I Found EXPLOSIVE ORGANS in The Eternal Cylinder

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oh hey everybody i'm blitz welcome back to a game called the eternal cylinder this weird amazing little game so this video is not sponsored but if you haven't got the game yet you want to play it yourself make sure you use the code blitz in the epic store so i guess we're gonna get going i'm just gonna pee on this guy right away yes pee on the giant mouth oh it's coming after me just kidding i'm gonna horn my i'm gonna horn yeah run away wow that mouth is incredible now what's this guy up here the the enforcer or something i forget what his name oh this time the trevor knew oh no they were feeling what's he doing here was another circle what are those but k shape with this creature's evil i'm i'm not sure it did not get rid of the could pee on him i could do that no no no no no no it's disrupting the towers okay just get can i can i oh hey oh it died it's by nature it died i got it though i peed on it i'm dying i have to remove them what is this what is that oh it's the clam thing no no no no oh it came out i wanted i wanted the clam michelle oh run away are my dudes okay i feel like i got to get all of the i got to get all of the parasites taken care of and i really don't like whatever that thing is up there that's terrifying maybe i should eat some stuff i feel like that'd be a good idea or we eat by sucking it in and we don't have much food i also picked up this berry which i don't really know what it does so i'm gonna feed it to our new guy hey new guy why don't you eat it just to see what happens come on there you go you're doing it and oh a trunk long distance water squirting oh that'll work perfectly he that's awesome i love that give me these things okay we're gonna eat this i need to go squirt some water over on this thing let's see how good we can we get how far of a stream we have there we go take that parasite off take the parasite off run away run away we got a parasite oh there's another parasite i need to identify what this creature is though hey stop pee on it yes i'm doing it i'm doing it that's a tungle grovel or something okay we're gonna go back over here look at my face oh that's so gross looking i don't like that but i do need to use this to pee on things oh come on get that parasite off i got you i got you bud yes we did it i think can i eat one of the parasites oh no run away run away i'm gonna donate my friends don't eat my friends they don't they don't taste good i promise i'm just trying to help where's the other ones oh there's another one i see it are these guys bad are you bad i don't know if you're gonna eat me it's kinda no he's what's he doing i don't know i need to pee on this one i'm over here quick we have science experiments to do come on come on wash that parasite off oh i got it nice can i eat that to gain its strength i can but i don't know what it does are there any others there's another one over here i definitely want to try to eat the parasite but i don't think i can oh can we get another one a furry trim good thing i have fur hey let's try to drop this there you go i dropped it oh it's gonna eat it that's the parasite no no no no no come back here parasite go to the go to the ghosty boy no no no no come back here parasite you're worthless oh i can get that if i had anything to get it with i don't think our ghosty boy wants to eat this thing i want him to but he just doesn't want to eat it there you go that was perfect shot go in there come on you know you want to it tastes like snacks tastes like parasites i need to eat some more water too there we go fill that up oh oh no no no did he grab one and grab one is that the fire boy here yes it'll light you on fire no no no no that's illegal whatever you're trying to do i need the one with the garden hose knows okay grab we need to roll over here bud and we need to uh get rid of this last of the parasites here we go there we go i can do this and no no no wrong button wrong button ah really don't eat my friends i'm just trying to help just trying to help us i got it right away is that the last one oh it came down it came down can i eat parts of it to become more human oh my word i don't think i like i'm gonna i'm gonna go dab i wanna i did it i'm on it can i light him on fire here bouncy boy where are you yes let's light him on fire yes burn burn humanoid thing i really don't know what to do with him but fire seems to work he's got some sort of lens in his hand i don't like this what do i do now okay so i want to try to get that shell of this guy i'm gonna see if i can get it now that we've killed uh awesome for whatever it was called can i just like feed it mushrooms maybe and spit i forget which item it wants but it does like eating stuff maybe it's the tree parts we can try picking a tree berry here oh there's one right there there's one right there come here no no no i need that i need that ha yes i stole your berries i don't remember what to do with it though this thing looks so weird i wonder if i need to give it to a mouth crusher because it's kind of hard maybe i'll just spit it at a wall and i'll crack it that way and let's try pow oh it worked give me that okay that's a change do you have a body mod i don't think you do let's eat this i'm gonna see what happens do i get a shell popping poppin shiny and sparkly and very attractive oh my i like it that's actually pretty cool what was that that just spit over here this is poop i like eating poop yeah i think it's that bouncy spider's poop well that was fun i got a shiny boy i can jump super high i've got flame on my nose i like this i like where this is going i just need to explore and find the puzzles that were here excuse me i didn't i didn't mean to roll over you okay what is this biome this is pretty cool looking we got trumpet noses here oh this is snow zone there's a deep cave anything cool down there we got our fur back that's awesome something's flying at me i don't know what that is oh bro you just