Huge Alluvial Gold Deposit Discovered after days in the bush!!

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[Music] welcome out to the middle of nowhere amongst the temperate rainforests of tasmania's wild rivers over the next three days i'll be on the search to unlock some huge gold deposits that some of tasmania's rivers have locked away it's going to be a wild adventure so sit tight and let's go we spotted a spot up here under the forest there might be a good bit of uh clearing for the camp and might be how to clear some of that back i don't want to disturb it too much an enchanting forest in here beautiful countryside yeah this will be good [Music] all right the tent's up bit rough i always seem to misjudge size of it hanging over that log a bit but it'll do the trick go recover this pack raft get my gear on and get sniping i think all right i really like the look of some of this bedrock here i wouldn't say it's coarse but looks like it's got little pockets and things tucked up you can see the alluvial rock stuck up in there so it might be worth a shot [Applause] [Music] come on my first piece arrived pretty quick for the evening and it was a welcome sight [Music] and a second piece sitting on the back side of this [Music] what you ledge come on [Music] pretty late now i only got the few flakes and uh yeah it wasn't it wasn't a crash hot session by any means so yeah getting pretty dark we're gonna head back to camp get warm and uh yeah maybe have a bite to eat get ready for tomorrow you're the black cockatoos i wonder what uh nature's treasures await us today gonna be a bit chilly getting in that wetsuit he's in all right still sweating it's pretty warm actually some nice looking bedrock here that i'd like to test out and give this a bit of a go [Music] so [Music] so [Music] all right no gold actually thought i would have uh found some here but uh not to be we will push on downstream in this crevice a couple of very small pieces showed up but nothing of any significant size or amount so [Music] okay so a little bit of gold in this location but uh what i noticed was it's uh really really paper thin like even thinner than paper it has no weight to it so it's not the deposit we're looking for not on a not when you're investing a couple of nights out here so i'm going to keep moving on downstream okay so to say again i've just been working uh this location in behind these logs here there's bedrock all running down through there and it sort of gets a bit deeper as you go across the river but it just keeps giving off a few little flakes here and there but uh nothing real decent there was one slightly little thicker piece there so it could be a good spot to come back to but i don't think it's what i'm after i'm gonna be hunting down something decent today i should probably mention too that uh as i'm going down the river i'm just ducking my head under to see if i could see any good drop off points on the bedrock or anything like that so i'm just taking it pretty steady making sure i don't miss anything [Music] okay i found something relatively good here uh it's not big gold but there's plenty of it and it's all on this decomposed bedrock here i've just got my tools there where i've been working so i'm going to spend a bit of time in here and just see if it adds up to anything and i've also found big gold in spots where you wouldn't expect to do the small stuff as well so it's worth uh it's worth a shot [Music] after 10 or so minutes of working this bedrock it became very apparent that i was on to something very rare although this gold was thinner than paper there were literally thousands of pieces scattered all over this decomposed bedrock [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so [Music] you know you're having a good day when you go to empty the snuffer bottle out there's too much sediment building up in and it'll start coming back out so always bring a spare bottle and tip it all into [Applause] it's a good way to in case you lose your snuffer as well you can always have it have some of your gold from earlier on oh that looks good after lunch it was straight back on the gold there was certainly no shortage of it every single foot of gravel moved there was hundreds of pieces of small gold [Music] [Music] good i can't believe how much gold's here this is nuts it doesn't matter where you move the gravel it's like it must be all like flood gold [Music] that's the biggest flat flake of gold i've ever seen oh it's only like it's paper thin i thought it was a nugget it's just real flat [Music] [Music] the first piece out of hundreds that had any thickness caught me by surprise i must have been on the richest part of this pastry because a couple more thicker bits did show up as the day went on okay so i'm gonna finish up i've given it a pretty good shot today i'm cold i'm hungry and uh yeah i'm gonna go set up camp i found a good spot to camp while i was having lunch i went for a little walk uh so we'll uh head over there now we'll get set up and uh i might get a fire going try and warm up a bit my lips are all numb you