Surviving In A Volcanic World In A Gigantic Drill Base in Volcanoids

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let's what today hi we're gonna go on your ground Mike we are where are we going and I don't know are we gonna go deeper do we need to go deeper I said that's a different game it is --slide one go deeper I think wow sorry what is this one this is Vulcan oit's oak a game that I played a year ago and I don't really remember how to play so I'm your captain and I don't know what I'm doing I'm your I'm also your captain I found Rocko captain my captain okay alright so yeah first of all build our drill ship I got thing black dirt what is this one green black dirt that's what colas kids oh and then this one's green dirt green dirt black dirt we got it all this must be nice so let's just focus on collecting as much as we can rain okay can I go in this building I actually you know it has do you expect to go in the buildings yeah it did well you expected too much oh hey I have a question why so for a second just does does that hurt I knew what you were gonna do does it hurt thankfully not much so we clearly have very bad guns good we can get new ones all right I like gun I hope I don't know again oh god there's a guy here blitz what this is way easier with a teammate nice that's cuz you got the best team into history best to you mate well that's the best the sigh I'm mining him oh my God look at this you could actually mine the pieces oh I should probably load it though ah try this weird lets you can actually like this one okay I'm gonna try it hey I was hit fill up how to do that you can actually mind that oh and then I can take those pieces and then yep oh okay do we get things from this from everybody I don't know if we're actually getting anything though I have no idea but I like that you can mine them alright did you get that piece that we needed I think so oh yeah we got a production okay so if you want to get their drillship do you want to go back to the submarine all right a little bit more actual more robots okay perfect that's what we need to loot I don't like that one what I hit a rock Raider for my face oh yes we had sulfur I think and I got buck shots hmm well I guess we can go hunting later hoods for a shoot gun oh there's a guy over here what do you know you are I'm I'm mining coal on the bow this guy hurts he's a really good shot really oh my god I'm half health nice work I'm just gathering coal like a pro well I got him both hopefully that was worth it scrap didn't give you any loot Oh explore her head oh can we use them research to obtain Intel I also got a rare off him a rare like what what was it called it's a converter rare component can be used for building basic research devices huh so there's research so we can go like we could go deeper hey now hey now that's not you oh I thought that was you shooting me Oh one shot him I got him good job oh nice I got a builder head damaged cog head can be used and researched it until dinosaur he got one of those I got one too we're like twins Oh would you not right now and here the predator slowly creeps up with a prey he doesn't know he's exists like how we both knew like it's like we play a lot together we need to play one of those games where you can intentionally win the game by destroyed yeah yes okay so both be very good at that what's the news copper try and do that nope there's this thing here Oh in jump production I got this going oh wow so you're making us copper in gherkin together you're doing one thing I'm doing one thing yeah weird we're like twins produce Intel production T one okay so I think I'm all I need to give you the conscious did it I just did it all by myself oh well I threw the copper in this thing by the way if we take everything off this sub we can use it later Oh like we don't get it if we don't grab it now so how do you tick Oh off in the chest any of the chests and stuff okay so L said I need to take the item I got it draw chip core where's that in this drill ship core I'm gonna build that nice okay and I'll take everything on the ship we talked about castor captain hello captain he looks like he's gonna sell me some tuna fish okay I think that's everything we just stole as I don't think we'll be coming back here anytime soon oh wait wait there's still some question does it hurt shoot the captain head nope the captain is immune huh I mean things like that he deflects the bullets with the power of his chin so we got five question is to go who is the true captain blitz I am the captain now who's gonna claim it yeah it depends on who the game walk into the drill ship course lot is the rounded object at the wall look at this thought okay we just look at okay so you are clearly the captain because I don't see him I am the captain asked for blitz I wanted to be the cat I am the captain there's robots here oh not on our ship oh he's still over here oh god I lose friends well blitz we have some holes here okay how do we oh I'm in I'm in can I fix it no I got it I got it I can't wait miss lane at first ii like i clay pit I am now the under minor it's digging the quest thing is calling you contact the captain through the drill ship radio where's that here the drill ship is heavily damaged it must be I've been hit by a volcanic eruption oh yeah well traveling but the hole is very bad condition to fix all those straight walls yadda yadda yadda I put coal into storage said we need to power it the breached walls I did it I'm preparing to breach the wall oh you're so fast I didn't notice I'm like a ninja I'm a wall repairing ninja we did it buddy got four minutes no new ship I was like died into the volcano that's surprising hey I opened the door and body parts flew everywhere that was exciting should we gather some more before the yeah interruption it'd be a good idea what happens if I open the lava blitz that's what I was wondering does it tail it buddy um I'm too young to die okay I got a lot of loot on me too do we know how to go down that's the question we go deeper yeah I know how to go down deeper okay right now I think we just push buttons until it works that's generally our strategy okay I'm running back to the ship because okay I have a bad feeling about what's ready to happen just don't leave without if you leave why shouldn't it right bye nice to know you race back to the drill oh we gotta hide from the eruption it's going oh god it's going I've got a goon I'm all out of stamina run faster then taking some damage juice I I don't think that's in the game yet I will be here oh there's the button it's got green arrows