I Created WAR Between the ELEMENTAL ISLANDS And It Was a BAD IDEA In WorldBox God Simulator

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Guido welcome back to another beautiful day here in the world box dimension Oh would you just breathe in that beautiful sea air we are back with this vast ocean a canvas for our brand-new world which we are going to build today and in my vision today Guido I had an epiphany for separates pieces of land each equipped with a different element or hazard well it's four times more ways to kill people that's right I'm being a vengeful God again so let's go ahead and get a four square Islands now I'm gonna put them in each corner of the actually that might be a little bit too small so I'm gonna put these square islands in each corner of via of the world here we're gonna have one up here they might not be perfectly symmetrical especially this one that is definitely not a square but look it's the best we're gonna do so let's go ahead and actually you know what would be a lot easier Guido if we filled the entire thing up and then we put the oceans in watch this you ready for this so let's have one deep ocean just like this straight down the middle wha okay maybe not so straight down the middle let's go for something like this okay that's a lot straighter than last time still not perfect the book but but straight enough and oh my gosh look at this ocean this water just cascading in let's do it this way as well okay that may be much neater and this is actually quite hypnotizing to watch you can actually see the water from the surrounding areas actually seeping in it's so beautiful so yeah Guido this is going to be a canvas today on each one of these islands we are going to put one element earth fire water where on each one of these squares and then we're going to compare which of the civilizations built there are surviving the best it's the Battle of the four islands is the Battle of the elements let's see this all go down [Music] all right so I want each one of these islands to have a fair shot at surviving I want each one of them to have you know water a forest - so let's go ahead and get a nice little forest in each corner here so put one right there or put one right here just like this try get them two near about the same size one down here as well just in this corner and one down here in this corner perfect although some of them look a little bit bigger than others we'll go ahead and plant a bunch of seeds absolutely everywhere to make sure that this length is both fertile and survivable so let's go ahead do something like this there we go oh my gosh there's so many so many seeds now look at this you can see the greenery actually actually spreading out on the island is quite mesmerizing okay there we go plenty of seats over here as well more over here it's like baking a cake Guido you know you want a bunch of ingredients but you don't want too many ingredients or else they'll taste disgusting no we're not about to eat the dirt dude oh my gosh I think for the most part all of these are looking fairly symmetrical right now we are gonna add different like elements to each of them so one of them's gonna be like mountainous one of them is going to be dry and desert II one's going to be super icy you know it's gonna be a real changing changing environment for these guys let's go ahead and get our first settlers in everyone is going to start with just two members of civilization here and for the most part they actually do have a pretty big area of land to go off in and build their own boom someone's defecting someone's already defecting to the other side are you kidding me you've left your wife all alone I can't believe this Guido someone's actually already defecting to another Island that is unbelievable you traitor it looks like for the most part these other civilizations are actually sticking together and doing quite well but right here have they made across yet look at this I think there's three on this island now let's go ahead and check if I do this oh there's two why is it red what oh I guess it's just like separate colors okay so we have five civilizations somehow because someone defected from its via and went all the way to key corner oh my gosh these names we have the two opposing villages in a Weiss and Oh Nina and as I said we got pep hog it's Eva and ki Kona up here I'm actually very surprised that Cocola is doing as well as he is I mean he's planting himself straight in the middle of the forest but he has no water I guess that's more resources for this one person on it's Ivar though so that's good I wonder if we'll actually see these guys merging into one big civilization what I need to do is separate them somehow maybe I could get some like giant mountains between them yeah let's do that let's put like a border wall here we go just like that just build a big bottle wall around these civilizations is so no one can actually reach the other civilizations I don't know they might still be able to but it's just an idea okay there we go got these islands all built up just like this and there we go four separate Islands ah this is crazy as I said I'm not sure if they're gonna be able to even climb past these mountains so where maple needs some kind of deadly way of stopping them I'm not sure but I know what we do know is rocks everyone needs rocks so let's go ahead and put some stone down down just like this oh my gosh it's like a rain of stone well everyone needs them everyone needs this for their civilization here it is raining rocks for these guys okay can we go now I think it's time to start adjusting these islands and making them a little bit more elemental II infused well oh why six this one is the the biggest civilization so far so what I'm gonna go ahead and do is heat up the land a little bit just the ten just like this