When You Bring DINOSAURS Back With GOD POWERS But Accidentally Murder Them In WorldBox God Simulator

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Wow she really is a stunner is that she Guido she really is gorgeous I know dude yeah yeah my home dimension is absolutely stunning and you're right it has always pretty much been this way that's where you're wrong see um hi are you are you Gordon yes my name is Gordon nice to meet you yeah that's exactly what I was going to say I am the ruler of the world box dimension I control everything from the breeze in the trees to the fish in the seas I hear that you my boy have been causing havoc in my world me know that was um that was Guido's idea shall beat now look into I understand having such incredible powers really does lead to some experimentation earthquakes forest fires giant hurricanes believe me I've had my fair share but Steve you cannot lie to your pathetic little smelly robot I shut up for a second you can't live at this place always being peaceful in fact under to send you both back to a time which I never thought the citizens of this world would recover from survive that and I will give you a magic rest oh oh oh my gosh Gordon you still there oh gosh Guido we have been well we've been left with something quite special here but also something quite dangerous yeah this is Pangaea also known as the home the dinosaur [Music] well I guess we'll do what we do best build a civilization all right dude Pangaea lovely place not quite as big as the earth is currently today oh okay so Pangaea is basically way back in time all of the different land masses all of the different continents were kind of pushed together into one supercontinent known as Pangaea and that is where I believe the dinosaurs lived hey let's see how humans would survive if they were teleported back in time and put into Pangaea itself let's see if they'd still be able to survive in good enough fashion as they do today it looks like they're pretty much getting settled straightaway chopping down trees gathering rocks I mean they all still exist here on Pangaea but of course the Regina sauce out there so they have to be careful yeah they seem to be getting settled in rather nicely I think we are well on our way to be able to get that meta crystal from Gordon now Guido unfortunately as you may already know dinosaurs don't exist anymore at least not on the earth dimension now in fact dude they were taken down by a giant floating space rock called a meteor it landed it crushed them it killed them whoop-dee-doo so yeah dinosaurs don't exist in my dimension anymore but that doesn't mean they can't exist here it's just it's just a matter of finding them I'm sure let's help these guys out let's give them a little bit of rain here I think they need the rain for their crops to grow oh okay maybe not that much Steve geez well hopefully those crops are growing now and hopefully there be helps out because I can't really tell there's somewhere underneath this giant cover of cloud I'm sure this has helped them out massively though hopefully it's not flooded them hopefully they haven't drowned in fact I can still see them happily plodding along inside that rain system okay excellent Ashley looks like they're getting on quite well they've got some children who are also helping out with the manual labor that giant rain system we created is sweeping away with the breeze yeah yeah I think they're doing rather well let's see exactly how well they're doing if we go like this okay they've got four people which is good their leader is beam me too and the kingdom is called WAP owner of Cerner oh my goodness Dino Ville lovely place so Dino Ville is placed on this lower half of Pangaea oh my gosh look at this giant rain cloud which is still sweeping across now you can start to see kind of the separation of Pangaea just a little bit now forgive me my history knowledge is very weak I'm not entirely sure what caused Pangaea to separate it could have been a giant supervolcano a meteorite like the one that actually destroyed the dinosaurs or it could be a bowling ball oh well it's not separating the place but it's definitely doing some serious damage there we go and bam okay so maybe it was there look we know that we've got this upper half of Pangaea we may as well put to some good use in fact I'm gonna dedicate one of these islands to cats I didn't even know cats were in this place here we go we'll have an island full of cats here living free just enjoying their time on this lovely little island away from all harm hopefully there aren't any dinosaurs on this island because well they'd make a nice little tidy snack for them this one right here this tiny one this is going to be cowboy Ireland look at this the Cowboys are going to lurk right there what the heck are they doing why are they blowing themselves up oh my gosh what is wrong with these Cowboys what are they doing they've just decided that they hated this location and they wanted to blow it up straight away and now they're not really oh oh my goodness what what's wrong with these guys okay I'll leave them to air who else should we give an island to let's go ahead and go over here and we'll make Bear Island here we go we'll just get a bunch of bears right here everyone deserves some free real estate on Pangaea that's for sure look at them they're happy here I think what happens if we get one cold one oh he gets mauled oh my gosh what was there my goodness more explosions is it the Cowboys again oh my gosh how many of them are remaining this guy is floating on top of one of his mines what the heck okay well hopefully they stay far far away from Dino Ville which is being built right here and it looks like