I Became a GOD and Created an Alien UFO Invasion in Worldbox

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I am simply a man but today through the power of technology computers and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches I have become a god I don't need any tutorials oh here you can find bombs and nukes this this is a worthy tutorial why is Lord Sauron already here we've got a volcano in the middle of this beautiful multi continent realm yet what do we have here as far as hold on as I am a god and I know exactly what I'm doing rain silence these fires we wish to colonize I need to create people that will worship my glorious awesomeness let's create a wall of yeah we've all played Minecraft this is how you make obsidian don't don't judge me Who am I you is so wise in the ways of science anyway we're putting all the gold next to the volcano now basically the game is as such it's called world box I'm gonna make a world I'm the god I can put things like piranhas and wormy things and Oh angry bears you know what up north there's Kodiak Island it's full of bears so let's just fill it with bears and you know what if we just want to swim away we'll it can't because there's piranhas oh god they're eating each other already bears I told you there's piranhas there so you can swim you see you see this oh we got a dragon you gonna be hanging out right here oh oh well that was that's unfortunate and antimatter bomb all right so I'm learning very quickly the powers that I have in this realm but basically one of the amazing things you can do is what's this look we've got humans elves orcs and Dowie the dwarves now we're gonna have these people populate they're gonna create kingdoms and eventually someone's gonna kill each other now the elves always live on the other little island across the sea oh look in there they're forming a little capital here called ear essaouira and the humans Oh what are they like what do they like to do where's all the uh where's all the pop-tarts at where the pop-tarts be humans love pop-tart alright we've got I can't pronounce that and I am and then we got cyclo seus because it's psycho Asst I know what I know what I'm saying guys and here's Cuba so Havana why are you swimming there they're immediately running away and they're on this mass migration towards lava or these guys cultists because I'm not wait who's gonna survive this is just like Darwinism incarnate I don't think nobody's gonna survive that entire mass migration died to the volcano but if we put some people on it okay you look like you're like wanting to fight each other this is I've never seen this before the fires are still raging apparently didn't I solve this issue now we need the orcs they're the bad guys and who who's this I think that was it elf the elf came from eros aura went to adora and tried to colonize these people have minds of their own oh my god this is glorious now the dwarves they're gonna be on the north near Bear Island which has been systematically destroyed by a lot of piranhas but at least they have beautiful red berries and maybe some rabies I think they've got a little bit of rabies yeah they definitely have rabies okay we don't want to go to rabies bear island have a world with villages for each race oK we've created middle-earth see Joe Tolkien is not that hard man I can do it myself okay I stand corrected there's one person who founded its own colony this man also has rabies and what is this what are these people swimming now I can select oh my goodness you leave for a moment in your children have made some cookies and filled the kitchen with baking powder and methamphetamines and is it needless to say things have gotten a little bit crazy over here we have a village now I guess I could hmm what's this seeds I give you Oh apparently I'm Oh berries we're gonna create a big old forest in between these two villages so maybe they're less inclined to acquiesced to each other's requests and we'll see what happens get some berries yeah I clearly have favorite iron oh man yeah you guys will the dwarves need iron we'll surround them with iron and gold and what's this stone yeah I need no stone get you some berries oh no I can make lava clouds we're making a lot of cloud right here uh dropping lava oh my god it is all blessed and save as' missus Oh Davis we got ourselves a problem the dwarves are getting nuked by lava clouds only the reign of the gods can help them survive this calamity which I have brought upon them and we've built obsidian all over the place and now they're basically living on obsidian so these poor guys got absolutely wrecked but you know what I'm just a young god I'm still learning my powers and my abilities they all seem like they're doing okay they're living in trees you know whatever man you do you think the orcs got their little huts and it seems the people are the most populous and there's new colonies that are popping up all over the place this volcano I don't know every now and then it kind of lights a fire these guys I don't know this guy he's not the smartest but this guy was he's built a giant village it's burning everywhere but he seems to be doing okay zombies demons cold ones and bandits all these cold ones are like oh well there goes the one man's colony it burnt to a crisp let's give some chickens and how about some sheep yeah sheep sound good right guys Oh elves love sheep I mean who doesn't oh no I can make a robot Santa sand spiders God fingers dragons in aliens a blue ant does something crazy so oh okay uh they ate a piranha so there's that I I didn't anticipate this but this