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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called mr prepper it's an exciting day today hopefully we get to build the missile in the middle silo i'm not exactly sure what it does but we have some things to do we have to get the radio signal we have to earn joe's trust and we have to find bob's glasses which i think i'm gonna do first i'm not exactly sure how to do that i think i have a good idea also i wanted to look here for the the lever the plastic and the electronics so i have the leather lever i need plastic which i have 51 of and i have plenty of electronics so we could go do that and i'm totally going to buy up all of the gas that i can just for reasons now i've got an idea where the glasses are for bob i just don't remember where exactly i have to find the lady who lives in the forest now the question is should i grab the logs i mean why not right we can always get more wood and so the return the wood into chairs and then sell those that'd be a good idea ah and here's her house oh yeah crazy lady oh bob the plant is growing is it let's just talk to her and see if she has anything really really what well in comparison to the rest of the town smoke do you also get the feeling that they're also somehow wilted all right unlike you or bob she knows bob by the way do you know the guy taking care of the mind his name bob i did know that yeah yes and i find it funny because never mind anyway i wanted to ask you for another favor it's not plant related this time i'm shocked you know about the plane crash in the forest a few months ago i didn't know about that uh must have been away i guess i don't know about the life of the town do you anyway a plane fell down one day lots of noises smoke i did find a ufo is that what she's talking about uh not a word about a local newspaper the days afterwards happened deep deep in the forest the crash site is closed off by some ravenous ravines and fallen tree trunks but i'd like to get you there i have a feeling to pilot with someone i know and i'd like to check could you find a way to get to the wreckage ah find some useful items and materials yes i will ma'am yes i will do you have anything for me to steal today no i don't think so maybe let's see that maybe there's glasses hiding in her house that i can just yoink it's her bed i can inspect her bed it's kind of weird open up her cabinets and just steal anything out of it sorry grandma you and bob we're just gonna take everything inspect the antlers i could use those that blimp is moving a tree that doesn't even make sense so now the question is it is 1700 hours so that's like five o'clock in the afternoon i could i could go back into the forest a little bit but it's so dark out there i think i'll just craft up some chairs and sell those because crafting raises my preparedness level then i can sell them to the people and then i can just go to bed and right away in the morning i can go back into the forest great idea so smart at being smart just have to figure out who wants to buy them again yeah who's who's buying my chairs you buying chairs why is nobody buying chairs today nobody wants my chairs spot i just made five chairs that nobody cares about good job blitz and unfortunately today is another agent inspection day there we go offload my chairs sell my cucumbers harvest my crops cover the basement up and then we're just gonna cook i want to cook up a buttload of blueberry smoothies i think i can make four of them and we have to remember to take off all of the deadly stuff that we have should take one last look at our note here nothing suspicious energy consumption was high water level was low suspicion level 11 okay everything was pretty good he'll be here any second now there he is i'm just gonna nap while he's here i think that's a bug i finally woke up good for me how'd i do this time how'd i do hey a three what i have an extra oh i forgot the extra water bucket no next visit is on uh the 30th at 14 55 okay on the 30th okay so i got like a week that's fine fine i just got another mail minute man cupboard control what is this is this from the other minute man okay and here i am another warning some people in the agency are determined to prove you are really up to something and they will look in your cupboards and cabinets even more closely be sure to keep anything that might be suspicious out of sight okay i knew that so i'm totally ready to go deeper down into this forest all the way level four then i should repair this thing hopefully i have everything i'll just shove a pickle into it will that work i got the 10 electronics the 20 plastic and the lever guy and it'll take an hour nice nice all right so i got real late end tonight and i felt like i should probably just head here in the morning time after i repaired that thing so we're going into the layer five there's probably gonna be all sorts of bad nasty critters down here like squirrels and rabbits maybe maybe werewolves could there be werewolves there's a a lot of squirrels in this forest to kill two by the way oh just die squirrel i gotta make sure my health stays up so i'm just gonna eat rat meat actually let's shove