I Created WAR Between ASTRONAUTS And Aliens On The MOON In WorldBox God Simulator

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Guido welcome back to the beautiful world of the world box dimension where once again we have another civilization on the moon not that I'm complaining though it's so beautiful it's so serene man I really love this place there's something so peaceful about it because I get bored easily okay anyway look today I have a very interesting premise Guido what if we had a giant war on the moon I'm just kind of thinking of the challenges which are only available on the moon which would make things a little bit more unique swords and shields floating off into the great beyond maybe even brain-sucking aliens who come out of nowhere and gobble everyone up yeah the moon is going to be a very interesting place for a battle so the first thing I want to do is go ahead and create two distinct sides hopefully this brush size will be okay we are going to carve straight down on the edge here and as you can see that dark matter River begins to flow in now we got a couple of comments last time Guido from adventurous saying but Steve that can't be dark matter there is surely oil oil on the moon are you kidding me look from now on let's just call it moon juice actually that makes it sound quite delicious Guido would you like a tall glass of moon juice yes I know this that's why I offered you it anyway so now we have our two distinct sides here carefully separated by some moon juice I think the idea now is that we need to make some kind of impenetrable barrier to stop the two sides from kind of joining in on one another so let's go ahead and do some mountains we're gonna have these bordering the the Muji's River and then within the mountain borders where this moon juice River is we are going to put lava because people can swim across this moon juice and climb over the mountains of course what we could also do is put some space piranhas in the water they actually might be a better idea and what this should do is hopefully stop any civilians from crossing the river and getting themselves stuck on the other side it also means we're really going to be able to give each of our sides here an equal amount of time to build up their civilizations and go to war so every single one of these blue dots that you see are piranhas space piranhas that is so now that we've got our space piranhas border I'm gonna go ahead and start assembling each side so I don't think we're gonna use human astronauts today instead we're going to use elf astronauts who don't like ox and orc astronauts who don't like humans apparently but I'm sure they'll settle for taking on orcs or what we could do is make a big cross-section in the middle and have every race here yeah that sounds fun so let's make sure everyone has a bit of forest a sprinkling of rain a few seeds a little bit of gold so as I said Guido each one of these civilizations is going to start off with two of each race we have orcs on the Left dwarves at the bottom elves on the Wrights and humans at the top I should probably also give them a little bit of moon juice each just to make sure they can grow their plants and stuff so let's get some shallow water the tiniest brush possible and let's give them all a tiny little river so it's going to be very interesting indeed to see how all of these civilizations respond to this newfound environment let's see exactly how everyone is doing so two people here already one person has died in the orc village I presume from getting too close to the river so I'll go ahead and replace that orc just to make sure that they can breathe so now we can actually see how each one of these moon bases is doing right now all of them seem to have only two nobody has birthed a little baby dwarf or baby human or baby or baby elf yet it looks like the dwarves are kind of expanding into the mountain a little bit which is fair enough because the orcs are known or sorry the dwarves are known for their use of mountains but the orcs and the humans are doing that as well it looks like the humans may have the biggest area oh my gosh in the time for the humans of the orcs of the elves to build up just one other member of civilization which they haven't done yet by the way the dwarves now have four more baby dwarves but the orcs are catching up they've just managed to create two more babies one of them is getting dangerously close to the river but the humans and the elves they've been distracted by other things hey Guido what do you think the humans still only have two why is going on here humans oh my gosh I think they're starving I think I need to give them some soil just so we can start to grow those fruit bushes so let's just do something like this oh did that work what just happened I think did all the humans just die I think every single one of these craters is like what the free bushes look like like that's where they retrieve the food so I'm not really sure why they starve to death and look at that the orcs have already started to build another civilization just northwest of their original Society now I think the dwarves have a little bit of an advantage here because they are within the boundaries of this gold that means they're going to be able to upgrade their Kingdom and their weapons before this giant battle yep Guido you know what I think this battle is going to be immense okay Guido so right now we have everything moving at 5:00 at time speed and look at that dance party going on with the piranhas in the middle let's see how exactly this civilization is doing that or the dwarves have begun to expand the elves are still in the same civilization but