can see the mask squeeze all right good day though really happy with it somewhere up in here ah look at that perfect i'll put a bit of a fire here too close to the tent a bit of a breeze about so i need to what a day on the river it's a good feeling to be out in nature miles away from anything i won't let this fire get too big it's um it's pretty dry at the moment in tassie oh yeah that's nice after being in that water all day mix veggies gonna go for a little walk through this enchanting forest i think i finished up a bit early today unlike me what happens when you camp out strong almost feels like the old timers have been here it's a funny one this uh location they did work this river years ago not sure if it's just from major floods you can see all the debris that's been caught up there but there's a huge bench here it's almost like people were here at one stage let me know what you find out here big old trees that are falling blueville gravel's all up in the higher parts of this bench here rivers way over there about a hundred meters i don't know what the plan is tomorrow it's good gold where i've been working today and they do say when you're on the gold stay on the gold but i'm a little bit uh curious to see what's down around the next corner steep country all right in bed that's it for me for the day i'll see you guys in the morning didn't sleep that well last night i was i don't know what was going on i had perfect ground i was pretty comfy but just a bit excited for today i think so we'll get all this junk cleaned up packed up have some breakfast and uh jump back in the river [Music] oh yeah awesome damn [Music] thank you campground you've been very good to me [Music] [Applause] so as good as yesterday was i think i'm going to leave this spot for now and i'm going to test out some new ground i can always come back to that i know the old saying is when you're on the gold stay on the gold but it could be something just around the corner anyway we'll see how we go when we get there [Music] okay there's plenty of gold here i've just uh opened up a small crevice and have a look [Music] [Music] there was gold everywhere possibly even richer than the deposit i'd found the day before it had to be extremely thorough in this spot you could scratch the bedrock out a second and third time and more and more gold would come out [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] well that's a day for me and that's it for this trip a successful one that's for sure lots and lots of gold and uh happy i'm a happy camper and i'm gonna get home now i'm freezing cold i've got a few k's to pack raft blow this old pack raff back up and get out of here i'll see you guys at home okay so i've just gotten home this was literally full of concentrates uh chocolate milk bottle and i had half a pan of material but it's starting to get close now it's been very slow because the gold's so fine and flaky it's very hard with all the black sand that's mixed in a lot of iron stone pebbles in there too we're starting to get close looks pretty decent i just hope there's not too much black sand oh not a bad two days on the river i think there's still a lot of black sand in there though look at that for small points [Music] crazy small few little pickers and that was it try and get them [Applause] wow that's gonna be decent [Music] i must say that not every prospecting adventure goes as well as this one did [Music] there's not too many trips where i come back with nothing usually i'm in goal-bearing areas and i'll come back with at least a few flakes but i certainly don't hit gold like this every time i go out and you can ask any prospector and they'll tell you that that's all just a part of prospecting [Music] [Music] the majority of the gold as mentioned is paper thin it actually looks a little bit thicker on camera than what it really is it's super fun to play with and seeing so much of it piled up looks incredible there were a few chunky little pieces mixed in amongst it maybe five or six and they're all got little bits of iron stone staining all over them and i'd say they've been locked up in old gravel benches for thousands of years [Music] all right now for the grand total and keep in mind this is two and a half days of prospecting it took a long time getting the black sands out and there's still probably another gram or two of black sand in there which i'll get out when i've got more time but we have 23.6 grams of gold it's an insane amount of gold for two and a half days of prospecting and i'll be excited to show you guys a couple more videos from this area as i've been on the return trips now if you've enjoyed today's video make sure you show your support by hitting that like button drop a comment below and until the next one happy hunting and we'll see you all then you
Channel: Tassie Boys Prospecting
Views: 2,437,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6fi0qGBnHTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 1sec (1621 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 02 2022
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