these cucumbers in my mouth and then some of these because they don't list as long perfect hi why are there more why is this forest full of big giant nasty disease encrusted rats like seriously there's so many stupid rats in this forest oh nice my weapon broke you use your gun luke use the gun his name is not luke i named him that though oh my word why are there so many rats all defined that broken airplane oh my word would you just not be here oh what is this why is the rat as big as a wolf die oh there's a house here what do i find in here nice bunch of trash oh that's not trash we need that to go use the antenna thing what's in here please be ammo ammo wood glass textile yep oh nice and another axe hanging on the wall i don't know if i want to grab there's a stud telephone way out in the forest i also don't know how power's on in this place but i don't mind pillaging yay oh there's food so i'm assuming that this is probably where that crashed airplane is deep into the woods okay 5 10. hot dang this thing goes so deep oh there's the crashed airplane that's totally the crashed airplane and you know what before we do that let's make sure is our gun do we have ammo we have three bullets not really um just need to have the right tools equipped okay i got my skinning knife and my axe those are decent we'll start with the skinning knife because we know this is gonna be a boss fight and my boss just did endless waves of wolves and squirrels my weapon broke i knew it okay we'll equip that let me use the axe oh my word is that like a a werewolf it's huge and it's it's different colored wolf slayer achievement unlocked would it die already stabbing the phase of the pickaxe that should kill anything let's go ahead and shove a kidney bean in my mouth oh my word just use the axe instead i feel like the axe might do more damage plus it does a knock back stun thing oh my just die everything quick shove one of these in my mouth wow it requires a lot of food to get through this gonna do it though i do it so dark i'm gonna open that plane up oh wow what is that what is this what is everything take it all pillaged yes what's that uh i don't know it's a picture of a guy oh where did she come from let me guess is that you in this photo wait what yes apparently how did you know old lady's intuition looks like someone is trying to escape i just connected the dots wait what i don't remember any of this you're not alone some people in this town don't remember entire decades some have trouble recognizing their friends at least have a plane crash to blame wait what it's a military aircraft on their side one of them unlikely i don't know much about military things but what i know is that right now it doesn't seem much of a government type besides i'm pretty sure it's them who shot you down so you were once one of them or not does it really matter now what matters is you are capable young lad coming away with speaking of bigger and faster as we speak like a missile can i can i fly the missile now all right darling leave you to it you know where to find me if you want to talk about plants memories and other things what about glasses i totally want your glasses that's weird man photo of me what is this artificial horizon a gyroscope flight instrument access cards all right that sounds good i like all of that stuff just have to go home before nighttime hits just kidding it's already night so what do you say did we quickly go visit jenny again just i mean we talked to her right i don't want to go back in the forest for a long time and there she is again hey pretty lady how you is today hello jenny get bob so weird that you actually talked to a plant what brings you here i'm supposed to come here special mixture of what okay get a portion i need to go for a long trip or for not to fall asleep in the middle wait what oh the mixture turned out quite well so my friends already managed to pull an all-nighter things to it here's the thing a mixture takes a lot of raw materials resources we're ready out after these few tests bring a few more fruits really ah 99 i supposed to get the glasses here right i think i saw bob's glasses on another bob i talked to oh there are glasses there can i ask you a favor we're all ears it's about the other bob you know from the mine the biped his side is getting really bad he needs glasses to read and he tend to his mind in general i'm wondering would bob i mean bob would you be willing to give your glasses to bob he's willing to help oh kind of plant as he is but he doesn't still need them for himself uh i think bob doesn't have a use for them anymore he is growing so well he gets greener every day i'm sure his eyesight's already great because you know photosynthesis and stuff wow how awkward is that yay we got bob's glasses for bob makes me wonder about the illegal stuff uh-huh ford observer who wants to discredit the edges you need to find an offensive and illegal item object to find a way to plant it in the agent's home huh okay i don't know how to do that yet but if i go into the mine go down to level two i'm at level one just kidding ha ha we can give the glasses to creepy guy here you go bud there you are here bob i brought