i broke 8,305,263 bones and this happened

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-Alright, We're checking out the only game where you can reach into a monster, rip out its skull and wear it like a hat. It's Minecraft. As you can see, this is extremely painful. Well, let me put my skull back in before things get too bad here. Ah, worry not Reginald, luckily for your dad a skull is a mere accessory, not really a necessity, so we decide that we haven't ruined lives enough in Minecraft, Reginald and I. So we made a mod where now you can rip the bones out of creatures and replace your bones with their bones. Hold on, I'm starving, that means that carbs need to be part of today's menu. As you can imagine, each bone from each different creature does something different, and like a mad scientist that has no morals and is swimming in malpractice suits, we shall become the bionic man. It's not really bionic man, it's, uh, more like a bionic moron at this point. Also, we designed it so that you can actually break your own bones, break other people's bones and use different items in order to get different bones. Reginald is like, "Yeah, that sounds very violent, I love it." Now although I have gotten a bunch of, uh, carbs here, I noticed that this village that is, of course, completely legitimately placed here happens to have some super plants for us. Oh lordy Ah, here we go, an axe and a shovel, very good for getting skulls and limbs de-tree the area right quick. Who the hell are you hiding inside this house? Okay, we actually needed the sword as well to get some of the other bones, so that's good, okay no joke, I was starting to wonder if I had murdered everything on the entire planet. Luckily though, there's bunnies. Come here bunnies, I need to scoop out your organs with this shovel. Come here, come here you little bouncy, that is so limber. Oh, there we go. [MUSIC] There we are. [LAUGHS] Okay, oh, I got a rabbit spine, what a horrible image, using a shovel to take a rabbit spine out, welcome to the channel. All right, now luckily, oh, yeah, you knew that was coming. All right, let me just change up the weapon here just to see if I can get a different bone real quick. Come on don't you want to be part of a valuable experiment? There we are, aha, a rabbit rib, okay so I've got the two pieces of the ra Oh, hold on. Yeah. [LAUGHS] Oh my God, I think I do everything super fast now. Like a bunny, I live my life at a thousand miles an hour until I eventually die of a heart attack. All right, let me just check something. Oh yeah, oh God. Yes, this is gonna be great. Hold on, oh, come to think of it, I need you. This is just the iron [?]. There we go. I was gonna say I need to find a cave because I wanna get some of the crazier bones, obviously. The other problem is I need better materials because I'm burning through the pig so fast. Oh, creeper, perfect. Before you go into battle, you should always get your fill of carbs. All right, creeper, let me ask you a question. Oh, got one of them, okay, uh, getting all the bones here. All right, let's throw the creeper leg in and a rib. [LAUGHS] I just got blown up. I think I broke a bone Ah, my freaking creeper leg is broken, I didn't even get to use it. All right, we'll go with the and it actually shows like a broken bone on the ground too, that's awesome. Okay, so we've got our zombie rib in, jumping spastically is killing me. Hold on, I gotta take one of these rabbit bones out. I need to find another creeper and also put my zombie bones to good use. Okay, and for God's sakes, let's try and not break. There we go, our creeper bone this time. Oh, a creeper forearm. Do I Oh, wait I have night vision now. Okay, torches are for plebs. Might as well get this done real quick. Uh-huh, all right, gotta get rid of All-all I have in my backpack is like a ton of extra bones. If I got pulled over by the police or something like that, I gotta think of something to tell them. Great, "Why do you have seven different spines with you?" "It's for a mod okay." And this, I wish I had a lot more of this stuff because I'm burning through these picks with incredible speed. All right, further down we go. Ah, skeleton, and another zombie, wonderful, get wrecked. I'll pick up your spinal column in a minute, oh, diamonds. Yeah, okay, more skeleton bones. Three little bats, mm, oh, that's hot. I didn't get any bones from that though I may have to try and kill this next creature with this shovel. Hello super ore, it's like a mountain of super ore. A few seconds later. Oh, I just got a whole bunch of bones broken by these freaking skeletons. No, no, I'm so weak. Oh, my skull is broken. Great, they broke my forearm, my skull, look at all the horrible things. They broke my rib. Reginald, continue the channel once I'm gone. Oh I need a skull, I can't see anything. Aah, oh, actually, you wink, it takes me forever to mine anything now. Oh, I gotta get up topside to get like an easy animal skull. Can I just fill this with like a regular crappy bone? No, it doesn't count, I hear something down here though. Oh, the problem is I don't know if I can kill it before it breaks all my bones. Hello, little zombie, we're taking donations, come here. Oh, there's a ton of zombies down here. Really, I hate you so much. Ouch, on the plus side when you die at least you get all your bones back. That's fine now, we got the super ore which means that it's time to get stupidly looted up before we get ridiculous amounts of bones. Here we go, [?]