a little subsidy from Dino Ville is also being built right here now right next to bear island we are going to have bunny island I wonder if any of those bears will get particularly hungry and starts swimming across because what happens if we just put a single bunny down oh they oh I was gonna say they coexist I guess not oh the Bears are starving no have more bunnies please um sorry about this guys have more bunnies I need you to survive that's the beauty of Pangaea everyone must have a chance to live let's check on our main boys though let's see how Dino Villa is doing Dino bill is doing fantastic we've also got Moe Vanina right here which has been built up by some of the remnants of Dino Ville I really want to see them get a castle here so let's give them a bunch of resources right here we're gonna give them some stone some gold and some iron just like this oh my gosh all the help I'm giving them all the help oh my gosh we've got another civilization being built right here what's this one gonna be called let's see at Fisk okay but what's this acid rain is coming through just one cloud let's see if they oh oh they are not managing to survive in fact some of the buildings have been burned down that was pretty devastating oh gosh is it heading directly for bear island no no it's well far away from bear island bear islands all the way up here where people are dying once again I sent people I meant bears but bears are people too right we've yet to see like a dwarven village let's get let's make like a dwarven village right here the heck are they doing why are they battling each of that what why do the dwarfs hate each other I was going to say that we've never seen like a dwarf village and I think I know why they just don't like to cooperate in fact they just fight to the death now where's this guy going I'm gonna follow him on his great adventure up to the North West or north east rather of uh what the heck where is he going why is he like sprinting what's he doing I don't is he going for bunny or bear island I have no idea what this guys doing he's just paddling up into the great unknown well this is actually quite fun to watch where he goes I have no idea what his current target is he just seems to be swimming endlessly I really think he is going to bunny island well we lost the dwarf the dwarf is gone well let's see how our current human civilizations doing movin Nina 22 people died no Phil 18 people down 17 al Fiske 17 is looking fantastic excellent hi Gordon you were supposed to create an accurate representation of Pangaea and the dinosaurs you have Pangaea where are the dinosaurs dude I don't know didn't you make this place yes but I forgot to put the dinosaurs in okay fine look I'll put down some dinosaurs let's see here are these things close enough to dinosaurs for you have some dragons there we go are you all happy now yes very happy indeed these things are pretty much dinosaurs right yes but they like to sleep a lot and if place close enough to a village they like to destroy absolutely everything wait no they just ignored that the heck what are they doing they're just kind of gliding around endlessly and sleeping um Gordon is this accurate of Pangaea aside from the fact that no dragons want Pangaea yes yes aside from that then yes it's very accurate but there's one more thing you must do you must follow the timeline of course wait you want me to use a meteorite are you kidding me okay I guess this is what happened to Pangaea let's put one right in the center of Dino ville oh my gosh um that wasn't really the world ending explosion I had in mind I think that Gordon wants us to recreate this accurately which means there must be nothing left of Pangaea for us to achieve that matter crystal so I guess we're gonna have to do things the hard way we're gonna pause everything and literally fill this place with meteorites if we can is this working if I uh if I if I like do this is that no it's not okay well we just have to destroy this place with meteorites that's fine I can do that here we go we'll just rain fire just like this just absolutely everywhere oh my goodness already most of it is going down let's just uh speed things way the heck down so we can see this in beautiful motion here we go oh my gosh dude we are witnessing the destruction of Pangaea and the destruction in turn of the dinosaurs oh my goodness but you know what dude I think there are definitely ways we can speed this up like warp out what Oh some UFOs I know highly inaccurate but this will help speed things up if we put a bunch of UFOs everywhere hey God finger why not a couple of those things heat ray directly down the middle right here and how about a couple of SAR bombs just like this behold the destruction of Pangaea is actually happening this might not be the most historically accurate thing but let's be real Guido as long as there's nothing left of Pangaea by the end of it then it's not too historically inaccurate boom oh my goodness dude well there it is Gordon Pangaea well and truly destroy yeah booyah thank you very much sir hopefully we cross paths again soon and get to do business with each other again soon hopefully more that's what I like to hear Guido I think we all learned a very valuable lesson today this is exactly what happens when you give me unlimited powers a whole bunch of land and my imagination you get death [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 200,095
Rating: 4.854413 out of 5
Keywords: world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, simulation games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds
Id: kV0FzzYY9jU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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