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hello everyone dan here with dan here prospecting here welcome back to my channel and if you're new welcome i hope to earn your subscription today i am back here at my new claim the ocean picture stone quarry look at that stuff whoa because after harvesting a few hundred pounds of it before i found out that there's a lot of lapidary artists and jewelers out there that want this stuff and i've run out so i'm here today to get a whole lot more and hopefully some of the most beautiful pieces that's the goal for today wish me luck and i hope you enjoy [Music] now my goal today is take the little rotary hammer and try to make some recesses underneath some of the big blocks like right under there perfect and see if i can get my big pry bar underneath these slabs and start lifting them off a lot of them do have sort of a weak spot between the material and the hose rock where it splits away nicely so that's my goal is to try to get some of these pieces that have very little flaws in them break them off into one pound pieces that's what i've been selling is one pound pieces of the stuff so i'm gonna break them off into one pound pieces and see if we can get some of the really beautiful really perfect scenes coming off here shouldn't be too hard i hope you having fun ev alex is holding a rock that's bigger than him no probably weighs more yes and it has a big blue seam through it nice uh can you bring it down the more safe way rather than over the cliff well why does he put it over here on top of this little slope and just give it a good push okay yes he should show me then there we go we have a nice recess for the big pry bar to get underneath i'm gonna put it in there and see if i can lift it off see what happens i might need a bigger gap for this pry bar let's try that come on there it is there's gonna be one of my premium specimens i'll put this rock up as it is just like that look at the color that is amazing okay got another one ready here to pry let's see what happens it's coming oh it's coming oh look at the colors it's breaking along its natural flaws look at the colors on that there's about half a pound piece right there whoa there's the other half pound those together would make a pound of premium for 75 bucks oh there's two pounds of premium unless that's a crack maybe a pound and a half because there's a crack going through there and this this will definitely be one of the specimens that's a 400 rock maybe even more wow and then all the chips for the chip bags evan you can grab those put them bucket there's also a huge crack there on one of those rocks oh yeah we'll get more of this out we'll get more of this out some like this stuff's free already look at this stuff all sorts of amazing we are getting the most magnificent samples here ocean picture stone you're supposed to get a scene of an ocean when you cut it into a cabochon or some sort of fancy finished piece of stone which i don't do i just collect the rough i don't do the finish work but if you actually go and get some of this stuff that looks like beach water and ideally clouds or rocks out in the water makes the perfect scene this one here the big one i just got it's all over you could make thousands of cabochons out of this one piece and they would be marvelous and i'd say right now we probably have about three or four hundred pounds of stuff right here my goal for today is a thousand pounds look at this one this is a beautiful piece and it's ready to come so ready to come shoelace undone oh yeah looks like someone tried to drill this one in the past there's a few different drill holes and what not around here from past diggings there's probably a six or seven hundred dollar piece of stone right there magnificent the best color possible inclusions host rock blues and whites and stones out in the water that is an amazing piece and evan just brought in a nice sample too great blues whites host rock great ocean scene on it nice and big that's a beauty alex brought that one down earlier with a beautiful seam right through it i love those they look like rivers when they're cut you having fun there's another perfect premium rock probably two pounds worth there it's like 150 rock right there now there's a piece of premium the best blues included host nice layer of host at the bottom that'll be a perfect beach scene right in there that's a one pound piece woohoo oh that looks beautiful too evan nice nice nice nice so i'm gonna try to get this piece off right here it's such a beautiful section i see a flaw underneath i should be able to lift it from right there if i chisel away nicely that should do it not big enough so i've been going for like an hour now on this rock wedging it cracking it banging it wedging it everything i finally got it moving i was going for this section right here beautiful rock but that would have been you know a five six hundred dollar rock however when i started prying it this crack is actually tight and not broken this whole chunk started coming with it so now i'm working on this rock and i don't know where it's gonna break off this could be you know a thousand or two thousand dollar rock by the time i'm done i have no idea but it just started moving on me as i was hammering in the three wedges one of them fell out the other one went in easy it started cracking it's ready to go i'm gonna get in place for above it and see if i can break it off it's a moving oh look at that i got even the other ones free here here comes the rain again there's a beautiful piece there's another beautiful piece and there it is oh deadly little thing what a gorgeous piece there's a thousand dollar rock if not more so the host rock seems to only be red like this when it's oxidized and weathered inside it seems to be this gray material which is very neat we could get some real neat ocean scenes with gray host rocky beach the blue water the white sky that would be really really neat to see because most ocean picture stone scenes always have this red host for the beach i like it i see a few more chunks i can harvest here and we're probably gonna be on the road soon what a day harvesting ocean picture stone wow we got the best quality stuff i've ever seen coming out of here and lots of it i think we probably got you know eight hundred to a thousand pounds of rock today and the best rock i'm gonna take all this home and you know sort it off into low quality high quality premium quality and then those specimens those rocks that are just too good to break down into one and two pound chunks that need to be left whole and then i'll put a value on all of them and maybe let you know how much i actually got here today i'm guessing thirty to forty thousand dollars worth of stone the best stone finally after years of prospecting i get a big payday this is amazing and as dana says this will keep us busy for a long time sorting and selling all of this wow we are all so happy and i also love the fact that my family loves coming and harvesting this with me i don't have to convince them to come out and help me they do it because they love being here it's amazing anyhow get it all to the truck we've got pockets and buckets and buckets of this stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] so we managed to sort it all and grade it all we took all the big pieces the big beautiful specimen pieces and put them aside we're gonna sell those as individual specimens the way they are they're too big and nice to break up into smaller pieces so we have to leave them the way they are they will go up with pictures of their own and everything then we have about 300 pounds of high quality material it's pretty nice material but it's not the very best some of it's really nice but it's not the premium we have about two 300 pounds of the premium pieces the very very best pieces that we could come up with that would be you would make into beautiful pieces of jewelry or sculptures cabochons whatever it might be we have a couple hundred pounds of high quality smaller pieces if people want smaller stuff or the premium pieces but smaller so they're not huge but they're still the most beautiful colors and banding and just absolute perfect pieces look at the blue in that and then we had maybe 100 pounds of the the low quality the stuff that's not really good enough to make into cabochons or any jewelry or anything like that plus you know we had fifty two hundred pounds of garbage that we just threw out put it all together we have probably about fifteen thousand dollars worth of a high quality ocean picture stone we have about i'd say twenty thousand of the premium we have another ten thousand dollars worth of the specimen stones and you know a little bit of the low quality if i were able to sell it all there's about forty thousand dollars worth of stone right there that we harvested on that trip that's my money claim awesome now before we sign off evan just had a great idea what was your idea of if this video hits 4 000 likes we will give away a piece of ocean picture stone there we go if we get 4 000 likes in this video i'm going to take one of my premium pieces of this stone and send it off to one of the commenters leave a comment leave a like 4 000 likes and one of the really nice stones will go to one of my viewers good job really hope you enjoyed our adventure uh please leave a thumbs up leave a comment below and if you haven't subscribed to my channel already and you like my gem and gold prospecting plus all the rest of my treasure hunting please consider subscribing big big thanks my patrons out there because of you i get to make these videos anything to save thanks for watching everyone until the next one everyone bye
Channel: Dan Hurd
Views: 2,494,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ocean picture stone, Picture stone, bc ocean picture stone, lapidary, rock hunting, rock collecting, chalcedony, gemstone, gem stone, gems, semi precious gemstone, hunting gemstones, mining, quarry, prospecting, #bcoceanpicturestone, #oceanpicturestone, Blue gems, blue rock, blue stone, midway, video
Id: v4iCvU1rkrs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 09 2020
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