glasses for you they're they're perfect prescription they work for plants and you know you're kind of weird so that's good looks similar to the other bob never mind the glasses help yes you're the best give me treasure deserve something hope you can keep it a secret i'm gonna live in an underground bunker weird sense of humor anyway i need to show you something oh this is quite the collection what am i do what are we showing i always loved books and comics too much for my own good it turned out new government started implementing censorship laws they didn't really believe oh do i get the i wonder if i get the thing from him to plant in the bad guys house little nemo jules verne pre-war superman and then took my job used to be a teacher possession of subversive materials bad influence on the youth huh you're a habitual offender uh one more thing before you go please don't give me another request go exploring the mind be careful under no cons can i have your jacket then uh you never go to the sixth level why is that so lizards doing some technology experiments hydrogen based mining explosives how did it go not very well but a lot of hydrogen containers down there oh okay so that's fuel for my rocket please take a good look at negative level five i need a jacket though it's so cold down there interesting i never even recognized that there was a workshop level three that i could upgrade all right so morning is here i've got a backpack absolutely loaded absolutely loaded down with gasoline and we're gonna go back into this thing the mine i know he's not here because he's kind of a night owl and kind of creepy and stuff but we have to go deep to go uh use the antenna there we go drive forward oh plenty of gas we'll just load her all up there we go nicely done i guess drive forward yeah it's been a long time since i've driven and we have to avoid the obstacles haha so dumb the worst mini game in any game ever you can't even turn right this is like nascar you just turn left it's left every time and sometimes don't worry sometimes there's a jump that you can go over which doesn't make any sense because it would destroy the suspension of the car but it doesn't matter because we have a nuke symbol on our side i just totally crushed a cactus oh here's that sweet jump yo whoa this is so stupid so i'm like four levels deep i want to see if this works come on come on let's try it again let's try it again brazen serpent tools serious terrorist okay it's not quite yet stronger but such another decision words oh there's another crashed airplane whoa look at the size of that sneaky boy okay i don't like this here let's use a grenade nice just nuked them right in her face and i'll shove one of these in my mouth there's gonna be more there's there's not that's it there's this like an airplane graveyard nice open this up oh what is this instant ramen hot dang we lucked out this one's got a couple more granadas i like that except they're too heavy i don't like that here you go in here i'm gonna take the grenades instead come on please tell me the source please i have a good feeling about this let's try come on attention all citizens the united states of america your government is lying to you the brazen serpent satellite is not a medical project brazen is a mind control tool it causes lack of motivation memory problems and vulnerability to manipulation a series of terrorist attacks is thought to be linked with the brazen serpent citizen of the united states revolt against your government or defect to our side we have help for you already at the borders you do not have to suffer attention all citizens it repeats itself wow i knew it it sounds serious some of joe's conspiracy theories are right all right cool earn joe's trust come back to joe and tell them about the broadcast okay do i i'm gonna go again oh it's so dark o'clock outside can't even see nothing rocking my way amazing reason i want to do this is because we get a ton of electronics deeper in here and i have a little bit of time left those aren't electronics plastics but i'll take it i'm going to eat an energy drink too i don't know how you can eat a drink but i can ah yes a couple of them anyway there isn't free acts here i will go back to joe you know i'm hoping this wacko is still here oh good he is and his boy chupacabra hey buddy and ford observer i keep i think this is the one i have an important question do you know the exact location of the ford observer military base uh i need this trust okay i gotta talk with them instead of that i got the transmission yes the red with a strong spanish exit i've written it down but you can tell the main points oh do it now i'm anxious to know basically saying the brazen serpent satellite is my control tool and this indeed would explain a lot of things the waves i told you prepper also the cause of memory and concentration problems oh and they blame it on some a terrorist attacks i don't know it feels broken i was afraid of the mind control ways for some time but i secretly hoped it wasn't true now i know for sure that this swing was circling above us constantly and did the mexicans have any advice for us they're telling us to revolt or escape to their