whole middle continent burned down due to the volcano now can I silence this volcano what if I call it a meteorite right here I destroyed a volcano by bringing it a meteorite I am going to repopulate this place it's gonna be a beautiful homeland to a future civilization what civilization I don't know I'm just a god oh I can put sand it's the desert can we put people in this desert alright we're putting orcs in this desert they paws are Bob the big bad boy can destroy the whole world okay atomic bombs bombs gonna add some napalm bombs and antimatter bombs bowling balls meteorites and rays we got water bombs landmines delayed TNT DMT it's just absolute chaos alright I'm a release robot Santa in the snow because naturally I know a lot of you guys are thinking oh it's almost it's November it's almost Christmas no it's almost Thanksgiving first Oh robot Santa decided to drop a bomb and he's going this is our realm it's like he watched too many for movies and he's off to like Niffleheim or whatever they're called goodbye robot Santa okay so I think what happened is it looks like the orcs destroyed this entire people I think that's what's happening all over the place well I could make Atlantis over here we're gonna make some shallow waters and we're gonna create some soil and some forests and a mountain all right so I built this beautiful little place over here with tons of resources who do I want to found it humans or dwarves cos elves are I almost already got a pretty good situation up here they're kind of isolated I want to create just like I feel like Atlantis would be humans right all right over 100 people on the same island they're all toting swords and axes this this can't go wrong except for that guy they just decided to kill him for it was he did he come from somewhere else 103 people but we've learned how to build lenz oh let's just make Antarctica nothing gross here no matter how hard we try to make it doors live here oh they like mountains okay there you go there's some oh god oh god well I could be nice here let's give you some some sheep lots of sheep and some bunnies oh yeah bunnies are good chickens yeah you want some of those oh and I know in a roving demon sure we'll put a demon on your Island Oh what's he doing he's melting and he's swimming and melting the ice in Antarctica we created here how a sand spider oh oh it's a spider that makes sand and then dies the dwarf stirs kill the demon though so they feel like if you like to do them pretty good are these guys even making any villages maybe there's no room in the inn for them all if we put rain okay that extends and accelerates the growth of the crops maybe they can feed them all but you know we got villages all over Yogesh ink is growing these of these are all are growing but I want to create a new world one that I start from the beginning cuz look at this it's nice it's big and now that we have the fundamentals we're at God right so it's only fitting that we um you know erase everything so let's create the Tsar bomb which this bad boy controls can destroy a new world a whole world let's see what it does good bye everybody oh it didn't destroy everybody well then we'll have fors our bombs across the entire planet and it is time to grow a new one we're gonna increase the world size considerably so the maximum that we can achieve which seems to be twenty by twenty and what do we have oh did I do this wrong oh yes yes I did we created like a belt the galaxy is on Orion's belt we did it my computer took quite a while like 20 seconds maybe or less I don't know who can count these days and look at this man we created a whole world see this is the fun part right okay so I love how people will go out colonise so let's see they're over here they've got some gold and some stone you can kind of see that when you're loosely zoomed out there's all these like reefs or sandbars which reminds me of my home of Florida but you can imagine all these little kingdoms and castles all over the place Wow look at this it's cute man this tropical paradise who wants to live here well there's piranhas so you probably don't I don't think you'd like to live there now if we put zombies on an island and wait for someone to colonize it which one should be zombie island this one it's a freaking desert no one wants to live here zombies so we're creating zombie island and then we're gonna create societies and all the other ones and just wait till the zombie epidemic breaks out we may facilitate this but ultimately the zombie siege will follow all these guys happy just sitting in the basking Sun alright the dwarves love the mountains anywhere there's a mountain there will be dwarves we have so decreed so I guess as far as world building goes the dwarves were the first race on this planet you can see where all of their people are and then the elves and the elves mmm I don't know so you know we have the old-world dwarves elves all of them the whole lot and now we need the new world the age of man okay I think there may have been some skirmishes between these two peoples they're both elf kingdoms and I think everybody needs a little bit of food I think what we need to do is give them rain does everybody need rain probably in order to grow their food this is this is quite taxing as it gods you just have to micromanage all of this what is this oh it's another city I built it myself how could I have forgotten apparently I can put geysers anywhere one let's can I put it here geyser island watch out little bunnies I populated this island with bunnies and we've got geysers we could make acid geysers and volcanoes whoo