REAL DIAMONDS and GOLD in New York City Sidewalk Cracks!

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hey everyone welcome back to another video so tomorrow morning i'm flying out to new york city to do another um scraping the sidewalks for golden diamonds video um this is one of the most highly requested things on my channel and also one of the most fun things for me to do and also one of the most popular and most viewed things on my channel so anyway i hope you guys enjoy the video the majority of this video is going to be actually going through the material panning it out the new york city footage here that you're going to see in about 10 seconds um this is all just done on my phone and um i really don't want to bring my expensive camera and set up the tripod i'm going to be by myself tomorrow so gotta be safe i'm just gonna have my phone set up to get the footage i'm gonna get a little small bucket full of that skudge from the sidewalk ship it back to colorado and we'll pan it out back here for the rest of the video so i hope you guys enjoy it all right here we are approaching the corner of fifth and 47th this is the diamond district in new york city there's nobody on the road at this hour it's always best to do this before the sun comes up and before everybody starts walking around that way not so many people are looking at me like i'm absolutely bananas crazy here's what we're looking for these uh cracks in the sidewalk so all along 47th street here in new york city in the diamond district there's tons of jewelry dealers jewelry repair people jewelry makers watch repair you name it it's here so the reason you're gonna find gold and diamonds and jewelry and stuff in the sidewalk cracks is because imagine the watch repairman coming out of his store he just got finished grinding a watch down a gold watch so now he has gold dust and stuff on his clothing he steps outside of his store the dust on his clothes falls down and it settles in the cracks in the sidewalk and it sits there and waits for someone like me to come by scrape it up pan it out and see what kind of gold we get okay so in order to do this quickly and efficiently i have some tools so this is just a hook that'll allow me to scrape into the crevices this is a milwaukee i don't know the name of it it is a vacuum cleaner a portable vacuum and a bucket brush and dustpan just in case this thing fails all right let's get to work [Music] also important some gloves [Music] so [Music] all right that's the first time i'm using this thing this works awesome all right that vacuum made quick work of that crack so i'm gonna try to fill this bucket at least to the top i gotta work quick i do see some cops out in the distance and they do like to patrol this area so i'm gonna get to work and uh yeah hopefully if i see anything i'll show you guys [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right doing pretty good so far got about a quarter of the bucket filled and i only did these two cracks right here and we just turned the corner here on the 47th i'm gonna head up a little bit further if we can find some better production and maybe even hit the other side of the road yeah we're doing pretty good this vacuum works awesome all right we're making some progress absolutely the halfway mark maybe a little more so here's some progress i went all i turned the corner here i went all the way down to sixth turn around and now i'm coming down this way i'm still seems only halfway full um and i kind of slowed down my work there were two cops they're actually still sitting there and they didn't care at all they did not even ask what i was doing so i feel kind of safe here as far as not getting harassed by police all right so i'm gonna go ahead and finish this up i absolutely saw some cool stuff that i sucked up the lighting is very bad here so i wasn't able to film it but we'll see that back at home all right here's the box from new york let's go ahead and open it up all right so i got seven or eight bags of this stuff here i double bagged everything and shipped it back you can't really tell much from that you can see there's some hair and stuff in it and so i think what i'm gonna do in order to manage this material is i'm going to go ahead and classify everything just to get rid of some of the organic mud which is you know 98 of everything okay so to make things as easy as possible we're going to first go with a half inch classifier then we're going to go down a quarter inch and then finally eighth inch so we'll just dump these bags in and everything that is big i'm going to dry it out and burn it that way we don't miss anything i really don't want to be putting my hands in this stuff more than i have to so i'm just going to burn it and that'll leave behind any kind of metals that we're looking for i think i found a coin oh no it's not a coin it's a piece of cardboard [Music] that's a piece of a watch i want to find some uh gold jewelry oh there's something there's a go there's a gold uh earring thing right there so i'm just going to rinse it maybe five or six times rinse it drain it rinse it drain it and that'll make the water a lot cleaner for us and a lot less material to work through as well okay here it is my one bucket of new york city sidewalk crack scudge concentrates let's take a look at it in a pan nice okay so what i'm gonna do is we're gonna do one spoonful at a time very carefully because i know that there's all kinds of good stuff in here but really the trick is patience here in a small amount i'm just gonna add a little bit of water and some jet dry [Music] and i'm slowly gonna pan it back and i'm just going to keep my eye for any kind of little shines especially for gemstones is really what i'm looking for i'm also going to find a lot