killed three of my friends what hold up here that is not cool at all why did you do that i mean i could revive them but i only have one point whoa he crushes rocks that's kind of unique but unfortunately i had to re oh come back here i need that in my neck oh i got it yes but unfortunately i had to reload a save file and i had to go way back here oh come back here i need that i need to become shiny again because that's cool and there's there's something very satisfying about watching this guy become shiny boy and yeah i love that i don't know what it does but i love it all right so where were we we were headed over this way to not die to find the mystery solve the puzzles and like escape the cylinder again and again kind of like having this guy in front because he can horn any time we're getting attacked yeah that's right get out of here we're just gonna have to plow down a buttload of food so we can fill our bellies again i don't think there's really anything over on this side of the world right away giant ostrich to puss ostrich octopus yeah stay away from me i don't like you but what is this area it's almost like a like a a an ocean over here can i go in can i swim i can is there anything down here for me uh not really i can float and my friends are getting cold even though we're in the water so i've explored pretty much this whole area and i haven't found any secrets so i'm gonna try to go up to this next tower here make that oh yeah the cylinder turns on every time it does that it just freaks me out i hate it i do not like the cylinder i just need to roll we need to go activate oh what is that thing why is there a ufo like creature what and there's the the boingy boi hello boingy boi oh man i don't like this i do not do not like giant ufo creature i think i remember oh that there my guys are not having it either go go go we can get in this tower we got to go with the tower right here oh okay we got the tower that hopefully will stop everything will it destroy the giant ufo guy maybe but just in case this doesn't work i'm gonna get past it i'm scared because the parasites were stopping the towers and now what's gonna happen oh man look at it hit the ground shakes and everything ready here it comes don't blow up don't blow up don't break the blade yes yes it stopped oh no oh balls i gotta go oh we got a lightning storm a lightning storm i don't like lightning storms parasites and lightning send help i gotta run what is why is everything hitting that one point oh no oh it's producing electrical barrier you cannot cross out running the lightning strikes is not possible what no get up get up gwim i don't have any points to get oh he's alive again okay so i can't stay too far away how do i do it i just i just gotta keep going maybe i'll find some cool little mutation here oh there's an egg oh there's an egg an egg can i hatch i don't have time to hatch that egg here i'm gonna control you maybe we can get our next egg hatched if everyone follows me we can hatch i get the next egg hatching system oh no i just ate something i didn't want to mutate oh i didn't never mind oh those things are crazy what is that oh there's a tree that just went down okay a bite of trees die but not people trees oh no you're trying to eat me still what did i ever do to deserve that everyone's still alive we're killing our baby egg i think we'll be okay we just need to get we just need to get to the next tower there's a tower i'm going for it oh no i'm getting shocked i'm about to be shocked i'm about to be electrocuted okay i'm fine need to come over here is that oh no still oh there you are bud i love those things he's cooking it he's cooking up a coal right now do it dude i'll try to save you from the storm now there's a giant pyramid over here not sure what that's good for i don't like it though no no no don't get shocked i'm going in we're gonna touch that we're touching the tower okay everything's fine that is gonna totally destroy that entire rock base isn't it it is it's just rolling through it oh we're just we're losing our fur never mind we don't need that right now oh yeah the mountain's getting shredded um i'm just gonna keep rolling literally rolling okay maybe i should go i know thank you for skin boy i need to go over to the the pyramid i feel this storm is getting more and more and more intense okay it stopped it stopped it stopped everything stopped excellent but the pyramid is glowing now and then there's those deadly plant things that i don't like what is this for should i jump in the hole yeah we're totally jumping in the hole okay we're going down yes yes exploring caves oh okay jump pads they will move on their own okay thank you the game's like yeah we have an auto function that does that thank you and i just need lots of these crystals so i can revive my friends because they like to die also it's cold in here because i'm in water and i'm freezing so probably don't want to do that but i can float up to the gigantic chest up there maybe can this guy not float no we don't have that skill so i had to get somebody who had jumpy legs okay maybe i should just okay we're gonna go over here because there's something shiny and i like shiny things or we'll swim over here because i like shiny things what is this i want it just some crystals okay that's fine there's a giant staircase here we're going to the staircase i'm just going to try to jump real fast and i think i found something i found something indeed let's jump on this platform quick and we'll ride that across the world oh we're going underwater okay oh no oh no i messed that up how do i get up there i want to get the furnace i believe that's a furnace attachment thing that we can eat the crystals that we've been finding ah get up there yes i got it i don't know who wants it though and there's giant bones okay we're gonna hop on this good those guys don't matter it's okay they can respawn we have four crystals now ah get over here oh oh no fango i need you i need you vego you're so cold buddy a new family member