to us because we have such a slow train we're just very slow and very dangerous also I keep stopping myself to pick up stuff like that when I really don't need to be but I want those upgrades with the Lumberjacks are back and a big Hulk guy this is gonna be good I hope they like my upgraded damage okay those guys didn't even make it to me this time and big Hulk well we'll see how big Hulk does he's melting away pretty quickly and he's dead I have 16 upgrade points uh okay well shotgun actually can get a lot of damage it max out at 120 so we have Max damage everything so I guess we'll get some pushback I don't know if this is gonna work against us or not but we're gonna get it anyway because I don't have anything else to spend my money on and I've also changed my Rockets to fire my cursor I wanted to see if I could either get myself moving quicker by firing the Rockets away from my train or whatever and I'm yeah actually that's working really good if I fire the Rockets behind me then we can just cruise through full speed and plow through everything because I don't know if there's any point in lingering any further but now we're like a rocket power train because the Rockets viral behind us and our train goes up to six meters a second get out of the way idiots I'm coming through and our explosion radius is big enough that they still kind of work that way and if we get into a tough spot I'll just point the Rockets or whatever's in my way and they're gonna go away real fast this is fun we are starting to run low on fuel but I can buy fuel upgrades or just pick up this one real quick I feel like we can survive here for just a second hello fuel you know what that one's playing hard to get I'm just gonna go ahead and buy some in the near future I just weird I don't have time to sit here and wait all day we got more upgrades to get it only costs four dollars for fuel and I don't know much I even have right now I guess one currently but we don't we have all the upgrades we need so we're just gonna cruise on through to the end of the level basically like this I do wish a train went about 10 times faster though because that would just be a lot of fun but as it sits we can just play into a horde of zombies and melt them with all of our mini guns and pick up speed again don't even want any of that and we're just gonna do that Winston repeat till we're at the end of the level there are new monsters there was something with a mouth back there I'm mostly gonna ignore him because I just don't care I assume there's going to be more of them in the future yeah there's another one oh yeah I think we ran him over he died whatever the case and we're getting lots of big yellow hulks at this point so we can actually point the rocket launcher slightly ahead I should probably Point them slightly to the side so they stop slowing us down I didn't kill the big monster on the flyby which is very sad so we clearly needed a little more damage somehow okay this would be a good test of our damage there's a tentacle monster and two hulks I think we killed at least some of that okay we killed three of the things four of the things and five of the things the tentacle monster is actually quite tough not as tough as rare though they've hit us three times so far and they're dead while we're here for a minute uh I'm at least going to pick up that health and the fuel because we just I don't know don't need to spend the points I guess I'm not really sure knowing the videos are starting to get pretty big but all of our damage just tears right through them and we leave the rest of the idiots behind and on fire oh towards the end of the level there's lots of enemies with health bars I don't know if it's worth killing them or not because we're making no money to do it well we're making money but we don't need money we're I've got 24 upgrade points sitting there I haven't just been spending it on fuel and health just for something to do like any good rich person but I think this is the end we've hit the Finish Line we killed like 30 000 idiots along the way there's a lot of other different things they can buy including different trains at this point I think we want Kevin the combat drone that was really expensive but that's probably worth it and then there's some cheap ones like extra gold gain for only 300 pellet move speed would be kind of nice Definitely damage increases we'll probably buy that a few times but since there's some cheap ones and we'll get some more damage and maybe locomotive speed there's also Crush damage I don't know if you want crash damage or not but whatever which brings us to this level and where is our attack drone is it in the upgrade menu I don't see my attack drone anywhere okay it's in the upgrade menu but for seven we can get it and that's on top of all of our weapons but now we're gonna take a extra fire rate and extra damage these are basic idiot zombies but we're definitely gonna kill them and I think I might be getting more upgrade points per pickup now because we're already at 1.67 per second so we're gonna get even stronger even quicker than last time like we're already up to 2.5 per second with our main gun and we haven't even got Kevin the combat drone yet he's probably going to be our second choice he's got to be strong for the amount of money you got to pay for him the gun's already at Max rate of fire so it's already an Unstoppable killer we had a little bit of damage and some penetration and we're pretty much already getting us halfway across the map one penetration and one damage especially because the zombies are clustering up now which is very nice to them it makes them super easy to kill okay we're at 30 damage there we might start saving up for Kevin the combat drone I really want to see what it does and we level up so easy at this point especially with our extra whatever gains one more penetration then we have one point on our way to the seven we need okay we already got another two I might yeah well that's gonna come to us anyway we might as well just let it we get experience so fast right now it's almost a joke really we're just gonna let them keep going yep that's it keep coming to me and we got eight dollars though there's the combat drone that doesn't need any upgrades it's just gonna go around firing at idiots we'll take a little more damage out of that then we're gonna save up for another gun I'm not sure how good the combat drone really is we're gonna take a shotgun at this point we're gonna be firing at the curse sir I think I'm gonna try and point it ahead to help clear the way so we can move a little bit quicker when we want to and we're going to increase the rate of fire but also the damage a lot it only does five damage to start and that's not good enough so we'll take that up to 15. it's already triple its starting damage which it needs to be just to have any effect and we're going to turn that up a little bit because we got some of these big idiots coming in that are probably going to be a little bit more dangerous we're not really taking