of gold flakes a lot of other metal flakes right here i can already see most likely gold dust yeah it's not moving so when it's not moving like that you can see it's staying there that's very likely gold and silver dust so if i pan this back all the way there should be more at the top and not only that but we're going to see little tiny pieces of gold filings gold jewelry and stuff like right there and you could just tell there's so much gold in that look at the top there now like i said it's a mixture of gold silver platinum all kinds of stuff steel even i'm gonna go ahead and clean it up the traditional way first using a snuffer bottle but i'm just gonna grab that as i go and if i see anything else interesting while i'm grabbing gold i'll show you okay i found my first gemstone and we will test these to make sure that they're genuine or not i do have a tester [Music] last time i brought it to an actual jeweler and about 50 of the ones i found were genuine diamonds let's see what else we could find all right i'm still finding lots and lots of gold in here however i'm not getting everything there's you can probably see there's some left over here in the corners and stuff up in here and every time i pan it back i find more and more so unlike the last video where i used mercury to recover the gold this one i'm doing it by hand and i'm not going to get everything i'm not going to get all the gemstones therefore my tailings everything left over is going to be it's going to have values in it yeah there's absolutely still some gold and stuff in there so during the editing process of this video i realized my tailings have a whole bunch of gold and probably gemstones and stuff still in it that i'm never gonna go through so i'm gonna go ahead and give it away to you guys so if you guys want some there's um rules in the description please read the description for all the rules on how to enter basically make sure you're subscribed leave a like and leave a comment let me know if you've done any treasure hunting whether you have or not it's not going to determine if you're a winner or not but i'm going to randomly choose the winner and post it on my community tab one thing to note though i will never contact you i will never ask for money for anything i will not send you a link to whatsapp or telegram or any of this other stuff there's a lot of scammers so please be cautious the only true winner is going to be announced on this date on the community tab of this channel don't believe anybody in the comments saying you won that's not true just so you know so anyway let's get back to the video and good luck here's the second scoop and man this one has got all kinds of stuff in it i think it's safe to say that 25 is going to be gold it's probably closer to 50 percent or more but i'm just going to be very conservative and say 25 that way whatever weight we get we will just divide it by 4 and we will get our gold weight oh no way [Laughter] so i actually do see a little piece of gold jewelry so a little gold link like that that's absolutely i can test it to make sure that it's real gold i'm sure it is and i mean we can test it the last time i was there i found an entire gold earring all kinds of stuff all right i'm gonna collect all this up let's see if there's anything else big in there okay i don't see any other big pieces of gold in there we'll go ahead and collect all that [Music] maybe clean it up a little bit better [Music] we still got some golden stuff left over i'll call it tailings so the next guy can find could find that all right this is the third scoop and i noticed this red thing it's just very obvious right on top here i can grab it there we go oh that's a gemstone that's like a big ruby or something [Music] look at that is it a genuine ruby or garnet or something it's too light to be a car and it looks like a ruby might be a little too light for that even i'm not sure but we'll put that off to the side as well i think there's another one who knows maybe somebody had a little bag full of rubies and they they dropped it or something going into a jewelry repair store or who knows man maybe it's fake we'll find out that looks like a big chunk of metal right there that could be melted aluminum it doesn't feel very heavy all right i found another one this one's the biggest one so far the more these i find the more i think that they're probably not real or not genuine or valuable but if they are that would be really really cool that's three all right this time i found a blue one again it's a faceted stone don't worry i will show close-up pictures of all this stuff just to show you that it is faceted and you know they were intentionally cut i mean something that small why would you fake it right if you're gonna fake something make it bigger than that so that makes me really think that these small ones are are genuine probably a sapphire right there that's cool right here [Music] i think this one might be a genuine diamond because it's not as clear as the other one whoops this one here is more like natural looking but yeah whoa again luckily they're pretty easy to see so we're definitely doing pretty good so far all right this is scoop number three and there's some more gold jewelry pieces in here uh even some floating gold you can see here this is a good example of how gold actually floats i did not put any jet dry [Music] in this one until now right there we can see a little bit better with this lens right here is another gemstone [Music] there and then this is scoop number three and it's just completely full of little pieces of gold jewelry and links and all kinds of stuff not even out in nature this is in the city that's better than i've done pretty much anywhere else in the entire world and i've i've been all