I like the idea of rain clouds that could help feed these people by moving around and just raining randomly on people so we'll put those in you know have a little bit of a weather system do we want any acid I don't really no probably not we could do earthquakes now I think what this needs is an ability to go three times speed to see the advancements of this planet over time like an extended time lapse oh this is great so as the rain cloud passes over by this elvish city of Oh Todd is getting enough grain and who's here better bergen Orem these are the dwarves we're their crops because it's definitely raining you've got sheep and berries galore you guys should be growing and prospering should you not so the world population is twelve hundred and forty-eight and we have 435 deaths some how does this account for the old world as well cuz I don't think all these numbers that I'm not the best at math but I don't think this adds up unless we account for all the animals too so apparently I've just created a mass migration of elves I thought this land looked pretty nice they've got they've got berries here and now they're all migrating so they're probably gonna inhabit this island here which seems to be in the realm of the humans speaking of which let's go ahead and pop a few more colonies out to see just exactly what happens so what is happily actually happening in here so this is what 34 out of 15 this is impressive you can see the entire kingdom the realm of decayed covo they've got 40 houses and 40 people only one person's died there I've maybe two piranhas and this was the city of Horvath the most populous city seems to be this human one of 39 but you know I think it's time that we release some spice let's put a drag it out here to see what he does it's like smog just hanging out you know what let's toss some aliens up in here all right aliens what you got you just flying around wait where are you going what are you doing oh yeah he decides to hang out over here on chicken Island I can't really tell what the aliens purpose is maybe he doesn't have one so I'm curious let's do a quick test we're gonna colonize this island with some humans and I think what we want to do is drag a land bridge from Zombie Island here all the way over to these humans all right even by proceeding this Land Bridge with a few zombies oh my god they can swim oh no ok so this is the first encounter between a society in the undead the realm of the living versus the realm of the undead ok bunnies and a bunch of Doozer swords and the zombies actually have like self perseverance that's interesting we got a little skirmish here oh they're trying to hold the hand bridge ha ha it's the long night they just threw them all we turn into a zombie that's incredible all this poor little village they don't know what's hit him or what will hit them when these zombies eventually understand that they should be using this land bridge to eat stuff they should have a better sense of you know like eat all mankind but I guess we could always do that ourselves because oh you brave warriors you're turning this zombie look now now the whole village is sitting out all of its warriors out here they've got a pretty nice thing going on too they got an island of buddies beautiful tropical weather this would be like a beachside vacation if it wasn't for the fact that there's a bunch of green ugly smelly things that want to turn you into the Living Dead which is a bit of a bit of a pickle when you try to wrap your head around that concept the humans are doing pretty good man maybe aliens ain't the thing no where's where's dragon boy Dragonborn look for a big red thing Oh people have colonized over here oh man the orcs while starting from a small thing we've got a pretty nice little colony you're starting to see like more colonies popping up so this one came from where it's blue it started from here let's let's keep all right so this is our hero what Kingdom are you from the whole house I do a brother's there okay it's the brothers but there's only one of you tell me more about this strange phenomenon oh there's the UFO daily just come on dude ah he flew right over I'm sure the people like dude I don't know what that was man been eating too many of these magical mushrooms I saw nearby the cow patties areas there's Big Daddy dragon dude alright you're farming in the village of Gor rural and you know what nice grain and then a big old red dragon just flies overhead and over here the first line of defense against the undead is a mailers there's only 10 people there was like 30 earlier oh I just heard something something's happening I think the UFO did something I wish I could find him oh oh here is I've released the UFO with a giant laser beam he just started going after this city of a cow all these poor people there's a fire burning everything hey let me help them where's the rain tab Oh bandits with TNT demons Oh No the elves are getting attacked by UFOs they think like they're the most advanced species on this planet oh you simple simple pointy ears you have no idea oh my god well we can at least grow some grass back nothing else ok we got rain now can can you do something about the UFO cuz the UFO has found its target Oh what is that what is this little like it's the mother tree oh my god did you turn into a castle that's pretty awesome so they reach the Stone Age I mean with a lot of help from me now what would kill a UFO they they need like technology man they need ballistics anti-aircraft weaponry so I just filled this village with a lot more people but I think this UFO is dead set on ants