any damage we take a little bit but not enough to worry about I just want to keep clearing the way in front of the train it does go faster and accelerate faster so we can get this thing moving real good soon lots of those big guys coming in but we're able to destroy them pretty quickly I wonder if we get all of our weapons upgraded and pointed forward if we can just like absolutely plow through everything I'm probably gonna need a little more penetration on my shotgun though aren't I and there's like a spiky eye up here so we're probably gonna have to try and shoot him a whole bunch with our shotgun and we might need some health pretty soon depending on how this goes but we're gonna get another weapon pretty soon and that's gonna take us to new heights again there's our health so we're back to full health I want to bring the shotgun damage up to 50 because I feel like these guys are getting tough so it takes a few shots to kill him we'll let's even have another upgraded shotgun or one of the guns anyways in fact we're gonna buy one right now it won't do a lot to start but with a few small upgrades it will do huge for us this one for now is going to fire it the closest for uh 20 damage it's not gonna fire often but it's just gonna help when these big guys get close to us keep us a little safer we mostly need fuel though really a little ways down the track we've got fuel and fuel again and all sorts of damage going out we're still making this look easy especially when we play onto the next horde of zombies at very high speed I could have picked up all of that stuff I was just excited to do this and we got smacked by a zombie pretty hard there but that's fine I keep forgetting we have Kevin the combat drone too I try and keep an eye to see what he's doing I'm sure he's helping a lot I wish at the end you could see what killed what get our newest shotgun stats are getting good we can have a little more penetration it's at Max rate of fire and it's going to be up to 30 damage so if increase its damage a little more we'll be able to plow forward pretty easily pretty soon health is getting kind of low though so I made up the changes to firing to the closest zombie up until now we were dominating suddenly the hordes and zombies are getting the better of us I've changed all the cursors to closest zombies so we're gonna kill whatever's closest to us and we can increase the damage of that one and then we're just gonna hopefully Cruise forward to where we find some health I passed a health pickup not that long ago because I was being arrogant and because I didn't need it but we sort of broken out of that horde I was hoping to find some health sitting on the ground here somewhere there's some right ahead of us we'll kind of stop there in fact there's so much help that we can just sit right here and get all the help we could ever want there we go we're back to full health just like that so we're gonna Cruise back along and buy a new gun pretty soon here comes some idiots with uh health bars they died in a hurry and that's good because they gave us some big upgrades we could use all 13 of those points to buy an RPG we're gonna give it quite a bit of damage and we're gonna turn up its rate of fire and it's everything uh I don't know where it's firing right now I think it's probably the closest enemy that's actually making a really big difference by itself just that AOE is huge the combat drones also out there helping to thin out the idiots it might actually be doing a ton of damage I'm not sure faster rate of fire more damage and bigger radius at this point I'm getting confident so I can just sit back and pick up things there's even an oil barrel following us some way back but the damage is so high AI now we can kind of just you know not take it seriously for a bit we are getting lots of these big hulky bony guys that are actually doing a lot of damage to us but we're gonna be fine we stopped there when we shouldn't though basically more rate of fire for RPG which is going to help keep us very safe those guys really do hurt when they get to us though so we got to be careful of that and oh wow suddenly this took a big step up in difficulty uh more explosion radius more explosion damage and hopefully that's enough to save us don't let Focus guys get to us it's very close and they got us clearly we just need more damage and more experience game now we're gonna do this again but we're gonna grind at the beginning to get overpowered because early zombies seem pretty weak and there's a lot of them for easy experience and it turns out even holding still the zombies will upgrade themselves so we'll start moving away down the track very slowly but I've already gotten to basically fully upgraded guns and we're working on the rockets and now we've got a fairly upgraded RPG as well and so far we're absolutely melting everything although we're only like five percent of the way there at this point I've got all the weapons including the Drone all firing as fast as they possibly can so now we're releasing just going to keep stacking damage till the end of this and it's gonna get stupid I don't think we've seen one of these uh circular things before and I just upgraded my shock and a minigun to Max damage so it's gonna Focus specifically on them at least I thought the shotgun was Max damage I guess not but anyways that should melt pretty quickly especially if it gets into range of the RPGs it's a lot tougher than I thought that just means we need more shotgun damage that thing can actually go really really high so I'm very happy about that okay shotgun's maxed out at 120 minigun at 90 they both have Max piercing so at this point I'm just upgrading explosive damage and it only goes up to 65 so I'm actually sort of out of things I want to bother to buy so we'll get some pushback on the minigun so I guess if we're shooting the boss it'll hold it back every so slightly while we murder it other than that I'm just gonna March straight to the end of the level with this Max damage destroying everything wait 60 of the way there and we're absolutely mowing down mobs and when the stacking off gay points at this point there's nothing else we can even buy we got another idiot with the health bar coming in so okay he melted before we even saw how good the knockback was working the final 10 looks like it's going to be pretty dense with powerful idiots but we should be able to Cruise right onto them I mean we did manage it level 77 which is way too many levels in hindsight I also now appreciate the benefit of knockback not because it keeps the enemies away well I guess because it does because then they don't slow the train down and we plow into the next big crowd just like this and melt them I'm even gonna get away here for a second just to taunt them maximum damage achieved [Music] foreign
Channel: DangerouslyFunny
Views: 278,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: i-OpcZVAV94
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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