has joined the group continue vego i gave him fur i'm so nice tell you what else vego is gonna get this thing and these things because they're crystals the mushroom integrated compounds is energy sources okay i like you if there's anything i rescued you and now i believe we're going to turn into like a furnace tribum yes yes to process mineral ingredients i did it i wonder why he was all alone over here oh what is in there so he's processing the crystals and that should give me some good stuff there's a very shiny bright light coming from the side of this should i pee on it i didn't do anything that's unfortunate nice more crystals oh get up here can't reach that one but i can jump over here and whatever is in this thing is going to be mine come on open whoa oh the good stuff i'm going to store those here trebmite organic substance restorative properties okay so this is hydrating so we've got health and water and i'm guessing that's food also what is this can i take that it's shiny and blue i like shiny blue things and also what is this oh i got whatever the green shiny thing is i like green shiny things glow fruit bioluminescent fruit interesting let's put these things over here everyone's so cold i need to make fire on the ground where'd they go where's my fourth and fifth ones maybe i should just get out of here cuz i don't like that music cave come down i think i did get everything out of this cave so that should be fine yes we're all back together again all right so you my little dude gweb gupp we need to stand over here and get warm let's make a fire real quick everyone's going to warm up on the ground and i want you to eat whatever that bioluminescent fruit was because i think it'd be funny i should also probably eat this stuff right here oh totally ate it and you are going to eat this we got health back okay let's see what happens with the bioluminescent oh we created light in the darkness nice but it doesn't work when he's got clothes on that's fine okay let's go see what's inside of this gigantic pyramid of death it also seems to be floating a floating pyramid of death yeah it's totally floating i don't like that why did why did ominous floating pyramids of death have to be ominous and deadly oh hey oh what was that noise go away i found another chest down here no oh that was super cool okay i'm just gonna grab this nice and open this up free candy no no no no no no no no free candy machines empty quick grab this go away free candy machine is biting us that thing is so rude on so many levels i don't like it there is a way in here i knew i saw something okay gwen let's try this out i feel like we got some sort of parkour map up here uh-huh i do we have to jump over the rocks and float like a butterfly sting like a bee you know the drill or not we could have just walked in there if i was paying attention but i didn't know how to do that so ta-da i found a door all by myself and enter the shrine this shrine looks creepy what is going on here what is this place i need to buy a luminescent one or not yes i do because because he's shiny and i can collect shiny things with him nice shiny shiny place maybe uncomfortably yeah it makes me uncomfortable and i'm not tripping place of desperation where terrible bitter things had happened a long long time ago terrible things happened a long time ago huh i feel like no stop that i want to eat this thing right here this one there we go that looks like a deadly shrine bush over there i don't like those but i do like getting all of these things in my life is that a deadly what is this oh here come over here oh no don't spit it's illegal just come stand over here no no no no don't spit on me hey ugly hey hey you ugly hey i'll pee on you by our powers combined nope that doesn't work i don't i definitely don't want to step on that thing i want to get no no no don't spit on us you'll kill us that way oh more shinies hold up here big bad nasty guy who wants to kill me i've she got shiny things to collect i also don't even know what those shiny things do but i'd like more shiny things what is this these eggs can i eat them to gain their strength what does it do oh yeah this is good strength i want to know what this middle one does the blue bubbly one let me see okay four an acid resistant organ capable of producing organic compounds troglet organ i don't know what that does is that the the thing is that the the bloated one i feel like if we give that to vupo it might work i don't know i'm kind of scared to give it to vupo because vupo's got some sweet shininess going on but we're going to try it anyway what does it do oh plus 75 health and oh the mixer the mixing mutation allows the triple to combine specific ingredients to create offensive projectiles what launched enemies try different ingredients to get different types and levels of projectiles hot ding strange about this new body that trebum thought yeah it was powerful and also a little frightening uh-huh they now had the ability to mix ingredients in order to create projectiles i don't know what it's doing which they could attack other creatures i got one this new power might be necessary i'm going to try to shoot it survival because i know you can shoot but they would have to make sure to have it so they will never become as cruel yes the servants no no no come over here come over here step on that thing i tot i promise i won't become cruel oh no ah get wrecked oh oh did i kill it i killed it it's dead i killed it all by myself i'm i kind of feel bad more mushrooms i feel like i've gotta step on that thing i don't like the idea of stepping on a pressure pad who do i not care about shiny boy web grip i mean i care about you i just don't know what i'm doing jump jump jump okay it didn't do anything doesn't this guy look sick though okay i need maybe just combine things oh it's working oh no what did i do wait remain glued what is this all about why how did i become glue foot oh that was literally those other things that's awesome can i blow this wall up let's try