over the place looking for gold what is this is this a gemstone oh no way it is look at this thing guys [Music] that may be fake may be real i don't know but it's in there oh there's another one [Music] there's just so many of them there's another one there's another one there's another square one princess cut right there i think that's what it's called here's another one wow this is you know last time i didn't find any this big not even close that kind of tells me that i think these may be cubic zirconia all right anyway let's keep looking okay here's what i found so far in the first three spoonfuls or four spoonfuls bunch of little possible diamonds cubic zirconias a couple of awesome looking i don't know what they are gemstones garnets rubies i don't know sapphire and a little gold link there's actually more than just this and of course there's a lot left in the tailings whenever i pan it all the way back that's when i start finding more and more of the gemstones they're hard to grab but man yeah they're definitely heavy like gold all right this is about two spoonfuls later and they just keep getting better and better this one here i can see a gemstone right there another one of those square ones it's just full of gold i mean it's obvious pieces of gold in there this has got to be one of the most fun ways to go prospecting not the part of collecting it but the part of actually going through it um i would even say that going to get this stuff is probably one of the worst ways to get it mostly because you're in town and there's you know people around and they're just kind of looking at you and there's cops even though they didn't care this time it's still it's definitely a little strange to go out and do this but um to me this is definitely worth it it makes a great video as well i know you guys enjoy these videos please hit the thumbs up if you do enjoy this type of video and let's keep going here all right here we go again a nice big chunk of gold right there look at that and there's a also another square cut diamond in there or cubic zirconia most likely still i mean finding this stuff is so cool if you're wondering where to buy pans and snuffer bottles and all this stuff squirt bottles and everything you can go to i do sell uh panning kits they're only 25 bucks plus i sell gold paid dirt and stuff over there if you're interested in learning how to pan for gold you really got to take your time when you're doing this just so you know it's not very easy it's definitely time consuming but if you got some time on your hands this will definitely keep your focus just patting this one back and a big one popped out i'm pretty sure that's not a diamond okay i've got a lot further i only have about a quarter left to do what i originally had and i found my first piece of jewelry i think it's silver though i think that's silver earring actually i don't know what that is [Music] never mind every single pen is basically three or four gemstones plus lots and lots and lots of this gold dust all right this pan i am almost done i only have this much to go and towards the bottom of the barrel is usually where the heaviest and best stuff is and i spun this back and i just said whoa because i found right there i found a small ball of gold it's gone that wasn't even the coolest thing you can probably see it right there another big diamond or whatever another one and then there was that little ball of gold i don't know where it went rolled off my hand it's hard to do two things at once trying to look at the camera and everything but yeah let's i'm going to pan this one back and see what else is in here oh wow what is that most of the time the best stuff is there at the bottom of the bucket there's another gemstone [Music] there's a very shiny like maybe steel ball or something oh there's a nice is that a gold chunk holy cow [Music] look at that that looks like an actual gold nugget but it's probably just some melted jewelry or something and that's totally a picker is that another one what [Music] dude that's like a little gold bar there's another red gemstone this is pretty cool because you never know what you're gonna find like gold prospecting you kinda can expect to find some gold if you're lucky but doing this you're you don't know what you're gonna find oh wow there's a nice one nice gemstone there's two of them one there a bigger one and there's a giant one there's another piece of a gold chain chain link there's another piece of gold there's another gemstone it's pretty non-stop guys this is pretty cool and by the way i've been at this for a couple hours today if you use the blue bowl or maybe even a sluice box or something you could probably save some time i just don't have that stuff set up right now i'm just getting my shop together that stuff will be set up probably within the month just pending this stuff out by hand is is a lot of fun either way just takes a long time and i believe we're on we can call this the last pen let's spray everything out [Applause] [Music] look at all that [Music] that's insane man that is a lot even if it's only 25 gold and it's most likely more than that that is crazy a lot of gold [Music] if it was all gold that's probably a hundred bucks worth of gold there's another piece of jewelry gold jewelry right there i'm just going to grab this as i see it right here i can see another one of those square diamonds all right i'm just going to grab all this stuff we'll clean it up we'll weigh it up and we'll get a value on it [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let's test these out see if they're real diamonds or not no way that is real that's a huge one this diamond this is a diamond i thought for sure that was going to be fake i thought it was going to be a cz sweet all right