extermination all the sheep have migrated to the left side of the island here's a few of their like screw this man I'm going to migrate now I don't know where you're gonna go but I'm definitely curious just watch out for those piranhas man they're out there well that entire village just cracked and so they decided to make a few more it split their kingdom into three a tale of three cities going on here in the UFO is just like nah man I'm out of there look at this village number 69 nice these elves are doing fantastic dragons just over here not worried about nothing I do really like this whole idea that the kingdoms can go off and colonize new realms it's really interesting to see who colonized his new dust and it doesn't seem like the dwarves are really about that colonization laughs so two people leave from this place nice little elvish colony and they go all the way to the ends of the world over here to start their new one alright the UFOs attacking me and it's the dwarvish city okay we gotta get rid of these guys and all I know how to do is call it a meteor to smite the UFO it may have taken out almost all of the dorks there's a few hold on we need to save him we need to save them well there goes one of the ancient dwarvish strongholds what else should we do I want a real volcano let's put a volcano on the zombie island to see if it chases them out of there all right what are you guys gonna do are you gonna stay here or are you gonna run due to the fact that there's lava and you're gonna run and eat this village because the bodies and the people they fight Brett and bravely over here but I don't know they definitely wouldn't be able to stop all of you okay you're not gonna do anything hmm let's do some testing now what is an atom bomb do against volcano oh dang okay well the atom dealt with all of the zombies a bowling ball very heavy but bouncy what if we put it on the slain bridge oh okay it is of course bouncing all over the planet I like this pulling ball thing lift let's put a couple watch out the village of Masada you got very lucky there didn't you can you imagine living there and seeing giant things that be like what our dogs just bouncing around blowing stuff up causing forest fires apparently now what I really wanted to do is see this dragon in action so in order to do that I think it's time to bring about the end of days what about angry bears on geyser Island Oh bears attacked a dragon eat him they are attacking him he's trying to hibernate he's sleeping he just burned them all oh snap he's went crazy what is a giant worm thing what if we put that here oh oh whoa whoa whoa whoa the giant worm was just he what is he doing he's making land bridges and shallows uh to hang crawls on the ground it messes up the landscape oh okay yeah we should have expected that then so the biggest city looks like it's this 185 people of very old and ancient elvish City is the dragon wanting to take a bite no of course not that'd be too fun I will rid this planet of many mistakes that I've done in the past by calling it an asteroid on this worm he's making things very distasteful we don't like symmetry and straight lines oh my well my friends all good things come to antimatter bombs oh yeah I forgot about the black color it's just evaporates entire civilizations this whole islands getting antimatter look at this man dude oh my god if you ever heard that happen you'd have so much anxiety you've never sleep could be like well the whole world could dissolve napalm bomb on a dragon dude this is the coolest one watch out little piranha boy it doesn't affected either it doesn't affect the water the Piranha or the Dragons and it seems as far as the advanced weaponry is concerned the best stuff right now is definitely the atomic bomb in the Tsar bomb which is more nuclear than the regular nuke and then they're like hey we've develop advanced weaponry we don't who's this who's this humans more humans what does it look like zombies is a good idea to really destroy the world I really want to see what dragons do someone needs to eat this village there's like a hundred dragons flying around this map you know what I'm done with it we're going to release our bombs and all the kingdoms this one it's almost 100 people I'm so proud of you guys Newt oh my gosh mutually assured destruction this is this is how Mordor was formed really was a bunch of sour bombs the end is nigh UFOs ain't got nothing on me dragons not even we've created empires and so we will destroy them oh my god what should we do with the next one man there's so many possibilities have we wiped out everybody we can and then the cool thing is we can restart again if we wanted to we could actually like reform these land masses using our powers but as of now fires seem to be raging all over the place one could 1 could colonize these places Oh in the waters filling in a lot of the depths here that are created by just the impact strikes so it's fires and then floods okay that that's that really sucks if you live there anyway so this is world box we just hopped in there let me know what you think we should do in the next one and I will see you guys there
Channel: BaronVonGames
Views: 412,045
Rating: 4.927711 out of 5
Keywords: baron, baronvongames, worldbox, ancient kingdom, kingdom, aliens vs kingdom, aliens invade, alien invasion, alien ufo, ufo, ufo invasion, ufo attack, kingdom builder, world builder, dwarves, elves, humans, civiliations, building civilizations, ufo vs civilization, nov19
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 20 2019
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