side a walk in the park right i'm too old and weak to leave this junkie graveyard and take copper with me but i know you can outsmart them escape from here maybe flight from the outside please do it for us trust me i'll do what i can okay did i important question i suspect you to answer can you tell me how to get to the fort observer military base i know it's in the desert somewhere oh chasing military secrets aren't you i can tell you for sure they ain't got ufos like area 51. i have good intel on that uh say it's haunted you have to be careful what i'll try wait he's gonna give me the location yes on the map there's a stretch long road the last place you can use the supply stash which leads to another problem too long to make it before 3 am knocks me out you're smart and yes i would say it ain't possible unless you fire a way to stay awake oh no i gotta get the i have to get the 99 plants to bring to jenny but he didn't give me the name of it huh so i have to farm up 99 plants now i might need to do the electronics in metal so i'm really concerned about what's next i have to get 99 of those plants which gonna take forever oh beautiful i can make the workbench level three now too i secretly hope i don't have this i guess i'll just melt it down if i do [Music] thank you ah workbench level three what does that let me do oh fuel barrel and a light switch okay neat oh a greenhouse oh makes your plants feel cozy by providing them the light tomatoes and oranges can grow in there oh that's cool so that's one thing to upgrade do i get different guns and stuff warm clothes hot dang i can make warm clothes to go down in the basement that's a good idea and a blue pot i don't know i think that making those warm clothes to go down in the basement of the the mine is a good idea also getting this greenhouse to grow but i don't need tomatoes and oranges i need just a lot of guarana or whatever that is oh and the guy's coming um um he forgot about that all right i remember now that i actually have to pick up one of these buckets it's too heavy uh-oh there he is hey again how'd i do oh wait he saw the items oh he didn't see the items on me good it was actually pretty good my power consumption was really high though so i still had a 12 if i can get that power consumption down i think we'll be good to go we'll get that safe buff or whatever it is i'm gonna craft up this greenhouse and it's gonna take a long time to do that then i'm gonna go to bed it'll be exciting oh dang this is an outside thing i don't know if i want that but i can plant things in here oh let's go get some maters oh no why don't we out of power all right we need some of these things we need lots of these guarna plants okay so i've got five of these plants they're all watered up we're gonna come up with three days of no power though so we got to make sure that these are all recharged nicely especially with this big grow room in our basement like it's gonna be rough for a while yeah three days of no power coming up and then being raided by the bad guy so i'm also wondering if i can trade here trade jenny and then i have to bring it there it says yeah it didn't work ah shoot now we got three days straight a blackout sounds great really looking forward to that now if i remember right level three here has some of those plants it also has a trap that has been hanging out here forever oh a foxtail quit that good do i have bait i thought i had bait i guess the bait rotted that's disgusting but i do get some of these things so that's good the good news is i did get 16 more of those plants so that's awesome and i also got a couple of the wolf clothes so i can just make a wolfkin skin thing so i can go down deep into that mine on another beautiful harvest and another beautiful morning that should be 20 more oh not quite 20. for beautiful 47 about halfway there this sucks all right here we go we're gonna go try to find that hydrogen down below i do have my mining hat on i've got all sorts of goodies ready to go down and on my warm jacket which i'm super excited about okay oh there's bob what's bob doing down here i didn't realize or joe hey what are you doing down here what are you doing down here you said never went down here where does that door lead to i asked the question first i'm the one who let you in with mine i've repaired your elevator so you can come down here oh okay i'll tell you you tell me fine but you go first okay so i was drawn here by your mention of hydrogen why would you well i have a small crafting project in my basement i'm building a rocket to get out of here and hydrogen could actually be useful as fuel weirder than i thought prepper so i guess it's time for me to part of the deal but remember not a word anyone people might die shall we get inside really he's got a hunchback and a waddle in his booty do i go in there i don't know if i want to go into his shelter this is weird man oh whoa whoa there's people down here it's base there's survivors survivors i tell you can i steal their loot i want to steal their loot wow i didn't realize this oh it goes deeper you see you're not the only one coming down here there's more of us we call ourselves the sleepless we fight