they have 13 people living there and it looks like they've only just started to make their crops so I don't know if they're going to be long for this world if they can't speed up their farming the dwarves are looking good now what we're going to do is connect everything let's go ahead and use let's go for soil I guess and just do a bridge from place to place we'll use one of the thinner brushes for now oh yeah look at this so this bridge is going to be connecting every single one of these civilizations here this is going to be the arena where the battle takes place I'm very excited to see if this battle begins let's see what happens oh it looks like they're getting closer and closer together let's slow things down here so we can see this in real time so it looks like each one of the civilizations here have begun to expend into the center as soon as those civilizations and society start bumping into each other I think we're going to have a little battle on our hands oh look at this we can also see its diplomatic relations with other civilization so what does this mean oh I think this means the orcs are neutral with their other civilizations but hate the elves and the dwarves the elves are neutral with themselves of course they're happy with the dwarves but they hate the orcs and the dwarves it looks like they're happy with the elves but hate the orc so everyone is going to be trying to fight the orcs I believe well let's see if this works because they are getting very close to each other and this orc is charged again look at this oh my gosh two orcs are already on this dwarf but he could have some backup right here no nevermind he's just skipped by and he's attacking them will the elves help out yes it looks like they are it looks like the elves are starting to get involved here oh my gosh we are seeing the Battle of the moon civilizations here already the orcs have made their way into this village and are tearing places down but then again that looks like relatively the same for each civilization like some elves have already charged over here to the orcs but it looks like definitely the orcs are doing the most damage to the dwarves they are tearing building after building down so far I think the elves are relatively untouched and they are gaining more and more landmass to build towards the the orc village here oh my gosh the dwarves are being absolutely torn apart look at this this guy is just marching around tearing every building down killing every child destroying every crop it looks like the elves are still building outwards the orcs are repairing their damages and the dwarves well the draws are pretty much the same it looks like they're actually backing up a bit but the elves and the orcs are getting mighty close and we have a charge in from the elves they've sent in an army - oh my gosh but there yet retaliating the orcs are retaliating and they're charging into the village oh my goodness Guido you've just got to think though once these resources start to get less and less that's when people are going to get desperate now we've got everything sped up two times five once again so we should be seeing Hey what's going on here are all the dwarves just charging into the oh my gosh they're actually risking their lives to cross the Piranha river to get to the orc geez dude this is absolute chaos look at this all the orcs are running around desperately trying to rebuild it looks like they've lost a pretty distinct chunk there and where the heck did this place come from Zora does oh my gosh that's almost got a hundred members of civilization as well I just can't believe how quickly these are oh my gosh look at that what can i dry in charge from the elves there I didn't see that coming look at this that charging in but they got defended from the orgs there every time we see a giant chunk of green dots charging in we know that's the elves and it looks like the elves have started to move into that human territory there maybe to get easier access to the gold now Guido what I could do is I could go over here and go ahead and inflect sir not they're not blessing where is their madness creatures will become mad and start fighting with each other you know what I think I'm gonna go ahead and do that everyone can have a little bit of madness here let me just douse everyone with that and let's see exactly how quickly civilizations fall when madness is unleashed alright let's go over here and see exactly what's happening wait what's going on why has everything frozen has has everyone died why is going on with this whoa oh my gosh I think everything's broken hello okay so apparently it just doesn't move anymore um oh my gosh look at this giant orc push what's going on here what did the orcs attack each other they must do because they've got madness right no it looks like it looks like everyone's kind of fine if nobody wants to be the winner of this battle well then I'll have to be the winner I've got heat ray let's go ahead and let's just do something a little bit like this and let's just yell a bit of that there we go a couple of these why not just yeah something like that look Guido someone had to win that war and at the end of the day I think it was the piranhas I mean they've got this giant space to now or live in
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 117,451
Rating: 4.901247 out of 5
Keywords: world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, simulation games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds, thanos, infinity war, thanos infinity, infinity gauntlet
Id: jEGObXaByps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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