for auto did you just do it I didn't touch anything I promise and there we go oh that's wrong button oh I did I think it okay I press the button really impressed you actually figured it out big break oh you're gonna leave me no I would never leave my friend yes you would I probably would not gonna lie so we did it we're underground Oh what do we do should be okay for this eruption okay there's many more why are they living on this island or world by the way because there's an untapped resources here fair enough standard shut until the eruption is over who used the periscope is that what this is you know oh there's the periscope what did you do why are we going on why did you make us go up don't biggest cut down again I don't know what it did you press the button you dork oh here we go hi guys we made it back just sightseeing don't worry about us let's see if we can make it back alright nope there we go down we go go quick I just want to test fate here how quickly we need to be well there's eruption oh wow that's crazy eruption somewhere someone dropped a nuke yarder there okay and I made it at least and here comes the wave what's gonna happen now well we're down I didn't doubt it so now we know we just wait okay so let's figure out what are these buttons explore I wanna stop pressing buttons blitz Oh hold on about I found a travel map are you Wow I can drive what what do you doing you're actually driving I'm watching wait what this is dumb there's a cave there okay I found a fawn oh that's safe grounds I think that's how we go out there's the harbor okay okay so this is how we get to the different areas this is totally new this wasn't in the game from from this is like a weirdest minigame in the history a weird minigame so yeah I think we can go deeper oh we're in tunnels one rain a blitz oh are we and then we gotta go to the caves - but how do we find my way out of a rectory we need to go deeper blitz we I was telling you that hot magma should I try it I mean probably done yeah why not right okay good idea oh I can't can't impossible yeah it's all impassable that's sad alright so we have to explore this whole area blitz or what rather you have to draw anything by the world's best Explorer I can see that from fro from oh ravine landing oh there we go Oh it's occupied by a drill ship so there's an enemy here landing site occupied by drill ship never choose a different location okay so yeah there's any memorial ships around as well and we can claim them for their strength that must we can loot their ships okay do we need more do we need to go deeper or anything are we gonna run out of coal here oh I'm gonna go up to the surface at the safe grounds it sounds safe it's not looking good out there but oh my word it's like the place turned into winter time don't there's a little guy there hey the little dude what's going on buddy just brown away all right well let's explore here okay we have three quests hold up oh nice nice nice okay so yeah that's right so I like can i play outside there is let's let's work what it work on that turrets that sounds fun because then they'll keep our ships safe as we explore run away again Wow my gun is not that accurate that is just me probably both since this is starting gun okay so what do we need oh we do that we reduce bullet casings that's just for you how do we all right it's turret module you got to make the black powder get out of the thing no I'm trying to produce you've got to go over to this one it's over here no it's it's here I see it what are you talking about it's radius okay so we need copper plates copper tubes and copper gun components okay so we need copper basically oh yeah I'm cueing up 30 oh we got a shot shoot no splits get out what shoot us I can't I can't leave I'll save you I can leave got him the little jerks the little turd look monkey I'm gonna produce the thing yeah just work on the turret so we'd been you don't get shot at like we just did a turret module I do I got it that was quick man today so now we can put this on the outside I think so come to the outside okay if you can place it Oh like that I don't see anything I don't know what it does that is fields a turret where wherever you place it I'm gonna put it on the other side that's a good idea I know you also have some damage on our walls we should probably won't work on soon there we go oh yeah well I wasn't standing there that's amazing look at that thing look at that there's more bullets we need bullets think I did it let's good work oh god I'm being shopping a long way away my dude you creatively in a turret I made one for you got it nicely done nicely done well done remember this side of the drill ship is defended now should we make an extra turn let's uh they're pretty easy to make why not I think it's too much oh it's shootin I hurt oh yeah maybe it's not Oh killed in a shooting at shootin now yes that's amazing look at that thing it's so cool now I just need one for the other side and we should be good uh-huh okay so I got the module Oh God Oh strips taking damage I hit it with a pickaxe did it all by myself that walls looking probably bad hey now the trees regrew how did that what did that happen I mean I guess they're quick Oh Oh God say you nope That's not me let's not me the diary anymore shootin quick yeah he must have died no that was probably the turret that destroyed it I didn't hear it so there's different text in here that we can use the heads for a schematic okay cool so we have some heads downstairs if yawning you would do what else there's a bed here we can skip time maybe where is this thing or we can just sleep together Oh inventory slots yeah we could snuggle oh I don't have any coal oh that's why I'm proud yeah we can't build anything cuz we don't have I'm getting shot at I don't have any ammo this is gonna be bad this is gonna be bad I'm gonna melee him to death maybe oh hey I won shot him right in the brain nice okay if I mind this guy I do I get more copper parts nice right think so Wow so copper scrap is a lot yeah I was actually making some as well okay we now have 14 toward am I think that should be good yeah probably I don't have any idea it's turned out different in regular yeah you need to make special ammo for them okay alright we need to attack this damn drill ship wherever it is oh it's actually on our map you want to go not gonna be on time now right so we can go down and we'll come back up yeah I'm gonna go attack them cuz they keep attacking us is that what's happens they're sitting out yeah I I think they're coming from that show Oh could be wrong but we