i'm going to put the real ones here and the fake ones over here not fake just anything that's not a diamond will go over here all the genuine diamonds will go over here if these square ones are real that would be great but i don't think they are no they're fake they're not real i didn't think so that's still pretty cool to find though yeah the big square ones those are not gonna be genuine so there was six of those square ones test one more just to be sure i only tested one yeah nothing actually there were seven let's try this big guy genuine big big one another big one genuine this big one looks a little bit yellow [Music] and that's genuine too all right so as far as genuine diamonds there's actually 23 of them [Music] one of them's chipped right there as you can see that one seems to be broken there's some really small ones and these guys here are actually pretty big we'll put them on a scale just to see how big they actually are how much they weigh and stuff and then as far as czs or non diamonds there was 26 that includes all of those square cut ones even that little yellow one which i thought for sure would have been a real diamond [Music] that is not a diamond i don't know if they're cubic zirconia or moisonite all i know is they are not diamonds so these gemstones here i believe that the red ones are rubies for made used for watchmaking and i think this is a genuine sapphire as well along with this one this little purple thing not too sure but i thought it was cool so i left it in there so all of the metal the gold the silver you can see there's little pieces of broken jewelry and stuff in there it's not worth testing i already know that a lot of that if it's gold colored it is gold i would say there'd be a very low chance that it's plated gold at all uh this is that earring piece that i believe is plated i cooked it and it turned black so i don't think that's real gold and also the overall color of it it's kind of gold so that's why i'm thinking probably 50 of it is gold however i'm gonna call it 25 gold just to be uh conservative about my numbers there and i found that little gold ball i removed all of the obvious non-gold material like the earring backing and some little bbs and stuff that looks silver to me so i would say that between five between 25 and 50 of this is actual gold and we're at 20 20 grams so we can call it safely 5 grams of gold probably closer to 10 grams but just for the sake of the video we're gonna call it five grams of gold all right that was pretty cool let's get a value on some of this stuff so we got 20 grams of very impure gold i said about a quarter of it is probably 24 carats so let's call it 5 grams of 24 karat purity gold today's spot value of gold is 1 933 on march 21 2022 and the value is 310. and 80 cents so like i said it's most likely more than a quarter if i refined it we would probably get about 10 grams of gold most likely but there's no guarantee 310 dollars minimum really now the other thing is the value of the diamonds now diamonds are pretty tricky to value especially since i'm not a jeweler or a refiner however i can tell you that jewelers when when they send their gold jewelry with little diamonds and stones and stuff in it to a refiner the refiner is going to sell those gemstones back to the jeweler they call it um a pop-out value and the jewelers will pay about a hundred dollars for one carat of diamonds so really if you had a like say you had 20 really small diamonds and all them together equaled one carrot it's probably going to be worth 20 times less than if you had a single 1 carat diamond so the smaller the diamond the less valuable they are the bigger they are the more valuable they are it's not exponential but it's the bigger the diamond the more you're gonna pay so i kind of figured for the amount of diamonds i got by the way they weighed about 0.8 carats for everything the bigger diamonds the genuine ones they weighed the biggest one was 0.155 carat so they weren't as big as i thought when i was looking at them i thought oh wow these things are huge but they're really only about a tenth of a carat for the biggest ones so all together for the diamonds just to be safe i'm gonna say the low price of about 100 maybe more i don't know but we'll call it 100 bucks so 300 worth of gold plus a hundred dollars worth of diamonds i think we can safely call that uh haul about four hundred dollars and it's probably more than that so if you guys enjoyed this video please hit the thumbs up button it means a lot if you haven't subscribed go ahead and do that i put out at least one new treasure hunting video every week on this channel so you don't want to miss anything go ahead and subscribe and that's all i got for today thanks for watching if you're still here you're one of the 42 percent that haven't left so thanks so much and also big thanks to all my major credit patreon supporters and channel members scrolling right there and also if you enjoyed this video you're really gonna like the other ones linked here so definitely check those out and i'll see you guys on the next video
Channel: Klesh
Views: 1,934,299
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: treasure hunting, new york gold, finding gold in new york city, finding diamonds, finding diamonds in new york city, how to find gold, how to find diamonds, urban prospecting, klesh urban prospecting, klesh diamonds, klesh gold, kleshgold, finding gold and diamonds, panning for gold, gold prospecting, gold panning, diamond district, gold prospecting new york, where to find gold, treasure hunting for gold, treasure hunting for treasure, Treasure hunting for diamonds
Id: TfrqUNFtM6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 25 2022
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