We Used GOD POWERS to Turn the WORST Island Into the BEST KINGDOM in WorldBox God Simulator

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/mantigachatard900000 📅︎︎ Sep 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
I haven't been completely 100% honest with you well you see dude in the last week when I said I was feeling rather unwell I was actually fine and I was working on something something so beautiful so majestic that even you will be impressed you're ready for it I'm ready for it behold the beauty of dwarf hope yeah that's right dude I made my own country and hey guess what we even have our own national anthem it's here oh yeah ah that's the good stuff oh what a majestic national anthem I'm tellin ya dwarf topia is one of the finest new places within the entire world Vox dimension look at this they've got like two castles maybe even three somewhere every little bit of this island has been covered in beautiful beautiful dwarf buildings all the way from Van nota to the beautiful silver eyes of dig no no dwarf topia Guido this is the start of something special oh my gosh oh no again goodbye dwarf tooth yeah it was nice knowing you but it looks like we're about to be teleported hi Gordon how you doing how could I forget you know so much sir that's wrong no no Guido I wasn't obsessed it was just I put a lot of work into that place I even commissioned our own National Anthem and now it looks like Gordon has teleported to this part of the world books dimension and given us literally a tiny square I've gone from a giant civilization full of happy lovely bubbly dwarves to this this is an island I like to call the square it's pretty Darby pretty garbage it's 100% garbage look at this what am I supposed to do with this well Steve since I know you've got a talent for building civilizations I want to give you a challenge turn this so I need tiny little civilization into something greater and say you love this dwarf topia so much well I have a challenge for you build a new one well great all of my hard work has gone right back to the start I guess you could say we're back at square one Oh Guido no Raley's at the time [Music] all right here I am with this tiny island in the middle of absolutely nowhere great I guess the first thing we're gonna do is put down two members of civilization to start this off now I could go with the humans I could go with the dwarves I could go with the orcs or I could go of the elves I think the elves are the ones that I really have the least amount of work with so we'll put two elves down and see if they can survive they're kind of just stood that wait they won't want to chop down the trees will they okay well uh mm-hmm time to get rid of these fellas somehow madness let's go for madness so these yeah there we go we'll make them fight each other just like that come on one elf is going to win here and then we'll have to figure out some way to deal with them okay which one's gonna win I've got my always trying to swim away now he's back have you just all my goodness okay you naughty naughty boy let's give them the plague there we go hopefully this will eventually take them down did they die behind the rock you know what Guido I think they don't have enough space I think we're gonna gonna have to give them a bit more room to be able to make some to make some real progress with so let's just go for something like this that's right we're expanding on the island and we're eventually going to turn this into a beautiful civilization Oh what the heck they're fighting each other oh my gosh what's going on what is wrong with these people why can't they just cooperate I can't believe what's happening okay it's clear to me that the only way we're going to be able to build this civilization on this tiny little island is with human occupants so what let's send in some humans to hopefully overrule the dwarf there there we go this war should be taken down and now let's see if they start to build a civilization that thinking about it they're thinking about it and are they attacking each other again all right so we're back with the tiny island let's go ahead and get some humans in there and see if they start to chop down the things you would hope they would and they won't turn on each other so quickly because right now it looks like they're not building a civilization although they need more tree saw something maybe they need more trees let's just put a bunch of seeds down like this if we just go ahead do something like that the seeds everywhere there we go maybe they seriously do need a big expansion or something let's just build a giant Island up here out there all migrating they're all migrating over here so I guess they need a bunch of space to be able to get yeah there we go okay so this is like the starting point and this is the the Resource Island let's go for something like that let's build a little bridge for them a little land bridge just like that and there we go they can now access this tree I guess they're happy just building their houses out of dirt and eating dirts and doing stuff with dirt because that's the only thing they're going to be able to achieve here okay there's a perfectly good tree here but more a growing though look at this we've started from a tiny Square and now they are going to bloom into a giant civilization we're gonna see it happen already they have one building in place a town hall and I really think they should focus on chopping down these trees and getting something started here although it looks like the other occupant is working on a brand new building hey at least they haven't started murdering each other let's go ahead and speed time up here just so we could see things happening a lot faster and let's see if they are eventually able to reach the might and glory of the beautiful beautiful dwarf topia this is so much Guido okay so I coleauxv Oh is really getting under way here with four members of civilization a bunch of houses even a little farm you know what given enough time I really do think this place could what they reach the beauty and majesty of dwarf topia Oh take a breather Steve I'm fine it looks like they've returned back to the original square and they're now developing equal ovo even more should I give them a bit more island Guido well I'm thinking what would happen if they had a lovely beach over here let's find out let's just make this entire Coast right here a big beach for them to enjoy who's taking down some trees and I think at least one or two houses Birds it looks like they're making the most of their and setting up shop with some beautiful Beach cabins what I'm thinking is that from each corner of this square each side of this square we