this is gonna be our fiery area and we are pretty much going to be turning this into a desert I think I'm not sure how hot we it's a B but we can just keep going here it looks like nothing setting on fire which is good I was expecting it all to tenants like some kind of desert though but for right now it looks like it's just getting a little bit warmer um Wow I think it's definitely lighter than the other civilizations which is weird like I am just totally heating up this one village right here and it doesn't seem to be doing anything okay strange well they've been totally baked by the Sun so what I'll go ahead and do it's out just put a little bit of fire right here oh that was a bit too much oh I thought it was only gonna be okay they can deal with that oh my gosh that buildings being burnt down okay moving swiftly on this side is going to be the icy area oh my gosh look at this we're just taking this area in snow I wasn't expecting it to be that effective oh my goodness look at this they're all freezing okay this one is oh my gosh this is terrible this is terrible for this civilization let's just go ahead and see what's happening right here oh my gosh there's nine people there okay I need to help them out a little bit give them a bit of rain Guido I need to put Dino I need to put the water out a bit no the civilizations been burnt down okay there we go there we go have some have some have some water okay so the fiery the fiery island definitely is being a has been a little bit affected by that fire oh my gosh it's still going okay note to self don't put open flames out in public because something like that happens let's go ahead and check how this icy civilization is doing okay they're a little bit chilly but they've got different types of trees now I wonder if that means we'll see different types of houses our wise is slowly building itself back up so that's good now over here we need some kind of earth element so I was thinking more Mountains will just take up a significant chunk of this island with mountains they have less resources and I was also thinking an earthquake but these things are quite devastating let me just do that oh my gosh well that affect the entire map no I don't think it did oh my gosh it only got this crack in the sense here look at this okay so we'll just hit these guys with like periodic earthquakes why not I'll just go ahead and build this back up oh my gosh there's a person right there who starts to make a break for it and now we've messed the part to rain here oh for goodness sake okay let me just fix this let me just do something like this there we go so so far I think well let's see who's winning the race so far who's got the most people Oh worries despite being sound fire a little bit still has the most amount of members of civilization that's pretty Oh No pip hawk pip Hawk is doing amazing ok so this is going to be the element of wind right here so I think the only thing we can really do is tornados let's hope they're prepared for it and this thing could probably go over and hit other Isle oh my gosh it is ok stay away from the oh my goodness I need to get rid of that I need to get rid of the tornado ok I think it eventually vanishes but this thing could definitely impact other civilisations here my goodness I think well we need to do for this area right here is give them a bunch of sand it's hot and it's dry so there's going to be a bunch of sand rather than actual trees and actual fertile soil hopefully that doesn't lead to the demise of civilization for them I'll leave them a little bit of forest but not too much ok oh the tornado has just ripped through the village oh no it's just avoided it's right on the edge here my goodness look at this ok that's fine these guys are still doing good virtually doing very well ok well what do you get when you get a frozen forest the snowy forest you get wolves of course let's put two wolves in there and let's see if they wreak havoc on this village they're just hanging outside the borders right now it looks like they're not causing too much damage oh I think one just went in once just run yep they're attacking they're attacking the village there's one member of civilization that I think has just died and now everyone is going to have to unite and defeat these wolves there's one right there there goes one I think the other one is yeah the other one's kind of jogging around at the back this tornado is crossed over and it's just wiped out this civilization oh my gosh this elemental island of wind has actually survived the tornado it's the other civilizer no no it's getting devastatingly close to pep org it's these other civilizations which are really feeling the effects oh my gosh well I definitely think the winged island may be winning the war here oh my god pep Hawk is being annihilated by this tornado sent from the centrum it's via 9 it's via is the one that sent this tornado across Aloka oh wise 12 people despite having like 90% of the land being sent okay so the tornado is making its way over no it's going back oh my gosh it's getting its vengeance on pet pork oh no oh it's could be directly for them oh it's changed its mind oh thank goodness for that oh my gosh these civilizations are just being annihilated here okay I need to give these guys not some lava that's for sure so we've got fire ice what was this one earth and wind over here has the tornado disappeared I think it has okay so I guess for water that would fit more in the icy section in like the watery section let's see if I can do that can I give them some water or some rain there we go enjoy some lovely brain this actually might help these guys now it looks like it's melting the ice a little bear on this side I can give them lava rain if I want I'll do this just over here hopefully they don't get too affected okay so it's raining