and pow and nope oh one went inside ow i'm so sorry no those are gonna blow up too oh no i'm so sorry i'm so sorry i didn't mean to i didn't mean to explode you friend okay we're gonna try to blow it up right here blow up blow up the thingy it didn't work okay what happens if i pop on it hop jumpy boy or do i need to go up there and spit up top there it goes okay that's kind of in there nope i can't even get out of here until this oh i figured it out all right i need to get i need to get stompy boy here and i need to jump up top and then i got to use this upgrade to like stand on the the circle as it's moving or you know we'll just fly because that can work too all right yes little platforms these are made by the trebums this is so cool and then this is the problem that we need the other feet for i mean i can eat those other feet plants i believe i had one left and we'll give that to gwem all right we're gonna get stompy feet we don't need fishy feet anymore and evolve time yes so i can get stuck to things glue myself down like this little suction cups that's awesome i want to get in the end no i just want to get on the top of that that is so weird he's like i don't want to be upside down that's illegal and then if i let go i can float yes no no no no no okay i figured it out no don't say we failed he's like yay i did it i'm a failure and then down we go cool i did it nice oh what did i do what did i how did i do that i mean i stepped on the thing oh hey another treasure chest of treasury things oh i don't know what that does but i need it so give it to me is that another one of those exploding organs okay we're gonna try i don't like this at all but i'm gonna touch it what happened could not retrieve any helpful information i got a mini map it looks like i got a mini map is that what this all was about just unlocking a mini map i still want to get inside of there and the door is open oh okay i feel like if i make a big enough explosion i can blow up that glass dome or maybe not we're gonna try all right vupo the explody boy make me explosives i'll even sacrifice a troubamite for you oh yeah that makes a better explosive and i'll give it a glow fruit that might do something cool give it a glow fruit oh it's tel is making that one bigger okay it worked i made two level twos a big cluster bomb oh and i gave it one of these things and it's making a bigger cluster is it making a cluster bomb or a bigger one i don't really know can i translate that to someone else i can what are you doing i don't want that what is this a small gas bomb how'd they know there's so many weird things in this game that's gonna make this uh another one yeah i got four of those big ones now okay so let's try using one of those heavy explosives make everything better ready get set fire and fire oh it didn't blow up on impact but it might do something no no no no stay away from my troubles maybe this mushroom has something to do with it oh no that's just supposed to help me get up top i want to get inside of there but i don't know if i can we're gonna exit the shrine and use our explosive powers oh the door is closed permanently now but that's okay because i look amazing i've got explosives i've got a trunk i love it i love voo po vupo's my new favorite i'm so sorry whatever your name was oh i almost died that was that wasn't wouldn't have been cool i feel like i've completed this mission let's go to this new cylinder thing and continue on but that thing is so cool all right i'm gonna eat up a little bit oh no and that egg that i had disappeared didn't it that's not good oh well we didn't really need another one what is this i found a shrine over here i want to continue but there's so many cool things to explore oh yes the good stuff give me all this beautiful tasting giblets you know what i don't like you take one of these oh oh that was so cool i blew them up and the rocks all exploded i was not expecting exploding rocks oh that was amazing okay who's got the jumpy legs i think i think you had jumpy legs vupo i can't get any more of the rocks down so we're just gonna have to roll oh that was bad idea i really don't like turning that cylinder on again it's gonna destroy my shrine where i found the bomb making explosives that's okay i have the power and the technology now within me i just need to roll to this next tower i need to go i need to go oh yes i'm going i'm going and it should be good i'm guessing the game's gonna be like nah bro you can't go to another one okay we made it it's gonna destroy that tower i should have waited some more but i was scared now what's gonna happen over here we got sauron being all like dangerous and stuff we got some gnarly looking tree and i'm guessing we're gonna have some sort of weird machine yeah check that out please stop please stop please don't roll over that please just stop it please stop at this time please make it stop oh it stopped it did it and i tell you what my friends that'll do it for today's video of the eternal cylinder thanks for watching hope you enjoyed and keep your stick on the ice we'll catch you next time and a special thanks to all of the channel members and the patreons including alan h apollo bunny otto dave ben dickie j desby eagle arc maxer with the good baron fox zarnoff deegan jason m rowell iffy sphere spider sacks and joe b
Channel: Blitz
Views: 318,695
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blitz, blitz plays, blits, eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder, eternal cylinder gameplay, eternal cylinder ep 1, eternal cylinder blitz, eternal cylinder game, eternal cylinder full game, blitz eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder game, the eternal cylinder gameplay, the eternal cylinder ep 1, the eternal cylinder ep 2, the eternal cylinder blitz, blitz the eternal cylinder, the eternal cylinder mutations
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 39sec (1659 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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