. It's time to cheat, uh, the super ore trees are so beautiful this time of year, also we got a mega super ore tree, yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum. Aah, how do I always manage out of every possible effect from the supertree to, mm, oh, to get this one? Wouldn't do it to me twice, would it? Oh, piglens, I need all your bones. Oh God, sheep's carrying TNT, why? [LAUGHS] God, ooh, they explode into piles of loot. Uh, yes, please. Uh, is that a squid pooping out tons of loot? It is, it's literally a squid just ejecting loot all over the place. This is so strange and yet also so hot. Yeah, I mean, keep it coming. Perfect. Oh, carbs no more. All right, I'm just gonna, um, I'm just gonna leave that there. This is probably the most amazing thing that I think I ever got in one of these trees. God, it's like a little fleshy Piñata, yum-yum-yum-yum-yum-yum. I kinda want your bones but, honestly, I think I'm just gonna leave you here. All right, Reginald, get ready, we're going back down and we're teaching these creepers a lesson. I wanna get fully creepered out before we go over to the ender dragon, rip her organs out, and then, you know, wolverine her skeleton hours, although it's also really nice to be incredibly fast, so I'm gonna replace all my bones with rabbit bones. Hi, bunny, don't run from this, I'm gonna kill your whole bunny family. Ah, a skull, all right, rabbit skull, rabbit rib. More rabbit particles from the to rope down to the canvas, rabbit leg, oh-oh, being a rabbit's amazing, I want all the rabbits. Ou, I tripped on a cactus so hard it almost ripped my skin off my body. Like exiting the entire atmosphere with this speed. Oh, more rabbits, come here. [LAUGHS] Rabbit forearm. Okay, I don't actually know what that did, if anything. Oh, I'm like an ultra-fast ninja bunny, I'm invisible as well. Okay, that should be enough bones from these poor rabbits. [LAUGHS] Jesus. [LAUGHS] Oh creepers, I'm here to have my revenge. I almost don't wanna give up the bunny powers though. Although being able to see in the dark would be kinda nice, all right, one of these. Reapers, where are you, little red bastards? Ah, I hear a zombie at the ve-very least. Well, I was gonna hope I would find flint. I just hear an enderman, it's right here somewhere. There we go, enderman bones. Just what the doctor ordered. Come here, an enderman skull to replace the one I broke. Oh yeah, there's another enderman around here too, I need your bones. Come here, come on you're not using them. Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh, give it to me. Oh, we got creepers here too. All right, I do need this water, it's so hard to get because I'm so fast. There we go. Okay, creeper down. Okay, now we're able to use the creeper ability. Beauty, and we can really use the creeper ability. Whoa, super-fast, super attacking, night visioned. I think we're finally able to go to the nether and abuse everyone over there. This here we go. Hello, everyone, I'm part bunny, part enderman, part creeper, and all psychopaths. Ah, ow, the hell did I end up at? Oh, Reginald, you're on fire, how does it feel? He's like, "Great." He's like, "Oh, God, I move so fast. It's so unwieldy." The problem is I lost one of my bunny bones so I can't jump as high anymore. Oh, that's all right, I guess, we'll just burl ourselves right into the side of this. Yeah. There we go. Hi, everyone. Please don't. Don't do it. I said don't do it. Stay the hell away. There. You're a little annoying pleblets. Luckily, we got plenty of gold to make this work. I hear you up there. Uh, take the gold. There we go. Perfect. Pass the loot under the door. Don't fall into the lava. There you go, perfect. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Good, good. Once you're done trading, you don't mind if I take your skeleton and repurpose it into a nice hat, do you? Ooh. Do not shoot me. Keep trading. Perfect. Give me your skeleton. You're not using it. Ah, you guys don't have bones. What a sad life. How about you? No bones from 'em either. I know the Blazes are going to have something. Oh, Blazes, my son wants to blaze skulls for Christmas. Hand one over. Don't worry, Reginald, I'm sure they still have some blaze skulls for sale over at the supermarket. Hi. Oh, they do have Blaze bones. Come here. A Blaze leg. I still want the Blaze skull. Don't mind me just throwing out a random broken spine. Well now I need a skull because they're just There it is. I was going to say because they just broke mine. There it is, Blaze skull and a Blaze spine. Okay, hold on. I had to get outta there before I got hit and got all my bones broken. Yeah, the fire is not going to do anything, buddy, other than set my poor chicken on fire. All right, we've got enough rods. We're set to go. So now we have slow fall. I've just gotta get like one bunny bone to get the jumping back. All right, we're outta here. But I'm so fast, I can't move through the damn portal without jumping out the other side. All right, just Oh God. [BEEP] Oh, Bunnies, I don't want to destroy your entire species. I just need one of your bones. Congratulations, you just donated your spine. Yoink. Okay, now we're super fast slow falling, yes, perfect. All right, let's see if I can get this. The slow fall is perfect because it allows me to control at least some of my movements since I'm too fast otherwise. [CHUCKLES] Hello, Mr. Sheep. It's not that I don't love you. I just want to see if you have any bones. Come here. No, no bones. Yeah. I'm like an invisible, floating, evil bone-filled Jesus. [HALLELUJAH MUSIC] I can walk on water. I just came across some pigs. I had forgotten. I don't think I ripped any of your bones out. Ooh, a pig leg. Nice. The pigs Let me guess. [POW] Yeah. Oh, do you have bones in you too? I know you do but they do. It's a villager rib. What the hell does a villager rib even do for me? Hey, do you love me more than average? He's like, "Now that you destroyed your well, no." Hello, pig. Oh, a pig spine. Oh ho. Ooh. Pig spines are incredible. I should have been eating these for years. Seriously, forget vitamin B12. Just chew on pig spines. Anyway. Oh. [MUSIC] Wow. The stronghold is right in the middle of your village. I apologize ahead of time. [CHUCKLES] And go. Oh, shoot. [PING] It's around here somewhere. Between the ridiculous jumping, the ridiculous speed, the slow falling, the hearts, I don't know why anyone would ever keep their human bones in their body. We've gotta be getting close. There we go. Okay, I was under it. Hi, everyone. Hi, creepers, I want your bones. I'm going to use them to kill the Ender Dragon. Come here, come here, come here. Okay, there's one creeper rib. Oh, portal room. I guess this is probably the easiest way to find it. Ooh, I gotta go slow. Oh, oh. Don't you touch me. It's so hard to get up here. Okay, if I slow fall over to it. Perfect. Go. I'm here. Okay. Oh, g I don't want to fall off the entire area here. All right. Come on down, ender dragon. I can almost reach it with how high I can jump. Err. Okay, how quickly can I make these TNTs? Incredibly quickly. All right, when she starts to perch, I need to run into this because I move so fast. Here we go. Here we go, here we go. Brrrr. [LAUGHS] Go. More, more. You only need one of the endermen bones. Hold on, let me pick one of you little stragglers off. Being able to teleport would make this a lot easier. Ah, you don't have any friends, do you? Yoink. Oh, yes. Now I teleport and whenever I teleport, it throws down the, uh, the TNT as well. [CHUCKLES] Go, go, go, and now I teleport away. Destroying these are so easy now because I can leave TNT behind like this. There we go then jump out. You ready? Woo. Okay. Teleport over here. Leave some TNT down. Oh, yeah. This is like the best combo. All right, dragon, let's do this. Okay, so when she perches, we're going to teleport over, drop a ton of TNT, and now that I've gotten rid of all the regens, this should work. There we go. Just for like walking around everywhere I go, I leave all the TNTs and just endermen randomly die, okay? The Yup, the TNT's going off. Perfect. Yes. [CHUCKLES] I teleported super far away. Becoming a Minecraft surgeon was the best thing I ever did and now I'm going to rip all these bones out since I have no need of them anymore. And like a gelatinous mass, I will I can't see anything. There we go. There we are. I can finally go into the portal. Well, now I think I know the best place to get your medical doctorate in is Minecraft. Anyway, folks, I've been through this episode of Minecraft. Stay foxy and much love.
Channel: GrayStillPlays
Views: 2,958,579
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Keywords: graystillplays, gray still plays, greystillplays, minecraft, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, hardest minecraft challenge, minecraft mods, minecraft funny moments, competitive minecraft, graystillplays minecraft, minecraft graystillplays, minecraft upgrading, challenge, entertainment, funny videos, minecraft gameplay, upgrade, minecraft milk, minecraft but you can milk any mob, minecraft but you can milk any block, minecraft milk mob, minecraft 100 days, realistic minecraft
Id: 6JMvAbvSqZ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 30 2021
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