the mind control measures government forces upon us every notice you will always fall asleep on 3m no matter what ever notice concentration problems headaches faulty memory of course i have the compulsory bedtime is driving me nuts we're supposed to do it's the thing is the sky the brazen serpent supposed to be protecting us bless the president but it's sending waves that mess with our brains making us complacent we're trying to overcome the 3 a.m reset we believe it's the key to mind control and how is it going so far well we have preliminary success we help with certain strong substances some are able to stay awake through 3 p.m some troublesome side effects and that's why you're trying to get them in a den halfway to the center of the earth and for keeping them well away from the agency interesting makes sense think you know where all the herbal teas go i know you've met jenny already we'll give her a green light to help you in your case in need oh nice you're a killer man prepper but i trust you ah good luck staying awake please don't blow us all up with that hydrogen okay can i can i literally steal things oh no i can't interesting i can go deeper in here though this is kind of unique i can talk to people there's a sleepless huh strange man look at this place i kind of want to move in here they got computers and everything that i could steal i mean use okay does this get me out or deeper oh just get me out okay well let's go down i don't really want to use this thing these are kind of annoying and i do remember that i've been a little bit down in here because i wanted to fight the cold let's actually eat something real quick and an energy drink there we go i'm gonna go down again all right we'll try this way tell me again how you can stab things prepper good job and now we'll eat another pit or snake tail yum no no don't go down go go go it's there you go bud here's the ratty boys again oh dang okay they're down here to get more i'm gonna drop a grenade on this pack next pack this pack oh i didn't kill him oh no i really don't like this position i'm in run away my knife's gonna break oh there's six of them now i should have waited oh hot dang man they just destroyed my life 14 hours 52 minutes oh i got a ton of water now hot dang that's a lot of water i love it are these not ready to harvest this one is now they're harvesting like literally in front of me they're ripening that's awesome 63. that's a beautiful number totally grabbing more bombs i got some food in there i really want that shiny thing i really do i got a bunch of grenades uh where to put some food down here on my hot bar i already have food on my hotbar we'll put these down here key number four works okay nice ready just got grenades and junk you're a rat and boom that was fun do it again hey dorks come over here i got a present for you it'll hurt you more to hurt me do it again oh nice i got the free shiny thing grab that oh there's treasure here too oh crystal's gas i'll take all that there we go got a hydrogen canister and i probably need a lot more than that to fuel my ship with though now the question is do i go down to level question mark i don't even know what's down here probably gonna die so fast though level unknown what's that say question mark very informative i suppose maybe it changes every time what a crazy idea wait it changes every time so i can just get different amounts of loot that's kind of unique let's go check it out one time oh yeah kind of like going out into the wilderness there is so many bats here here i just didn't want to fight him bats are dumb yeah this is kind of cool unique every time it looks like and they just get one little gold nugget on the ground eight oh yes please jetsons now trust me a little bit more and will sell more trash to me i can buy this thing every day now okay so i only need 20 more of these things okay they're growing now excellent harvest harvest harvest harvest and then i wait and i wait for you to be harvested grow a little plant man grow do some push-ups take a nap for a little while come on just come to me i need you in my life it's so stupidly close oh come on come on i need to go give you to jenny she's gonna make tea there it is yes two three four oh shoot it's midnight okay we have one more job for tomorrow oh but tomorrow's inspection day um jenny we have to go find jenny no we can't we can't tonight we can't tonight and you know what i think we might actually do that in the next video because i think like things might come to an end next time we did find the secret survivors today and had a lot of fun doing it so thanks for watching and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and i'd like to thank everyone who's signed up on patreon including ben ellen hagen dickie james apollo bunny auto dave eagle arc whippet good seraphin x des bogger maxer zarnoff legacy jason mcfarland deegan paul longstone and ralph and everyone who has clicked that join button down below to become a youtube channel member
Channel: Blitz
Views: 262,014
Rating: 4.9430165 out of 5
Keywords: blitz
Id: PZT0HdHsf7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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