oh oh oh some lava is in place here oh dear Oh Lord okay well if that becomes too much of an issue I'm gonna have to deal with that it could become too much of an issue let me see if I can like section it off I do something like let me get the smallest brush possible but some tiny mountains around this hopefully the lava doesn't seep through but what's this Oh Nina is being attacked by another icy fiend it's the cold ones and they are here to take down the village they are marching in but the emember of civilization are marching across to take them down let's see if they actually managed to take out the cold water Wow Wow their military is actually quite strong okay same on this side we have some demons these demons are attacking the village these devilish imps are starting to order leaving lava everywhere oh my goodness dude I had no idea that's what they did and this is surely going to burn down civilization here I need to help them out I can't be God and kind of unnie I need to step in here let's just stop this stop putting lava down there we go is that imp alive no they took down the IMP okay they survived that fairly well if I didn't step in there what happened to that other wolf by the way he must have been taken down let's see how this battle has affected oh yeah look at this look a ways the population is down half of the village has been burned down pep-talk is absolutely blooming though 22 members of civilization well surely we can fix that because pip hawk is about to be attacked by the black and snow if I recur ectly this sir and creates mountains and sand so hopefully this might affect Lea oh my gosh it might affect the civilization look at this they're chewing away at their resources this swarm of ants have attacked the village and they're changing the very landscape of pepper oh my gosh they're ripping down buildings dude oh my gosh they're bridging between thee what the heck was going on oh my gosh these ants are crazy let's see how Pepin is looking right now oh my god pip horn is completely gone a civilization has been built up here suffice but uh for the most part these guys are actually evacuating and maybe going to a different village altogether look at this they're joining on with its via and these ants are still going how do I stop this and once again they are being hit by another tornado so that might have been a terrible idea to go over there but look at this each member each island is now being bridged across so different members of civilizations could join with the other islands here let's see what's going on with this tornado oh my gosh it's wreaking havoc on this civilization I forgot what it's called it via that's it 14 members of civilization with one two three four five six seven eight houses oh my goodness okay oh look at this another many civilizations been built over here Oh Nina has 30 people in air which has one two three four five six seven houses to live in gray thirty people in seven houses they've built up a new Town Hall right here so that's good oh my goodness me the earth civilization is about to be torn apart by an earthworm which is currently oh my gosh is burrowing its way under Neath the ground oh it's changed its mind I think it's going elsewhere let's see what it does here it's hit the wall it's bouncing off it's just bouncing against this wall now it's coming back let's see which civilization is going to wreak havoc from sent from the earth Island let's see what does Oh the tornadoes locating around this village right here oh my gosh they go to buildings and they've got the earthworm right on the other side here oh the other one's got no he's back he's back he's burning back over this way here is the current state of every single civilization here so we got suffice which was built by the survivors of the great pep Horne tornado what's it was at the ends I can't remember we got it via which has been there since the start oh no sir voice has just been taken down what happened it must have been the ends but the people of sepoys are now moving to a different civilization will they join on the way there is it deadly sin maybe there's only three people here that might be what they're doing they're running across there sprinting across they have to make it across this deadly mountain range and the deadly river let's see what they do so they're marching across they're doing well they're about to hit this tiny little island which they're going to use to bridge across oh these people have decided against there they're gonna stay right here this guy's making making an effort though he's making an effort to swim so it's his girlfriend so is his brother they're all making efforts swim across and they should join up with dead that was it deadly sin I don't know what this is called anyway they've all joined up old they're dying from something what was there what they dying from I have no idea okay this one's decided to swim even further only cinders looking good I was it Oh Nina that's it Oh Nina not onna tsin a wises lookin good despite its setbacks ladies and gentlemen this was the Battle of the four elements we saw tornadoes ancient cold beings earthworms evil ends lava rain this was absolutely terrifying and the victor of this was only nur who managed to survive attacks from wolves from cold ones and have managed to even build their own castle amazing are you guys ready for your reward okay great well here you go and congratulations ladies and gentlemen we have a winner [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 836,404
Rating: 4.7613392 out of 5
Keywords: world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, simulation games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds
Id: _Tg2MAnxTno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 02 2019
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