must attack them anyways yes cuz that's the cure for everything destroying things oh did you go down I'm gonna take us down yet yeah that's a good idea I think down that's a good idea for volcano land well we haven't died - lava yet we built two turrets we're doing all right I think we need to destroy that that enemy though yes I agree we shall get them I'm less the volcano does I don't get the titanium or titanium or I have to get through the lava though so we have to be able to upgrade the show Wow okay I got it I got another thing research module guy can be used to research okay where do I put this thing nice slap dead I pass George would you like to go to high-pass blitz sure Landing is occupied alright I guess we're not going to high pass let's go to deadly pit that sounds fun okay we can explore nowlet's okay good that ships only 200 meters away now is it well then let me tell you a story about my revolver with ammo where's the emmalin let's go give payback to these guys okay don't forget med kits I got med kits four of them five of them where am I going up there huh up there up there top of the mountain to the top of the mountain is that what you said yes okay let's go to it you were off Mount Doom we should go deeper well we're not going deeper right now we have 22 minutes to expose the surface so I read like a raid on the volcano the size of you think so actually I don't know if this is the right way bullets I don't know if it was either I hope our show Oh balls I see him it does yeah I see it lets you see it yeah where'd it go where'd you go I'm still going up the mountain will be going up the mountain when we go I see you and I see it come on buddy we're gonna take it we're in it do we bring the court to destroy it I don't think we want their ship unless it's got more stuff than ours well it is okay I see bad guys you ready for this yeah yeah I'm I'm as ready as I'll ever be this is a little bit creepy I don't like these things our ships being attacked that's okay all right don't go there we go there they need it take it off oh yeah any more bullets oh oh god there's lots of oh no oh there's so many okay nice work there's some more by the town I don't know if they're gonna come over though okay I'm gonna just take all the Luke's he had a med kit yeah what is this thing on the side I needed to spell God during the ship it is I'm gonna pickaxe it to death hey you can actually do that and just are their ships oops I shot his head off okay oh oh they have like an information panel here I'm just gonna break the door down does that work did did they lock it knock knock are you are you just breaking it a kidney destroyed hi we're home just mine ain't got no door now okay I did I'm gonna loot that guy here oh god there's a guy here whoa in the robot hole spawn and people sing destroy the spotter machine dude there's nothing out here I killed it all by myself I think there's some still that I killed that destroy everything blue there's another there's another spotter here gasps I got it how you guys gonna attack us now oh they have loot oh oh high-powered revolver ammo let me actually check their main thing actually I think I already broke it wait oh they have a chest they had a chest in their chests yo dawg i heard you like they have another chest okay so now we have storage we do what is this menu way easier than Billy only comical - storage they have a module yes please herbs oh you did you just took it off I did are you doing reading it refinery station a refinery station why build things when you can just steal things we should have we should have came in just Stoller's because we can can we do that we yeah I mean we just did it I wouldn't steal this one oh there we have destroyed everything to damage your ship destroy all module on its sides and ceiling okay I just destroyed this okay this pickaxe is really powerful it is men how do we get to the ceiling probably from the ceiling duh Wow boo something up I did hey let's can see you now did you make the door look to your right okay I think we broke it yes I know we can come back here though we have the technology 17 minutes we could do it where was it so it was up on the mountain it's not showing us the same one anymore so let's go up to the mountain we should be able to find it problem is I think we broke the ladder - that's not good we'll see we don't even have guns if we get ambushed again I know we'll have to build some guns this is why we should okay it's still here I'm up here man okay I see the backpacks good please they're floating yes oh I can't get inside what how did you run are you like a specially bred mountain goat or something you you went a long way if you climb the the other side of the mountain it's a little easier oh but I can't seem to I see the backpacks can you get inside though I can't I can't Oh can you break it more yeah of course you can't you get it okay oh my god nice now we should grab our floating backpacks I don't know which whose is whose I'll take this one it dibs on the other one oh and we can get resources from destroying this thing oh man I didn't know you you can destroy everything good it deserves it it deserves to be we have paid back they have nothing anything now yeah I just good guy is like plotting he's gonna he's like rubbing his hands oh you're back hi oh hi Mike my game died now I'm now my my screen is filled with like 74 different archive informations oh nice it's okay now are we gonna go destroy their town - yes dude why shoot him what are you gonna stab him the face with the pickaxe works so much better are you mining the building I'm trying that's right what are you doing dude dude we mined their ship we should be able to mine their building just insult the injury here nothing is gonna work let me in your door well I think we did it I think they're screwed yep well a ship still uplet's it is I have to put the shredder into the thing you read it up I don't have a shredder it's like I loot your shredder I think I did yeah okay place shredder into storage do it then click on the burger and what norwich place drillship converter done grids thing we did it we did it successful we did something yeah the captain's happy with us high five wow that didn't quite high five right but that was now so that was fun blitz bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Blitz
Views: 600,912
Rating: 4.9465208 out of 5
Keywords: blitz
Id: eCnY8jusHKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 18sec (1398 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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