have different land bridges go into different areas because they're going to need more land if they're ever going to reach the majesty of dwarf topia so let's go ahead and make another land bridge that's right dude another one and we're gonna start over here bridge it up this way just like this and put this one a little bit more further afield I guess I'll put all the way over here and let's do a big old square of forest right here oh my gosh maybe not a square maybe just something like that there we go and we may as well do the land bridges in every direction here so another one going up here and the one coming from this way and there we go a pre-much can have like four islands or something like that each with their own different resources so I have a big forest down here where someone has already sets up a civilization over here I think what we'll do is a big rocky area big yeah there we go a big hilly area maybe in fact we'll put a little forest in that will make it like a snowy forest hold on let me go ahead and do something like while we need some rain for starters to make sure it's all grassy then we'll get some snow in there I think we just need to put the temperature down there we go oh my goodness oh my gosh the snowy mountains are coming together we've got this area right here we could make this place a little bit warmer like a warm forest and I think I just accidentally burned down a building sorry about that dudes now what else could we have what could we have up here we could do a deserts yeah let's do a desert let's do a big sandy desert right here just like this there we go an arid desert which is going to be super warm and let's go ahead and get to the weather there it is there we go make sure this is all nice and toasty just like that oh yeah super toasty and look at this already we have 45 people in eco Laveau and two people in your moist and no one here because that person's just died maybe someone will overtake that scene but still Yuka Lobo is looking lovely and look at this they've got a castle they've got all centre down people are kind of swimming everywhere amazing I tell you what you know what just for that have some gold have some God look at that oh they are like moths to the flame they are charging in look at them just harvesting that gold munching it up let's give them some stone as well we got falling rocks coming from the sky which is what every civilization wants and as I said the plan is to cover every square inch of this island here and make something absolutely majestic but there is something else we need GUI dough and that's a national anthem well it's just something we need okay so what let's work on this hit me with the first song and oh my gosh that's so loud we don't know no no no no no that will not be our National Anthem we need something graceful something nice not some crazy death metal okay that's better but still that's like a hip-hop song we need something a bit more orchestral something a bit more graceful something a little more proud something that our civilization couldn't be prouder yeah that's the one and now we need an actual name for this place I'm gonna call it steve topia guido taupe no no work because it's come from a singular square let's call this place square topia no one really is making use of the forest over here though it looks like they may be kind of developing in that direction and it looks like they're starting to develop into the desert island now all that's left is this forest over here as I said the houses are blocking them from getting there 81 people living in a coleauxv oh right now my goodness this is absolutely our capital so I actually want to see how each of these kingdoms is ruled so this entire place is called holy a bona incorrect okay it's not holy a boner it's square topia thank you very much there's a hundred and twenty five people living here so this is King aleko II it looks like he hasn't got any legs which is interesting traits he's a genius well that's good and he's wise amazing he's killed no one he's got six children and he's 67 sounds like a nice chair I really want to see ichael ovo gets you were oh my gosh that was a lot of house a lot of gold I really want to see ichael ovo get to a hundred people a hundred members of civilization that would be amazing so I'm gonna help them out with some bushes as well just to make sure they're staying alive make sure they're getting enough to eat let's just do a big Bush rain right here there we go hopefully they'll munch those up and they'll keep themselves alive because that's what we really need they've only got one farm but 87 people these guys need a little bit of a little bit of food as well so let's just drop this on the land bridges 89 people were almost there 1890 people in iCal OVA right now as I said the forest is rather hmm lonely what's going on down here 32 and you're moist 18 in your batch over it looks like oka Lobo is the place to be 99 come on one more person and we will have matched dwarf topia maybe even exceeded it I was going down we just need one more baby come on people there's a lot of you someone must have a crush on someone else to be able to produce a new baby well we do I'm just trying to convince the 102 oh my gosh amazing Guido I'm quite proud of us we started on a single square with a bunch of dwarves that for some reason killed each other instantly and now we have developed square topia into something beautiful squirts hope you ladies and gentlemen my crowning achievement wait what squirts hope yeah what happened Guido Oh was it seriously Gordon Gordon tell me exactly what the heck is going on here this is your new Island you have completed your mission on squirt opr now I want you to do it again oh and this is Frank Oh so basically what you're telling me is that you've put me right back to the start again I've got a built an entire civilization on this tiny island with just one person on it and you want me to be a babysitter for Frank no offense Frank you know what Gordon this is what I think of your idea got the message [Music]
Channel: Checkpoint
Views: 687,668
Rating: 4.8415842 out of 5
Keywords: world box, worldbox, worldbox game, world, box, world box gameplay, simulation games, simulator, tycoon funny, simulator funny moments, funny clips, funny moments, game of life, life simulator, life sim, life simulator game, god game, god tycoon, world simulator, planet simulator, planet simulation, history simulator, worlds, thanos, infinity war, thanos infinity, infinity gauntlet
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 21sec (861 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 13 2020
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